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9009308 CIFAl4.016 Ca0.581 K0.269 Na0.84 O24 Si7.984P -19.441; 9.4344; 9.4375
94.214; 94.08; 94.104
833.707Mazzi, F.; Galli, E.
The tetrahedral framework of chabazite Note: Occupancies invented to match formula and refinement Note: This structure matches the reported bond lengths for C 4b, not C 4a Sample: C 4a, triclinic refinement
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte, 1983, 1983, 461-480
9009307 CIFAl4.056 Ca0.581 K0.269 Na0.84 O24 Si7.944R -3 m :R9.4376; 9.4376; 9.4376
94.137; 94.137; 94.137
833.685Mazzi, F.; Galli, E.
The tetrahedral framework of chabazite Note: Occupancies invented to match formula and refinement Sample: C 4a, trigonal refinement
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte, 1983, 1983, 461-480
9000875 CIFAl4.67 Na2.984 O36 Si13.07C 1 2/m 113.57; 18.26; 11.32
90; 126.96; 90
2241.32Mortier, W. J.
Thermal stability of the stilbite-type framework: crystal structure of the dehydrated sodium/ammonium exchange form
American Mineralogist, 1983, 68, 414-419
9008311 CIFAl6 B5 F3 O15P 63/m8.556; 8.556; 8.175
90; 90; 120
518.275Rodellas, C.; Garcia-Blanco S; Vegas, A.
Crystal structure refinement of jeremejevite (Al6B5F3O15)
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie, 1983, 165, 255-260
9009301 CIFAl6 Be Fe0.37 Mg1.63 O12R -3 m :H5.683; 5.683; 41.13
90; 90; 120
1150.39Nuber, B.; Schmetzer, K.
Crystal structure of ternary Be-Mg-Al oxides: taaffeite, BeMg3Al8O16, and musgravite, BeMg2Al6O12 Note: formerly known as musgravite-18R
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte, 1983, 1983, 393-402
9009302 CIFAl6 Be Fe0.47 Mg1.25 O12 Zn0.28R -3 m :H5.682; 5.682; 41.15
90; 90; 120
1150.54Nuber, B.; Schmetzer, K.
Crystal structure of ternary Be-Mg-Al oxides: taaffeite, BeMg3Al8O16, and musgravite, BeMg2Al6O12 Note: formerly known as musgravite-18R
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte, 1983, 1983, 393-402
9004169 CIFAl6 F32 Mg Na1.99 O2 Sr6.01C 1 2/m 115.942; 10.821; 7.241
90; 101.86; 90
1222.47Hawthorne, F. C.
The crystal structure of jarlite
The Canadian Mineralogist, 1983, 21, 553-560
1535270 CIFAl6.3 B88P 21 21 2116.573; 17.51; 10.144
90; 90; 90
2943.72Higashi, I.
Aluminium Distribution in the Boron Framework of gamma Al B12
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1983, 47, 333-349
1544902 CIFAl6.33 Ca1.16 H20.1 K1.68 Mg0.25 Na1.8 O92.1 Si29.81C -117.698; 17.511; 7.392
90.21; 116.76; 90.19
2045Kudoh, Y.; Takeuchi, Y.
Thermal stability of clinoptilolite: the crystal structure at 350C
Mineralogical Journal, 1983, 11, 392-406
9009303 CIFAl8 Be Mg3 O16P 63 m c5.6867; 5.6867; 18.337
90; 90; 120
513.546Nuber, B.; Schmetzer, K.
Crystal structure of ternary Be-Mg-Al oxides: taaffeite, BeMg3Al8O16, and musgravite, BeMg2Al6O12 Note: formerly known as taaffeite-8H
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte, 1983, 1983, 393-402
9000888 CIFAl8.48 Be1.89 Fe1.518 Mg3.884 O32 Si6.11P 1 2/n 19.916; 11.384; 9.631
90; 109.3; 90
1026.08Moore, P. B.; Araki, T.
