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1000045 CIFCa H2 O2P -3 m 13.5862; 3.5862; 4.8801
90; 90; 120
54.4Busing, W R; Levy, H A
Neutron diffraction study of calcium hydroxide
Journal of Chemical Physics, 1957, 26, 563-568
1000054 CIFH2 Mg O2P -3 m 13.142; 3.142; 4.766
90; 90; 120
40.7Zigan, F; Rothbauer, R
Neutronenbeugungsmessungen am Brucit
Neues Jahrbuch fuer Mineralogie. Monatshefte (Band=Jahr) (1950-), 1967, 1967, 137-143
1000114 CIFAl6 Ba7.092 Cl2 F33 K2.908P -3 m 118.863; 18.863; 7.636
90; 90; 120
2353Le Bail, A; Hemon-Ribaud, A; Courbion, G
Synthesis and structure approach of K~3~Ba~7~Al~6~F~33~Cl~2~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1993, 107, 234-244
1000461 CIFCr5 Cs4 F18.24P -3 m 17.2; 7.2; 10.679
90; 90; 120
479.4Courbion, G; de Pape, R; Knoke, G; Babel, D
Structures of cesium containing fluorides, VI:The pyrochlore-related layer structures of Cs4 Co Cr4 F18 and Cs4 Cr5 F18+x
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1983, 49, 353-361
1000462 CIFCo Cr4 Cs4 F18.24P -3 m 17.203; 7.203; 10.761
90; 90; 120
483.5Courbion, G; de Pape, R; Knoke, G; Babel, D
Structures of cesium containing fluorides, VI:The pyrochlore-related layer structures of Cs4 Co Cr4 F18 and Cs4 Cr5 F18+x
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1983, 49, 353-361
1001013 CIFNb6 O18 Rb2 TiP -3 m 17.529; 7.529; 8.194
90; 90; 120
402.3Desgardin, G; Robert, C; Groult, D; Raveau, B
Une nouvelle famille structurale: les titanoniobates et titanotantalates A~2~ Nb~6~ Ti O~18~ et A~2~ Ta~6~ Ti O~18~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1977, 22, 101-111
1001014 CIFO18 Rb2 Ta6 TiP -3 m 17.512; 7.512; 8.231
90; 90; 120
402.2Desgardin, G; Robert, C; Groult, D; Raveau, B
Une nouvelle famille structurale: les titanoniobates et titanotantalates A~2~ Nb~6~ Ti O~18~ et A~2~ Ta~6~ Ti O~18~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1977, 22, 101-111
1001015 CIFCs2 Nb6 O18 TiP -3 m 17.533; 7.533; 8.189
90; 90; 120
402.4Desgardin, G; Robert, C; Groult, D; Raveau, B
Une nouvelle famille structurale: les titanoniobates et titanotantalates A~2~ Nb~6~ Ti O~18~ et A~2~ Ta~6~ Ti O~18~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1977, 22, 101-111
1001016 CIFCs2 O18 Ta6 TiP -3 m 17.513; 7.513; 8.227
90; 90; 120
402.2Desgardin, G; Robert, C; Groult, D; Raveau, B
Une nouvelle famille structurale: les titanoniobates et titanotantalates A~2~ Nb~6~ Ti O~18~ et A~2~ Ta~6~ Ti O~18~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1977, 22, 101-111
1001674 CIFBa2 Fe8 Ni3 O22 Sb2P -3 m 15.882; 5.882; 14.237
90; 90; 120
426.6Fuchs, G; Nguyen, N; Greneche, J M; Groult, D; Raveau, B
Antiferromagnetic 6L-Hexagonal ferrites, Ba2 Sb2 M3 Fe8 O22 (M = Zn, Mg, Ni, Co)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1986, 61, 223-229
1001768 CIFCa H2 O2P -3 m 13.589; 3.589; 4.911
90; 90; 120
54.8Desgranges, L; Grebille, D; Calvarin, g; Chevrier, G; Floquet, N; Niepce, J-C
Hydrogen thermal motion in calcium hydroxide: Ca (O H)2
Acta Crystallographica B (39,1983-), 1993, 49, 812-817
1001769 CIFCa H2 O2P -3 m 13.589; 3.589; 4.911
90; 90; 120
