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Searching journal of publication like 'Journal of Alloys Compd.' volume of publication is 348

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1510045 CIFAg3.09 Hg2.43 Se6 SiF -4 3 m10.7108; 10.7108; 10.7108
90; 90; 90
1228.76Gulay, L.D.; Olekseyuk, I.D.; Parasyuk, O.V.; Romanyuk, Ya.E.
The (Ag2 Se) - (Hg Se) - (Si Se2) system in the 0 - 60 mol% Si Se2 region
Journal of Alloys Compd., 2003, 348, 157-166
1509904 CIFAg4.92 Hg1.6 Se6 SiP m n 217.6348; 7.635; 10.798
90; 90; 90
629.434Romanyuk, Ya.E.; Olekseyuk, I.D.; Gulay, L.D.; Parasyuk, O.V.
The (Ag2 Se) - (Hg Se) - (Si Se2) system in the 0 - 60 mol% Si Se2 region
Journal of Alloys Compd., 2003, 348, 157-166
1532035 CIFAg5.6 Hg1.2 Se6 SiP m n 217.673; 7.677; 10.848
90; 90; 90
639.008Parasyuk, O.V.; Gulay, L.D.; Romanyuk, Ya.E.; Olekseyuk, I.D.
The (Ag2 Se) - (Hg Se) - (Si Se2) system in the 0 - 60 mol% Si Se2 region
Journal of Alloys Compd., 2003, 348, 157-166
1509948 CIFAg6.25 Hg0.83 Se6 SiF -4 3 m10.8806; 10.8806; 10.8806
90; 90; 90
1288.13Romanyuk, Ya.E.; Gulay, L.D.; Parasyuk, O.V.; Olekseyuk, I.D.
The (Ag2 Se) - (Hg Se) - (Si Se2) system in the 0 - 60 mol% Si Se2 region
Journal of Alloys Compd., 2003, 348, 157-166
1510913 CIFB3 Gd Li6 O9P 1 21/c 17.2277; 16.5057; 6.6933
90; 105.374; 90
769.926Zhang, Y.; Liang, J.K.; Xu, T.; Chen, X.L.
Phase relations of the system (Li2 O) - (Gd2 O3) - (B2 O3) and the structure of a new ternary compound
Journal of Alloys Compd., 2003, 348, 314-318
1532039 CIFCu0.285 In0.285 S Zn0.43F -4 3 m5.4822; 5.4822; 5.4822
90; 90; 90
164.765Parasyuk, O.V.; Davidyuk, G.E.; Voronyuk, S.V.; Halka, V.O.; Gulay, L.D.
Phase diagram of the (Cu In S2) - (Zn S) system and some physical properties of solid solutions phases
Journal of Alloys Compd., 2003, 348, 57-64
1532036 CIFCu0.89 In0.89 S2 Zn0.22I -4 2 d5.5119; 5.5119; 11.107
90; 90; 90
337.442Parasyuk, O.V.; Voronyuk, S.V.; Gulay, L.D.; Davidyuk, G.E.; Halka, V.O.
Phase diagram of the (Cu In S2) - (Zn S) system and some physical properties of solid solutions phases
Journal of Alloys Compd., 2003, 348, 57-64
1531446 CIFD3.63 Mg Nd Ni4P m n 215.0767; 5.4743; 7.3792
90; 90; 90
205.078Guenee, L.; Favre-Nicolin, V.; Yvon, K.
Synthesis, crystal structure and hydrogenation properties of the ternary compounds La Ni4 Mg and Nd Ni4 Mg
Journal of Alloys Compd., 2003, 348, 129-137
1531451 CIFD4.58 La Mn3 Ni2P 6/m m m9.7125; 9.7125; 4.3057
90; 90; 120
351.752Guenee, L.; Yvon, K.
Synthesis, crystal structure and hydrogenation properties of the novel metal compound La Ni2 Mn3
Journal of Alloys Compd., 2003, 348, 176-183
1531454 CIFD5.57 La Mn3 Ni2P 6/m m m9.8379; 9.8379; 4.3038
90; 90; 120
360.734Guenee, L.; Yvon, K.
