Crystallography Open Database

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9009988 CIFAl3 Ba F4 H4 Li Mg2 O16 Si4C c c a :213.587; 20.164; 5.144
90; 90; 90
1409.29Peng, Z.; Ma, Z.; Han, S.
The refinement of crystal structure of balipholite
Scientia Sinica B, 1987, 30, 779-784
9014157 CIFAl2 H4 Mn O10 Si2C c c a :213.831; 20.296; 5.121
90; 90; 90
1437.54Naumova, I. S.; Pobedimskaya, E. A.; Belov, N. V.
Crystal structure of carpholite MnAl2(Si2O6)(OH)4
Kristallografiya, 1974, 19, 1155-1160
9015634 CIFAl4 F4 H4 K0.65 Li0.672 Mn1.35 O16 Si4C c c a :213.715; 20.302; 5.138
90; 90; 90
1430.64Ghose, S.; Sen Gupta, P. K.; Boggs, R. C.; Schlemper, E. O.
Crystal chemistry of a nonstoichiometric carpholite, Kx(Mn2-x,Lix)Al4Si4O12(OH)4F4: A chain silicate related to pyroxenes
American Mineralogist, 1989, 74, 1084-1090
9016351 CIFAl3 Ba F3.36 H4.64 Li Mg2 O16.64 Si4C c c a :213.6; 20.24; 5.16
90; 90; 90
1420.36X-ray Laboratory, Wuhan Geologic College; Geology Laboratory, Hunan Geology Bureau; Geology Team 654, Hunan Geology Bureau
Balipholite BaMg2LiAl3[Si2O6]2(OH,F)8 and its crystal structure
Scientia Geologica Sinica, 1977, 12, 65-82

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