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1000418 CIFAl7 Ca4 F33 Na4.032I m -3 m10.781; 10.781; 10.781
90; 90; 90
1253.1Hemon, A; Courbion, G
The Na F - Ca F2 - Al F3 system: structures of $-beta- Na Ca Al F6 and Na4 Ca4 Al7 F33
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1990, 84, 153-164
1001203 CIFCa Cu3 O12 Ti4I m -3 m7.393; 7.393; 7.393
90; 90; 90
404.1Deschanvres, A; Raveau, B; Tollemer, F
Remplacement de metal bivalent par le cuivre dans les titanates de type Perowskite
Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France (Vol=Year), 1967, 1967, 4077-4078
1001619 CIFBa0.5 Bi1.5 O2.75I m -3 m4.3822; 4.3822; 4.3822
90; 90; 90
84.2Michel; Pelloquin, D; Hervieu, M; Raveau, B
The anionic superconductor Bi~3~BaO~5.5~: A bcc structure closely related to the perovskite. Relationships with anti $-alpha-AgI
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1994, 109, 122-126
1001690 CIFK9 O22.5 U6I m -3 m8.722; 8.722; 8.722
90; 90; 90
663.5Saine, M-C; Gasperin, M; Jove, J; Cousson, A
Relation entre la structure cristalline d'un uranate de potassium K9 U6 O22.5, et les spectres Moessbauer (Np237) des phases apparentees de neptunium
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1987, 132, 141-148
1004073 CIFBi0.79 Cd0.21 O1.395I m -3 m4.281; 4.281; 4.281
90; 90; 90
78.5Graia, T; Conflant, P; Nowogrocki, G; Boivin, J C; Thomas, D
Stability range and crystal structure of the oxygen-deficient b.c.c. solid solution Bi(~1-x~) Cd~x~ O(~1.5-x/2~) (0.11<x<.25)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1986, 63, 160-165
1008117 CIFAs7 Re3I m -3 m8.714; 8.714; 8.714
90; 90; 90
661.7Klein, M; Schnering, H G von
Untersuchungen an Re~3~ As~7~
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1966, 11, 298-299
1008911 CIFBa3.04 Bi3.37 K0.96 Na0.63 O12I m -3 m8.54; 8.54; 8.54
90; 90; 90
622.8Chaillout, C; Durr, J; Escribe-Filippini, C; Fournier, T; Marcus, J; Marezio, M
Structure determination of a new perovskite phase in the Ba K - Bi - Na - O system
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1991, 93, 63-68
1011337 CIFAg2 SI m -3 m4.88; 4.88; 4.88
90; 90; 90
116.2Rahlfs, P
Ueber die kubischen Hochtemperaturmodifikationen der Sulfide und Telluride des Silbers und des einwertigen Kupfers
Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie, Abteilung B: Chemie der Elementarprozesse, Aufbau der Materie, 1936, 31, 157-194
1011338 CIFAg2 SeI m -3 m4.983; 4.983; 4.983
90; 90; 90
123.7Rahlfs, P
Ueber die kubischen Hochtemperaturmodifikationen der Sulfide und Telluride des Silbers und des einwertigen Kupfers
Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie, Abteilung B: Chemie der Elementarprozesse, Aufbau der Materie, 1936, 31, 157-194
1506411 CIFVI m -3 m3.0273; 3.0273; 3.0273
90; 90; 90
27.744Colligan, Marek; Lee, Yongjae; Vogt, Thomas; Celestian, Aaron J.; Parise, John B.; Marshall, William G.; Hriljac, Joseph A.
High-pressure neutron diffraction study of superhydrated natrolite.
The journal of physical chemistry. B, 2005, 109, 18223-18225
1508187 CIFC528 H408 F144 N72 O24 P24 Pd12I m -3 m39.346; 39.346; 39.346
90; 90; 90
60912Sun, Qing-Fu; Sato, Sota; Fujita, Makoto
An M~18~L~24~ stellated cuboctahedron through post-stellation of an M~12~L~24~ core
Nature Chemistry, 2012, 4, 330-333
1509032 CIFAg0.75 Al0.25I m -3 m3.24; 3.24; 3.24
90; 90; 90
34.012Volk, K.E.; Hofmann, W.
