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9012767 CIFBa Ca4 H24 O48.4 Si16C m c m14.081; 13.109; 23.56
90; 90; 90
4348.89Cannillo, E.; Rossi, G.; Ungaretti, L.
The crystal structure of macdonaldite Note: x(Si4) corrected
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 1968, 45, 399-414
9012768 CIFC19 H24P n a a9.231; 9.134; 36.01
90; 90; 90
3036.22Foresti, E.; Riva di Sanseverino, L.
The X-ray crystal and molecular structure of an organic mineral: simonellite, C19H24 Locality: synthetic
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 1969, 47, 41-54
9012769 CIFF Mg2 O4 PP 1 21/c 19.65; 12.731; 11.961
90; 108.22; 90
1395.78Amisano Canesi, A.; Chiari, G.
Refinement of very-high-pressure wagnerite, Mg2(PO4)F
European Crystallographic Meeting, 1992, 14, 189-189
9012770 CIFVI m -3 m3.0241; 3.0241; 3.0241
90; 90; 90
27.656James, W. J.; Straumanis, M. E.
Lattice parameter and expansion coefficient of vanadium Sample: at T = 25C
Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 1960, 107, 69-69
9012771 CIFCa1.58 F0.44 O6.37 Sb2F d -3 m :110.3; 10.3; 10.3
90; 90; 90
1092.73Aia, M. A.; Mooney, R. W.; Hoffman, C. W. W.
An X-ray study of pyrochlore fluoantimonates of calcium, cadmium, and manganese
Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 1963, 110, 1048-1054
9012772 CIFCa H8 O14 P2 V2P 16.354; 6.329; 6.598
106.72; 94.1; 90.06
253.402Franke, W. A.; Luger, P.; Weber, M.; Ivanova, T. I.
Low hydrothermal growth of sincosite Ca(VO/PO4)2*4H2O
Zapiski Vserossijskogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva, 1997, 85-86
9012773 CIFAs3 Cu4 Na O12C 1 2/c 112.053; 12.432; 7.2529
90; 117.793; 90
961.421Krivovichev, S. V.; Filatov, S. K.; Burns, P. C.
The Jahn-Teller distortion of copper coordination polyhedra in the alluaudite structural type: Crystal structure of bradaczekite, NaCu4(AsO4)3
Zapiski Vserossijskogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva, 2001, 2001, 1-8
9012774 CIFC3 Ba2 F La O9P 1 21/m 113.396; 5.111; 6.672
90; 106.628; 90
437.709Krivovichev, S. V.; Armbruster, T.; Pekov, I. V.
Cation frameworks in structure of natural fluocarbonates of barium and rare-earth elements: crystal structure of kukharenkoite-(La), Ba2(La,Ce)(CO3)3F
Zapiski Vserossijskogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva, 2003, 65-72
9012775 CIFBa0.94 Ca0.04 Ce0.18 K0.06 Na2.12 O8 P2 Sr0.66P 35.541; 5.541; 7.02
90; 90; 120
186.657Pekov, I. V.; Chukanov, N. V.; Kulikova, I. M.; Zubkova, N. V.; Krotova, O. D.; Sorokina, N. I.; Pushcharovsky, D. Y.
New mineral bario-olgite, Ba(Na,Sr,REE)2Na[PO4]2 and its crystal structure
Zapiski Vserossijskogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva, 2004, 133, 41-49
9012776 CIFAl0.112 Ba0.92 Ca0.26 Fe0.04 H10.667 K0.54 Mg0.01 Mn0.15 Na0.24 Nb1.024 O31.222 Si7.888 Sr0.22 Ti2.968 Zn0.58C 1 m 114.381; 13.889; 7.793
90; 117.52; 90
1380.43Pekov, I. V.; Chukanov, N. V.; Shilov, G. V.; Kononkova, N. N.; Zadov, A. E.
Lepkhenelmite-Zn, Ba2Zn(Ti,Nb)4[Si4O12]2(O,OH)4*7(H2O) - a new mineral of the labuntsovite group and its crystal structure Locality: Lepkhe-Nelm Mt, Lovozero, Kola Peninsula, Russia Note: y(M1) corrected
Zapiski Vserossijskogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva, 2004, 133, 49-59
9012777 CIFAl4 H16 Ni0.72 O20 V1.88 Zn0.28P 1 21/n 117.8098; 5.1228; 8.8665
90; 92.141; 90
808.38Karpenko, V. Y.; Pautov, L. A.; Sokolova, E. V.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Agakhanov, A. A.; Dikaya, T. V.
Ankinovichite - the nickel analogue of alvanite - a new mineral from Kurumsak (Kazakhstan) and Kara-Chagyr (Kyrgystan) Locality: Kara-Chagyr, Kyrgystan Note: isostructural with alvanite
Zapiski Vserossijskogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva, 2004, 133, 59-70
9012778 CIFFe2 K Li Na2 O24 Si8 Ti2C 1 c 116.4821; 12.5195; 10.0292
90; 115.474; 90
1868.31Zolotarev, A. A.; Krivovichev, S. V.; Yakovenchuk, V. N.
Refinement of the mangan-neptunite structure Locality: synthetic Note: changed signs of z-coordinates of O12 and O14, Ti1(y) to .32364
Zapiski Vserossijskogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchetstva, 2007, 136, 118-123
9012780 CIFCu H12 K2 O14 S2P 1 21/a 19.066; 12.13; 6.149
90; 104.4; 90
654.965Robinson, D. J.; Kennard, C. H. L.
Potassium hexa-aquacopper(II) sulfate, CuH12K2O14S2 (neutron)
Crystal Structure Communications, 1972, 1, 185-188
9012781 CIFS18P 1 21/n 110.75; 7.25; 12.25
90; 92.3; 90
953.965Debaerdemaeker, T.; Kutoglu, A.
Cyclooctadecasulfur, S18 (beta) Locality: synthetic Note: beta phase
Crystal Structure Communications, 1974, 3, 611-613
9012783 CIFO2 SbP n a 215.436; 4.81; 11.76
90; 90; 90
307.491Gopalakrishnan, P. S.; Manohar, H.
Cervantite, alpha-Sb2O4
Crystal Structure Communications, 1975, 4, 203-206
9012784 CIFB6 H22 Mg O17P 1 21/c 112.664; 10.091; 11.322
90; 109.6; 90
1363.03dal Negro, A.; Ungaretti, L.; Basso, R.
The crystal structure of synthetic hydrated borates: (II) MgO*3B2O3*7H2O
Crystal Structure Communications, 1976, 5, 433-436
9012785 CIFCu H4 O6 UP -17.855; 5.449; 6.089
91.44; 101.9; 89.2
254.929Rosenzweig, A.; Ryan, R. R.
Vandenbrandeite CuUO2(OH)4
Crystal Structure Communications, 1977, 6, 53-56
9012786 CIFH10 Mg O18 Si2 U2C 1 2/m 117.382; 7.047; 6.61
90; 105.9; 90
778.688Ryan, R. R.; Rosenzweig, A.
Sklodowskite, MgO*2UO3*2SiO2*7H2O
Crystal Structure Communications, 1977, 6, 611-615
9012787 CIFH2 O7 Pb Si UP 1 21/c 16.704; 6.932; 13.252
90; 104.22; 90
596.979Rosenzweig, A.; Ryan, R. R.
Kasolite, Pb(UO2)(SiO4)*H2O
Crystal Structure Communications, 1977, 6, 617-621
9012788 CIFO6 Pb Si UP 1 21/c 16.66; 6.96; 13.23
90; 104; 90
595.042Huynen, A. M.; Piret-Meunier J; Van Meerssche, M.
Structure de la kasolite
Academie Royale de Belgique, Classe des Sciences: Bulletin, 1963, 49, 192-201
9012789 CIFCa2 O4 SiP 1 21/n 15.5041; 6.7622; 9.3281
90; 94.172; 90
346.27Tsurumi, T.; Hirano, Y.; Kato, H.; Kamiya, T.; Daimon, M.
Crystal structure and hydration of belite
Ceramic Transactions, 1994, 40, 19-25
9012790 CIFCa2 O4 SiP 1 21/n 15.5019; 6.7624; 9.3387
90; 94.144; 90
346.548Tsurumi, T.; Hirano, Y.; Kato, H.; Kamiya, T.; Daimon, M.
Crystal structure and hydration of belite
Ceramic Transactions, 1994, 40, 19-25
9012791 CIFCa2 O4 SiP 1 21/n 15.5075; 6.7509; 9.3055
90; 94.597; 90
344.871Tsurumi, T.; Hirano, Y.; Kato, H.; Kamiya, T.; Daimon, M.
Crystal structure and hydration of belite
Ceramic Transactions, 1994, 40, 19-25
9012792 CIFCa2 O4 SiP 1 21/n 15.5072; 6.7511; 9.3051
90; 94.594; 90
344.849Tsurumi, T.; Hirano, Y.; Kato, H.; Kamiya, T.; Daimon, M.
Crystal structure and hydration of belite
Ceramic Transactions, 1994, 40, 19-25
9012793 CIFCa2 O4 SiP 1 21/n 15.5077; 6.7505; 9.3408
90; 94.596; 90
346.172Tsurumi, T.; Hirano, Y.; Kato, H.; Kamiya, T.; Daimon, M.
Crystal structure and hydration of belite
Ceramic Transactions, 1994, 40, 19-25
9012794 CIFCa2 O4 SiP 1 21/n 15.5075; 6.7508; 9.3054
90; 94.59; 90
344.865Tsurumi, T.; Hirano, Y.; Kato, H.; Kamiya, T.; Daimon, M.
Crystal structure and hydration of belite
Ceramic Transactions, 1994, 40, 19-25
9012795 CIFGa5 La3 O14 SiP 3 2 18.176; 8.176; 5.108
90; 90; 120
295.708Belokoneva, E. L.; Stefanovich, S. Y.; Pisarevskii, Y. V.; Mosunov, A. V.
Refined structures of La3Ga5SiO14 and Pb3Ga2Ge4O14 and the crystal-chemical regularities in the structure and properties of compounds of the langasite family
Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2000, 45, 1642-1651
9012796 CIFGa1.999 Ge4.001 O14 Pb3P 3 2 18.417; 8.417; 5.014
90; 90; 120
307.631Belokoneva, E. L.; Stefanovich, S. Y.; Pisarevskii, Y. V.; Mosunov, A. V.
Refined structures of La3Ga5SiO14 and Pb3Ga2Ge4O14 and the crystal-chemical regularities in the structure and properties of compounds of the langasite family
Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2000, 45, 1642-1651
9012797 CIFC H10 Mg O8P 1 21/c 17.364; 7.632; 12.488
90; 101.75; 90
687.144Liu, B. N.; Zhou, X. T.; Cui, X. S.; Tang, J. G.
Synthesis of lansfordite MgCO3*5H2O and its crystal structure investigation
Science in China B, 1990, 33, 1350-1356
9012798 CIFAs0.931 Ca H Mg O5 P0.069P 21 21 217.468; 8.953; 5.941
90; 90; 90
397.221Effenberger, H.; Krause, W.; Bernhardt, H. J.
Structural investigations of adelite and cobaltaustinite, two members of the adelite-descloizite group
Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry Abstract Volume, 2002, 9, 30-30
9012799 CIFBa3 Fe0.526 H6 In0.475 O24 P6R -3 c :H9.502; 9.502; 37.116
90; 90; 120
2902.16Tang, X.; Gentiletti, M. J.; Lachgar, A.; Morozov, V. A.; Lazoryak, B. I.
The pillared layered framework of Ba3(In1-xMx)2(HXO4)6(0<=x<=1; M=Fe,Cr; X=P, As): synthesis, crystal structure, thermal stability and Mossbauer spectroscopy
Solid State Sciences, 2001, 3, 143-153
9012800 CIFFe Pb4 S14 Sb6P 1 21/c 14.0235; 19.074; 15.737
90; 91.89; 90
1207.07Leone, P.; Le Leuch, L. M.; Palvadeau, P.; Molinie, P.; Moelo, Y.
Single crystal structures and magnetic properties of two iron or manganese-lead-antimony sulfides: MPb4Sb6S14 (M: Fe, Mn)
Solid State Sciences, 2003, 5, 771-776
9012801 CIFMn Pb4 S14 Sb6P 1 21/c 14.0216; 19.178; 15.837
90; 91.89; 90
1220.78Leone, P.; Le Leuch, L. M.; Palvadeau, P.; Molinie, P.; Moelo, Y.
Single crystal structures and magnetic properties of two iron or manganese-lead-antimony sulfides: MPb4Sb6S14 (M: Fe, Mn) Loclaity: synthetic
Solid State Sciences, 2003, 5, 771-776
9012802 CIFB1.095 Cs0.814 O6 Si1.977I a -3 d13.009; 13.009; 13.009
90; 90; 90
2201.57Bubnova, R. S.; Stepanov, N. K.; Levin, A. A.; Filatov, S. K.; Paufler, P.; Meyer, D. C.
Crystal structure and thermal behaviour of boropollucite CsBSi2O6
Solid State Sciences, 2004, 6, 629-627
9012803 CIFCo3 Se4C 1 2/m 112.1; 3.57; 6.183
90; 120.73; 90
229.584Garcia-Garcia F J; Larsson, A. K.; Noren, L.; Withers, R. L.
The crystal structures of Co3Se4 and Co7Se8 Note: single crystal
Solid State Sciences, 2004, 6, 725-733
9012804 CIFCo3 Se4C 1 2/m 111.9309; 3.5732; 6.1359
90; 119.325; 90
228.062Garcia-Garcia F J; Larsson, A. K.; Noren, L.; Withers, R. L.
The crystal structures of Co3Se4 and Co7Se8 Note: powder refinement
Solid State Sciences, 2004, 6, 725-733
9012805 CIFCo6.84 Se8C 1 2/m 112.367; 7.1402; 8.079
90; 139.935; 90
459.184Garcia-Garcia F J; Larsson, A. K.; Noren, L.; Withers, R. L.
The crystal structures of Co3Se4 and Co7Se8
Solid State Sciences, 2004, 6, 725-733
9012806 CIFCo6.8 Se8C 1 2/m 112.4039; 7.1793; 8.1756
90; 139.903; 90
468.924Garcia-Garcia F J; Larsson, A. K.; Noren, L.; Withers, R. L.
The crystal structures of Co3Se4 and Co7Se8
Solid State Sciences, 2004, 6, 725-733
9012807 CIFCa5 Cl O12 S1.5 Si1.5P 63/m9.6773; 9.6773; 6.8585
90; 90; 120
556.248Saint-Jean S J; Hansen, S.
Nonstoichiometry in chlorellestadite Locality: synthetic Sample: Stoichiometric
Solid State Sciences, 2005, 7, 97-102
9012808 CIFCa4.7 Cl0.4 O12 S1.5 Si1.5P 63/m9.5608; 9.5608; 6.8949
90; 90; 120
545.817Saint-Jean S J; Hansen, S.
Nonstoichiometry in chlorellestadite Locality: synthetic Sample: Nonstoichiometric
Solid State Sciences, 2005, 7, 97-102
9012811 CIFC Ba Ca O6.72P 63 m c5.318; 5.318; 12.837
90; 90; 120
314.406Voloshin, A. V.; Subbotin, V. V.; Yakovenchuk, V. N.; Pakhomovsky, Y. A.; Men'shikov, Y. P.; Nadezhina, T. N.; Pushcharovsky, D. Y.
New data on the ewaldite
Zapiski Vsesoyuznogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva, 1992, 1992, 56-66
9012812 CIFC H2 Al Na O5I 2 c m6.762; 10.428; 5.593
90; 90; 90
394.386Chinh, L. T.; Pobedimskaya, E. A.; Khomyakov, A. P.
Crystal structure of dawsonite, NaAl(CO3)(OH)2 and its first discovery in the Khibiny alkaline massiv Locality: Khibiny alkaline massif, Kola peninsula, Russia
Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta Geologiya, 1987, 42, 74-77
9012813 CIFAl Ge H4 K0.9 Na0.1 O5.666C 1 2/c 114.42; 9.87; 23.33
90; 105.92; 90
3193.1Celestian, A. J.; Parise, J. B.; Goodell, C.; Tripathi, A.; Hanson, J.
Time-resolved diffraction studies of ion exchange: K(+) and Na(+) exchange into (Al,Ge) gismondine (GIS)Na24Al24Ge24O96*40(H2O) and K8Al8Ge8O32*8(H2O)
Chemistry of Materials, 2004, 16, 2244-2254
9012814 CIFC4 Al N O8 Si3I 41/a m d :210.457; 10.457; 9.73
90; 90; 90
1063.96Baerlocher, C.; Meier, W. M.
Synthese und kristallstruktur von tetramethylammonium-gismondin
Helvetica Chimica Acta, 1970, 53, 1285-1293
9012815 CIFBa4 Fe H4 Na O28 Si8 Ti2P 21 a m10.602; 9.841; 22.621
90; 90; 90
2360.15Kato, T.; Mizota, T.
The crystal structure of strontio-orthojoaquinite Locality: amphibole-quartz-albite dike cutting serpentinite in Ohmi, Nigata Prefecture, Japan
Journal of the Faculty of Liberal Arts. Yamaguchi University (Natural Science), 1990, 24, 23-32
9012816 CIFAs3 H17 Mn16 O57 Si12P 6313.42; 13.42; 14.32
90; 90; 120
2233.46Kato, T.; Watanabe, I.
The crystal structures of schallerite and friedelite
Yamaguchi University, College of Arts Bulletin, 1992, 26, 51-63
9012817 CIFCl H9 Mn8 O24 Si6C 1 2/m 123.28; 13.44; 7.428
90; 104.98; 90
2245.11Kato, T.; Watanabe, I.
The crystal structures of schallerite and friedelite
Yamaguchi University, College of Arts Bulletin, 1992, 26, 51-63
9012818 CIFO6 Sn Ta2C 1 c 117.11299; 4.872; 5.548
90; 90.59; 90
462.537Maksimova, N. V.; Ilyukhin, V. V.; Belov, N. V.
Crystal structure of thoreaulite, SaTa2O6
Soviet Physics Doklady, 1975, 20, 528-529
9012819 CIFH3 Na O6 Si2F d d 215.979; 18.25; 7.169
90; 90; 90
2090.6Yamnova, N. Y.; Pushcharovsky, D. Y.; Andrianov, V. I.; Rastsvetaeva, R. K.; Khomyakov, A. P.; Mikheeva, M. G.
A new type of silicon-oxygen group in the structure of grumantite Na[Si2O4(OH)]*H2O
Soviet Physics Doklady, 1989, 34, 284-286
9012820 CIFBa H6 O11.43 Si3 ZrR 3 2 :H10.526; 10.526; 15.736
90; 90; 120
1509.91Sokolova, E. V.; Arakcheeva, A. V.; Voloshin, A. V.
Crystal structure of komkovite
Soviet Physics Doklady, 1991, 36, 666-668
9012821 CIFLi3 O4 PP m n b6.1147; 10.475; 4.9228
90; 90; 90
315.313Baur, W. H.
Solid solutions between octahedral and tetrahedral olivine types in Li-Zn-germanates
Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry Letters, 1980, 16, 525-527
9012826 CIFCa0.2 H2.6 Nb O3.5F d -3 m :210.512; 10.512; 10.512
90; 90; 90
1161.6Groult, D.; Michel, C.; Raveau, B.
Sur de nouveaux pyrochlores lacunaires d'ions bivalents synthetises par echanges d'ions
Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry, 1975, 37, 2203-2205
9012827 CIFCa0.25 H2.5 O3.5 TaF d -3 m :210.478; 10.478; 10.478
90; 90; 90
1150.36Groult, D.; Michel, C.; Raveau, B.
