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9016441 CIFAl Ba0.25 Ca F3.32 Fe12 H1.32 K0.25 Mn2 Na2.25 O46.68 P12 Sr0.25B 1 1 2/b16.476; 24.581; 9.996
90; 90; 105.79
3895.58Krutik, V. M.; Pushcharovskii, D. Y.; Podebimskaya, E. A.; Belov, N. V.
Crystal structure of arrojadite
Kristallografiya, 1979, 24, 743-750
9011897 CIFB6 Ca3 H16 O20B 1 1 2/b13.119; 13.445; 9.526
90; 90; 118.4
1478.02Simonov, M. A.; Egorov-Tismenko Y K; Kazanskaya, E. V.; Belokoneva, E. L.; Belov, N. V.
The hydrogen bonds in the crystal structure of the niphontovite Ca2/B5O3(OH)6/2*2H2O
Soviet Physics Doklady, 1978, 23, 159-161
9009549 CIFH4 Na2 O11 Si3 ZrB 1 1 2/b23.917; 20.148; 7.432
90; 90; 147.46
1926.35Ilyushin, G. D.; Voronkov, A. A.; Ilyukhin, V. V.; Nevskii, N. N.; Belov, N. V.
Crystal structure of natural monoclinic catapleiite, Na2ZrSi3O9*2H2O
Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1981, 260, 623-627
9009545 CIFCa5 H2 K2 O25 S6B 1 1 2/b17.519; 18.252; 6.84
90; 90; 113.33
2008.31Mukhtarova, N. N.; Kalinin, V. R.; Rastsvetaeva, R. K.; Ilyukhin, V. V.; Belov, N. V.
Crystal structure of gorgeyite K2Ca5(SO4)6*H2O
Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1980, 252, 102-105
2107146 CIFBr6 Nd4 S3B 1 1 2/b29.346; 7.156; 6.837
90; 90; 94.65
1431.04Rysanek, N.; Mazurier, A.; Laruelle, P.; Dagron, C.
Structure du Bromure Sulfure de Neodyme Nd4 Br6 S3
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1980, 36, 2930-2932
2105378 CIFAg7.15 P3 S11B 1 1 2/b23.97; 24.88; 6.361
90; 90; 110.85
3545.11Khodadad, P.; Rodier, N.; Toffoli, P.
Structure du tetrathiomonophosphate(V) heptathiodiphosphate(V) d'argent
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1982, 38, 2374-2378
2105372 CIFAg4 P2 S7B 1 1 2/b10.778; 16.211; 6.534
90; 90; 106.8
1092.91Khodadad, P.; Rodier, N.; Toffoli, P.
Structure cristalline du pyrothiophosphate d'argent, Ag4 P2 S7
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1977, 33, 1492-1494
1541959 CIFF4 H4 O2 Rb VB 1 1 2/b11.921; 9.114; 6.343
90; 90; 124.04
571.066Bukvetskii, B.V.; Muradyan, L.A.; Davidovich, R.L.; Simonov, V.I.
Crystal structure of rubidium tetrafluorovanadate dihydrate Rb V F4 (H2 O)2
Koordinatsionnaya Khimiya (= Coordination Chemistry (USSR)), 1976, 2, 1129-1134
1540366 CIFCl4 Cs3 Np O2B 1 1 2/b15.435; 12.796; 7.306
90; 90; 117.23
1283.06Lychev, A.A.; Mashirov, L.G.; Smolin, Yu.I.; Shepelev, Yu.F.
Crystal structure refinement for Cs3 Np O2 Cl4
Radiokhimiya, 1988, 30, 412-416
1539111 CIFB2 Ca H4 O6B 1 1 2/b10.026; 4.44; 9.558
90; 90; 91.31
425.367Simonov, M.A.; Belov, N.V.; Egorov-Tismenko, Yu.K.
Refined crystal structure of vimsite Ca (B2 O2 (O H)4)
Kristallografiya, 1976, 21, 592-594
1537602 CIFCl6 Pd Se2B 1 1 2/b16.521; 7.048; 8.451
90; 90; 100.12
968.725Rybakov, V.B.; Volkov, S.V.; Aslanov, L.A.; Grafov, A.V.; Pekhn'o, V.I.; Fokina, Z.A.