Surinamite, ca. Mg3Al4Si3BeO16: its crystal structure and relation to sapphirine, ca. Mg2.8Al7.2Si1.2O16
American Mineralogist, 1983, 68, 804-810
2106945 CIFAl9 H19.4 K6.92 O81.7 Si27C 1 2/m 117.727; 17.733; 7.434
90; 116.47; 90
2091.92Galli, E.; Gottardi, G.; Passaglia, E.; Mayer, H.; Preisinger, A.
The structure of potassium-exchanged heulandite at 293, 373 and 593 K
Acta Crystallographica B (39,1983-), 1983, 39, 189-197
2106943 CIFAl9 H36 K8.48 O90 Si27C 1 2/m 117.767; 17.958; 7.431
90; 115.93; 90
2132.25Galli, E.; Gottardi, G.; Preisinger, A.; Mayer, H.; Passaglia, E.
The structure of potassium-exchanged heulandite at 293, 373 and 593 K
Acta Crystallographica B (39,1983-), 1983, 39, 189-197
2106946 CIFAl9 K6.22 O72 Si27C 1 2/m 117.536; 17.277; 7.409
90; 116.62; 90
2006.76Galli, E.; Preisinger, A.; Gottardi, G.; Mayer, H.; Passaglia, E.
The structure of potassium-exchanged heulandite at 293, 373 and 593 K
Acta Crystallographica B (39,1983-), 1983, 39, 189-197
2106947 CIFAl9 K7.06 O72 Si27C 1 2/m 117.48; 17.34; 7.407
90; 116.33; 90
2012.17Galli, E.; Preisinger, A.; Gottardi, G.; Mayer, H.; Passaglia, E.
The Structure of Potassium-Exchanged Heulandite at 293, 373 and 593 K
Acta Crystallographica B (39,1983-), 1983, 39, 189-197
1534457 CIFAl95.44 K60 Na35.4 O384 Si96.6F m -3 c24.6; 24.6; 24.6
90; 90; 90
14886.9Adams, J.M.; Haselden, D.A.
The structure of dehydrated zeolite 3A (Si/Al =1.01) by neutron profile refinement
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1983, 47, 123-131
9007703 CIFAs D9 O10 UP 4/n c c :27.1615; 7.1615; 17.639
90; 90; 90
904.653Fitch, A. N.; Bernard, L.; Howe, A. T.; Wright, A. F.; Fender, B. E. F.
The room-temperature structure of DUO2AsO4*4D2O by powder neutron diffraction Locality: synthetic
Acta Crystallographica, Section C, 1983, 39, 159-162
4031796 CIFAs F10 N S2P b c a14.909; 9.843; 12.113
90; 90; 90
1777.57Brooks, W.V.F.; Wong, C.-M.; Passmore, J.; MacLean, G.K.; White, P.S.
Reaction of S2 N As F6 with Halogens: Preparation and X-Ray Crystal Structure of (S F2)2 N As F6; Preparation of (S Br2)2 N As F6,and Vibrational Spectrum and Normal-Co-Ordinate Analysis of the (SX)2 N(+) (X=Cl or Br) Cations
Journal of the Chemical Society. Dalton Transactions, Inorganic Chemistry (1972-), 1983, 1983, 1961-1983
1518032 CIFAs Ga O4P 31 2 14.986; 4.986; 11.375
90; 90; 120
244.9Goiffon, Aline; Bayle, Gisele; Astier, Rene; Jumas, Jean-Claude; Maurin, Maurice; Philippot, Etienne
Cristallochimie des phases GaPO4, AlAsO4 et GaAsO4. Etude comparee des structures de type quartz alpha
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1983, 20, 338-350
1518033 CIFAs Ga O4P 31 2 14.993; 4.993; 11.366
90; 90; 120
245.39Goiffon, Aline; Bayle, Gisele; Astier, Rene; Jumas, Jean-Claude; Maurin, Maurice; Philippot, Etienne
Cristallochimie des phases GaPO4, AlAsO4 et GaAsO4. Etude comparee des structures de type quartz alpha
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1983, 20, 338-350
9009807 CIFAs O3 SbP 1 21/n 14.58; 13.16; 5.44
90; 95; 90
326.636Bodenstein, D.; Brehm, A.; Jones, P. G.; Schwarzmann, E.; Sheldrick, G. M.