Sur de nouveaux pyrochlores lacunaires d'ions bivalents synthetises par echanges d'ions
Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry, 1975, 37, 2203-2205
9012828 CIFH2.6 Nb O3.5 Sr0.2F d -3 m :210.56; 10.56; 10.56
90; 90; 90
1177.58Groult, D.; Michel, C.; Raveau, B.
Sur de nouveaux pyrochlores lacunaires d'ions bivalents synthetises par echanges d'ions
Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry, 1975, 37, 2203-2205
9012829 CIFH2.75 O3.5 Sr0.125 TaF d -3 m :210.554; 10.554; 10.554
90; 90; 90
1175.58Groult, D.; Michel, C.; Raveau, B.
Sur de nouveaux pyrochlores lacunaires d'ions bivalents synthetises par echanges d'ions
Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry, 1975, 37, 2203-2205
9012830 CIFBa0.25 H2.5 Nb O3.5F d -3 m :210.607; 10.607; 10.607
90; 90; 90
1193.38Groult, D.; Michel, C.; Raveau, B.
Sur de nouveaux pyrochlores lacunaires d'ions bivalents synthetises par echanges d'ions
Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry, 1975, 37, 2203-2205
9012831 CIFBa0.2 H2.6 O3.5 TaF d -3 m :210.589; 10.589; 10.589
90; 90; 90
1187.31Groult, D.; Michel, C.; Raveau, B.
Sur de nouveaux pyrochlores lacunaires d'ions bivalents synthetises par echanges d'ions
Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry, 1975, 37, 2203-2205
9012832 CIFFe O6 SnP n -3 :27.757; 7.757; 7.757
90; 90; 90
466.747Morgenstern-Badarau I; Michel, A.
Sur l'existence d'un oxyhydroxyde double de fer(III) et d'etain(IV)
Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry, 1976, 38, 1400-1402
9012833 CIFH3 In O3I m -37.9743; 7.9743; 7.9743
90; 90; 90
507.081Mullica, D. F.; Beall, G. W.; Milligan, W. O.; Korp, J. D.; Bernal, I.
The crystal structure of cubic In(OH)3 by X-Ray and neutron diffraction methods Locality: synthetic Sample: neutron refinement
Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry, 1979, 41, 277-282
9012834 CIFH3 In O3I m -37.9743; 7.9743; 7.9743
90; 90; 90
507.081Mullica, D. F.; Beall, G. W.; Milligan, W. O.; Korp, J. D.; Bernal, I.
The crystal structure of cubic In(OH)3 by X-Ray and neutron diffraction methods Locality: synthetic Sample: X-ray sample
Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry, 1979, 41, 277-282
9012835 CIFAs4 S3P n m a9.12; 7.99; 10.1
90; 90; 90
735.975Whitfield, H. J.
The crystal structure of tetra-arsenic trisulfide Note: "alpha-dimorphite"
Journal of the Chemical Society A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical, 1970, 1970, 1800-1803
9012836 CIFAs4 S3P n m a11.21; 9.9; 6.58
90; 90; 90
730.242Whitfield, H. J.
Crystal structure of the beta-form of tetraarsenic trisulphide
Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions, Inorganic Chemistry, 1973, 1973, 1737-1738
9012837 CIFB2 Ca H12 O10P 1 2/c 17.9997; 6.726; 7.9693
90; 103.8; 90
416.419Ozol, Y.; Vimba, S.; Ievins, A.
The crystal structure of calcium monoborate Ca[B(OH)4]2*2H2O
Soviet Physics, 1964, 9, 22-25
9012838 CIFAl4 H18 O18 SP 1 21 113.026; 10.015; 11.115
90; 104.34; 90
1404.83Farkas, L.; Pertlik, F.
Crystal structure determinations of felsobanyaite and basaluminite, Al4(SO4)(OH)10*4H2O Locality: Felsobanya, Hungary
Acta Mineralogica Petrographica, 1997, 38, 5-15
9012839 CIFCu Fe2 H2 O10 P2P 1 21/n 16.977; 7.781; 7.26
90; 117.68; 90
349.025Sieber, N. H. W.; Hofmeister, W.; Tillmanns, E.; Abraham, K.
Neue mineraldaten fur kupferphosphate und -arsenate von Reichenbach/Odw
Fortschritte der Mineralogie, 1984, 62, 231-232
9012840 CIFAs2 Cu5 H4 O12P -16.121; 6.251; 6.79
92.93; 111.3; 107.47
227.109Sieber, N. H. W.; Hofmeister, W.; Tillmanns, E.; Abraham, K.
Neue mineraldaten fur kupferphosphate und -arsenate von Reichenbach/Odw
Fortschritte der Mineralogie, 1984, 62, 231-232
9012841 CIFCu0.86 Fe2.14 O4F d -3 m :18.394; 8.394; 8.394
90; 90; 90
591.435Mexmain, J.
Contribution a l'etude du ferrite cuivreux et de ses solutions solides avec le ferrite cuivrique
Annales de Chimie, 1971, 1971, 297-308
9012842 CIFMn2 O4 ZnI 41/a m d :15.722; 5.722; 9.236
90; 90; 90
302.398Nogues, M.; Poix, P.
Effet Jahn-Teller cooperatif dans le systeme ZnMn2O4-Zn2SnO4
Annales de Chimie, 1972, 1972, 301-314
9012843 CIFBe0.96 Ce0.92 H O5 Si0.98P 1 21/c 14.7681; 7.6757; 9.9301
90; 90.171; 90
363.425Lulu, X. M.; Zhi-Zhong P
Crystal structure of xinganite
Geochemistry, 1986, 5, 280-285
9012844 CIFAl Ca2.5 Cl0.9 F2 K3.51 Na1.5 O19 Si7P m m n :224.86; 7.07; 6.53
90; 90; 90
1147.71Cannillo, E.; Rossi, G.; Ungaretti, L.
The crystal structure of delhayelite
Rendiconti della Societa Italiana di Mineralogia e Petrologia, 1970, 26, 63-75
9012845 CIFB Fe Ni2 O5P b a m9.21048; 12.23794; 3.0062
90; 90; 90
338.851Perkins, D. A.; Attfield, J. P.
Resonant powder X-ray determination of the cation distribution in FeNi2BO5
Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, 1991, 1991, 229-231
9012846 CIFAs2 O5P 21 21 218.646; 8.45; 4.626
90; 90; 90
337.97Jansen, M.
Kristallstruktur von As2O5
Angewandte Chemie, 1977, 89, 326-327
9012847 CIFB Nb O4I 41/a m d :26.2141; 6.2141; 5.476
90; 90; 90
211.456Range, K. J.; Wildenauer, M.; Heyns, A. M.
Extrem kurze nichtbindende sauerstoff-sauerstoff-abstande: Die kristallstrukturen von NbBO4, NaNb3O8 und NaTa3O8 Note: data from ICSD
Angewandte Chemie, 1988, 100, 973-975
9012848 CIFNa O8 Ta3I b a m7.242; 10.462; 7.001
90; 90; 90
530.436Range, K. J.; Wildenauer, M.; Heyns, A. M.
Extrem kurze nichtbindende sauerstoff-sauerstoff-abstaende: Die kristallstrukturen von NbBO4, NaNb3O8 und NaTa3O8 Note: data from ICSD
Angewandte Chemie, 1988, 100, 973-975
9012849 CIFNa Nb3 O8I b a m7.3244; 10.31; 7.0426
90; 90; 90
531.819Range, K. J.; Wildenauer, M.; Heyns, A. M.
Extrem kurze nichtbindende sauerstoff-sauerstoff-abstaende: Die kristallstrukturen von NbBO4, NaNb3O8 und NaTa3O8 Note: data from ICSD
Angewandte Chemie, 1988, 100, 973-975
9012850 CIFO12 P4 ZrC 1 2/c 113.5; 28.8; 8.66
90; 90.04; 90
3367.01Locock, A. J.
Crystal chemistry of actinide phosphates and arsenates
Structural Chemistry of Inorganic Actinide Compounds, 2006, 6, 214-278
9012851 CIFO12 P4 UC 1 m 111.51; 13.01; 8.15
90; 134; 90
877.899Locock, A. J.
Crystal chemistry of actinide phosphates and arsenates
Structural Chemistry of Inorganic Actinide Compounds, 2006, 6, 214-278
9012852 CIFO S8P c a 2113.197; 7.973; 8.096
90; 90; 90
851.859Luger, P.; Bradaczek, H.; Steudel, R.; Rebsch, M.
Rontgenstrukturanalyse von cyclooctaschwefeloxid
Chemische Berichte, 1976, 109, 180-184
9012853 CIFO3 Sb2F d -3 m :111.1; 11.1; 11.1
90; 90; 90
1367.63Zav'yalova, A. A.; Imamov, R. M.
About the structure of the cubic modification of Sb2O3 Note: y(O) and z(O) corrected
Soviet Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 1975, 1, 1186-1188
9012854 CIFAs6 Cu5 H18 Na O34 Sb0.96 Ti1.04P -17.0308; 9.8823; 10.6754
106.973; 104.274; 93.839
679.756Hawthorne, F. C.; Cooper, M. A.; Paar, W. H.
The crystal structure of braithwaiteite
Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2008, 61, 15-29
9012855 CIFBi2 PdC 1 2/m 112.74; 4.25; 5.665
90; 102.58; 90
299.368Zhuravlev, N. N.
Structure of superconductors. X. Thermal, microscopic and x-ray investigation of the bismuth-palladium system Locality: synthetic Note: low temperature modification Note: unable to reproduce reported bond lengths
Soviet Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 1957, 5, 1064-1072
9012856 CIFBi PdC m c 218.707; 7.203; 10.662
90; 90; 90
668.684Zhuravlev, N. N.
Structure of superconductors. X. Thermal, microscopic and x-ray investigation of the bismuth-palladium system Locality: synthetic
Soviet Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 1957, 5, 1064-1072
9012857 CIFBi2 PdI 4/m m m3.362; 3.362; 12.983
90; 90; 90
146.747Zhuravlev, N. N.
Structure of superconductors. X. Thermal, microscopic and x-ray investigation of the bismuth-palladium system Locality: synthetic Note: high temperature modification
Soviet Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 1957, 5, 1064-1072
9012858 CIFBi2 Te3R 3 m :H4.417; 4.417; 29.84
90; 90; 120
504.178Atabaeva, E. Y.; Ickevich, E. S.; Mashkov, S. A.; Popova, S. V.; Vereshchagin, L. F.
The polymorphism of bismuth telluride under high pressures and temperatures
Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 1968, 10, 62-65
9012860 CIFAl4 Fe Na6 O26 Si8C 1 2/m 115.086; 7.993; 10.515
90; 113.44; 90
1163.29Khalilov, A. D.; Dzhafarov, N. K.; Mamedov, K. S.
Crystal structure of naujakasite - Na6{Fe[(Si,Al)8Si4O26]}
Doklady Akademii Nauk Azerbaidzhanskoi SSR, 1977, 33, 35-40
9012861 CIFAl4 Fe Na6 O26 Si8C 1 2/m 115.025; 7.991; 10.468
90; 113.67; 90
1151.1Basso, R.; dal Negro, A.; Giusta, A. D.; Ungaretti, L.
The crystal structure of naujakasite, a double sheet silicate
Gronlands Geologiske Undersogelse: Bulletin, 1975, 116, 11-24
9012862 CIFCu5.999 H36.01 O21 S2 Zn1.001P -38.211; 8.211; 7.106
90; 90; 120
414.904Mumme, W. G.; Sarp, H.; Chiappero, P. J.
A note on the crystal structure of schulenbergite
Archivs des Sciences, Geneve, 1994, 47, 117-124
9012864 CIFAs3 Cu2 Fe H4 O11P n m a9.585; 13.143; 8.0884
90; 90; 90
1018.94Sarp, H.; Guenee, L.
Radovanite, Cu2Fe3+(As5+O4)(As3+O2OH)2H2O, a new mineral: its description and crystal structure
Archives des Sciences, Geneve, 2002, 55, 47-55
9012866 CIFAs2 S6 Sn Tl2P -36.68; 6.68; 7.164
90; 90; 120
276.847Graeser, S.; Schwander, H.; Wulf, R.; Edenharter, A.
Erniggliite (Tl2SnAs2S6), a new mineral from Lengenbach, Binntal (Switzerland): description and crystal structure determination based on data from synchrotron radiation Locality: Lengenbach, Binntal, Switzerland
Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen, 1992, 72, 293-305
9012867 CIFAl Ca2 H O9 P2P 1 21/m 17.231; 5.734; 8.263
90; 112.57; 90
316.365Chopin, C.; Brunet, F.; Gebert, W.; Medenbach, O.; Tillmanns, E.
Bearthite, Ca2Al[PO4]2(OH), a new mineral from high-pressure terranes of the western Alps
Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen, 1993, 73, 1-9
9012868 CIFB H Mg0.094 Mn0.906 O3P 1 21/c 13.287; 10.718; 12.866
90; 94.75; 90
451.713Hoffmann, C.; Armbruster, T.
Crystal structure of a (001) twinned sussexite Mn2B2O4(OH)2 from the Kalahari Manganese Field South Africa Locality: Nchwaning II Mine, Kalahari Manganese Field, South Africa
Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen, 1995, 75, 123-133
9012869 CIFAs2 Cu Fe0.46 Hg0.38 S6 Tl Zn1.16I -4 2 m9.865; 9.865; 10.938
90; 90; 90
1064.47Graeser, S.; Schwander, H.; Wulf, R.; Edenharter, A.
Stalderite TlCu(Zn,Fe,Hg)2As2S6 - a new mineral related to routhierite: description and crystal structure determination
Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen, 1995, 75, 337-345
9012870 CIFAs2.93 Pb S6 Sb0.07 TlF d d 215.4764; 47.602; 5.8489
90; 90; 90
4308.93Berlepsch, P.
Crystal structure and crystal chemistry of the homeotypes edenharterite (TlPbAs3S6) and jentschite (TlPbAs2SbS6) from Lengenbach, Binntal (Switzerland) Locality: Lengenbach quarry, Binntal, Valais, Switzerland
Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen, 1996, 76, 147-157
9012871 CIFAs2.45 Pb S6 Sb0.55 TlP 1 21/n 18.0958; 23.917; 5.8876
90; 108.063; 90
1083.82Berlepsch, P.
Crystal structure and crystal chemistry of the homeotypes edenharterite (TlPbAs3S6) and jentschite (TlPbAs2SbS6) from Lengenbach, Binntal (Switzerland) Locality: Lengenbach quarry, Binntal, Valais, Switzerland
Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen, 1996, 76, 147-157
9012872 CIFAs Fe4 H O14 Pb0.14 Ti3C 1 2/m 15.0053; 14.272; 7.1736
90; 105.165; 90
494.605Berlepsch, P.; Armbruster, T.
The crystal structure of Pb2±bearing graeserite, Pb0.14(Fe,Ti)7AsO12+x(OH)2-x, a mineral of the derbylite group Locality: Gorb, Binn valley, Western Alps, Switzerland
Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen, 1998, 78, 1-9
9012873 CIFAg3 Au S2P 41 3 29.72; 9.72; 9.72
90; 90; 90
918.33Messien, P.; Baiwir, M.; Tavernier, B.
Structure cristalline du sulfure mixte d'argent et d'or
Bulletin de la Societe Royal des Sciences de Liege, 1966, 35, 727-733
9012874 CIFRbI m -3 m5.612; 5.612; 5.612
90; 90; 90
176.747Kelly, F. M.; Pearson, W. B.
The rubidium transition at ~180 K Sample: at T = 77 K Note: specimen III
Canadian Journal of Physics, 1955, 33, 17-24
9012875 CIFRbI m -3 m5.619; 5.619; 5.619
90; 90; 90
177.41Kelly, F. M.; Pearson, W. B.
The rubidium transition at ~180 K Sample: at T = 90 K Note: specimen III
Canadian Journal of Physics, 1955, 33, 17-24
9012876 CIFRbI m -3 m5.7; 5.7; 5.7
90; 90; 90
185.193Kelly, F. M.; Pearson, W. B.
The rubidium transition at ~180 K Sample: at T = 297 K Note: specimen III lattice parameter for this T is estimated
Canadian Journal of Physics, 1955, 33, 17-24
9012877 CIFRbI m -3 m5.609; 5.609; 5.609
90; 90; 90
176.464Kelly, F. M.; Pearson, W. B.
The rubidium transition at ~180 K Sample: at T = 77 K Note: specimen IV
Canadian Journal of Physics, 1955, 33, 17-24
9012878 CIFRbI m -3 m5.616; 5.616; 5.616
90; 90; 90
177.126Kelly, F. M.; Pearson, W. B.
The rubidium transition at ~180 K Sample: at T = 90 K Note: specimen IV
Canadian Journal of Physics, 1955, 33, 17-24
9012879 CIFRbI m -3 m5.697; 5.697; 5.697
90; 90; 90
184.901Kelly, F. M.; Pearson, W. B.
The rubidium transition at ~180 K Sample: at T = 297 K Note: specimen IV lattice parameter for this T is estimated
Canadian Journal of Physics, 1955, 33, 17-24
9012880 CIFRbI m -3 m5.607; 5.607; 5.607
90; 90; 90
176.275Kelly, F. M.; Pearson, W. B.
The rubidium transition at ~180 K Sample: at T = 77 K Note: specimen VI
Canadian Journal of Physics, 1955, 33, 17-24
9012881 CIFC3.024 H8.064 D34 O17F d -3 m :217.092; 17.092; 17.092
90; 90; 90
4993.2Rawn, C. J.; Rondinone, A. J.; Chakoumakos, B. C.; Circone, S.; Stern, L. A.; Kirby, S. H.; Ishii, Y.
Neutron powder diffraction studies as a function of temperature of structure II hydrate formed from propane Sample: T = 12 K, C3H8*17D20
Canadian Journal of Physics, 2003, 81, 431-438
9012882 CIFBi2 PtP a -36.683; 6.683; 6.683
90; 90; 90
298.479Wallbaum, H. J.
Die kristallstrukturen von Bi2Pt und Sn2Pt
Zeitschrift fur Metallkunde, 1943, 35, 200-201
9012883 CIFPt Sn2F m -3 m6.413; 6.413; 6.413
90; 90; 90
263.745Wallbaum, H. J.
Die kristallstrukturen von Bi2Pt und Sn2Pt
Zeitschrift fur Metallkunde, 1943, 35, 200-201
9012884 CIFCoP 63 m c8.288; 8.288; 10.542
90; 90; 120
627.124Krainer, E.; Robitsch, J.
Nachweis einer neuen phase bei der funkenerosiven behandlung von kobalt
Zeitschrift fur Metallkunde, 1970, 61, 350-354
9012885 CIFBi2 Pb6 S9B b m m13.712; 31.21; 4.131
90; 90; 90
1767.87Takeuchi, Yoshio; Takagi, Junkou
The Structure of Heyrovskyite (6PbS•Bi~2~S~3~)
Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 1974, 50, 76-79
9012886 CIFAl2.726 Ca0.011 Fe0.03 K0.776 Mg0.02 Na0.181 O11 Si3.15 Ti0.02C 15.2234; 9.179; 20.2353
90; 95.8338; 90
965.169Tomita, K.; Shiraki, K.; Kawano, M.
