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1000047 CIFMg2 O6 Si2P b c a18.25099; 8.814; 5.181
90; 90; 90
833.4Yang, H X; Ghose, S
High temperature single crystal X-ray diffraction studies of the ortho- proto phase transition in enstatite, Mg2 Si2 O6 at 1360 K
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals (Germany), 1995, 22, 300-310
1000079 CIFH K O6 P VP b c a6.755; 9.1026; 17.0808
90; 90; 90
1050.3Amoros, P; Beltran-Porter, D; Le Bail, A; Ferey, G; Villeneuve, G
Crystal structure of A(VO~2~)(HPO~4~)(A=NH~4~^+^,K^+^, Rb^+^) solved from X-ray powder diffraction
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1988, 25, 599-607
1000080 CIFH5 N O6 P VP b c a6.8064; 9.2567; 17.732
90; 90; 90
1117.2Amoros, P; Beltran-Porter, D; Le Bail, A; Ferey, G; Villeneuve, G
Crystal structure of A(VO~2~)(HPO~4~)(A=NH~4~^+^,K^+^, Rb^+^) solved from X-ray powder diffraction
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1988, 25, 599-607
1000081 CIFH O6 P Rb VP b c a6.8182; 9.291; 17.631
90; 90; 90
1116.9Amoros, P; Beltran-Porter, D; Le Bail, A; Ferey, G; Villeneuve, G
Crystal structure of A(VO~2~)(HPO~4~)(A=NH~4~^+^,K^+^, Rb^+^) solved from X-ray powder diffraction
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1988, 25, 599-607
1000099 CIFCl Co H4 O3 PP b c a7.416; 13.082; 9.483
90; 90; 90
920Marcos, M D; Ibanez, R; Amoros, P; Le Bail, A
Layer structure of (CoCl(H~2~PO~2~)) . H~2~O
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1991, 47, 1152-1155
1000133 CIFH4 N2 O8 PdP b c a5.0036; 10.6073; 11.7223
90; 90; 90
622.2Laligant, Y; Ferey, G; Le Bail, A
Crystal structure of Pd (N O3)2 (H2 O)2
Materials Research Bulletin, 1991, 26, 269-275
1000282 CIFH8 Mo4 N2 O13P b c a7.647; 15.414; 18.994
90; 90; 90
2238.8Benchrifa, R; Leblanc, M; De Pape, R
Synthesis and crystal structure of two polymorphs of (NH~4~)~2~Mo~4~O~13~, orthorhombic (o) and triclinic (t)
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1989, 26, 593-601
1000362 CIFC Eu F3 Na2 O3P b c a6.596; 10.774; 14.09
90; 90; 90
1001.3Mercier, N; Leblanc, M
A new rare earth fluorocarbonate, Na~2~Eu(CO~3~)F~3~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1994, 50, 1864-1865
1000505 CIFGa H4 O6 PP b c a9.926; 8.6189; 9.7622
90; 90; 90
835.2Loiseau, T; Paulet, C; Ferey, G
Crystal structure determination of the hydrated gallium phosphate Ga P O4 . 2(H2 O), analog of variscite
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, T. 1, Serie II, 1998, 1, 667-674
1001019 CIFCa Cl H4 N O5P b c a9.052; 6.676; 19.797
90; 90; 90
1196.4Leclaire, A; Borel, M M
Identification et structure du chlorure nitrate de calcium dihydrate
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1978, 34, 902-904
1001135 CIFCd4 I3 P2P b c a12.89; 12.725; 12.654
90; 90; 90
2075.6Rebbah, A; Yazbeck, J; Deschanvres, A
Structure de Cd~4~ P~2~ I~3~
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1980, 36, 1747-1749
1001644 CIFK3 Mo4 O24 P5P b c a9.676; 14.366; 28.39099
90; 90; 90
3946.5Hoareau, T; Leclaire, A; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Raveau, B
A Mo(V) monophosphate with a tunnel structure: K3 (Mo O)4 (P O4)5
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1995, 114, 61-65
1001813 CIFK2 O15 P4 V2P b c a22.181; 11.564; 9.548
90; 90; 90
2449.1Borel, M M; Leclaire, A; Chardon, J; Provost, J; Rebbah, H; Raveau, B
A V(IV) tetraphosphate with a tunnel structure K2 (V O)2 P4 O13
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1997, 132, 41-46
1004016 CIFH O4 P SrP b c a8.131; 9.258; 18.084
90; 90; 90
1361.31Ben Taher, L.; Smiri, L.; Laligant, Y.; Maisonneuve, V.
Investigation of th alkaline earth phosphates: synthesis and crystal structure of a new strontium hydrogen phosphate form
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2000, 152, 428-434
1004151 CIFB5 O8 TlP b c a7.557; 11.925; 14.734
90; 90; 90
1327.8Touboul, M; Nowogrocki, G
Dehydration process of Tl B5 O6 (O H)4 . 2(H2 O) and crystal structure of Tl B5 O8
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1998, 136, 216-220
1005022 CIFCe3 Cl6 NP b c a10.708; 11.233; 16.52699
90; 90; 90
1987.9Ehrlich, G M; Badding, M E; Brese, N E; Trail, S S; DiSalvo, F J
Corrigendum to "New cerium nitride chlorides: Ce6 Cl12 N2 and Ce N Cl"
Journal of Alloys Compd., 1996, 235, 133-134
1005025 CIFCe3 Cl6 NP b c a10.708; 11.233; 16.52699
90; 90; 90
1987.9Ehrlich, G M; Badding, M E; Brese, N E; Trail, S S; DiSalvo, F J
New cerium nitride chlorides: Ce6 Cl12 N2 and Ce N Cl
Journal of Alloys Compd., 1994, 206, 95-101
1007005 CIFH4 Li2 N O9 P3P b c a12.199; 13.047; 10.537
90; 90; 90
1677.1Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A; Guitel, J C
Structure cristalline du polyphosphate de lithium-ammonium, Li~2~ N H~4~ (P O~3~)~3~
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1976, 32, 2440-2443
1007031 CIFCd O6 P2P b c a9.607; 13.7; 7.037
90; 90; 90
926.2Bagieu-Beucher, M; Guitel, J C; Tordjman, I; Durif, A
Affinement de la structure cristalline du polyphosphate de cadmium. Cd (P O~3~)~2~
Bulletin de la Societe Francaise de Mineralogie et de Cristallographie (72,1949-100,1977), 1974, 97, 481-484
1007100 CIFAg4 O7 V2P b c a18.82; 10.89; 13.925
90; 90; 90
2853.9Masse, R; Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A; Guitel, J C
Chemical Preparation and Crystal Structure of Silver Pyrovanadate, Ag~4~ V~2~ O~7~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1983, 39, 1608-1610
1008059 CIFF3 K N O3 SbP b c a7.911; 7.861; 18.092
90; 90; 90
1125.1Bourgault, M; Ducourant, M B; Mascherpa Corral, D; Fourcade, R
Structure cristalline et moleculaire de K Sb F~3~ N O~3~
Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 1981, 17, 215-224
1008120 CIFF3 H2 N Na O4 SbP b c a18.18; 11.505; 5.66
90; 90; 90
1183.9Bourgault, M; Ducourant, B; Mascherpa Corral, D; Fourcade, R
Structure cristalline de Na Sb F~3~ (N O~3~) (H~2~ O). Etude de la liaison hydrogene O-H-X (X=Cl, Br, (N O~3~) )
Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 1981, 17, 305-315
1008177 CIFC2 H4 Cl Cu N2 S2P b c a15.576; 6.923; 11.416
90; 90; 90
1231Mosset, A; Abboudi, M; Galy, J
Etude structurale, par diffraction des rayons X, du rubeanate de cuivre(I): Cu Cl (C~2~ N~2~ S~2~ H~4~)
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie (149,1979-), 1983, 164, 181-188
1008316 CIFCe I SP b c a7.33; 7.05; 14.35
90; 90; 90
741.6Beck, H P; Strobel, C
Zur Hochdruckpolymorphie der Seltenerdsulfidiodide Ln S I
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1986, 535, 229-239
1010810 CIFCd N6P b c a7.82; 6.46; 16.04
90; 90; 90
810.3Bassiere, M
Sur la structure de l'azoture de cadmium.
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences (1884 - 1965), 1937, 204, 1573-1574
1011018 CIFFe0.155 Mg0.845 O3 SiP b c a18.15999; 8.84; 5.19
90; 90; 90
833.2Takané, Katsutashi
Crystal Structure of Bronzite from Chichi-jiama in the Bonin Islands
Proceedings of the Imperial Academy (Tokyo), 1932, 8, 308-311
1011238 CIFFe0.3 Mg0.7 O3 SiP b c a18.2; 8.86; 5.2
90; 90; 90
838.5Warren, B E; Modell, D I
The Structure of Enstatite, Mg Si O3
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977), 1930, 75, 1-14
1011268 CIFB Be2 H O4P b c a9.75; 12.204; 4.429
90; 90; 90
527Zachariasen, W H
The crystalline structure of Hambergite Be2 B O3 (O H)
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977), 1931, 76, 289-302
1100120 CIFC2 Ba2 Co F2 O6P b c a6.6226; 11.494; 9.021
90; 90; 90
686.68Ben Ali, A.; Maisonneuve, V.; Kodjikian, S.; Smiri, L. S.; Leblanc, M.
Synthesis, crystal structure and magnetic properties of a new fluoride carbonate Ba~2~Co(CO~3~)~2~F~2~
Solid State Sciences, 2002, 4, 503-506
1100165 CIFC10 H18 N8 O8 ZnP b c a7.543; 13.1384; 17.2599
90; 90; 90
1710.5Mohammad Abul-Haj; Miguel Quiros; Juan M. Salas
Polyhedron, 2004, 23, 743-747
1100204 CIFC6 H17 Cl N PP b c a12.736; 11.488; 13.02
90; 90; 90
1904.97Chitsaz, S.; Folkerts, H.; Grebe, J.; Gröb, T.; Harms, K.; Hiller, W.; Krieger, M.; Massa, W.; Merle, J.; Möhlen, M.; Neumüller, B.; Dehnicke, K.
Die Kristallstrukturen einer Serie von Verbindungen mit Kationen des Typs [R~3~PNH~2~]^+^, [R3PN(H)SiMe~3~]^+^ und [R3PN(SiMe~3~)~2~]^+^
Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2000, 626, 775-783
1100283 CIFC23 H29 Cl N4 O3P b c a14.462; 17.405; 17.299
90; 90; 90
4354.35Harms, K.; Sheldrick, G. M.; Schul, W.; Tietze, L. F.
Structure of an indolochinolizine derivative
Acta Crystallographica, Section C: Crystal Structure Communications, 1986, 42, 1665-1667
1100285 CIFC12 H18 O4 SP b c a8.745; 33.451; 8.845
90; 90; 90
2587.42Harms, K.; Sheldrick, G. M.; Reichert, U.; Tietze, L. F.
Structure of a cycloheptenone derivative
Acta Crystallographica, Section C: Crystal Structure Communications, 1986, 42, 1662-1663
1100365 CIFC14 H29 N3 O4P b c a14.715; 15.43; 15.029
90; 90; 90
3412.37Reetz, Manfred T.; Bingel, Carsten; Harms, Klaus
Structure of carbanions having carbocations as counterions
Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, 1993, 1558-1560
1100378 CIFC13 H15 I O3P b c a8.01; 14.74; 22.811
90; 90; 90
2693.24Hoffmann, Reinhard W.; Stürmer, Rainer; Harms, Klaus
A phenyl-assisted asymmetric iodolactonisation reaction
Tetrahedron Letters, 1994, 35, 6263-6266
1100391 CIFC8 H14 Cl2 N P TiP b c a12.026; 12.242; 17.667
90; 90; 90
2600.98Rübenstahl, T.; Weller, F.; Harms, K.; Dehnicke, K.; Fenske, D.; Baum, G.
Phosphaniminato-Komplexe des Titans. Synthese und Kristallstrukturen von CpTiCl2(NPMe~3~), [TiCl~3~(NPMe~3~)]~2~, [Ti~2~Cl~5~(NPMe~2~Ph)~3~] und [Ti~3~Cl~6~(NPMe~3~)~5~][BPh~4~]
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1994, 620, 1741-1749
1100392 CIFC6 H18 Cl6 N2 P2 Ti2P b c a11.405; 11.122; 15.894
90; 90; 90
2016.1Rübenstahl, T.; Weller, F.; Harms, K.; Dehnicke, K.; Fenske, D.; Baum, G.
Phosphaniminato-Komplexe des Titans. Synthese und Kristallstrukturen von CpTiCl2(NPMe~3~), [TiCl~3~(NPMe~3~)]~2~, [Ti~2~Cl~5~(NPMe~2~Ph)~3~] und [Ti~3~Cl~6~(NPMe~3~)~5~][BPh~4~]
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1994, 620, 1741-1749
1100399 CIFC22 H40 Li2 N2 O4 S2P b c a12.265; 14.544; 32.444
90; 90; 90
5787.43Boche, Gernot; Hilf, Christof; Harms, Klaus; Marsch, Michael; Lohrenz, John C. W.
Crystal Structure of the Dimeric(4-tert-Butylthiazolato)(glyme)lithium: Carbene Character of a Formyl Anion Equivalent
Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English, 1995, 34, 487-489
1100447 CIFC27 H23 Cl I PP b c a10.4707; 17.0026; 27.9321
90; 90; 90
4972.73Ghassemzadeh, Mitra; Harms, Klaus; Dehnicke, Kurt
Kristallstruktur von [PMePh~3~][Cl-1-C≡C-Ph] / Crystal Structure of [PMePh~3~][Cl-I-C≡C-Ph]
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, B: A Journal of Chemical Sciences, 52, 772-772
1100473 CIFC12 H30 B2 Cl4 N2 P2P b c a12.695; 11.387; 14.703
90; 90; 90
2125.44Möhlen, M.; Harms, K.; Dehnicke, K.; Magull, J.; Goesmann, H.; Fenske, D.
Phosphanimin- und Phosphaniminato-Komplexe von Bor. Synthese und Kristallstrukturen von [BF~3~(Me~3~SiNPEt~3~)], [BCl~2~(NPPh~3~)]~2~, [BCl~2~(NPEt~3~)]~2~, [B~2~Cl~3~(NPEt~3~)~2~]^+^BCl~4~^-^ und [B~2~Cl~2~(NPiPr~3~)~3~]^+^BCl~4~^-^
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1996, 622, 1692-1700
1100474 CIFC12 H30 B3 Cl7 N2 P2P b c a13.093; 16.198; 24.107
90; 90; 90
5112.62Möhlen, M.; Harms, K.; Dehnicke, K.; Magull, J.; Goesmann, H.; Fenske, D.
Phosphanimin- und Phosphaniminato-Komplexe von Bor. Synthese und Kristallstrukturen von [BF~3~(Me~3~SiNPEt~3~)], [BCl~2~(NPPh~3~)]~2~, [BCl~2~(NPEt~3~)]~2~, [B~2~Cl~3~(NPEt~3~)~2~]^+^BCl~4~^-^ und [B~2~Cl~2~(NPiPr~3~)~3~]^+^BCl~4~^-^
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1996, 622, 1692-1700
1100486 CIFC18 H42 Cl8 N2 P2 Ta2P b c a14.206; 14.839; 16.22
90; 90; 90
3419.22Philipp, G.; Harms, K.; Dehnicke, K.; Maichle-Mössmer, C.; Abram, U.
Phosphaniminato-Komplexe von Niob und Tantal. Die Kristallstrukturen von [NbCl~4~(NPiPr~3~)(CH~3~CN)], [NbCl~3~(NPiPr~3~)~2~], [TaCl~4~(NPiPr~3~)]~2~ und [TaCl~3~(NPiPr~3~)~2~]
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1996, 622, 1927-1934
1100509 CIFC32 H74 B2 P2P b c a18.003; 14.474; 28.384
90; 90; 90
7396.17Graf, Claus-Dieter; Malan, Christophe; Harms, Klaus; Knochel, Paul
New Homochiral Ligands Bearing Nonstereogenic Chirotopic Centers. Lithiated N,N'-Dialkylureas as Chiral Bases and Sterically Crowded Phosphines for Asymmetric Catalysis
Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1999, 64, 5581-5588
1100542 CIFC70 H48 Br2 Cl8 F12 I6 P2P b c a21.06; 15.668; 24.458
90; 90; 90
8070.36Grebe, Jutta; Geiseler, Gertraud; Harms, Klaus; Dehnicke, Kurt
Donor-Akzeptor-Komplexe von Halogenidionen mit 1.4-Diiodtetrafluorbenzol / Donor-Acceptor Complexes of Halide Ions with 1,4-Diiodotetrafluorobenzene
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, B: A Journal of Chemical Sciences, 1999, 54, 77-86
1100544 CIFC26 H24 F12 I8 N2P b c a12.105; 14.29; 24.703
90; 90; 90
4273.14Grebe, Jutta; Geiseler, Gertraud; Harms, Klaus; Dehnicke, Kurt
Donor-Akzeptor-Komplexe von Halogenidionen mit 1.4-Diiodtetrafluorbenzol / Donor-Acceptor Complexes of Halide Ions with 1,4-Diiodotetrafluorobenzene
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, B: A Journal of Chemical Sciences, 1999, 54, 77-86
1100587 CIFC47 H73 Br Mg O5 ZnP b c a19.8876; 20.0341; 23.7074
90; 90; 90
9445.74Krieger, Matthias; Geiseler, Gertraud; Harms, Klaus; Merle, Jan; Massa, Werner; Dehnicke, Kurt
Die Kristallstrukturen der Triarylzinkate [Mg~2~Br~3~(THF)~6~][ZnPh~3~] und [MgBr(THF)~5~][ZnMes~3~]
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1998, 624, 1387-1388
1100591 CIFC30 H36 O SP b c a13.613; 16.073; 22.718
90; 90; 90
4970.74Hoffmann, Reinhard W.; Koberstein, Ralf; Harms, Klaus
Chiral organometallic reagents. Part XXIII. On the stereochemistry of the carbolithiation reaction of vinyl sulfides
Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2: Physical Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1999, 183-192
1100597 CIFC90 H84 N3 P3 Y2P b c a27.372; 19.889; 28.579
90; 90; 90
15558.5Anfang, S.; Harms, K.; Weller, F.; Borgmeier, O.; Lueken, H.; Schilder, H.; Dehnicke, K.
Phosphaniminato-Komplexe Seltener Erden. Synthese und Kristallstrukturen von [M~2~(C~5~H~5~)~3~(NPPh~3~)~3~] · 3 C~7~H~8~ mit M = Y, Dy und Er. Magnetische Eigenschaften von [Dy~2~(C~5~H~5~)~3~(NPPh~3~)~3~] · 3 C~7~H~8~
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1998, 624, 159-166
1100598 CIFC90 H84 Dy2 N3 P3P b c a27.35; 19.872; 28.578
90; 90; 90
15532.1Anfang, S.; Harms, K.; Weller, F.; Borgmeier, O.; Lueken, H.; Schilder, H.; Dehnicke, K.
Phosphaniminato-Komplexe Seltener Erden. Synthese und Kristallstrukturen von [M~2~(C~5~H~5~)~3~(NPPh~3~)~3~] · 3 C~7~H~8~ mit M = Y, Dy und Er. Magnetische Eigenschaften von [Dy~2~(C~5~H~5~)~3~(NPPh~3~)~3~] · 3 C~7~H~8~
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1998, 624, 159-166
1100599 CIFC90 H84 Er2 N3 P3P b c a27.333; 19.811; 28.511
90; 90; 90
15438.5Anfang, S.; Harms, K.; Weller, F.; Borgmeier, O.; Lueken, H.; Schilder, H.; Dehnicke, K.
Phosphaniminato-Komplexe Seltener Erden. Synthese und Kristallstrukturen von [M~2~(C~5~H~5~)~3~(NPPh~3~)~3~] · 3 C~7~H~8~ mit M = Y, Dy und Er. Magnetische Eigenschaften von [Dy~2~(C~5~H~5~)~3~(NPPh~3~)~3~] · 3 C~7~H~8~
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1998, 624, 159-166
1100635 CIFC90 H84 N3 P3 Yb2P b c a27.276; 19.7754; 28.4888
90; 90; 90
15366.7Anfang, S.; Gröb, T.; Harms, K.; Seybert, G.; Massa, W.; Greiner, A.; Dehnicke, K.
Phosphaniminato-Komplexe von Seltenerdelementen. Die Kristallstrukturen von [Yb~2~Cp~3~(NPPh~3~)~3~], [YCp(NPPh~3~)(μ-OSiMe~2~NPPh~3~)]~2~ und [M(NPPh~3~)~2~(μ-OSiMe~2~NPPh~3~)]~2~ mit M = Y und Sm
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1999, 625, 1853-1859
1100649 CIFC15 H14 F3 N3P b c a15.625; 23.028; 7.685
90; 90; 90
2765Chizuru, Sasaki; Soh-ichi, Kitoh; Kazuya, Yamada; Ko-Ki, Kunimoto; Shiro, Maeda; Akio, Kuwae; Kazuhiko, Hanai
Crystal Structure of 2-Trifluoromethyl-4'-dimethylaminoazobenzene
Analytical Sciences: X-ray Structure Analysis Online, 2003, 19, x1-x2
1100664 CIFC14 H12 O2P b c a5.882; 12.104; 30.58
90; 90; 90
2177.2Mahendra, M.; Doreswamy, B. H.; Khanum, S. A.; Shashikanth, S.; Sudha, B. S.; Sridhar, M. A.; Prasad, J. S.
Synthesis and Crystal Structure of (2-Hydroxy-5-methyl phenyl)phenyl Methanone
Analytical Sciences: X-ray Structure Analysis Online, 2003, 19, x29-x30
1100684 CIFC16 H14 O2P b c a6.3805; 15.624; 24.778
90; 90; 90
2470Kitamura, Chitoshi; Fujimoto, Jun; Ouchi, Mikio; Yoneda, Akio
Crystal Structure of 1,4-Dimethoxyanthracene
Analytical Sciences: X-ray Structure Analysis Online, 2003, 19, x69-x70
1100770 CIFC6 H8 N Ni O5 PP b c a8.798; 10.1982; 17.945
90; 90; 90
1610.1Deng-Ke Cao; Yi-Zhi Li; You Song; Li-Min Zheng
Three-, Two-, and One-Dimensional Metal Phosphonates Based on [Hydroxy(4-pyridyl)methyl]phosphonate: M{(4-C5H4N)CH(OH)PO3}(H2O) (M = Ni, Cd) and Gd{(4-C5H4N)CH(OH)P(OH)O2}3.6H2O
Inorganic Chemistry, 2005, 44, 3599-3604
1100831 CIFC32 H46 Au NP b c a17.2772; 18.3213; 18.6586
90; 90; 90
5906.21Schuster, Oliver; Schmidbaur, Hubert
Preparative Routes to the First Tri- and Tetra(alkynyl)gold(III) Compounds: (L)Au(C⋮CR) <sub>3</sub> and [ER <sub>4</sub> ] <sup>+</sup> [Au(C⋮CR) <sub>4</sub> ] <sup>-</sup>
Organometallics, 2005, 24, 2289-2296
1100850 CIFC24.5 H43.84 B5 Cl3 Ru2 SP b c a22.027; 12.4145; 23.813
90; 90; 90
6511.5Ghosh, Sundargopal; Fehlner, Thomas P.; Beatty, Alicia M.; Noll, Bruce C.