Roentgenographische Untersuchung der Umwandlungen in Aluminium-Silber-Legierungen
Metallwirtschaft, Metallwissenschaft, Metalltechnik, 1936, 15, 699-701
1509088 CIFAg0.3 Fe0.7I m -3 m2.96; 2.96; 2.96
90; 90; 90
25.934Kataoka, N.; Sumiyama, K.; Nakamura, Y.
Effect of Ar gas pressure on structure and magnetic properties of sputter-deposited Fe-Ag alloys
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 1988, 27, 1693-1698
1509121 CIFAg0.49 Cd0.51I m -3 m3.382; 3.382; 3.382
90; 90; 90
38.683Tonejc, A.M.; Bonefacic, A.; Tonejc, A.
Atomic volume expansion of Ag + 53 wt.% Cd alloy
Physics Letters A, 1974, 49, 145-145
1509139 CIFRaI m -3 m5.148; 5.148; 5.148
90; 90; 90
136.432Weigel, F.; Trinkl, A.
Zur Kristallchemie des Radiums, III. Darstellung, Kristallstruktur und Atomradius des metallischen Radiums
Radiochimica Acta, 1968, 10, 78-82
1509170 CIFAg Cd0.5 Zn0.5I m -3 m3.215; 3.215; 3.215
90; 90; 90
33.231Wagner, E.; Petzow, G.
Aufbau und Eigenschaften von Silber-Cadmium-Zink Legierungen. I.
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1961, 52, 736-742
1509173 CIFAg CdI m -3 m3.295; 3.295; 3.295
90; 90; 90
35.774Petzow, G.; Wagner, E.
Aufbau und Eigenschaften von Silber-Kadmium-Zink Legierungen. I.
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1961, 52, 736-742
1509372 CIFAg Hg0.5 I2I m -3 m5.01599; 5.01599; 5.01599
90; 90; 90
126.203Hull, S.; Keen, D.A.
Structural characterization of further high temperature superionic phases of Ag2 Hg I4 and Cu2 Hg I4
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2001, 13, 5597-5610
1509384 CIFAg II m -3 m5.106; 5.106; 5.106
90; 90; 90
133.12Wright, A.F.; Fender, B.E.F.
The structure of superionic compounds by powder neutron diffraction I. Cation distribution in alpha - Ag I
Journal of Physics C, 1977, 10, 2261-2267
1509388 CIFAg II m -3 m5.062; 5.062; 5.062
90; 90; 90
129.708Cava, R.J.; Reidinger, F.; Wuensch, B.J.
Single-crystal neutron-diffraction study of Ag I
Solid State Communications, 1977, 24, 411-416
1509568 CIFAg ZnI m -3 m3.11; 3.11; 3.11
90; 90; 90
30.08Petzow, G.; Wagner, E.
Aufbau und Eigenschaften von Silber-Kadmium-Zink Legierungen
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1961, 52, 736-742
1509612 CIFAg1.8 Au0.216 SI m -3 m4.91; 4.91; 4.91
90; 90; 90
118.371Wiegers, G.A.; Folmer, J.C.W.; Hofman, P.
Order-disorder transitions in the system Ag2-x Aux S (0<x<1)
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1976, 48, 251-268
1509634 CIFAg16 Ca6 NI m -3 m9.7845; 9.7845; 9.7845
90; 90; 90
936.733Simon, A.; Snyder, G.J.
Diskrete (M6 N)-Oktaeder in den Subnitriden Na16 Ba6 N und Ag16 Ca6 N - eine Ueberpruefung des Ag8 Ca3-Typs
Angewandte Chemie (German Edition), 1994, 106, 713-715
1509709 CIFAg2 SI m -3 m4.873; 4.873; 4.873
90; 90; 90
115.715Wuensch, B.J.; Cava, R.J.; Reidinger, F.
