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1534417 CIFMo10 Na6 O33P -18.049; 12.18; 7.576
99.96; 100.74; 109.88
663.402Gatehouse, B.M.; Jenkins, C.E.; Miskin, B.K.
The Crystal Structure of a Sodium Molybdenum Oxide, Na6 Mo10 O33, Containing Cross-Linked Chains of Octahedra and Square Pyramids
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1983, 46, 269-274
2020154 CIFMo2 O8 ThP b c a10.318; 9.737; 14.475
90; 90; 90
1454.25Cremers, T.L.; Eller, P.G.; Penneman, R.A.
Orthorombic thorium(IV) molybdate, Th (Mo O4)2
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1983, 39, 1165-1167
2020153 CIFMo2 O8 UP b a n :220.076; 7.323; 4.1164
90; 90; 90
605.179Cremers, T.L.; Eller, P.G.; Penneman, R.A.; Herrick, C.C.
Orthorombic Uranium(IV) Molybdenum(VI) Oxide, U Mo2 O8
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1983, 39, 1163-1165
9011345 CIFN2P 63/m m c3.595; 3.595; 5.845
90; 90; 120
65.42Schiferl, D.; Cromer, D. T.; Ryan, R. R.; Larson, A. C.; LeSar, R.; Mills, R. L.
Structure of N2 at 2.94 GPa and 300 K Sample: at T = 300 K and P = 2.94 GPa
Acta Crystallographica, Section C, 1983, 39, 1151-1153
9011344 CIFN2 O6 SrP a -37.7813; 7.7813; 7.7813
90; 90; 90
471.147Nowotny, H.; Heger, G.
Structure refinement of strontium nitrate, Sr(NO3)2, and barium nitrate, Ba(NO3)2 Locality: synthetic
Acta Crystallographica, Section C, 1983, 39, 952-956
2020156 CIFN4 O2 S4P 1 21/c 110.359; 8.1; 8.687
90; 113.81; 90
666.87Jones, P.G.; Pinkert, W.; Sheldrick, G.M.
Redetermination of the Structure of Tetrasulphurtetranitrogen Dioxide, S4 N4 O2
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1983, 39, 827-829
1001238 CIFN4 Si3P 3 1 c7.7523; 7.7523; 5.6198
90; 90; 120
292.5Billy, M; Labbe, J C; Selvaraj, A; Roult, G
Modifications structurales du nitrure de silicium en fonction de la temperature
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 921-934
1001239 CIFN4 Si3P 3 1 c7.766; 7.766; 5.6297
90; 90; 120
294Billy, M; Labbe, J C; Selvaraj, A; Roult, G
Modifications structurales du nitrure de silicium en fonction de la temperature
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 921-934
1001240 CIFN4 Si3P 3 1 c7.7696; 7.7696; 5.6318
90; 90; 120
294.4Billy, M; Labbe, J C; Selvaraj, A; Roult, G
Modifications structurales du nitrure de silicium en fonction de la temperature
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 921-934
1001241 CIFN4 Si3P 3 1 c7.7809; 7.7809; 5.6407
90; 90; 120
295.7Billy, M; Labbe, J C; Selvaraj, A; Roult, G
Modifications structurales du nitrure de silicium en fonction de la temperature
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 921-934
1001242 CIFN4 Si3P 3 1 c7.7853; 7.7853; 5.6431
90; 90; 120
296.2Billy, M; Labbe, J C; Selvaraj, A; Roult, G
Modifications structurales du nitrure de silicium en fonction de la temperature
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 921-934
1001243 CIFN4 Si3P 3 1 c7.791; 7.791; 5.6492
90; 90; 120
297Billy, M; Labbe, J C; Selvaraj, A; Roult, G
Modifications structurales du nitrure de silicium en fonction de la temperature
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 921-934
1001244 CIFN4 Si3P 63/m7.6018; 7.6018; 2.9066
90; 90; 120
145.5Billy, M; Labbe, J C; Selvaraj, A; Roult, G
Modifications structurales du nitrure de silicium en fonction de la temperature
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 921-934