Insertion of B-X (X = Cl, SMe~2~) Moieties into Ruthenaborane Frameworks: Synthesis and Characterization of (η^5^-C~5~Me~5~Ru)~2~(μ-H)B~4~H~m~Cl~n~, (m, n = 4, 3; 5, 2; 7, 2), closo-1-(SMe~2~)-2,3-(η^5^-C~5~Me~5~Ru)~2~(μ~3~-H)B~5~HCl~3~, and closo-2,3-(η^5^-C~5~Me~5~Ru)~2~B~6~H~3~Cl~3~
Organometallics, 2005, 24, 2473-2480
1100961 CIFC28 H46 Fe P2P b c a17.9931; 15.2837; 20.2132
90; 90; 90
5558.7Eric J. Hawrelak; Wesley H. Bernskoetter; Emil Lobkovsky; Gordon T. Yee; Eckhard Bill; Paul J. Chirik
Square Planar vs Tetrahedral Geometry in Four Coordinate Iron(II) Complexes
Inorganic Chemistry, 2005, 44, 3103-3111
1101053 CIFK2 Mo4 O13P b c a7.5479; 15.391; 18.527
90; 90; 90
2152.3Kazuo Eda; Kin Chin; Noriyuki Sotani; M. Stanley Whittingham
Journal of Solid State Chemistry
1101073 CIFC20 H20 Cu2 N16 O8P b c a10.2473; 16.1318; 16.2087
90; 90; 90
2679.4Mohammad Abul Haj; Miguel Quirós; Juan M. Salas; José A. Dobado; José Molina Molina; Manuel G. Basallote; M. Ángeles Máñez
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2002, 811-818
1101084 CIFC34 H26 Cl2 N12 O12 Pd2P b c a15.468; 20.652; 25.162
90; 90; 90
8038Mohammad Abul Haj; Miguel Quirós; Juan M. Salas
Solution and solid state coexistence of head‒head and head‒tail isomers in dimeric Pd(II) and Pt(II) complexes of the type [M2(a‒a)2(µ-L-N3N4)2]2+ with a bridging triazolopyrimidine ligand and chelating bidentate diamines
J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 2002, 4740-4745
1101123 CIFC10 H16 Cl2 Cu N4 O4P b c a14.045; 11.749; 19.701
90; 90; 90
3251Francisco Hueso-Ureña; Sonia B. Jiménez-Pulido; Miguel N. Moreno-Carretero; Miguel Quirós; Juan M. Salas
Synthesis and structural studies on 1:1 metal complexes with 1,3-dimethyllumazine and 1,3,6,7-tetramethyllumazine. Crystal structure of two dichloro copper(II) and mercury(II) compounds and a polymeric chloro-nitrato bridged-mercury(II) complex.
Polyhedron, 1998, 17, 3409-3418
1101130 CIFC16 H16 Au Br4 N8 Na O4P b c a15.2488; 15.238; 21.563
90; 90; 90
5010.5Francisco Hueso-Ureña; Sonia B. Jiménez-Pulido; Miguel N. Moreno-Carretero; Miguel Quirós; Juan M. Salas
Gold(III)-pteridine compounds: synthesis, spectral, and X-ray diffraction stuides on new adducts between sodium tetrabromoaurate(III) and lumazine derivatives
Journal of Chemical Cristallography, 1998, 28, 565-570
1200001 CIFC14 H17 N O4 SP b c a15.9407; 9.1737; 19.015
90; 90; 90
2780.7Gzella, Andrzej; Rozwadowska, Maria D.; Sulima, Agnieszka
Two dihydro-5H-thiazolinono[2,3-a]isoquinoline S-oxides
Acta Crystallographica, Section C, 2001, 57, 1454-1456
1500007 CIFC8 H32 Br4 Cd Cl4 Co2 N8P b c a18.6201; 12.0872; 24.0877
90; 90; 90
5421.3Raj Pal Sharma; Rajni Sharma; Ritu Bala; Juan M. Salas; Miguel Quirós
Second sphere coordination complexes via hydrogen bonding: Synthesis, spectroscopic characterisation of [trans-Co(en)~2~Cl~2~]CdX~4~ (X = Br or I) and single crystal X-ray structure determination of [trans-Co(en)~2~Cl~2~]CdBr~4~
Journal of Molecular Structure, 2006, 794, 341-347
1500011 CIFC24 H29 Cl2 Co N9 O12P b c a14.9599; 19.0064; 23.4883
90; 90; 90
6678.5Sonia B. Jiménez-Pulido; Fátima M. Linares-Ordoñez; José M. Martínez-Martos; Miguel N. Moreno-Carretero; Miguel Quirós; María J. Ramírez-Expósito
Metal complexes with the ligand derived from 6-acetyl-1,3,7-trimethyllumazine and benzohydrazide. Molecular structures of two new Co(II) and Rh(III) complexes and analysis of in vitro antitumor activity
Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 2008, 102, 1677-1683
1500019 CIFC13 H11 N O2P b c a9.4668; 8.8177; 25.9413
90; 90; 90
2165.5Maria Lalia Kantouri; Christos D. Papadopoulos; Antonios G. Hatzdimitriou; Miguel Quirós
Synthesis and characterization of new Co(III) mixed-ligand complexes, containing 2-hydroxy-aryloximes and α-diimines. Crystal and molecular strucutre of [Co(saox)(bipy)~2~]Br
Polyhedron, 2007, 26, 1292-1302
1500040 CIFC7 H10 Ag Cl N2P b c a16.33228; 16.2155; 7.24228
90; 90; 90
1918.02Al-Ktaifani, M. M.; Rukiah, M. K.; Shaaban, A. K.
Synthesis and Solid State Characterization of Organometallic Polymer of Ag(I) Using 2,2-Dimethyl-1,3-diisocyano Propane Ligand
Pol.J.Chem., 2008, 82, 547-557
1501558 CIFC7 H12 Ag F3 O2 S2P b c a7.6138; 16.0573; 19.894
90; 90; 90
2432.2Mohamed Osman Awaleh; Francois Brisse; Youssouf Djibril Soubaneh; Thierry Maris
Influence of the counteranion on silver(I)-dithioether coordination polymers
Polyhedron, 2010, 29, 2966-2975
1501708 CIFC10 H13 N3 O2 SP b c a11.0859; 13.0805; 15.8132
90; 90; 90
2293.06Farrugia, Louis J.; Khalaji, Aliakbar Dehno
Evidence for side-chain π-delocalization in a planar substituted benzene: an experimental and theoretical charge density study on 2,5-dimethoxybenzaldehyde thiosemicarbazone.
The journal of physical chemistry. A, 2011, 115, 12512-12522
1501759 CIFC10 H16 N6 O4P b c a16.138; 7.0036; 22.75
90; 90; 90
2571.3Lee, Jong Hoon; Naumov, Pance; Chung, Ihn Hee; Lee, Sang Cheol
Solid-state thermochromism and phase transitions of charge transfer 1,3-diamino-4,6-dinitrobenzene dyes.
The journal of physical chemistry. A, 2011, 115, 10087-10096
1501785 CIFC20 H11 Cl2 N2 TiP b c a14.606; 12.1974; 20.733
90; 90; 90
3693.69Nomura, Kotohiro; Fukuda, Hiroya; Katao, Shohei; Fujiki, Michiya; Kim, Hyun Joon; Kim, Dong-Hyun; Saeed, Irfan
Olefin Polymerization by Half-Titanocenes Containing η2-Pyrazolato Ligands−MAO Catalyst Systems
Macromolecules, 2011, 44, 1986
1501850 CIFC44 H40 N4 NiP b c a15.338; 13.793; 15.4883
90; 90; 90
3276.7Sarma, Tridib; Panda, Pradeepta K.; Anusha, P. T.; Rao, S. Venugopal
Dinaphthoporphycenes: synthesis and nonlinear optical studies.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 188-191
1501862 CIFC22 H6 B F15 OP b c a14.2119; 16.668; 18.1682
90; 90; 90
4303.75Chen, Chao; Voss, Tanja; Fröhlich, Roland; Kehr, Gerald; Erker, Gerhard
1,1-carboboration of 1-alkynes: a conceptual alternative to the hydroboration reaction.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 62-65
1501881 CIFC31 H27 N3 O3P b c a18.5834; 25.3538; 32.657
90; 90; 90
15386.7Dial, Brent E.; Rasberry, Roger D.; Bullock, Brooke N.; Smith, Mark D.; Pellechia, Perry J.; Profeta, Jr, Salvatore; Shimizu, Ken D.
Guest-accelerated molecular rotor.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 244-247
1501969 CIFC35 H38 Cl N O2P b c a10.9327; 19.6472; 27.9312
90; 90; 90
5999.5Cohen, Daniel T.; Cardinal-David, Benoit; Roberts, John M.; Sarjeant, Amy A.; Scheidt, Karl A.
NHC-catalyzed/titanium(IV)-mediated highly diastereo- and enantioselective dimerization of enals.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 1068-1071
1502038 CIFC24 H22 N2 O3P b c a15.6502; 13.1606; 37.823
90; 90; 90
7790.3Chen, Jiun-Jia; Li, Kuan-Ting; Yang, Ding-Yah
Synthesis of coumarin/phenanthridine-fused heterocycles and their photochemical and thermochromic properties.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 1658-1661
1502065 CIFC27 H20 N2 SP b c a7.3583; 20.2268; 28.3714
90; 90; 90
4222.65Murai, Toshiaki; Hori, Fumihiko; Maruyama, Toshifumi
Intramolecular cyclization of in situ generated adducts formed between thioamide dianions and thioformamides leading to generation of 5-amino-2-thiazolines and 5-aminothiazoles, and their fluorescence properties.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 1718-1721
1502084 CIFC13 H15 N O2P b c a11.542; 12.157; 15.623
90; 90; 90
2192.2Kulyk, Svitlana; Dougherty, Jr, William G; Kassel, W. Scott; Zdilla, Michael J.; Sieburth, Scott McN
Intramolecular pyridone/enyne photocycloaddition: partitioning of the [4 + 4] and [2 + 2] pathways.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 2180-2183
1502086 CIFC18 H26 OP b c a19.6684; 6.0152; 26.14
90; 90; 90
3092.6Rendina, Victor L.; Moebius, David C.; Kingsbury, Jason S.
An enantioselective synthesis of 2-aryl cycloalkanones by Sc-catalyzed carbon insertion.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 2004-2007
1502090 CIFC25 H27 F3 N2 O2 S SiP b c a8.2616; 18.2223; 34.406
90; 90; 90
5179.7Garcia, Pierre; Evanno, Yannick; George, Pascal; Sevrin, Mireille; Ricci, Gino; Malacria, Max; Aubert, Corinne; Gandon, Vincent
Regioselective cobalt-catalyzed formation of bicyclic 3- and 4-aminopyridines.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 2030-2033
1502119 CIFC16 H17 N3P b c a13.2943; 7.4099; 27.6216
90; 90; 90
2721Kumar, Rapolu Kiran; Ali, Md Ashif; Punniyamurthy, Tharmalingam
Pd-catalyzed C-H activation/C-N bond formation: a new route to 1-aryl-1H-benzotriazoles.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 2102-2105
1502379 CIFC11 H10 Br2 N4 O2P b c a14.934; 9.5657; 17.7739
90; 90; 90
2539.08Hewlett, Nicole M.; Tepe, Jetze J.
Total synthesis of the natural product (±)-dibromophakellin and analogues.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 4550-4553
1502387 CIFC14 H13 N3P b c a12.771; 9.914; 18.545
90; 90; 90
2348Shen, Hao; Wang, Yang; Xie, Zuowei
Ti-amide catalyzed synthesis of cyclic guanidines from di-/triamines and carbodiimides.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 4562-4565
1502458 CIFC23 H27 N O2P b c a9.2396; 14.8406; 27.0972
90; 90; 90
3715.6Sladojevich, Filippo; Michaelides, Iacovos N.; Benjamin, Darses; Ward, John W.; Dixon, Darren J.
Expedient Route to the functionalized calyciphylline A-type skeleton via a Michael addition-RCM strategy.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 5132-5135
1502473 CIFC34 H34 N2 O2 SP b c a13.1485; 16.858; 25.981
90; 90; 90
5758.9Cheng, Jiajia; Jiang, Xuefeng; Ma, Shengming
Palladium-catalyzed approach to stereodefined ten-membered cycles from 1,5-bisallenes.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 5200-5203
1502474 CIFC31 H37 Br2 N O4P b c a15.4711; 9.7718; 39.174
90; 90; 90
5922.3Cheng, Jiajia; Jiang, Xuefeng; Ma, Shengming
Palladium-catalyzed approach to stereodefined ten-membered cycles from 1,5-bisallenes.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 5200-5203
1502561 CIFC19 H24 O5P b c a10.1514; 18.0417; 18.4086
90; 90; 90
3371.5Saitman, Alec; Rulliere, Pauline; Sullivan, Steven D. E.; Theodorakis, Emmanuel A.
Total synthesis of norcembrenolide B and scabrolide D.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 5854-5857
1502595 CIFC19 H21 N O2P b c a7.889; 17.297; 22.433
90; 90; 90
3061.1Chun, Yu Sung; Lee, Jun Hee; Kim, Ju Hyun; Ko, Young Ok; Lee, Sang-gi
Tandem one-pot synthesis of polysubstituted pyridines using the Blaise reaction intermediate and 1,3-enynes.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 6390-6393
1502613 CIFC18 H20 N2 O2P b c a7.8221; 14.5983; 27.4837
90; 90; 90
3138.3Yagishita, Fumitoshi; Sakamoto, Masami; Mino, Takashi; Fujita, Tsutomu
Asymmetric intramolecular cyclobutane formation via photochemical reaction of N,N-diallyl-2-quinolone-3-carboxamide using a chiral crystalline environment.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 6168-6171
1502638 CIF
C25 H15 Br N4P b c a14.7393; 10.7465; 25.4251
90; 90; 90
4027.23Thirumurugan, Prakasam; Nandakumar, A.; Muralidharan, D.; Perumal, Paramasivan T.
Simple and Convenient Approach to the Kr€ohnke Pyridine Type Synthesis of Functionalized Indol-3-yl Pyridine Derivatives Using 3-Cyanoacetyl Indole
Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry, 2010, 12, 161
1502675 CIFB F3 H3 NP b c a8.0067; 7.9511; 9.2216
90; 90; 90
587.07Mebs, Stefan; Grabowsky, Simon; Förster, Diana; Kickbusch, Rainer; Hartl, Monika; Daemen, Luke L.; Morgenroth, Wolfgang; Luger, Peter; Paulus, Beate; Lentz, Dieter
Charge transfer via the dative N-B bond and dihydrogen contacts. Experimental and theoretical electron density studies of small Lewis acid-base adducts.
The journal of physical chemistry. A, 2010, 114, 10185-10196
1502729 CIFC11 H16 N2 OP b c a11.0135; 10.1491; 19.8528
90; 90; 90
2219.09Ośmiałowski, Borys; Kolehmainen, Erkki; Dobosz, Robert; Gawinecki, Ryszard; Kauppinen, Reijo; Valkonen, Arto; Koivukorpi, Juha; Rissanen, Kari
Self-organization of 2-acylaminopyridines in the solid state and in solution.
The journal of physical chemistry. A, 2010, 114, 10421-10426
1502760 CIFC47 H49 N3P b c a11.408; 25.189; 28.093
90; 90; 90
8073Suwa, Kazuya; Otsuki, Joe; Goto, Kei
Photoisomerization and thermal isomerization of shuttlecock- and bowl-equipped (phenylazo)pyridines.
The journal of physical chemistry. A, 2010, 114, 884-890
1502778 CIFC20 H12 Br2 N2 Ni O2P b c a10.084; 14.552; 24.36
90; 90; 90
3574.6Fukumoto, Hiroki; Yamane, Kazuto; Kase, Yumiko; Yamamoto, Takakazu
π-Conjugated Poly(aryleneethynylene)s Consisting of Salophen and Ni−Salophen Units in the π-Conjugated Main Chain: Preparation and Chemical Properties
Macromolecules, 2010, 43, 10366
1502897 CIFC15 H17 N O3P b c a9.572; 13.652; 19.809
90; 90; 90
2588.6DeLorbe, John E.; Lotz, Monica D.; Martin, Stephen F.
Concise total synthesis of (+/-)-lycopladine A.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1576-1579
1502906 CIFC12 H12 Br N O2P b c a9.9717; 8.8126; 25.5594
90; 90; 90
2246.07Burkhard, Johannes A.; Guérot, Carine; Knust, Henner; Rogers-Evans, Mark; Carreira, Erick M.
Synthesis and structural analysis of a new class of azaspiro[3.3]heptanes as building blocks for medicinal chemistry.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1944-1947
1502921 CIFC17 H28 Cl N2 RhP b c a10.7478; 12.6636; 26.7573
90; 90; 90
3641.82Kim, Min; Chang, Sukbok
Rhodium(NHC)-catalyzed amination of aryl bromides.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 1640-1643
1502945 CIFC8 H10 B I O4P b c a9.1721; 14.0916; 16.1791
90; 90; 90
2091.14Al-Zoubi, Raed M; Hall, Dennis G.
Mild silver(I)-mediated regioselective iodination and bromination of arylboronic acids.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2480-2483
1502990 CIFC8 H12 B12 F12 N8P b c a17.066; 14.6477; 17.8123
90; 90; 90
4452.7Shackelford, Scott A.; Belletire, John L.; Boatz, Jerry A.; Schneider, Stefan; Wheaton, Amanda K.; Wight, Brett A.; Ammon, Herman L.; Peryshkov, Dmitry V.; Strauss, Steven H.
Bridged heterocyclium dicationic closo-icosahedral perfluoroborane, borane, and carborane salts via aqueous, open-air benchtop synthesis.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2714-2717
1503005 CIFC30 H42 Cl2 Cu N12 O14P b c a12.126; 21.131; 30.52
90; 90; 90
7820Arunachalam, M.; Ahamed, B. Nisar; Ghosh, Pradyut
Binding of ammonium hexafluorophosphate and cation-induced isolation of unusual conformers of a hexapodal receptor.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 2742-2745
1503092 CIFC26 H22 F3 N O2 SP b c a15.2284; 17.6487; 17.8733
90; 90; 90
4803.7Minami, Yasunori; Kuniyasu, Hitoshi; Sanagawa, Atsushi; Kambe, Nobuaki
Pd-catalyzed regioselective iminothiolation of alkynes: a remarkable effect of the CF3 group of iminosulfides.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3744-3747
1503100 CIFC18 H21 Cl O2P b c a18.9939; 7.0672; 21.2043
90; 90; 90
2846.33Valiulin, Roman A.; Arisco, Teresa M.; Kutateladze, Andrei G.
Strained to the limit: when a cyclobutyl moiety becomes a thermodynamic sink in a protolytic ring-opening of photogenerated oxetanes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 3398-3401
1503186 CIFC30 H28 B Cl2 F N2 OP b c a15.361; 14.451; 23.729
90; 90; 90
5267Shintani, Ryo; Soh, Ying-Teck; Hayashi, Tamio
Rhodium-catalyzed asymmetric arylation of azomethine imines.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4106-4109
1503203 CIFC12 H9 Cl O2P b c a15.103; 6.0078; 21.747
90; 90; 90
1973.2Huo, Fang-Jun; Sun, Yuan-Qiang; Su, Jing; Yang, Yu-Tao; Yin, Cai-Xia; Chao, Jian-Bin
Chromene "lock", thiol "key", and mercury(II) ion "hand": a single molecular machine recognition system.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4756-4759
1503208 CIFC18 H20 O2P b c a9.9559; 13.4641; 21.4149
90; 90; 90
2870.61Ramadhar, Timothy R.; Kawakami, Jun-ichi; Lough, Alan J.; Batey, Robert A.
Stereocontrolled synthesis of contiguous C(sp3)-C(aryl) bonds by lanthanide(III)-catalyzed domino aryl-Claisen [3,3]-sigmatropic rearrangements.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4446-4449
1503260 CIFC12 H10 O2P b c a9.8904; 13.3099; 13.8982
90; 90; 90
1829.56Hopkinson, Matthew N.; Ross, Jonathan E.; Giuffredi, Guy T.; Gee, Antony D.; Gouverneur, Véronique
Gold-catalyzed cascade cyclization-oxidative alkynylation of allenoates.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 4904-4907
1503297 CIFC18 H24 O3 SiP b c a18.994; 7.2836; 25.679
90; 90; 90
3552.6Harb, Hassan Y.; Collins, Karl D.; Garcia Altur, Jose V.; Bowker, Sue; Campbell, Leonie; Procter, David J.
SmI~2~-mediated radical cyclizations directed by a C-Si bond
Organic Letters, 2010, 12, 5446-5449
1503319 CIFC20 H14 N2 OP b c a10.6357; 12.4031; 22.803
90; 90; 90
3008.07Andrew, Trisha L.; Cox, Jason R.; Swager, Timothy M.
Synthesis, reactivity, and electronic properties of 6,6-dicyanofulvenes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 5302-5305
1503370 CIFC24 H22 S6 Si2P b c a8.9624; 19.1122; 31.228
90; 90; 90
5349.1Wang, Zhihua; Shi, Jianwu; Wang, Jiange; Li, Chunli; Tian, Xinyong; Cheng, Yanxiang; Wang, Hua
Syntheses and crystal structures of benzohexathia[7]helicene and naphthalene cored double helicene.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 456-459
1503377 CIFC19 H13 N3 OP b c a7.0652; 20.188; 21.214
90; 90; 90
3025.8Zhao, Tiankun; Xu, Bin
Palladium-catalyzed tandem amination reaction for the synthesis of 4-quinolones.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 212-215
1503383 CIFC118 H166 F30 N14 O20P b c a22.9778; 21.9054; 26.306
90; 90; 90
13240.8Arunachalam, M.; Ghosh, Pradyut
Bistripodand amide host for compartmental recognition of multiple oxyanions.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 328-331
1503471 CIFC18 H18 O4P b c a8.3669; 17.2652; 20.0508
90; 90; 90
2896.5Ponnapalli, M. Gowri; Annam, S Ch V A Rao; Ravirala, Saidulu; Sukki, Sushma; Ankireddy, Madhu; Tuniki, V. Raju
Unusual Isomeric Corniculatolides from Mangrove, Aegiceras corniculatum.
Journal of natural products, 2012, 75, 275-279
1503509 CIFC32 H19 N7 NiP b c a22.06; 6.295; 34.93
90; 90; 90
4850.6Yamashita, Ken-ichi; Kataoka, Kazuyuki; Asano, Motoko S.; Sugiura, Ken-ichi
Catalyst-free aromatic nucleophilic substitution of meso-bromoporphyrins with azide anion: efficient synthesis and structural analyses of meso-azidoporphyrins.
Organic letters, 2012, 14, 190-193
1503520 CIFC8 H16 N2 O2P b c a13.5392; 6.7124; 20.4694
90; 90; 90
1860.27Davies, Stephen G.; Lee, James A.; Roberts, Paul M.; Thomson, James E.; Yin, Jingda
Parallel kinetic resolution of acyclic γ-amino-α,β-unsaturated esters: application to the asymmetric synthesis of 4-aminopyrrolidin-2-ones.
Organic letters, 2012, 14, 218-221
1503588 CIFC28 H28 N2 O4 SP b c a19.5308; 10.1952; 24.8108
90; 90; 90
4940.3Wang, Liang; Guo, Wei; Zhang, Xiao-Xiao; Xia, Xu-Dong; Xiao, Wen-Jing
Synthesis of Indolo [1,2-a]Quinoxalines via a Pd-Catalyzed Regioselective C-H Olefination/Cyclization Sequence.
Organic letters, 2012, 14, 740-743
1503659 CIFC21 H24 N4 O2P b c a8.7519; 16.8317; 25.6881
90; 90; 90
3784.1Kong, Kah-Hoe; Tan, Chong-Kiat; Lam, Yulin
Traceless Solid-Phase Synthesis of 6-Amino- and 6-Hydroxyimino-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diones and 1,3,5-Triazine-2,4,6-triones
Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry, 2009, 11, 1050
1503660 CIFC10 H10 N4 O3P b c a8.973; 8.3478; 28.1826
90; 90; 90
2111Kong, Kah-Hoe; Tan, Chong-Kiat; Lam, Yulin
Traceless Solid-Phase Synthesis of 6-Amino- and 6-Hydroxyimino-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diones and 1,3,5-Triazine-2,4,6-triones
Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry, 2009, 11, 1050
1503721 CIFC22 H33 N5 O4P b c a8.0384; 16.6403; 33.381
90; 90; 90
4465.1Kuykendall, Darrell W.; Anderson, Cyrus A.; Zimmerman, Steven C.
Hydrogen-bonded DeUG x DAN heterocomplex: structure and stability and a scalable synthesis of DeUG with reactive functionality.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 61-64
1503737 CIFC42 H28P b c a16.753; 17.878; 18.941
90; 90; 90
5673Toyota, Shinji; Onishi, Hiroyuki; Kawai, Yoshihiro; Morimoto, Takaaki; Miyahara, Hiroaki; Iwanaga, Tetsuo; Wakamatsu, Kan
Stereogenic motif consisting of rigid ring and intraannular chains: isolation and structures of stereoisomers of 9-alkyl-1,8-anthrylene-butadiynylene cyclic dimers.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 321-324
1503748 CIFC22 H28 N O5 P SP b c a12.596; 17.629; 20.182
90; 90; 90
4481.5Shintani, Ryo; Murakami, Masataka; Hayashi, Tamio
Stereoselective synthesis of nipecotic acid derivatives via palladium-catalyzed decarboxylative cyclization of gamma-methylidene-delta-valerolactones with imines.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 457-459
1503798 CIFC15 H18 N2 O2P b c a11.725; 13.381; 17.617
90; 90; 90
2764Wang, Kewei; Fu, Xiaolan; Liu, Jinying; Liang, Yongjiu; Dong, Dewen
PIFA-mediated oxidative cyclization of 1-carbamoyl-1-oximylcycloalkanes: synthesis of spiro-fused pyrazolin-5-one N-oxides.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 1015-1018
1503808 CIFC6 H8 O2 TeP b c a25.479; 5.981; 30.461
90; 90; 90
4641.9Patra, Asit; Wijsboom, Yair H.; Leitus, Gregory; Bendikov, Michael
Synthesis, structure, and electropolymerization of 3,4-dimethoxytellurophene: comparison with selenium analogue.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 1487-1490
1503835 CIFC37 H45 Cl3 I2 N2 O2P b c a19.8903; 16.9211; 25.5102
90; 90; 90
8585.9Pignataro, Luca; Papalia, Teresa; Slawin, Alexandra M. Z.; Goldup, Stephen M.