Crystal structure of dehydroxylated 2M1 sericite and its relationship with mixed-layer mica/smectite Sample: heated
Clay Science, 1998, 10, 423-441
9012887 CIFAl2.752 Ca0.01 Fe0.03 H2 K0.727 Mg0.022 Na0.17 O12 Si3.128 Ti0.02C 1 2/c 15.1909; 9.0048; 20.117
90; 95.773; 90
935.56Tomita, K.; Shiraki, K.; Kawano, M.
Crystal structure of dehydroxylated 2M1 sericite and its relationship with mixed-layer mica/smectite Sample: unheated
Clay Science, 1998, 10, 423-441
9012888 CIFAs2 O6 SP 21 21 24.655; 11.54; 4.795
90; 90; 90
257.581Mercier, R.
Etude structurale du compose As2O3, 1 SO3
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1975, 12, 508-517
9012889 CIFCa0.94 Fe6.06 O21 Si7P -16.6213; 7.5506; 17.3806
114.267; 82.684; 94.576
785.349Burnham, C. W.
The crystal structure of pyroxferroite from Mare Tranquillitatis
Proceedings of the Second Lunar Science Conference, 1971, 1, 47-57
9012890 CIFCa O3 SiP -17.94; 7.32; 7.07
90.03; 95.37; 103.43
397.818Ito, Tei-ichi; Sadanaga, Ryoichi; Tak'euchi, Yoshio; Tokonami, Masayasu
The Existence of Partial Mirrors in Wollastonite
Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 1969, 45, 913-918
9012891 CIFCa5.81 Mn0.19 O18 Si6C -110.104; 11.054; 7.305
99.53; 100.56; 83.44
788.037Ohashi, Y.; Finger, L. W.
Stepwise cation ordering in bustamite and disordering in wollastonite
Carnegie Institution of Washington: Yearbook, 1976, 75, 746-753
9012892 CIFFe H12 Na O14 S2C 1 2/c 18.419; 10.8409; 12.4717
90; 95.495; 90
1133.06Li, J. J.; Zhou, J. L.; Dong, W.
The structure of amarillite
Chinese Science Bulletin, 1990, 35, 2073-2075
9012893 CIFCa H2 O4 SiF d 2 d19.776; 5.99; 11.119
90; 90; 90
1317.14Ma, Z.; Shi, N.; Mou, G.; Liao, L.
Crystal structure refinement of suolunite and its significance to the cement techniques
Chinese Science Bulletin, 1999, 44, 2125-2130
9012894 CIFBi4 O12 Si3I -4 3 d10.2776; 10.2776; 10.2776
90; 90; 90
1085.61Barbier, J.; Greedan, J. E.; Asaro, T.; McCarthy, G. J.
Neutron diffraction study of disorder in eulytite-type Sr3La(PO4)3
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1990, 27, 855-867
9012895 CIFLa O12 P3 Sr3I -4 3 d10.1853; 10.1853; 10.1853
90; 90; 90
1056.63Barbier, J.; Greedan, J. E.; Asaro, T.; McCarthy, G. J.
Neutron diffraction study of disorder in eulytite-type Sr3La(PO4)3 Sample: T = 298 K
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1990, 27, 855-867
9012896 CIFLa3 O12 P3 Sr3I -4 3 d10.1633; 10.1633; 10.1633
90; 90; 90
1049.79Barbier, J.; Greedan, J. E.; Asaro, T.; McCarthy, G. J.
Neutron diffraction study of disorder in eulytite-type Sr3La(PO4)3 Sample: T = 15 K
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1990, 27, 855-867
9012897 CIFFe H Li O5 PP -15.347; 7.284; 5.132
109.15; 97.9; 106.52
175.051Yakubovich, O. V.; Urusov, V. S.
The structure and electron density of Fe2+ -bearing tavorite in relation to the genetic crystal chemistry of secondary phosphates of lithium pegmatites
Geochemistry International, 1997, 35, 630-638
9012898 CIFFe3 H16 O16 P2I 1 2/m 110.021; 13.441; 4.721
90; 102.84; 90
619.982Bartl, H.
Water of crystallization and its hydrogen-bonded crosslinking in vivianite Fe~3~(PO~4~)~2~*8H~2~O; a neutron diffraction investigation
Fresenius' Zeitschrift für analytische Chemie, 1989, 333, 401-403
9012899 CIFAs Pd5 SbF d -3 m :112.28; 12.28; 12.28
90; 90; 90
1851.8Shi, N.; Ma, Z.; Zhang, N.; Ding, X.
Crystal structure of isomertieite (fengluanite)
Kexue Tongbao, 1978, 23, 499-501
9012900 CIFC2 Ba0.11 Ca0.74 Ce0.4 Na0.26 O6 Sr0.44P m c 215.26; 6.4; 7.34
90; 90; 90
247.094Nicheng, S.; Zhesheng, M.; Zhizhong, P.
The crystal structure of carbocernaite
Kexue Tongbao, 1982, 27, 76-80
9012901 CIFAl0.74 Cr0.26 Cu0.26 H O9 P1.22 Pb2 V0.52P 1 21/m 17.759; 5.782; 8.775
90; 111.97; 90
365.08Yakubovich, O. V.; Massa, V.; Pekov, I. V.
Crystal structure of the new mineral bushmakinite, Pb2{(Al,Cu)[PO4][(V,Cr,P)O4](OH)} Note: O2z changed to reproduce its bond lengths
Doklady Earth Sciences, 2002, 382, 100-105
9012902 CIFFe K Na O10 Si4P -18.142; 9.954; 6.983
100.21; 114.13; 105.87
469.098Rozhdestvenskaya, I. V.; Bannova, I. I.; Nikishova, L. V.; Soboleva, T. V.
The crystal structure of fenaksite K2Na2Fe2Si8O20
Doklady Earth Sciences, 2004, 398, 1029-1033
9012903 CIFCl F O Pb2A c m m5.7221; 5.7269; 12.541
90; 90; 90
410.967Aurivillius, B.
A case of mimetic twinning. The crystal structures of Pb2OFX (X=Cl, Br, and I) Locality: synthetic Sample: Pb2OFCl(L), isostructural with blixite
Chemica Scripta, 1977, 11, 208-211
9012904 CIFCl F O Pb2A c m m5.7293; 5.7293; 12.5602
90; 90; 90
412.287Aurivillius, B.
A case of mimetic twinning. The crystal structures of Pb2OFX (X=Cl, Br, and I) Locality: synthetic Sample: Pb2OFCl(H), part A of the twin, isostructural with blixite
Chemica Scripta, 1977, 11, 208-211
9012905 CIFCl F O Pb2A c m m5.7293; 5.7293; 12.5602
90; 90; 90
412.287Aurivillius, B.
A case of mimetic twinning. The crystal structures of Pb2OFX (X=Cl, Br, and I) Locality: synthetic Sample: Pb2OFCl(H), part B of the twin, isostructural with blixite
Chemica Scripta, 1977, 11, 208-211
9012906 CIFH22.62 O27 U6P 21 c n7.178; 11.473; 30.39
90; 90; 90
2502.71Burns, P. C.; Finch, R. J.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Miller, M. L.; Ewing, R. C.
The crystal structure of ianthinite, [U4+2(UO2)4O6(OH)4](H2O)5: a possible phase for Pu4+ incorporation during the oxidation of spent nuclear fuel
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 1997, 249, 199-206
9012907 CIFHP 63/m m c3.796; 3.796; 6.163
90; 90; 120
76.909Vindryevsky, B. A.; Ishmaev, S. N.; Sadikov, I. P.; Chernyshev, A. A.
Neutron diffraction studies of solid parahydrogen at pressures up to 5 kbar Sample: P = .0021 GPa, T = 13.7 K
Physics Letters, 1980, 355-358
9012908 CIFHP 63/m m c3.745; 3.745; 6.101
90; 90; 120
74.103Vindryevsky, B. A.; Ishmaev, S. N.; Sadikov, I. P.; Chernyshev, A. A.
Neutron diffraction studies of solid parahydrogen at pressures up to 5 kbar Sample: P = .0079 GPa, T = 15.6 K
Physics Letters, 1980, 355-358
9012909 CIFHP 63/m m c3.67; 3.67; 5.971
90; 90; 120
69.648Vindryevsky, B. A.; Ishmaev, S. N.; Sadikov, I. P.; Chernyshev, A. A.
Neutron diffraction studies of solid parahydrogen at pressures up to 5 kbar Sample: P = .028 GPa, T = 14.9 K
Physics Letters, 1980, 355-358
9012910 CIFHP 63/m m c3.582; 3.582; 5.826
90; 90; 120
64.737Vindryevsky, B. A.; Ishmaev, S. N.; Sadikov, I. P.; Chernyshev, A. A.
Neutron diffraction studies of solid parahydrogen at pressures up to 5 kbar Sample: P = .056 GPa, T = 15.3 K
Physics Letters, 1980, 355-358
9012911 CIFHP 63/m m c3.444; 3.444; 5.603
90; 90; 120
57.554Vindryevsky, B. A.; Ishmaev, S. N.; Sadikov, I. P.; Chernyshev, A. A.
Neutron diffraction studies of solid parahydrogen at pressures up to 5 kbar Sample: P = .14 GPa, T = 17.3 K
Physics Letters, 1980, 355-358
9012912 CIFHP 63/m m c3.313; 3.313; 5.383
90; 90; 120
51.168Vindryevsky, B. A.; Ishmaev, S. N.; Sadikov, I. P.; Chernyshev, A. A.
Neutron diffraction studies of solid parahydrogen at pressures up to 5 kbar Sample: P = .28 GPa, T = 30 K
Physics Letters, 1980, 355-358
9012913 CIFHP 63/m m c3.308; 3.308; 5.377
90; 90; 120
50.957Vindryevsky, B. A.; Ishmaev, S. N.; Sadikov, I. P.; Chernyshev, A. A.
Neutron diffraction studies of solid parahydrogen at pressures up to 5 kbar Sample: P = .3 GPa, T = 16.6 K
Physics Letters, 1980, 355-358
9012914 CIFHP 63/m m c3.216; 3.216; 5.219
90; 90; 120
46.747Vindryevsky, B. A.; Ishmaev, S. N.; Sadikov, I. P.; Chernyshev, A. A.
Neutron diffraction studies of solid parahydrogen at pressures up to 5 kbar Sample: P = .48 GPa, T = 16.6 K
Physics Letters, 1980, 355-358
9012915 CIFHP 63/m m c3.223; 3.223; 5.234
90; 90; 120
47.085Vindryevsky, B. A.; Ishmaev, S. N.; Sadikov, I. P.; Chernyshev, A. A.
Neutron diffraction studies of solid parahydrogen at pressures up to 5 kbar Sample: P = .5 GPa, T = 57.4 K
Physics Letters, 1980, 355-358
9012916 CIFCaI m -3 m3.559; 3.559; 3.559
90; 90; 90
45.08Olijnyk, H.; Holzapfel, W. B.
Phase transitions in alkaline earth metals under pressure Sample: P = 26.5 GPa
Physics Letters, 1984, 191-194
9012917 CIFCaP m -3 m2.615; 2.615; 2.615
90; 90; 90
17.882Olijnyk, H.; Holzapfel, W. B.
Phase transitions in alkaline earth metals under pressure Sample: P = 39 GPa
Physics Letters, 1984, 191-194
9012918 CIFSiP 6/m m m2.527; 2.527; 2.373
90; 90; 120
13.123Olijnyk, H.; Sikka, S. K.; Holzapfel, W. B.
Structural phase transitions in Si and Ge under pressures up to 50 GPa Sample: at P = 19.5 GPa Note: phase V, structure stable between 16 GPa & 34 GPa
Physics Letters, 1984, 137-140
9012919 CIFSiP 63/m m c2.444; 2.444; 4.152
90; 90; 120
21.478Olijnyk, H.; Sikka, S. K.; Holzapfel, W. B.
Structural phase transitions in Si and Ge under pressures up to 50 GPa Sample: at P = 43 GPa Note: phase VII, structure stable above 43 GPa
Physics Letters, 1984, 137-140
9012920 CIFAs3 Fe4 H18 O23P -4 3 m7.94; 7.94; 7.94
90; 90; 90
500.566Zemann, J.
Uber die struktur des pharmakosiderits Note: the K atom could not be located
Experientia, 1947, 3, 452-452
9012921 CIFCa9 H22 O32 Si6P -110.576; 7.265; 10.931
101.3; 96.98; 109.65
759.496Bonaccorsi, E.; Merlino, S.; Taylor, H. F. W.
The crystal structure of jennite, Ca9Si6O18(OH)6*8H2O
Cement and Concrete Research, 2004, 34, 1481-1488
9012922 CIFAl2 Ca6 H60.602 O49.496 S3P 3 1 c11.166881; 11.166881; 21.35366
90; 90; 120
2306.04Hartman, M. R.; Berliner, R.
Investigation of the structure of ettringite by time-of-flight neutron powder diffraction techniques Locality: synthetic
Cement and Concrete Research, 2006, 36, 364-370
9012923 CIFC5 H18 N4 O21 P4 Sc3P 1 21/n 18.603; 15.476; 16.504
90; 96.877; 90
2181.53Bull, I.; Young, V.; Teat, S. J.; Peng, L.; Grey, C. P.; Parise, J. B.
Hydrothermal synthesis and structural characterization of four scandium phosphate frameworks
Chemistry of Materials, 2003, 15, 3818-3825
9012924 CIFTiI m -3 m3.282; 3.282; 3.282
90; 90; 90
35.352Levinger, B. W.
Lattice parameters of beta titanium at room temperature Sample: at T = 298 K, known as the beta phase
Journal of Metals, 1953, 5, 195-195
9012925 CIFTiP 6/m m m4.6; 4.6; 2.82
90; 90; 120
51.677Chebotareva, E. S.; Nuzhdina, S. G.
Observation of omega-titanium in a composite hard facing alloy based on fine-grain diamonds Sample: at P = 4 GPa, known as the omega phase
Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie, 1973, 36, 200-202
9012926 CIFCoF m -3 m3.5688; 3.5688; 3.5688
90; 90; 90
45.453Kohlhaas, R.; Dunner Ph; Schmitz-Pranghe N
Uber die temperaturabhangigkeit der gitterparameter von eisen, kobalt und nickel im bereich hoher temperaturen Sample: at T = 520 C
Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Physik, 1967, 23, 245-249
9012927 CIFCoF m -3 m3.572; 3.572; 3.572
90; 90; 90
45.576Kohlhaas, R.; Dunner Ph; Schmitz-Pranghe N
Uber die temperaturabhangigkeit der gitterparameter von eisen, kobalt und nickel im bereich hoher temperaturen Sample: at T = 598 C
Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Physik, 1967, 23, 245-249
9012928 CIFCoF m -3 m3.573; 3.573; 3.573
90; 90; 90
45.614Kohlhaas, R.; Dunner Ph; Schmitz-Pranghe N
Uber die temperaturabhangigkeit der gitterparameter von eisen, kobalt und nickel im bereich hoher temperaturen Sample: at T = 647 C
Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Physik, 1967, 23, 245-249
9012929 CIFCoF m -3 m3.5755; 3.5755; 3.5755
90; 90; 90
45.71Kohlhaas, R.; Dunner Ph; Schmitz-Pranghe N
Uber die temperaturabhangigkeit der gitterparameter von eisen, kobalt und nickel im bereich hoher temperaturen Sample: at T = 680 C
Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Physik, 1967, 23, 245-249
9012930 CIFCoF m -3 m3.577; 3.577; 3.577
90; 90; 90
45.767Kohlhaas, R.; Dunner Ph; Schmitz-Pranghe N
Uber die temperaturabhangigkeit der gitterparameter von eisen, kobalt und nickel im bereich hoher temperaturen Sample: at T = 694 C
Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Physik, 1967, 23, 245-249
9012931 CIFCoF m -3 m3.5784; 3.5784; 3.5784
90; 90; 90
45.821Kohlhaas, R.; Dunner Ph; Schmitz-Pranghe N
Uber die temperaturabhangigkeit der gitterparameter von eisen, kobalt und nickel im bereich hoher temperaturen Sample: at T = 719 C
Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Physik, 1967, 23, 245-249
9012932 CIFCoF m -3 m3.5834; 3.5834; 3.5834
90; 90; 90
46.014Kohlhaas, R.; Dunner Ph; Schmitz-Pranghe N
Uber die temperaturabhangigkeit der gitterparameter von eisen, kobalt und nickel im bereich hoher temperaturen Sample: at T = 821 C
Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Physik, 1967, 23, 245-249
9012933 CIFCoF m -3 m3.5835; 3.5835; 3.5835
90; 90; 90
46.017Kohlhaas, R.; Dunner Ph; Schmitz-Pranghe N
Uber die temperaturabhangigkeit der gitterparameter von eisen, kobalt und nickel im bereich hoher temperaturen Sample: at T = 861 C
Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Physik, 1967, 23, 245-249
9012934 CIFCoF m -3 m3.5863; 3.5863; 3.5863
90; 90; 90
46.125Kohlhaas, R.; Dunner Ph; Schmitz-Pranghe N
Uber die temperaturabhangigkeit der gitterparameter von eisen, kobalt und nickel im bereich hoher temperaturen Sample: at T = 907 C
Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Physik, 1967, 23, 245-249
9012935 CIFCoF m -3 m3.59; 3.59; 3.59
90; 90; 90
46.268Kohlhaas, R.; Dunner Ph; Schmitz-Pranghe N
Uber die temperaturabhangigkeit der gitterparameter von eisen, kobalt und nickel im bereich hoher temperaturen Sample: at T = 1003 C
Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Physik, 1967, 23, 245-249
9012936 CIFCoF m -3 m3.5914; 3.5914; 3.5914
90; 90; 90
46.322Kohlhaas, R.; Dunner Ph; Schmitz-Pranghe N
Uber die temperaturabhangigkeit der gitterparameter von eisen, kobalt und nickel im bereich hoher temperaturen Sample: at T = 1027 C
Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Physik, 1967, 23, 245-249
9012937 CIFCoF m -3 m3.5921; 3.5921; 3.5921
90; 90; 90
46.35Kohlhaas, R.; Dunner Ph; Schmitz-Pranghe N
Uber die temperaturabhangigkeit der gitterparameter von eisen, kobalt und nickel im bereich hoher temperaturen Sample: at T = 1049 C
Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Physik, 1967, 23, 245-249
9012938 CIFCoF m -3 m3.5956; 3.5956; 3.5956
90; 90; 90
46.485Kohlhaas, R.; Dunner Ph; Schmitz-Pranghe N
Uber die temperaturabhangigkeit der gitterparameter von eisen, kobalt und nickel im bereich hoher temperaturen Sample: at T = 1082 C
Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Physik, 1967, 23, 245-249
9012939 CIFCoF m -3 m3.5957; 3.5957; 3.5957
90; 90; 90
46.489Kohlhaas, R.; Dunner Ph; Schmitz-Pranghe N
Uber die temperaturabhangigkeit der gitterparameter von eisen, kobalt und nickel im bereich hoher temperaturen Sample: at T = 1098 C
Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Physik, 1967, 23, 245-249
9012940 CIFCoF m -3 m3.5979; 3.5979; 3.5979
90; 90; 90
46.574Kohlhaas, R.; Dunner Ph; Schmitz-Pranghe N
Uber die temperaturabhangigkeit der gitterparameter von eisen, kobalt und nickel im bereich hoher temperaturen Sample: at T = 1117 C
Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Physik, 1967, 23, 245-249
9012941 CIFCoF m -3 m3.5987; 3.5987; 3.5987
90; 90; 90
46.605Kohlhaas, R.; Dunner Ph; Schmitz-Pranghe N
Uber die temperaturabhangigkeit der gitterparameter von eisen, kobalt und nickel im bereich hoher temperaturen Sample: at T = 1128 C
Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Physik, 1967, 23, 245-249
9012942 CIFCoF m -3 m3.6007; 3.6007; 3.6007
90; 90; 90
46.683Kohlhaas, R.; Dunner Ph; Schmitz-Pranghe N
Uber die temperaturabhangigkeit der gitterparameter von eisen, kobalt und nickel im bereich hoher temperaturen Sample: at T = 1142 C
Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Physik, 1967, 23, 245-249
9012943 CIFCoF m -3 m3.6023; 3.6023; 3.6023
90; 90; 90
46.745Kohlhaas, R.; Dunner Ph; Schmitz-Pranghe N
Uber die temperaturabhangigkeit der gitterparameter von eisen, kobalt und nickel im bereich hoher temperaturen Sample: at T = 1160 C
Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Physik, 1967, 23, 245-249
9012944 CIFCoF m -3 m3.6052; 3.6052; 3.6052
90; 90; 90
46.858Kohlhaas, R.; Dunner Ph; Schmitz-Pranghe N
Uber die temperaturabhangigkeit der gitterparameter von eisen, kobalt und nickel im bereich hoher temperaturen Sample: at T = 1191 C
Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Physik, 1967, 23, 245-249
9012945 CIFCoF m -3 m3.6064; 3.6064; 3.6064
90; 90; 90
46.905Kohlhaas, R.; Dunner Ph; Schmitz-Pranghe N
Uber die temperaturabhangigkeit der gitterparameter von eisen, kobalt und nickel im bereich hoher temperaturen Sample: at T = 1201 C
Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Physik, 1967, 23, 245-249
9012946 CIFCoF m -3 m3.6102; 3.6102; 3.6102
90; 90; 90
47.054Kohlhaas, R.; Dunner Ph; Schmitz-Pranghe N
Uber die temperaturabhangigkeit der gitterparameter von eisen, kobalt und nickel im bereich hoher temperaturen Sample: at T = 1253 C
Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Physik, 1967, 23, 245-249
9012947 CIFCoF m -3 m3.6148; 3.6148; 3.6148
90; 90; 90
47.234Kohlhaas, R.; Dunner Ph; Schmitz-Pranghe N
Uber die temperaturabhangigkeit der gitterparameter von eisen, kobalt und nickel im bereich hoher temperaturen Sample: at T = 1312 C
Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Physik, 1967, 23, 245-249
9012948 CIFCoF m -3 m3.6214; 3.6214; 3.6214
90; 90; 90
47.493Kohlhaas, R.; Dunner Ph; Schmitz-Pranghe N
Uber die temperaturabhangigkeit der gitterparameter von eisen, kobalt und nickel im bereich hoher temperaturen Sample: at T = 1398 C
Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Physik, 1967, 23, 245-249
9012949 CIFCoF m -3 m3.5441; 3.5441; 3.5441
90; 90; 90
44.516Owen, E. A.; Madoc Jones, D.