1001245 CIFN4 Si3P 63/m7.614; 7.614; 2.9123
90; 90; 120
146.2Billy, M; Labbe, J C; Selvaraj, A; Roult, G
Modifications structurales du nitrure de silicium en fonction de la temperature
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 921-934
1001246 CIFN4 Si3P 63/m7.617; 7.617; 2.9134
90; 90; 120
146.4Billy, M; Labbe, J C; Selvaraj, A; Roult, G
Modifications structurales du nitrure de silicium en fonction de la temperature
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 921-934
1001247 CIFN4 Si3P 63/m7.6272; 7.6272; 2.9182
90; 90; 120
147Billy, M; Labbe, J C; Selvaraj, A; Roult, G
Modifications structurales du nitrure de silicium en fonction de la temperature
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 921-934
1001248 CIFN4 Si3P 63/m7.6322; 7.6322; 2.9191
90; 90; 120
147.3Billy, M; Labbe, J C; Selvaraj, A; Roult, G
Modifications structurales du nitrure de silicium en fonction de la temperature
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 921-934
1001249 CIFN4 Si3P 63/m7.6374; 7.6374; 2.922
90; 90; 120
147.6Billy, M; Labbe, J C; Selvaraj, A; Roult, G
Modifications structurales du nitrure de silicium en fonction de la temperature
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 921-934
8104357 CIFN4.68 O92 Si46P m -3 n13.436; 13.436; 13.436
90; 90; 90
2425.55Gies, H.
Studies on clathrasils. III. Crystal structure of melanophlogite, a natural clathrate compound of silica
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie (149,1979-), 1983, 164, 247-257
2020365 CIFN8 S7 Tl2P n m a11.38; 9.281; 11.714
90; 90; 90
1237.21Martan, H.; Weiss, J.
Dithalliumtrischwefeltrinitrid-tetraschwefelpentanitrid, Tl2 S7 N8
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1983, 39, 959-960
1007091 CIFNa O9 P3 ZnI -4 3 d14.58; 14.58; 14.58
90; 90; 90
3099.4Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Crystal Chemistry of M(II) Ag (P O~3~)~3~ Polyphosphates for M(II) = Zn,Co,Ni,Mg and M(II)~4~ Na~4~ (P~4~ O~12~)~3~ Tetrametaphosphates for M(II)=Zn,Co,Ni: Crystal Structures of Zn Ag (P O~3~)~3~ and Zn~4~ Na~4~ (P~4~ O~12~)~3~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1983, 49, 341-352
9000884 CIFNa0.76 O15 V6C 1 2/m 115.413; 3.615; 10.066
90; 109.29; 90
529.37Hughes, J. M.; Finger, L. W.
Bannermanite, a new sodium-potassium vanadate isostructural with beta-Na_xV6O15
American Mineralogist, 1983, 68, 634-641
1007099 CIFNa2 O12 P4 SrP 4/n b m :29.838; 9.838; 5.003
90; 90; 90
484.2Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Structure d'un Tetrametaphosphate de Sodium-Strontium: Sr Na~2~ P~4~ O~12~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1983, 39, 811-812
1536831 CIFNa4 O12 Si3 Zr2R -3 c :H9.193; 9.193; 22.289
90; 90; 120
1631.31Kohler, H.; Schulz, H.; Mel'nikov, O.K.
Structural Investigations of Nasicon (Na1+x Zr2 Six P3-x O12; x=3) with X-Ray Diffraction at 298 K and 403K
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 589-592
1007084 CIFNa4 O18 P6 PbP -17.268; 8.151; 7.851
121.52; 102.06; 73
378.3Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Crystal structure of lead-tetrasodium trimetaphosphate: Pb Na~4~ (P~3~ O~9~)~2~, Crystal data for Ba Na~4~ (P~3~ O~9~)~2~
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie (149,1979-), 1983, 164, 307-313
7222716 CIFNa4 Sn Te4P 21 21 218.658; 8.84; 15.269
90; 90; 90
1168.64Eisenmann, B.; Schaefer, H.; Schrod, H.