Single-crystal neutron diffraction study of the fast-ion conductor beta-Ag2 S between 186 and 325 degree
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1980, 31, 69-80
1509713 CIFAg2 SeI m -3 m5.043; 5.043; 5.043
90; 90; 90
128.253McMullan, R.K.; Wuensch, B.J.; Oliveria, M.
Single crystal neutron diffraction analysis of the cation distribution in the high-temperature phases alpha-Cu2-x S, alpha-Cu2-x Se, and alpha-Ag2 Se
Solid State Ionics, 1988, 28, 1332-1337
1509749 CIFAg2.88 I SI m -3 m4.993; 4.993; 4.993
90; 90; 90
124.476Beyeler, H.U.; Perenthaler, E.; Schulz, H.
Structure investigations, atomic potentials, and phase transitions of the fast ionic conductor Ag3 S I
Solid State Ionics, 1981, 5, 493-496
1509830 CIFAg3.5 I SI m -3 m4.966; 4.966; 4.966
90; 90; 90
122.467Didisheim, J.J.; Wuensch, B.J.; McMullan, R.K.
A single crystal neutron diffraction study of the distibution and thermal motion of silver ions in alphaand beta-Ag3 S I
Solid State Ionics, 1986, 1819, 1150-1162
1510047 CIFAg3.12 I SI m -3 m4.934; 4.934; 4.934
90; 90; 90
120.115McMullan, R.K.; Wuensch, B.J.; Didisheim, J.J.
A single crystal neutron diffraction study of the distibution and thermal motion of silver ions in alphaand beta-Ag3 S I
Solid State Ionics, 1986, 1819, 1150-1162
1510055 CIFAu0.05 Fe0.95I m -3 m2.8923; 2.8923; 2.8923
90; 90; 90
24.195Hornbogen, E.; Roth, M.
Ausscheidungsvorgaenge in Eisen-Gold-Mischkristallen
Archiv fuer das Eisenhuettenwesen, 1965, 36, 201-209
1510116 CIFAu0.3 Nb0.7I m -3 m3.2578; 3.2578; 3.2578
90; 90; 90
34.576Wire, M.S.; Webb, G.W.
Superconductivity and the b.c.c. to A15 transformation in Nb-Au alloys
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 1981, 42, 233-238
1510258 CIFAu0.5 Nb1.5I m -3 m3.2767; 3.2767; 3.2767
90; 90; 90
35.181Di, L.M.; Bakker, H.
Mechanically induced phase transformation in the Nb3 Au intermetallic compound
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 1991, 3, 9319-9326
1510290 CIFAu Sb3I m -3 m6.08; 6.08; 6.08
90; 90; 90
224.756Tyrina, L.V.; Palatnik, L.S.; Kosevich, V.M.
Electron diffraction examination of metastable phases in the alloys Au-Sb, In-Sb, In-Bi and In-Bi-Sb
Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie, 1961, 11, 229-235
1510329 CIFAu0.6 Nb1.4I m -3 m3.286; 3.286; 3.286
90; 90; 90
35.482Roeschel, E.; Raub, C.J.; Loebich, O.jr.
Das Zustandsdiagramm Niob-Gold
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1973, 64, 359-361
1510769 CIFB2 N4 Sr2.993I m -3 m7.6456; 7.6456; 7.6456
90; 90; 90
446.925Womelsdorf, H.; Meyer, H.J.
Zur Kenntnis der Struktur von Sr3 (B N)2
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1994, 620, 262-265
1511026 CIFB0.118 Ce0.188 Fe1.648 Si0.048I m -3 m2.978; 2.978; 2.978
90; 90; 90
26.41Wang, R.-J.; Kneller, E.; Khan, Y.
Structure and magnetic properties of new bcc A2-type based superstructures in R-Fe-B systems
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1993, 84, 881-885
1511037 CIFB0.118 Er0.188 Fe1.648 Si0.048I m -3 m2.965; 2.965; 2.965
90; 90; 90
26.066Wang, R.-J.; Khan, Y.; Kneller, E.