Unusual mechanistic course of some NHC-mediated transesterifications.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 1643-1646
1503846 CIFC23 H23 N OP b c a10.455; 11.538; 29.956
90; 90; 90
3613.6Yip, Kai-Tai; Zhu, Nian-Yong; Yang, Dan
Palladium-catalyzed highly diastereoselective oxidative cascade cyclization reactions.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 1911-1914
1503882 CIFC16 H19 N3 O3 S2P b c a12.215; 8.434; 34.429
90; 90; 90
3546.9Attanasi, Orazio A.; Crescentini, Lucia De; Favi, Gianfranco; Filippone, Paolino; Giorgi, Gianluca; Mantellini, Fabio; Moscatelli, Giada; Behalo, Mohamed S.
An efficient one-pot, three-component synthesis of 5-hydrazinoalkylidene rhodanines from 1,2-diaza-1,3-dienes.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 2265-2268
1503932 CIFC18 H26 N2 O3P b c a9.7178; 12.0387; 29.641
90; 90; 90
3467.7Chen, Yunfeng; Zhong, Cheng; Petersen, Jeffrey L.; Akhmedov, Novruz G.; Shi, Xiaodong
One-pot asymmetric synthesis of substituted piperidines by exocyclic chirality induction.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 2333-2336
1503943 CIFC10 H15 N5 O3P b c a6.936; 17.283; 20.657
90; 90; 90
2476.3Picon, Sylvain; Tran, Huu Dau Elise; Martin, Marie-Thérèse; Retailleau, Pascal; Zaparucha, Anne; Al-Mourabit, Ali
Biomimetically inspired short access to the 2-aminoimidazole-fused tetracyclic core of (+/-)-dibromoagelaspongin.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 2523-2526
1503989 CIFC18 H21 N O5P b c a12.7255; 9.7373; 26.8842
90; 90; 90
3331.3Tang, Yuchen; Fettinger, James C.; Shaw, Jared T.
One-step synthesis of complex nitrogen heterocycles from imines and alkyl-substituted maleic anhydrides.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 3802-3805
1504012 CIFC20 H17 N S2P b c a9.6873; 17.8299; 18.963
90; 90; 90
3275.4Balaji, Ganapathy; Valiyaveettil, Suresh
Synthesis and properties of symmetric and unsymmetric dibenzothienopyrroles.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 3358-3361
1504064 CIFC25 H26 Br N O4P b c a17.103; 8.857; 29.744
90; 90; 90
4505.7Shintani, Ryo; Hayashi, Shin-ya; Murakami, Masataka; Takeda, Momotaro; Hayashi, Tamio
Stereoselective synthesis of spirooxindoles by palladium-catalyzed decarboxylative cyclization of gamma-methylidene-delta-valerolactones with isatins.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 3754-3756
1504083 CIFC36 H52 N8 O8P b c a14.488; 18.236; 28.915
90; 90; 90
7639Kang, Sung Ok; Day, Victor W.; Bowman-James, Kristin
The influence of amine functionalities on anion binding in polyamide-containing macrocycles.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 3654-3657
1504107 CIFC25 H28 N2 O3P b c a13.0902; 16.4023; 19.4869
90; 90; 90
4184Lin, Chi-Hui; Jhang, Jing-Fu; Yang, Ding-Yah
One-pot synthesis of coumarin-based oxazabicyclic and oxazatricyclic compounds and their fluorescence redox switching properties.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 4064-4067
1504118 CIFC10 H9 N O2 SP b c a9.4658; 10.2821; 19.9354
90; 90; 90
1940.28Palsuledesai, Charuta C.; Murru, Siva; Sahoo, Santosh K.; Patel, Bhisma K.
Acyl-isothiocyanates as efficient thiocyanate transfer reagents.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 3382-3385
1504144 CIFC20 H14P b c a7.9296; 11.5575; 14.399
90; 90; 90
1319.6Isobe, Hiroyuki; Hitosugi, Shunpei; Matsuno, Taisuke; Iwamoto, Takeaki; Ichikawa, Junji
Concise synthesis of halogenated chrysenes ([4]phenacenes) that favor pi-stack packing in single crystals.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 4026-4028
1504171 CIFC18 H24 O SP b c a9.2519; 16.7091; 20.816
90; 90; 90
3218Liu, Taoping; Zhao, Xiaoming; Lu, Long; Cohen, Theodore
Readily prepared 3-chloro-1-(phenylthio)propene, a versatile three-carbon annulating agent.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 4576-4579
1504236 CIFC15 H17 N O4P b c a9.03; 11.494; 26.562
90; 90; 90
2757Kise, Naoki; Isemoto, Shinsaku; Sakurai, Toshihiko
Electroreductive coupling of phthalimides with alpha,beta-unsaturated esters: unusual rearrangement of resulting silyl ketene acetals.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 4902-4905
1504237 CIFC16 H19 N O4P b c a9.4786; 10.8076; 28.163
90; 90; 90
2885Kise, Naoki; Isemoto, Shinsaku; Sakurai, Toshihiko
Electroreductive coupling of phthalimides with alpha,beta-unsaturated esters: unusual rearrangement of resulting silyl ketene acetals.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 4902-4905
1504246 CIFC39 H42P b c a10.8889; 18.2557; 30.536
90; 90; 90
6070.1Yang, Jye-Shane; Huang, Hsin-Hau; Liu, Yi-Hung; Peng, Shie-Ming
Synthesis and electronic properties of isotruxene-derived star-shaped ladder-type oligophenylenes: bandgap tuning with two-dimensional conjugation.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 4942-4945
1504253 CIFC13 H12 N4P b c a17.055; 6.187; 22.305
90; 90; 90
2353.6Lee, Sanghee; Park, Seung Bum
An efficient one-step synthesis of heterobiaryl pyrazolo[3,4-b]pyridines via indole ring opening.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 5214-5217
1504290 CIFC28 H32 N2 O3P b c a12.587; 12.897; 30.669
90; 90; 90
4979Shintani, Ryo; Murakami, Masataka; Tsuji, Takaoki; Tanno, Hideyuki; Hayashi, Tamio
Palladium-catalyzed decarboxylative [4 + 3] cyclization of gamma-methylidene-delta-valerolactones with 1,1-dicyanocyclopropanes.
Organic letters, 2009, 11, 5642-5645
1504316 CIFC9 H9 N O3P b c a16.163; 8.953; 22.95
90; 90; 90
3321Hansen, Marvin M.; Borders, Sandra S. K.; Clayton, Marcella T.; Heath, Perry C.; Kolis, Stanley P.; Larsen, Samuel D.; Linder, Ryan J.; Reutzel-Edens, Susan M.; Smith, Justin C.; Tameze, Shella L.; Ward, Jeffrey A.; Weigel, Leland O.
Development of a Practical Synthesis of an Aminoindanol-Derived M1 Agonist†
Organic Process Research & Development, 2009, 13, 198
1504319 CIFC9 H10 Cl N OP b c a9.4251; 9.2575; 20.1686
90; 90; 90
1759.77Hursthouse, Michael B.; Huth, L. Susanne; Threlfall, Terence L.
Why Do Organic Compounds Crystallise Well or Badly or Ever so Slowly? Why Is Crystallisation Nevertheless Such a Good Purification Technique?†
Organic Process Research & Development, 2009, 13, 1231
1504320 CIFC11 H14 Cl N OP b c a9.7381; 10.0151; 22.9501
90; 90; 90
2238.28Hursthouse, Michael B.; Huth, L. Susanne; Threlfall, Terence L.
Why Do Organic Compounds Crystallise Well or Badly or Ever so Slowly? Why Is Crystallisation Nevertheless Such a Good Purification Technique?†
Organic Process Research & Development, 2009, 13, 1231
1504323 CIFC7 H6 Br N OP b c a10.848; 9.8017; 13.5375
90; 90; 90
1439.43Hursthouse, Michael B.; Huth, L. Susanne; Threlfall, Terence L.
Why Do Organic Compounds Crystallise Well or Badly or Ever so Slowly? Why Is Crystallisation Nevertheless Such a Good Purification Technique?†
Organic Process Research & Development, 2009, 13, 1231
1504334 CIFC17 H26 N4 O3P b c a10.2548; 17.3996; 21.2408
90; 90; 90
3790Shaabani, Ahmad; Maleki, Ali; Mofakham, Hamid
Novel Multicomponent One-Pot Synthesis of Tetrahydro-1H-1,5-benzodiazepine-2-carboxamide Derivatives
Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry, 2008, 10, 595
1504366 CIFC16 H8 F6 N2 OP b c a15.064; 5.9041; 32.08
90; 90; 90
2853.2Landis, Chad A.; Dhar, Bal Mukund; Lee, Taegweon; Sarjeant, Amy; Katz, Howard E.
Syntheses, Solid State Structures, and Electrical Properties of Oxadiazole-Based Oligomers with Perfluorinated Endgroups
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2008, 112, 7939
1504407 CIFC6 H16 Cu2 N4 O6P b c a8.3395; 8.5023; 17.1507
90; 90; 90
1216.07Farrugia, Louis J.; Middlemiss, Derek S.; Sillanpää, Reijo; Seppälä, Petri
A combined experimental and theoretical charge density study of the chemical bonding and magnetism in 3-amino-propanolato Cu(II) complexes containing weakly coordinated anions.
The journal of physical chemistry. A, 2008, 112, 9050-9067
1504408 CIFC6 H16 Cu2 N4 O6P b c a8.3459; 8.5084; 17.1684
90; 90; 90
1219.13Farrugia, Louis J.; Middlemiss, Derek S.; Sillanpää, Reijo; Seppälä, Petri
A combined experimental and theoretical charge density study of the chemical bonding and magnetism in 3-amino-propanolato Cu(II) complexes containing weakly coordinated anions.
The journal of physical chemistry. A, 2008, 112, 9050-9067
1504430 CIFC24 H19 B Cl2 I2 N2 OP b c a16.7466; 20.0392; 29.3774
90; 90; 90
9858.7Nagata, Yuuya; Chujo, Yoshiki
Main-Chain-TypeN,N′-Chelate Organoboron Aminoquinolate Polymers: Synthesis, Luminescence, and Energy Transfer Behavior
Macromolecules, 2008, 41, 3488
1504524 CIFC17 H18 Br4P b c a6.3174; 23.129; 24.546
90; 90; 90
3586.5Spantulescu, Andreea; Luu, Thanh; Zhao, Yuming; McDonald, Robert; Tykwinski, Rik R.
Synthesis and characterization of cyclic alkyl tetraynes.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 609-612
1504557 CIFC27 H26 B N O3 SiP b c a9.1369; 20.4629; 25.729
90; 90; 90
4810.5Yasuda, Makoto; Yoshioka, Sachiko; Nakajima, Hideto; Chiba, Kouji; Baba, Akio
Fine-tuning of boron complexes with cage-shaped ligand geometry: rational design of triphenolic ligand as a template for structure control.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 929-932
1504593 CIFC23 H22 O SP b c a11.0748; 13.0716; 25.1947
90; 90; 90
3647.32Lohier, Jean-François; Foucoin, Florian; Jaffrès, Paul-Alain; Garcia, José I; Sopková-de Oliveira Santos, Jana; Perrio, Stéphane; Metzner, Patrick
An efficient and straightforward access to sulfur substituted [2.2]paracyclophanes: application to stereoselective sulfenate salt alkylation.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 1271-1274
1504596 CIFC34 H35 N4 O4.5P b c a13.6561; 16.409; 26.0092
90; 90; 90
5828.2Hu, Hai-Yu; Xiang, Jun-Feng; Yang, Yong; Chen, Chuan-Feng
Chiral induction in phenanthroline-derived oligoamide foldamers: an acid- and base-controllable switch in helical molecular strands.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 1275-1278
1504607 CIFC17 H20 N2 O2P b c a13.7887; 8.2013; 25.4017
90; 90; 90
2872.56Magolan, Jakob; Carson, Cheryl A.; Kerr, Michael A.
Total synthesis of (+/-)-mersicarpine.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 1437-1440
1504717 CIFC22 H27 N O2P b c a6.8324; 22.8044; 23.4492
90; 90; 90
3653.6Rudkin, Mairi E.; Joensuu, Pekka M.; MacLachlan, William S.; Lam, Hon Wai
Diastereoselective cobalt-catalyzed alkylative aldol cyclizations using trialkylaluminum reagents.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 2939-2942
1504726 CIFC19 H16 O6P b c a9.9608; 9.8561; 33.131
90; 90; 90
3252.6Wilsily, Ashraf; Fillion, Eric
Asymmetric synthesis of carboxylic acid derivatives having an all-carbon alpha-quaternary center through Cu-catalyzed 1,4-addition of dialkylzinc reagents to 2-aryl acetate derivatives.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 2801-2804
1504878 CIFC16 H23 N O2P b c a6.4956; 18.0854; 24.885
90; 90; 90
2923.4Duan, Haifeng; Sun, Xiaohua; Liao, Wenyan; Petersen, Jeffrey L.; Shi, Xiaodong
Proline as Lewis base catalyst: diastereoselective synthesis of isoxazoline-N-oxide through [3 + 2] cycloaddition.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 4113-4116
1504960 CIFC20 H14 N4 OP b c a38.946; 10.7963; 7.8297
90; 90; 90
3292.2Liu, Yuxiu; Yan, Wuming; Chen, Yunfeng; Petersen, Jeffrey L.; Shi, Xiaodong
Efficient synthesis of N-2-aryl-1,2,3-triazole fluorophores via post-triazole arylation.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 5389-5392
1504969 CIFC29 H28 Cl3 O2 P2 RhP b c a16.4539; 13.1086; 26.12
90; 90; 90
5633.8Kashiwabara, Taigo; Fuse, Kouichiro; Hua, Ruimao; Tanaka, Masato
Rhodium-complex-catalyzed addition reactions of chloroacetyl chlorides to alkynes.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 5469-5472
1504984 CIFC6 H3 F7 N2P b c a9.823; 7.302; 23.688
90; 90; 90
1699.1Lu, Changqing; VanDerveer, Don; DesMarteau, Darryl D.
Fluoroalkylation of imidazoles by hypervalent iodonium salts.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 5565-5568
1505028 CIFC23 H36 Cl Cu N5 O8P b c a21.134; 10.7258; 23.111
90; 90; 90
5238.8Sprague, Jennifer E.; Peng, Yijie; Fiamengo, Ashley L.; Woodin, Katrina S.; Southwick, Evan A.; Weisman, Gary R.; Wong, Edward H.; Golen, James A.; Rheingold, Arnold L.; Anderson, Carolyn J.
Synthesis, characterization and in vivo studies of Cu(II)-64-labeled cross-bridged tetraazamacrocycle-amide complexes as models of peptide conjugate imaging agents.
Journal of medicinal chemistry, 2007, 50, 2527-2535
1505062 CIFC12 H18 N2 O4 SP b c a25.654; 10.4439; 10.2801
90; 90; 90
2754.3Nockemann, Peter; Thijs, Ben; Driesen, Kris; Janssen, Colin R.; Van Hecke, Kristof; Van Meervelt, Luc; Kossmann, Simone; Kirchner, Barbara; Binnemans, Koen
Choline saccharinate and choline acesulfamate: ionic liquids with low toxicities.
The journal of physical chemistry. B, 2007, 111, 5254-5263
1505168 CIFC31 H20 O4P b c a13.8475; 16.2027; 19.3485
90; 90; 90
4341.2Al-Kaysi, Rabih O.; Dillon, Robert J.; Kaiser, J. Michael; Mueller, Leonard J.; Guirado, Gonzalo; Bardeen, Christopher J.
Photopolymerization of Organic Molecular Crystal Nanorods
Macromolecules, 2007, 40, 9040
1505266 CIFC15 H20 Cl2 Ir N OP b c a14.1344; 14.996; 15.2331
90; 90; 90
3228.8Fujita, Ken-ichi; Tanino, Nobuhide; Yamaguchi, Ryohei
Ligand-promoted dehydrogenation of alcohols catalyzed by Cp*Ir complexes. A new catalytic system for oxidant-free oxidation of alcohols.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 109-111
1505273 CIFC16 H19 N O4P b c a10.9278; 10.6803; 24.621
90; 90; 90
2873.6Souweha, Michael Santos; Arab, Akram; ApSimon, Megan; Fallis, Alex G.
Diene-transmissive cycloadditions: control of monocycloaddition by self-assembly on a Lewis acid template.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 615-618
1505451 CIFC14 H17 N O2P b c a17.4562; 15.5902; 17.8949
90; 90; 90
4870Murphy, John A.; Mahesh, Mohan; McPheators, Gary; Anand, R. Vijaya; McGuire, Thomas M.; Carling, Robert; Kennedy, Alan R.
Fragmentation of nitrone triflates to 9-membered rings.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 3233-3236
1505466 CIFC15 H14 Br N O4P b c a9.907; 16.144; 17.827
90; 90; 90
2851.2Henry, Christopher E.; Kwon, Ohyun
Phosphine-catalyzed synthesis of highly functionalized coumarins.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 3069-3072
1505503 CIFC17 H18 O3P b c a10.0439; 9.8777; 27.4151
90; 90; 90
2719.9Lim, Choongmin; Kang, Ji-Eun; Lee, Ji-Eun; Shin, Seunghoon
Gold-catalyzed tandem C-C and C-O bond formation: a highly diastereoselective formation of cyclohex-4-ene-1,2-diol derivatives.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 3539-3542
1505523 CIFC15 H17 Cl O2P b c a15.9739; 8.89; 18.522
90; 90; 90
2630.3Grant, Tina N.; West, F. G.
Interrupted nazarov reactions using dichlorocyclopropanes: a novel mode of arene trapping.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 3789-3792
1505556 CIFC21 H29 I N O2P b c a14.5524; 16.6177; 16.8513
90; 90; 90
4075.11Sunderhaus, James D.; Dockendorff, Chris; Martin, Stephen F.
Applications of multicomponent reactions for the synthesis of diverse heterocyclic scaffolds.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 4223-4226
1505582 CIFC7 H12 Cl N O2P b c a10.4278; 8.5518; 19.106
90; 90; 90
1703.8Rawal, Girish K.; Kumar, Amit; Tawar, Urmila; Vankar, Yashwant D.
New method for chloroamidation of olefins. Application in the synthesis of N-glycopeptides and anticancer agents.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 5171-5174
1505599 CIFC15 H15 N OP b c a8.0935; 8.065; 35.0669
90; 90; 90
2288.96Bissember, Alex C.; Phillis, Andrew T.; Banwell, Martin G.; Willis, Anthony C.
Base-promoted reactions of dichlorocarbene adducts of cyclic enamines: a new route to annulated pyrroles.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 5421-5424
1505627 CIFC20 H24 Cl N3 O2P b c a12.1354; 10.5342; 29.4482
90; 90; 90
3764.56Yoshimitsu, Takehiko; Matsuda, Kenichi; Nagaoka, Hiroto; Tsukamoto, Koji; Tanaka, Tetsuaki
Radical fixation of functionalized carbon resources: alpha-sp3C-H carbamoylation of tertiary amines with aryl isocyanates.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 5115-5118
1505632 CIFC17 H20 N2 O2P b c a18.61; 7.6918; 20.026
90; 90; 90
2866.6Ribelin, Timothy P.; Judd, Andrew S.; Akritopoulou-Zanze, Irini; Henry, Rodger F.; Cross, Jeffrey L.; Whittern, David N.; Djuric, Stevan W.
Concise construction of novel bridged bicyclic lactams by sequenced Ugi/RCM/Heck reactions.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 5119-5122
1505750 CIFC36 H40 Cl6 N6 O23 Pt3 Y2P b c a18.068; 19.887; 28.316
90; 90; 90
10174Szeto, Kai Chung; Lillerud, Karl Petter; Tilset, Mats; Bjørgen, Morten; Prestipino, Carmelo; Zecchina, Adriano; Lamberti, Carlo; Bordiga, Silvia
A thermally stable Pt/Y-based metal-organic framework: Exploring the accessibility of the metal centers with spectroscopic methods using H2O, CH3OH, and CH3CN as probes.
The journal of physical chemistry. B, 2006, 110, 21509-21520
1505755 CIFC7 H12 F6 N2 O6 S2P b c a23.4721; 10.2027; 25.5957
90; 90; 90
6129.6Nockemann, Peter; Thijs, Ben; Pittois, Stijn; Thoen, Jan; Glorieux, Christ; Van Hecke, Kristof; Van Meervelt, Luc; Kirchner, Barbara; Binnemans, Koen
Task-specific ionic liquid for solubilizing metal oxides.
The journal of physical chemistry. B, 2006, 110, 20978-20992
1505770 CIFC71 H85 Cl3 O4P b c a16.6918; 20.6408; 37.0204
90; 90; 90
12754.7Yang, Yong; Swager, Timothy M.
Main-Chain Calixarene Polymers: Conformational Effects on Polymerization
Macromolecules, 2006, 39, 2013
1505808 CIFC10 H10 Br N O2P b c a12.3702; 8.451; 19.563
90; 90; 90
2045.1Suárez-Castillo, Oscar R; Beiza-Granados, Lidia; Meléndez-Rodríguez, Myriam; Alvarez-Hernández, Alejandro; Morales-Ríos, Martha S; Joseph-Nathan, Pedro
Synthesis of bromoindole alkaloids from Laurencia brongniartii.
Journal of natural products, 2006, 69, 1596-1600
1505845 CIFC14 H15 N O4P b c a15.469; 7.263; 22.129
90; 90; 90
2486.2Jung, Cheol-Kyu; Garner, Susan A.; Krische, Michael J.
Hydrogen-mediated aldol reductive coupling of vinyl ketones catalyzed by rhodium: high syn-selectivity through the effect of tri-2-furylphosphine.
Organic letters, 2006, 8, 519-522
1505856 CIFC22 H19 Cr N O5P b c a14.681; 14.7727; 37.15
90; 90; 90
8057Kamikawa, Ken; Kinoshita, Shunsuke; Matsuzaka, Hiroyuki; Uemura, Motokazu
Stereoselective synthesis of axially chiral N-C bonds in N-aryl indoles.
Organic letters, 2006, 8, 1097-1100
1505900 CIFC21 H22 N10P b c a8.717; 21.365; 23.39
90; 90; 90
4356.1Zonta, Cristiano; Crisma, Marco; De Lucchi, Ottorino; Motterle, Riccardo; Serafini, Siro
Benzotriazole complexes with amines and phenol: cooperativity mediated by induction effects in the crystal state.
Organic letters, 2006, 8, 1577-1579
1505954 CIFC18 H24 O3 SP b c a10.4474; 13.7791; 23.7993
90; 90; 90
3426Chen, Wenbo; Zhao, Xiaoming; Lu, Long; Cohen, Theodore
2-Phenylthio-3-bromopropene, a valuable synthon, easily prepared by a simple rearrangement.
Organic letters, 2006, 8, 2087-2090
1505989 CIFC17 H16 N2 OP b c a8.178; 12.3849; 25.8621
90; 90; 90
2619.41Ellis-Holder, Keisha K; Peppers, Brian P.; Kovalevsky, Andrei Yu; Diver, Steven T.
Macrocycle ring expansion by double Stevens rearrangement.
Organic letters, 2006, 8, 2511-2514
1506040 CIFC19 H20 O4P b c a16.779; 23.256; 8.243
90; 90; 90
3216.5Babu, Srinivasarao Arulananda; Yasuda, Makoto; Okabe, Yuji; Shibata, Ikuya; Baba, Akio
High chelation control of three contiguous stereogenic centers in the Reformatsky reactions of indium enolates with alpha-hydroxy ketones: unexpected stereochemistry of lactone formation.