Ueber das o-Natriumtellurostannat(IV) Na4 Sn Te4
Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, Teil B. Anorganische Chemie, Organische Chemie (33,1978-41,1986), 1983, 38, 921-923
1517991 CIFNa8 Si4 Te10P 1 21/c 114.073; 12.842; 14.882
90; 92.22; 90
2688Eisenmann, Brigitte; Schwerer, Heike; Schafer, Herbert
Neuartige Si4Te10(8-) und Ge4Te10(8-) anionen im Na8Si4Te10 bzw. Na8Ge4Te10
Revue de Chimie Minerale', 1983, 20, 78-87
1536268 CIFNb Nd O4C 1 2/c 1 (c,a+c,b)5.4722; 5.1491; 11.2857
90; 90; 85.458
316.997David, W.I.F.
Transition temperature -spontaneous strain- atomic displacement relationships in ferroelectrics
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 809-816
1522381 CIFNb NiP 63/m m c3.28; 3.28; 5.22
90; 90; 120
48.635Liu Baixin
A metastable electron compound formed by ion irradiation
Physica Status Solidi, Sectio A: Applied Research, 1983, 75, 77-81
1539316 CIFNb Ni2 SnF m -3 m6.179; 6.179; 6.179
90; 90; 90
235.914Wernick, J.H.; Hull, G.W.; Bernardini, J.E.; Geballe, T.H.; Waszczak, J.V.
Superconductivity in ternary Heusler intermetallic compounds
Materials Letters, 1983, 2, 90-92
1539560 CIFNb Ni2 SnF m -3 m6.156; 6.156; 6.156
90; 90; 90
233.29van Engen, P.G.; Buschow, K.H.J.; Erman, M.
Magnetic properties and magneto-optical spectroscopy of Heusler alloys based on transition metals and Sn
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 1983, 30, 374-382
1534698 CIFNb P2 S8C m c a20.175; 11.569; 9.656
90; 90; 90
2253.75Grenouilleau, P.; Brec, R.; Evain, M.; Rouxel, J.
Synthesis and structure of the new layered phase P2 Nb S8
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1983, 20, 628-635
1523205 CIFNb TiI m -3 m3.286; 3.286; 3.286
90; 90; 90
35.482Baden, W.; Weiss, A.
Roentgenographische und kernmagnetische Untersuchungen am System Niob-Titan-Wasserstoff
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1983, 74, 89-93
2002317 CIFNb1.3334 Ni0.6667 O4.0002P 42/m n m4.71; 4.71; 3.038
90; 90; 90
67.4Wichmann, R; Mueller-Buschbaum, Hk
Synthese und Untersuchung von Ni Nb2 O6-Einkristallen mit Columbit - und Rutilstruktur
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1983, 503, 101-105
2002316 CIFNb2 Ni O6P b c n14.032; 5.687; 5.033
90; 90; 90
401.6Wichmann, R; Mueller-Buschbaum, Hk
Synthese und Untersuchung von Ni Nb2 O6-Einkristallen mit Columbit - und Rutilstruktur
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1983, 503, 101-105
1517994 CIFNb2 P S10P 21 21 213.739; 12.95; 7.211
90; 90; 90
1283Brec, Raymond; Grenouilleau, Philippe; Evain, Michel; Rouxel, Jean
PNb2S10 a new two-dimensional sulfide. Synthesis and structural characterization
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1983, 20, 295-305
1541820 CIFNb4 P2 S21C 1 2/c 126.055; 7.5046; 13.017
90; 103.3; 90
2476.98Brec, R.; Grenouilleau, P.; Evain, M.; Rouxel, J.
Synthesis and structural determination of a new two-dimensional compound: P2 Nb4 S21
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1983, 20, 283-294
1535406 CIFNb6 Se8 Tl0.7P 63/m10.033; 10.033; 3.475
90; 90; 120
302.933Boller, H.; Klepp, K.O.
Tlx Ti6 Se8 and Tlx Nb6 Se8, two phases with filled up Nb3Te4-type of structure showing pronounced disorder
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 437-442
1522931 CIFNd Ni RuF d -3 m :17.438; 7.438; 7.438
90; 90; 90
411.499Sokolovskaya, E.M.; Efremenko, N.E.; Raevskaya, M.V.
