Crystallography Open Database

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Searching journal of publication like 'European Journal of Mineralogy' volume of publication is 9

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9005298 CIFAl0.354 Ca0.175 H10 O2.86 Si0.646I 41/a :29.873; 9.873; 10.288
90; 90; 90
1002.83Schropfer, L.; Joswig, W.
Structure analyses of a partially dehydrated synthetic Ca-garronite single crystal under different T, pH2O conditions Sample: GAR25/20, T = 25 C, 60% relative humidity
European Journal of Mineralogy, 1997, 9, 53-66
9005299 CIFAl0.354 Ca0.175 H10 O2.86 Si0.646I 41/a :29.912; 9.912; 10.303
90; 90; 90
1012.25Schropfer, L.; Joswig, W.
Structure analyses of a partially dehydrated synthetic Ca-garronite single crystal under different T, pH2O conditions Sample: GAR25/27, T = 25 C, 80% relative humidity
European Journal of Mineralogy, 1997, 9, 53-66
9005295 CIFAl0.057 Fe2.266 Mg0.019 Mn0.339 O4 Ti0.025 Zn0.298F d -3 m :28.4576; 8.4576; 8.4576
90; 90; 90
604.981Lucchesi, S.; Russo, U.; Della Giusta, A.
Crystal chemistry and cation distribution in some Mn-rich natural and synthetic spinels Sample: FRK1b
European Journal of Mineralogy, 1997, 9, 31-42
9005292 CIFAl0.049 Fe1.911 Mg0.736 Mn0.284 O4 Zn0.017F d -3 m :28.4075; 8.4075; 8.4075
90; 90; 90
594.293Lucchesi, S.; Russo, U.; Della Giusta, A.
Crystal chemistry and cation distribution in some Mn-rich natural and synthetic spinels Sample: JBS1
European Journal of Mineralogy, 1997, 9, 31-42
9005294 CIFAl0.03 Fe2.004 Mg0.129 Mn0.832 O4 Zn0.007F d -3 m :28.4956; 8.4956; 8.4956
90; 90; 90
613.172Lucchesi, S.; Russo, U.; Della Giusta, A.
Crystal chemistry and cation distribution in some Mn-rich natural and synthetic spinels Sample: JBS4
European Journal of Mineralogy, 1997, 9, 31-42

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