Organic letters, 2006, 8, 3029-3032
1506047 CIFC20 H32 O3 SiP b c a10.2128; 14.5819; 26.706
90; 90; 90
3977.1Thornton, Paul D.; Burnell, D. Jean
A Pauson-Khand and ring-expansion approach to the aquariane ring system.
Organic letters, 2006, 8, 3195-3198
1506049 CIFC7 H11 Br I N OP b c a7.9917; 10.5745; 23.462
90; 90; 90
1982.7Hu, Tianshun; Shen, Meihua; Chen, Qian; Li, Chaozhong
Pushing radical cyclization from regioselective to regiospecific: cyclization of amidyl radicals controlled by vinylic halogen substitution.
Organic letters, 2006, 8, 2647-2650
1506050 CIFC7 H11 I2 N OP b c a8.0936; 10.7502; 23.5836
90; 90; 90
2052Hu, Tianshun; Shen, Meihua; Chen, Qian; Li, Chaozhong
Pushing radical cyclization from regioselective to regiospecific: cyclization of amidyl radicals controlled by vinylic halogen substitution.
Organic letters, 2006, 8, 2647-2650
1506104 CIFC14 H12 B N3P b c a15.42; 6.561; 23.85
90; 90; 90
2412.9Wood, Thomas K.; Piers, Warren E.; Keay, Brian A.; Parvez, Masood
1-Borabarrelene derivatives via Diels-Alder additions to borabenzenes.
Organic letters, 2006, 8, 2875-2878
1506131 CIFC24 H31 N O3P b c a21.57; 8.3502; 23.271
90; 90; 90
4191.4Hogan, Anne-Marie L; O'Shea, Donal F
Regioselective carbolithiation of o-amino-(E)-stilbenes: cascade route to the quinoline scaffold.
Organic letters, 2006, 8, 3769-3772
1506143 CIFC14 H11 N3 OP b c a10.5307; 7.9709; 29.396
90; 90; 90
2467.5Mandel, Sarah M.; Singh, Pradeep N. D.; Muthukrishnan, Sivaramakrishnan; Chang, Mingxin; Krause, Jeanette A.; Gudmundsdóttir, Anna D
Solid-state photolysis of alpha-azidoacetophenones.
Organic letters, 2006, 8, 4207-4210
1506144 CIFC14 H11 N3 OP b c a5.9414; 14.8154; 26.69
90; 90; 90
2349.4Mandel, Sarah M.; Singh, Pradeep N. D.; Muthukrishnan, Sivaramakrishnan; Chang, Mingxin; Krause, Jeanette A.; Gudmundsdóttir, Anna D
Solid-state photolysis of alpha-azidoacetophenones.
Organic letters, 2006, 8, 4207-4210
1506261 CIFC12 H19 N O2P b c a11.177; 14.03; 14.477
90; 90; 90
2270.2Gu, Peiming; Zhao, Yu-Ming; Tu, Yong Qiang; Ma, Yufei; Zhang, Fumin
Tandem semipinacol/Schmidt reaction leading to a versatile and efficient approach to azaquaternary alkaloid skeletons.
Organic letters, 2006, 8, 5271-5273
1506403 CIFC18 H17 B F2 N2P b c a16.7533; 10.6616; 17.2351
90; 90; 90
3078.48Kee, Hooi Ling; Kirmaier, Christine; Yu, Lianhe; Thamyongkit, Patchanita; Youngblood, W. Justin; Calder, Matthew E.; Ramos, Lavoisier; Noll, Bruce C.; Bocian, David F.; Scheidt, W. Robert; Birge, Robert R.; Lindsey, Jonathan S.; Holten, Dewey
Structural control of the photodynamics of boron-dipyrrin complexes.
The journal of physical chemistry. B, 2005, 109, 20433-20443
1506407 CIFC14 H30 F6 Li2 N2 O6 S2P b c a8.6035; 10.008; 28.521
90; 90; 90
2455.8Rocher, Nathalie M.; Frech, Roger; Khan, Masood
Hydrogen bonding and the inductive effect in crystalline and solution phases of hexylamine:LiCF3SO3 and Dipropylamine:LiCF3SO3: application to branched poly(ethylenimine).
The journal of physical chemistry. B, 2005, 109, 20697-20706
1506476 CIFC11 H8 Br2 O3P b c a10.3322; 11.1219; 19.0191
90; 90; 90
2185.56Pelphrey, Phillip; Jasinski, Jerry; Butcher, Ray J.; Wright, Dennis L.
Oxabicyclo[3.2.1]octane derivatives as highly reactive dienophiles: synthesis of bicyclo[5.n.0] systems.
Organic letters, 2005, 7, 423-425
1506514 CIFC20 H18P b c a10.7905; 7.675; 17.5436
90; 90; 90
1452.9Lunazzi, Lodovico; Mazzanti, Andrea; Minzoni, Mirko; Anderson, J. Edgar
Structure, conformation, and dynamic processes of the stereolabile atropisomers of hindered terphenyl hydrocarbons.
Organic letters, 2005, 7, 1291-1294
1506521 CIFC20 H15 N3 OP b c a22.607; 5.3689; 24.359
90; 90; 90
2956.6Davis, Riju; Tamaoki, Nobuyuki
Novel photochromic spiroheterocyclic molecules via oxidation of 1,8-diaminonaphthalene.
Organic letters, 2005, 7, 1461-1464
1506550 CIFC9 H14 O4P b c a9.9387; 11.7542; 15.485
90; 90; 90
1809Aspinall, Helen C.; Greeves, Nicholas; Valla, Carine
Samarium diiodide-catalyzed diastereoselective pinacol couplings.
Organic letters, 2005, 7, 1919-1922
1506565 CIFC12 H18 N2 O2P b c a7.6969; 9.6905; 16.428
90; 90; 90
1225.3Hu, Tianshun; Li, Chaozhong
Synthesis of lactams via copper-catalyzed intramolecular vinylation of amides.
Organic letters, 2005, 7, 2035-2038
1506567 CIFC79 Cl9 NP b c a16.844; 19.929; 26.869
90; 90; 90
9019Pham, David; Cerón Bertran, Jordi; Olmstead, Marilyn M.; Mascal, Mark; Balch, Alan L.
Interaction of fullerenes with the concave surfaces of perchloroazatriquinacene.
Organic letters, 2005, 7, 2805-2808
1506587 CIFC18 H30 O6P b c a11.739; 9.94; 31.993
90; 90; 90
3733.12Denekamp, C.; Gottlieb, L.; Tamiri, T.; Tsoglin, A.; Shilav, R.; Kapon, M.
Two separable conformers of TATP and analogues exist at room temperature.
Organic letters, 2005, 7, 2461-2464
1506617 CIFC20 H21 N O5 SP b c a15.9518; 12.6973; 19.0989
90; 90; 90
3868.4Shi, Yong-Ling; Shi, Min
DABCO-catalyzed reaction of allenic esters and ketones with salicyl N-tosylimines: synthesis of highly functionalized chromenes.
Organic letters, 2005, 7, 3057-3060
1506692 CIFC9 H14 O3P b c a5.9697; 13.3048; 22.401
90; 90; 90
1779.2Muthusamy, Sengodagounder; Gnanaprakasam, Boopathy; Suresh, Eringathodi
Regioselective nucleophilic addition to carbonyl ylide intermediates: a novel diastereoselective synthesis of cycloalkyl fused furan-3-ones.
Organic letters, 2005, 7, 4577-4580
1506698 CIFC15 H20 O3P b c a9.0996; 11.5389; 25.785
90; 90; 90
2707.4Lam, Hon Wai; Joensuu, Pekka M.
Cu(I)-catalyzed reductive aldol cyclizations: diastereo- and enantioselective synthesis of beta-hydroxylactones.
Organic letters, 2005, 7, 4225-4228
1506711 CIFC16 H15 F6 N O4 SP b c a17.1855; 8.6653; 24.9779
90; 90; 90
3719.6Loeb, Stephen J.; Tiburcio, Jorge; Vella, Sarah J.
[2]pseudorotaxane formation with N-benzylanilinium axles and 24-crown-8 ether wheels.
Organic letters, 2005, 7, 4923-4926
1506722 CIFC15 H18 N2 O4P b c a8.5596; 11.4819; 26.25
90; 90; 90
2579.9Blakemore, Paul R.; Kilner, Colin; Norcross, Neil R.; Astles, Peter C.
A practical synthesis of (+/-)-alpha-isosparteine from a tetraoxobispidine core.
Organic letters, 2005, 7, 4721-4724
1506759 CIFC19 H19 N O2P b c a10.162; 11.205; 27.271
90; 90; 90
3105.2Xue, Dong; Chen, Ying-Chun; Wang, Qi-Wei; Cun, Ling-Feng; Zhu, Jin; Deng, Jin-Gen
Asymmetric direct vinylogous Michael reaction of activated alkenes to nitroolefins catalyzed by modified cinchona alkaloids.
Organic letters, 2005, 7, 5293-5296
1506802 CIFC14 H12 N4 O4 SP b c a8.11; 17.9243; 21.3183
90; 90; 90
3099Kong, Kah-Hoe; Chen, Yu; Ma, Xiang; Chui, Wai Keung; Lam, Yulin
Traceless Solid-Phase Synthesis of Nitrogen-Containing Heterocycles and Their Biological Evaluations as Inhibitors of Neuronal Sodium Channels
Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry, 2004, 6, 928
1506822 CIFC16 F8 N4P b c a10.411; 13.338; 21.948
90; 90; 90
3047.7Hibbs, David E.; Overgaard, Jacob; Platts, James A.; Waller, Mark P.; Hursthouse, Michael B.
Experimental and Theoretical Charge Density Studies of Tetrafluorophthalonitrile and Tetrafluoroisophthalonitrile
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2004, 108, 3663
1506840 CIFC12 H52 Al2 N8 O21 P4P b c a17.6569; 15.4289; 25.5819
90; 90; 90
6969.2Loiseau, Thierry; Beitone, Lionel; Millange, Franck; Taulelle, Francis; O'Hare, Dermot; Férey, Gérard
Observation and Reactivity of the Chainlike Species ([Al(PO4)2]3-)nduring the X-ray Diffraction Investigation of the Hydrothermal Synthesis of the Super-sodalite Sodium Aluminophosphate MIL-74 (Na2Al7(PO4)12·4trenH3·Na(H2O)16)
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2004, 108, 20020
1506858 CIFC18 H20 I2 O2P b c a8.0944; 13.7017; 16.9431
90; 90; 90
1879.11Englert, Brian C.; Smith, Mark D.; Hardcastle, Kenneth I.; Bunz, Uwe H. F.
Jacketed Poly(p-phenyleneethynylene)s: Nonaggregating Conjugated Polymers as Blue-Emitting Rods
Macromolecules, 2004, 37, 8212
1506862 CIFC62 H124 Cl2 P8 Pd2 Pt2P b c a21.303; 38.332; 19.564
90; 90; 90
15976Onitsuka, Kiyotaka; Yabe, Ken-ichiro; Ohshiro, Nobuaki; Shimizu, Atsushi; Okumura, Reiko; Takei, Fumie; Takahashi, Shigetoshi
Di- and Trifunctional Initiators Containing Pt−Pd μ-Ethynediyl Units for Living Polymerization of Aryl Isocyanides
Macromolecules, 2004, 37, 8204
1506889 CIFC14 H15 N3P b c a10.819; 9.869; 22.487
90; 90; 90
2401Benati, Luisa; Bencivenni, Giorgio; Leardini, Rino; Minozzi, Matteo; Nanni, Daniele; Scialpi, Rosanna; Spagnolo, Piero; Zanardi, Giuseppe; Rizzoli, Corrado
Cyclizations of N-stannylaminyl radicals onto nitriles.
Organic letters, 2004, 6, 417-420
1506904 CIFC28 H33 N3 O4 SiP b c a14.8764; 13.5218; 27.438
90; 90; 90
5519.3Lovely, Carl J.; Du, Hongwang; He, Yong; Rasika Dias, H. V.
Oxidative rearrangement of imidazoles with dimethyldioxirane.
Organic letters, 2004, 6, 735-738
1506935 CIFC26 H31 N SiP b c a11.17; 16.42; 24.14
90; 90; 90
4428Yagi, Kazunari; Shinokubo, Hiroshi; Oshima, Koichiro
Synthesis of silyl aziridines and alpha-amino acylsilanes with silyldibromomethyllithium.
Organic letters, 2004, 6, 4339-4341
1506942 CIFC33 H28P b c a8.8482; 17.6806; 29.5631
90; 90; 90
4624.9Dai, Weixiang; Petersen, Jeffrey L.; Wang, Kung K.
Synthesis and structure of a helical diindenophenanthrene with four congested phenyl substituents as a molecular spiral staircase.
Organic letters, 2004, 6, 4355-4357
1506991 CIFC37 H42 Cl9 S SbP b c a21.228; 13.527; 27.025
90; 90; 90
7760Yamazaki, Daisuke; Nishinaga, Tohru; Komatsu, Koichi
Radical cation of dibenzothiophene fully annelated with bicyclo[2.2.2]octene units: X-ray crystal structure and electronic properties.
Organic letters, 2004, 6, 4179-4182
1507023 CIFC26 H26 Si2P b c a6.75; 16.542; 20.635
90; 90; 90
2304Xu, Caihong; Wakamiya, Atsushi; Yamaguchi, Shigehiro
General silaindene synthesis based on intramolecular reductive cyclization toward new fluorescent silicon-containing pi-electron materials.
Organic letters, 2004, 6, 3707-3710
1507042 CIFC26 H28 O5P b c a9.7408; 17.4668; 25.7256
90; 90; 90
4377Higham, Luke T.; Kreher, Ulf P.; Raston, Colin L.; Scott, Janet L.; Strauss, Christopher R.
Horning-crown macrocycles: novel hybrids of calixarenes and crown ethers.
Organic letters, 2004, 6, 3261-3264
1507095 CIFC42 H53 N3 O4 SP b c a10.646; 18.82; 40.113
90; 90; 90
8037Kim, Su Jeong; Jo, Moon-Gi; Lee, Jin Yong; Kim, Byeang Hyean
Hydrogen bonding patterns of calix[4]arenes with thiourea functionalities in solution and in the solid state.
Organic letters, 2004, 6, 1963-1966
1507163 CIFC34 H22 B F15 Si2P b c a13.0955; 18.5015; 28.2301
90; 90; 90
6839.8Liedtke, René; Harhausen, Marcel; Fröhlich, Roland; Kehr, Gerald; Erker, Gerhard
1,1-carboboration route to substituted naphthalenes.
Organic letters, 2012, 14, 1448-1451
1507164 CIFC36 H26 B F15 Si2P b c a12.8769; 18.9861; 29.5893
90; 90; 90
7234.1Liedtke, René; Harhausen, Marcel; Fröhlich, Roland; Kehr, Gerald; Erker, Gerhard
1,1-carboboration route to substituted naphthalenes.
Organic letters, 2012, 14, 1448-1451
1507171 CIFC16 H18 O SP b c a8.3435; 13.8536; 23.2107
90; 90; 90
2682.87Arai, Noriyoshi; Tanaka, Koichiro; Ohkuma, Takeshi
Novel Intramolecular Photocyclization of α-Arylthiophene Derivatives.
Organic letters, 2012, 14, 1488-1491
1507241 CIFC19 H20 Cl2 Cu N4 OP b c a14.036; 16.258; 17.012
90; 90; 90
3882.1Stibrany, Robert T.; Schulz, Donald N.; Kacker, Smita; Patil, Abhimanyu O.; Baugh, Lisa S.; Rucker, Steven P.; Zushma, Stephen; Berluche, Enock; Sissano, Joseph A.
Polymerization and Copolymerization of Olefins and Acrylates by Bis(benzimidazole) Copper Catalysts
Macromolecules, 2003, 36, 8584
1507269 CIFC57 H26 Co F15 N5 PP b c a25.451; 13.456; 28.128
90; 90; 90
9633Simkhovich, Liliya; Goldberg, Israel; Gross, Zeev
Easy preparation of cobalt corrole and hexaphyrin and isolation of new oligopyrroles in the solvent-free condensation of pyrrole with pentafluorobenzaldehyde.
Organic letters, 2003, 5, 1241-1244
1507328 CIFC13 H15 N O3P b c a12.4162; 7.6844; 26.1667
90; 90; 90
2496.59Pigge, F. Christopher; Coniglio, John J.; Rath, Nigam P.
Oxidative demetalation of cyclohexadienyl ruthenium(II) complexes: a net Ru-mediated dearomatization.
Organic letters, 2003, 5, 2011-2014
1507333 CIFC38 H24P b c a16.252; 15.611; 20.917
90; 90; 90
5307Deaton, Kimberly R.; Gin, Mary S.
Regioselective [2 + 2 + 2] cycloaddition of a nickel-benzyne complex with 1,3-diynes.
Organic letters, 2003, 5, 2477-2480
1507345 CIFC32 H26 F12 N4P b c a22.7324; 9.6336; 26.7417
90; 90; 90
5856.3Hayashi, Takashi; Nakashima, Yuji; Ito, Kazuyuki; Ikegami, Takahiro; Aritome, Isao; Suzuki, Akihiro; Hisaeda, Yoshio
Synthesis, structure, and chemical property of the first fluorine-containing porphycene.
Organic letters, 2003, 5, 2845-2848
1507368 CIFC19 H25 N O5P b c a12.774; 10.955; 25.097
90; 90; 90
3512Booker-Milburn, Kevin I; Jenkins, Helen; Charmant, Jonathan P. H.; Mohr, Peter
Synthesis of the reported structure of pogostol and a total aynthesis of (+/-)-kessane without the use of protecting groups.
Organic letters, 2003, 5, 3309-3312
1507380 CIFC17 H24 N2 O2P b c a16.862; 11.0458; 16.9723
90; 90; 90
3161.16Bon, Robin S.; Hong, Chongen; Bouma, Marinus J.; Schmitz, Rob F.; de Kanter, Frans J. J.; Lutz, Martin; Spek, Anthony L.; Orru, Romano V. A.
Novel multicomponent reaction for the combinatorial synthesis of 2-imidazolines.
Organic letters, 2003, 5, 3759-3762
1507520 CIFC13 H12 O3P b c a8.1348; 12.0317; 20.4322
90; 90; 90
1999.81Harmata, Michael; Rashatasakhon, Paitoon
A 4 + 3 Cycloaddition Approach to the Synthesis of Spatol. A Formal Total Synthesis of Racemic Spatol
Organic Letters, 2001, 3, 2533
1507536 CIFC17 H21 N O4 SP b c a43.138; 9.07; 8.544
90; 90; 90
3342.9Bommezijn, Sacha; Martin, Concepcion Gonzalez; Kennedy, Alan R.; Lizos, Dimitrios; Murphy, John A.
1,4-Pentadienyl-3-sulfonamides: Frameworks for “Disfavored” Radical Cascade Cyclizations
Organic Letters, 2001, 3, 3405
1507613 CIFC14 H15 N O5 SP b c a11.0852; 7.9804; 31.3518
90; 90; 90
2773.52Grainger, Richard S.; Betou, Marie; Male, Louise; Pitak, Mateusz B.; Coles, Simon J.
Semipinacol Rearrangement of Cis-Fused β-Lactam Diols into Keto-Bridged Bicyclic Lactams.
Organic letters, 2012, 14, 2234-2237
1507641 CIFC7 H6 Br N OP b c a10.8222; 9.7805; 13.6084
90; 90; 90
1440.4Zhang, Chun; Xu, Zejun; Shen, Tao; Wu, Guolin; Zhang, Liangren; Jiao, Ning
Mn-promoted Aerobic Oxidative C-C Bond Cleavage of Aldehydes with Dioxygen Activation: A Simple Synthetic Approach to Formamides.
Organic letters, 2012, 14, 2362-2365
1507644 CIFC22 H22 O5P b c a8.28074; 10.78047; 41.173
90; 90; 90
3675.52Shintani, Ryo; Ito, Tomoaki; Hayashi, Tamio
Palladium-Catalyzed Synthesis of 4-Oxaspiro[2.4]heptanes via Central Attack of Oxygen Nucleophiles to π-Allylpalladium Intermediates.
Organic letters, 2012, 14, 2410-2413
1507689 CIFC32 H44 B N5 OP b c a15.4372; 18.7975; 21.1721
90; 90; 90
6143.7Merling, Everett; Lamm, Vladimir; Geib, Steven J.; Lacôte, Emmanuel; Curran, Dennis P.
[3 + 2]-dipolar cycloaddition reactions of an N-heterocyclic carbene boryl azide.
Organic letters, 2012, 14, 2690-2693
1507733 CIFC24 H33 N3 O2P b c a10.132; 15.1023; 28.17
90; 90; 90
4310.5Yagishita, Fumitoshi; Mino, Takashi; Fujita, Tsutomu; Sakamoto, Masami
Two-step asymmetric reaction using the frozen chirality generated by spontaneous crystallization.
Organic letters, 2012, 14, 2638-2641
1507887 CIFC21 H25 N2 O4P b c a12.321; 14.075; 23.143
90; 90; 90
4013Li, Liang; Zhao, Mi-Na; Ren, Zhi-Hui; Li, Jian-Li; Guan, Zheng-Hui
Cu(OAc)2/TFA-promoted formal [3 + 3] cycloaddition/oxidation of enamines and enones for synthesis of multisubstituted aromatic amines.
Organic letters, 2012, 14, 3506-3509
1507889 CIFC23 H22 Br N O3 SP b c a13.4194; 11.6002; 26.589
90; 90; 90
4139Yin, Qin; You, Shu-Li
Intramolecular alkene electrophilic bromination initiated ipso-bromocyclization for the synthesis of functionalized azaspirocyclohexadienones.
Organic letters, 2012, 14, 3526-3529
1508046 CIFC37 H57 Fe P3 SiP b c a16.0034; 17.018; 26.118
90; 90; 90
7113.1Lee, Yunho; Mankad, Neal P.; Peters, Jonas C.
Triggering N(2) uptake via redox-induced expulsion of coordinated NH(3) and N(2) silylation at trigonal bipyramidal iron.
Nature chemistry, 2010, 2, 558-565
1508047 CIFC68 H66 B F24 Fe N2 P3 SiP b c a26.3222; 19.5893; 27.3174
90; 90; 90
14085.8Lee, Yunho; Mankad, Neal P.; Peters, Jonas C.
Triggering N(2) uptake via redox-induced expulsion of coordinated NH(3) and N(2) silylation at trigonal bipyramidal iron.
Nature chemistry, 2010, 2, 558-565
1508048 CIFC36 H54 Fe N2 P3 SiP b c a16.085; 17.133; 25.58
90; 90; 90
7049Lee, Yunho; Mankad, Neal P.; Peters, Jonas C.
Triggering N(2) uptake via redox-induced expulsion of coordinated NH(3) and N(2) silylation at trigonal bipyramidal iron.
Nature chemistry, 2010, 2, 558-565
1508220 CIFC20 H22 Cu N3 Na O5 SP b c a13.1161; 13.6814; 24.0413
90; 90; 90
4314.1Bhowmika, Prasanta; Janaa, Subrata; Janab, Partha Pratim; Harmsb, Klaus; Chattopadhyay, Shouvik
Anion mediated diversity in the H-bonded assembly of a series of heteronuclear copper(II)/sodium(I) compounds
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2012, 390, 53-60
1508427 CIFC7 H15 N7P b c a5.9696; 16.7493; 19.0799
90; 90; 90
1907.73Laus, Gerhard; Kahlenberg, Volker; Wurst, Klaus; Hummel, Michael; Schottenberger, Herwig
1,4-Diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane (DABCO) 5-aminotetrazolates
Crystals, 2012, 2, 96-104
1508624 CIFC17 H16 N2 O2P b c a15.5606; 9.0491; 20.4783
90; 90; 90
2883.54Nair, Divya K.; Mobin, Shaikh M.; Namboothiri, Irishi N. N.
Synthesis of imidazopyridines from the Morita-Baylis-Hillman acetates of nitroalkenes and convenient access to Alpidem and Zolpidem.
Organic letters, 2012, 14, 4580-4583
1508643 CIFC27 H20 B N O SP b c a9.42; 22.286; 21.009
90; 90; 90
4410.5Kubota, Yasuhiro; Tanaka, Syunki; Funabiki, Kazumasa; Matsui, Masaki
Synthesis and fluorescence properties of thiazole-boron complexes bearing a β-ketoiminate ligand.
Organic letters, 2012, 14, 4682-4685
1508663 CIFC19 H15 F N2 O4P b c a11.0313; 9.5234; 31.3481
90; 90; 90
3293.29Smith, Donna L.; Chidipudi, Suresh Reddy; Goundry, William R.; Lam, Hon Wai
Rhodium-catalyzed [2 + 2] cycloaddition of ynamides with nitroalkenes.