Physicochemical study of neodymium interactions with some elements of group VIII
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1983, 92, 23-26
1522930 CIFNd Ni2F d -3 m :17.265; 7.265; 7.265
90; 90; 90
383.448Sokolovskaya, E.M.; Raevskaya, M.V.; Efremenko, N.E.
Physicochemical study of neodymium interactions with some elements of group VIII
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1983, 92, 23-26
1538619 CIFNd Ni5P 6/m m m4.96; 4.96; 4.03
90; 90; 120
85.862Kalychak, Ya.M.; Oniskovets, B.D.; Bodak, O.I.
The Nd-Mn-Ni system
Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii, Tsvetnaya Metallurgiya, 1983, 11, 227-230
1538246 CIFNd Os2 Si2I 4/m m m4.1635; 4.1635; 9.8784
90; 90; 90
171.239Hiebl, K.; Horvath, C.; Rogl, P.; Sienko, M.J.
Magnetic properties and structural data of ternary silicides: (RE, Th, U)Os2 Si2 (RE= rare earth)
Solid State Communications, 1983, 48, 211-215
1542014 CIFNd Pd2I 4/m m m4.124; 4.124; 9.878
90; 90; 90
167.999Jeitschko, W.; Hofmann, W.K.
Ternary Alkaline Earth and Rare Earth Metal Palladium Phosphides with Th Cr2 Si2- and La6 Ni6 P17-Type Structures
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1983, 95, 317-322
1538000 CIFNd Rh2 Si2I 4/m m m4.069; 4.069; 10.11
90; 90; 90
167.389Felner, I.; Nowik, I.
Local and itinerant magnetism and superconductivity in R Rh2 Si2 (R= rare earth)
Solid State Communications, 1983, 47, 831-834
1521792 CIFNd Si ZnP 6/m m m4.167; 4.167; 4.174
90; 90; 120
62.767Kido, H.; Hoshikawa, T.; Shimada, M.; Koizumi, M.
Preparation and magnetic and elctrical properties of RZnSi
Physica Status Solidi, Sectio A: Applied Research, 1983, 80, 601-605
1539197 CIFNd4 S3.2F m -3 m5.679; 5.679; 5.679
90; 90; 90
183.154Vasil'ev, L.N.; Golubkov, A.V.; Grabov, V.M.; Gorobets, A.G.; Smirnov, I.A.; Oskotskii, V.S.; Tikhonov, V.V.
Physical properties and phase transitions of rare earth monosulphides in the homogenity range
Physica Status Solidi, Sectio A: Applied Research, 1983, 80, 237-244
1536094 CIFNi O12 P4 ZnC 1 2/c 111.689; 8.277; 9.87
90; 118.55; 90
838.803Nord, A.G.
Neutron diffraction studies of Ni Co P4 O12 and Ni Zn P4 O12
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 765-773
1522684 CIFNi Pr SbP 6/m m m4.376; 4.376; 4.053
90; 90; 120
67.214Pecharskii, V.K.; Pankevich, Yu.V.; Bodak, O.I.
Crystal structures of the compounds R Ni Sb with various rare earth elements
Kristallografiya, 1983, 28, 173-174
2020033 CIFNi ThP n m a14.146; 4.286; 5.702
90; 90; 90
345.711Fornasini, M.L.
Structural redetermination of the Th Ni phase
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1983, 39, 946-947
1523323 CIFNi TiP 1 21/m 14.665; 4.11; 2.884
90; 98.1; 90
54.744Buehrer, W.; Gotthardt, R.; Kulik, A.; Mercier, O.; Staub, F.
Powder neutron diffraction study of nickel-titanium martensite
Journal of Physics F, 1983, 13, 77-81
1523343 CIFNi0.92 Pd0.08F m -3 m3.564; 3.564; 3.564
90; 90; 90
45.27Buschow, K.H.J.; van Engen, P.G.; Jongebreur, R.
Magneto-optical properties of metallic ferromagnetic materials
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 1983, 38, 1-22
1523344 CIFNi0.92 Pt0.08F m -3 m3.75; 3.75; 3.75
90; 90; 90
52.734Buschow, K.H.J.; van Engen, P.G.; Jongebreur, R.
