Crystallography Open Database

Result : There are 6 entries in the selection

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Searching space group like 'I 4/m m m (a+b,-a+b,c)'

COD ID: 1006047
CIF file Formula: - La2 Ni O4.15 -
Comments: Rodriguez-Carvajal, J; Fernandez-Diaz, M T; Martinez, J L Neutron diffraction study on structural and magnetic properties of La~2~NiO~4~ Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 3 (1991) 3215-3234
Space group: I 4/m m m (a+b,-a+b,c)
Cell volume: 376.3
Cell parameters: 5.45514; 5.45514; 12.6461; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1006048
CIF file Formula: - La2 Ni O4.1 -
Comments: Rodriguez-Carvajal, J; Fernandez-Diaz, M T; Martinez, J L Neutron diffraction study on structural and magnetic properties of La~2~NiO~4~ Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 3 (1991) 3215-3234
Space group: I 4/m m m (a+b,-a+b,c)
Cell volume: 378.8
Cell parameters: 5.4897; 5.4897; 12.5708; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1006177
CIF file Formula: - Ca0.12 Cu La1.88 O4 -
Comments: Rial, C; Moran, E; Alario-Franco, M A; Amador, U; Martinez, J L; Rodriguez-Carvajal, J; Andersen, N H Effects of extra oxygen on the structure and superconductivity of La2-x Cax Cu O4+y prepared by chemical oxidation Physica C (Amsterdam) (152,1988-) 297 (1998) 277-293
Space group: I 4/m m m (a+b,-a+b,c)
Cell volume: 377.2
Cell parameters: 5.3491; 5.3491; 13.1846; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1006187
CIF file Formula: - Ca0.12 Cu La1.88 O4.058 -
Comments: Rial, C; Moran, E; Alario-Franco, M A; Amador, U; Martinez, J L; Rodriguez-Carvajal, J; Andersen, N H Effects of extra oxygen on the structure and superconductivity of La2-x Cax Cu O4+y prepared by chemical oxidation Physica C (Amsterdam) (152,1988-) 297 (1998) 277-293
Space group: I 4/m m m (a+b,-a+b,c)
Cell volume: 377.4
Cell parameters: 5.34975; 5.34975; 13.1874; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 2108841
CIF file

HKL data

Original IUCr paper

Formula: - H8 Mg O8 Te -
Comments: Stöger, Berthold; Krüger, Hannes; Weil, Matthias Mg(H~2~O)~2~[TeO~2~(OH)~4~]: a polytypic structure with a two-mode disordered stacking arrangement Acta Crystallographica Section B 77(4) (2021)
Space group: I 4/m m m (a+b,-a+b,c)
Cell volume: 293.445
Cell parameters: 5.3282; 5.3282; 10.3363; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 2310803
CIF file Formula: - K O2 -
Comments: Abrahams, S.C.; Kalnajs, J. The crystal structure of alpha-potassium superoxide Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967) 8 (1955) 503-506
Space group: I 4/m m m (a+b,-a+b,c)
Cell volume: 217.956
Cell parameters: 5.704; 5.704; 6.699; 90; 90; 90;  

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