Crystallography Open Database

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7214440 CIFC32 H35 Cd N9 O6F 2 325.704; 25.704; 25.704
90; 90; 90
16983Yuan, Shuai; Deng, Yong-Kai; Xuan, Wei-Min; Wang, Xing-Po; Wang, Su-Na; Dou, Jian-Min; Sun, Di
Spontaneous chiral resolution of a 3D (3,12)-connected MOF with an unprecedented ttt topology consisting of cubic [Cd4(μ3-OH)4] clusters and propeller-like ligands
CrystEngComm, 2014, 16, 3829
7228322 CIFC133.5 H176.84 N24 O11.92F 2 324.1722; 24.1722; 24.1722
90; 90; 90
14123.7Tothadi, Srinu; Little, Marc A.; Hasell, Tom; Briggs, Michael E.; Chong, Samantha Y.; Liu, Ming; Cooper, Andrew I.
Modular assembly of porous organic cage crystals: isoreticular quasiracemates and ternary co-crystal
CrystEngComm, 2017
7228323 CIFC126 H156 N24F 2 324.586; 24.586; 24.586
90; 90; 90
14862Tothadi, Srinu; Little, Marc A.; Hasell, Tom; Briggs, Michael E.; Chong, Samantha Y.; Liu, Ming; Cooper, Andrew I.
Modular assembly of porous organic cage crystals: isoreticular quasiracemates and ternary co-crystal
CrystEngComm, 2017
7703498 CIFC288 Al24 O114F 2 331.733; 31.733; 31.733
90; 90; 90
31955Leubner, S.; Bengtsson, V. E. G.; Inge, A. K.; Wahiduzzaman, M.; Steinke, F.; Jaworski, A.; Xu, H.; Halis, S.; Rönfeldt, P; Reinsch, H.; Maurin, G.; Zou, X.; Stock, N.
Hexahydroxytriphenylene for the synthesis of group 13 MOFs - a new inorganic building unit in a β-cristobalite type structure.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2020, 49, 3088-3092
8000029 CIFC60 H96 Ba Cl4 Co6 N12 O40F 2 321.3922; 21.3922; 21.3922
90; 90; 90
9789.7Takashi Komiyama; Satoshi Igarashi; Yoshimasa Hoshino; Yasuhiko Yukawa
Changing Mixed-valence State of Hexacobalt Cluster by Substituting Central Metal Ion and by Electrochemical Reduction ‒ Different Mixed-valence States of [M{Co(prolinato)2}6]4+ (M =Ba2+ and La3+)
Chemistry Letters, 2005, 34, 300
8000030 CIFC60 H96 Cl4 Co6 La N12 O40F 2 321.3387; 21.3387; 21.3387
90; 90; 90
9716.4Takashi Komiyama; Satoshi Igarashi; Yoshimasa Hoshino; Yasuhiko Yukawa
Changing Mixed-valence State of Hexacobalt Cluster by Substituting Central Metal Ion and by Electrochemical Reduction ‒ Different Mixed-valence States of [M{Co(prolinato)2}6]4+ (M =Ba2+ and La3+)
Chemistry Letters, 2005, 34, 300
8000031 CIFC68 H120 Ba Cl4 Co6 N14 O40F 2 321.6417; 21.6417; 21.6417
90; 90; 90
10136.2Takashi Komiyama; Satoshi Igarashi; Yoshimasa Hoshino; Yasuhiko Yukawa
Changing Mixed-valence State of Hexacobalt Cluster by Substituting Central Metal Ion and by Electrochemical Reduction ‒ Different Mixed-valence States of [M{Co(prolinato)2}6]4+ (M =Ba2+ and La3+)
Chemistry Letters, 2005, 34, 300
8000032 CIFC64 H108 Cl4 Co6 La N13 O40F 2 321.338; 21.338; 21.338
90; 90; 90
9714.8Takashi Komiyama; Satoshi Igarashi; Yoshimasa Hoshino; Yasuhiko Yukawa
Changing Mixed-valence State of Hexacobalt Cluster by Substituting Central Metal Ion and by Electrochemical Reduction ‒ Different Mixed-valence States of [M{Co(prolinato)2}6]4+ (M =Ba2+ and La3+)
Chemistry Letters, 2005, 34, 300
8000210 CIFAl95.04 K128.08 O384 Si96.96F 2 324.63409; 24.63409; 24.63409
90; 90; 90
14948.9Ikeda, T.; Kodaira, T.; Ohshima, K.; Izumi, F.; Kamiyama, T.
Neutron powder diffraction study of potassium clusters in zeolite K-LTA
Chemical Physics Letters, 2000, 318, 93-101
9000045 CIFCu5 Fe S4F 2 35.47; 5.47; 5.47
90; 90; 90
163.667Tunell, G.; Adams, C. E.
On the symmetry and crystal structure of bornite
American Mineralogist, 1949, 34, 824-829
9004772 CIFC8 H22 Cl1.5 Cu12 K2.5 Na O40F 2 315.463; 15.463; 15.463
90; 90; 90
3697.27Sokolova E V; Hawthorne F C; Roberts A C
The crystal structure of an anthropogenic Cu-K-Na-hydro-hyddroxyl-carbonate-chloride from Johanngeorgenstadt, Saxony, Germany Locality: Johanngeorgenstadt, Saxony, Germany
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2003, 41, 926-936
9012228 CIFAl0.06 Ca1.04 Fe0.19 H0.91 Mn0.07 Na0.01 O6.91 Sb1.64 Ti0.76F 2 310.277; 10.277; 10.277
90; 90; 90
1085.42Rouse, R. C.; Dunn, P. J.; Peacor, D. R.; Wang, L.
Structural studies of the natural antimonian pyrochlores I. Mixed valency, cation site splitting, and symmetry reduction in lewisite Sample: F23 refinement
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1998, 141, 562-569

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