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Searching journal of publication like 'Mineralogical Magazine' volume of publication is 57

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9009485 CIFAs2.892 Ca1.91 Mg0.56 Mn1.77 Na1.376 O12 P0.09 Pb0.384 V0.018I 1 2/a 16.855; 13.147; 11.479
90; 98.97; 90
1021.87Ercit, T. S.
Caryinite revisited
Mineralogical Magazine, 1993, 57, 721-727
9009483 CIFAl Fe0.2 H4 Mn0.8 O7 PC m c e6.928; 10.445; 13.501
90; 90; 90
976.972Hoyos, M. A.; Calderon, T.; Vergara, I.; Garcia-Sole J
New structural and spectroscopic data for eosphorite Locality: Taquaral, Brazil
Mineralogical Magazine, 1993, 57, 329-336
9009484 CIFAl2.4 Ca1.992 Cl0.9 Fe3.771 H1.1 K0.685 Mg1.229 Na0.255 O23.1 Si5.6C 1 2/m 19.962; 18.283; 5.372
90; 104.87; 90
945.663Makino, K.; Tomita, K.; Suwa, K.
Effect of chlorine on the crystal structure of a chlorine-rich hastingsite
Mineralogical Magazine, 1993, 57, 677-685
9009481 CIFAs6 Be2 Ca3 O20 Si2 TiP -3 c 18.318; 8.318; 15.264
90; 90; 120
914.612Sacerdoti, M.; Parodi, G. C.; Mottana, A.; Maras, A.; Ventura, G. D.
Asbecasite: crystal structure refinement and crystal chemistry
Mineralogical Magazine, 1993, 57, 315-322
9009480 CIFB K O8 Si3P n a m8.683; 9.253; 8.272
90; 90; 90
664.604Kimata, M.
Crystal structure of KBSi3O8 isostructural with danburite
Mineralogical Magazine, 1993, 57, 157-164
9009482 CIFCl H O PbC 1 2/m 110.865; 4.006; 7.233
90; 117.24; 90
279.903Merlino, S.; Pasero, M.; Perchialli, N.
Crystal structure of paralaurionite and its OD relationships with laurionite
Mineralogical Magazine, 1993, 57, 323-328

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