Organic letters, 2012, 14, 4934-4937
1508683 CIFC20 H22 O3P b c a9.3; 18.67; 19.8
90; 90; 90
3438Yang, Ming; Wang, Lin; He, Zheng-He; Wang, Shao-Hua; Zhang, Shu-Yu; Tu, Yong-Qiang; Zhang, Fu-Min
Tandem semipinacol-type 1,2-carbon migration/aldol reaction toward the construction of [5-6-7] all-carbon tricyclic core of Calyciphylline A-type alkaloids.
Organic letters, 2012, 14, 5114-5117
1508686 CIFC17 H23 Cl N2 O5 SP b c a11.4136; 11.557; 28.331
90; 90; 90
3737.1Zhou, Jing; Zhou, Ling; Yeung, Ying-Yeung
Multicomponent approach in the synthesis of 2,2,6-trisubstituted morpholine derivatives.
Organic letters, 2012, 14, 5250-5253
1508753 CIFC18 H21 N O3 SP b c a20.4027; 7.1468; 22.129
90; 90; 90
3226.7Yuan, Wei; Dong, Xiang; Shi, Min; McDowell, Patrick; Li, Guigen
Rh(I)-catalyzed Pauson-Khand-type cycloaddition reaction of ene-vinylidenecyclopropanes with carbon monoxide (CO).
Organic letters, 2012, 14, 5582-5585
1508870 CIFC27 H33 N O7P b c a19.1983; 10.9762; 23.4467
90; 90; 90
4940.8Gorbacheva, Evgenia O.; Tabolin, Andrey A.; Novikov, Roman A.; Khomutova, Yulia A.; Nelyubina, Yulia V.; Tomilov, Yury V.; Ioffe, Sema L.
Six-membered cyclic nitronates as 1,3-dipoles in formal [3 + 3]-cycloaddition with donor-acceptor cyclopropanes. Synthesis of new type of bicyclic nitrosoacetals.
Organic letters, 2013, 15, 350-353
1508884 CIFC16 H17 N O2 S2P b c a7.861; 9.93; 42.05
90; 90; 90
3282Xu, Xiao-Bo; Liu, Jian; Zhang, Jian-Jian; Wang, Ya-Wen; Peng, Yu
Nickel-mediated inter- and intramolecular C-s coupling of thiols and thioacetates with aryl iodides at room temperature.
Organic letters, 2013, 15, 550-553
1508885 CIFC13 H13 N O2 SP b c a8.132; 12.907; 23.129
90; 90; 90
2428Xu, Xiao-Bo; Liu, Jian; Zhang, Jian-Jian; Wang, Ya-Wen; Peng, Yu
Nickel-mediated inter- and intramolecular C-s coupling of thiols and thioacetates with aryl iodides at room temperature.
Organic letters, 2013, 15, 550-553
1508902 CIFC12 H10 N4 OP b c a7.5741; 13.7438; 21.7946
90; 90; 90
2268.75Tran, Tuan P.; Mullins, Patrick B.; Am Ende, Christopher W.; Pettersson, Martin
Synthesis of Pyridopyrazine-1,6-diones from 6-Hydroxypicolinic Acids via a One-Pot Coupling/Cyclization Reaction.
Organic letters, 2013, 15, 642-645
1508958 CIFC26 H24 N O2 P SP b c a11.06; 18.268; 21.576
90; 90; 90
4359Matano, Yoshihiro; Ohkubo, Hiroshi; Honsho, Yoshihito; Saito, Arihiro; Seki, Shu; Imahori, Hiroshi
Synthesis and Charge-Carrier Transport Properties of Poly(phosphole P-alkanesulfonylimide)s.
Organic letters, 2013, 15, 932-935
1509291 CIFAg Cu O4 PP b c a7.5; 15.751; 5.702
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Proprietes de l'ion Cu2+ dans la structure de Ag Cu P O4 - beta
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1509320 CIFAg F2P b c a5.073; 5.529; 5.813
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Crystal and magnetic structure of silver difluoride. I. Determination of the Ag F2 structure
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1509321 CIFAg F2P b c a5.568; 5.831; 5.101
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165.614Mueller, B.G.; Hoppe, R.; Zemva, B.; Jesih, A.; Lutar, K.; Becker, S.; Bachmann, B.
Einkristalluntersuchungen an Ag F2
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1990, 588, 77-83
1509346 CIFAg Ga P2 Se6P b c a12.169; 22.484; 7.473
90; 90; 90
2044.67Pfeiff, R.; Kniep, R.
Quaternary selenodiphosphates(IV):M(I)M(III)(P2Se6), (M(I)=Cu,Ag;M(III)=Cr,Al,Ga,In)
Journal of Alloys Compd., 1992, 186, 111-133
1509468 CIFAg N O3P b c a6.995; 7.328; 10.118
90; 90; 90
518.642Trotter, J.; Gibbons, C.S.
Crystal structure of exo-tricyclo(,4)oct-6-ene-silver nitrate, and a refinement of the silver nitrate structure
Journal of the Chemical Society A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical (1966-1971), 1971, 1971, 2058-2062
1509622 CIFAg11 K O16 V4P b c a16.5328; 10.6286; 10.5452
90; 90; 90
1853.01Jansen, M.; Kovalevskiy, A.
Synthesis and crystal structure analysis of K Ag11 (V O4)4
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2006, 632, 413-436
1510264 CIFAu O4 SP b c a8.549; 8.249; 10.011
90; 90; 90
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Au S O4 : a true gold(II) sulfate with Au2(4+) ion
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1511554 CIFB5 O8 RbP b c a7.553; 11.857; 14.813
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Pressure Effect ond,l-Mandelic Acid Racemate Crystallization
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1511831 CIFC8 H8 O3P b c a9.66; 16.126; 9.753
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1519.3Cai, Weizhao; Marciniak, Jędrzej; Andrzejewski, Michał; Katrusiak, Andrzej
Pressure Effect ond,l-Mandelic Acid Racemate Crystallization
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2013, 117, 7279
1511832 CIFC8 H8 O3P b c a9.676; 16.179; 9.627
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1507.1Cai, Weizhao; Marciniak, Jędrzej; Andrzejewski, Michał; Katrusiak, Andrzej
Pressure Effect ond,l-Mandelic Acid Racemate Crystallization
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1511833 CIFC8 H8 O3P b c a9.634; 16.132; 9.466
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Pressure Effect ond,l-Mandelic Acid Racemate Crystallization
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1511834 CIFC8 H8 O3P b c a9.637; 16.135; 9.365
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Pressure Effect ond,l-Mandelic Acid Racemate Crystallization
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1511865 CIFC23 H24 O2P b c a17.444; 8.121; 26.134
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3702.2Xie, Xiaocong; Li, Yi; Fox, Joseph M.
Selective Syntheses of Δα,βand Δβ,γButenolides from Allylic Cyclopropenecarboxylates via Tandem Ring Expansion/[3,3]-Sigmatropic Rearrangements
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1511881 CIFC22 H14 OP b c a9.652; 14.2244; 20.858
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2863.7Yamamoto, Kosuke; Okazumi, Mieko; Suemune, Hiroshi; Usui, Kazuteru
Synthesis of [5]Helicenes with a Substituent Exclusively on the Interior Side of the Helix by Metal-catalyzed Cycloisomerization.
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1511888 CIFC27 H33 Br N2 O4 SP b c a9.5282; 21.6974; 26.3399
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5445.4Qian, Yu; Zavalij, Peter J.; Hu, Wenhao; Doyle, Michael P.
Bicyclic Pyrazolidinone Derivatives from Diastereoselective Catalytic [3 + 3]-Cycloaddition Reactions of Enoldiazoacetates with Azomethine Imines
Organic Letters, 2013, 15, 1564
1511931 CIFC22 H15 N5P b c a16.283; 10.98; 19.477
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3482Wang, Xiang; Wang, Shun-Yi; Ji, Shun-Jun
Isocyanide-based multicomponent reactions: catalyst-free stereoselective construction of polycyclic spiroindolines.
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1511936 CIFC19 H14 O4P b c a11.8949; 8.9065; 28.0405
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Metal-catalyzed cascade rearrangements of 3-alkynyl flavone ethers.
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1511937 CIFC7 H7 Cl F3 N3 OP b c a16.3661; 6.7959; 33.9544
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3776.5Scales, Stephanie; Johnson, Sarah; Hu, Qiyue; Do, Quyen-Quyen; Richardson, Paul; Wang, Fen; Braganza, John; Ren, Shijian; Wan, Yadong; Zheng, Baojiang; Faizi, Darius; McAlpine, Indrawan
Studies on the Regioselective Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution (SNAr) Reaction of 2-Substituted 3,5-Dichloropyrazines
Organic Letters, 2013, 15, 2156
1511958 CIFC13 H17 B F4 N2P b c a7.8204; 14.892; 23.179
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2699.5Ozeryanskii, Valery A.; Pozharskii, Alexander F.; Filarowski, Alexander; Borodkin, Gennady S.
Extreme Magnetic Separation of Geminal Protons in ProtonatedN,N,N′-Trimethyl-1,8-diaminonaphthalene. A Puzzle of the Fourth Methyl Group
Organic Letters, 2013, 15, 2194
1511959 CIFC13 H17 Br N2P b c a7.4246; 15.5642; 21.89
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2529.6Ozeryanskii, Valery A.; Pozharskii, Alexander F.; Filarowski, Alexander; Borodkin, Gennady S.
Extreme Magnetic Separation of Geminal Protons in ProtonatedN,N,N′-Trimethyl-1,8-diaminonaphthalene. A Puzzle of the Fourth Methyl Group
Organic Letters, 2013, 15, 2194
1512038 CIFC11 H8 N2 OP b c a14.7579; 10.3799; 22.7275
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3481.52Sharp, Phillip P.; Banwell, Martin G.; Renner, Jens; Lohmann, Klaas; Willis, Anthony C.
Consecutive Gold(I)-Catalyzed Cyclization Reactions of o-(Buta-1,3-diyn-1-yl-)-Substituted N-Aryl Ureas: A One-Pot Synthesis of Pyrimido[1,6-a]indol-1(2H)-ones and Related Systems.
Organic letters, 2013, 15, 2616-2619
1512040 CIFC17 H12 N2 OP b c a13.8283; 7.4374; 24.5877
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2528.76Sharp, Phillip P.; Banwell, Martin G.; Renner, Jens; Lohmann, Klaas; Willis, Anthony C.
Consecutive Gold(I)-Catalyzed Cyclization Reactions of o-(Buta-1,3-diyn-1-yl-)-Substituted N-Aryl Ureas: A One-Pot Synthesis of Pyrimido[1,6-a]indol-1(2H)-ones and Related Systems.
Organic letters, 2013, 15, 2616-2619
1512103 CIFC25 H20 N2 O3P b c a18.1208; 7.9048; 27.8786
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3993.4Lin, Chi-Hui; Yang, Ding-Yah
Synthesis of coumarin/pyrrole-fused heterocycles and their photochemical and redox-switching properties.
Organic letters, 2013, 15, 2802-2805
1512113 CIFC20 H15 N3 OP b c a11.6161; 8.1844; 31.4284
90; 90; 90
2987.92Wang, Yi-Feng; Zhang, Feng-Lian; Chiba, Shunsuke
Oxidative radical skeletal rearrangement induced by molecular oxygen: synthesis of quinazolinones.
Organic letters, 2013, 15, 2842-2845
1512130 CIFC16 H15 N O4P b c a7.707; 13.875; 23.418
90; 90; 90
2504.2Liu, Xiaogang; Cole, Jacqueline M.; Waddell, Paul G.; Lin, Tze-Chia; McKechnie, Scott
Molecular Origins of Optoelectronic Properties in Coumarins 343, 314T, 445, and 522B
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2013, 117, 14130
1512137 CIFC15 H20 O S2 Si2P b c a6.9752; 21.458; 24.8
90; 90; 90
3711.9Wang, Zhihua; Putta, Anjaneyulu; Mottishaw, Jeffery D.; Wei, Qiang; Wang, Hua; Sun, Haoran
Molecular Origin of Isomerization Effects on Solid State Structures and Optoelectronic Properties: A Comparative Case Study of Isomerically Pure Dicyanomethylene Substituted Fused Dithiophenes
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2013, 117, 16759
1512216 CIFC30 H27 N O4P b c a9.1775; 16.572; 33.404
90; 90; 90
5080.4Gicquel, Maxime; Gomez, Catherine; Retailleau, Pascal; Voituriez, Arnaud; Marinetti, Angela
Synthesis of 3,3'-Spirocyclic Oxindoles via Phosphine Catalyzed [4 + 2] Cyclizations.
Organic letters, 2013, 15, 4002-4005
1512222 CIFC16 H14 Cl2 N2 O2P b c a16.173; 11.469; 17.766
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3295.4Trita, Andrada Stefania; Roisnel, Thierry; Mongin, Florence; Chevallier, Floris
Hydrogen Bond Templated 1:1 Macrocyclization through an Olefin Metathesis/Hydrogenation Sequence
Organic Letters, 2013, 15, 3798
1512236 CIFC18 H24 PdP b c a10.2819; 14.7015; 19.599
90; 90; 90
2962.6Ramirez, Thomas A.; Wang, Qian; Zhu, Yingguang; Zheng, Huaiji; Peng, Xingao; Cornwall, Richard G.; Shi, Yian
Pd(0)-Catalyzed Sequential C-N Bond Formation via Allylic and Aromatic C-H Amination of α-Methylstyrenes with Diaziridinone.
Organic letters, 2013, 15, 4210-4213
1512256 CIFC12 H15 N3 O SP b c a8.6335; 14.1307; 21.2871
90; 90; 90
2596.97Surov, Artem O.; Bui, Cong Trinh; Proshin, Alexey N.; Roussel, Pascal; Idrissi, Abdenacer; Perlovich, German L.
Novel 1,2,4-thiadiazole derivatives: crystal structure, conformational analysis, hydrogen bond networks, calculations, and thermodynamic characteristics of crystal lattices.
The journal of physical chemistry. B, 2013, 117, 10414-10429
1512258 CIFC12 H14 Cl N3 O SP b c a9.4374; 13.0463; 22.2127
90; 90; 90
2734.9Surov, Artem O.; Bui, Cong Trinh; Proshin, Alexey N.; Roussel, Pascal; Idrissi, Abdenacer; Perlovich, German L.
Novel 1,2,4-thiadiazole derivatives: crystal structure, conformational analysis, hydrogen bond networks, calculations, and thermodynamic characteristics of crystal lattices.
The journal of physical chemistry. B, 2013, 117, 10414-10429
1512288 CIFC75 H10 N2 O S2P b c a9.8323; 27.722; 29.449
90; 90; 90
8026.9Hou, Hui-Lei; Li, Zong-Jun; Li, Shu-Hui; Chen, Si; Gao, Xiang
Hydroxide-Initiated Conversion of Aromatic Nitriles to Imidazolines: Fullerenes vs TCNE
Organic Letters, 2013, 15, 4646
1512354 CIFC18 H18 N2 O2P b c a11.3182; 15.2662; 16.9741
90; 90; 90
2932.9Lin, Wen-Chung; Yang, Ding-Yah
Visible Light Photoredox Catalysis: Synthesis of Indazolo[2,3-a]quinolines from 2-(2-Nitrophenyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinolines
Organic Letters, 2013, 15, 4862
1512356 CIFC19 H17 N3 O4P b c a12.358; 11.8372; 22.9929
90; 90; 90
3363.5Lin, Wen-Chung; Yang, Ding-Yah
Visible Light Photoredox Catalysis: Synthesis of Indazolo[2,3-a]quinolines from 2-(2-Nitrophenyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinolines
Organic Letters, 2013, 15, 4862
1512372 CIFC22 H16 Cl N OP b c a7.8897; 20.511; 21.318
90; 90; 90
3449.8Bhunia, Anup; Porwal, Digvijay; Gonnade, Rajesh G.; Biju, Akkattu T.
Multicomponent reactions involving arynes, quinolines, and aldehydes.
Organic letters, 2013, 15, 4620-4623
1512402 CIFC64 H60 Cu6 N8 O50 Si W12P b c a14.939; 23.406; 34.243
90; 90; 90
11973Xing Meng; Hai-Ning Wang; Xin-Long Wang; Guang-Sheng Yang; Shuang Wang; Kui-Zhan Shao; Zhong-Min Su
Construction and property investigation of inorganic-organic hybrid materials based on metal-salens and Keggin polyoxometalates
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2012, 390, 135-142
1512417 CIFC19 H16 Fe O3P b c a9.7943; 17.285; 17.4952
90; 90; 90
2961.8Salvador Celedona; Mauricio Fuentealbab; Thierry Roisnelc; Jean-Rene Hamonc; David Carrilloa; Carolina Manzura
Stepwise construction of a 4-hydroxyphenyl functionalized O,N,N-tridentate ferrocene-containing enaminone: Spectral, analytical and structural studies
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2012, 390, 184-189
1512429 CIFC22 H16 N4 Ni O5P b c a17.4754; 12.7417; 18.2221
90; 90; 90
4057.4Xinjiang Caoa; Ying Liua; Luying Wangb; Gang Li
Assembly of five metal-organic frameworks based on 2-p-methoxyphenyl-1H-imidazole-4,5-dicarboxylate
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2012, 392, 16-24
1512430 CIFC22 H16 Mn N4 O5P b c a17.5759; 13.2778; 18.1001
90; 90; 90
4224Xinjiang Caoa; Ying Liua; Luying Wangb; Gang Li
Assembly of five metal-organic frameworks based on 2-p-methoxyphenyl-1H-imidazole-4,5-dicarboxylate
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2012, 392, 16-24
1512441 CIFC28 H38 Ag2 N4 O12 S2P b c a15.5; 8.5536; 25.822
90; 90; 90
3423.5Yue Zhao; Ling-Ling Zhai; Gao-Chao Lv; Xin Zhou; Wei-Yin Sun
Silver(I) complexes with oxazoline-containing bidentate ligands: Syntheses, structures and properties
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2012, 392, 38-45
1512448 CIFC15 H19 F12 N5 P2P b c a9.4018; 18.2059; 25.6928
90; 90; 90
4397.79Srinivasa Budagumpi; Rosenani A. Haque; Abbas Washeel Salman; Mohammed Z. Ghdhayeb
Mercury(II)- and silver(I)-N-heterocyclic carbene complexes of CNC pincer-type ligands: Synthesis, crystal structures and Hofmann-type elimination studies
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2012, 392, 61-72
1512647 CIFC6 H6 Cd1.5 N11 OP b c a7.8449; 12.6638; 24.194
90; 90; 90
2403.6Kari Darling; Wayne Ouellette; Steven Pellizzeri; Tiffany Smith; Jose Vargas; Steven Tomaszfski; Charles J. O-Connor; Jon Zubieta
One- and two-dimensional coordination polymers of substituted tetrazoles with cadmium(II)
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2012, 392, 417-427
1512657 CIFB2 Cd O5 SrP b c a12.01; 5.795; 12.677
90; 90; 90
882.3Jian Cao; Junyu Gao; Shilie Pan; Hongwei Yu; Wenwu Zhao; Zhihua Yang
Synthesis, crystal structure and properties of a new strontium cadmium diborate
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2012, 392, 459-464
1512658 CIFC30 H33 Cl2 Cu N10 O8.5P b c a13.424; 22.054; 47.809
90; 90; 90
14154Feng Xu; Tao Tao; Qian-Qian Liu; Jiao Geng; Wei Huang
A special case of copper(II) complex having monodentate and uncoordinated 4-aminopyridine molecules stabilized by highly cooperative supramolecular interactions
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2012, 392, 465-468
1512664 CIFC32 H27 Br Cl N2 PP b c a10.836; 21.63; 23.468
90; 90; 90
5500Ian Mallov; Heather Spinney; Titel Jurca; Serge Gorelsky; Tara Burchell; Darrin Richeson
The 2,2'-diindolylmethane dianion supporting scaffold for group 15 compounds
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2012, 392, 5-9
1512680 CIFC16 H26 Cl Cu N3 O5P b c a15.0967; 15.7021; 16.8468
90; 90; 90
3993.5Hamid Golchoubian; Ehsan Rezaee; Giuseppeh Bruno; Hadi Amiri Rudbari
Syntheses of mixed chelate copper(II) complexes containing beta-ketoaminato and diamine ligands: Solvatochromism study
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2012, 393, 1-9
1512705 CIFC12 H17 Cl2 N O Pd SeP b c a7.8485; 9.915; 38.212
90; 90; 90
2973.6Pradhumn Singh; Dipanwita Das; Om Prakash; Ajai K. Singh
Synthesis and structural chemistry of N-{2-(arylthio/seleno) ethyl}morpholine/piperidine-palladium(II) complexes as potent catalysts for the Heck reaction
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2012, 393, 77-84
1512707 CIFC12 H17 Cl2 N O Pd SP b c a7.739; 9.812; 37.95
90; 90; 90
2881.7Pradhumn Singh; Dipanwita Das; Om Prakash; Ajai K. Singh
Synthesis and structural chemistry of N-{2-(arylthio/seleno) ethyl}morpholine/piperidine-palladium(II) complexes as potent catalysts for the Heck reaction
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2012, 393, 77-84
1512746 CIFC43 H57 N3 O2 SrP b c a15.9769; 18.674; 27.258
90; 90; 90
8132.5Timothy J. Boyle; Leigh Anna M. Steele; Alia Saad
Synthesis and characterization of the heavy alkaline earth aryloxide congeners
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2013, 394, 259-268
1512781 CIFC12 H18 Co3 N10 O12 P2P b c a6.9683; 14.1302; 22.426
90; 90; 90
2208.1Kari Darling; Jon Zubieta
Solid state coordination chemistry of metal-azolate compounds: Structural consequences of incorporation of phosphate components in the Co(II)/4-pyridyltetrazolate/phosphate system
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2013, 394, 512-518
1512798 CIFC29 H27 Cl2 N4 P Ru SP b c a11.22; 16.927; 30.679
90; 90; 90
5827Mahendra Sekhar Jana; Ajoy Kumar Pramanik; Subhankar Kundu; Deblina Sarkar; Subrata Jana; Tapan Kumar Mondal
Synthesis, X-ray structure, spectroscopic and DFT study of cis-[Ru(PPh3)(L)X2] complexes (X = Cl-, Br-, I- and NCS-) (L = 1-methyl-2-{(o-thiomethyl)phenylazo}imidazole
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2013, 394, 583-590
1512799 CIFC29 H27 I2 N4 P Ru SP b c a11.3207; 17.7526; 30.2606
90; 90; 90
6081.5Mahendra Sekhar Jana; Ajoy Kumar Pramanik; Subhankar Kundu; Deblina Sarkar; Subrata Jana; Tapan Kumar Mondal
Synthesis, X-ray structure, spectroscopic and DFT study of cis-[Ru(PPh3)(L)X2] complexes (X = Cl-, Br-, I- and NCS-) (L = 1-methyl-2-{(o-thiomethyl)phenylazo}imidazole
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2013, 394, 583-590
1512843 CIFC26 H22 Cl2 Cu2 N8 O6P b c a16.524; 7.958; 21.913
90; 90; 90
2881.5Saugata Konar; Atanu Jana; Kinsuk Das; Sangita Ray; Sudipta Chatterjee; Susanta Kumar Kar
Three new 1D Cu(II) coordination polymers and a binuclear Cu(II) complex of two pyrazole derived Schiff base ligands: Heterocyclic ring substitution and anion dependent structural variations - Spectral studies
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2013, 395, 1-10
1512862 CIFC14 H8 Fe N6 S6P b c a14.831; 15.8627; 16.9169
90; 90; 90
3979.9Anita Abedi; Vahid Amani; Roman Boca; Lubor Dlhan; Hamid Reza Khavasi; Nasser Safari
Bis(isothiocyanato)iron(II) complexes with bithiazole ligands: Structure and magnetic studies
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2013, 395, 58-66
1512924 CIFC2 H22 Br3 La O9P b c a12.654; 12.9686; 19.864
90; 90; 90
3259.8Timothy J. Boyle; Leigh Anna M. Ottley; Todd M. Alam; Mark A. Rodriguez; Pin Yang; Sarah K. Mcintyre
Structural characterization of methanol substituted lanthanum halides
Polyhedron, 2010, 29, 1784-1795
1512932 CIFC20 H20 Br3 N4 NdP b c a16.998; 17.515; 32.617
90; 90; 90
9711Timothy J. Boyle; Leigh Anna M. Ottley; Todd M. Alam; Mark A. Rodriguez; Pin Yang; Sarah K. Mcintyre
Structural characterization of methanol substituted lanthanum halides
Polyhedron, 2010, 29, 1784-1795
1512963 CIFC8 H16 Ba N6 O2 S2P b c a10.9446; 13.11; 10.945
90; 90; 90
1570.4Wenjun Zheng; Dongming Yang
1,2,4-Triazolato barium complex: The layered polymeric planar structure with an nu2-nu2,nu1 bridging coordination
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2013, 396, 21-24
1512976 CIFC21 H19 N3 O4 ZnP b c a11.8253; 17.268; 19.299
90; 90; 90
3940.8De-Yun Ma; Kuan Lu; Liang Qin; Hai-Fu Guo; Xiong-Yi Peng; Jian-Qiang Liu
Syntheses, crystal structures, substituents steric effect, luminescent and moisture-stability studies of three two-dimensional zinc-organic frameworks
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2013, 396, 84-91
1513028 CIFC34 H51.12 Ag2 N12 O5.56P b c a17.8084; 18.8997; 24.4847
90; 90; 90
8240.9Jens Hunger
Synthesis and structure of coordination polymers of Mn2+, Cu2+, Ag+, Zn2+ and Cd2+ by combination of bipyrazole and diphenate ligands
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2013, 397, 60-68
1513043 CIFC8 H8 O3P b c a9.9537; 9.6632; 16.173
90; 90; 90
1555.6Ivanova, Bojidarka
Matrixes in UV-MALDI Mass spectrometry – crystals of organic salts versus co-crystals of neutral polyfunctional carboxylic acids
Analytical Methods, 2012, 4, 2247
1513057 CIFC14 H20 Cl N O6 SP b c a13.526; 15.045; 16.533
90; 90; 90
3364.4Ivanova, Bojidarka; Spiteller, Michael
Factors stabilizing the gas-phase ionic species of crystals of organic salts – Experimental and theoretical study
Journal of Molecular Structure, 2013, 1036, 226
1513080 CIFC14 H26 F6 N Na O10 S2P b c a13.5214; 16.1932; 22.1855
90; 90; 90
4857.6Mandai, Toshihiko; Nozawa, Risa; Tsuzuki, Seiji; Yoshida, Kazuki; Ueno, Kazuhide; Dokko, Kaoru; Watanabe, Masayoshi
Phase diagrams and solvate structures of binary mixtures of glymes and na salts.
