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Searching journal of publication like 'Journal of the Less-Common Metals' volume of publication is 30

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1539735 CIFTm Zn2I m m a4.433; 6.949; 7.597
90; 90; 90
234.025Debray, D.
Crystal chemistry of the CeCu2-type structure
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1973, 30, 237-237
1539733 CIFTb Zn2I m m a4.492; 7.142; 7.595
90; 90; 90
243.662Debray, D.
Crystal chemistry of the CeCu2-type structure
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1973, 30, 237-237
1538635 CIFPd3.6 Y0.4F m -3 m3.963; 3.963; 3.963
90; 90; 90
62.24Loebich, O.; Raub, E.
Die Legierungen des Palladiums mit Yttrium, Samarium, Gadolinium, Dysprosium, Holmium und Erbium
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1973, 30, 47-62
1537766 CIFLa Zn2I m m a4.677; 7.615; 7.749
90; 90; 90
275.983Debray, D.
Crystal chemistry of the CeCu2-type structure
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1973, 30, 237-237
1537451 CIFAs EuP -6 2 m8.15; 8.15; 6.135
90; 90; 120
352.907Iandelli, A.; Franceschi, E.
On The Crystal Structure of The Compounds Ca P, Sr P, Ca As, Sr As and Eu As
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1973, 30, 211-216
1537450 CIFAs CaP -6 2 m7.858; 7.858; 5.921
90; 90; 120
316.628Iandelli, A.; Franceschi, E.
On The Crystal Structure of the Compounds Ca P, Sr P, Ca As, Sr As and Eu As
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1973, 30, 211-216
1537449 CIFP SrP -6 2 m8.04; 8.04; 6.031
90; 90; 120
337.623Iandelli, A.; Franceschi, E.
On The Crystal Structure of the Compounds Ca P, Sr P, Ca As, Sr As and Eu As
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1973, 30, 211-216
1525682 CIFO3 Rh2P b c a5.1477; 5.4425; 14.6977
90; 90; 90
411.776Biesterbos, J.W.M.; Hornstra, J.
The Crystal Structure of the high-temperature low-pressure Form of Rh2 O3
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1973, 30, 121-125
1525292 CIFFe3 HoR -3 m :H5.11; 5.11; 24.53
90; 90; 120
554.715Simmons, M.; James, W.J.; Moreau, J.M.; Lemaire, R.; Givord, F.M.
Magnetic properties of Ho Fe3
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1973, 30, 75-82
1525133 CIFEr5 Rh3P 63/m c m8.084; 8.084; 6.306
90; 90; 120
356.892Raman, A.; Ghassem, H.
Characteristics of the Mn5 Si3-, Ca Zn5- and C6 Ni3-type phases
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1973, 30, 185-197
1525132 CIFEr Rh5P 6/m m m5.118; 5.118; 4.292
90; 90; 120
97.362Raman, A.; Ghassem, H.
Characteristics of the Mn5 Si3-, Ca Zn5- and Ce Ni3-type phases
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1973, 30, 185-197
1524816 CIFDy0.1 Pd0.9F m -3 m3.965; 3.965; 3.965
90; 90; 90
62.335Loebich, O.jr.; Raub, E.
Die Legierungen des Palladiums mit Y, Sm, Gd, Dy, Ho und Er
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1973, 30, 47-62
1524815 CIFEr0.11 Pd0.89F m -3 m3.963; 3.963; 3.963
90; 90; 90
62.24Loebich, O.; Raub, E.
Die Legierungen des Palladiums mit Y, Sm, Gd, Dy, Ho und Er
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1973, 30, 47-62
1524119 CIFCd58 Sm13P 63/m m c15.51; 15.51; 15.36
90; 90; 120
3199.97Bruzzone, G.; Fornasini, M.L.; Merlo, F.
Rare-earth intermediate phases with cadmium
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1973, 30, 361-375
1524118 CIFCd58 Y13P 63/m m c15.35; 15.35; 15.24
90; 90; 120
3109.8Bruzzone, G.; Fornasini, M.L.; Merlo, F.
Rare-earth intermediate phases with cadmium
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1973, 30, 361-375
1524117 CIFCd3 YC m c m7.044; 10.864; 4.837
90; 90; 90
370.156Bruzzone, G.; Merlo, F.; Fornasini, M.L.
Rare-earth intermediate phases with cadmium
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1973, 30, 361-375
1524116 CIFCd3 TmC m c m7.103; 10.617; 4.795
90; 90; 90
361.603Bruzzone, G.; Merlo, F.; Fornasini, M.L.
Rare-earth intermediate phases with cadmium
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1973, 30, 361-375
1524115 CIFCd3 TbP 63/m m c6.585; 6.585; 4.925
90; 90; 120
184.947Bruzzone, G.; Fornasini, M.L.; Merlo, F.
Rare-earth intermediate phases with cadmium
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1973, 30, 361-375
1524114 CIFCd3 TbC m c m6.963; 10.97; 4.851
90; 90; 90
370.539Bruzzone, G.; Fornasini, M.L.; Merlo, F.
Rare-earth intermediate phases with cadmium
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1973, 30, 361-375
1524113 CIFCd58 Pr13P 63/m m c15.71; 15.71; 15.52
90; 90; 120
3317.22Bruzzone, G.; Fornasini, M.L.; Merlo, F.
Rare-earth intermediate phases with cadmium
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1973, 30, 361-375

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