Darstellung und kristallstruktur von monoklinem arsen(III)antimon(III)oxid, AsSbO3
Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung B, 1983, 38, 901-904
9017833 CIFAs0.44 Bi3 H O10 P0.45 V1.1P -16.909; 7.401; 9.399
110.72; 106.05; 92.2
427.008Walenta, K.; Dunn, P. J.; Hentschel, G.; Mereiter, K.
Schumacherit, ein neues Wismutmineral von Schneeberg in Sachsen Note: structure determined after the paper was published: Schumacherite, Bi3O(OH)((V0.55,As0.22,P0.23)O4)2, using a triclinic reduced cell instead of the non-reduced cell applied in the publication
Tschermaks Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen, 1983, 31, 165-173
2300548 CIFAs0.8 Pb0.2 PdP 63/m m c3.803; 3.803; 5.651
90; 90; 120
70.78Ellner, M.; Kattner, U.; Predel, B.
Kristallstrukturdaten von Pd Pb0.2 As0.8 (m).
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 1983, 16, 277-278
1536108 CIFAs2 Ba2 S5P c a 2117.345; 9.256; 11.946
90; 90; 90
1917.87Cordier, G.; Schwidetzky, C.; Schaefer, H.
Darstellung und Struktur von Ba2 As2 S5
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1983, 20, 877-883
9011240 CIFAs2 Ca3 H20 O18P -112.564; 12.169; 6.195
89.09; 79.69; 118.58
812.654Catti, M.; Ivaldi, G.
On the topotactic dehydration Ca3(AsO4)2*11H2O (phaunouxite) -> Ca3(AsO4)2*10H2O (rauenthalite), and the structures of both minerals
Acta Crystallographica, Section B, 1983, 39, 4-10
9011239 CIFAs2 Ca3 H22 O19P -112.563; 12.181; 6.205
88.94; 91.67; 113.44
870.796Catti, M.; Ivaldi, G.
On the topotactic dehydration Ca3(AsO4)2*11H2O (phaunouxite) -> Ca3(AsO4)2*10H2O (rauenthalite), and the structures of both minerals
Acta Crystallographica, Section B, 1983, 39, 4-10
4031798 CIFAs2 Cd F12 N12 O6 S18P -19.046; 10.237; 11.053
65.68; 80.86; 87.38
920.657Roesky, H.W.; Thomas, M.; Bats, J.W.; Fuess, H.
Octahedrally Co-ordinated Zinc and Cadmium Compounds with Five-membered Heterocyclic O S3 N2 Ligands
Journal of the Chemical Society. Dalton Transactions, Inorganic Chemistry (1972-), 1983, 1983, 1891-1893
7117900 CIFAs2 F12 I4A 1 2/m 15.907; 9.815; 12.514
90; 103.71; 90
704.855Gillespie, R.J.; Kapoor, R.; Faggiani, R.; Murchie, M.; Lock, C.J.L.; Passmore, J.
The I4(2+) cation. X-Ray Crystal structures of (I4(2+)) (As F6(-))2 and (I4(2+)) (Sb3 F14(-)) (Sb F6(-))
Journal of the Chemical Society. Chemical Communications (1972-), 1983, 1983, 8-9
4031797 CIFAs2 F12 N12 O6 S18 ZnP -18.927; 10.058; 10.925
67.06; 82.88; 88.69
896.039Roesky, H.W.; Thomas, M.; Bats, J.W.; Fuess, H.