The journal of physical chemistry. B, 2013, 117, 15072-15085
1513128 CIFC28 H25 Br O6 S2P b c a17.494; 10.8153; 27.104
90; 90; 90
5128.2Zheng, Jie; Huang, You; Li, Zhengming
Phosphine-Catalyzed Domino Reaction: An Efficient Method for the Synthesis of Bicyclo[3.2.0]heptenes Skeleton.
Organic letters, 2013, 15, 5758-5761
1513157 CIFC13 H15 N O5P b c a10.6801; 8.9717; 26.3836
90; 90; 90
2528.04Schmidt, Christian D.; Kaschel, Johannes; Schneider, Tobias F.; Kratzert, Daniel; Stalke, Dietmar; Werz, Daniel B.
Donor-Substituted Nitrocyclopropanes: Immediate Ring-Enlargement to Cyclic Nitronates
Organic Letters, 2013, 15, 6098
1513171 CIFC12 H2 N2 OP b c a10.5942; 9.8494; 19.646
90; 90; 90
2050Ivanova, Bojidarka; Spiteller, Michael
A novel UV-MALDI-MS analytical approach for determination of halogenated phenyl-containing pesticides
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2013, 91, 86-95
1513278 CIFC21 H16 B N SeP b c a12.149; 15.807; 17.735
90; 90; 90
3405.8Tokoro, Yuichiro; Nagai, Atsushi; Kokado, Kenta; Chujo, Yoshiki
Synthesis of Organoboron Quinoline-8-thiolate and Quinoline-8-selenolate Complexes and Their Incorporation into the π-Conjugated Polymer Main-Chain
Macromolecules, 2009, 42, 2988
1513279 CIFC21 H16 B N SP b c a12.08; 15.806; 17.537
90; 90; 90
3348.5Tokoro, Yuichiro; Nagai, Atsushi; Kokado, Kenta; Chujo, Yoshiki
Synthesis of Organoboron Quinoline-8-thiolate and Quinoline-8-selenolate Complexes and Their Incorporation into the π-Conjugated Polymer Main-Chain
Macromolecules, 2009, 42, 2988
1513497 CIFC59 H48 Cl4 N12 O4P b c a14.849; 12.95; 30.051
90; 90; 90
5779Tran, Minh Quan; Ermolenko, Ludmila; Retailleau, Pascal; Nguyen, Thanh Binh; Al-Mourabit, Ali
Reaction of Quinones and Guanidine Derivatives: Simple Access to Bis-2-aminobenzimidazole Moiety of Benzosceptrin and Other Benzazole Motifs.
Organic letters, 2014, 16, 920-923
1513511 CIFC18 H10 F6 N2P b c a7.6857; 15.248; 28.403
90; 90; 90
3328.6Gao, Bing; Zhao, Yanchuan; Ni, Chuanfa; Hu, Jinbo
AgF-mediated fluorinative homocoupling of gem-difluoroalkenes.
Organic letters, 2014, 16, 102-105
1513529 CIFC28 H28 N4 O8 ZnP b c a11.6106; 9.0413; 24.953
90; 90; 90
2619.4Rana, Anup; Panda, Pradeepta K.
Organic letters, 2014, 16, 78-81
1513530 CIFC28 H30 N4 O9P b c a13.867; 12.856; 15.535
90; 90; 90
2769.5Rana, Anup; Panda, Pradeepta K.
Organic letters, 2014, 16, 78-81
1513531 CIFC28 H28 N4 O8 PdP b c a14.1047; 12.6047; 15.526
90; 90; 90
2760.3Rana, Anup; Panda, Pradeepta K.
Organic letters, 2014, 16, 78-81
1513551 CIFC28 H26 Cl2 O2 Pd2 S2P b c a18.1408; 15.6808; 19.7387
90; 90; 90
5614.9Wang, Binjie; Shen, Chuang; Yao, Jinzhong; Yin, Hong; Zhang, Yuhong
Palladium(II)-catalyzed ortho-olefination of arenes applying sulfoxides as remote directing groups.
Organic letters, 2014, 16, 46-49
1513555 CIFC16 H10 Cl2 OP b c a7.8959; 13.193; 25.493
90; 90; 90
2655.6Yuan, Weiming; Ma, Shengming
Benzofuran derivatives from alkynyl-substituted benzynes and aryl halides.
Organic letters, 2014, 16, 193-195
1513604 CIFC27 H22 Cl3 N6 O6 RuP b c a19.3405; 11.3692; 25.8709
90; 90; 90
5688.6Aguiló, Joan; Francàs, Laia; Liu, Hai Jie; Bofill, Roger; García-Antón, Jordi; Benet-Buchholz, Jordi; Llobet, Antoni; Escriche, Lluís; Sala, Xavier
Characterization and performance of electrostatically adsorbed Ru‒Hbpp water oxidation catalysts
Catalysis Science & Technology, 2014, 4, 190
1513651 CIFC22 H35 PP b c a9.7184; 11.6807; 35.4816
90; 90; 90
4027.79Hasegawa, Yasuharu; Kehr, Gerald; Ehrlich, Stephan; Grimme, Stefan; Daniliuc, Constantin G.; Erker, Gerhard
The frustrated Lewis pair pathway to methylene phosphonium systems
Chemical Science, 2014, 5, 797
1513667 CIFC14 H15 N3 O3 SP b c a7.6612; 13.3624; 28.3524
90; 90; 90
2902.49Wu, Bin; Gallucci, Judith C.; Parquette, Jon R.; RajanBabu, T. V.
Bimetallic catalysis in the highly enantioselective ring‒opening reactions of aziridines
Chemical Science, 2014, 5, 1102
1513694 CIFC9 H29 Al F3 N3 O4P b c a8.8131; 13.356; 26.551
90; 90; 90
3125.3Bhalla, Rajiv; Darby, Christine; Levason, William; Luthra, Sajinder K.; McRobbie, Graeme; Reid, Gillian; Sanderson, George; Zhang, Wenjian
Triaza-macrocyclic complexes of aluminium, gallium and indium halides: fast 18F and 19F incorporation via halide exchange under mild conditions in aqueous solution
Chemical Science, 2014, 5, 381
1513731 CIFC36 H33 B F6 N11 O6.5 Pd S2P b c a17.177; 19.182; 24.723
90; 90; 90
8146Brandt, Jochen R.; Lee, Eunsung; Boursalian, Gregory B.; Ritter, Tobias
Mechanism of Electrophilic Fluorination with Pd(IV): Fluoride Capture and Subsequent Oxidative Fluoride Transfer(.)
Chemical science (Royal Society of Chemistry : 2010), 2014, 5, 169
1513737 CIFC57 H48 N8 O9 S4 Zn2P b c a22.486; 16.5586; 28.6689
90; 90; 90
10674.5Telpoukhovskaia, Maria A.; Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Cristina; Cawthray, Jacqueline F.; Scott, Lauren E.; Page, Brent D. G.; Alí-Torres, Jorge; Sodupe, Mariona; Bailey, Gwendolyn A.; Patrick, Brian O.; Orvig, Chris
3-Hydroxy-4-pyridinone derivatives as metal ion and amyloid binding agents.
Metallomics : integrated biometal science, 2014, 6, 249-262
1513741 CIFC13 H12 O3P b c a12.1889; 8.9564; 20.1062
90; 90; 90
2194.97Telpoukhovskaia, Maria A.; Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Cristina; Cawthray, Jacqueline F.; Scott, Lauren E.; Page, Brent D. G.; Alí-Torres, Jorge; Sodupe, Mariona; Bailey, Gwendolyn A.; Patrick, Brian O.; Orvig, Chris
3-Hydroxy-4-pyridinone derivatives as metal ion and amyloid binding agents.
Metallomics : integrated biometal science, 2014, 6, 249-262
1513759 CIFC27 H18 N2P b c a16.0572; 13.6979; 17.9652
90; 90; 90
3951.44Tan, Wei Shyang; Prabhakar, Ch; Liu, Yi-Hung; Peng, Shie-Ming; Yang, Jye-Shane
Effects of iptycene scaffolds on the photoluminescence of N,N-dimethylaminobenzonitrile and its analogues.
Photochemical & photobiological sciences : Official journal of the European Photochemistry Association and the European Society for Photobiology, 2014, 13, 211-223
1513794 CIFC21 H29 F5 Si3P b c a11.6307; 12.5277; 33.4761
90; 90; 90
4877.7Inagaki, Yusuke; Nakamoto, Masaaki; Sekiguchi, Akira
A Diels-Alder super diene breaking benzene into C2H2 and C4H4 units.
Nature communications, 2014, 5, 3018
1513795 CIFC21 H31 F5 Si3P b c a11.6585; 12.5084; 33.328
90; 90; 90
4860.2Inagaki, Yusuke; Nakamoto, Masaaki; Sekiguchi, Akira
A Diels-Alder super diene breaking benzene into C2H2 and C4H4 units.
Nature communications, 2014, 5, 3018
1513812 CIFC18 H17 F4 N O2 SP b c a10.3289; 12.271; 27.811
90; 90; 90
3524.9Cui, Jian; Jia, Qun; Feng, Ruo-Zhu; Liu, Shan-Shan; He, Tian; Zhang, Chi
Boron trifluoride etherate functioning as a fluorine source in an iodosobenzene-mediated intramolecular aminofluorination of homoallylic amines.
Organic letters, 2014, 16, 1442-1445
1513948 CIFC8 H8 F3 N O2 SP b c a7.968; 15.3; 16.954
90; 90; 90
2066.9Xie, Jin; Yuan, Xiangai; Abdukader, Ablimit; Zhu, Chengjian; Ma, Jing
Visible-light-promoted radical C-h trifluoromethylation of free anilines.
Organic letters, 2014, 16, 1768-1771
1514103 CIFMn2 O3P b c a9.4118; 9.4177; 9.4233
90; 90; 90
835.26Norrestam, R.
Alpha-manganese(III) oxide - a C-type sesquioxide of orthorhombic symmetry
Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1-27,1973-42,1988), 1967, 21, 2871-2884
1514122 CIFC48 H38 N6 O5P b c a18.444; 15.948; 25.573
90; 90; 90
7522Nakano, Emi; Mutoh, Katsuya; Kobayashi, Yoichi; Abe, Jiro
Electrochemistry of photochromic [2.2]paracyclophane-bridged imidazole dimers: rational understanding of the electronic structures.
The journal of physical chemistry. A, 2014, 118, 2288-2297
1514125 CIFC39 H48 Cl2 Fe P2P b c a13.4011; 21.5414; 48.6745
90; 90; 90
14051.3Wiegand, Thomas; Eckert, Hellmut; Ren, Jinjun; Brunklaus, Gunther; Fröhlich, Roland; Daniliuc, Constantin G.; Lübbe, Gerrit; Bussmann, Kathrin; Kehr, Gerald; Erker, Gerhard; Grimme, Stefan
Indirect "no-bond" (31)p···(31)p spin-spin couplings in p,p-[3]ferrocenophanes: insights from solid-state NMR spectroscopy and DFT calculations.
The journal of physical chemistry. A, 2014, 118, 2316-2331
1514137 CIFC27 H35 Cl3 Fe N2 OP b c a15.98; 14.393; 24.368
90; 90; 90
5604.6Hennessy, Elisabeth T.; Liu, Richard Y.; Iovan, Diana A.; Duncan, Ryan A.; Betley, Theodore A.
Iron-mediated intermolecular N-group transfer chemistry with olefinic substrates
Chemical Science, 2014, 5, 1526
1514202 CIFC18 H21 N3 OP b c a15.5492; 10.0774; 19.0625
90; 90; 90
2987Vekariya, Rakesh H; Liu, Ruzhang; Aubé, Jeffrey
A concomitant allylic azide rearrangement/intramolecular azide-alkyne cycloaddition sequence.
Organic letters, 2014, 16, 1844-1847
1514218 CIFC28 H28 O4P b c a16.8408; 14.2476; 19.6198
90; 90; 90
4707.6Zhu, Mengyun; Liu, Jinqian; Yu, Jianjun; Chen, Liangshun; Zhang, Chunmei; Wang, Limin
AlCl3-Promoted Formal [2 + 3]-Cycloaddition of 1,1-Cyclopropane Diesters with N-Benzylic Sulfonamides To Construct Highly Stereoselective Indane Derivatives.
Organic letters, 2014, 16, 1856-1859
1514247 CIFC18 H28 F3 Li N4 O6P b c a15.741; 16.454; 18.665
90; 90; 90
4834McOwen, Dennis W.; Delp, Samuel A.; Paillard, Elie; Herriot, Cristelle; Han, Sang-Don; Boyle, Paul D.; Sommer, Roger D.; Henderson, Wesley A.
Anion Coordination Interactions in Solvates with the Lithium Salts LiDCTA and LiTDI
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2014, 118, 7781
1514256 CIFC20 H18 Cl N O4 SP b c a9.8687; 12.9702; 29.514
90; 90; 90
3777.8He, Shuzhong; Hsung, Richard P; Presser, William R; Ma, Zhi-Xiong; Haugen, Bryan J
An Approach to Cyclohepta[b]indoles through an Allenamide (4 + 3) Cycloaddition-Grignard Cyclization-Chugaev Elimination Sequence.
Organic letters, 2014, 16, 2180-2183
1514295 CIFC37 H30 F3 N3 O3 Pt SP b c a14.0939; 19.1285; 26.663
90; 90; 90
7188.2Juliá, Fabio; Bautista, Delia; Fernández-Hernández, Jesús M.; González-Herrero, Pablo
Homoleptic tris-cyclometalated platinum(iv) complexes: a new class of long-lived, highly efficient 3LC emitters
Chemical Science, 2014, 5, 1875
1514318 CIFC22 H24 Mo N2 O4P b c a17.9132; 11.6738; 21.3034
90; 90; 90
4454.9Clark, Melissa L.; Grice, Kyle A.; Moore, Curtis E.; Rheingold, Arnold L.; Kubiak, Clifford P.
Electrocatalytic CO2 reduction by M(bpy-R)(CO)4 (M = Mo, W; R = H, tBu) complexes. Electrochemical, spectroscopic, and computational studies and comparison with group 7 catalysts
Chemical Science, 2014, 5, 1894
1514320 CIFC22 H24 N2 O4 WP b c a17.8251; 11.6986; 21.3193
90; 90; 90
4445.7Clark, Melissa L.; Grice, Kyle A.; Moore, Curtis E.; Rheingold, Arnold L.; Kubiak, Clifford P.
Electrocatalytic CO2 reduction by M(bpy-R)(CO)4 (M = Mo, W; R = H, tBu) complexes. Electrochemical, spectroscopic, and computational studies and comparison with group 7 catalysts
Chemical Science, 2014, 5, 1894
1514329 CIFC15 H16 Cl2 O Pd S2P b c a8.117; 20.123; 20.541
90; 90; 90
3355Joshi, Hemant; Sharma, Kamal Nayan; Sharma, Alpesh K; Singh, Ajai Kumar
Palladium-phosphorus/sulfur nanoparticles (NPs) decorated on graphene oxide: synthesis using the same precursor for NPs and catalytic applications in Suzuki-Miyaura coupling.
Nanoscale, 2014, 6, 4588-4597
1514431 CIFC62 H44 Br4 N8 O7P b c a19.744; 19.587; 32.31
90; 90; 90
12495Song, Na Ri; Moon, Jong Hun; Choi, Jiyoung; Jun, Eun Jin; Kim, Youngmee; Kim, Sung-Jin; Lee, Jin Yong; Yoon, Juyoung
Cyclic benzobisimidazolium derivative for the selective fluorescent recognition of HSO4−via a combination of C‒H hydrogen bonds and charge interactions
Chemical Science, 2013, 4, 1765
1514486 CIFC18 H18 Cl D2 N3 O2P b c a18.9604; 9.3522; 19.2687
90; 90; 90
3416.8Collett, Christopher J.; Massey, Richard S.; Maguire, Oliver R.; Batsanov, Andrei S.; O'Donoghue, AnnMarie C.; Smith, Andrew D.
Mechanistic insights into the triazolylidene-catalysed Stetter and benzoin reactions: role of the N-aryl substituent
Chemical Science, 2013, 4, 1514
1514487 CIFC19 H20 Cl D2 N3 O2P b c a19.2697; 9.5129; 19.6896
90; 90; 90
3609.3Collett, Christopher J.; Massey, Richard S.; Maguire, Oliver R.; Batsanov, Andrei S.; O'Donoghue, AnnMarie C.; Smith, Andrew D.
Mechanistic insights into the triazolylidene-catalysed Stetter and benzoin reactions: role of the N-aryl substituent
Chemical Science, 2013, 4, 1514
1514488 CIFC18 H17 Cl D2 F N3 O2P b c a18.8845; 9.4266; 19.2915
90; 90; 90
3434.2Collett, Christopher J.; Massey, Richard S.; Maguire, Oliver R.; Batsanov, Andrei S.; O'Donoghue, AnnMarie C.; Smith, Andrew D.
Mechanistic insights into the triazolylidene-catalysed Stetter and benzoin reactions: role of the N-aryl substituent
Chemical Science, 2013, 4, 1514
1514588 CIFC45 H58 Au N2 PP b c a14.8187; 19.5498; 28.0267
90; 90; 90
8119.4Johnson, Miles W.; Shevick, Sophia L.; Toste, F. Dean; Bergman, Robert G.
Preparation and reactivity of terminal gold(i) amides and phosphides
Chemical Science, 2013, 4, 1023
1514602 CIFC8 H15 F6 N2 PP b c a9.3855; 9.7769; 26.717
90; 90; 90
2451.58Saouane, Sofiane; Norman, Sarah E.; Hardacre, Christopher; Fabbiani, Francesca P. A.
Pinning down the solid-state polymorphism of the ionic liquid [bmim][PF6]
Chemical Science, 2013, 4, 1270
1514603 CIFC8 H15 F6 N2 PP b c a9.4924; 9.8406; 26.8817
90; 90; 90
2511Saouane, Sofiane; Norman, Sarah E.; Hardacre, Christopher; Fabbiani, Francesca P. A.
Pinning down the solid-state polymorphism of the ionic liquid [bmim][PF6]
Chemical Science, 2013, 4, 1270
1514625 CIFC59 H82 Mg2 N4 O S2P b c a14.86; 17.21; 45.3
90; 90; 90
11585Lalrempuia, Ralte; Stasch, Andreas; Jones, Cameron
The reductive disproportionation of CO2 using a magnesium(i) complex: analogies with low valent f-block chemistry
Chemical Science, 2013, 4, 4383
1514638 CIFC40 H46 B2 F8 N12 Rh2P b c a14.135; 21.331; 31.17
90; 90; 90
9398Li, Zhanyong; Chifotides, Helen T.; Dunbar, Kim R.
Unprecedented partial paddlewheel dirhodium methyl isocyanide compounds with unusual structural and electronic properties: a comprehensive experimental and theoretical study
Chemical Science, 2013, 4, 4470
1514639 CIFC42 H48 B2 F8 N10 Rh2P b c a14.338; 21.619; 31.136
90; 90; 90
9651Li, Zhanyong; Chifotides, Helen T.; Dunbar, Kim R.
Unprecedented partial paddlewheel dirhodium methyl isocyanide compounds with unusual structural and electronic properties: a comprehensive experimental and theoretical study
Chemical Science, 2013, 4, 4470
1514641 CIFC40 H46 B2 F8 N12 Rh2P b c a14.126; 21.399; 31.434
90; 90; 90
9502Li, Zhanyong; Chifotides, Helen T.; Dunbar, Kim R.
Unprecedented partial paddlewheel dirhodium methyl isocyanide compounds with unusual structural and electronic properties: a comprehensive experimental and theoretical study
Chemical Science, 2013, 4, 4470
1514644 CIFC20 H24 O2P b c a9.79459; 10.18235; 34.1007
90; 90; 90
3400.93Franzoni, Ivan; Guénée, Laure; Mazet, Clément
Access to congested quaternary centers by Pd-catalyzed intermolecular γ-arylation of unactivated α,β-unsaturated aldehydes
Chemical Science, 2013, 4, 2619
1514741 CIFC39 H63 Li N2 ZnP b c a21.8628; 22.1892; 31.9347
90; 90; 90
15492.1Armstrong, David R.; Baillie, Sharon E.; Blair, Victoria L.; Chabloz, Nicolas G.; Diez, Josefina; Garcia-Alvarez, Joaquin; Kennedy, Alan R.; Robertson, Stuart D.; Hevia, Eva
Alkali-metal-mediated zincation (AMMZn) meets N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) chemistry: Zn‒H exchange reactions and structural authentication of a dinuclear Au(i) complex with a NHC anion
Chemical Science, 2013, 4, 4259
1514750 CIFC26 H22 B2 N2 OP b c a10.6981; 14.3379; 26.3743
90; 90; 90
4045.5Dimitrijević, Elena; Taylor, Mark S.
9-Hetero-10-boraanthracene-derived borinic acid catalysts for regioselective activation of polyols
Chemical Science, 2013, 4, 3298
1514761 CIFC13 H14 O3P b c a10.2738; 11.207; 19.0373
90; 90; 90
2191.93Farmer, Rebecca L.; Scheidt, Karl A.
A Concise Enantioselective Synthesis and Cytotoxic Evaluation of the Anticancer Rotenoid Deguelin Enabled by a Tandem Knoevenagel/Conjugate Addition/Decarboxylation Sequence.