54.8Desgranges, L; Grebille, D; Calvarin, g; Chevrier, G; Floquet, N; Niepce, J-C
Hydrogen thermal motion in calcium hydroxide: Ca (O H)2
Acta Crystallographica B (39,1983-), 1993, 49, 812-817
1001787 CIFCa H2 O2P -3 m 13.589; 3.589; 4.911
90; 90; 120
54.8Desgranges, L; Grebille, D; Calvarin, g; Chevrier, G; Floquet, N; Niepce, J-C
Hydrogen thermal motion in calcium hydroxide: Ca (O H)2
Acta Crystallographica B (39,1983-), 1993, 49, 812-817
1001788 CIFCa H2 O2P -3 m 13.589; 3.589; 4.911
90; 90; 120
54.8Desgranges, L; Grebille, D; Calvarin, g; Chevrier, G; Floquet, N; Niepce, J-C
Hydrogen thermal motion in calcium hydroxide: Ca (O H)2
Acta Crystallographica B (39,1983-), 1993, 49, 812-817
1001847 CIFO18 Ta6 Ti Tl2P -3 m 17.524; 7.524; 8.259
90; 90; 120
404.9Desgardin, G; Robert, C; Raveau, B
Etude de comportement du thallium dans de nouvelles structures a tunnels entrecroises: Tl2 Nb6 Ti O18 et Tl2 Ta6 Ti O18
Materials Research Bulletin, 1978, 13, 621-626
1001848 CIFO18 Ta6 Ti Tl2P -3 m 17.524; 7.524; 8.259
90; 90; 120
404.9Desgardin, G; Robert, C; Raveau, B
Etude de comportement du thallium dans de nouvelles structures a tunnels entrecroises: Tl2 Nb6 Ti O18 et Tl2 Ta6 Ti O18
Materials Research Bulletin, 1978, 13, 621-626
1001849 CIFNb6 O18 Ti Tl2P -3 m 17.537; 7.537; 8.224
90; 90; 120
404.6Desgardin, G; Robert, C; Raveau, B
Etude de comportement du thallium dans de nouvelles structures a tunnels entrecroises: Tl2 Nb6 Ti O18 et Tl2 Ta6 Ti O18
Materials Research Bulletin, 1978, 13, 621-626
1001850 CIFNb6 O18 Ti Tl2P -3 m 17.537; 7.537; 8.224
90; 90; 120
404.6Desgardin, G; Robert, C; Raveau, B
Etude de comportement du thallium dans de nouvelles structures a tunnels entrecroises: Tl2 Nb6 Ti O18 et Tl2 Ta6 Ti O18
Materials Research Bulletin, 1978, 13, 621-626
1004086 CIFBi F O2 PbP -3 m 14.101; 4.101; 6.066
90; 90; 120
88.4Follet Houttemane, C; Canonne, J; Boivin, J C; Champarnaud Mesjard, J C; Mercurio, D; Frit, B
Electrical Properties and High Temperature Crystal Structure of the Bismuth Lead Oxyfluoride: Bi Pb O~2~ F
Solid State Ionics, 1988, 28, 458-464
1008063 CIFTe2 TiP -3 m 13.777; 3.777; 6.498
90; 90; 120
80.3Arnaud, Y; Chevreton, M
Etude comparative des composes Ti X~2~ (X= S, Se, Te). Structures de Ti Te~2~ et Ti Se Te
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1981, 39, 230-239
1008064 CIFSe Te TiP -3 m 13.651; 3.651; 6.317
90; 90; 120
72.9Arnaud, Y; Chevreton, M
Etude comparative des composes Ti X~2~ (X= S, Se, Te). Structures de Ti Te~2~ et Ti Se Te
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1981, 39, 230-239
1008068 CIFBe2 F8 Na Rb3P -3 m 15.805; 5.805; 7.556
90; 90; 120
220.5Pontonnier, L; Caillet, M; Aleonard, S
Etude des systemes Me(I)~2~ Be F~4~ - Na~2~ Be F~4~
Materials Research Bulletin, 1972, 7, 799-812
1008672 CIFLi0.795 Nb O2P -3 m 12.9239; 2.9239; 20.91299
90; 90; 120
154.8Bordet, P; Moshopoulou, E; Liesert, S; Capponi, J J
Structure and physical properties of Li(1-x) Nb O2 single crystals
Physica C (Amsterdam) (152,1988-), 1994, 235, 745-746
1008762 CIFFe H O2P -3 m 12.95; 2.95; 4.56
90; 90; 120
34.4Patrat, G.; de Bergevin, F.; Pernet, M.; Joubert, J. C.