Effect of grain size on the crystal structure of cobalt Sample: at T = 18 C
Proceedings of the Physical Society of London, 1954, 67, 459-466
9012950 CIFCoP 63/m m c2.5054; 2.5054; 4.0893
90; 90; 120
22.23Owen, E. A.; Madoc Jones, D.
Effect of grain size on the crystal structure of cobalt Sample: at T = 18 C Note: quenched from above 450 C
Proceedings of the Physical Society of London, 1954, 67, 459-466
9012951 CIFK O5 P TiP n a 2112.49; 6.324; 10.069
90; 90; 90
795.318Allan, D. R.; Nelmes, R. J.
The structural pressure dependence of potassium titanyl phosphate (KTP) to 8 GPa Sample: P = 6.3 GPa
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 1996, 8, 2337-2363
9012952 CIFK O5 P TiP n a 2112.387; 6.311; 9.966
90; 90; 90
779.086Allan, D. R.; Nelmes, R. J.
The structural pressure dependence of potassium titanyl phosphate (KTP) to 8 GPa Sample: P = 8.2 GPa
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 1996, 8, 2337-2363
9012953 CIFAuF m -3 m4.0699; 4.0699; 4.0699
90; 90; 90
67.414Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
Precision measurements of crystal parameters Sample: at T = 18 C Note: lattice parameter is mean value of 5 radiation types
Philosophical Magazine, 1933, 15, 472-488
9012954 CIFCuF m -3 m3.6077; 3.6077; 3.6077
90; 90; 90
46.956Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
Precision measurements of crystal parameters Sample: at T = 18 C Note: lattice parameter is mean value of 2 radiation types
Philosophical Magazine, 1933, 15, 472-488
9012955 CIFAlF m -3 m4.0406; 4.0406; 4.0406
90; 90; 90
65.969Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
Precision measurements of crystal parameters Locality: synthetic Sample: at T = 18 C Note: lattice parameter is mean value of 4 radiation types
Philosophical Magazine, 1933, 15, 472-488
9012957 CIFPtF m -3 m3.9158; 3.9158; 3.9158
90; 90; 90
60.043Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
Precision measurements of crystal parameters Sample: at T = 18 C Note: lattice parameter is mean value of 5 radiation types
Philosophical Magazine, 1933, 15, 472-488
9012958 CIFRhF m -3 m3.7957; 3.7957; 3.7957
90; 90; 90
54.686Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
Precision measurements of crystal parameters Sample: at T = 18 C Note: lattice parameter is mean value of 3 radiation types
Philosophical Magazine, 1933, 15, 472-488
9012959 CIFPbF m -3 m4.9396; 4.9396; 4.9396
90; 90; 90
120.525Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
Precision measurements of crystal parameters Sample: at T = 18 C Note: lattice parameter is mean value of 4 radiation types
Philosophical Magazine, 1933, 15, 472-488
9012960 CIFIrF m -3 m3.8312; 3.8312; 3.8312
90; 90; 90
56.235Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
Precision measurements of crystal parameters Sample: at T = 18 C Note: lattice parameter is mean value of 3 radiation types
Philosophical Magazine, 1933, 15, 472-488
9012961 CIFAgF m -3 m4.0772; 4.0772; 4.0772
90; 90; 90
67.778Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
Precision measurements of crystal parameters Sample: at T = 18 C Note: lattice parameter is mean value of 5 radiation types
Philosophical Magazine, 1933, 15, 472-488
9012962 CIFPdF m -3 m3.8824; 3.8824; 3.8824
90; 90; 90
58.52Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
Precision measurements of crystal parameters Sample: at T = 18 C Note: lattice parameter is mean value of 4 radiation types
Philosophical Magazine, 1933, 15, 472-488
9012963 CIFNiF m -3 m3.517; 3.517; 3.517
90; 90; 90
43.503Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Sample: at T = 12 C Note: film 601 & 617
Philosophical Magazine, 1936, 21, 809-819
9012964 CIFNiF m -3 m3.517; 3.517; 3.517
90; 90; 90
43.503Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Sample: at T = 13 C Note: film 563 & 608
Philosophical Magazine, 1936, 21, 809-819
9012965 CIFNiF m -3 m3.517; 3.517; 3.517
90; 90; 90
43.503Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Sample: at T = 14 C Note: films 569, 574, 596, 597
Philosophical Magazine, 1936, 21, 809-819
9012966 CIFNiF m -3 m3.517; 3.517; 3.517
90; 90; 90
43.503Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Sample: at T = 15 C Note: films 560, 562, 621, 625, 626
Philosophical Magazine, 1936, 21, 809-819
9012967 CIFNiF m -3 m3.5171; 3.5171; 3.5171
90; 90; 90
43.507Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Sample: at T = 16 C Note: film 590
Philosophical Magazine, 1936, 21, 809-819
9012968 CIFNiF m -3 m3.5172; 3.5172; 3.5172
90; 90; 90
43.51Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Sample: at T = 18 C
Philosophical Magazine, 1936, 21, 809-819
9012969 CIFNiF m -3 m3.5212; 3.5212; 3.5212
90; 90; 90
43.659Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Sample: at T = 98 C Note: film 565
Philosophical Magazine, 1936, 21, 809-819
9012970 CIFNiF m -3 m3.5259; 3.5259; 3.5259
90; 90; 90
43.834Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Sample: at T = 187 C Note: film 567
Philosophical Magazine, 1936, 21, 809-819
9012971 CIFNiF m -3 m3.5295; 3.5295; 3.5295
90; 90; 90
43.968Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Sample: at T = 257 C Note: film 573
Philosophical Magazine, 1936, 21, 809-819
9012972 CIFNiF m -3 m3.5302; 3.5302; 3.5302
90; 90; 90
43.994Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Sample: at T = 275 C Note: film 595
Philosophical Magazine, 1936, 21, 809-819
9012973 CIFNiF m -3 m3.5319; 3.5319; 3.5319
90; 90; 90
44.058Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Sample: at T = 301 C Note: film 564
Philosophical Magazine, 1936, 21, 809-819
9012974 CIFNiF m -3 m3.5335; 3.5335; 3.5335
90; 90; 90
44.118Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Sample: at T = 331 C Note: film 594
Philosophical Magazine, 1936, 21, 809-819
9012975 CIFNiF m -3 m3.5337; 3.5337; 3.5337
90; 90; 90
44.125Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Sample: at T = 333 C Note: film 571
Philosophical Magazine, 1936, 21, 809-819
9012976 CIFNiF m -3 m3.5337; 3.5337; 3.5337
90; 90; 90
44.125Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Sample: at T = 336 C Note: film 584
Philosophical Magazine, 1936, 21, 809-819
9012977 CIFNiF m -3 m3.5338; 3.5338; 3.5338
90; 90; 90
44.129Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Sample: at T = 338 C Note: film 606
Philosophical Magazine, 1936, 21, 809-819
9012978 CIFNiF m -3 m3.5343; 3.5343; 3.5343
90; 90; 90
44.148Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Sample: at T = 341 C Note: film 611
Philosophical Magazine, 1936, 21, 809-819
9012979 CIFNiF m -3 m3.5343; 3.5343; 3.5343
90; 90; 90
44.148Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Sample: at T = 342 C Note: film 585
Philosophical Magazine, 1936, 21, 809-819
9012980 CIFNiF m -3 m3.5342; 3.5342; 3.5342
90; 90; 90
44.144Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Sample: at T = 343 C Note: film 618
Philosophical Magazine, 1936, 21, 809-819
9012981 CIFNiF m -3 m3.5345; 3.5345; 3.5345
90; 90; 90
44.155Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Sample: at T = 345 C Note: film 616 & 610
Philosophical Magazine, 1936, 21, 809-819
9012982 CIFNiF m -3 m3.5347; 3.5347; 3.5347
90; 90; 90
44.163Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Sample: at T = 346 C Note: film 614
Philosophical Magazine, 1936, 21, 809-819
9012983 CIFNiF m -3 m3.5346; 3.5346; 3.5346
90; 90; 90
44.159Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Sample: at T = 348 C Note: film 605
Philosophical Magazine, 1936, 21, 809-819
9012984 CIFNiF m -3 m3.5347; 3.5347; 3.5347
90; 90; 90
44.163Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Sample: at T = 349 C Note: film 586
Philosophical Magazine, 1936, 21, 809-819
9012985 CIFNiF m -3 m3.535; 3.535; 3.535
90; 90; 90
44.174Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Sample: at T = 352 C Note: film 612
Philosophical Magazine, 1936, 21, 809-819
9012986 CIFNiF m -3 m3.5355; 3.5355; 3.5355
90; 90; 90
44.193Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Sample: at T = 356 C Note: film 624
Philosophical Magazine, 1936, 21, 809-819
9012987 CIFNiF m -3 m3.5356; 3.5356; 3.5356
90; 90; 90
44.197Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Sample: at T = 359 C Note: film 592
Philosophical Magazine, 1936, 21, 809-819
9012988 CIFNiF m -3 m3.5359; 3.5359; 3.5359
90; 90; 90
44.208Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Sample: at T = 362 C Note: film 599
Philosophical Magazine, 1936, 21, 809-819
9012989 CIFNiF m -3 m3.536; 3.536; 3.536
90; 90; 90
44.212Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Sample: at T = 363 C Note: film 600
Philosophical Magazine, 1936, 21, 809-819
9012990 CIFNiF m -3 m3.5361; 3.5361; 3.5361
90; 90; 90
44.215Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Sample: at T = 365 C Note: film 593
Philosophical Magazine, 1936, 21, 809-819
9012991 CIFNiF m -3 m3.5367; 3.5367; 3.5367
90; 90; 90
44.238Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Sample: at T = 370 C Note: film 577 & 598
Philosophical Magazine, 1936, 21, 809-819
9012992 CIFNiF m -3 m3.5367; 3.5367; 3.5367
90; 90; 90
44.238Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Sample: at T = 373 C Note: film 576
Philosophical Magazine, 1936, 21, 809-819
9012993 CIFNiF m -3 m3.5367; 3.5367; 3.5367
90; 90; 90
44.238Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Sample: at T = 374 C Note: film 603
Philosophical Magazine, 1936, 21, 809-819
9012994 CIFNiF m -3 m3.5371; 3.5371; 3.5371
90; 90; 90
44.253Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Sample: at T = 378 C Note: film 604
Philosophical Magazine, 1936, 21, 809-819
9012995 CIFNiF m -3 m3.5379; 3.5379; 3.5379
90; 90; 90
44.283Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Sample: at T = 388 C Note: film 589
Philosophical Magazine, 1936, 21, 809-819
9012996 CIFNiF m -3 m3.5383; 3.5383; 3.5383
90; 90; 90
44.298Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Sample: at T = 398 C Note: film 556
Philosophical Magazine, 1936, 21, 809-819
9012997 CIFNiF m -3 m3.5386; 3.5386; 3.5386
90; 90; 90
44.309Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Sample: at T = 405 C Note: film 613
Philosophical Magazine, 1936, 21, 809-819
9012998 CIFNiF m -3 m3.5388; 3.5388; 3.5388
90; 90; 90
44.317Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Sample: at T = 410 C Note: film 607
Philosophical Magazine, 1936, 21, 809-819
9012999 CIFNiF m -3 m3.5388; 3.5388; 3.5388
90; 90; 90
44.317Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Sample at T = 411 C Note: film 609
Philosophical Magazine, 1936, 21, 809-819
9013000 CIFNiF m -3 m3.5402; 3.5402; 3.5402
90; 90; 90
44.369Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Sample: at T = 429 C Note: film 591
Philosophical Magazine, 1936, 21, 809-819
9013001 CIFNiF m -3 m3.5422; 3.5422; 3.5422
90; 90; 90
44.445Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Sample: at T = 460 C Note: film 572
Philosophical Magazine, 1936, 21, 809-819
9013002 CIFNiF m -3 m3.5448; 3.5448; 3.5448
90; 90; 90
44.543Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Sample: at T = 501 C Note: film 561
Philosophical Magazine, 1936, 21, 809-819
9013003 CIFNiF m -3 m3.5481; 3.5481; 3.5481
90; 90; 90
44.667Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Sample: at T = 557 C Note: film 575
Philosophical Magazine, 1936, 21, 809-819
9013004 CIFNiF m -3 m3.5508; 3.5508; 3.5508
90; 90; 90
44.769Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Sample: at T = 603 C Note: film 568
Philosophical Magazine, 1936, 21, 809-819
9013005 CIFNiF m -3 m3.5516; 3.5516; 3.5516
90; 90; 90
44.799Owen, E. A.; Yates, E. L.
X-ray measurement of the thermal expansion of pure nickel Sample: at T = 608 C Note: film 615
Philosophical Magazine, 1936, 21, 809-819
9013006 CIFAsB m a b3.65; 4.47; 11
90; 90; 90
179.471Smith, P. M.; Leadbetter, A. J.; Apling, A. J.
The structures of orthorhombic and vitrous arsenic Locality: synthetic Note: known as arsenolamprite
Philosophical Magazine, 1975, 31, 57-64
9013007 CIFNiP 63/m m c2.622; 2.622; 4.321
90; 90; 120
25.726Weik, H.; Hemenger, P.
Existence of the hexagonal modification of nickel Locality: synthetic
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 1965, 10, 1140-1140
9013008 CIFSbP m -3 m3.16; 3.16; 3.16
90; 90; 90
31.554Akhtar, D.; Vankar, V. D.; Goel, T. C.; Chopra, K. L.
Metastable structures of liquid-quenched and vapour-quenched antimony films Note: liquid-quenched specimen
Journal of Materials Science, 1979, 14, 988-994
9013009 CIFSbF m -3 m4.61; 4.61; 4.61
90; 90; 90
97.972Akhtar, D.; Vankar, V. D.; Goel, T. C.; Chopra, K. L.
Metastable structures of liquid-quenched and vapour-quenched antimony films Locality: synthetic Note: liquid-quenched specimen
Journal of Materials Science, 1979, 14, 988-994
9013010 CIFSbI 4/m m m3.01; 3.01; 4.96
90; 90; 90
44.938Akhtar, D.; Vankar, V. D.; Goel, T. C.; Chopra, K. L.
Metastable structures of liquid-quenched and vapour-quenched antimony films Note: liquid-quenched specimen
Journal of Materials Science, 1979, 14, 988-994
9013011 CIFSbP 63/m m c3.33; 3.33; 5.23
90; 90; 120
50.225Akhtar, D.; Vankar, V. D.; Goel, T. C.; Chopra, K. L.
Metastable structures of liquid-quenched and vapour-quenched antimony films Locality: synthetic Note: liquid-quenched specimen Note: HCP structure resulted from electron beam heating of the tetragonal, FCC and SC structures
Journal of Materials Science, 1979, 14, 988-994
9013014 CIFCuF m -3 m3.613; 3.613; 3.613
90; 90; 90
47.163Suh, I.-K.; Ohta, H.; Waseda, Y.
High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Sample: at T = 293 K
Journal of Materials Science, 1988, 23, 757-760
9013015 CIFCuF m -3 m3.63; 3.63; 3.63
90; 90; 90
47.832Suh, I.-K.; Ohta, H.; Waseda, Y.
High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Sample: at T = 577 K
Journal of Materials Science, 1988, 23, 757-760
9013016 CIFCuF m -3 m3.636; 3.636; 3.636
90; 90; 90
48.07Suh, I.-K.; Ohta, H.; Waseda, Y.
High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Sample: at T = 680 K
Journal of Materials Science, 1988, 23, 757-760
9013017 CIFCuF m -3 m3.644; 3.644; 3.644
90; 90; 90
48.388Suh, I.-K.; Ohta, H.; Waseda, Y.
High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Sample: at T = 777 K
Journal of Materials Science, 1988, 23, 757-760
9013018 CIFCuF m -3 m3.65; 3.65; 3.65
90; 90; 90
48.627Suh, I.-K.; Ohta, H.; Waseda, Y.
High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Sample: at T = 874 K
Journal of Materials Science, 1988, 23, 757-760
9013019 CIFCuF m -3 m3.658; 3.658; 3.658
90; 90; 90
48.948Suh, I.-K.; Ohta, H.; Waseda, Y.
High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Sample: at T = 979 K
Journal of Materials Science, 1988, 23, 757-760
9013020 CIFCuF m -3 m3.667; 3.667; 3.667
90; 90; 90
49.31Suh, I.-K.; Ohta, H.; Waseda, Y.
High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Sample: at T = 1076 K
Journal of Materials Science, 1988, 23, 757-760
9013021 CIFCuF m -3 m3.672; 3.672; 3.672
90; 90; 90
49.512Suh, I.-K.; Ohta, H.; Waseda, Y.
High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Sample: at T = 1179 K
Journal of Materials Science, 1988, 23, 757-760
9013022 CIFCuF m -3 m3.684; 3.684; 3.684
90; 90; 90
49.999Suh, I.-K.; Ohta, H.; Waseda, Y.