Chemical science (Royal Society of Chemistry : 2010), 2013, 4, 3304-3309
1514766 CIFC58 H78 Br6 Dy N9 O14 Zn2P b c a22.0395; 16.0165; 39.3819
90; 90; 90
13901.6Liu, Jun-Liang; Chen, Yan-Cong; Zheng, Yan-Zhen; Lin, Wei-Quan; Ungur, Liviu; Wernsdorfer, Wolfgang; Chibotaru, Liviu F.; Tong, Ming-Liang
Switching the anisotropy barrier of a single-ion magnet by symmetry change from quasi-D5h to quasi-Oh
Chemical Science, 2013, 4, 3310
1514767 CIFC54 H62 Br6 Dy N9 O10 Zn2P b c a20.5186; 16.4699; 37.585
90; 90; 90
12701.4Liu, Jun-Liang; Chen, Yan-Cong; Zheng, Yan-Zhen; Lin, Wei-Quan; Ungur, Liviu; Wernsdorfer, Wolfgang; Chibotaru, Liviu F.; Tong, Ming-Liang
Switching the anisotropy barrier of a single-ion magnet by symmetry change from quasi-D5h to quasi-Oh
Chemical Science, 2013, 4, 3310
1514768 CIFC58 H78 Br6 Dy N9 O14 Zn2P b c a21.893; 15.9613; 39.306
90; 90; 90
13735.1Liu, Jun-Liang; Chen, Yan-Cong; Zheng, Yan-Zhen; Lin, Wei-Quan; Ungur, Liviu; Wernsdorfer, Wolfgang; Chibotaru, Liviu F.; Tong, Ming-Liang
Switching the anisotropy barrier of a single-ion magnet by symmetry change from quasi-D5h to quasi-Oh
Chemical Science, 2013, 4, 3310
1514789 CIFC31 H22 N2P b c a9.7242; 17.6641; 25.6425
90; 90; 90
4404.59Yang, Zhiyong; Qin, Wei; Lam, Jacky W. Y.; Chen, Sijie; Sung, Herman H. Y.; Williams, Ian D.; Tang, Ben Zhong
Fluorescent pH sensor constructed from a heteroatom-containing luminogen with tunable AIE and ICT characteristics
Chemical Science, 2013, 4, 3725
1514792 CIFC16 H14 Cl3 N O2P b c a9.7761; 14.7382; 24.0669
90; 90; 90
3467.6Cui, Sunliang; Zhang, Yan; Wu, Qifan
Rh(iii)-catalyzed C‒H activation/cycloaddition of benzamides and methylenecyclopropanes: divergence in ring formation
Chemical Science, 2013, 4, 3421
1514808 CIFC6 H13 Cl2 N2 PP b c a7.768; 12.985; 19.423
90; 90; 90
1959.1Böttcher, Tobias; Bassil, Bassem S.; Zhechkov, Lyuben; Heine, Thomas; Röschenthaler, Gerd-Volker
(NHCMe)SiCl4: a versatile carbene transfer reagent ‒ synthesis from silicochloroform
Chemical Science, 2013, 4, 77
1514813 CIFC5 H10 Cl4 N2 SiP b c a12.8424; 12.65; 13.2356
90; 90; 90
2150.21Böttcher, Tobias; Bassil, Bassem S.; Zhechkov, Lyuben; Heine, Thomas; Röschenthaler, Gerd-Volker
(NHCMe)SiCl4: a versatile carbene transfer reagent ‒ synthesis from silicochloroform
Chemical Science, 2013, 4, 77
1514886 CIFC24 H29 N5 O2P b c a12.5135; 8.2914; 41.841
90; 90; 90
4341.2Alsarraf, Jérome; Robert, Frédéric; Cramail, Henri; Landais, Yannick
Latent catalysts based on guanidine templates for polyurethane synthesis
Polymer Chemistry, 2013, 4, 904
1514897 CIFC34 H56 O2 Zn2P b c a17.7224; 9.6794; 19.248
90; 90; 90
3301.8Descour, Camille; Sciarone, Timo J. J.; Cavallo, Dario; Macko, Tibor; Kelchtermans, Mauritz; Korobkov, Ilia; Duchateau, Robbert
Exploration of the effect of 2,6-(t-Bu)2-4-Me-C6H2OH (BHT) in chain shuttling polymerization
Polymer Chemistry, 2013, 4, 4718
1514905 CIFC12 H16 N4 O8 S ZnP b c a9.1328; 9.0544; 39.49
90; 90; 90
3265.5Croitor, Lilia; Coropceanu, Eduard B.; Masunov, Artëm E.; Rivera-Jacquez, Hector J.; Siminel, Anatolii V.; Fonari, Marina S.
Mechanism of Nonlinear Optical Enhancement and Supramolecular Isomerism in 1D Polymeric Zn(II) and Cd(II) Sulfates with Pyridine-4-aldoxime Ligands
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2014, 118, 9217
1514949 CIFC32 H26 O2 SiP b c a21.7477; 13.4689; 35.5044
90; 90; 90
10399.9Mei, Ju; Wang, Jian; Sun, Jing Zhi; Zhao, Hui; Yuan, Wangzhang; Deng, Chunmei; Chen, Shuming; Sung, Herman H. Y.; Lu, Ping; Qin, Anjun; Kwok, Hoi Sing; Ma, Yuguang; Williams, Ian D.; Tang, Ben Zhong
Siloles symmetrically substituted on their 2,5-positions with electron-accepting and donating moieties: facile synthesis, aggregation-enhanced emission, solvatochromism, and device application
Chemical Science, 2012, 3, 549
1514991 CIFC37 H57 Ni P3 SiP b c a16.1008; 16.9634; 25.931
90; 90; 90
7082.4Tsay, Charlene; Peters, Jonas C.
Thermally stable N2 and H2 adducts of cationic nickel(ii)
Chemical Science, 2012, 3, 1313
1514994 CIFC69 H66 B Cl F24 Ni O P3 SiP b c a26.3375; 19.5435; 27.2078
90; 90; 90
14004.6Tsay, Charlene; Peters, Jonas C.
Thermally stable N2 and H2 adducts of cationic nickel(ii)
Chemical Science, 2012, 3, 1313
1515112 CIFC22.5 H27.5 Br2 Cl4.5 N2P b c a28.784; 28.621; 13.801
90; 90; 90
11370Wiggins, Kelly M.; Moerdyk, Jonathan P.; Bielawski, Christopher W.
Homonuclear bond activation using a stable N,N′-diamidocarbene
Chemical Science, 2012, 3, 2986
1515140 CIFC12 H8 D4 FeP b c a7.3925; 12.3693; 19.4209
90; 90; 90
1775.85Gilroy, Joe B.; Russell, Andrew D.; Stonor, Andrew J.; Chabanne, Laurent; Baljak, Sladjana; Haddow, Mairi F.; Manners, Ian
An iron-cyclopentadienyl bond cleavage mechanism for the thermal ring-opening polymerization of dicarba[2]ferrocenophanes
Chemical Science, 2012, 3, 830
1515290 CIFC27 H23 Cl N3 O P Pd SP b c a7.7387; 24.7405; 27.364
90; 90; 90
5239.1Ramachandran, Eswaran; Kalaivani, Palaniappan; Prabhakaran, Rathinasabapathi; Rath, Nigam P.; Brinda, Selvaraj; Poornima, Paramasivan; Padma, Viswanatha Vijaya; Natarajan, Karuppannan
Synthesis, X-ray crystal structure, DNA binding, antioxidant and cytotoxicity studies of Ni(ii) and Pd(ii) thiosemicarbazone complexes.
Metallomics : integrated biometal science, 2012, 4, 218-227
1515312 CIFC25 H17 N O2P b c a12.847; 8.845; 32.399
90; 90; 90
3682Chowdhury, Nilanjana; Dutta, Sansa; Dasgupta, Swagata; Singh, N. D. Pradeep; Baidya, Mithu; Ghosh, S. K.
Synthesis, photophysical, photochemical, DNA cleavage/binding and cytotoxic properties of pyrene oxime ester conjugates.
Photochemical & photobiological sciences : Official journal of the European Photochemistry Association and the European Society for Photobiology, 2012, 11, 1239-1250
1515375 CIFC15 H22 N2 O SP b c a7.756; 10.12; 37.38
90; 90; 90
2934Busschaert, Nathalie; Bradberry, Samuel J.; Wenzel, Marco; Haynes, Cally J. E.; Hiscock, Jennifer R.; Kirby, Isabelle L.; Karagiannidis, Louise E.; Moore, Stephen J.; Wells, Neil J.; Herniman, Julie; Langley, G. John; Horton, Peter N.; Light, Mark E.; Marques, Igor; Costa, Paulo J.; Félix, Vítor; Frey, Jeremy G.; Gale, Philip A.
Towards predictable transmembrane transport: QSAR analysis of anion binding and transport
Chemical Science, 2013, 4, 3036
1515448 CIFC17 H19 N O2P b c a7.7628; 11.1348; 32.262
90; 90; 90
2788.6Faustino, Hélio; López, Fernando; Castedo, Luis; Mascareñas, José L.
Gold(i)-catalyzed intermolecular (4 + 2) cycloaddition of allenamides and acyclic dienes
Chemical Science, 2011, 2, 633
1515463 CIFC47 H46 F12 N8 P2 Pt2P b c a18.526; 22.046; 23.559
90; 90; 90
9622Wai-Yin Sun, Raymond; Lok-Fung Chow, Andy; Li, Xiao-Hua; Yan, Jessie Jing; Sin-Yin Chui, Stephen; Che, Chi-Ming
Luminescent cyclometalated platinum(ii) complexes containing N-heterocyclic carbene ligands with potent in vitro and in vivo anti-cancer properties accumulate in cytoplasmic structures of cancer cells
Chemical Science, 2011, 2, 728
1515476 CIFC34 H69 P5 Pt2P b c a11.699; 15.37; 45.229
90; 90; 90
8133Waterman, Rory; Tilley, T. Don
Terminal hafnium phosphinidene complexes and phosphinidene ligand exchange
Chemical Science, 2011, 2, 1320
1515527 CIFC16 H22 N2 O2 SP b c a12.3076; 9.776; 26.6952
90; 90; 90
3211.94Lu, Hongjian; Jiang, Huiling; Hu, Yang; Wojtas, Lukasz; Zhang, X. Peter
Chemoselective intramolecular allylic C‒H amination versus CC aziridination through Co(ii)-based metalloradical catalysis
Chemical Science, 2011, 2, 2361
1515535 CIFC17 H22 O3P b c a12.7496; 10.619; 22.4445
90; 90; 90
3038.7Parr, Brendan T.; Li, Zhanjie; Davies, Huw M. L.
Asymmetric Synthesis of Highly Functionalized Cyclopentanes by a Rhodium- and Scandium-Catalyzed Five-Step Domino Sequence.
Chemical science (Royal Society of Chemistry : 2010), 2011, 2, 2378-2382
1515570 CIFC15 H10 Br2 N2P b c a18.7505; 7.0987; 20.0419
90; 90; 90
2667.7Vecchione, Matthew K.; Sun, Aaron X.; Seidel, Daniel
Divergent reactions of indoles with aminobenzaldehydes: indole ring-opening vs. annulation and facile synthesis of neocryptolepine
Chemical Science, 2011, 2, 2178
1515587 CIFC40 H63 N3 O3 Si TiP b c a19.9166; 19.1716; 21.779
90; 90; 90
8315.9Silvia, Jared S.; Cummins, Christopher C.
Binding, release, and functionalization of CO2 at a nucleophilic oxo anion complex of titanium
Chemical Science, 2011, 2, 1474
1515637 CIFC56 H88 N32 Ni4 O16P b c a17.3775; 17.494; 24.6892
90; 90; 90
7505.6Alkordi, Mohamed H.; Belof, Jonathan L.; Rivera, Edwin; Wojtas, Lukasz; Eddaoudi, Mohamed
Insight into the construction of metal‒organic polyhedra: metal‒organic cubes as a case study
Chemical Science, 2011, 2, 1695
1515668 CIFC36 H36 B F12 N2 O PP b c a19.5019; 16.3963; 21.7273
90; 90; 90
6947.5Neu, Rebecca C.; Otten, Edwin; Lough, Alan; Stephan, Douglas W.
The synthesis and exchange chemistry of frustrated Lewis pair‒nitrous oxide complexes
Chemical Science, 2011, 2, 170
1515693 CIFC28 H36 N2 O12 ZnP b c a11.8469; 8.7118; 28.9529
90; 90; 90
2988.2Kawarada, Hikaru; Yoshikawa, Yutaka; Yasui, Hiroyuki; Kuwahara, Shunsuke; Habata, Yoichi; Saito, Ryota
Synthesis and in vitro insulin-mimetic activities of zinc(ii) complexes of ethyl 2,5-dihydro-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-1H-pyrrole-3-carboxylates.
Metallomics : integrated biometal science, 2011, 3, 675-679
1515695 CIFC20 H17 Fe N OP b c a17.4825; 7.342; 23.1152
90; 90; 90
2966.99Spencer, John; Amin, Jahangir; Callear, Samantha K.; Tizzard, Graham J.; Coles, Simon J.; Coxhead, Peter; Guille, Matthew
Synthesis and evaluation of metallocene containing methylidene-1,3-dihydro-2H-indol-2-ones as kinase inhibitors.
Metallomics : integrated biometal science, 2011, 3, 600-608
1515722 CIFC13 H10 F NP b c a7.5432; 11.7934; 11.8041
90; 90; 90
1050.09Mondal, Barnali; Captain, Burjor; Ramamurthy, V.
Photodimerization of HCl salts of azastilbenes in the solid state.
Photochemical & photobiological sciences : Official journal of the European Photochemistry Association and the European Society for Photobiology, 2011, 10, 891-894
1515812 CIFC38 H50 N P2 VP b c a18.1601; 19.1808; 20.2261
90; 90; 90
7045.3Andino, José G.; Kilgore, Uriah J.; Pink, Maren; Ozarowski, Andrew; Krzystek, J.; Telser, Joshua; Baik, Mu-Hyun; Mindiola, Daniel J.
Intermolecular C‒H bond activation of benzene and pyridines by a vanadium(iii) alkylidene including a stepwise conversion of benzene to a vanadium-benzyne complex
Chemical Science, 2010, 1, 351
1515873 CIFC15 H18 O4P b c a10.8837; 9.9484; 24.339
90; 90; 90
2635.3Kandur, Wynne V.; Richert, Kathleen J.; Rieder, Curtis J.; Thomas, Andrew M.; Hu, Chunhua; Ziller, Joseph W.; Woerpel, K. A.
Synthesis and Reactivity of 1,2-Dioxolanes from β,γ-Epoxy Ketones.
Organic letters, 2014, 16, 2650-2653
1515887 CIFC25 H22 N2 O3P b c a12.8758; 17.5058; 18.2986
90; 90; 90
4124.53Alam, Rauful; Das, Arindam; Huang, Genping; Eriksson, Lars; Himo, Fahmi; Szabó, Kálmán J.
Stereoselective allylboration of imines and indoles under mild conditions. An in situ E/Z isomerization of imines by allylboroxines
Chemical Science, 2014, 5, 2732
1515919 CIFC23 H15 B F2 N2P b c a13.0065; 12.4226; 21.8351
90; 90; 90
3528Benniston, Andrew C.; Harriman, Anthony; Whittle, Victoria L.; Zelzer, Mischa; Harrington, Ross W.; Clegg, William
Exciplex-like emission from a closely-spaced, orthogonally-sited anthracenyl-boron dipyrromethene (Bodipy) molecular dyad.
Photochemical & photobiological sciences : Official journal of the European Photochemistry Association and the European Society for Photobiology, 2010, 9, 1009-1017
1515927 CIFC22 H19 NP b c a16.1137; 8.8958; 22.983
90; 90; 90
3294.5Greenberg, Sharonna; Stephan, Douglas W.
Hydroamination as a route to nitrogen-containing oligomers
Polymer Chemistry, 2010, 1, 1332
1515983 CIFC36 H44 N4 O4P b c a12.802; 19.593; 25.555
90; 90; 90
6410Dethe, Dattatraya H.; Erande, Rohan D.; Dherange, Balu D.
Remarkable switch of regioselectivity in diels-alder reaction: divergent total synthesis of borreverine, caulindoles, and flinderoles.
Organic letters, 2014, 16, 2764-2767
1515984 CIFC40 H46 N2 O8 S2P b c a29.124; 8.811; 29.171
90; 90; 90
7486Dethe, Dattatraya H.; Erande, Rohan D.; Dherange, Balu D.
Remarkable switch of regioselectivity in diels-alder reaction: divergent total synthesis of borreverine, caulindoles, and flinderoles.
Organic letters, 2014, 16, 2764-2767
1515988 CIFC36 H36 N4 O4P b c a10.915; 10.002; 27.209
90; 90; 90
2970.5Culf, Adrian S.; Cuperlović-Culf, Miroslava; Léger, Daniel A; Decken, Andreas
Small Head-to-Tail Macrocyclic α-Peptoids.
Organic letters, 2014, 16, 2780-2783
1516061 CIFC17 H22 N2 O3P b c a9.5653; 10.45; 30.655
90; 90; 90
3064.2Hirschhäuser, Christoph; Parker, Jeremy S.; Perry, Matthew W. D.; Haddow, Mairi F.; Gallagher, Timothy
Spiro-fused pyrrolidine, piperidine, and oxindole scaffolds from lactams.
Organic letters, 2012, 14, 4846-4849
1516140 CIFC48 H47.38 B Cl Ir N4 O0.19P b c a16.815; 17.575; 28.6833
90; 90; 90
8476.59Woods, James A.; Lalrempuia, Ralte; Petronilho, Ana; McDaniel, Neal D.; Müller-Bunz, Helge; Albrecht, Martin; Bernhard, Stefan
Carbene iridium complexes for efficient water oxidation: scope and mechanistic insights
Energy & Environmental Science, 2014, 7, 2316
1516172 CIFC10 H9 B F2 N4P b c a12.306; 9.48; 18.766
90; 90; 90
2189.3Yu, Changjiang; Jiao, Lijuan; Zhang, Ping; Feng, Zeya; Cheng, Chi; Wei, Yun; Mu, Xiaolong; Hao, Erhong
Highly Fluorescent BF2 Complexes of Hydrazine-Schiff Base Linked Bispyrrole.
Organic letters, 2014, 16, 3048-3051
1516235 CIFC13 H16 O6P b c a11.5879; 11.617; 19.7761
90; 90; 90
2662.19Rout, Saroj Kumar; Guin, Srimanta; Ali, Wajid; Gogoi, Anupal; Patel, Bhisma K.
Copper-Catalyzed Esterification of Alkylbenzenes with Cyclic Ethers and Cycloalkanes via C(sp(3))-H Activation Following Cross-Dehydrogenative Coupling.
Organic letters, 2014, 16, 3086-3089
1516265 CIFC24 H16 N2 OP b c a14.7042; 8.8119; 27.6407
90; 90; 90
3581.46Dong, Jiaxing; Wang, Fei; You, Jingsong
Copper-Mediated Tandem Oxidative C(sp(2))-H/C(sp)-H Alkynylation and Annulation of Arenes with Terminal Alkynes.
Organic letters, 2014, 16, 2884-2887
1516273 CIFC76 H118 B2 K2 O8P b c a16.1537; 19.955; 22.8279
90; 90; 90
7358.5Araneda, Juan F.; Piers, Warren E.; Sgro, Michael J.; Parvez, Masood
Bronsted acid-catalyzed skeletal rearrangements in polycyclic conjugated boracycles: a thermal route to a ladder diborole
Chemical Science, 2014, 5, 3189
1516332 CIFC38 H55 F3 O3 P2 Pd S SiP b c a23.517; 21.766; 14.71
90; 90; 90
7530Suh, Hee-Won; Guard, Louise M.; Hazari, Nilay
A mechanistic study of allene carboxylation with CO2resulting in the development of a Pd(ii) pincer complex for the catalytic hydroboration of CO2
Chemical Science, 2014, 5, 3859
1516376 CIFC10 H14 N4 O6P b c a17.4174; 7.0176; 19.344
90; 90; 90
2364.39Naumov, Pance; Lee, Sang Cheol; Ishizawa, Nobuo; Jeong, Young Gyu; Chung, Ihn Hee; Fukuzumi, Shunichi
New type of dual solid-state thermochromism: modulation of intramolecular charge transfer by intermolecular pi-pi interactions, kinetic trapping of the aci-nitro group, and reversible molecular locking.
The journal of physical chemistry. A, 2009, 113, 11354-11366
1516381 CIFC23 H18 N2P b c a15.7; 6.8425; 33.139
90; 90; 90
3560Yang, Jye-Shane; Lin, Cheng-Kai; Lahoti, Anand M.; Tseng, Chung-Kai; Liu, Yi-Hung; Lee, Gene-Hsiang; Peng, Shie-Ming
Effect of ground-state twisting on the trans ‒> cis photoisomerization and TICT state formation of aminostilbenes.
The journal of physical chemistry. A, 2009, 113, 4868-4877
1516462 CIFC29 H22 N2 O2 SP b c a19.6725; 18.2791; 12.5149
90; 90; 90
4500.3Tokimizu, Yusuke; Oishi, Shinya; Fujii, Nobutaka; Ohno, Hiroaki
Gold-Catalyzed Cascade Cyclization of (Azido)ynamides: An Efficient Strategy for the Construction of Indoloquinolines.
Organic letters, 2014, 16, 3138-3141
1516490 CIFC19 H14 O2P b c a26.9628; 15.3036; 6.9176
90; 90; 90
2854.39Sundaryono, Agus; Nourmamode, Aziz; Gardrat, Christian; Grelier, Stéphane; Bravic, Georges; Chasseau, Daniel; Castellan, Alain
Studies on the photochemistry of 1,7-diphenyl-1,6-heptadiene-3,5-dione, a non-phenolic curcuminoid model
Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 2003, 2, 914-920
1516498 CIFC34 H28 N2 O4P b c a16.1351; 15.7795; 21.2316
90; 90; 90
5405.6Frischmann, Peter D.; Jiang, Jian; Hui, Joseph K.-H.; Grzybowski, Joseph J.; MacLachlan, Mark J.
Reversible-irreversible approach to Schiff base macrocycles: access to isomeric macrocycles with multiple salphen pockets.
Organic letters, 2008, 10, 1255-1258
1516538 CIFC30 H45 As2 Cr3P b c a15.3898; 18.4053; 21.8004
90; 90; 90
6175.05Reisinger, Sabine; Bodensteiner, Michael; Pineda, Eufemio Moreno; McDouall, Joseph J. W.; Scheer, Manfred; Layfield, Richard A.
Addition of pnictogen atoms to chromium(ii): synthesis, structure and magnetic properties of a chromium(iv) phosphide and a chromium(iii) arsenide
Chemical Science, 2014, 5, 2443
1516562 CIFC15 H29 B N2P b c a14.3661; 12.0848; 18.962
90; 90; 90
3292Braunschweig, Holger; Kramer, Thomas; Radacki, Krzysztof; Shang, Rong; Siedler, Eva; Werner, Christine
Isolation of the key intermediates of base-promoted borylene‒carbonyl coupling reactions
Chemical Science, 2014, 5, 2271
1516588 CIFC47 H73 N Si ThP b c a10.4251; 20.765; 44.289
90; 90; 90
9587.6Ren, Wenshan; Zhou, Enwei; Fang, Bo; Zi, Guofu; Fang, De-Cai; Walter, Marc D.
Si‒H addition followed by C‒H bond activation induced by a terminal thorium imido metallocene: a combined experimental and computational study
Chemical Science, 2014, 5, 3165
1516611 CIFC17 H14 N2 O3P b c a11.398; 15.357; 16.312
90; 90; 90
2855.2Griesbeck, Axel G.; Kramer, Wolfgang; Heinrich, Thomas; Lex, Johann
Photocyclization of N,N-phthaloylanthranilic amides coupled to ω-amino acids with increasing chain lengths
Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 2002, 1, 237
1516617 CIFC23 H25 N O2P b c a17.47; 11.704; 18.731
90; 90; 90
3829.9Hopfner, Matthias; Weiß, Harald; Meissner, Dieter; Heinemann, Frank W.; Kisch, Horst
Semiconductor photocatalysis type B: synthesis of unsaturated α-amino esters from imines and olefins photocatalyzed by silica-supported cadmium sulfide
Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 2002, 1, 696-703
1516718 CIFC33 H28 N2 O2P b c a12.859; 15.737; 25.688
90; 90; 90
5198Li, Ruohan; Xiao, Shuzhang; Li, Yi; Lin, Qifei; Zhang, Ronghua; Zhao, Jun; Yang, Changying; Zou, Kun; Li, Dongsheng; Yi, Tao
Polymorphism-dependent and piezochromic luminescence based on molecular packing of a conjugated molecule
Chemical Science, 2014, 5, 3922
1516720 CIFC33 H28 N2 O2P b c a12.852; 15.692; 25.641
90; 90; 90
5171Li, Ruohan; Xiao, Shuzhang; Li, Yi; Lin, Qifei; Zhang, Ronghua; Zhao, Jun; Yang, Changying; Zou, Kun; Li, Dongsheng; Yi, Tao
Polymorphism-dependent and piezochromic luminescence based on molecular packing of a conjugated molecule
Chemical Science, 2014, 5, 3922
1516741 CIFC17 H12 O3 S2P b c a11.2885; 14.123; 17.4374
90; 90; 90
2780Sugiyasu, Kazunori; Song, Changsik; Swager, Timothy M.