Structure locale de δ-FeOOH
Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Science, 1983, 39, 165-170
1008781 CIFCa H2 O2P -3 m 13.5918; 3.5918; 4.9063
90; 90; 120
54.8Busing, W R; Levy, H A
Neutron diffraction study of calcium hydroxide
Journal of Chemical Physics, 1957, 26, 563-568
1008782 CIFP0.2 S2 VP -3 m 13.27; 3.27; 5.956
90; 90; 120
55.2Brec, R; Ouvrard, G; Freour, R; Rouxel, J; Soubeyroux, J L
Neutron and x-ray diffraction study of layered P0.2 V S2
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 689-696
1008783 CIFP0.17 S2 VP -3 m 13.268; 3.268; 5.939
90; 90; 120
54.9Brec, R; Ouvrard, G; Freour, R; Rouxel, J; Soubeyroux, J L
Neutron and x-ray diffraction study of layered P0.2 V S2
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 689-696
1008784 CIFP0.17 S2 VP -3 m 13.268; 3.268; 5.936
90; 90; 120
54.9Brec, R; Ouvrard, G; Freour, R; Rouxel, J; Soubeyroux, J L
Neutron and x-ray diffraction study of layered P0.2 V S2
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 689-696
1010062 CIFI2 PbP -3 m 14.59; 4.59; 6.78
90; 90; 120
123.7Terpstra, P; Westenbrink, H G K
On the crystal-structure of lead-iodide
Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie van Wetenschappen, 1926, 29, 431-442
1010101 CIFF6 Ge K2P -3 m 15.62; 5.62; 4.65
90; 90; 120
127.2Hoard, J L; Vincent, W B
Structures of Complex Fluorides. Potassium Hexafluogermanate and Ammonium Hexafluogermanate
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1939, 61, 2849-2852
1010102 CIFF6 Ge H8 N2P -3 m 15.85; 5.85; 4.775
90; 90; 120
141.5Hoard, J L; Vincent, W B
Ytructures of Complex Fluorides. Potassium Hexafluogermanate and Ammonium Hexafluogermanate
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1939, 61, 2849-2852
1010267 CIFCo H2 O2P -3 m 13.173; 3.173; 4.64
90; 90; 120
40.5Lotmar, W.; Feitknecht, W.
Über Änderungen der Ionenabstände in Hydroxyd-Schichtengittern
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977), 1936, 93, 368-378
1010275 CIFS2 TiP -3 m 13.397; 3.397; 5.691
90; 90; 120
56.9Oftedal, I
Roentgenographische Untersuchungen von Sn S~2~, Ti S~2~, Ti Se~2~, Ti Te~2~
Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie (Leipzig), 1928, 134, 301-310
1010276 CIFSe2 TiP -3 m 13.533; 3.533; 5.995
90; 90; 120
64.8Oftedal, I
Roentgenographische Untersuchungen von Sn S~2~, Ti S~2~, Ti Se~2~, Ti Te~2~
Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie (Leipzig), 1928, 134, 301-310
1010277 CIFTe2 TiP -3 m 13.774; 3.774; 6.539
90; 90; 120
80.7Oftedal, I
Roentgenographische Untersuchungen von Sn S~2~, Ti S~2~, Ti Se~2~, Ti Te~2~
Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie (Leipzig), 1928, 134, 301-310
1010330 CIFB NP -3 m 12.51; 2.51; 6.69
90; 90; 120
36.5Hassel, O
Die Kristallstruktur des Bornitrides, B N
Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift, 1927, 9, 266-270
1010331 CIFB NP -3 m 12.51; 2.51; 6.69
90; 90; 120
36.5Hassel, O
Die Kristallstruktur des Bornitrides, B N
Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift, 1927, 9, 266-270
1010484 CIFH2 Mg O2P -3 m 13.13; 3.13; 4.75
90; 90; 120
40.3Aminoff, G
Ueber die Struktur des Magnesiumhydroxides.