Octahedrally Co-ordinated Zinc and Cadmium Compounds with Five-membered Heterocyclic O S3 N2 Ligands
Journal of the Chemical Society. Dalton Transactions, Inorganic Chemistry (1972-), 1983, 1983, 1891-1893
4344286 CIFAs2 F12 N4 O8 S8 ZnP 1 21/n 18.442; 13.106; 10.997
90; 101.47; 90
1192.42Roesky, H.W.; Thomas, M.; Fuess, H.; Bats, J.W.
Preparation and crystal structure of Zn (S (N S O)2)2 (As F6)2 (S O2)2: a compound with a two-dimensional network through oxygen atoms
Inorganic Chemistry, 1983, 22, 2342-2343
1534563 CIFAs2 Nb NiP n m a5.624; 3.51; 12.496
90; 90; 90
246.674Ghadraoui, H.; Guerin, R.; Padiou, J.; Sergent, M.
Sur un nouvel arseniure ternaire Ni Nb As2: structure et proprietes
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, Serie 2 (-1983), 1983, 296, 617-620
9011447 CIFAs2 S8 Sb3 TlP n a 2138.746; 8.816; 7.989
90; 90; 90
2728.92Engel, P.; Gostojic, M.; Nowacki, W.
The crystal structure of pierrotite, Tl2(Sb,As)10S16
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie, 1983, 165, 209-215
9009300 CIFAs3 Ce0.707 Cu6 H18 O21P 63/m13.605; 13.605; 5.917
90; 90; 120
948.482Hess, H.
Die kristallstruktur des chlorotils, SECu6(AsO4)3(OH)6*3H2O (SE = seltene erdmetalle)
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte, 1983, 1983, 385-392
9008312 CIFAs3 Pb S6 TlF d d 247.453; 15.476; 5.847
90; 90; 90
4293.94Balic-Zunic T; Engel, P.
Crystal structure of synthetic PbTlAs3S6
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie, 1983, 165, 261-269
1007265 CIFAs5 Fe10.77 Ru1.23R 3 :H6.8234; 6.8234; 16.364
90; 90; 120
659.8Maaref, S; Madar, R; Chaudouet, P; Fruchart, R; Senateur, J P; Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Bacmann, M; Durif, A; Wolfers, P
Etude des la structure et des conditions de stabilite d'un nouvel arseniure de fer: Fe12 As5
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 473-480
1007246 CIFAs5 Fe12R 3 :H6.7855; 6.7855; 16.30099
90; 90; 120
650Maaref, S; Maddar, R; Chaudouet, P; Fruchart, R; Senateur, J P; Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Bacmann, M; Durif, A; Wolfers, P
Etude de la structure et des conditions de stabilite d'un nouvel arseniure de fer: Fe12 As5
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 473-480
1534889 CIFAs7 Ca9.5 H Mg0.5 O28R 3 c :H10.73; 10.73; 37.736
90; 90; 120
3762.58Baumgartner, O.; Pertlik, F.
Die Kristallstruktur von Ca9 (Cax Mg1-x) (As O4)6 (As O3 O H) mit x= .5
Monatshefte fuer Chemie und verwandte Teile anderer Wissenschaften (109,1978-), 1983, 114, 259-265
1510074 CIFAu CdP m -3 m3.32; 3.32; 3.32
90; 90; 90
36.594Ipser, H.; Terzieff, P.; Mikula, A.
Lattice parameters and melting behavior of the B2 -phase in the ternary gold-cadmium-zinc system
Monatshefte fuer Chemie und verwandte Teile anderer Wissenschaften (109,1978-), 1983, 114, 1177-1184
1510070 CIFAu Cd0.5 Zn0.5P m -3 m3.23; 3.23; 3.23
90; 90; 90
33.698Terzieff, P.; Mikula, A.; Ipser, H.
Lattice parameters and melting behavior of the B2 -phase in the ternary gold-cadmium-zinc system
Monatshefte fuer Chemie und verwandte Teile anderer Wissenschaften (109,1978-), 1983, 114, 1177-1184
1510194 CIFAu In Pd YF m -3 m6.832; 6.832; 6.832
90; 90; 90
318.892Hull, G.W.; Wernick, J.H.; Geballe, T.H.; Waszczak, J.V.; Bernardini, J.E.
