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2310018 CIFAc2 O3P -3 m 14.08; 4.08; 6.3
90; 90; 120
90.822Zachariasen, W.H.
Crystal chemical studies of the 5f-series of elements. XII. New compounds representing known structure types
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1949, 2, 388-390
9011024 CIFAg Bi S2P -3 m 14.07; 4.07; 19.06
90; 90; 120
273.428Geller, S.; Wernick, J. H.
Ternary semiconducting compounds with sodium chloride-like structure: AgSbSe2, AgSbTe2, AgBiS2, AgBiSe2
Acta Crystallographica, 1959, 12, 46-54
9011023 CIFAg Bi Se2P -3 m 14.18; 4.18; 19.67
90; 90; 120
297.637Geller, S.; Wernick, J. H.
Ternary semiconducting compounds with sodium chloride-like structure: AgSbSe2, AgSbTe2, AgBiS2, AgBiSe2 Locality: synthetic
Acta Crystallographica, 1959, 12, 46-54
9001316 CIFAg Bi Te2P -3 m 14.468; 4.468; 20.75
90; 90; 120
358.736Bayliss, P.
Crystal chemistry and crystallography of some minerals in the tetradymite group
American Mineralogist, 1991, 76, 257-265
1509338 CIFAg Fe Te2P -3 m 17.6; 7.6; 5.69
90; 90; 120
284.623Zhukova, T.B.; Zaslavskii, A.I.
The structure of Ag Fe Te2
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1964, 5, 246-249
1509507 CIFAg P2 Sm ZnP -3 m 14.1247; 4.1247; 6.692
90; 90; 120
98.599Tejedor, P.; Stacy, A.M.
Structure and properties of a new family of ceramic phosphides: Ag Zn La P2, Ag Zn Sm P2, and Cu Zn Sm P2
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1990, 89, 227-236
1509048 CIFAg0.13 Mn0.97 Na Te2P -3 m 14.5408; 4.5408; 7.5727
90; 90; 120
135.222Hughbanks, T.; Kim, J.
Direct and indirect preparation of layered quaternary manganese tellurides; A Mnx My Te2 (A = Li, Na; M = Cu, Ag; x+y<=2)
Journal of Alloys Compd., 2001, 327, 116-120
1509063 CIFAg0.167 S2 TiP -3 m 13.4676; 3.4676; 6.2247
90; 90; 120
64.82Young, V.G.jr.; Glaunsinger, W.S.; von Dreele, R.B.; McKelvy, M.J.; Burr, G.L.
A structural investigation of Ag0.167TiS2 by time-of-flight neutron powder diffraction
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1990, 84, 355-364
1509064 CIFAg0.167 S2 TiP -3 m 13.4057; 3.4057; 12.033
90; 90; 120
120.87Glaunsinger, W.S.; McKelvy, M.J.; von Dreele, R.B.; Burr, G.L.; Young, V.G.jr.
A structural investigation of Ag0.167TiS2 by time-of-flight neutron powder diffraction
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1990, 84, 355-364
7000755 CIFAg0.24 Sb10.76 Te4P -3 m 14.282; 4.282; 28.636
90; 90; 120
454.71Schneider, Matthias N.; Seibald, Markus; Oeckler, Oliver
A new series of long-range ordered metastable phases in the system M‒Sb‒Te (M = Ge, Ag)
Dalton Transactions, 2009, 2004-2011
1509106 CIFAg0.35 S2 TiP -3 m 13.4275; 3.4275; 6.3977
90; 90; 120
65.089Wiegers, G.A.; Haange, R.J.; Gerards, A.G.; Boukamp, B.A.; Roede, H.
Structure and electrochemical properties of intercalation compounds in the system silver-titanium disulfide, Ag x Ti S2
Synthetic metals, 1984, 10, 51-66
1509022 CIFAg0.67 Li Mn1.11 Te2P -3 m 14.4846; 4.4846; 7.2355
90; 90; 120
126.022Kim, J.; Hughbanks, T.
Direct and indirect preparation of layered quaternary manganese tellurides; A Mnx My Te2 (A = Li, Na; M = Cu, Ag; x+y<=2)
Journal of Alloys Compd., 2001, 327, 116-120
9013992 CIFAg10.332 As1.602 Cu5.668 S11 Sb0.398P -3 m 17.2567; 7.2567; 11.8193
90; 90; 120
539.015Bindi, L.; Pekov, I. V.
Crystal chemistry of extremely Cu-rich cupropearceite from the Sarbay mine, Northern Kazakhstan Location: Sarbay mine, Northern Kazakhstan
Zapiski Rossiiskogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchetstva, 2009, 138, 44-50
9013428 CIFAg11.706 As0.618 Cu4.294 S11 Sb1.382P -3 m 17.3277; 7.3277; 11.7752
90; 90; 120
547.563Bindi, L.; Evain, M.; Spry, P. G.; Tait, K. T.; Menchetti, S.
Structural role of copper in the minerals of the pearceite-polybasite group: the case of the new minerals cupropearceite and cupropolybasite
Mineralogical Magazine, 2007, 71, 641-650
2100446 CIF
Ag12.21 As1.194 Cu3.79 S11 Sb0.806P -3 m 17.389; 7.389; 11.816
90; 90; 120
558.69Bindi, Luca; Evain, Michel; Menchetti, Silvio
Temperature dependence of the silver distribution in the crystal structure of natural pearceite, (Ag,Cu)~16~(As,Sb)~2~S~11~
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2006, 62, 212-219
9011308 CIFAg12.226 As1.192 Cu3.772 S11 Sb0.808P -3 m 17.389; 7.389; 11.816
90; 90; 120
558.692Bindi, L.; Evain, M.; Menchetti, S.
Temperature dependence of the silver distribution in the crystal structure of natural pearcite, (Ag,Cu)16(As,Sb)2S11 Sample: T = 15 K
Acta Crystallographica, Section B, 2006, 62, 212-219
9010619 CIFAg12.96 As0.154 Cu3.04 S11 Sb1.846P -3 m 17.4805; 7.4805; 11.8836
90; 90; 120
575.89Bindi, L.; Evain, M.; Menchetti, S.
Complex twinning, polytypism and disorder phenomena in the crystal structures of antimonpearceite and arsenpolybasite Locality: Eagle mine, Colorado, USA Sample: T = 330 K
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2007, 45, 321-333
9011310 CIFAg13.032 As1.18 Cu2.968 S11 Sb0.82P -3 m 17.3876; 7.3876; 11.8882
90; 90; 120
561.893Bindi, L.; Evain, M.; Menchetti, S.
Temperature dependence of the silver distribution in the crystal structure of natural pearcite, (Ag,Cu)16(As,Sb)2S11 Sample: T = 300 K
Acta Crystallographica, Section B, 2006, 62, 212-219
2100444 CIF
Ag13.034 As1.179 Cu2.966 S11 Sb0.821P -3 m 17.3876; 7.3876; 11.8882
90; 90; 120
561.89Bindi, Luca; Evain, Michel; Menchetti, Silvio
Temperature dependence of the silver distribution in the crystal structure of natural pearceite, (Ag,Cu)~16~(As,Sb)~2~S~11~
Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Science, 2006, 62, 212-219
2100445 CIF
Ag13.034 As1.179 Cu2.966 S11 Sb0.821P -3 m 17.3721; 7.3721; 11.8104
90; 90; 120
555.88Bindi, Luca; Evain, Michel; Menchetti, Silvio
Temperature dependence of the silver distribution in the crystal structure of natural pearceite, (Ag,Cu)~16~(As,Sb)~2~S~11~
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2006, 62, 212-219

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