Structure and magnetic properties of new bcc A2-type based superstructures in R-Fe-B systems
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1993, 84, 881-885
1511043 CIFB0.118 Fe1.648 Gd0.188 Si0.048I m -3 m2.986; 2.986; 2.986
90; 90; 90
26.624Wang, R.-J.; Kneller, E.; Khan, Y.
Structure and magnetic properties of new bcc A2-type based superstructures in R-Fe-B systems
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1993, 84, 881-885
1511051 CIFB0.118 Fe1.648 Nd0.164 Si0.07I m -3 m2.998; 2.998; 2.998
90; 90; 90
26.946Kneller, E.; Khan, Y.; Wang, R.-J.
Structure and magnetic properties of new bcc A2-type based superstructures in R-Fe-B systems
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1993, 84, 881-885
1511058 CIFB0.118 Fe1.648 Si0.048 Tb0.188I m -3 m2.976; 2.976; 2.976
90; 90; 90
26.357Khan, Y.; Wang, R.-J.; Kneller, E.
Structure and magnetic properties of new bcc A2-type based superstructures in R-Fe-B systems
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1993, 84, 881-885
1511067 CIFB0.118 Fe1.648 Si0.048 Y0.188I m -3 m2.971; 2.971; 2.971
90; 90; 90
26.225Khan, Y.; Wang, R.-J.; Kneller, E.
Structure and magnetic properties of new bcc A2-type based superstructures in R-Fe-B systems
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1993, 84, 881-885
1511091 CIFB0.2 Fe1.8I m -3 m2.86; 2.86; 2.86
90; 90; 90
23.394Hines, W.A.; Choi, M.; Hasegawa, R.; Sanchez, F.H.; Zhang, Y.D.; Budnick, J.I.
Mossbauer study of the local atomic environments in metastable crystalline Fe-B alloys
Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-), 1986, 34, 4738-4743
1511122 CIFB0.244 Ce0.098 Fe1.658I m -3 m3.095; 3.095; 3.095
90; 90; 90
29.647Kneller, E.; Wang, R.-J.; Khan, Y.
Structure and magnetic properties of new bcc A2-type based superstructures in R-Fe-B systems
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1993, 84, 881-885
1511128 CIFB0.244 Dy0.098 Fe1.658I m -3 m3.068; 3.068; 3.068
90; 90; 90
28.878Wang, R.-J.; Khan, Y.; Kneller, E.
Structure and magnetic properties of new bcc A2-type based superstructures in R-Fe-B systems
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1993, 84, 881-885
1511136 CIFB0.244 Er0.098 Fe1.658I m -3 m3.088; 3.088; 3.088
90; 90; 90
29.446Wang, R.-J.; Kneller, E.; Khan, Y.
Structure and magnetic properties of new bcc A2-type based superstructures in R-Fe-B systems
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1993, 84, 881-885
1511147 CIFB0.244 Fe1.658 Ho0.098I m -3 m3.09; 3.09; 3.09
90; 90; 90
29.504Wang, R.-J.; Khan, Y.; Kneller, E.
Structure and magnetic properties of new bcc A2-type based superstructures in R-Fe-B systems
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1993, 84, 881-885
1511156 CIFB0.244 Fe1.658 Tb0.098I m -3 m3.093; 3.093; 3.093
90; 90; 90
29.59Wang, R.-J.; Kneller, E.; Khan, Y.
Structure and magnetic properties of new bcc A2-type based superstructures in R-Fe-B systems
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1993, 84, 881-885
1511165 CIFB0.244 Fe1.658 Y0.098I m -3 m3.088; 3.088; 3.088
90; 90; 90
29.446Khan, Y.; Kneller, E.; Wang, R.-J.
Structure and magnetic properties of new bcc A2-type based superstructures in R-Fe-B systems
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1993, 84, 881-885
1511276 CIFB0.086 Ce0.174 Fe1.74I m -3 m2.986; 2.986; 2.986
90; 90; 90
26.624Wang, R.-J.; Khan, Y.; Kneller, E.