High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Sample: at T = 1275 K
Journal of Materials Science, 1988, 23, 757-760
9013023 CIFCuF m -3 m3.692; 3.692; 3.692
90; 90; 90
50.325Suh, I.-K.; Ohta, H.; Waseda, Y.
High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Sample: at T = 1343 K
Journal of Materials Science, 1988, 23, 757-760
9013024 CIFNiF m -3 m3.524; 3.524; 3.524
90; 90; 90
43.763Suh, I.-K.; Ohta, H.; Waseda, Y.
High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Sample: at T = 293 K
Journal of Materials Science, 1988, 23, 757-760
9013025 CIFNiF m -3 m3.538; 3.538; 3.538
90; 90; 90
44.287Suh, I.-K.; Ohta, H.; Waseda, Y.
High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Sample: at T = 578 K
Journal of Materials Science, 1988, 23, 757-760
9013026 CIFNiF m -3 m3.544; 3.544; 3.544
90; 90; 90
44.512Suh, I.-K.; Ohta, H.; Waseda, Y.
High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Sample: at T = 676 K
Journal of Materials Science, 1988, 23, 757-760
9013027 CIFNiF m -3 m3.552; 3.552; 3.552
90; 90; 90
44.815Suh, I.-K.; Ohta, H.; Waseda, Y.
High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Sample: at T = 825 K
Journal of Materials Science, 1988, 23, 757-760
9013028 CIFNiF m -3 m3.563; 3.563; 3.563
90; 90; 90
45.232Suh, I.-K.; Ohta, H.; Waseda, Y.
High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Sample: at T = 1007 K
Journal of Materials Science, 1988, 23, 757-760
9013029 CIFNiF m -3 m3.571; 3.571; 3.571
90; 90; 90
45.538Suh, I.-K.; Ohta, H.; Waseda, Y.
High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Sample: at T = 1123 K
Journal of Materials Science, 1988, 23, 757-760
9013030 CIFNiF m -3 m3.581; 3.581; 3.581
90; 90; 90
45.921Suh, I.-K.; Ohta, H.; Waseda, Y.
High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Sample: at T = 1256 K
Journal of Materials Science, 1988, 23, 757-760
9013031 CIFNiF m -3 m3.587; 3.587; 3.587
90; 90; 90
46.152Suh, I.-K.; Ohta, H.; Waseda, Y.
High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Sample: at T = 1345 K
Journal of Materials Science, 1988, 23, 757-760
9013032 CIFNiF m -3 m3.595; 3.595; 3.595
90; 90; 90
46.462Suh, I.-K.; Ohta, H.; Waseda, Y.
High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Sample: at T = 1433 K
Journal of Materials Science, 1988, 23, 757-760
9013033 CIFNiF m -3 m3.603; 3.603; 3.603
90; 90; 90
46.773Suh, I.-K.; Ohta, H.; Waseda, Y.
High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Sample: at T = 1553 K
Journal of Materials Science, 1988, 23, 757-760
9013034 CIFNiF m -3 m3.615; 3.615; 3.615
90; 90; 90
47.242Suh, I.-K.; Ohta, H.; Waseda, Y.
High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Sample: at T = 1676 K
Journal of Materials Science, 1988, 23, 757-760
9013035 CIFAuF m -3 m4.072; 4.072; 4.072
90; 90; 90
67.519Suh, I.-K.; Ohta, H.; Waseda, Y.
High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Sample: at T = 293 K
Journal of Materials Science, 1988, 23, 757-760
9013036 CIFAuF m -3 m4.091; 4.091; 4.091
90; 90; 90
68.468Suh, I.-K.; Ohta, H.; Waseda, Y.
High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Sample: at T = 574 K
Journal of Materials Science, 1988, 23, 757-760
9013037 CIFAuF m -3 m4.097; 4.097; 4.097
90; 90; 90
68.77Suh, I.-K.; Ohta, H.; Waseda, Y.
High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Sample: at T = 676 K
Journal of Materials Science, 1988, 23, 757-760
9013038 CIFAuF m -3 m4.103; 4.103; 4.103
90; 90; 90
69.072Suh, I.-K.; Ohta, H.; Waseda, Y.
High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Sample: at T = 777 K
Journal of Materials Science, 1988, 23, 757-760
9013039 CIFAuF m -3 m4.11; 4.11; 4.11
90; 90; 90
69.427Suh, I.-K.; Ohta, H.; Waseda, Y.
High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Sample: at T = 875 K
Journal of Materials Science, 1988, 23, 757-760
9013040 CIFAuF m -3 m4.117; 4.117; 4.117
90; 90; 90
69.782Suh, I.-K.; Ohta, H.; Waseda, Y.
High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Sample: at T = 971 K
Journal of Materials Science, 1988, 23, 757-760
9013041 CIFAuF m -3 m4.125; 4.125; 4.125
90; 90; 90
70.189Suh, I.-K.; Ohta, H.; Waseda, Y.
High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Sample: at T = 1075 K
Journal of Materials Science, 1988, 23, 757-760
9013042 CIFAuF m -3 m4.134; 4.134; 4.134
90; 90; 90
70.65Suh, I.-K.; Ohta, H.; Waseda, Y.
High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Sample: at T = 1179 K
Journal of Materials Science, 1988, 23, 757-760
9013043 CIFAuF m -3 m4.141; 4.141; 4.141
90; 90; 90
71.009Suh, I.-K.; Ohta, H.; Waseda, Y.
High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Sample: at T = 1280 K
Journal of Materials Science, 1988, 23, 757-760
9013044 CIFAuF m -3 m4.145; 4.145; 4.145
90; 90; 90
71.215Suh, I.-K.; Ohta, H.; Waseda, Y.
High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Sample: at T = 1324 K
Journal of Materials Science, 1988, 23, 757-760
9013045 CIFAgF m -3 m4.086; 4.086; 4.086
90; 90; 90
68.217Suh, I.-K.; Ohta, H.; Waseda, Y.
High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Sample: at T = 293 K
Journal of Materials Science, 1988, 23, 757-760
9013046 CIFAgF m -3 m4.109; 4.109; 4.109
90; 90; 90
69.376Suh, I.-K.; Ohta, H.; Waseda, Y.
High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Sample: at T = 576 K
Journal of Materials Science, 1988, 23, 757-760
9013047 CIFAgF m -3 m4.117; 4.117; 4.117
90; 90; 90
69.782Suh, I.-K.; Ohta, H.; Waseda, Y.
High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Sample: at T = 671 K
Journal of Materials Science, 1988, 23, 757-760
9013048 CIFAgF m -3 m4.126; 4.126; 4.126
90; 90; 90
70.241Suh, I.-K.; Ohta, H.; Waseda, Y.
High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Sample: at T = 774 K
Journal of Materials Science, 1988, 23, 757-760
9013049 CIFAgF m -3 m4.135; 4.135; 4.135
90; 90; 90
70.701Suh, I.-K.; Ohta, H.; Waseda, Y.
High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Sample: at T = 875 K
Journal of Materials Science, 1988, 23, 757-760
9013050 CIFAgF m -3 m4.144; 4.144; 4.144
90; 90; 90
71.164Suh, I.-K.; Ohta, H.; Waseda, Y.
High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Sample: at T = 975 K
Journal of Materials Science, 1988, 23, 757-760
9013051 CIFAgF m -3 m4.155; 4.155; 4.155
90; 90; 90
71.732Suh, I.-K.; Ohta, H.; Waseda, Y.
High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Sample: at T = 1076 K
Journal of Materials Science, 1988, 23, 757-760
9013052 CIFAgF m -3 m4.166; 4.166; 4.166
90; 90; 90
72.303Suh, I.-K.; Ohta, H.; Waseda, Y.
High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Sample: at T = 1174 K
Journal of Materials Science, 1988, 23, 757-760
9013053 CIFAgF m -3 m4.172; 4.172; 4.172
90; 90; 90
72.616Suh, I.-K.; Ohta, H.; Waseda, Y.
High-temperature thermal expansion of six metallic elements measured by dilatation method and X-ray diffraction Sample: at T = 1228 K
Journal of Materials Science, 1988, 23, 757-760
9013054 CIFMgP 63/m m c3.2017; 3.2017; 5.1986
90; 90; 120
46.151Raynor, G. V.; Hume-Rothery W
A technique for the X-ray powder photography of reactive metals and alloys with special reference to the lattice spacing of magnesium at high temperatures Locality: synthetic Sample: at T = 10 C Note: experiment #4
Journal of the Institute of Metals, 1939, 65, 477-485
9013055 CIFMgP 63/m m c3.2032; 3.2032; 5.201
90; 90; 120
46.215Raynor, G. V.; Hume-Rothery W
A technique for the X-ray powder photography of reactive metals and alloys with special reference to the lattice spacing of magnesium at high temperatures Locality: synthetic Sample: at T = 27.7 C Note: experiment #6
Journal of the Institute of Metals, 1939, 65, 477-485
9013056 CIFMgP 63/m m c3.2035; 3.2035; 5.2015
90; 90; 120
46.228Raynor, G. V.; Hume-Rothery W
A technique for the X-ray powder photography of reactive metals and alloys with special reference to the lattice spacing of magnesium at high temperatures Locality: synthetic Sample: at T = 30 C Note: experiment #1
Journal of the Institute of Metals, 1939, 65, 477-485
9013057 CIFMgP 63/m m c3.2036; 3.2036; 5.2017
90; 90; 120
46.233Raynor, G. V.; Hume-Rothery W
A technique for the X-ray powder photography of reactive metals and alloys with special reference to the lattice spacing of magnesium at high temperatures Locality: synthetic Sample: at T = 31.4 C Note: experiment #7
Journal of the Institute of Metals, 1939, 65, 477-485
9013058 CIFMgP 63/m m c3.2147; 3.2147; 5.2203
90; 90; 120
46.72Raynor, G. V.; Hume-Rothery W
A technique for the X-ray powder photography of reactive metals and alloys with special reference to the lattice spacing of magnesium at high temperatures Locality: synthetic Sample: at T = 160 C Note: experiment #2
Journal of the Institute of Metals, 1939, 65, 477-485
9013059 CIFMgP 63/m m c3.2278; 3.2278; 5.2423
90; 90; 120
47.301Raynor, G. V.; Hume-Rothery W
A technique for the X-ray powder photography of reactive metals and alloys with special reference to the lattice spacing of magnesium at high temperatures Locality: synthetic Sample: at T = 310.5 C Note: experiment #3
Journal of the Institute of Metals, 1939, 65, 477-485
9013060 CIFMgP 63/m m c3.242; 3.242; 5.2663
90; 90; 120
47.936Raynor, G. V.; Hume-Rothery W
A technique for the X-ray powder photography of reactive metals and alloys with special reference to the lattice spacing of magnesium at high temperatures Locality: synthetic Sample: at T = 455 C Note: experiment #5
Journal of the Institute of Metals, 1939, 65, 477-485
9013061 CIFMgP 63/m m c3.2485; 3.2485; 5.2772
90; 90; 120
48.228Raynor, G. V.; Hume-Rothery W
A technique for the X-ray powder photography of reactive metals and alloys with special reference to the lattice spacing of magnesium at high temperatures Locality: synthetic Sample: at T = 506.8 C Note: experiment #8
Journal of the Institute of Metals, 1939, 65, 477-485
9013062 CIFMgP 63/m m c3.2599; 3.2599; 5.296
90; 90; 120
48.74Raynor, G. V.; Hume-Rothery W
A technique for the X-ray powder photography of reactive metals and alloys with special reference to the lattice spacing of magnesium at high temperatures Locality: synthetic Sample: at T = 597 C Note: experiment #9
Journal of the Institute of Metals, 1939, 65, 477-485
9013063 CIFAu0.8 Hg0.2F m -3 m4.126; 4.126; 4.126
90; 90; 90
70.241Owen, E. A.; O'Donnell Roberts E A
The solubility of certain metals in gold
Journal of the Institute of Metals, 1945, 71, 213-254
9013064 CIFC2 H24 Al Ce0.12 Dy0.04 Eu0.02 Gd0.08 La0.03 Nd0.23 O24 Pr0.03 S2 Sm0.12 Y0.33P 1 2/n 110.289; 9.234; 11.015
90; 108.5; 90
992.44Rouse, R. C.; Peacor, D. R.; Essene, E. J.; Coskren, T. D.; Lauf, R. J.
The new minerals levinsonite-(Y) [(Y,Nd,Ce)Al(SO4)2(C2O4)*12H2O] and zugshunstite-(Ce) [(Ce,Nd,La)Al(SO4)2(C2O4)*12H2O]: coexisting oxalates with different structures and differentiation of LREE and HREE
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2001, 65, 1101-1115
9013065 CIFC2 H24 Al Ce0.54 La0.09 Nd0.26 O24 Pr0.07 S2 Sm0.04C 1 2/c 18.718; 18.313; 13.128
90; 93.9; 90
2091.07Rouse, R. C.; Peacor, D. R.; Essene, E. J.; Coskren, T. D.; Lauf, R. J.
The new minerals levinsonite-(Y) [(Y,Nd,Ce)Al(SO4)2(C2O4)*12H2O] and zugshunstite-(Ce) [(Ce,Nd,La)Al(SO4)2(C2O4)*12H2O]: coexisting oxalates with different structures and differentiation of LREE and HREE
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2001, 65, 1101-1115
9013066 CIFBe Li2 O4 SiP 1 n 14.68; 4.95; 6.13
90; 90.33; 90
142.005Han-ching C
The crystal structure of liberite
Kexue Tongbao, 1966, 17, 425-428
9013067 CIFFe S2P n n m4.4446; 5.4246; 3.3864
90; 90; 90
81.647Rieder, M.; Crelling, J. C.; Sustai, O.; Drabek, M.; Weiss, Z.; Klementova, M.
Arsenic in iron disulfides in a brown coal from the North Bohemian Basin, Czech Republic Sample: As-free marcasite
International Journal of Coal Geology, 2007, 71, 115-121
9013068 CIFAs0.4 Fe S1.6P n n m4.449; 5.432; 3.391
90; 90; 90
81.95Rieder, M.; Crelling, J. C.; Sustai, O.; Drabek, M.; Weiss, Z.; Klementova, M.
Arsenic in iron disulfides in a brown coal from the North Bohemian Basin, Czech Republic Sample: Natural As-marcasite
International Journal of Coal Geology, 2007, 71, 115-121
9013069 CIFFe S2P a -35.416; 5.416; 5.416
90; 90; 90
158.868Rieder, M.; Crelling, J. C.; Sustai, O.; Drabek, M.; Weiss, Z.; Klementova, M.
Arsenic in iron disulfides in a brown coal from the North Bohemian Basin, Czech Republic Sample: As-free pyrite
International Journal of Coal Geology, 2007, 71, 115-121
9013070 CIFAs0.026 Fe S1.974P a -35.428; 5.428; 5.428
90; 90; 90
159.926Rieder, M.; Crelling, J. C.; Sustai, O.; Drabek, M.; Weiss, Z.; Klementova, M.
Arsenic in iron disulfides in a brown coal from the North Bohemian Basin, Czech Republic Sample: As-pyrite
International Journal of Coal Geology, 2007, 71, 115-121
9013071 CIFAs0.54 Fe S1.46P a -35.429; 5.429; 5.429
90; 90; 90
160.015Rieder, M.; Crelling, J. C.; Sustai, O.; Drabek, M.; Weiss, Z.; Klementova, M.
Arsenic in iron disulfides in a brown coal from the North Bohemian Basin, Czech Republic Sample: natural As-pyrite
International Journal of Coal Geology, 2007, 71, 115-121
9013072 CIFAl3 B2 H Mg2 O10P 1 21/c 17.455; 4.33; 9.825
90; 110.68; 90
296.718Daniels, P.; Krosse, S.; Werding, G.; Schreyer, W.
"Pseudosinhalite", a new hydrous MgAl-borate: synthesis, phase characterization, crystal structure, and PT-stability Locality: synthetic
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 1997, 128, 261-271
9013073 CIFH2P 63/m m c3.782; 3.782; 6.167
90; 90; 120
76.392Ishmaev, S. N.; Sadikov, I. P.; Chernyshev, A. A.; Vindryevsky, B. A.; Sukhoparov, V. A.; Telepnev, A. S.; Kobelyev, G. V.
Neutron structural investigations of solid para-hydrogen at pressures up to 24 kbar Sample: at T = 4.2 K Note: known as para-hydrogen
Zhurnal Eksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki, 1983, 84, 394-403
9013074 CIFH2P 63/m m c3.767; 3.767; 6.136
90; 90; 120
75.406Ishmaev, S. N.; Sadikov, I. P.; Chernyshev, A. A.; Vindryevsky, B. A.; Sukhoparov, V. A.; Telepnev, A. S.; Kobelyev, G. V.
Neutron structural investigations of solid para-hydrogen at pressures up to 24 kbar Sample: at P = .00276 GPa & T = 4.2 K Note: known as para-hydrogen
Zhurnal Eksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki, 1983, 84, 394-403
9013075 CIFH2P 63/m m c3.761; 3.761; 6.154
90; 90; 120
75.387Ishmaev, S. N.; Sadikov, I. P.; Chernyshev, A. A.; Vindryevsky, B. A.; Sukhoparov, V. A.; Telepnev, A. S.; Kobelyev, G. V.
Neutron structural investigations of solid para-hydrogen at pressures up to 24 kbar Sample: at P = .00235 GPa & T = 4.2 K Note: known as para-hydrogen
Zhurnal Eksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki, 1983, 84, 394-403
9013076 CIFH2P 63/m m c3.755; 3.755; 6.119
90; 90; 120
74.719Ishmaev, S. N.; Sadikov, I. P.; Chernyshev, A. A.; Vindryevsky, B. A.; Sukhoparov, V. A.; Telepnev, A. S.; Kobelyev, G. V.
Neutron structural investigations of solid para-hydrogen at pressures up to 24 kbar Sample: at P = .00488 GPa & T = 4.2 K Note: known as para-hydrogen
Zhurnal Eksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki, 1983, 84, 394-403
9013077 CIFH2P 63/m m c3.72; 3.72; 6.078
90; 90; 120
72.841Ishmaev, S. N.; Sadikov, I. P.; Chernyshev, A. A.; Vindryevsky, B. A.; Sukhoparov, V. A.; Telepnev, A. S.; Kobelyev, G. V.
Neutron structural investigations of solid para-hydrogen at pressures up to 24 kbar Sample: at P = .01024 GPa & T = 4.2 K Note: known as para-hydrogen
Zhurnal Eksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki, 1983, 84, 394-403
9013078 CIFH2P 63/m m c3.713; 3.713; 6.056
90; 90; 120
72.305Ishmaev, S. N.; Sadikov, I. P.; Chernyshev, A. A.; Vindryevsky, B. A.; Sukhoparov, V. A.; Telepnev, A. S.; Kobelyev, G. V.
Neutron structural investigations of solid para-hydrogen at pressures up to 24 kbar Sample: at P = .01294 GPa & T = 4.2 K Note: known as para-hydrogen
Zhurnal Eksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki, 1983, 84, 394-403
9013079 CIFH2P 63/m m c3.661; 3.661; 5.972
90; 90; 120
69.319Ishmaev, S. N.; Sadikov, I. P.; Chernyshev, A. A.; Vindryevsky, B. A.; Sukhoparov, V. A.; Telepnev, A. S.; Kobelyev, G. V.
