Crystallography Open Database

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Searching journal of publication like 'American Mineralogist' volume of publication is 68

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9000870 CIFAg As Hg S3A 1 a 17.732; 11.285; 6.643
90; 115.16; 90
524.645Nakai, I.; Appleman, D. E.
Laffittite, AgHgAsS3: crystal structure and second occurrence from the Getchell mine, Nevada
American Mineralogist, 1983, 68, 235-244
9000892 CIFAl0.1 Fe1.75 H O8 Ti0.55 V2.6P 63 m c5.89; 5.89; 9.255
90; 90; 120
278.059Gatehouse, B. M.; Grey, I. E.; Nickel, E. H.
The crystal chemistry of nolanite, (V,Fe,Ti,Al)10O14(OH)2, from Kalgoorlie, Western Australia sample: crystal # 2
American Mineralogist, 1983, 68, 833-839
9000891 CIFAl0.15 Fe1.1 H O8 Ti0.3 V3.45P 63 m c5.89; 5.89; 9.255
90; 90; 120
278.059Gatehouse, B. M.; Grey, I. E.; Nickel, E. H.
The crystal chemistry of nolanite, (V,Fe,Ti,Al)10O14(OH)2, from Kalgoorlie, Western Australia sample: crystal # 1
American Mineralogist, 1983, 68, 833-839
9000868 CIFAl1.41 Ba0.4 K0.47 Na0.13 O8 Si2.59C 1 2/m 18.544; 13.03; 7.195
90; 115.68; 90
721.89Viswanathan, K.; Kielhorn, H. M.
Al,Si distribution in a ternary (Ba,K,Na)-feldspar as determined by crystal structure refinement Celsian-rich Locality: Yugoslavia
American Mineralogist, 1983, 68, 122-124
9000876 CIFAl2.11 Mn0.89 O4F d -3 m :28.181; 8.181; 8.181
90; 90; 90
547.544Essene, E. J.; Peacor, D. R.
Crystal chemistry and petrology of coexisting galaxite and jacobsite and other spinel solution and solvi
American Mineralogist, 1983, 68, 449-455

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