Structure and magnetic properties of new bcc A2-type based superstructures in R-Fe-B systems
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1993, 84, 881-885
1511363 CIFB0.086 Dy0.174 Fe1.74I m -3 m2.983; 2.983; 2.983
90; 90; 90
26.544Kneller, E.; Khan, Y.; Wang, R.-J.
Structure and magnetic properties of new bcc A2-type based superstructures in R-Fe-B systems
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1993, 84, 881-885
1511408 CIFB14 Fe62 Y3I m -3 m12.36; 12.36; 12.36
90; 90; 90
1888.23de Mooij, D.B.; Daams, J.L.C.; Buschow, K.H.J.
A metastable compound in the Y - Fe - B system
Philips Journal of Research, 1987, 42, 339-349
1511437 CIFB0.086 Fe1.74 Gd0.174I m -3 m2.994; 2.994; 2.994
90; 90; 90
26.838Khan, Y.; Kneller, E.; Wang, R.-J.
Structure and magnetic properties of new bcc A2-type based superstructures in R-Fe-B systems
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1993, 84, 881-885
1511445 CIFB0.086 Fe1.74 Ho0.174I m -3 m2.978; 2.978; 2.978
90; 90; 90
26.41Wang, R.-J.; Khan, Y.; Kneller, E.
Structure and magnetic properties of new bcc A2-type based superstructures in R-Fe-B systems
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1993, 84, 881-885
1511454 CIFB0.086 Fe1.74 Tb0.174I m -3 m2.984; 2.984; 2.984
90; 90; 90
26.57Khan, Y.; Kneller, E.; Wang, R.-J.
Structure and magnetic properties of new bcc A2-type based superstructures in R-Fe-B systems
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1993, 84, 881-885
1511462 CIFB0.086 Fe1.74 Y0.174I m -3 m2.98; 2.98; 2.98
90; 90; 90
26.464Wang, R.-J.; Kneller, E.; Khan, Y.
Structure and magnetic properties of new bcc A2-type based superstructures in R-Fe-B systems
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1993, 84, 881-885
1511572 CIFB6 Ca9 N12I m -3 m7.3224; 7.3224; 7.3224
90; 90; 90
392.609Meyer zu Altenschildesche, H.; Woerle, M.; Nesper, R.
Synthesis, properties and crystal structures of alpha-(Ca3 (B N2)2) and Ca9+x (B N2, C B N)6 - two compounds with (B N2)(3-) and (C B N)(4-) anions
Journal of Alloys Compd., 1998, 264, 107-114
1515254 CIFC8 H10 Cd N4I m -3 m30.5539; 30.5539; 30.5539
90; 90; 90
28523.3Karagiaridi, Olga; Bury, Wojciech; Sarjeant, Amy A.; Stern, Charlotte L.; Farha, Omar K.; Hupp, Joseph T.
Synthesis and characterization of isostructural cadmium zeolitic imidazolate frameworks via solvent-assisted linker exchange
Chemical Science, 2012, 3, 3256
1520981 CIFBa0.5 Bi1.5 O2.16I m -3 m4.395; 4.395; 4.395
90; 90; 90
84.894Esmaeilzadeh, S.; Berastegui, P.; Grins, J.; Rundlof, H.
Crystal growth and structural investigations of the oxygen ion conductor Ba Bi3 O5.5
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2000, 152, 435-440
1521573 CIFGe6 Lu4 Ru7I m -3 m8.239; 8.239; 8.239
90; 90; 90
559.273Morozkin, A.V.; Sviridov, I.A.
New ternary compounds in the Lu - (Ru, Rh) - (Si, Ge) systems
Journal of Alloys Compd., 2000, 296, 4-5
1521574 CIFGe6 Lu4 Rh7I m -3 m8.244; 8.244; 8.244
90; 90; 90
560.291Morozkin, A.V.; Sviridov, I.A.
