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2108010 CIF
Al1.44 Ca0.49 Na0.51 O8 Si2.56?8.1661; 12.8545; 14.235
93.5777; 116.309; 89.593
1336.52Xu, Huifang; Jin, Shiyun; Noll, Bruce C.
Incommensurate density modulation in a Na-rich plagioclase feldspar: <i>Z</i>-contrast imaging and single-crystal X-ray diffraction study
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2016, 72, 904-915
6000676 CIFCr2 O13 V4?8.277; 9.291; 7.527
90; 109.26; 90
546.44Touboul, M.; Melghit, K.
Synthesis by chimie-douce and properties of Chromium(III) Vanadates(V)
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 1995, 5, 147-150
1528279 CIFH8 N2 O8 Pb S2?5.58; 5.58; 21.84
90; 90; 120
588.914Knakkergaard Moeller, C.
The structure of Pb (N H4)2 (S O4)2 and related compounds
Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1-27,1973-42,1988), 1954, 8, 81-87
7222424 CIFMn5 Si3?6.8943; 11.9131; 4.80742
90; 90; 90.268
394.84Gottschilch, Michael; Gourdon, Olivier; Persson, Joerg; de la Cruz, Clarina; Petricek, Vaclav; Brueckel, Thomas
Study of the antiferromagnetism of Mn5Si3: an inverse magnetocaloric effect material
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012, 22, 15275
7222425 CIFMn5 Si3?6.8939; 11.9135; 4.80731
90; 90; 90.262
394.82Gottschilch, Michael; Gourdon, Olivier; Persson, Joerg; de la Cruz, Clarina; Petricek, Vaclav; Brueckel, Thomas
Study of the antiferromagnetism of Mn5Si3: an inverse magnetocaloric effect material
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012, 22, 15275
7222426 CIFMn5 Si3?6.8929; 11.9152; 4.8061
90; 90; 90.222
394.72Gottschilch, Michael; Gourdon, Olivier; Persson, Joerg; de la Cruz, Clarina; Petricek, Vaclav; Brueckel, Thomas
Study of the antiferromagnetism of Mn5Si3: an inverse magnetocaloric effect material
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012, 22, 15275
7222428 CIFMn5 Si3?6.8924; 11.9164; 4.80483
90; 90; 90.2
394.63Gottschilch, Michael; Gourdon, Olivier; Persson, Joerg; de la Cruz, Clarina; Petricek, Vaclav; Brueckel, Thomas
Study of the antiferromagnetism of Mn5Si3: an inverse magnetocaloric effect material
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012, 22, 15275
1544612 CIFO2 Si?26.786; 26.786; 13.3351
90; 90; 90
9567.8Nakagawa, T.; Kihara, K.; Fujinami, S.
X-ray studies of structural changes in melanophlogite with varying temperature : Sample at -50 C
Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences, 2005, 100, 247-259
1544613 CIFO2 Si?26.808; 26.808; 13.394
90; 90; 90
9626Nakagawa, T.; Kihara, K.; Fujinami, S.
X-ray studies of structural changes in melanophlogite with varying temperature : Sample at 60 C
Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences, 2005, 100, 247-259

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