Synthesis, crystal structure and hydrogenation properties of the novel metal compound La Ni2 Mn3
Journal of Alloys Compd., 2003, 348, 176-183
1531842 CIFDy2 Si4 Ti3P 41 21 26.977; 6.977; 12.814
90; 90; 90
623.767Morozkin, A.V.; Welter, R.
New (Sc2 Re3 Si4)-type R2 Ti3 Si4 compounds and their magnetic properties (R = Gd - Er)
Journal of Alloys Compd., 2003, 348, L1-L3
1531848 CIFEr2 Si4 Ti3P 41 21 26.964; 6.964; 12.776
90; 90; 90
619.601Morozkin, A.V.; Welter, R.
New (Sc2 Re3 Si4)-type R2 Ti3 Si4 compounds and their magnetic properties (R = Gd - Er)
Journal of Alloys Compd., 2003, 348, L1-L3
1531854 CIFEu2 GeP n m a7.869; 5.077; 9.416
90; 90; 90
376.178Merlo, F.; Palenzona, A.; Pani, M.
Yb2 Ge, Eu2 Ge and Eu2 Si: new (Pb Cl2)-type compounds
Journal of Alloys Compd., 2003, 348, 173-175
1531856 CIFEu2 SiP n m a7.821; 5.047; 9.385
90; 90; 90
370.45Merlo, F.; Pani, M.; Palenzona, A.
Yb2 Ge, Eu2 Ge and Eu2 Si: new (Pb Cl2)-type compounds
Journal of Alloys Compd., 2003, 348, 173-175
1531836 CIFGd1.9 Si4 Ti3P 41 21 26.997; 6.997; 12.878
90; 90; 90
630.481Morozkin, A.V.; Welter, R.
New (Sc2 Re3 Si4)-type R2 Ti3 Si4 compounds and their magnetic properties (R = Gd - Er)
Journal of Alloys Compd., 2003, 348, L1-L3
1531858 CIFGe Yb2P n m a7.567; 4.822; 9.022
90; 90; 90
329.195Merlo, F.; Palenzona, A.; Pani, M.
Yb2 Ge, Eu2 Ge and Eu2 Si: new (Pb Cl2)-type compounds
Journal of Alloys Compd., 2003, 348, 173-175
1532399 CIFGe1.2 Nd5 Si2.8P 41 21 27.9068; 7.9068; 14.7907
90; 90; 90
924.677Yang, H.F.; Ouyang, Z.W.; Rao, G.-H.; Chu, W.G.; Liu, G.Y.; Liu, W.F.; Feng, X.M.; Liang, J.K.
Crystal structure and phase relationships in the pseudobinary system (RE5 Si4) - (RE5 Ge4) (RE = Nd and Pr) at 1273 K
Journal of Alloys Compd., 2003, 348, 150-156
1532400 CIFGe2 Nd5 Si2P 41 21 27.9304; 7.9304; 14.7661
90; 90; 90
928.658Yang, H.F.; Rao, G.-H.; Liu, W.F.; Liu, G.Y.; Liang, J.K.; Ouyang, Z.W.; Feng, X.M.; Chu, W.G.
Crystal structure and phase relationships in the pseudobinary system (RE5 Si4) - (RE5 Ge4) (RE = Nd and Pr) at 1273 K
Journal of Alloys Compd., 2003, 348, 150-156
1532401 CIFGe2 Pr5 Si2P 41 21 27.9725; 7.9725; 14.8855
90; 90; 90
946.134Yang, H.F.; Rao, G.-H.; Liu, W.F.; Ouyang, Z.W.; Liu, G.Y.; Chu, W.G.; Liang, J.K.; Feng, X.M.
Crystal structure and phase relationships in the pseudobinary system (RE5 Si4) - (RE5 Ge4) (RE = Nd and Pr) at 1273 K
Journal of Alloys Compd., 2003, 348, 150-156
1531845 CIFHo2 Si4 Ti3P 41 21 26.97; 6.97; 12.793
90; 90; 90
621.495Morozkin, A.V.; Welter, R.
New (Sc2 Re3 Si4)-type R2 Ti3 Si4 compounds and their magnetic properties (R = Gd - Er)
Journal of Alloys Compd., 2003, 348, L1-L3

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