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Searching journal of publication like 'Solid State Ionics'

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6000784 CIFLa N O4P 4/m m m4.127; 4.127; 9.239
90; 90; 90
157.36Gobichon, A. E.; Auffredic, J. P.; Louer, D.
Thermal decomposition of neutral and basic lanthanum nitrates studied with temperature-dependent powder diffraction and thermogravimetric analysis
Solid State Ionics, 1996, 93, 51-64
6000700 CIFCe H8 N5 O19 Rb2C 1 c 111.05; 8.977; 17.859
90; 100.877; 90
1739.71Audebrand, N.; Auffredic, J. P.; Louer, M.; Guillou, N.; Louer, D.
Temperature-dependent X-ray diffraction and crystal structure of CeRb2(NO3)(5).4H(2)O
Solid State Ionics, 1996, 84, 323-333
6000692 CIFAg7 S6 TaP m n 217.442; 7.403; 10.531
90; 90; 90
580.19Onoda, M.; Wada, H.; Yukino, K.; Ishii, M.
Powder X-ray-diffraction of low-temperature phases of Argyrodite-family compound AG7TAS6
Solid State Ionics, 1995, 79, 75-80
6000666 CIFLi Mn2 O4F d d d8.2797; 8.2444; 8.1981
90; 90; 90
559.61Oikawa, K.; Kamiyama, T.; Izumi, F.; Chakoumakos, B. C.; Ikuta, H.; Wakihara, M.; Li, J. Q.; Matsui, Y.
Structural phase transition of the spinel-type oxide LiMn2O4
Solid State Ionics, 1998, 109, 35-41
6000657 CIFBr6 Li2 UP -3 1 m6.8893; 6.8893; 12.6462
90; 90; 120
519.81Maletka, K.; Ressouche, E.; Rundlof, H.; Tellgren, R.; Delaplane, R.; Szczepaniak, W.; Zablocka-Malicka, M.
Phase transitions in the ionic conductor Li2UBr6 studied by neutron diffraction
Solid State Ionics, 1998, 106, 55-69
6000363 CIFAg2 Hf3 Li5 S8P 43 3 210.4327; 10.4327; 10.4327
90; 90; 90
1135.51Wada, H.; Amiel, O.; Takenouchi, S.
Insertion of lithium into Ag~4~Hf~3~S~8~ and Ag~2~HfS~3~ by n-BuLi and its structural change
Solid State Ionics, 1998, 115, 487-491
6000362 CIFAg4 Hf3 S8P 43 3 210.9015; 10.9015; 10.9015
90; 90; 90
1295.56Wada, H.; Amiel, O.; Takenouchi, S.
Insertion of lithium into Ag~4~Hf~3~S~8~ and Ag~2~HfS~3~ by n-BuLi and its structural change
Solid State Ionics, 1998, 115, 487-491
6000361 CIFAg2 Hf S3C m c a11.458; 6.628; 12.774
90; 90; 90
970.1Wada, H.; Amiel, O.; Takenouchi, S.
Insertion of lithium into Ag~4~Hf~3~S~8~ and Ag~2~HfS~3~ by n-BuLi and its structural change
Solid State Ionics, 1998, 115, 487-491
6000279 CIFBi2 Cd O4I 41/a m d14.4948; 14.4948; 9.3173
90; 90; 90
1957.56Kirik, S. D.; Shimanskiy, A. F.; Koryagina, T. I.