Aromaticity in Tropone-Containing Polythiophene
Macromolecules, 2006, 39, 5598
1516746 CIFC24 H18 B N O3P b c a14.8638; 15.4624; 16.3768
90; 90; 90
3763.9Yasuda, Makoto; Yoshioka, Sachiko; Yamasaki, Satoshi; Somyo, Toshio; Chiba, Kouji; Baba, Akio
Cage-shaped borate esters with enhanced Lewis acidity and catalytic activity.
Organic letters, 2006, 8, 761-764
1516760 CIFC11 H11 Br O2 SP b c a7.4039; 12.927; 24.736
90; 90; 90
2367.5Weatherhead-Kloster, Robin A; Corey, E. J.
Theory-guided discovery of unique chemical transformations of cyclopropenes.
Organic letters, 2006, 8, 171-174
1516866 CIFC18 H12 I2 N2 O2 Pb2P b c a9.4814; 11.835; 17.835
90; 90; 90
2001.3Ezzatollah Najafi; Mostafa M. Amini; Ezeddin Mohajerani; Mohammad Janghouri; Hossein Razavi; Hamidreza Khavasi
Fabrication of an organic light-emitting diode (OLED) from a two-dimensional lead(II) coordination polymer
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2013, 399, 119-125
1516867 CIFC23 H32 Co K N4 O5P b c a11.6732; 15.9989; 25.6674
90; 90; 90
4793.6Ryoji Mitsuhashi; Takayoshi Suzuki; Yukinari Sunatsuki; Masaaki Kojima
Hydrogen-bonding interactions, geometrical selectivity and spectroscopic properties of cobalt(III) complexes with unsymmetrical tridentate amine-amidato-phenolato type ligands
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2013, 399, 131-137
1516882 CIFC14 H13 I O2P b c a7.8201; 15.7081; 21.1791
90; 90; 90
2601.6Yang, Yanping; Cui, Mengchao; Zhang, Xiaoyang; Dai, Jiapei; Zhang, Zhiyong; Lin, Chunping; Guo, Yuzhi; Liu, Boli
Radioiodinated Benzyloxybenzene Derivatives: A Class of Flexible Ligands Target to β-Amyloid Plaques in Alzheimer's Brains.
Journal of medicinal chemistry, 2014, 57, 6030-6042
1516889 CIFC50 H78 O4 Si4 U2P b c a10.48; 21.616; 23.669
90; 90; 90
5361.9Tsoureas, Nikolaos; Castro, Ludovic; Kilpatrick, Alexander F. R.; Cloke, F. Geoffey N.; Maron, Laurent
Controlling selectivity in the reductive activation of CO2by mixed sandwich uranium(iii) complexes
Chemical Science, 2014, 5, 3777
1516905 CIFC16 H26 N4 Ni O8P b c a8.884; 12.611; 15.885
90; 90; 90
1779.7Jing Jin; Yu Ding; Yuan-Yuan Gong; Sheng-Mei Cong; Yu-Xian Chi; Guang-Ning Zhang; Shu-Yun Niu
Synthesis, structure and surface photo-electric property of Ni(II) complexes
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2013, 399, 227-235
1516966 CIFC23 H22 N2 OP b c a9.3932; 18.3398; 23.3368
90; 90; 90
4020.2Das, Arindam; Alam, Rauful; Eriksson, Lars; Szabó, Kálmán J
Stereocontrol in synthesis of homoallylic amines. Syn selective direct allylation of hydrazones with allylboronic acids.
Organic letters, 2014, 16, 3808-3811
1517007 CIFC51 H44 Cl2 N4 ZnP b c a10.2526; 22.0749; 38.2732
90; 90; 90
8662.2Markus Graser; Holger Kopacka; Klaus Wurst; Thomas Muller; Benno Bildstein
Structurally diverse pyridyl or quinolyl enolato/enamido metal complexes of Li, Zr, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu and Zn
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2013, 401, 38-49
1517016 CIFC47 H36 Mn3 N4 O13 S6P b c a19.1258; 23.0759; 23.544
90; 90; 90
10391Reda F.M. Elshaarawy; Yanhua Lan; Christoph Janiak
Oligonuclear homo- and mixed-valence manganese complexes based on thiophene- or aryl-carboxylate ligation: Synthesis, characterization and magnetic studies
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2013, 401, 85-94
1517017 CIFC45 H33 Mn3 N3 O14 S6P b c a18.974; 22.931; 23.64
90; 90; 90
10286Reda F.M. Elshaarawy; Yanhua Lan; Christoph Janiak
Oligonuclear homo- and mixed-valence manganese complexes based on thiophene- or aryl-carboxylate ligation: Synthesis, characterization and magnetic studies
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2013, 401, 85-94
1517020 CIFC22 H26 N2 O4P b c a11.5485; 16.5802; 20.5991
90; 90; 90
3944.24Schurgers, Ben; Brigou, Ben; Urbanczyk-Lipkowska, Zofia; Tourwé, Dirk; Ballet, Steven; De Proft, Frank; Van Lommen, Guy; Verniest, Guido
Synthesis of Fused 3-Aminoazepinones via Trapping of a New Class of Cyclic Seven-Membered Allenamides with Furan.
Organic letters, 2014, 16, 3712-3715
1517097 CIFC13 H14 Mo O5P b c a10.3022; 11.1065; 23.6758
90; 90; 90
2709Grover, Nidhi; Pöthig, Alexander; Kühn, Fritz E.
Cyclopentadienyl molybdenum alkyl ester complexes as catalyst precursors for olefin epoxidation
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2014, 4, 4219
1517175 CIFC9 H18 Br3 Fe Ga O3 P2P b c a17.8212; 16.529; 26.155
90; 90; 90
7704.4Braunschweig, Holger; Dewhurst, Rian D.; Hupp, Florian; Kaufmann, Christina; Phukan, Ashwini K.; Schneider, Christoph; Ye, Qing
Gauging metal Lewis basicity of zerovalent iron complexes via metal-only Lewis pairs
Chemical Science, 2014, 5, 4099
1517236 CIFC14 H13 N O5P b c a6.9386; 15.1121; 23.6998
90; 90; 90
2485.09Logan, Angus W. J.; Sprague, Simon J.; Foster, Robert W.; Marx, Léo B; Garzya, Vincenzo; Hallside, Michal S.; Thompson, Amber L.; Burton, Jonathan W.
Diastereoselective synthesis of fused lactone-pyrrolidinones; application to a formal synthesis of (-)-salinosporamide a.
Organic letters, 2014, 16, 4078-4081
1517254 CIFC22 H25 N3 O2P b c a11.1623; 13.076; 27.158
90; 90; 90
3963.9Galvez, Jaime; Castillo, Juan-Carlos; Quiroga, Jairo; Rajzmann, Michel; Rodriguez, Jean; Coquerel, Yoann
Divergent Chemo-, Regio-, and Diastereoselective Normal Electron-Demand Povarov-Type Reactions with α-Oxo-ketene Dienophiles.
Organic letters, 2014, 16, 4126-4129
1517421 CIFC23 H21 N O3 SP b c a6.387; 16.5721; 37.2128
90; 90; 90
3938.8Ma, Xueji; Pan, Shanfei; Wang, Hangxiang; Chen, Wanzhi
Rhodium-Catalyzed Transannulation of N-Sulfonyl-1,2,3-triazoles and Epoxides: Regioselective Synthesis of Substituted 3,4-Dihydro-2H-1,4-oxazines.
Organic letters, 2014, 16, 4554
1517491 CIFC13 H27 N5 O2P b c a12.6187; 15.3717; 15.8322
90; 90; 90
3070.99Polenz, I.; Laue, A.; Uhrin, T.; Rüffer, T.; Lang, H.; Schmidt, F. G.; Spange, S.
Thermally cleavable imine base/isocyanate adducts and oligomers suitable as initiators for radical homo- and copolymerization
Polym. Chem., 2014, 5, 6678
1517559 CIFC28 H16 F2P b c a10.498; 7.559; 23.466
90; 90; 90
1862.1Shen, Junjian; Yuan, Dafei; Qiao, Yan; Shen, Xingxing; Zhang, Zhongbo; Zhong, Yuwu; Yi, Yuanping; Zhu, Xiaozhang
Diaceno[a,e]pentalenes from Homoannulations of o-Alkynylaryliodides Utilizing a Unique Pd(OAc)2/n-Bu4NOAc Catalytic Combination.
Organic letters, 2014, 16, 4924-4927
1517649 CIFC16 H18 N2 O4 S ZnP b c a16.739; 9.557; 20.295
90; 90; 90
3246.7Ying-Ying Liu; Jie Liu; Jin Yang; Bo Liu; Jian-Fang Ma
Eight coordination compounds based on a reduced Schiff base tetraaminodiphenol macrocyclic ligand
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2013, 403, 85-96
1517668 CIFC22 H22 N2 O3P b c a9.00239; 14.4646; 27.9468
90; 90; 90
3639.12Drouhin, Pauline; Hurst, Timothy E.; Whitwood, Adrian C.; Taylor, Richard J. K.
Copper-Mediated Construction of Spirocyclic Bis-oxindoles via a Double C-H, Ar-H Coupling Process.
Organic letters, 2014, 16, 4900-4903
1517738 CIFC44 H50 N4 ZnP b c a15.291; 15.0222; 32.525
90; 90; 90
7471.1Trinh, Cong; Kirlikovali, Kent; Das, Saptaparna; Ener, Maraia E.; Gray, Harry B.; Djurovich, Peter; Bradforth, Stephen E.; Thompson, Mark E.
Symmetry-Breaking Charge Transfer of Visible Light Absorbing Systems: Zinc Dipyrrins.
The journal of physical chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces, 2014, 118, 21834-21845
1517778 CIFC38 H33 Cl3 F3 Fe N4 O3 P Pd SP b c a21.122; 18.0874; 21.51
90; 90; 90
8217.7Hong-Mei Li; Chen Xu; Xin-Qi Hao; Zhen Li; Zhi-Qiang Wang; Wei-Jun Fu; Mao-Ping Song
Cationic cyclopalladated ferrocenylpyrimidine complex as an efficient catalyst for the synthesis of substituted biarylmethanol by the Suzuki reaction in water
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2013, 404, 236-240
1517806 CIFC34 H46 Cl2 N10 O2 PtP b c a10.5253; 17.2681; 20.8581
90; 90; 90
3791Gushchin, Pavel V.; Kuznetsov, Maxim L.; Haukka, Matti; Kukushkin, Vadim Yu
Anionic halide···alcohol clusters in the solid state.
The journal of physical chemistry. A, 2014, 118, 9529-9539
1517807 CIFC36 H50 Cl2 N10 O2 PtP b c a10.4214; 17.7041; 21.4018
90; 90; 90
3948.66Gushchin, Pavel V.; Kuznetsov, Maxim L.; Haukka, Matti; Kukushkin, Vadim Yu
Anionic halide···alcohol clusters in the solid state.
The journal of physical chemistry. A, 2014, 118, 9529-9539
1517810 CIFC40 H54 Cl2 N10 O4 PtP b c a10.7643; 17.784; 22.2899
90; 90; 90
4267.01Gushchin, Pavel V.; Kuznetsov, Maxim L.; Haukka, Matti; Kukushkin, Vadim Yu
Anionic halide···alcohol clusters in the solid state.
The journal of physical chemistry. A, 2014, 118, 9529-9539
1517851 CIFC23 H17 N O6P b c a21.073; 7.448; 23.393
90; 90; 90
3671.6Velasco, V.; Aguilà, D.; Barrios, L. A.; Borilovic, I.; Roubeau, O.; Ribas-Ariño, J.; Fumanal, M.; Teat, S. J.; Aromí, G.
New coordination features; a bridging pyridine and the forced shortest non-covalent distance between two CO32−species
Chem. Sci., 2015, 6, 123
1517885 CIFC24 H9 B F18P b c a15.56; 8.7136; 35.624
90; 90; 90
4830Zhang, Zuolun; Edkins, Robert M.; Nitsch, Jörn; Fucke, Katharina; Steffen, Andreas; Longobardi, Lauren E.; Stephan, Douglas W.; Lambert, Christoph; Marder, Todd B.
Optical and electronic properties of air-stable organoboron compounds with strongly electron-accepting bis(fluoromesityl)boryl groups
Chem. Sci., 2015, 6, 308
1517920 CIFC18 H14 B NP b c a7.3708; 28.754; 12.9255
90; 90; 90
2739.4Sun, Feiye; Lv, Lily; Huang, Min; Zhou, Zhaohui; Fang, Xiangdong
Palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions of 4a,8a-azaboranaphthalene.
Organic letters, 2014, 16, 5024-5027
1517923 CIFC20 H21 Br F N O2 SP b c a18.6948; 7.70147; 26.3894
90; 90; 90
3799.48Romanov-Michailidis, Fedor; Pupier, Marion; Besnard, Céline; Bürgi, Thomas; Alexakis, Alexandre
Enantioselective Catalytic Fluorinative Aza-semipinacol Rearrangement.
Organic letters, 2014, 16, 4988-4991
1517949 CIFC30 H23 F N2 OP b c a8.0593; 22.292; 25.202
90; 90; 90
4527.7Pusch, Stefan; Opatz, Till
A photochemical one-pot three-component synthesis of tetrasubstituted imidazoles.
Organic letters, 2014, 16, 5430-5433
1517964 CIFC36 H30 Cl4 Ni P2P b c a17.435; 15.662; 24.139
90; 90; 90
6592Hwang, Seung Jun; Powers, David C.; Maher, Andrew G.; Nocera, Daniel G.
Tandem redox mediator/Ni(ii) trihalide complex photocycle for hydrogen evolution from HCl
Chem. Sci., 2015, 6, 917
1517971 CIFC18 H15 Au Br NP b c a15.9554; 11.7205; 16.839
90; 90; 90
3148.98Wu, Qian; Du, Chenglong; Huang, Yumin; Liu, Xingyan; Long, Zhen; Song, Feijie; You, Jingsong
Stoichiometric to catalytic reactivity of the aryl cycloaurated species with arylboronic acids: insight into the mechanism of gold-catalyzed oxidative C(sp2)‒H arylation
Chem. Sci., 2015, 6, 288
1518189 CIFC49 H66 O2P b c a10.7295; 25.4389; 32.8409
90; 90; 90
8963.8Zhang, Jinjin; Xiong, Jiao; Sun, Yangyang; Tang, Ning; Wu, Jincai
Highly Iso-Selective and Active Catalysts of Sodium and Potassium Monophenoxides Capped by a Crown Ether for the Ring-Opening Polymerization ofrac-Lactide
Macromolecules, 2014, 47, 7789
1518195 CIFC16 H19 N O3P b c a37.202; 8.9299; 9.4735
90; 90; 90
3147.2Li, Pan; Zhao, Jingjing; Xia, Chungu; Li, Fuwei
Direct oxidative coupling of enamides and 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds: a facile and versatile approach to dihydrofurans, furans, pyrroles, and dicarbonyl enamides.
Organic letters, 2014, 16, 5992-5995
1518289 CIFC32 H27 NP b c a14.348; 16.969; 19.737
90; 90; 90
4805.4Gangadhararao, G.; Uruvakilli, Anasuyamma; Swamy, K. C. Kumara
Brønsted Acid Mediated Alkenylation and Copper-Catalyzed Aerobic Oxidative Ring Expansion/Intramolecular Electrophilic Substitution of Indoles with Propargyl Alcohols: A Novel One-Pot Approach to Cyclopenta[c]quinolines.
Organic letters, 2014, 16, 6060
1518315 CIFC29 H34 Cd N4 O5P b c a17.061; 14.6879; 22.0163
90; 90; 90
5517.1Ran, Yungen; Xie, Jixing; Mu, Yajuan; Zhang, Linfen; Han, Bo
A series of 2D Cd(II) coordination polymers constructed from dicarboxylate acids and a flexible imidazole-based ligand
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2015, 425, 17-27
1518322 CIFC16 H17 N3 O2P b c a11.4611; 8.8278; 28.757
90; 90; 90
2909.5Mishra, Monika; Tiwari, Karishma; Singh, Ashish Kumar; Singh, Vinod P.
Versatile coordination behaviour of a multi-dentate Schiff base with manganese(II), copper(II) and zinc(II) ions and their corrosion inhibition study
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2015, 425, 36-45
1518430 CIFC27 H24 O3P b c a16.33; 15.14; 17.416
90; 90; 90
4306Seetha Lakshmi, K. C.; Krishnan, Jagadeesh; Sinu, C. R.; Varughese, Sunil; Nair, Vijay
N-heterocyclic carbene catalyzed annulation of enals to aurone analogs: synthesis of cyclopentene-fused spirobenzofuran-3-ones.
Organic letters, 2014, 16, 6374-6377
1518447 CIFC67 F6P b c a9.9998; 20.6538; 31.3512
90; 90; 90
6475.1San, Long K.; Bukovsky, Eric V.; Larson, Bryon W.; Whitaker, James B.; Deng, S. H. M.; Kopidakis, Nikos; Rumbles, Garry; Popov, Alexey A.; Chen, Yu-Sheng; Wang, Xue-Bin; Boltalina, Olga V.; Strauss, Steven H.
A faux hawk fullerene with PCBM-like properties
Chem. Sci., 2015, 6, 1801
1518482 CIFC24 H20 N2 OP b c a8.8127; 13.2298; 32.5
90; 90; 90
3789.2Fan, Zhoulong; Song, Shanshan; Li, Wei; Geng, Kaijun; Xu, Youjun; Miao, Ze-Hong; Zhang, Ao
Rh(III)-Catalyzed Redox-Neutral C-H Activation of Pyrazolones: An Economical Approach for the Synthesis of N-Substituted Indoles.
Organic letters, 2015, 17, 310-313
1518512 CIFC30 H35 N3 O Se SiP b c a13.2692; 19.8926; 20.979
90; 90; 90
5537.6Vummaleti, Sai V. C.; Nelson, David J.; Poater, Albert; Gómez-Suárez, Adrián; Cordes, David B.; Slawin, Alexandra M. Z.; Nolan, Steven P.; Cavallo, Luigi
What can NMR spectroscopy of selenoureas and phosphinidenes teach us about the π-accepting abilities of N-heterocyclic carbenes?
Chem. Sci., 2015, 6, 1895
1518555 CIFC12 H26 F6 K O6 PP b c a15.404; 15.758; 16.51
90; 90; 90
4007.6Mandai, Toshihiko; Yoshida, Kazuki; Tsuzuki, Seiji; Nozawa, Risa; Masu, Hyuma; Ueno, Kazuhide; Dokko, Kaoru; Watanabe, Masayoshi
Effect of ionic size on solvate stability of glyme-based solvate ionic liquids.
The journal of physical chemistry. B, 2015, 119, 1523-1534
1518587 CIFC56 H92 Cl2 Co2 I2 N4 P4 Ti2P b c a18.6991; 16.4217; 21.8753
90; 90; 90
6717.3Wu, Bing; Bezpalko, Mark W.; Foxman, Bruce M.; Thomas, Christine M.
A heterobimetallic complex featuring a Ti‒Co multiple bond and its application to the reductive coupling of ketones to alkenes
Chem. Sci., 2015, 6, 2044
1518718 CIFC18 H26 O4 SiP b c a16.759; 7.4334; 30.141
90; 90; 90
3754.9Xu, Xinfang; Wang, Xiangbo; Zavalij, Peter Y.; Doyle, Michael P.
Straightforward Access to the [3.2.2]Nonatriene Structural Framework via Intramolecular Cyclopropenation/Buchner Reaction/Cope Rearrangement Cascade.
Organic letters, 2015, 17, 790-793
1518735 CIFC46 H34 N4 O4P b c a10.981; 16.009; 19.987
90; 90; 90
3513.6Nielsen, Christian Benedikt Orea; Sørensen, Henning Osholm; Kongsted, Jacob
Comparison between Theoretically and Experimentally Determined Electronic Properties: Applications to Two-Photon Singlet Oxygen Sensitizers.
The journal of physical chemistry. A, 2015, 119, 1906-1916
1518748 CIFC15 H11 Br N4 O2P b c a10.784; 9.6655; 28.858
90; 90; 90
3007.9Chen, Yunfeng; Nie, Gang; Zhang, Qi; Ma, Shan; Li, Huan; Hu, Qinquan
Copper-Catalyzed [3 + 2] Cycloaddition/Oxidation Reactions between Nitro-olefins and Organic Azides: Highly Regioselective Synthesis of NO2-Substituted 1,2,3-Triazoles.
Organic letters, 2015, 17, 1118-1121
1518770 CIFC20 H16 Cl4 N2P b c a11.2813; 14.1148; 24.5832
90; 90; 90
3914.5Zhan, Ming; Zhang, Shaoguang; Huang, Zhe; Xi, Zhenfeng
Synthesis of α,α,α',α'-Tetrachloro-Δ(1)-bipyrrolines and 4,8-Dichloro-2,6-diazasemibuvallenes.
Organic letters, 2015, 17, 1026-1029
1518908 CIFC59 H61 Si2P b c a34.006; 7.6167; 36.832
90; 90; 90
9540Sbargoud, Kamal; Mamada, Masashi; Marrot, Jérôme; Tokito, Shizuo; Yassar, Abderrahim; Frigoli, Michel
Diindeno[1,2-b:2′,1′-n]perylene: a closed shell related Chichibabin's hydrocarbon, the synthesis, molecular packing, electronic and charge transport properties
Chem. Sci., 2015, 6, 3402
1518941 CIFC14 H19 N O3 SP b c a8.4818; 10.9461; 30.035
90; 90; 90
2788.5Druzhenko, Tetiana; Denisenko, Olexandr; Kheylik, Yuri; Zozulya, Sergey; Shishkina, Svitlana S.; Tolmachev, Andrei; Mykhailiuk, Pavel K.
Design, Synthesis, and Characterization of SO2-Containing Azabicyclo[3.n.1]alkanes: Promising Building Blocks for Drug Discovery.
Organic letters, 2015, 17, 1922-1925
1519006 CIFC2 H9 Al3 N O13 P3P b c a13.678; 10.318; 17.357
90; 90; 90
2449.6Soulard, M.; Patarin, J.; Marler, B.
Synthesis and structure of Mu-10 : a novel microporous hydroxyaluminophosphate (CH3)2NH2.Al3P3O12OH closely related to AlPO4-EN3
Solid State Sciences, 1999, 1, 37-53
1519082 CIFC11 H24 Cl N5 Ni O7P b c a14.586; 14.973; 15.218
90; 90; 90
3323.6Sanzenbacher, Ralf; Sotofte, Inger; Springborg, Johan
Nickel(II) Complexes with [2(4).3(1)]Adamanzane, 1,4,7,10-Tetraazabicyclo[5.5.3]pentadecane
Acta Chemica Scandinavica, 1999, 53, 457-464
1519098 CIFBi Nb O8 Te2P b c a5.6109; 8.1277; 31.205
90; 90; 90
1423.1S. Blanchandin; J.C. Champarnaud-Mesjard; P. Thomas; B. Frit
Crystal structure of BiNbTe2O8
Solid State Sciences, 2000, 2, 223-228
1519147 CIFC16 H30 Cl2 N P Se TiP b c a8.813; 15.0422; 31.232
90; 90; 90
4140Bochmann, Manfred; Hursthouse, Michael B.; Coles, Simon J.
Crystal Structure Report Archive, 1994, 1191
1519150 CIFC35 H66 Cl2 N2 P2 Se2 TiP b c a13.233; 17.2161; 35.163
90; 90; 90
8011Bochmann, Manfred; Coles, Simon J.; Hursthouse, Michael B.
C28H58Cl2N2P2Se2Ti, C7H8
Crystal Structure Report Archive, 1994, 1196
1519177 CIFC24 H15 Cl Fe O2P b c a7.594; 15.177; 31.13
90; 90; 90
3588Butler, Ian R.; Coles, Simon J.; Hursthouse, Michael B.
Crystal Structure Report Archive, 1997, 1039
1519180 CIFC10 H8 Cl2 N4P b c a7.23; 15.594; 19.618
90; 90; 90
2211.8Blake, Alexander J.; Light, Mark E.; Hursthouse, Michael B.
Crystal Structure Report Archive, 1997, 1206
1519181 CIFC24 H15 Cl Fe O2P b c a7.594; 15.177; 31.134
90; 90; 90
3588Butler, Ian R.; Coles, Simon J.; Hursthouse, Michael B.
Crystal Structure Report Archive, 1997, 1016
1519183 CIFC24 H18 FeP b c a10.7966; 17.6155; 17.888
90; 90; 90
3402.1Butler, Ian. R.; Coles, Simon J.; Hursthouse, Michael B.
Crystal Structure Report Archive, 1997, 765

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