Magneto-optical properties of metallic ferromagnetic materials
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 1983, 38, 1-22
1523345 CIFNi0.92 V0.08F m -3 m3.539; 3.539; 3.539
90; 90; 90
44.324Buschow, K.H.J.; van Engen, P.G.; Jongebreur, R.
Magneto-optical properties of metallic ferromagnetic materials
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 1983, 38, 1-22
1523346 CIFNi0.92 W0.08F m -3 m3.562; 3.562; 3.562
90; 90; 90
45.194Buschow, K.H.J.; van Engen, P.G.; Jongebreur, R.
Magneto-optical properties of metallic ferromagnetic materials
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 1983, 38, 1-22
1522917 CIFNi2 Sn YbF m -3 m6.355; 6.355; 6.355
90; 90; 90
256.653Skolozdra, R.V.; Komarovskaya, L.P.
Crystal structures of the compounds Li Ni2 Sn, Yb Ni2 Sn and Lu Ni4 Sn
Ukrains'kii Fizichnii Zhurnal (Ukrainian Edition), 1983, 28, 1093-1095
1539558 CIFNi2 Sn ZrF m -3 m6.276; 6.276; 6.276
90; 90; 90
247.2van Engen, P.G.; Erman, M.; Buschow, K.H.J.
Magnetic properties and magneto-optical spectroscopy of Heusler alloys based on transition metals and Sn
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 1983, 30, 374-382
1538213 CIFNi2 YF d -3 m :17.181; 7.181; 7.181
90; 90; 90
370.301Ibarra, M.R.; del Moral, A.
Magnetostriction and thermal expansion in rare earth-Ni2 intermetallic compounds
Proc.-Int. Conf. Magn. Rare-Earths Actinides, 1983, 1, 92-95
1523432 CIFNi2 ZrF d -3 m :16.9155; 6.9155; 6.9155
90; 90; 90
330.728Da, J.M.; Brochado Oliveira, C.; Harris, I.R.
Valency compensation in the Laves system, Ce (Co1-x Nix)2
Journal of Materials Science, 1983, 18, 3649-3660
9005770 CIFNi3 O8 P2P 1 21/a 110.108; 4.698; 5.831
90; 91.12; 90
276.846Nord, A. G.; Stefanidis, T.
Crystallographic studies of some olivine-related (Ni,Mg)3(PO4)2 solid solutions Sample: Ni3(PO4)2
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 1983, 10, 10-15
1538921 CIFNi3.4 Si0.6F m -3 m3.516; 3.516; 3.516
90; 90; 90
43.466Oya, Y.; Suzuki, T.
The nickel-rich portion of the Ni-Si phase diagram
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1983, 74, 21-24
1537974 CIFNi3.68 Pt0.32F m -3 m3.564; 3.564; 3.564
90; 90; 90
45.27Buschow, K.H.J.; van Engen, P.G.; Jongebreur, R.
Magneto-optical properties of metallic ferromagnetic materials
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 1983, 38, 1-22
1522669 CIFNi5 SmP 6/m m m4.922; 4.922; 3.96
90; 90; 120
83.082Parker, F.T.; Oesterreicher, H.
Intrinsic hardness and mictomagnetism in selected R Mn5c Ni5-5c (R=rare earth)
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 1983, 36, 195-207
9007659 CIFNi53 S54P 31 2 110.29; 10.29; 15.993
90; 90; 120
1466.53Collin, G.; Chavant, C.; Comes, R.
Structure and planar faults in the defective NiAs-type compound Ni17S18
Acta Crystallographica, Section B, 1983, 39, 289-296
1537165 CIFO V3 Zr3F d -3 m :112.1703; 12.1703; 12.1703
90; 90; 90
1802.62Rotella, F.J.; Gruen, D.M.; Flotow, H.E.; Jorgensen, J.D.
Deuterium site occupation in the oxvgen-stabilized eta-carbides Zr3 V3 O Dx: Preparation and neutron powder diffraction
Journal of Chemical Physics, 1983, 79, 4522-4531
1534485 CIFO1.82 Pb0.61 Tl0.39F m -3 m5.3331; 5.3331; 5.3331
90; 90; 90
151.684Sakai, M.; Sekine, T.