Superconductivity in ternary Heusler intermetallic compounds
Materials Letters, 1983, 1, 90-92
1510313 CIFAu TiP 63/m m c3.27; 3.27; 5.26
90; 90; 120
48.709Liu Baixin
A metastable electron compound formed by ion irradiation
Physica Status Solidi, Sectio A: Applied Research, 1983, 75, 77-81
1510323 CIFAu ZnP m -3 m3.14; 3.14; 3.14
90; 90; 90
30.959Ipser, H.; Mikula, A.; Terzieff, P.
Lattice parameters and melting behavior of the B2-phase in the systems Cu - Zn, Ag - Zn, Au - Zn, and Ag - Cd
Monatshefte fuer Chemie (-108,1977), 1983, 114, 1177-1184
1510097 CIFAu0.3 Ge0.7 Nb3P m -3 n5.174; 5.174; 5.174
90; 90; 90
138.509Elton, J.; Oesterreicher, H.
Superconductivity of hydrides of Nb3 Au.75 Ir.25 and Nb3 Au1-x Gex
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1983, 90, 37-39
1510127 CIFAu0.3 Nb3 Pt0.7P m -3 n5.169; 5.169; 5.169
90; 90; 90
138.108Snead, C.L.jr.; Webb, G.W.; Cox, D.E.; Wire, M.S.; Sweedler, A.R.
The effect of atomic order on the superconducting properties of A15 Nb3 Au and Nb3 Au1-x Ptx alloys
Solid State Communications, 1983, 48, 125-127
1510412 CIFAu0.75 Ir0.25 Nb3P m -3 n5.181; 5.181; 5.181
90; 90; 90
139.072Elton, J.; Oesterreicher, H.
Superconductivity of hydrides of Nb3 Au0.75 Ir0.25 and Nb3 Au1-x Gex
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1983, 90, L37-L39
1510353 CIFAu1.8 Cu2 Ni0.2P 4/m m m3.88; 3.88; 3.7
90; 90; 90
55.701Kogachi, M.; Ishibata, S.
Effect of additional elements on the axial ratio of the CuAuL1o-type ordered alloys
Journal of the Japan Institut of Metals (see: Nihon Kinzoku Gakkai-Shi), 1983, 47, 912-917
1510391 CIFAu2 Dy Si2I 4/m m m4.218; 4.218; 10.15
90; 90; 90
180.584Seh, M.; Nowik, I.; Felner, I.
Magnetic properties and dysprosium-161 hyperfine interactions in Dy M2 Si2 and Dy M2 Ge2 (M= 3d, 4d, 5d elements)
Proc.-Int. Conf. Magn. Rare-Earths Actinides, 1983, 1983, 112-115
1510436 CIFAu2 In YF m -3 m6.905; 6.905; 6.905
90; 90; 90
329.224Wernick, J.H.; Bernardini, J.E.; Hull, G.W.; Geballe, T.H.; Waszczak, J.V.
Superconductivity in ternary Heusler intermetallic compounds
Materials Letters, 1983, 2, 90-92
7209412 CIFAu2 O7 Se2P b a 26.592; 11.837; 3.998
90; 90; 90
311.962Jones, P.G.; Sheldrick, G.M.; Vielmaeder, A.; Schwarzmann, E.
Darstellung und Kristallstruktur von Di-gold(III)bis(selenit)oxid, Au2 (Se O3)2 O
Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, Teil B. Anorganische Chemie, Organische Chemie (33,1978-41,1986), 1983, 38, 10-11
1511096 CIFB Er Fe4P 6/m m m5.033; 5.033; 6.985
90; 90; 120
153.233Chernyak, G.V.
Iron-containing borides with structures of the CeCO4B-type
Inorganic Materials (USSR) (see: Izv.Akad.Nauk, Neorg.Mater.), 1983, 19, 436-437

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