Neutron structural investigations of solid para-hydrogen at pressures up to 24 kbar Sample: at P = .0253 GPa & T = 8.3 K Note: known as para-hydrogen
Zhurnal Eksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki, 1983, 84, 394-403
9013080 CIFH2P 63/m m c3.659; 3.659; 5.975
90; 90; 120
69.278Ishmaev, S. N.; Sadikov, I. P.; Chernyshev, A. A.; Vindryevsky, B. A.; Sukhoparov, V. A.; Telepnev, A. S.; Kobelyev, G. V.
Neutron structural investigations of solid para-hydrogen at pressures up to 24 kbar Sample: at P = .0252 GPa & T = 8.5 K Note: known as para-hydrogen
Zhurnal Eksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki, 1983, 84, 394-403
9013081 CIFH2P 63/m m c3.619; 3.619; 5.905
90; 90; 120
66.977Ishmaev, S. N.; Sadikov, I. P.; Chernyshev, A. A.; Vindryevsky, B. A.; Sukhoparov, V. A.; Telepnev, A. S.; Kobelyev, G. V.
Neutron structural investigations of solid para-hydrogen at pressures up to 24 kbar Sample: at P = .0381 GPa & T = 8.6 K Note: known as para-hydrogen
Zhurnal Eksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki, 1983, 84, 394-403
9013082 CIFH2P 63/m m c3.591; 3.591; 5.863
90; 90; 120
65.476Ishmaev, S. N.; Sadikov, I. P.; Chernyshev, A. A.; Vindryevsky, B. A.; Sukhoparov, V. A.; Telepnev, A. S.; Kobelyev, G. V.
Neutron structural investigations of solid para-hydrogen at pressures up to 24 kbar Sample: at P = .0488 GPa & T = 10.0 K Note: known as para-hydrogen
Zhurnal Eksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki, 1983, 84, 394-403
9013083 CIFH2P 63/m m c3.435; 3.435; 5.594
90; 90; 120
57.162Ishmaev, S. N.; Sadikov, I. P.; Chernyshev, A. A.; Vindryevsky, B. A.; Sukhoparov, V. A.; Telepnev, A. S.; Kobelyev, G. V.
Neutron structural investigations of solid para-hydrogen at pressures up to 24 kbar Sample: at P = .140 GPa & T = 17.3 K Note: known as para-hydrogen
Zhurnal Eksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki, 1983, 84, 394-403
9013084 CIFH2P 63/m m c3.3; 3.3; 5.366
90; 90; 120
50.607Ishmaev, S. N.; Sadikov, I. P.; Chernyshev, A. A.; Vindryevsky, B. A.; Sukhoparov, V. A.; Telepnev, A. S.; Kobelyev, G. V.
Neutron structural investigations of solid para-hydrogen at pressures up to 24 kbar Sample: at P = .300 GPa & T = 16.6 K Note: known as para-hydrogen
Zhurnal Eksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki, 1983, 84, 394-403
9013085 CIFH2P 63/m m c3.207; 3.207; 5.206
90; 90; 120
46.37Ishmaev, S. N.; Sadikov, I. P.; Chernyshev, A. A.; Vindryevsky, B. A.; Sukhoparov, V. A.; Telepnev, A. S.; Kobelyev, G. V.
Neutron structural investigations of solid para-hydrogen at pressures up to 24 kbar Sample: at P = .480 GPa & T = 16.6 K Note: known as para-hydrogen
Zhurnal Eksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki, 1983, 84, 394-403
9013086 CIFH2P 63/m m c3.119; 3.119; 5.086
90; 90; 120
42.849Ishmaev, S. N.; Sadikov, I. P.; Chernyshev, A. A.; Vindryevsky, B. A.; Sukhoparov, V. A.; Telepnev, A. S.; Kobelyev, G. V.
Neutron structural investigations of solid para-hydrogen at pressures up to 24 kbar Sample: at P = .70 GPa & T = 16.0 K Note: known as para-hydrogen
Zhurnal Eksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki, 1983, 84, 394-403
9013087 CIFH2P 63/m m c3.059; 3.059; 4.993
90; 90; 120
40.462Ishmaev, S. N.; Sadikov, I. P.; Chernyshev, A. A.; Vindryevsky, B. A.; Sukhoparov, V. A.; Telepnev, A. S.; Kobelyev, G. V.
Neutron structural investigations of solid para-hydrogen at pressures up to 24 kbar Sample: at P = .94 GPa & T = 16.5 K Note: known as para-hydrogen
Zhurnal Eksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki, 1983, 84, 394-403
9013088 CIFH2P 63/m m c2.998; 2.998; 4.893
90; 90; 120
38.086Ishmaev, S. N.; Sadikov, I. P.; Chernyshev, A. A.; Vindryevsky, B. A.; Sukhoparov, V. A.; Telepnev, A. S.; Kobelyev, G. V.
Neutron structural investigations of solid para-hydrogen at pressures up to 24 kbar Sample: at P = 1.19 GPa & T = 16.8 K Note: known as para-hydrogen
Zhurnal Eksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki, 1983, 84, 394-403
9013089 CIFH2P 63/m m c2.979; 2.979; 4.853
90; 90; 120
37.298Ishmaev, S. N.; Sadikov, I. P.; Chernyshev, A. A.; Vindryevsky, B. A.; Sukhoparov, V. A.; Telepnev, A. S.; Kobelyev, G. V.
Neutron structural investigations of solid para-hydrogen at pressures up to 24 kbar Sample: at P = 1.38 GPa & T = 16.2 K Note: known as para-hydrogen
Zhurnal Eksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki, 1983, 84, 394-403
9013090 CIFH2P 63/m m c2.953; 2.953; 4.809
90; 90; 120
36.317Ishmaev, S. N.; Sadikov, I. P.; Chernyshev, A. A.; Vindryevsky, B. A.; Sukhoparov, V. A.; Telepnev, A. S.; Kobelyev, G. V.
Neutron structural investigations of solid para-hydrogen at pressures up to 24 kbar Sample: at P = 1.51 GPa & T = 16.5 K Note: known as para-hydrogen
Zhurnal Eksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki, 1983, 84, 394-403
9013091 CIFH2P 63/m m c2.929; 2.929; 4.78
90; 90; 120
35.514Ishmaev, S. N.; Sadikov, I. P.; Chernyshev, A. A.; Vindryevsky, B. A.; Sukhoparov, V. A.; Telepnev, A. S.; Kobelyev, G. V.
Neutron structural investigations of solid para-hydrogen at pressures up to 24 kbar Sample: at P = 1.69 GPa & T = 16.4 K Note: known as para-hydrogen
Zhurnal Eksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki, 1983, 84, 394-403
9013092 CIFH2P 63/m m c2.85; 2.85; 4.64
90; 90; 120
32.639Ishmaev, S. N.; Sadikov, I. P.; Chernyshev, A. A.; Vindryevsky, B. A.; Sukhoparov, V. A.; Telepnev, A. S.; Kobelyev, G. V.
Neutron structural investigations of solid para-hydrogen at pressures up to 24 kbar Sample: at P = 2.40 GPa & T = 25.5 K Note: known as para-hydrogen
Zhurnal Eksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki, 1983, 84, 394-403
9013093 CIFMg2 O4 SiP b n m4.7503; 10.187; 5.9771
90; 90; 90
289.24Takeuchi, Y.; Yamanaka, T.; Haga, N.; Hirano, M.
High-temperature crystallography of olivines and spinels T = 25 degree C
Materials Science of the Earth's Interior, edited by Sunagawa, 1984, 1984, 191-231
9013094 CIFMg2 O4 SiP b n m4.758; 10.219; 5.9899
90; 90; 90
291.241Takeuchi, Y.; Yamanaka, T.; Haga, N.; Hirano, M.
High-temperature crystallography of olivines and spinels T = 310 degree C
Materials Science of the Earth's Interior, edited by Sunagawa, 1984, 1984, 191-231
9013095 CIFMg2 O4 SiP b n m4.767; 10.248; 6.0059
90; 90; 90
293.402Takeuchi, Y.; Yamanaka, T.; Haga, N.; Hirano, M.
High-temperature crystallography of olivines and spinels T = 530 degree C
Materials Science of the Earth's Interior, edited by Sunagawa, 1984, 1984, 191-231
9013096 CIFMg2 O4 SiP b n m4.777; 10.269; 6.0184
90; 90; 90
295.233Takeuchi, Y.; Yamanaka, T.; Haga, N.; Hirano, M.
High-temperature crystallography of olivines and spinels T = 700 degree C
Materials Science of the Earth's Interior, edited by Sunagawa, 1984, 1984, 191-231
9013097 CIFMg2 O4 SiP b n m4.789; 10.321; 6.045
90; 90; 90
298.788Takeuchi, Y.; Yamanaka, T.; Haga, N.; Hirano, M.
High-temperature crystallography of olivines and spinels T = 950 degree C
Materials Science of the Earth's Interior, edited by Sunagawa, 1984, 1984, 191-231
9013098 CIFMg2 O4 SiP b n m4.7951; 10.343; 6.0571
90; 90; 90
300.406Takeuchi, Y.; Yamanaka, T.; Haga, N.; Hirano, M.
High-temperature crystallography of olivines and spinels T = 1050 degree C
Materials Science of the Earth's Interior, edited by Sunagawa, 1984, 1984, 191-231
9013099 CIFMg2 O4 SiP b n m4.808; 10.378; 6.077
90; 90; 90
303.227Takeuchi, Y.; Yamanaka, T.; Haga, N.; Hirano, M.
High-temperature crystallography of olivines and spinels T = 1210 degree C
Materials Science of the Earth's Interior, edited by Sunagawa, 1984, 1984, 191-231
9013100 CIFMg2 O4 SiP b n m4.819; 10.424; 6.099
90; 90; 90
306.373Takeuchi, Y.; Yamanaka, T.; Haga, N.; Hirano, M.
High-temperature crystallography of olivines and spinels T = 1400 degree C
Materials Science of the Earth's Interior, edited by Sunagawa, 1984, 1984, 191-231
9013101 CIFMg2 O4 SiP b n m4.834; 10.455; 6.1147
90; 90; 90
309.034Takeuchi, Y.; Yamanaka, T.; Haga, N.; Hirano, M.
High-temperature crystallography of olivines and spinels T = 1600 degree C
Materials Science of the Earth's Interior, edited by Sunagawa, 1984, 1984, 191-231
9013102 CIFSiF d -3 m :15.4304; 5.4304; 5.4304
90; 90; 90
160.138Dutta, B. N.
Lattice constants and thermal expansion of silicon up to 900 C by X-ray method Locality: synthetic Sample: at T = 25 C
Physica Status Solidi, 1962, 2, 984-987
9013103 CIFSiF d -3 m :15.437; 5.437; 5.437
90; 90; 90
160.723Dutta, B. N.
Lattice constants and thermal expansion of silicon up to 900 C by X-ray method Locality: synthetic Sample: at T = 345 C
Physica Status Solidi, 1962, 2, 984-987
9013104 CIFSiF d -3 m :15.441; 5.441; 5.441
90; 90; 90
161.078Dutta, B. N.
Lattice constants and thermal expansion of silicon up to 900 C by X-ray method Locality: synthetic Sample: at T = 525 C
Physica Status Solidi, 1962, 2, 984-987
9013105 CIFSiF d -3 m :15.4432; 5.4432; 5.4432
90; 90; 90
161.273Dutta, B. N.
Lattice constants and thermal expansion of silicon up to 900 C by X-ray method Locality: synthetic Sample: at T = 615 C
Physica Status Solidi, 1962, 2, 984-987
9013106 CIFSiF d -3 m :15.4455; 5.4455; 5.4455
90; 90; 90
161.478Dutta, B. N.
Lattice constants and thermal expansion of silicon up to 900 C by X-ray method Locality: synthetic Sample: at T = 700 C
Physica Status Solidi, 1962, 2, 984-987
9013107 CIFSiF d -3 m :15.448; 5.448; 5.448
90; 90; 90
161.7Dutta, B. N.
Lattice constants and thermal expansion of silicon up to 900 C by X-ray method Locality: synthetic Sample: at T = 785 C
Physica Status Solidi, 1962, 2, 984-987
9013108 CIFSiF d -3 m :15.4515; 5.4515; 5.4515
90; 90; 90
162.012Dutta, B. N.
Lattice constants and thermal expansion of silicon up to 900 C by X-ray method Locality: synthetic Sample: at T = 878 C
Physica Status Solidi, 1962, 2, 984-987
9013109 CIFGeC m c e7.886; 4.656; 4.667
90; 90; 90
171.359Takemura, K.; Schwarz, U.; Syassen, K.; Christensen, N. E.; Hanfland, M.; Novikov, D. L.; Loa, I.
High-pressure structures of Ge above 100 GPa Locality: sytnthetic Sample: at P = 135 GPa Note: structure theoretically calculated based on experimental data
Physica Status Solidi B, 2001, 223, 385-390
9013110 CIFP4P -111.45; 5.503; 11.261
71.84; 90.37; 71.56
635.231Simon, A.; Borrmann, H.; Craubner, H.
Crystal structure of ordered white phosphorus (β-P) Sample: at T = 158.15 K Note: beta phase; transforms from alpha phase at T = 196.75 K
Phosphorus and Sulfur and the Related Elements, 1987, 30, 507-510
9013111 CIFBeP 21 21 22.168; 3.755; 3.416
90; 90; 90
27.809Vijayakumar, V.; Godwal, B. K.; Vohra, Y. K.; Sikka, S. K.; Chidambaram, R.
On the high-pressure phase transition in beryllium metal Sample: at P = 28.3 GPa Note: phase II
Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics, 1984, 14, L65-L68
9013112 CIFAl0.1 Ce0.154 Fe0.22 O22 Si4 Sr3.846 Ti3.68 ZrC 1 2/m 113.983; 5.6722; 11.996
90; 114.215; 90
867.739Miyawaki, R.; Matsubara, S.; Miyajima, H.
The crystal structure of rengeite, Sr4ZrTi4(Si2O7)2O8 Sample: C2/m refinement
Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences, 2002, 97, 7-12
9013113 CIFAl0.1 Ce0.158 Fe0.2 O22 Si4 Sr3.842 Ti3.7 ZrP 1 21/a 113.983; 5.6722; 11.996
90; 114.215; 90
867.739Miyawaki, R.; Matsubara, S.; Miyajima, H.
The crystal structure of rengeite, Sr4ZrTi4(Si2O7)2O8 Sample: P2_1/a refinement
Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences, 2002, 97, 7-12
9013114 CIFBa0.05 K0.95 Li Mg0.431 Mn1.569 Na2 O24 Si8 Ti0.34 V1.66C 1 c 116.45; 12.492; 9.995
90; 115.32; 90
1856.59Matsubara, S.; Miyawaki, R.; Kurosawa, M.; Suzuki, Y.
Watatsumiite, KNa2LiMn2V2Si8O24, a new mineral from the Tanohata mine, Iwate Prefecture, Japan Locality: metamorphosed manganese ore deposit, Tanohata mine, Iwate Prefecture, Japan
Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences, 2003, 98, 142-150
9013115 CIFFe1.345 Mn0.559 Nb1.691 O10 Sn0.016 Ta0.351 Ti0.102 W0.919P b c n23.706; 5.723; 5.045
90; 90; 90
684.452Zhizhong, P.; Su, W.; Zhesheng, M.; Guangming, Y.
The crystal structure of qitianlingite (Fe2Nb2WO10)
Kexue Tongbao, 1988, 33, 856-861
9013116 CIFBr2C m c e6.5672; 4.4678; 8.6938
90; 90; 90
255.084Powell, B. M.; Heal, K. M.; Torrie, B. H.
The temperature dependence of the crystal structures of the solid halogens, bromine and chlorine Locality: synthetic Sample: at T = 5 K
Molecular Physics, 1984, 53, 929-939
9013117 CIFBr2C m c e6.5982; 4.4933; 8.7014
90; 90; 90
257.976Powell, B. M.; Heal, K. M.; Torrie, B. H.
The temperature dependence of the crystal structures of the solid halogens, bromine and chlorine Locality: synthetic Sample: at T = 80 K
Molecular Physics, 1984, 53, 929-939
9013118 CIFBr2C m c e6.6567; 4.5541; 8.7068
90; 90; 90
263.949Powell, B. M.; Heal, K. M.; Torrie, B. H.
The temperature dependence of the crystal structures of the solid halogens, bromine and chlorine Locality: synthetic Sample: at T = 170 K
Molecular Physics, 1984, 53, 929-939
9013119 CIFBr2C m c e6.7265; 4.6451; 8.7023
90; 90; 90
271.906Powell, B. M.; Heal, K. M.; Torrie, B. H.
The temperature dependence of the crystal structures of the solid halogens, bromine and chlorine Locality: synthetic Sample: at T = 250 K
Molecular Physics, 1984, 53, 929-939
9013120 CIFCl2C m c e6.1453; 4.3954; 8.1537
90; 90; 90
220.24Powell, B. M.; Heal, K. M.; Torrie, B. H.
The temperature dependence of the crystal structures of the solid halogens, bromine and chlorine Locality: synthetic Sample: at T = 22 K
Molecular Physics, 1984, 53, 929-939
9013121 CIFCl2C m c e6.1804; 4.4174; 8.1711
90; 90; 90
223.082Powell, B. M.; Heal, K. M.; Torrie, B. H.
The temperature dependence of the crystal structures of the solid halogens, bromine and chlorine Locality: synthetic Sample: at T = 55 K
Molecular Physics, 1984, 53, 929-939
9013122 CIFCl2C m c e6.2235; 4.4561; 8.1785
90; 90; 90
226.811Powell, B. M.; Heal, K. M.; Torrie, B. H.
The temperature dependence of the crystal structures of the solid halogens, bromine and chlorine Locality: synthetic Sample: at T = 100 K
Molecular Physics, 1984, 53, 929-939
9013123 CIFCl2C m c e6.2929; 4.5361; 8.1617
90; 90; 90
232.978Powell, B. M.; Heal, K. M.; Torrie, B. H.
The temperature dependence of the crystal structures of the solid halogens, bromine and chlorine Locality: synthetic Sample: at T = 160 K
Molecular Physics, 1984, 53, 929-939
9013124 CIFSeR -3 m :H3.965; 3.965; 3.091
90; 90; 120
42.084Akahama, Y.; Kobayashi, M.; Kawamura, H.
Structural study on pressure-induced phase transition from beta-Po type to bcc in selenium at 140 GPa Locality: synthetic Sample: at P = 66 GPa Note: structure known as beta-Po type, phase Se V
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 1992, 31, 1621-1624
9013125 CIFSeR -3 m :H3.937; 3.937; 3.044
90; 90; 120
40.861Akahama, Y.; Kobayashi, M.; Kawamura, H.
Structural study on pressure-induced phase transition from beta-Po type to bcc in selenium at 140 GPa Locality: synthetic Sample: at P = 76.9 GPa Note: structure known as beta-Po type, phase Se V
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 1992, 31, 1621-1624
9013126 CIFSeR -3 m :H3.908; 3.908; 2.985
90; 90; 120
39.481Akahama, Y.; Kobayashi, M.; Kawamura, H.
Structural study on pressure-induced phase transition from beta-Po type to bcc in selenium at 140 GPa Locality: synthetic Sample: at P = 86.2 GPa Note: structure known as beta-Po type, phase Se V
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 1992, 31, 1621-1624
9013127 CIFSeR -3 m :H3.892; 3.892; 2.9572
90; 90; 120
38.793Akahama, Y.; Kobayashi, M.; Kawamura, H.