X-ray structural study of palladium(II) chlorochalcogenide complexes.
Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii, 1991, 36, 1197-1201
1534912 CIFGe O5 Sc2B 1 1 2/b10.927; 10.656; 10.486
90; 90; 93.5
1218.69Maksimov, B.A.; Gorbunov, Yu.A.; Kharitonov, Yu.A.; Belov, N.V.
Crystal structure of scandium oxyorthogermanate Sc2 Ge O5
Kristallografiya, 1974, 19, 1081-1083
1531749 CIFO4 Ta YbB 1 1 2/b6.9306; 5.2649; 10.8243
90; 90; 133.76
285.262Markiv, V.Ya.; Titov, Yu.A.; Markiv, M.V.; Belyavina, N.M.; Kapshuk, A.A.; Sych, A.M.; Sokolov, A.N.; Slobodyanik, N.S.
Peculiarities of polymorphic transformations in Yb Ta O4 and crystal structure of its modifications
Journal of Alloys Compd., 2002, 346, 263-268
1530924 CIFCs3 F6 N3 O9 Sb2B 1 1 2/b22.243; 9.883; 7.602
90; 90; 90.17
1671.12Udovenko, A.A.; Volkova, L.M.; Zemnukhova, L.A.; Davidovich, R.L.
Crystal structure of cesium trinitratohexafluorodiantimonate(III) Cs3 Sb2 F6 (N O3)3
Koordinatsionnaya Khimiya (= Coordination Chemistry (USSR)), 1979, 5, 595-597
1530780 CIFNd2 O12 S3B 1 1 2/b21.72; 6.904; 6.673
90; 90; 109.78
941.61Sirotinkin, S.P.; Efremov, V.A.; Kovba, L.M.; Pokrovskii, A.N.
The crystal structure of anhydrous neodymium sulfate Nd2 (S O4)3
Kristallografiya, 1977, 22, 1272-1273
1530775 CIFCd Ge O3B 1 1 2/b10.204; 5.3852; 9.669
90; 90; 102.23
519.259Simonov, M.A.; Belokoneva, E.L.; Belov, N.V.
The refinement of the crystal structure of Cd2 (Ge O4) and Cd2 (Ge2 O6)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1981, 22, 199-200
1530580 CIFBi2 O11 Ti4B 1 1 2/b14.604; 14.943; 3.8049
90; 90; 92.1
829.776Petushkova, L.V.; Dmitrieva, S.P.; Pobedimskaya, E.A.; Belov, N.B.
The crystal structure of Bi2 O3 (Ti O2)4 = Bi2 Ti4 O11
Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1974, 216, 544-546
1530300 CIFK Nd O12 P4B 1 1 2/b7.888; 10.77; 12.447
90; 90; 112.7
975.51Litvin, B.N.; Dorokhova, G.I.; Filipenko, O.S.
Production, structure and properties of single crystals of K, Nd-tetraphosphates
Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1981, 259, 1102-1105
1530261 CIFC7 H12 Eu K4 N7 O6 S7B 1 1 2/b25.41; 20.32; 6.52
90; 90; 122
2854.94Lazarev, P.I.; Aslanov, L.A.; Ionov, V.M.; Porai-Koshits, M.A.
Results of X-ray radiografic studies of potassium polyhydrates hepta rhodinates of the rare earths
Koordinatsionnaya Khimiya (= Coordination Chemistry (USSR)), 1975, 1, 710-715
1530216 CIFAl0.5 Ba0.0835 Ca0.75 F1.16 Fe4.42 K0.125 Li0.25 Mg0.25 Mn1.42 Na1.13 O23.82 P6 Pb0.0835 Sr0.0835 Zn0.42B 1 1 2/b16.476; 24.581; 9.996
90; 90; 105.79
3895.58Krutik, V.M.; Pushcharovskii, D.Yu.; Pobedimskaya, E.A.; Belov, N.V.
Crystal structure of arrojadite
Kristallografiya, 1979, 24, 743-750

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