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977), 1921, 56, 505-509
1010545 CIFI2 YbP -3 m 14.48; 4.48; 6.96
90; 90; 120
121Doell, W; Klemm, W
Ueber die Struktur einiger Dihalogenide
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1939, 241, 239-258
1010556 CIFCo0.5 H2 O2 Zn0.5P -3 m 13.176; 3.176; 4.64
90; 90; 120
40.5Feitknecht, W.
Über die α-Form der Hydroxide zweiwertiger Metalle
Helvetica Chimica Acta, 1938, 21, 766-784
1010598 CIFC6 H8 N8 Pt S6P -3 m 16.77; 6.77; 10.45
90; 90; 120
414.8Hendricks, S B; Merwin, H E
The Atomic Arrangement in Crystals of the Alkali Platini-Thiocyanates
American Journal of Science, Serie 5(1,1921-1938), 1928, 15, 487-494
1010599 CIFC6 K2 N6 Pt S6P -3 m 16.73; 6.73; 10.26
90; 90; 120
402.4Hendricks, S B; Merwin, H E
The Atomic Arrangement in Crystals of the Alkali Platini-thiocyanates
American Journal of Science, Serie 5(1,1921-1938), 1928, 15, 487-494
1010600 CIFC6 N6 Pt Rb2 S6P -3 m 16.75; 6.75; 10.47
90; 90; 120
413.1Hendricks, S B; Merwin, H E
The Atomic Arrangement in Crystals of the Alkali Platini-Thiocyanates
American Journal of Science, Serie 5(1,1921-1938), 1928, 15, 487-494
1010834 CIFBi2 Mg3P -3 m 14.666; 4.666; 7.401
90; 90; 120
139.5Zintl, E; Huseman, E
Bindungsart und Gitterbau binaerer Magnesiumverbindungen. (12. Mitteilung ueber Metalle und Legierungen.)
Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie, Abteilung B: Chemie der Elementarprozesse, Aufbau der Materie, 1933, 21, 138-155
1010836 CIFCa I2P -3 m 14.48; 4.48; 6.96
90; 90; 120
121Blum, H
Die Kristallstruktur des wasserfreien Magnesiumjodids und Calciumjodids.
Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie, Abteilung B: Chemie der Elementarprozesse, Aufbau der Materie, 1933, 22, 298-304
1011019 CIFK3 Na O8 S2P -3 m 15.65; 5.65; 7.29
90; 90; 120
201.5Gossner, B
Ueber die Kristallstruktur von Glaserit und Kaliumsulfat.
Neues Jahrbuch fuer Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaeontologie. Beilage (- 1925), 1928, 57, 89-116
1011134 CIFH2 Ni O2P -3 m 13.114; 3.114; 4.617
90; 90; 120
38.8Cairns, R W; Ott, E
X-ray studies of the system nickel-oxygen-water. I. Nickelous oxide and hydroxide
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1933, 55, 527-533
1011290 CIFF6 H8 N2 SiP -3 m 15.76; 5.76; 4.77
90; 90; 120
137.1Gossner, B; Kraus, O
Das Kristallgitter von Ammoniumhexafluorosilikat (N H4)2 Si F6
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977), 1934, 88, 223-225
1011330 CIFS2 SnP -3 m 13.62; 3.62; 5.85
90; 90; 120
66.4Oftedal, I
Die Kristallstruktur von Sn S2
Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift, 1926, 9, 225-233
1011381 CIFMg1.86 Sb2 Zn1.14P -3 m 14.428; 4.428; 7.185
90; 90; 120
122Loehberg, K
Zur Kenntnis der Ersetzbarkeit von Zink durch Magnesium und umgekehrt 1. Ueber die Mischbarkeit von Mg3 Sb2 und Zn3 Sb2 und die Struktur der Mischkristalle
Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie, Abteilung B: Chemie der Elementarprozesse, Aufbau der Materie, 1934, 27, 381-403

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