The crystal structure of the electrodeposited oxide Pb8 Tl5 O24
Denki Kagaku Oyobi Kogyo Butsuri Kagaku (= Electro-Chemistry and Industrial Physical-Chemistry), 1983, 51, 945-946
1008201 CIFO11 Ti6P -17.517; 11.986; 13.397
98.29; 105.52; 107.79
1073.3le Page, Y; Strobel, P
Structural Chemistry of Magneli Phases Ti~n~O~2n-1~ (4<=n<=9). III.Valence Ordering of Titanium in Ti~6~ O~11~ at 130K
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1983, 47, 6-15
1537114 CIFO12 Te Tl6R -3 :H9.645; 9.645; 9.421
90; 90; 120
758.983Frit, B.; Roult, G.; Galy, J.
Cristallochimie de Tl(III)6 Te(VI) O12 et Tl(I)6 Te(VI) O6 E6: un exemple original de l'activite stereochimique de la paire electronique 6s2(E) du thallium(I)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1983, 48, 246-255
2106877 CIFO2F m m m4.2151; 2.9567; 6.6897
90; 90; 90
83.372Schiferl, D.; Cromer, D.T.; Schwalbe, L.A.; Mills, R.L.
Structure of 'Orange' 18O2 at 9.6 GPa and 297 K
Acta Crystallographica B (39,1983-), 1983, 39, 153-157
9008308 CIFO2 SiC 1 2/c 17.137; 12.37; 7.174
90; 120.33; 90
546.668Sasaki, S.; Chen, H. K.; Prewitt, C. T.; Nakajima, Y.
Re-examination of "P2_1/a coesite" Note: z(O7), z(O8) corrected Note: This is not the structure of coesite, it is a model for a twin
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie, 1983, 164, 67-77
9012691 CIFO2 SiP 42/m n m4.1773; 4.1773; 2.6655
90; 90; 90
46.513Hill, R. J.; Newton, M. D.; Gibbs, G. V.
A crystal chemical study of stishovite
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1983, 47, 185-200
9008307 CIFO2 Ti0.67 Zr0.33P b c n4.706; 5.553; 5.024
90; 90; 90
131.289Willgallis, A.; Hartl, H.
(Zr0.33Ti0.67)O2 - ein naturliches zirkonium-titanoxid mit alpha-PbO2-struktur Locality: Rakwana, Sri Lanka
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie, 1983, 164, 59-66
1535553 CIFO4 Ta YP 1 2/a 15.298; 5.451; 5.111
90; 96.45; 90
146.668Brixner, L.H.; Chen, H.-Y.
On the structural and luminescent properties of the M' Ln Ta O4 Rare Earth tantalates
Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 1983, 130, 2435-2443
1007095 CIFO6 P2 ZnC 1 2/c 19.734; 8.889; 4.963
90; 108.49; 90
407.3Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A; Bagieu-Beucher, M
Structure d'un Polyphosphate de Zinc, Zn (P O~3~)~2~
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1983, 39, 25-26
1537116 CIFO6 Te Tl6R -3 :H9.5722; 9.5722; 9.3494
90; 90; 120
741.887Frit, B.; Roult, G.; Galy, J.
Cristallochimie de Tl(III)6 Te(VI) O12 et Tl(I)6 Te(VI) O6 E6: un exemple original de l'activite stereochimique de la paire electronique 6s2(E) du thallium(I)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1983, 48, 246-255
1001333 CIFO64 P8 Rb2 W16A 1 2/m 110.181; 7.519; 17.156
90; 113.32; 90
1206Giroult, J P; Goreaux, M; Labbe, P; Raveau, B
Les bronzes de tungstene pyrophosphates Rb~x~ P~4~ O~8~ (W O~3~)~2m~: etude structural du compose le plus riche en phosphore (Rb~2~ P~8~ W~16~ O~64~)
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1983, 20, 829-836
1538223 CIFOs2 Si2 SmI 4/m m m4.149; 4.149; 9.8122
90; 90; 90
168.909Hiebl, K.; Horvath, C.; Rogl, P.; Sienko, M.J.
