Crystallography Open Database

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1000045 CIFCa H2 O2P -3 m 13.5862; 3.5862; 4.8801
90; 90; 120
54.4Busing, W R; Levy, H A
Neutron diffraction study of calcium hydroxide
Journal of Chemical Physics, 1957, 26, 563-568
1000054 CIFH2 Mg O2P -3 m 13.142; 3.142; 4.766
90; 90; 120
40.7Zigan, F; Rothbauer, R
Neutronenbeugungsmessungen am Brucit
Neues Jahrbuch fuer Mineralogie. Monatshefte (Band=Jahr) (1950-), 1967, 1967, 137-143
1000114 CIFAl6 Ba7.092 Cl2 F33 K2.908P -3 m 118.863; 18.863; 7.636
90; 90; 120
2353Le Bail, A; Hemon-Ribaud, A; Courbion, G
Synthesis and structure approach of K~3~Ba~7~Al~6~F~33~Cl~2~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1993, 107, 234-244
1000461 CIFCr5 Cs4 F18.24P -3 m 17.2; 7.2; 10.679
90; 90; 120
479.4Courbion, G; de Pape, R; Knoke, G; Babel, D
Structures of cesium containing fluorides, VI:The pyrochlore-related layer structures of Cs4 Co Cr4 F18 and Cs4 Cr5 F18+x
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1983, 49, 353-361
1000462 CIFCo Cr4 Cs4 F18.24P -3 m 17.203; 7.203; 10.761
90; 90; 120
483.5Courbion, G; de Pape, R; Knoke, G; Babel, D
Structures of cesium containing fluorides, VI:The pyrochlore-related layer structures of Cs4 Co Cr4 F18 and Cs4 Cr5 F18+x
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1983, 49, 353-361

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