New ternary compounds in the Lu - (Ru, Rh) - (Si, Ge) systems
Journal of Alloys Compd., 2000, 296, 4-5
1521675 CIFAs6 Ru7 U4I m -3 m8.3048; 8.3048; 8.3048
90; 90; 90
572.78Noel, H.; Potel, M.; Kaczorowski, D.
A new ternary uranium arsenide, U4 Ru7 As6
Journal of Alloys Compd., 2000, 302, 1-2
1521725 CIFOs3 Sn7I m -3 m9.385; 9.385; 9.385
90; 90; 90
826.614Kalyaeva, N.V.; Popova, S.V.
Effect of high pressure on the formation of intermediate phases in the Os-Sn system
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1983, 19, 1106-1109
1521758 CIFLi0.9 Mg0.1I m -3 m3.5007; 3.5007; 3.5007
90; 90; 90
42.901Kellington, S.; Loveridge, D.; Titman, J.M.
The lattice parameters of some alloys of lithium
Journal of Physics D, Applied Physics, 1969, 2, 1162-1163
1521834 CIFO0.03 VI m -3 m3.043; 3.043; 3.043
90; 90; 90
28.178Riabov, A.B.; Guegan, P.W.; Yartys', V.A.; Wiesinger, G.; Hauback, B.C.; Harris, I.R.
Hydrogenation behaviour, neutron diffraction studies and microstructural characterisation of boron oxide-doped Zr V alloys
Journal of Alloys Compd., 1999, 293, 93-100
1522081 CIFOs0.1 U0.9I m -3 m3.49; 3.49; 3.49
90; 90; 90
42.509Knapton, A.G.
The uranium-osmium system
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 1963, 9, 309-319
1522087 CIFFe0.95 W0.05I m -3 m2.884; 2.884; 2.884
90; 90; 90
23.988Ko, M.; Nishizawa, T.
Effect of magnetic transition on the solubility of alloying elements in alpha-iron
Journal of the Japan Institut of Metals (see: Nihon Kinzoku Gakkai-Shi), 1979, 43, 118-126
1522300 CIFHf TaI m -3 m3.419; 3.419; 3.419
90; 90; 90
39.967Krug, M.P.; Oden, L.L.; Romans, P.A.
The solid state portion of the Hf-Ta phase diagram
Metallurgical Transactions, 1975, 6, 997-1002
1522312 CIFHf0.05 V0.95I m -3 m3.043; 3.043; 3.043
90; 90; 90
28.178Kuentzler, R.; Khan, H.R.
Low temperature specific heat and superconductivity measurements of V1-x Tx, T= Ti, Zr, Hf and x= .013 and .05
Physics Letters A, 1985, 113, 89-92
1522371 CIFLi MgI m -3 m3.484; 3.484; 3.484
90; 90; 90
42.29Levinson, D.W.
On the lattice parameter of Mg-Li beta alloys
Acta Metallurgica, 1955, 3, 294-295
1522405 CIFFe0.1 Ti0.18 V0.72I m -3 m3.04; 3.04; 3.04
90; 90; 90
28.094Lynch, F.J.; Maeland, A.J.; Libowitz, G.G.
Lattice parameter variation and thermodynamics of dihydride formation in the vanadium-rich V-Ti-Fe/H2 system
Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie (Frankfurt Am Main), 1985, 145, 51-59
1522441 CIFNp PuI m -3 m3.565; 3.565; 3.565
90; 90; 90
45.308Mardon, P.G.; Pearce, J.H.; Marples, J.A.C.
Constitution studies on the neptunium-plutonium alloy system
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1961, 3, 281-292
1522478 CIFPu0.92 Sc0.08I m -3 m3.655; 3.655; 3.655
90; 90; 90
48.827Marples, J.A.C.
The lattice parameters of some delta- and epsilon-plutonium alloys
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 1964, 25, 521-534
1522479 CIFPu0.92 U0.08I m -3 m3.612; 3.612; 3.612
90; 90; 90
47.124Marples, J.A.C.