Crystal structure investigation and conductivity of binary bismuth-cadmium oxide Bi2CdO4
Solid State Ionics, 1999, 122, 249-254
2002514 CIFB2 Nb0.667 Ni5.333 O10C 1 2/c 110.507; 6.162; 21.657
90; 101.84; 90
1372.3Bluhm, K; Mueller-Buschbaum, Hk
Synthesis and structure of Ni5.33 Ta0.67 B2 O10 and Ni5.33 Nb0.67 B2 O10
Solid State Ionics, 1990, 43, 1-5
2002513 CIFB2 Ni5.333 O10 Ta0.667C 1 2/c 110.525; 6.159; 21.642
90; 101.86; 90
1373Bluhm, K; Mueller-Buschbaum, Hk
Synthesis and structure of Ni5.33 Ta0.67 B2 O10 and Ni5.33 Nb0.67 B2 O10
Solid State Ionics, 1990, 43, 1-5
1570311 CIFLi7 P3 S11P -112.5009; 6.0316; 12.5303
102.845; 113.202; 74.467
829.35Yamane, H.; Shibata, M.; Shimane, Y.; Junke, T.; Seino, Y.; Adams, S.; Minami, K.; Hayashi, A; Tatsumisago, M.
Crystal structure of a superionic conductor, Li7P3S11
Solid State Ionics, 2007, 178, 1163-1167
1570310 CIFLi3 P S4P n m a12.819; 8.2195; 6.1236
90; 90; 90
645.22Homma, Kenji; Yonemura, Masao; Kobayashi, Takeshi; Nagao, Miki; Hirayama, Masaaki; Kanno, Ryoji
Crystal structure and phase transitions of the lithium ionic conductor Li3PS4
Solid State Ionics, 2011, 182, 53-58
1570309 CIFLi3 P S4P m n 217.70829; 6.53521; 6.1365
90; 90; 90
309.13Homma, Kenji; Yonemura, Masao; Kobayashi, Takeshi; Nagao, Miki; Hirayama, Masaaki; Kanno, Ryoji
Crystal structure and phase transitions of the lithium ionic conductor Li3PS4
Solid State Ionics, 2011, 182, 53-58
1551894 CIFF Fe H4 O8 P2I 4/m c m9.0187; 9.0187; 7.8058
90; 90; 90
634.9Ma, Zihan; Lander, Laura; Nishimura, Shin-ichi; Fukakusa, Chihoko; Yamada, Teppei; Okubo, Masashi; Yamada, Atsuo
Synthesis, crystal structure and possible proton conduction of Fe(H2PO4)2F
Solid State Ionics, 2019, 338, 134
1547144 CIFBa Gd2 Ni O5I m m m3.7872; 5.8388; 11.498
90; 90; 90
254.25Amador, J.; Gutierrez Puebla, E.; Monge, M. A.; Rasines, I.; Campa, J. A.; Gomez, J. M.; Gomez de Salazar, J. M.; Ruiz Valero, C.
Crystal structure of BaGd2NiO5 prepared by reaction of Ni metal with BaCO3 and Gd2O3
Solid State Ionics, 1989, 123-125
1546582 CIFCs2 O8 P2 TiP n m a13.521; 7.253; 9.439
90; 90; 90
925.7Daidouh, Abdelaali; Veiga, M. L.; Pico, C.
Structure determination of the new layered compound Cs2TiP2O8 and ionic conductivity of Cs2MP2O8 (M = Ti, V)
Solid State Ionics, 1997, 104, 285-294
1545645 CIFH3.2 La Na Nb2 O8.6I 4 m m3.8981; 3.8981; 25.7131
90; 90; 90
390.72Sato, M.; Abo, J.; Jin, T.
Structure examination of NaLaNb2O7 synthesized by soft chemistry
Solid State Ionics, 1992, 57, 285-293
1545644 CIFLa Na Nb2 O7I 4/m m m3.9022; 3.9022; 21.1826
90; 90; 90
322.551Sato, M.; Abo, J.; Jin, T.
Structure examination of NaLaNb2O7 synthesized by soft chemistry
Solid State Ionics, 1992, 57, 285-293
1545643 CIFK La Nb2 O7C 2 2 23.906; 21.603; 3.8879
90; 90; 90
328.066Sato, M.; Abo, J.; Jin, T.; Ohta, M.
Structure determination of KLaNb2O7 exhibiting ion exchange ability by X-ray powder diffraction
Solid State Ionics, 1992, 51, 85-89

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