Structural study on pressure-induced phase transition from beta-Po type to bcc in selenium at 140 GPa Locality: synthetic Sample: at P = 87.9 GPa Note: structure known as beta-Po type, phase Se V
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 1992, 31, 1621-1624
9013128 CIFSeR -3 m :H3.8704; 3.8704; 2.9123
90; 90; 120
37.781Akahama, Y.; Kobayashi, M.; Kawamura, H.
Structural study on pressure-induced phase transition from beta-Po type to bcc in selenium at 140 GPa Locality: synthetic Sample: at P = 101.3 GPa Note: structure known as beta-Po type, phase Se V
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 1992, 31, 1621-1624
9013129 CIFSeR -3 m :H3.834; 3.834; 2.848
90; 90; 120
36.256Akahama, Y.; Kobayashi, M.; Kawamura, H.
Structural study on pressure-induced phase transition from beta-Po type to bcc in selenium at 140 GPa Locality: synthetic Sample: at P = 110 GPa Note: structure known as beta-Po type, phase Se V
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 1992, 31, 1621-1624
9013130 CIFSeR -3 m :H3.829; 3.829; 2.791
90; 90; 120
35.437Akahama, Y.; Kobayashi, M.; Kawamura, H.
Structural study on pressure-induced phase transition from beta-Po type to bcc in selenium at 140 GPa Locality: synthetic Sample: at P = 120 GPa Note: structure known as beta-Po type, phase Se V
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 1992, 31, 1621-1624
9013131 CIFSeR -3 m :H3.838; 3.838; 2.695
90; 90; 120
34.379Akahama, Y.; Kobayashi, M.; Kawamura, H.
Structural study on pressure-induced phase transition from beta-Po type to bcc in selenium at 140 GPa Locality: synthetic Sample: at P = 130 GPa Note: structure known as beta-Po type, phase Se V
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 1992, 31, 1621-1624
9013132 CIFSeR -3 m :H3.85; 3.85; 2.645
90; 90; 120
33.953Akahama, Y.; Kobayashi, M.; Kawamura, H.
Structural study on pressure-induced phase transition from beta-Po type to bcc in selenium at 140 GPa Locality: synthetic Sample: at P = 140 GPa Note: structure known as beta-Po type, phase Se V
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 1992, 31, 1621-1624
9013133 CIFSeR -3 m :H3.844; 3.844; 2.635
90; 90; 120
33.719Akahama, Y.; Kobayashi, M.; Kawamura, H.
Structural study on pressure-induced phase transition from beta-Po type to bcc in selenium at 140 GPa Locality: synthetic Sample: at P = 142.5 GPa Note: structure known as beta-Po type, phase Se V
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 1992, 31, 1621-1624
9013134 CIFSeI m -3 m2.822; 2.822; 2.822
90; 90; 90
22.474Akahama, Y.; Kobayashi, M.; Kawamura, H.
Structural study on pressure-induced phase transition from beta-Po type to bcc in selenium at 140 GPa Locality: synthetic Sample: at P = 140 GPa Note: structure known as bcc, phase Se VI
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 1992, 31, 1621-1624
9013135 CIFSeI m -3 m2.8159; 2.8159; 2.8159
90; 90; 90
22.328Akahama, Y.; Kobayashi, M.; Kawamura, H.
Structural study on pressure-induced phase transition from beta-Po type to bcc in selenium at 140 GPa Locality: synthetic Sample: at P = 142.5 GPa Note: structure known as bcc, phase Se VI
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 1992, 31, 1621-1624
9013136 CIFSeI m -3 m2.8076; 2.8076; 2.8076
90; 90; 90
22.131Akahama, Y.; Kobayashi, M.; Kawamura, H.
Structural study on pressure-induced phase transition from beta-Po type to bcc in selenium at 140 GPa Locality: synthetic Sample: at P = 146.5 GPa Note: structure known as bcc, phase Se VI
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 1992, 31, 1621-1624
9013137 CIFSeI m -3 m2.7941; 2.7941; 2.7941
90; 90; 90
21.814Akahama, Y.; Kobayashi, M.; Kawamura, H.
Structural study on pressure-induced phase transition from beta-Po type to bcc in selenium at 140 GPa Locality: synthetic Sample: at P = 150 GPa Note: structure known as bcc, phase Se VI
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 1992, 31, 1621-1624
9013138 CIFSe6R -3 :H11.362; 11.362; 4.429
90; 90; 120
495.16Miyamoto, Y.
Structure and phase transformation of rhombohedral selenium composed of Se6 molecules Locality: synthetic
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 1980, 19, 1813-1819
9013139 CIFN4 Si3P 3 1 c7.765; 7.765; 5.6275
90; 90; 120
293.852Yang, P.; Fun, H.-K.; Rahman, I. A.; Saleh, M. I.
Two phase refinements of the structures of a-Si3N4 and B-Si3N4 made from rice husk by Rietveld analysis Locality: synthetic Sample: Alpha phase Note: changed N4 location to match reported bond distances
Ceramics International, 1995, 21, 137-142
9013140 CIFN4 Si3P 63/m7.6093; 7.6093; 2.9079
90; 90; 120
145.814Yang, P.; Fun, H.-K.; Rahman, I. A.; Saleh, M. I.
Two phase refinements of the structures of a-Si3N4 and B-Si3N4 made from rice husk by Rietveld analysis Sample: Beta phase
Ceramics International, 1995, 21, 137-142
9013141 CIFBi2 O5 TeA e m 211.602; 16.461; 5.523
90; 90; 90
1054.79Mercurio, D.; El Farissi, M.; Frit, B.; Goursat, P.
Etude structurale et densification d'un nouveau materiau piezoelectrique: Bi2TeO5 Locality: synthetic
Materials Chemistry and Physics, 1983, 9, 467-476
9013142 CIFAg3 As S3C 1 2/c 112.02; 6.262; 17.08
90; 110.9; 90
1201.01Rosenstingl, J.; Pertlik, F.
Neuberechnung der kristallstruktur von naturlichem und synthetischem monoklinen Ag3AsS3 (= xanthokon) nebst einer diskussion zur symmetrie
Mitteilungen der Osterreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, 1993, 138, 9-16
9013143 CIFH18 Na2 O12 SiI b c a11.7119; 19.973; 11.5652
90; 90; 90
2705.35Pekova, I. V.; Chukanov, N. V.; Zadov, A. E.; Zubkova, N. V.; Pushcharovsky D Yu
Chesnokovite, Na2[SiO2(OH)2]*8H2O, the first natural sodium orthosilicate from the Lovozero alkaline pluton, Kola Peninsula: Description and crystal structure of a new mineral species Locality: Mt. Kedykverpakhk, Lovozero alkaline pluton, Kola Peninsula, Russia
Geology of Ore Deposits, 2007, 49, 727-738
9013144 CIFCa0.44 Ce2.1 Fe1.72 La1.46 Mg0.4 Nb0.04 O22 Si4 Ti2.84P 1 21/a 113.4656; 5.7356; 11.0977
90; 100.636; 90
842.386Li, G.; Yang, G.; Ma, Z.; Shi, N.; Xiong, M.; Sheng, G.; Fan, H.
The crystal structure of a new mineral dingdaohengite-(Ce)
Kuangwu Xuebao, 2005, 25, 313-320
9013145 CIFCa0.44 Ce2.1 Fe1.72 La1.46 Mg0.4 Nb0.04 O22 Si4 Ti2.84C 1 2/m 113.4656; 5.7356; 11.0977
90; 100.636; 90
842.386Li, G.; Yang, G.; Ma, Z.; Shi, N.; Xiong, M.; Sheng, G.; Fan, H.
The crystal structure of a new mineral dingdaohengite-(Ce)
Kuangwu Xuebao, 2005, 25, 313-320
9013146 CIFAl5 H42 K3 O50 P8R -3 c :H8.7025; 8.7025; 95.05
90; 90; 120
6234.06Dick, S.; Gossner, U.; Weiss, A.; Robl, C.; Grossman, G.; Ohms, G.; Zeiske, T.
Taranakite - the mineral with the longest crystallographic axis
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 1998, 269, 47-57
9013147 CIFCo Cr2 O4F d -3 m :28.3346; 8.3346; 8.3346
90; 90; 90
578.968Garcia Casado, P.; Rasines, I.
Preparation and crystal data of the spinel series Co1+2sCr2-3sSb3O4 Sample: s = 0.00
Polyhedron, 1986, 5, 787-789
9013148 CIFCo1.2 Cr1.7 O4 Sb0.1F d -3 m :28.3461; 8.3461; 8.3461
90; 90; 90
581.368Garcia Casado, P.; Rasines, I.
Preparation and crystal data of the spinel series Co1+2sCr2-3sSb3O4 Sample: s = 0.10, Co1.2Cr1.7Sb.1O4
Polyhedron, 1986, 5, 787-789
9013149 CIFCo1.4 Cr1.4 O4 Sb0.2F d -3 m :28.3783; 8.3783; 8.3783
90; 90; 90
588.122Garcia Casado, P.; Rasines, I.
Preparation and crystal data of the spinel series Co1+2sCr2-3sSb3O4 Sample: s = 0.20, Co1.4Cr1.4Sb.2O4
Polyhedron, 1986, 5, 787-789
9013150 CIFCo1.6 Cr1.1 O4 Sb0.3F d -3 m :28.4187; 8.4187; 8.4187
90; 90; 90
596.671Garcia Casado, P.; Rasines, I.
Preparation and crystal data of the spinel series Co1+2sCr2-3sSb3O4 Sample: s = 0.30, Co1.6Cr1.1Sb.3O4
Polyhedron, 1986, 5, 787-789
9013151 CIFCo1.8 Cr0.8 O4 Sb0.4F d -3 m :28.4577; 8.4577; 8.4577
90; 90; 90
605.002Garcia Casado, P.; Rasines, I.
Preparation and crystal data of the spinel series Co1+2sCr2-3sSb3O4 Sample: s = 0.40, Co1.8Cr.8Sb.4O4
Polyhedron, 1986, 5, 787-789
9013152 CIFCo2 Cr0.5 O4 Sb0.5F d -3 m :28.4909; 8.4909; 8.4909
90; 90; 90
612.155Garcia Casado, P.; Rasines, I.
Preparation and crystal data of the spinel series Co1+2sCr2-3sSb3O4 Sample: s = 0.50, Co2Cr.5Sb.5O4
Polyhedron, 1986, 5, 787-789
9013153 CIFCo2.2 Cr0.2 O4 Sb0.6F d -3 m :28.5185; 8.5185; 8.5185
90; 90; 90
618.144Garcia Casado, P.; Rasines, I.
Preparation and crystal data of the spinel series Co1+2sCr2-3sSb3O4 Sample: s = 0.60, Co2.2Cr.2Sb.6O4
Polyhedron, 1986, 5, 787-789
9013154 CIFCo2.333 O4 Sb0.667F d -3 m :28.533; 8.533; 8.533
90; 90; 90
621.306Garcia Casado, P.; Rasines, I.
Preparation and crystal data of the spinel series Co1+2sCr2-3sSb3O4 Sample: s = 2/3, Co2.333Sb.667O4
Polyhedron, 1986, 5, 787-789
9013155 CIFAl2 Ba2 Ca F14 MgC 1 2/c 113.565; 5.2; 14.577
90; 91.5; 90
1027.88Litvin, A. L.; Petrunina, A. A.; Ostapenko, S. S.
Crystal structure of usovite
Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukrainskoi RSR Seriya B-Geologichni Khimichni Ta Biologichni Nauki, 1980, 3, 47-80
9013156 CIFAl3.96 Cu1.12 F2 Fe0.04 H28 O28.72 P4 V0.88P 1 21/c 14.961; 12.181; 18.974
90; 90.96; 90
1146.44Colchester, D. M.; Leverett, P.; McKinnon, A. R.; Sharpe, J. L.; Williams, P. A.
Cloncurryite, Cu0.56(VO)0.44Al2(PO4)2(F,OH)2*5H2O, a new mineral from the Great Australia mine, Cloncurry, Queensland, Australia, and its relationship to nevadaite Locality: Great Australia mine, Concurry, Queensland, Australia
Australian Journal of Mineralogy, 2007, 13, 5-14
9013157 CIFCa Cu H10.88 O14 P2 UC 1 2/m 112.79; 6.85; 13.02
90; 91.03; 90
1140.52Birch, W. D.; Mumme, W. G.; Segnit, E. R.
Ulrichite: a new copper calcium uranium phosphate from Lake Boga, Victoria, Australia Locality: Lake Boga, Victoria, Australia
Australian Mineralogist, 1988, 3, 125-131
9013158 CIFSb SnR -3 m :R6.124; 6.124; 6.124
89.38; 89.38; 89.38
229.631Hagg, G.; Hybinette, A. G.
X-ray studies on the systems of tin-antimony and tin-arsenic
The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, 1935, 20, 913-929
9013159 CIFCr Fe PP n m a5.833; 3.569; 6.658
90; 90; 90
138.606Kumar, S.; Krishnamurthy, A.; Srivastava, B. K.; Das, A.; Paranjpe, S. K.
Magnetization and neutron diffraction studies on FeCrP
Pramana - Journal of Physics, 2004, 63, 199-205
9013160 CIFH46 K Na8 O46 Si9P 1 21/c 124.8219; 11.9236; 14.8765
90; 94.486; 90
4389.46Zubkova, N. V.; Pekov, I. V.; Chukanov, N. V.; Listsin, D. V.; Rabadanov, M. K.; Pushcharovsky, D. Y.
New data on megacyclite
New Data on Minerals. Moscow, 2007, 42, 81-92
9013161 CIFFe4 H4 K2 Mg2 Na2 O30 Si8 Ti2A 1 2 110.37; 23.129; 5.322
90; 99.55; 90
1258.78Shi, N.; Ma, Z.; Li, G.; Yamnova, M. A.; Pushcharovsky, D. Y.
Structure Refinement of Monoclinic Astrophyllite
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 1998, 54, 109-114
9013162 CIFS ZnP 63 m c3.812; 3.812; 18.68999
90; 90; 120
235.204Myer, G. H.
Hydrothermal wurtzite at Thomaston Dam, Connecticut
American Mineralogist, 1962, 47, 977-979
9013163 CIFAl2 Na2 O10 Si3C 1 2 1 (a+2*c,a,b)16.167; 16.938; 6.438
90; 90; 89.68
1762.93Wang, H.; Bish, D. L.
A PH2O-dependent structural phase transition in the zeolite natrolite Sample: alpha1-metanatrolite at 400 C, 0.15 mbar
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1191-1194
9013164 CIFCa H4 O6 SC 1 2/c 16.277; 15.181; 5.672
90; 114.11; 90
493.34Comodi, P.; Nazzareni, S.; Zanazzi, P. F.; Speziale, S.
High-pressure behavior of gypsum: A single-crystal X-ray study Note: P = 0.0001 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1530-1537
9013165 CIFCa H4 O6 SC 1 2/c 16.282; 15.175; 5.673
90; 114.13; 90
493.548Comodi, P.; Nazzareni, S.; Zanazzi, P. F.; Speziale, S.
High-pressure behavior of gypsum: A single-crystal X-ray study Locality: Valle di Caramanico, Abruzzo, Italy Note: P = 0.25 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1530-1537
9013166 CIFCa H4 O6 SC 1 2/c 16.269; 15.14; 5.665
90; 114.1; 90
490.813Comodi, P.; Nazzareni, S.; Zanazzi, P. F.; Speziale, S.
High-pressure behavior of gypsum: A single-crystal X-ray study Locality: Valle di Caramanico, Abruzzo, Italy Note: P = 0.33 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1530-1537
9013167 CIFCa H4 O6 SC 1 2/c 16.263; 15.163; 5.662
90; 114.24; 90
490.29Comodi, P.; Nazzareni, S.; Zanazzi, P. F.; Speziale, S.
High-pressure behavior of gypsum: A single-crystal X-ray study Locality: Valle di Caramanico, Abruzzo, Italy Note: P = 0.56 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1530-1537
9013168 CIFCa H4 O6 SC 1 2/c 16.241; 15.13; 5.645
90; 114.42; 90
485.351Comodi, P.; Nazzareni, S.; Zanazzi, P. F.; Speziale, S.
High-pressure behavior of gypsum: A single-crystal X-ray study Locality: Valle di Caramanico, Abruzzo, Italy Note: P = 1.01 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1530-1537
9013169 CIFCa H4 O6 SC 1 2/c 16.2; 15.01; 5.61
90; 114.86; 90
473.701Comodi, P.; Nazzareni, S.; Zanazzi, P. F.; Speziale, S.
High-pressure behavior of gypsum: A single-crystal X-ray study Locality: Valle di Caramanico, Abruzzo, Italy Note: P = 2.03 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1530-1537
9013170 CIFCa H4 O6 SC 1 2/c 16.162; 14.965; 5.58
90; 115.38; 90
464.894Comodi, P.; Nazzareni, S.; Zanazzi, P. F.; Speziale, S.
High-pressure behavior of gypsum: A single-crystal X-ray study Locality: Valle di Caramanico, Abruzzo, Italy Note: P = 3.15 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1530-1537
9013171 CIFCa H4 O6 SC 1 2/c 16.136; 14.912; 5.556
90; 115.73; 90
457.969Comodi, P.; Nazzareni, S.; Zanazzi, P. F.; Speziale, S.
High-pressure behavior of gypsum: A single-crystal X-ray study Locality: Valle di Caramanico, Abruzzo, Italy Note: P = 3.94 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1530-1537
9013172 CIFBe Ca F0.776 H0.224 O4.224 PP 1 21/a 19.7446; 7.6769; 4.7633
90; 90.667; 90
356.31Harlow, G. E.; Hawthorne, F. C.
Herderite from Mogok, Myanmar, and comparison with hydroxyl-herderite from Ehrenfriedersdorf, Germany Note: 108370
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1545-1549
9013173 CIFBe Ca F0.515 H0.485 O4.485 PP 1 21/a 19.7615; 7.668; 4.7853
90; 90.184; 90
358.184Harlow, G. E.; Hawthorne, F. C.
Herderite from Mogok, Myanmar, and comparison with hydroxyl-herderite from Ehrenfriedersdorf, Germany Locality: Sauberg mine, Morgenrother Zug, Ehrenfriedersdorf, Germany Note: 20517 Note: Occupancies derived from X-ray diffraction analysis
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1545-1549
9013174 CIFBe Ca F0.48 H0.52 O4.52 PP 1 21/a 19.7615; 7.668; 4.7853
90; 90.184; 90
358.184Harlow, G. E.; Hawthorne, F. C.
Herderite from Mogok, Myanmar, and comparison with hydroxyl-herderite from Ehrenfriedersdorf, Germany Locality: Sauberg mine, Morgenrother Zug, Ehrenfriedersdorf, Germany Note: 20517 Note: Occupancies derived from electron-microprobe analysis
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1545-1549
9013175 CIFAl D0.744 H0.256 O2P 21 n m4.7179; 4.2361; 2.8323
90; 90; 90
56.605Furukawa, A. S.; Komatsu, K.; Vanpeteghem, C. B.; Ohtani, E.
Neutron diffraction study of delta-AlOOD at high pressure and its implication for symmetrization of the hydrogen bond Note: P = 0.0001 GPa Locality: synthetic
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1558-1567
9013176 CIFAl D0.744 H0.256 O2P 21 n m4.7112; 4.2284; 2.8296
90; 90; 90
56.368Furukawa, A. S.; Komatsu, K.; Vanpeteghem, C. B.; Ohtani, E.
Neutron diffraction study of delta-AlOOD at high pressure and its implication for symmetrization of the hydrogen bond Note: P = 0.6 GPa Locality: synthetic
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1558-1567
9013177 CIFAl D0.744 H0.256 O2P 21 n m4.6969; 4.2133; 2.8243
90; 90; 90
55.891Furukawa, A. S.; Komatsu, K.; Vanpeteghem, C. B.; Ohtani, E.
