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Searching space group like 'F d d 2'

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1509692 CIFAg2 O3F d d 212.869; 10.49; 3.6638
90; 90; 90
494.598Standke, B.; Jansen, M.
Darstellung und Kristallstruktur von Ag2 O3
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1986, 535, 39-46
4343804 CIFF4 PdF d d 29.339; 9.24; 5.828
90; 90; 90
502.912Wright, A.F.; Leary, K.; Fender, B.E.F.; Bartlett, N.
A neutron powder diffraction study of palladium tetrafluoride
Inorganic Chemistry, 1978, 17, 748-749
4030430 CIFF4 PtF d d 29.59; 9.284; 5.712
90; 90; 90
508.6Muller, B.G.; Serafin, M.
Single-crystal investigations on PtF4 and PtF5
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 625-633
2105390 CIFAu2 O3F d d 212.827; 10.52; 3.838
90; 90; 90
517.9Sheldrick, G.M.; Jones, P.G.; Schwarzmann, E.; Rumpel, H.
Gold(III) oxide
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1979, 35, 1435-1437
1511084 CIFB Cu IrF d d 29.963; 8.728; 6.483
90; 90; 90
563.743Jung, W.; Schmidt, B.; Kluenter, W.
LiIrB, CuIrB und PdIrB, ternaere Iridiumboride mit neuen, vom CaRh2B2-Typ abgeleiteten Strukturen
Journal of Alloys Compd., 1994, 205, 93-100
1511191 CIFB Ir PdF d d 210.131; 8.771; 6.621
90; 90; 90
588.335Kluenter, W.; Schmidt, B.; Jung, W.
LiIrB, CuIrB und PdIrB, ternaere Iridiumboride mit neuen, vom CaRh2B2-Typ abgeleiteten Strukturen
Journal of Alloys Compd., 1994, 205, 93-100
1544347 CIFO5 P2F d d 216.314; 8.115; 5.265
90; 90; 90
697Arbib, E.H.; Elouadi, B.; Chaminade, J.P.; Darriet, J.
New refinement of the crystal structure of o-P2O5
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1996, 127, 350-353
1522706 CIFGa3 Hf2F d d 29.402; 13.63; 5.472
90; 90; 90
701.233Poetzschke, M.; Schubert, K.
Zum Aufbau einiger T(4)-B(3) homologer und quasihomologer Systeme. I. Die Systeme Ti-Ga, Zr-Ga und Hf-Ga
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1962, 53, 474-488
2310829 CIFH4 N2 O2 SF d d 29.14; 16.85; 4.58
90; 90; 90
705.361Trueblood, K. N.; Mayer, S. W.
The crystal structure of sulfamide
Acta Crystallographica, 1956, 9, 628-634
1522711 CIFGa3 Zr2F d d 29.444; 13.755; 5.497
90; 90; 90
714.073Poetzschke, M.; Schubert, K.
Zum Aufbau einiger T(4)-B(3) homologer und quasihomologer Systeme. I. Die Systeme Ti-Ga, Zr-Ga und Hf-Ga
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1962, 53, 474-488
9009237 CIFH2 K O4 PF d d 210.53; 10.44; 6.9
90; 90; 90
758.539Levy, H. A.; Peterson, S. W.; Simonsen, S. H.
Neutron diffraction study of the ferroelectric modification of potassium dihydrogen phosphate Note sample at T = 113 K
Physical Review, 1954, 93, 1120-1121
6000534 CIFC Cl2 F2F d d 210.1676; 14.9638; 5.1004
90; 90; 90
776.01Cockcroft, J. K.; Fitch, A. N.
The structure of solid dichlorodifluoromethane CF2Cl2 by powder neutron-diffraction
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, 1991, 197, 121-130
9011919 CIFBa Be F O4 PF d d 26.93; 16.74; 6.93
90; 90; 90
803.937Shashkin, D. N.; Simonov, M. A.; Belov, N. V.
Crystal structure of babepfite BaBePO4F = Ba(Be,P)2O4F
Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1967, 176, 1392-1395
1530148 CIFH2 O4 P RbF d d 210.8; 10.672; 7.242
90; 90; 90
834.696Kennedy, N.S.J.; Nelmes, R.J.
Structural studies of Rb H2 P O4 in its paraelectric and ferroelectric phases
Journal of Physics C, 1980, 13, 4841-4853
4002144 CIFCa2 Ge Pd2F d d 210.0421; 15.3656; 5.5778
90; 90; 90
860.67Doverbratt, Isa; Ponou, Siméon; Zhang, Yuemei; Lidin, Sven; Miller, Gordon J.
Linear Metal Chains in Ca2M2X (M = Pd, Pt; X = Al, Ge): Origin of the Pairwise Distortion and Its Role in the Structure Stability
Chemistry of Materials, 2015, 27, 304
7051804 CIFC H2 N4 O5F d d 212.0015; 17.6425; 4.5555
90; 90; 90
964.57Ye, Chengfeng; Gao, Haixiang; Twamley, Brendan; Shreeve, Jean’ne M.
Dense energetic salts of N,N′-dinitrourea (DNU)
New Journal of Chemistry, 2008, 32, 317
1561386 CIFAl Pd2 Sr2F d d 210.4145; 15.5824; 6.0437
90; 90; 90
980.79Stegemann, Frank; Benndorf, Christopher; Touzani, Rachid St.; Fokwa, Boniface P.T.; Janka, Oliver
Experimental and theoretical investigations of the polar intermetallics SrPt3Al2 and Sr2Pd2Al
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 242, 143-150
1530078 CIFAs Cs D2 O4F d d 211.516; 11.103; 7.87
90; 90; 90
1006.28Hay, W.J.; Nelmes, R.J.
Structural studies of deuterated Cs H2 As O 4 in its paraelectric and ferroelectric phases
Journal of Physics C, 1981, 14, 1043-1052
2105328 CIF
C3 H8 N2 OF d d 211.3837; 19.6293; 4.56079
90; 90; 90
1019.13Näther, Christian; Döring, Cindy; Jess, Inke; Jones, Peter G.; Taouss, Christina
Thermodynamic and structural relationships between the two polymorphs of 1,3-dimethylurea
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2013, 69, 70-76
2102390 CIF
C3 H8 N2 OF d d 211.4; 20.186; 4.569
90; 90; 90
1051.42Marsh, Richard E.
Space group <i>Cc</i>: an update
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2004, 60, 252-253

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