Magnetic properties and structural data of ternary silicides: (RE, Th, U) Os2 Si2 (RE= rare earth)
Solid State Communications, 1983, 48, 211-215
1538226 CIFOs2 Si2 TbI 4/m m m4.134; 4.134; 9.7248
90; 90; 90
166.196Hiebl, K.; Rogl, P.; Horvath, C.; Sienko, M.J.
Magnetic properties and structural data of ternary silicides: (RE, Th, U) Os2 Si2 (RE= rare earth)
Solid State Communications, 1983, 48, 211-215
1538228 CIFOs2 Si2 ThI 4/m m m4.1897; 4.1897; 9.81
90; 90; 90
172.201Hiebl, K.; Horvath, C.; Rogl, P.; Sienko, M.J.
Magnetic properties and structural data of ternary silicides: (RE, Th, U) Os2 Si2 (RE= rare earth)
Solid State Communications, 1983, 48, 211-215
1538231 CIFOs2 Si2 TmI 4/m m m4.124; 4.124; 9.6211
90; 90; 90
163.63Hiebl, K.; Horvath, C.; Rogl, P.; Sienko, M.J.
Magnetic properties and structural data of ternary silicides: (RE, Th, U) Os2 Si2 (RE= rare earth)
Solid State Communications, 1983, 48, 211-215
1538234 CIFOs2 Si2 YI 4/m m m4.1354; 4.1354; 9.6908
90; 90; 90
165.728Hiebl, K.; Horvath, C.; Sienko, M.J.; Rogl, P.
Magnetic properties and structural data of ternary silicides: (RE, Th, U) Os2 Si2 (RE= rare earth)
Solid State Communications, 1983, 48, 211-215
1538237 CIFOs2 Si2 YbI 4/m m m4.1153; 4.1153; 9.6161
90; 90; 90
162.855Hiebl, K.; Horvath, C.; Rogl, P.; Sienko, M.J.
Magnetic properties and structural data of ternary silicides: (RE, Th, U) Os2 Si2 (RE= rare earth)
Solid State Communications, 1983, 48, 211-215
1521725 CIFOs3 Sn7I m -3 m9.385; 9.385; 9.385
90; 90; 90
826.614Kalyaeva, N.V.; Popova, S.V.
Effect of high pressure on the formation of intermediate phases in the Os-Sn system
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1983, 19, 1106-1109
1008783 CIFP0.17 S2 VP -3 m 13.268; 3.268; 5.939
90; 90; 120
54.9Brec, R; Ouvrard, G; Freour, R; Rouxel, J; Soubeyroux, J L
Neutron and x-ray diffraction study of layered P0.2 V S2
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 689-696
1008784 CIFP0.17 S2 VP -3 m 13.268; 3.268; 5.936
90; 90; 120
54.9Brec, R; Ouvrard, G; Freour, R; Rouxel, J; Soubeyroux, J L
Neutron and x-ray diffraction study of layered P0.2 V S2
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 689-696
1008782 CIFP0.2 S2 VP -3 m 13.27; 3.27; 5.956
90; 90; 120
55.2Brec, R; Ouvrard, G; Freour, R; Rouxel, J; Soubeyroux, J L
Neutron and x-ray diffraction study of layered P0.2 V S2
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 689-696
1538576 CIFP2 Pd2 SrI 4/m m m4.241; 4.241; 9.719
90; 90; 90
174.807Jeitschko, W.; Hofmann, W.K.
Ternary alkaline earth and rare earth metal palladium phosphides with ThCr2Si2- and La6Ni6P17-type structures
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1983, 95, 317-322
7222697 CIFP2 S6 Tl2I m m m7.932; 6.892; 9.019
90; 90; 90
493.045Wibbelmann, C.; Schaefer, H.; Brockner, W.; Eisenmann, B.
Kristallstruktur und Schwingungsspektren des Thallium hexathiometadiphosphates Tl2 P2 S6
Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, Teil B. Anorganische Chemie, Organische Chemie (33,1978-41,1986), 1983, 38, 1575-1580
4344315 CIFP2 SiP a -35.681; 5.681; 5.681
90; 90; 90
183.347Chattopadhyay, T.K.; von Schnering, H.G.