The lattice parameters of some delta- and epsilon-plutonium alloys
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 1964, 25, 521-534
1522480 CIFPu0.8 Zr0.2I m -3 m3.6413; 3.6413; 3.6413
90; 90; 90
48.28Marples, J.A.C.
The lattice parameters of some delta- and epsilon-plutonium alloys
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 1964, 25, 521-534
1522481 CIFHf0.08 Pu0.92I m -3 m3.635; 3.635; 3.635
90; 90; 90
48.03Marples, J.A.C.
The lattice parameters of some delta- and epsilon-plutonium alloys
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 1964, 25, 521-534
1522491 CIFFe0.96 Ni0.03 Sb0.01I m -3 m2.8689; 2.8689; 2.8689
90; 90; 90
23.613Maurer, M.; Cadeville, M.C.; Janchez, J.P.
Influence of nickel and chromium on antimony segregation in iron-based alloys
Philosophical Magazine, Part A, 1978, 38, 739-746
1522496 CIFMn0.15 Ti0.85I m -3 m3.195; 3.195; 3.195
90; 90; 90
32.615Maykuth, D.J.; Ogden, H.R.; Jaffee, R.I.
Titanium-manganese system
Transactions of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, 1953, 197, 225-230
1522516 CIFIr0.135 Mo0.865I m -3 m3.1404; 3.1404; 3.1404
90; 90; 90
30.971Michalik, S.J.; Brophy, J.H.
A constitution diagram of the molybdenum-iridium system
Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of Aime, 1963, 227, 1047-1053
1522523 CIFLu0.75 Mg0.25I m -3 m3.81; 3.81; 3.81
90; 90; 90
55.306Miller, A.E.; Daane, A.H.
The high-temperature allotropy of some heavy rare-earth metals
Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of Aime, 1964, 230, 568-572
1522524 CIFMg0.25 Tb0.75I m -3 m3.918; 3.918; 3.918
90; 90; 90
60.144Miller, A.E.; Daane, A.H.
The high-temperature allotropy of some heavy rare-earth metals
Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of Aime, 1964, 230, 568-572
1522525 CIFMg0.25 Tm0.75I m -3 m3.83; 3.83; 3.83
90; 90; 90
56.182Miller, A.E.; Daane, A.H.
The high-temperature allotropy of some heavy rare-earth metals
Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of Aime, 1964, 230, 568-572
1522526 CIFGdI m -3 m4.05; 4.05; 4.05
90; 90; 90
66.43Miller, A.E.; Daane, A.H.
The high-temperature allotropy of some heavy rare-earth metals
Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of Aime, 1964, 230, 568-572
1522528 CIFGd0.75 Mg0.25I m -3 m3.94; 3.94; 3.94
90; 90; 90
61.163Miller, A.E.; Daane, A.H.
The high-temperature allotropy of some heavy rare-earth metals
Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of Aime, 1964, 230, 568-572
1522529 CIFTbI m -3 m4.02; 4.02; 4.02
90; 90; 90
64.965Miller, A.E.; Daane, A.H.
The high-temperature allotropy of some heavy rare-earth metals
Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of Aime, 1964, 230, 568-572
1522531 CIFHo0.75 Mg0.25I m -3 m3.863; 3.863; 3.863
90; 90; 90
57.647Miller, A.E.; Daane, A.H.
The high-temperature allotropy of some heavy rare-earth metals
Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of Aime, 1964, 230, 568-572
1522534 CIFFe0.75 Pt0.25I m -3 m2.969; 2.969; 2.969
90; 90; 90
26.172Miodownik, A.P.
The Invar behavior of iron-nickel-platinum alloys
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 1979, 10, 126-135
1522565 CIFFe0.95 Sb0.05I m -3 m2.9; 2.9; 2.9
90; 90; 90
24.389Nageswararao, M.; McMahon, C.J.jr.; Herman, H.
