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Searching journal of publication like 'Journal of Solid State Chemistry' volume of publication is 80

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1511044 CIFB Cl14 Zr6C m c a14.243; 12.64; 11.546
90; 90; 90
2078.64Ziebarth, R.P.; Corbett, J.D.
New Zirconium Chloride Cluster Phases with the Stoichiometries Zr6 Cl12 Z and Zr6 Cl14 Z are Stabilized by Interstitial Atoms (Z = H, Be, B, C)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 80, 56-67
1531027 CIFC Cl14 Zr6C m c a14.091; 12.595; 11.506
90; 90; 90
2042.04Ziebarth, R.P.; Corbett, J.D.
New Zirconium Chloride Cluster Phases with the Stoichiometries Zr6 Cl12 Z and Zr6 Cl14 Z are Stabilized by Interstitial Atoms (Z = H, Be, B, C)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 80, 56-67
1530287 CIFCs2 O17 P4 V3P n m a17.613; 7.328; 11.6
90; 90; 90
1497.19Lii, K.-H.; Wang, Y.P.; Wang, S.-L.
A New Vanadium(IV) Phosphate with a Tunnel Structure Cs2 V3 P4 O17
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 80, 127-132
1001407 CIFK Nb3 O15 P3P n n m13.3085; 14.7382; 6.4615
90; 90; 90
1267.4Leclaire, A; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Raveau, B
A Niobium Phosphate Bronze with a Tunnel Structure: K Nb~3~ P~3~ O~15~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 80, 12-16
1529741 CIFCs O6 W1.5 Zr0.5F d -3 m :210.4109; 10.4109; 10.4109
90; 90; 90
1128.41Castro, A.; Rasines, I.; Turrillas, X.M.
Synthesis, X-Ray Diffraction Study, and Ionic Conductivity of New A B2 O6 Pyrochlores
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 80, 227-234
1529742 CIFCs Hf0.5 O6 W1.5F d -3 m :210.3906; 10.3906; 10.3906
90; 90; 90
1121.82Castro, A.; Rasines, I.; Turrillas, X.M.
Synthesis, X-Ray Diffraction Study, and Ionic Conductivity of New A B2 O6 Pyrochlores
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 80, 227-234
1529739 CIFCs O6 Ti0.5 W1.5F d -3 m :210.271; 10.271; 10.271
90; 90; 90
1083.52Castro, A.; Rasines, I.; Turrillas, X.M.
Synthesis, X-Ray Diffraction Study, and Ionic Conductivity of New A B2 O6 Pyrochlores
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 80, 227-234
1529740 CIFO6 Ti0.5 Tl W1.5F d -3 m :210.2459; 10.2459; 10.2459
90; 90; 90
1075.6Castro, A.; Rasines, I.; Turrillas, X.M.
Synthesis, X-Ray Diffraction Study, and Ionic Conductivity of New A B2 O6 Pyrochlores
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 80, 227-234
1529738 CIFO6 Rb Ti0.5 W1.5F d -3 m :210.2426; 10.2426; 10.2426
90; 90; 90
1074.56Castro, A.; Turrillas, X.M.; Rasines, I.
Synthesis, X-Ray Diffraction Study, and Ionic Conductivity of New A B2 O6 Pyrochlores
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 80, 227-234
1529736 CIFCs O6 Te1.5 Ti0.5F d -3 m :210.1346; 10.1346; 10.1346
90; 90; 90
1040.93Castro, A.; Rasines, I.; Turrillas, X.M.
Synthesis, X-Ray Diffraction Study, and Ionic Conductivity of New A B2 O6 Pyrochlores
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 80, 227-234
1529737 CIFO6 Te1.5 Ti0.5 TlF d -3 m :210.093; 10.093; 10.093
90; 90; 90
1028.16Castro, A.; Rasines, I.; Turrillas, X.M.
Synthesis, X-Ray Diffraction Study, and Ionic Conductivity of New A B2 O6 Pyrochlores
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 80, 227-234
1529735 CIFO6 Rb Te1.5 Ti0.5F d -3 m :210.0903; 10.0903; 10.0903
90; 90; 90
1027.33Castro, A.; Rasines, I.; Turrillas, X.M.
Synthesis, X-Ray Diffraction Study, and Ionic Conductivity of New A B2 O6 Pyrochlores
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 80, 227-234
1529734 CIFK O6 Te1.5 Ti0.5F d -3 m :210.0597; 10.0597; 10.0597
90; 90; 90
1018.02Castro, A.; Rasines, I.; Turrillas, X.M.
Synthesis, X-Ray Diffraction Study, and Ionic Conductivity of New A B2 O6 Pyrochlores
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 80, 227-234
1000073 CIFF7 Li3 ThC c c a :28.7885; 8.7685; 12.958
90; 90; 90
998.6Laligant, Y; Le Bail, A; Avignant, D; Cousseins, J C; Ferey, G
Crystal Structure of Li~3~ Th F~7~ solved by X-Ray and Neutron Diffraction
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 80, 206-212
1000074 CIFF7 Li3 ThC c c a :28.759; 8.728; 12.8956
90; 90; 90
985.8Laligant, Y; Le Bail, A; Avignant, D; Cousseins, J C; Ferey, G
Crystal Structure of Li~3~ Th F~7~ solved by X-Ray and Neutron Diffraction
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 80, 206-212
1529842 CIFCu2 La1.1 O5.8 Sr1.9I m m m3.806; 11.484; 20.234
90; 90; 90
884.39de Leeuw, D.M.; Geelen, G.P.J.; Mutsaers, C.A.H.A.; Langereis, C.
Compounds and Phase Compatabilities in the System La2 O3Sr O- Cu O at 950 C
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 80, 276-285
1537761 CIFSe20 U10.2P 4/n c c :110.7; 10.7; 6.6
90; 90; 90
755.634Beck, H.P.; Dausch, W.
The refinement of alpha-U Se2, twinning in a Sr Br2-type structure
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 80, 32-39
1001394 CIFMo2 O23 P4 Si4P -18.415; 5.215; 11.19
77.77; 77.77; 73.11
453.2Leclaire, A; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Raveau, B
Mo~2~ P~4~ Si~4~ O~23~, a Molybdenum (V) Silicophosphate Related to the $-beta-Cristobalite
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 80, 250-255
1004087 CIFBi0.7 La0.3 O1.38R -3 m :H4.04; 4.04; 27.557
90; 90; 120
389.5Mercurio, D; El Farissi, M; Champarnaud Mesjard, J C; Frit, B; Conflant, P; Roult, G
Etude structurale par diffraction X sur monocristal et diffraction neutronique sur poudre de l'oxyde mixte Bi~.7~ La~.3~ O~1.5~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 80, 133-143
1004088 CIFBi0.7 La0.3 O1.5R -3 m :H4.04; 4.04; 27.557
90; 90; 120
389.5Mercurio, D; El Farissi, M; Champarnaud Mesjard, J C; Frit, B; Conflant, P; Roult, G
Etude structurale par diffraction X sur monocristal et diffraction neutronique sur poudre de l'oxyde mixte Bi~.7~ La~.3~ O~1.5~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 80, 133-143

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