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Searching journal of publication like 'Acta Crystallographica Section B' volume of publication is 56

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2102087 CIF
K O3 TaP m -3 m3.9883; 3.9883; 3.9883
90; 90; 90
63.44Zhurova, Elizabeth A.; Ivanov, Yury; Zavodnik, Valery; Tsirelson, Vladimir
Electron density and atomic displacements in KTaO~3~
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2000, 56, 594-600
2102003 CIF
Hf0.8 O3 Pb Ti0.2P m -3 m4.1072; 4.1072; 4.1072
90; 90; 90
69.285Christophe Muller; Jean-Louis Baudour; Cédric Bedoya; Françoise Bouree; Jean-Louis Soubeyroux; Marc Roubin
Octahedral deformations and cationic displacements in the ferroelectric PbHf~0.8~Ti~0.2~O~3~: a neutron powder diffraction study from 10 to 770K
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2000, 56, 27-38
2101996 CIF
N Na O2I m 2 m3.5024; 5.5209; 5.3789
90; 90; 90
104.01Gohda, Takashi
X-ray study of deformation density and spontaneous polarization in ferroelectric NaNO~2~
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2000, 56, 11-16
2102068 CIF
Bi0.5 Na0.5 O3 TiP 4 b m5.5191; 5.5191; 3.9085
90; 90; 90
119.055Jones, G. O.; Thomas, P. A.
The tetragonal phase of Na~0.5~Bi~0.5~TiO~3~ – a new variant of the perovskite structure
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2000, 56, 426-430
2102124 CIF
O5 Ta2C 1 2 15.2252; 4.6991; 5.8534
90; 108.2; 90
136.533Zibrov, I. P.; Filonenko, V. P.; Sundberg, M.; Werner, P.-E.
Structures and phase transitions of <i>B</i>-Ta~2~O~5~ and <i>Z</i>-Ta~2~O~5~: two high-pressure forms of Ta~2~O~5~
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2000, 56, 659-665
2102112 CIF
?I 41/a m d :25.20713; 5.20713; 7.40141
90; 90; 90
200.683Zhao, Yusheng; Chu, Fuming; Von Dreele, Robert B.; Zhu, Qing
Structural phase transitions of HfV~2~ at low temperatures
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2000, 56, 601-606
2102113 CIF
?I m m a5.19096; 5.21235; 7.41751
90; 90; 90
200.696Zhao, Yusheng; Chu, Fuming; Von Dreele, Robert B.; Zhu, Qing
Structural phase transitions of HfV~2~ at low temperatures
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2000, 56, 601-606
2102114 CIF
?I m m a5.17349; 5.22109; 7.43197
90; 90; 90
200.747Zhao, Yusheng; Chu, Fuming; Von Dreele, Robert B.; Zhu, Qing
Structural phase transitions of HfV~2~ at low temperatures
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2000, 56, 601-606
2102090 CIF
K Li O4 SP 635.202; 5.202; 8.647
90; 90; 120
202.65Pinheiro, Carlos Basílio; Pimenta, Marcos Assunção; Chapuis, Gervais; Speziali, Nivaldo Lúcio
Analysis of LiKSO~4~ crystals in the temperature range from 573 to 943K
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2000, 56, 607-617
2102214 CIF
D K SR -3 m :H4.988; 4.988; 9.997
90; 90; 120
215.4Haarmann, Frank; Jacobs, Herbert; Reehuis, Manfred; Loose, Anja
Anharmonicity of potentials of atoms in potassium hydrogensulfide (KDS) determined by neutron single-crystal diffraction
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2000, 56, 988-992
2102017 CIF
Ce0.33333 Nb O3P 1 2/m 15.5267; 7.8824; 5.5245
90; 90.294; 90
240.664Bridges, C.; Greedan, J. E.; Barbier, J.
Structure of the defect perovskite Ce~1/3~NbO~3~: a redetermination by electron and neutron powder diffraction
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2000, 56, 183-188
6000092 CIFCo O6 Pb2 WI2/m7.9602; 5.6779; 5.6967
90; 90.047; 90
257.47Baldinozzi, G.; Calvarin, G.; Sciau, P.; Grebille, D.; Suard, E.
Neutron Rietveld refinement of the incommensurate phase of the ordered perovskite Pb2CoWO6
Acta Crystallographica B, 2000, 56, 570-576
2102170 CIF
Hf0.01 O24 Si Zr0.99I 41/a m d :26.618; 6.618; 6.019
90; 90; 90
263.6Ríos, Susana; Malcherek, Thomas; Salje, Ekhard K. H.; Domeneghetti, Chiara
Localized defects in radiation-damaged zircon
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2000, 56, 947-952
2102145 CIF
Fe Mn O3.945 Yb0.963R -3 m :H3.458; 3.458; 25.647
90; 90; 120
265.59Nespolo, Massimo; Isobe, Mitsumasa; Iida, Junji; Kimizuka, Noboru
Crystal structure and charge distribution of YbFeMnO~4~
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2000, 56, 805-810
2102012 CIF
F Nb O2R -3 c4.8232; 4.8232; 13.7125
90; 90; 120
276.26Carlson, Stefan; Larsson, Ann-Kristin; Rohrer, Franziska E.
High-pressure transformations of NbO~2~F
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2000, 56, 189-196
2102011 CIF
F Nb O2R -3 c4.8552; 4.8552; 13.7
90; 90; 120
279.68Carlson, Stefan; Larsson, Ann-Kristin; Rohrer, Franziska E.
High-pressure transformations of NbO~2~F
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2000, 56, 189-196
2102010 CIF
F Nb O2R -3 c4.9462; 4.9462; 13.6689
90; 90; 120
289.61Carlson, Stefan; Larsson, Ann-Kristin; Rohrer, Franziska E.
High-pressure transformations of NbO~2~F
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2000, 56, 189-196
2102058 CIF
Br2 H6 N2 PdP -16.7854; 7.1057; 6.6241
103.221; 102.514; 100.386
294.52Kirik, S. D.; Solovyov, L. A.; Blokhin, A. I.; Yakimov, I. S.
Structures of [Pd(NH~3~)~2~<i>X</i>~2~] and its chemical transformation in the solid state
Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Science, 2000, 56, 419-425
2102118 CIF
O7 P2 ZrP n n m8.3127; 6.6389; 5.3407
90; 90; 90
294.74Krogh Andersen, Anne Marie; Norby, Poul
<i>Ab initio</i> structure determination and Rietveld refinement of a high-temperature phase of zirconium hydrogen phosphate and a new polymorph of zirconium pyrophosphate from <i>in situ</i> temperature-resolved powder diffraction data
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2000, 56, 618-625
2102009 CIF
F Nb O2R -3 c5.1232; 5.1232; 13.6017
90; 90; 120
309.18Carlson, Stefan; Larsson, Ann-Kristin; Rohrer, Franziska E.
High-pressure transformations of NbO~2~F
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2000, 56, 189-196

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