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Searching journal of publication like 'Journal of Solid State Chemistry' volume of publication is 45

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1008199 CIFLi2 O3 SnC 1 2/c 15.2889; 9.1872; 10.026
90; 100.348; 90
479.2Hodeau, J L; Marezio, M; Santoro, A; Roth, R S
Neutron Profile Refinement of the Structures of Li~2~ Sn O~3~ and Li~2~ Zr O~3~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1982, 45, 170-179
1008200 CIFLi2 O3 ZrC 1 2/c 15.4218; 9.0216; 5.4187
90; 112.709; 90
244.5Hodeau, J L; Marezio, M; Santoro, A; Roth, R S
Neutron Profile Refinement of the Structures of Li~2~ Sn O~3~ and Li~2~ Zr O~3~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1982, 45, 170-179
1524406 CIFHo8 S4 Te2.26C 1 2/m 16.658; 13.657; 8.315
90; 128.64; 90
590.554Ghemard, G.; Etienne, J.; Flahaut, J.; Schiffmacher, G.
Etude structurale des sulfotellurures de terres rares L S2 Te1 + x (L = Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm et Y). II. Surstructure des phases ordonnees. Macles d'ordre
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1982, 45, 146-153
1538258 CIFNi RhF m -3 m3.6845; 3.6845; 3.6845
90; 90; 90
50.019Hofer, F.
Thermodynamic properties of solid rhodium-nickel alloys
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1982, 45, 303-308
1001254 CIFGe2 Nd2 O7P -137.6093; 6.9222; 6.9234
91.456; 90.728; 95.15
1794.4Vetter, G; Queyroux, F; Labbe, P; Goreaud, M
Determination structurale de Nd~2~ Ge~2~ O~7~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1982, 45, 293-302
1007089 CIFBa2 O30 P10 Zn3P 1 2/n 121.738; 5.356; 10.748
90; 99.65; 90
1233.7Bagieu-Beucher, M; Durif, A; Guitel, J C
Crystal Structure of a Barium-Zinc Decametaphosphate Ba~2~ Zn~3~ P~10~ O~30~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1982, 45, 159-163
1001846 CIFFe Na O7 P2P 1 21/c 17.3244; 7.9045; 9.5745
90; 111.858; 90
514.5Gabelica-Robert, M; Goreaud, M; Labbe, P; Raveau, B
The pyrophosphate Na Fe P2 O7: A cage structure
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1982, 45, 389-395
1000184 CIFF6 Fe Li MnP 3 2 18.684; 8.684; 4.657
90; 90; 120
304.1Courbion, G; Jacoboni, C; de Pape, R
The Dimorphism of Li Mn Fe F~6~: A New Kind of Cationic Order in the Structural Type Na~2~ Si F~6~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1982, 45, 127-134
1000185 CIFF6 Fe Li MnP 3 2 18.723; 8.723; 4.745
90; 90; 120
312.7Courbion, G; Jacoboni, C; de Pape, R
The Dimorphism of Li Mn Fe F~6~: A New Kind of Cationic Order in the Structural Type Na~2~ Si F~6~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1982, 45, 127-134
1000186 CIFF6 Fe Li MnP 3 2 18.723; 8.723; 4.745
90; 90; 120
312.7Courbion, G; Jacoboni, C; de Pape, R
The Dimorphism of Li Mn Fe F~6~: A New Kind of Cationic Order in the Structural Type Na~2~ Si F~6~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1982, 45, 127-134

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