Crystallography Open Database

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Searching space group like 'P b n m'

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1000022 CIFCa O3 TiP b n m5.38; 5.44; 7.639
90; 90; 90
223.6Beran, A; Libowitzky, E; Armbruster, T
A single-crystal infrared spectroscopic and X-ray diffraction study of untwinned San Benito perovskite containing O H groups
Canadian Mineralogist, 1996, 34, 803-809
1000064 CIFFe2 O4 SiP b n m4.8195; 10.4788; 6.0873
90; 90; 90
307.4Fujino, K.; Sasaki, S.; Takeuchi, Y.; Sadanaga, R.
X-ray Determination of Electron Distributions in Forsterite, Fayalite and Tephroite
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1981, 37, 513-518
1000290 CIFNi O3 PrP b n m5.4146; 5.3757; 7.6199
90; 90; 90
221.8Huang, T C; Parrish, W; Toraya, H; Lacorre, P; Torrance, J B
High temperature crystal structures of orthorhombic and rhombohedral PrNiO~3~
Materials Research Bulletin, 1990, 25, 1091-1098
1000291 CIFNi O3 PrP b n m5.4294; 5.3849; 7.6362
90; 90; 90
223.3Huang, T C; Parrish, W; Toraya, H; Lacorre, P; Torrance, J B
High temperature crystal structures of orthorhombic and rhombohedral PrNiO~3~
Materials Research Bulletin, 1990, 25, 1091-1098
1000292 CIFNi O3 PrP b n m5.4456; 5.3952; 7.652
90; 90; 90
224.8Huang, T C; Parrish, W; Toraya, H; Lacorre, P; Torrance, J B
High temperature crystal structures of orthorhombic and rhombohedral PrNiO~3~
Materials Research Bulletin, 1990, 25, 1091-1098

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