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Searching journal of publication like 'Journal of the Chemical Society. Chemical Communications (1972-)' volume of publication is 1983

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7117904 CIFF4 S WP c a 2116.934; 5.514; 9.46
90; 90; 90
883.319Holloway, J.H.; Kaucic, V.; Russell, D.R.
Synthesis, Chemistry, and Crystal Structures of High-valent Transition-metal Chalcogenide Fluorides and Their Derivatives
Journal of the Chemical Society. Chemical Communications (1972-), 1983, 1983, 1079-1081
7117905 CIFF4 Re SP c a 2110.893; 8.278; 27.663
90; 90; 90
2494.44Holloway, J.H.; Kaucic, V.; Russell, D.R.
Synthesis, Chemistry, and Crystal Structures of High-valent Transition-metal Chalcogenide Fluorides and Their Derivatives
Journal of the Chemical Society. Chemical Communications (1972-), 1983, 1983, 1079-1081
7117909 CIFC8 Cl4 Ge O8 Os2P 1 n 110.038; 21.042; 13.385
90; 106.81; 90
2706.37Einstein, F.W.B.; Rushman, P.; Pomeroy, R.K.; Willis, A.C.
Preparation and Crystal Structure of (O C)5 Os Os(C O)3 (Ge Cl3)(Cl): A Compound With an Unsupported, Donor-Acceptor Metal-Metal Bond
Journal of the Chemical Society. Chemical Communications (1972-), 1983, 1983, 854-855
7117901 CIFF20 I4 Sb4P 1 21/c 18.425; 15.98; 16.804
90; 100.53; 90
2224.25Gillespie, R.J.; Faggiani, R.; Kapoor, R.; Lock, C.J.L.; Passmore, J.; Murchie, M.
The I4(2+) cation. X-Ray Crystal structures of (I4(2+)) (As F6(-))2 and (I4(2+)) (Sb3 F14(-)) (Sb F6(-))
Journal of the Chemical Society. Chemical Communications (1972-), 1983, 1983, 8-9
7117907 CIFC11 H3 N O11 Ru4P -19.554; 12.743; 16.012
91.39; 96.23; 90.59
1937.16Collins, M.A.; McPartlin, M.; Johnson, B.F.G.; Lewis, J.; Raithby, P.R.; Morris, J.; Mace, J.M.; Nelson, W.J.H.; Puga, J.
Formation of Nitride Clusters by the Action of N O(+) on (M4 H3 (C O)12)(-) (M= Ru, Os): the Synthesis and Structural Characterization of (Ru4(mue-H)3(C O)11 (mue 4-N)) and (N(P Ph3)2)(Os4(C O)12(mue 4-N))
Journal of the Chemical Society. Chemical Communications (1972-), 1983, 1983, 689-691
7117900 CIFAs2 F12 I4A 1 2/m 15.907; 9.815; 12.514
90; 103.71; 90
704.855Gillespie, R.J.; Kapoor, R.; Faggiani, R.; Murchie, M.; Lock, C.J.L.; Passmore, J.
The I4(2+) cation. X-Ray Crystal structures of (I4(2+)) (As F6(-))2 and (I4(2+)) (Sb3 F14(-)) (Sb F6(-))
Journal of the Chemical Society. Chemical Communications (1972-), 1983, 1983, 8-9

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