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5910049 CIFCu PtR -3 m3.77; 3.77; 3.77
90.54; 90.54; 90.54
53.575Wyckoff, R. W. G.
Page 225 from the second edition of Structure of Crystals by Wyckoff. published by The Chemical Catalog Company, INC, New York in 1931 &
The second edition of Structure of Crystals, 1931, 225-225
5910127 CIFCl2 NiR -3 m6.13; 6.13; 6.13
33.36; 33.36; 33.6
62.291Wyckoff, R. W. G.
Pages 233 & 238 from the second edition of Structure of Crystals by Wyckoff R W G.published by The Chemical Catalog Company, INC, New York in 1931.
The second edition of Structure of Crystals, 1931, 233-238
5910154 CIFCl2 ZnR -3 m6.31; 6.31; 6.31
34.48; 34.48; 34.48
71.831Wyckoff, R. W. G.
Pages 233 & 239 from the second edition of Structure of Crystals by Wyckoff R W G. Published by The Chemical Catalog Company, INC, New York in 1931.
The second edition of Structure of Crystals, 1931, 233-239
1544392 CIFD2.32 Mg2.45 O6 Si1.19R -3 m2.97065; 2.97065; 13.9033
90; 90; 120
106.256Tomioka, N.; Okuchi, T.; Purevjav, N.; Abe, J.; Harjo, S.
Hydrogen sites in the dense hydrous magnesium silicate phase E: a pulsed neutron powder diffraction study
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 2016, 43, 267-475
1544393 CIFD2.22 Mg2.28 O6 Si1.31R -3 m2.97065; 2.97065; 13.9033
90; 90; 120
106.256Tomioka, N.; Okuchi, T.; Purevjav, N.; Abe, J.; Harjo, S.
Hydrogen sites in the dense hydrous magnesium silicate phase E: a pulsed neutron powder diffraction study :tilted O-D dipole model
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 2016, 43, 267-475
4344913 CIFAl Na O2R -3 m2.868; 2.868; 15.88
90; 90; 120
113.1Reid, A.F.; Ringwood, A.E.
High-pressure NaAlO2, and alpha-NaFeO2 isotype
Inorganic Chemistry, 1968, 7, 443-445
6000689 CIFHf N2 SrR -3 m3.3448; 3.3448; 17.6779
90; 90; 120
171.28Gregory, D. H.; Barker, M. G.; Edwards, P. P.; Siddons, D. J.
Synthesis and structure of two new layered ternary nitrides, SrZrN2 and SrHfN2
Inorganic Chemistry, 1996, 35, 7608-7613
6000688 CIFN2 Sr ZrR -3 m3.373; 3.373; 17.6756
90; 90; 120
174.16Gregory, D. H.; Barker, M. G.; Edwards, P. P.; Siddons, D. J.
Synthesis and structure of two new layered ternary nitrides, SrZrN2 and SrHfN2
Inorganic Chemistry, 1996, 35, 7608-7613
1544456 CIFAg O2 YbR -3 m3.372; 3.372; 18.214
90; 90; 120
179.35Saito, A.; Sawaguchi, N.; Sasaki, M.
Synthesis and crystal structure of AgYbO2
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 2008, 116, 118-120
1546733 CIFAg AlR -3 m2.97545; 2.97545; 26.88393
90; 90; 120
206.124Zhang, Zezhong; Bourgeois, Laure; Rosalie, Julian M.; Medhekar, Nikhil V.
The bi-layered precipitate phase ζ in the Al-Ag alloy system
Acta Materialia, 2017, 132, 525
7123351 CIFBiR -3 m4.5392; 4.5392; 11.8347
90; 90; 120
211.18Wei, Zheng; Dubceac, Cristina; Petrukhina, Marina A.; Dikarev, Evgeny V.
From a volatile molecular precursor to twin-free single crystals of bismuth
Chemical Communications, 2019
7123352 CIFBiR -3 m4.5481; 4.5481; 11.86
90; 90; 120
212.46Wei, Zheng; Dubceac, Cristina; Petrukhina, Marina A.; Dikarev, Evgeny V.
From a volatile molecular precursor to twin-free single crystals of bismuth
Chemical Communications, 2019
6000763 CIFCa2 NR -3 m3.6287; 3.6287; 19.0921
90; 90; 120
217.72Gregory, D. H.; Bowman, A.; Baker, C. F.; Weston, D. P.
Dicalcium nitride, Ca2N - a 2D "excess electron" compound; synthetic routes and crystal chemistry
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2000, 10, 1635-1641
6000743 CIFK N O2R -3 m5.0279; 5.0279; 10.0559
90; 90; 120
220.15Onoda-Yamamuro, N.; Honda, H.; Ikeda, R.; Yamamuro, O.; Matsuo, T.; Oikawa, K.; Kamiyama, T.; Izumi, F.
Neutron powder diffraction study of the low-temperature phases of KNO2
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 1998, 10, 3341-3351
2009516 CIF
Fe Lu O4 ZnR -3 m3.4185; 3.4185; 25.463
90; 90; 120
257.7Isobe, M.; Kimizuka, N.; Nakamura, M.; Mohri, T.
Structures of LuFeO~3~(ZnO)~<i>m~</i> (<i>m</i> =1, 4, 5 and 6)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1994, 50, 332-336
2000778 CIF
Er K Te2R -3 m4.41; 4.41; 24.27
90; 90; 120
408.8Keane, P. M.; Ibers, J. A.
Structure of KErTe~2~
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 1301-1303
1544727 CIFO8 P2 Sr3R -3 m5.3901; 5.3901; 19.785
90; 90; 120
497.81Sugiyama, K.; Tokonami, M.
The crystal structure refinements of the strontium and barium orthophosphates
Mineralogical Journal, 1990, 15, 141-146
2001032 CIF
K2 Mn O6 Se2R -3 m5.615; 5.615; 18.667
90; 90; 120
509.69Wildner, M.
Structure of K~2~Mn(SeO~3~)~2~, a further buetschliite-type selenite
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1992, 48, 595
2009518 CIF
Fe Lu O8 Zn5R -3 m3.3291; 3.3291; 56.56
90; 90; 120
542.87Isobe, M.; Kimizuka, N.; Nakamura, M.; Mohri, T.
Structures of LuFeO~3~(ZnO)~<i>m~</i> (<i>m</i> =1, 4, 5 and 6)
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1994, 50, 332-336
1544498 CIFC7 Al7.52 Si0.48 ZrR -3 m3.32214; 3.32214; 57.8236
90; 90; 120
552.677Iwata, T.; Hattori, E.; Sugiura, K.; Hashimoto, S.; Nakano, H.; Fukuda, K.
Syntheses and crystal structures of Si-bearing layered carbides ZrAl8C7 and ZrAl4C4
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 2009, 117, 37-41

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