Neutron diffraction study of delta-AlOOD at high pressure and its implication for symmetrization of the hydrogen bond Note: P = 2.0 GPa Locality: synthetic
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1558-1567
9013178 CIFAl D0.744 H0.256 O2P 21 n m4.6827; 4.1962; 2.8181
90; 90; 90
55.374Furukawa, A. S.; Komatsu, K.; Vanpeteghem, C. B.; Ohtani, E.
Neutron diffraction study of delta-AlOOD at high pressure and its implication for symmetrization of the hydrogen bond Note: P = 3.5 GPa Locality: synthetic
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1558-1567
9013179 CIFAl D0.744 H0.256 O2P 21 n m4.6706; 4.1836; 2.8129
90; 90; 90
54.964Furukawa, A. S.; Komatsu, K.; Vanpeteghem, C. B.; Ohtani, E.
Neutron diffraction study of delta-AlOOD at high pressure and its implication for symmetrization of the hydrogen bond Note: P = 4.7 GPa Locality: synthetic
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1558-1567
9013180 CIFAl D0.744 H0.256 O2P 21 n m4.6601; 4.1711; 2.8076
90; 90; 90
54.573Furukawa, A. S.; Komatsu, K.; Vanpeteghem, C. B.; Ohtani, E.
Neutron diffraction study of delta-AlOOD at high pressure and its implication for symmetrization of the hydrogen bond Note: P = 6.0 GPa Locality: synthetic
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1558-1567
9013181 CIFAl D0.744 H0.256 O2P 21 n m4.6506; 4.161; 2.8033
90; 90; 90
54.247Furukawa, A. S.; Komatsu, K.; Vanpeteghem, C. B.; Ohtani, E.
Neutron diffraction study of delta-AlOOD at high pressure and its implication for symmetrization of the hydrogen bond Note: P = 7.0 GPa Locality: synthetic
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1558-1567
9013182 CIFAl D0.744 H0.256 O2P 21 n m4.6432; 4.1529; 2.8
90; 90; 90
53.992Furukawa, A. S.; Komatsu, K.; Vanpeteghem, C. B.; Ohtani, E.
Neutron diffraction study of delta-AlOOD at high pressure and its implication for symmetrization of the hydrogen bond Note: P = 7. 9 GPa Locality: synthetic
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1558-1567
9013183 CIFAl D0.744 H0.256 O2P 21 n m4.6393; 4.1477; 2.7978
90; 90; 90
53.836Furukawa, A. S.; Komatsu, K.; Vanpeteghem, C. B.; Ohtani, E.
Neutron diffraction study of delta-AlOOD at high pressure and its implication for symmetrization of the hydrogen bond Note: P = 8.4 GPa Locality: synthetic
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1558-1567
9013184 CIFAl D0.744 H0.256 O2P 21 n m4.6357; 4.1434; 2.7961
90; 90; 90
53.706Furukawa, A. S.; Komatsu, K.; Vanpeteghem, C. B.; Ohtani, E.
Neutron diffraction study of delta-AlOOD at high pressure and its implication for symmetrization of the hydrogen bond Note: P = 8.9 GPa Locality: synthetic
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1558-1567
9013185 CIFAl D0.744 H0.256 O2P 21 n m4.6328; 4.1401; 2.7947
90; 90; 90
53.603Furukawa, A. S.; Komatsu, K.; Vanpeteghem, C. B.; Ohtani, E.
Neutron diffraction study of delta-AlOOD at high pressure and its implication for symmetrization of the hydrogen bond Note: P = 9.2 GPa Locality: synthetic
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1558-1567
9013186 CIFAl0.99 Fe0.009 K0.948 Na0.026 O6 Si2.001I 41/a :213.084; 13.084; 13.784
90; 90; 90
2359.7Gatta, G. D.; Rotiroti, N.; Ballaran, T. B.; Pavese, A.
Leucite at high pressure: Elastic behavior, phase stability, and petrological implications Locality: Sabatini volcanic district, Lazium, Italy Note: P = 0.0001 GPa in air
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1588-1596
9013187 CIFAl0.99 Fe0.009 K0.948 Na0.026 O6 Si2.001I 41/a :213.097; 13.097; 13.755
90; 90; 90
2359.42Gatta, G. D.; Rotiroti, N.; Ballaran, T. B.; Pavese, A.
Leucite at high pressure: Elastic behavior, phase stability, and petrological implications Note: P = 0.0001 GPa in diamond cell
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1588-1596
9013188 CIFAl0.99 Fe0.009 K0.948 Na0.026 O6 Si2.001I 41/a :213.053; 13.053; 13.732
90; 90; 90
2339.67Gatta, G. D.; Rotiroti, N.; Ballaran, T. B.; Pavese, A.
Leucite at high pressure: Elastic behavior, phase stability, and petrological implications Note: P = 0.38 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1588-1596
9013189 CIFAl0.99 Fe0.009 K0.948 Na0.026 O6 Si2.001I 41/a :212.955; 12.955; 13.684
90; 90; 90
2296.61Gatta, G. D.; Rotiroti, N.; Ballaran, T. B.; Pavese, A.
Leucite at high pressure: Elastic behavior, phase stability, and petrological implications Note: P = 1.20 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1588-1596
9013190 CIFAl0.99 Fe0.009 K0.948 Na0.026 O6 Si2.001I 41/a :212.891; 12.891; 13.653
90; 90; 90
2268.83Gatta, G. D.; Rotiroti, N.; Ballaran, T. B.; Pavese, A.
Leucite at high pressure: Elastic behavior, phase stability, and petrological implications Note: P = 1.77 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1588-1596
9013191 CIFAl0.99 Fe0.009 K0.948 Na0.026 O6 Si2.001I 41/a :213.073; 13.073; 13.731
90; 90; 90
2346.67Gatta, G. D.; Rotiroti, N.; Ballaran, T. B.; Pavese, A.
Leucite at high pressure: Elastic behavior, phase stability, and petrological implications Note: P = .0001 GPa in air after decompression
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1588-1596
9013192 CIFBi0.99 Br0.67 Cl0.35 I0.02 S0.97P n a m8.0424; 9.8511; 4.0328
90; 90; 90
319.505Demartin, F.; Gramaccioli, C. M.; Campostrini, I.; Orlandi, P.
Demicheleite, BiSBr, a new mineral from La Fossa crater, Vulcano, Aeolian Islands, Italy
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1603-1607
9013193 CIFAl5.28 B3 Ca0.29 F0.08 Fe1.449 H3.54 K0.01 Mg2.241 Mn0.021 Na0.64 O30.92 Si6 Ti0.009R 3 m :H15.9875; 15.9875; 7.2372
90; 90; 120
1602Bosi, F.
Disordering of Fe2+ over octahedrally coordinated sites of tourmaline
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1647-1653
9013194 CIFBr Cl2 Hg12 O6 SbP 313.56; 13.56; 10.004
90; 90; 120
1593.03Pervukhina, N. V.; Borisov, S. V.; Magarill, S. A.; Naumov, D. Y.; Vasilev, V. I.
The crystal structure of kelyanite (Hg2)6(SbO6)BrCl2
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1666-1669
9013195 CIFMg OF m -3 m4.144; 4.144; 4.144
90; 90; 90
71.164Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 8.5 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 8.5 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013196 CIFMg OF m -3 m4.118; 4.118; 4.118
90; 90; 90
69.833Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 12.2 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 12.4 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013197 CIFMg OF m -3 m4.097; 4.097; 4.097
90; 90; 90
68.77Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 15.3 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 15.7 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013198 CIFMg OF m -3 m4.08; 4.08; 4.08
90; 90; 90
67.917Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 18.2 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 18.5 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013199 CIFMg OF m -3 m4.051; 4.051; 4.051
90; 90; 90
66.479Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 23.4 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 23.6 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013200 CIFMg OF m -3 m4.026; 4.026; 4.026
90; 90; 90
65.256Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 28.1 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 28.3 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013201 CIFMg OF m -3 m4.017; 4.017; 4.017
90; 90; 90
64.819Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 29.9 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 30.3 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013202 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.992; 3.992; 3.992
90; 90; 90
63.617Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 34.5 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 35.5 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013203 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.977; 3.977; 3.977
90; 90; 90
62.902Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 37.6 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 39.1 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013204 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.964; 3.964; 3.964
90; 90; 90
62.288Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 40.4 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 42.0 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013205 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.952; 3.952; 3.952
90; 90; 90
61.724Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 42.9 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 44.8 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013206 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.937; 3.937; 3.937
90; 90; 90
61.023Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 46.9 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 48.7 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013207 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.924; 3.924; 3.924
90; 90; 90
60.421Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 49.7 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 52.1 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013208 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.913; 3.913; 3.913
90; 90; 90
59.914Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 53.0 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 55.1 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013209 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.902; 3.902; 3.902
90; 90; 90
59.41Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 56.1 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 58.1 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013210 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.89; 3.89; 3.89
90; 90; 90
58.864Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 59.5 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 61.7 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013211 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.878; 3.878; 3.878
90; 90; 90
58.321Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 62.8 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 65.3 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013212 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.869; 3.869; 3.869
90; 90; 90
57.916Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 65.6 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 68.2 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013213 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.859; 3.859; 3.859
90; 90; 90
57.468Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 68.3 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 71.3 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013214 CIFMg OF m -3 m4.158; 4.158; 4.158
90; 90; 90
71.888Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 6.5 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 6.6 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013215 CIFMg OF m -3 m4.144; 4.144; 4.144
90; 90; 90
71.164Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 8.4 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 8.6 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013216 CIFMg OF m -3 m4.123; 4.123; 4.123
90; 90; 90
70.087Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 11.5 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 11.7 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013217 CIFMg OF m -3 m4.111; 4.111; 4.111
90; 90; 90
69.477Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 13.3 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 13.5 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013218 CIFMg OF m -3 m4.078; 4.078; 4.078
90; 90; 90
67.817Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 18.6 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 18.9 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013219 CIFMg OF m -3 m4.055; 4.055; 4.055
90; 90; 90
66.676Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 22.6 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 23.0 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013220 CIFMg OF m -3 m4.029; 4.029; 4.029
90; 90; 90
65.402Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 27.4 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 27.8 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013221 CIFMg OF m -3 m4.175; 4.175; 4.175
90; 90; 90
72.773Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 4.3 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 4.4 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013222 CIFMg OF m -3 m4.145; 4.145; 4.145
90; 90; 90
71.215Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 7.9 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 8.4 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013223 CIFMg OF m -3 m4.119; 4.119; 4.119
90; 90; 90
69.884Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 11.6 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 12.1 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013224 CIFMg OF m -3 m4.081; 4.081; 4.081
90; 90; 90
67.967Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 17.8 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 18.3 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013225 CIFMg OF m -3 m4.047; 4.047; 4.047
90; 90; 90
66.283Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 23.9 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 24.4 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013226 CIFMg OF m -3 m4.011; 4.011; 4.011
90; 90; 90
64.529Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 30.6 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 31.5 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013227 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.983; 3.983; 3.983
90; 90; 90
63.187Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 36.5 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 37.6 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013228 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.967; 3.967; 3.967
90; 90; 90
62.429Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 40.1 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 41.4 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013229 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.948; 3.948; 3.948
90; 90; 90
61.536Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 43.7 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 45.9 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013230 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.937; 3.937; 3.937
90; 90; 90
61.023Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 46.8 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 48.7 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013231 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.92; 3.92; 3.92
90; 90; 90
60.236Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 51.0 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 53.2 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013232 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.906; 3.906; 3.906
90; 90; 90
59.593Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 55.3 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 57.1 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013233 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.895; 3.895; 3.895
90; 90; 90
59.091Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 58.4 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 60.3 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013234 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.878; 3.878; 3.878
90; 90; 90
58.321Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 62.9 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 65.3 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013235 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.865; 3.865; 3.865
90; 90; 90
57.736Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 66.5 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 69.4 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013236 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.855; 3.855; 3.855
90; 90; 90
57.289Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 69.6 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 72.8 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013237 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.837; 3.837; 3.837
90; 90; 90
56.49Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 74.6 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 78.9 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013238 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.822; 3.822; 3.822
90; 90; 90
55.831Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 80.0 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 84.0 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013239 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.805; 3.805; 3.805
90; 90; 90
55.089Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 85.0 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 90.1 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013240 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.794; 3.794; 3.794
90; 90; 90
54.612Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 89.0 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 94.4 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013241 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.773; 3.773; 3.773
90; 90; 90
53.711Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 96.2 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 102.9 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013242 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.765; 3.765; 3.765
90; 90; 90
53.37Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 99.6 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 106.4 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013243 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.758; 3.758; 3.758
90; 90; 90
53.073Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 102.4 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 109.4 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013244 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.748; 3.748; 3.748
90; 90; 90
52.65Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 106.3 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 113.8 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013245 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.738; 3.738; 3.738
90; 90; 90
52.23Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 111.0 GPa using ruby-scale Note: P = 118.1 GPa using MgO-scale
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013246 CIFMg OF m -3 m4.181; 4.181; 4.181
90; 90; 90
73.087Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 3.6 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013247 CIFMg OF m -3 m4.156; 4.156; 4.156
90; 90; 90
71.784Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 7.4 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013248 CIFMg OF m -3 m4.133; 4.133; 4.133
90; 90; 90
70.599Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 10.6 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013249 CIFMg OF m -3 m4.114; 4.114; 4.114
90; 90; 90
69.629Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 13.5 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013250 CIFMg OF m -3 m4.096; 4.096; 4.096
90; 90; 90
68.719Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 16.2 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013251 CIFMg OF m -3 m4.079; 4.079; 4.079
90; 90; 90
67.867Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 18.9 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013252 CIFMg OF m -3 m4.058; 4.058; 4.058
90; 90; 90
66.825Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 22.8 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013253 CIFMg OF m -3 m4.037; 4.037; 4.037
90; 90; 90
65.792Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 26.9 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013254 CIFMg OF m -3 m4.015; 4.015; 4.015
90; 90; 90
64.723Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 31.1 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013255 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.991; 3.991; 3.991
90; 90; 90
63.569Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 36.6 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013256 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.97; 3.97; 3.97
90; 90; 90
62.571Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 41.4 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013257 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.942; 3.942; 3.942
90; 90; 90
61.256Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 49.1 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013258 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.93; 3.93; 3.93
90; 90; 90
60.698Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 52.2 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013259 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.926; 3.926; 3.926
90; 90; 90
60.513Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 53.5 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013260 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.916; 3.916; 3.916
90; 90; 90
60.052Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 55.9 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013261 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.907; 3.907; 3.907
90; 90; 90
59.639Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 58.1 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013262 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.899; 3.899; 3.899
90; 90; 90
59.273Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 61.1 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013263 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.889; 3.889; 3.889
90; 90; 90
58.818Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 63.5 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013264 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.882; 3.882; 3.882
90; 90; 90
58.501Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 65.9 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013265 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.876; 3.876; 3.876
90; 90; 90
58.231Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 68.7 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013266 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.865; 3.865; 3.865
90; 90; 90
57.736Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 71.2 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013267 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.856; 3.856; 3.856
90; 90; 90
57.334Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 73.9 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013268 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.851; 3.851; 3.851
90; 90; 90
57.111Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 76.2 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013269 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.84; 3.84; 3.84
90; 90; 90
56.623Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 80.1 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013270 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.828; 3.828; 3.828
90; 90; 90
56.094Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 83.5 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013271 CIFMg OF m -3 m3.821; 3.821; 3.821
90; 90; 90
55.787Jacobsen, S. D.; Holl, C. M.; Adams, K. A.; Fischer, R. A.; Martin, E. S.; Bina, C. R.; Lin, J. F.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Kubo, A.; Dera, P.
Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media Note: P = 86.6 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1823-1828
9013272 CIFFe Na O6 Si2C 1 2/c 19.6539; 8.7928; 5.2935
90; 107.436; 90
428.692McCarthy, A. C.; Downs, R. T.; Thompson, R. M.; Redhammer, G. J.
In situ high-pressure single-crystal X-ray study of aegirine, NaFe3+Si2O6, and the role of M1 size in clinopyroxene compressibility Note: Pressure = 0.0001 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1829-1837
9013273 CIFFe Na O6 Si2C 1 2/c 19.6067; 8.7501; 5.2698
90; 107.258; 90
423.034McCarthy, A. C.; Downs, R. T.; Thompson, R. M.; Redhammer, G. J.
In situ high-pressure single-crystal X-ray study of aegirine, NaFe3+Si2O6, and the role of M1 size in clinopyroxene compressibility Note: Pressure = 1.78 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1829-1837
9013274 CIFFe Na O6 Si2C 1 2/c 19.5667; 8.7128; 5.2484
90; 107.095; 90
418.141McCarthy, A. C.; Downs, R. T.; Thompson, R. M.; Redhammer, G. J.
In situ high-pressure single-crystal X-ray study of aegirine, NaFe3+Si2O6, and the role of M1 size in clinopyroxene compressibility Note: Pressure = 3.35 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1829-1837
9013275 CIFFe Na O6 Si2C 1 2/c 19.5148; 8.6568; 5.2188
90; 106.844; 90
411.418McCarthy, A. C.; Downs, R. T.; Thompson, R. M.; Redhammer, G. J.
In situ high-pressure single-crystal X-ray study of aegirine, NaFe3+Si2O6, and the role of M1 size in clinopyroxene compressibility Note: Pressure = 5.47 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1829-1837
9013276 CIFFe Na O6 Si2C 1 2/c 19.4711; 8.6068; 5.1915
90; 106.633; 90
405.482McCarthy, A. C.; Downs, R. T.; Thompson, R. M.; Redhammer, G. J.
In situ high-pressure single-crystal X-ray study of aegirine, NaFe3+Si2O6, and the role of M1 size in clinopyroxene compressibility Note: Pressure = 7.3 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1829-1837
9013277 CIFFe Na O6 Si2C 1 2/c 19.4426; 8.5727; 5.174
90; 106.482; 90
401.618McCarthy, A. C.; Downs, R. T.; Thompson, R. M.; Redhammer, G. J.
In situ high-pressure single-crystal X-ray study of aegirine, NaFe3+Si2O6, and the role of M1 size in clinopyroxene compressibility Note: Pressure = 8.63 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1829-1837
9013278 CIFFe Na O6 Si2C 1 2/c 19.422; 8.548; 5.1597
90; 106.371; 90
398.71McCarthy, A. C.; Downs, R. T.; Thompson, R. M.; Redhammer, G. J.
In situ high-pressure single-crystal X-ray study of aegirine, NaFe3+Si2O6, and the role of M1 size in clinopyroxene compressibility Note: Pressure = 9.76 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1829-1837
9013279 CIFFe Na O6 Si2C 1 2/c 19.4038; 8.5221; 5.1465
90; 106.256; 90
395.952McCarthy, A. C.; Downs, R. T.; Thompson, R. M.; Redhammer, G. J.
In situ high-pressure single-crystal X-ray study of aegirine, NaFe3+Si2O6, and the role of M1 size in clinopyroxene compressibility Note: Pressure = 10.82 GPa
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1829-1837
9013280 CIFAl0.27 Ca2 Cu0.03 H3 Mg0.09 Mn2.511 O14 Si3 V0.009P 1 21/m 18.959; 6.072; 10.218
90; 110.75; 90
519.794Nagashima, M.; Rahmoun, N. S.; Alekseev, E. V.; Geiger, C. A.; Armbruster, T.; Akasaka, M.
Crystal chemistry of macfallite: Relationships to sursassite and pumpellyite
American Mineralogist, 2008, 93, 1851-1857

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