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Searching journal of publication like 'Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry' volume of publication is 34

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4031656 CIFS UF m -3 m5.49; 5.49; 5.49
90; 90; 90
165.469Griveau, B.; Marcon, J.P.; Gatesoupe, J.-P.
Mixed uranium and thorium monosulfides
Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry, 1972, 34, 1535-1539
4031655 CIFS2 Th UF m -3 m5.587; 5.587; 5.587
90; 90; 90
174.396Griveau, B.; Marcon, J.P.; Gatesoupe, J.-P.
Mixed uranium and thorium monosulfides
Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry, 1972, 34, 1535-1539
4031521 CIFAg7 N O11F m -3 m9.8893; 9.8893; 9.8893
90; 90; 90
967.156Wong, C.H.; Lu, T.-H.; Chen, C.N.; Lee, T.-J.
A precise redetermination of the crystal structure of Ag7 N O11
Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry, 1972, 34, 3253-3257
4031519 CIFH4 O5 S ZnP -17.553; 7.652; 9.083
88.4; 90.1; 93.7
523.659Quinones, H.; Baggio, S.
The crystal structure of zinc sulphite dihydrate
Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry, 1972, 34, 2153-2159
4031515 CIFC4 K2 N4 Pd S4P 1 21/a 111.11; 12.9; 4.28
90; 98.2; 90
607.134Mawby, A.; Pringle, G.E.
The structure of potassium tetrathiocyanatopalladate(II)
Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry, 1972, 34, 2213-2217
4031507 CIFH6 Mo2 O11 ZrI 41 c d11.45; 11.45; 12.49
90; 90; 90
1637.47Clearfield, A.; Blessing, R.H.
The preparation and crystal structure of a basic zirconium molybdate and its relationship to ion exchange gels
Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry, 1972, 34, 2643-2663
4031506 CIFAm I OP 4/n m m :24.011; 4.011; 9.204
90; 90; 90
148.075Baybarz, R.D.; Asprey, L.B.; Strouse, C.E.; Fukushima, E.
Divalent americium. The crystal structure and magnetic susceptibility of Am I2
Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry, 1972, 34, 3427-3431
4031505 CIFAm I2P 1 21/c 17.677; 8.311; 7.925
90; 98.46; 90
500.141Baybarz, R.D.; Fukushima, E.; Asprey, L.B.; Strouse, C.E.
Divalent americium. The crystal structure and magnetic susceptibility of Am I2
Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry, 1972, 34, 3427-3431
1001056 CIFGd0.07 O3 Ta0.21 W0.79C m m m5.326; 5.383; 3.786
90; 90; 90
108.5Desgardin, G; Raveau, B
Sur de nouvelles phases non stoechiometriques de type Perovskite Gd~x~ (Ta~3x~ W~1-3x~) O~3~
Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry, 1972, 34, 509-516
1001055 CIFGd0.29 O3 Ta0.87 W0.13P m m m3.869; 7.737; 3.858
90; 90; 90
115.5Desgardin, G; Raveau, B
Sur de nouvelles phases non stoechiometriques de type Perovskite Gd~x~ (Ta~3x~ W~1-3x~) O~3~
Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry, 1972, 34, 509-516

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