Electron density distribution in Si P2 with the pyrite structure
Studies in Inorganic Chemistry, 1983, 3, 761-764
1537273 CIFP2 WC m c 213.1649; 11.1599; 4.9732
90; 90; 90
175.653Ruehl, R.; Jeitschko, W.
Ueber Polyphosphide von Chrom, Molybdaen und Wolfram
Monatshefte fuer Chemie und verwandte Teile anderer Wissenschaften (109,1978-), 1983, 114, 817-828
1537276 CIFP2 WC 1 2/m 18.5; 3.168; 7.466
90; 119.367; 90
175.21Ruehl, R.; Jeitschko, W.
Ueber Polyphosphide von Chrom, Molybdaen und Wolfram
Monatshefte fuer Chemie und verwandte Teile anderer Wissenschaften (109,1978-), 1983, 114, 817-828
8104234 CIFP4 S3P n m a10.456; 9.548; 13.625
90; 90; 90
1360.24Chattopadhyay, T.K.; May, W.; von Schnering, H.G.; Pawley, G.S.
X-ray and neutron diffraction study of the crystal structure of alpha-P4 S3
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie (149,1979-), 1983, 165, 47-64
1538939 CIFPb3 ThP m -3 m4.859; 4.859; 4.859
90; 90; 90
114.72Palenzona, A.; Cirafici, S.; Manfrinetti, P.
The Th - Pb system and the alloying behaviour of thorium with the group IVb elements
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1983, 92, 85-91
1522627 CIFPd0.15 Rh0.15 Ru0.7P 63/m m c2.707; 2.707; 4.297
90; 90; 120
27.269Octavio, J.; Paschoal, A.; Kleykamp, H.; Thuemmler, F.
Phase equilibria in the quaternary Mo-Ru-Rh-Pd system
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1983, 74, 652-664
1522714 CIFPd0.2 Ti0.8I m -3 m3.21; 3.21; 3.21
90; 90; 90
33.076Poon, S.J.
Structural dependence of the superconducting transition temperature in liquid-quenched alloys based on the group IVB elements
Solid State Communications, 1983, 47, 431-434
1522715 CIFPd0.2 Zr0.8I m -3 m3.47; 3.47; 3.47
90; 90; 90
41.782Poon, S.J.
Structural dependence of the superconducting transition temperature in liquid-quenched alloys based on the group IVB elements
Solid State Communications, 1983, 47, 431-434
1542013 CIFPd2 PrI 4/m m m4.134; 4.134; 9.879
90; 90; 90
168.832Jeitschko, W.; Hofmann, W.K.
Ternary Alkaline Earth and Rare Earth Metal Palladium Phosphides with Th Cr2 Si2- and La6 Ni6 P17-Type Structures
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1983, 95, 317-322
1542016 CIFPd2 SmI 4/m m m4.1; 4.1; 9.866
90; 90; 90
165.847Jeitschko, W.; Hofmann, W.K.
Ternary Alkaline Earth and Rare Earth Metal Palladium Phosphides with Th Cr2 Si2- and La6 Ni6 P17-Type Structures
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1983, 95, 317-322
1542022 CIFPd2 TbI 4/m m m4.056; 4.056; 9.845
90; 90; 90
161.961Jeitschko, W.; Hofmann, W.K.
Ternary Alkaline Earth and Rare Earth Metal Palladium Phosphides with Th Cr2 Si2- and La6 Ni6 P17-Type Structures
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1983, 95, 317-322
1542008 CIFPd2 YI 4/m m m4.053; 4.053; 9.85
90; 90; 90
161.804Jeitschko, W.; Hofmann, W.K.
Ternary Alkaline Earth and Rare Earth Metal Palladium Phosphides with Th Cr2 Si2- and La6 Ni6 P17-Type Structures
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1983, 95, 317-322
1542028 CIFPd2 YbI 4/m m m4.088; 4.088; 9.721
90; 90; 90
162.455Jeitschko, W.; Hofmann, W.K.
Ternary Alkaline Earth and Rare Earth Metal Palladium Phosphides with Th Cr2 Si2- and La6 Ni6 P17-Type Structures
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1983, 95, 317-322

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