The solubility and solution behavior of antimony and tin in alpha-iron and the effects of nickel and chromium additions
Metallurgical Transactions, 1974, 5, 1061-1068
1522590 CIFMo TcI m -3 m3.109; 3.109; 3.109
90; 90; 90
30.051Niemiec, J.
X-ray analysis of Tc-Mo alloys
Bulletin de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences, Serie des Sciences Chimiques, 1963, 11, 305-309
1522634 CIFNb0.8 Pd0.2I m -3 m3.253; 3.253; 3.253
90; 90; 90
34.423Oesterreicher, H.; Clinton, J.
Superconductivity in hydrides of Nb-Pd and Nb-Rh
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1976, 17, 443-445
1522701 CIFMo0.875 Zr0.125I m -3 m3.1646; 3.1646; 3.1646
90; 90; 90
31.692Pipitz, E.; Kieffer, R.
Einfluss von Legierungszusaetzen auf Festigkeitseigenschaften und Rekristallisation von vakuumgesintertem Molybdaen
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1955, 46, 187-194
1522714 CIFPd0.2 Ti0.8I m -3 m3.21; 3.21; 3.21
90; 90; 90
33.076Poon, S.J.
Structural dependence of the superconducting transition temperature in liquid-quenched alloys based on the group IVB elements
Solid State Communications, 1983, 47, 431-434
1522715 CIFPd0.2 Zr0.8I m -3 m3.47; 3.47; 3.47
90; 90; 90
41.782Poon, S.J.
Structural dependence of the superconducting transition temperature in liquid-quenched alloys based on the group IVB elements
Solid State Communications, 1983, 47, 431-434
1522716 CIFHf0.93 Mo0.07I m -3 m3.49; 3.49; 3.49
90; 90; 90
42.509Poon, S.J.
Structural dependence of the superconducting transition temperature in liquid-quenched alloys based on the group IV B elements
Solid State Communications, 1983, 47, 431-434
1522727 CIFFe0.92 Sn0.08I m -3 m2.925; 2.925; 2.925
90; 90; 90
25.025Predel, B.; Frebel, M.
Precipitation behavior of alpha-solid solutions of the Fe-Sn system
Metallurgical Transactions, 1973, 4, 243-249
1522739 CIFNb0.67 Pd0.33I m -3 m3.23; 3.23; 3.23
90; 90; 90
33.698Raman, A.; Schubert, K.
Ueber die Verbreitung des Zr2 Cu-Typs und Cr2 Al-Typs
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1964, 55, 798-804
1522744 CIFMo ZrI m -3 m3.34; 3.34; 3.34
90; 90; 90
37.26Rapp, O.
Superconductivity and lattice parameters in the Zr-Mo, Zr-W, Hf-Mo and Hf-W alloy systems
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1970, 21, 27-44
1522746 CIFHf MoI m -3 m3.35; 3.35; 3.35
90; 90; 90
37.595Rapp, O.
Superconductivity and lattice parameters in the Zr-Mo, Zr-W, Hf-Mo and Hf-W alloy systems
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1970, 21, 27-44
1522768 CIFFe0.95 Ru0.05I m -3 m2.88; 2.88; 2.88
90; 90; 90
23.888Raub, E.; Plate, W.
Die Eisen-Ruthenium Legierungen
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1960, 51, 477-481
1522772 CIFRu0.25 Ta0.75I m -3 m3.215; 3.215; 3.215
90; 90; 90
33.231Raub, E.; Beeskow, H.; Fritzsche, W.
Die Struktur der festen Tantal-Ruthenium Legierungen
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1963, 54, 451-454
1522774 CIFOs0.2 V0.8I m -3 m3.006; 3.006; 3.006
90; 90; 90
27.162Raub, E.; Roeschel, E.
Die Vanadium-Osmium Legierungen
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1966, 57, 470-472
1522775 CIFRh0.25 Ti0.75I m -3 m3.163; 3.163; 3.163
90; 90; 90
31.644Raub, E.; Roeschel, E.
Die Titan-Rhodium Legierungen
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1966, 57, 546-551

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