# Search results of SQL query from the Crystallography Open Database
# Date and time performed: 2025-01-09T02:53:14+01:00
# Query:
# SELECT data.*
# data JOIN jaltnames
# ON altname = journal
# (status is null or status != 'retracted') and
# (journal_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT(journal_id) FROM jaltnames WHERE altname LIKE 'Chemistry of materials : a publication of the American Chemical Society') AND volume = 32 AND duplicateof IS NULL AND (status is NULL OR status != 'errors') AND (method is NULL OR method != 'theoretical'))
# ORDER BY file asc
"4003575","10.5141","0.0001","10.5141","0.0001","10.5141","0.0001","90","","90","","90","","1162.3","0.019","200","0.1","200","0.1","","","","","","","","4","F m -3 m","-F 4 2 3","225","","","","- Cl6 Cs2 In Na -","- Cl6 Cs2 In Na -","- Cl24 Cs8 In4 Na4 -","4","0.0208333","","Noculak, Agnieszka; Morad, Viktoriia; McCall, Kyle M.; Yakunin, Sergii; Shynkarenko, Yevhen; Wörle, Michael; Kovalenko, Maksym V.","Bright Blue and Green Luminescence of Sb(III) in Double Perovskite Cs2MInCl6 (M = Na, K) Matrices.","Chemistry of materials : a publication of the American Chemical Society","2020","32","12","5118","5124","10.1021/acs.chemmater.0c01004","","x-ray","0.71073","MoKα","","0.0224","0.0224","","","0.0442","0.0442","","","","","","1.285","","","","has coordinates","253723","2020-10-21","18:00:00",""