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1000418 CIFAl7 Ca4 F33 Na4.032I m -3 m10.781; 10.781; 10.781
90; 90; 90
1253.1Hemon, A; Courbion, G
The Na F - Ca F2 - Al F3 system: structures of $-beta- Na Ca Al F6 and Na4 Ca4 Al7 F33
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1990, 84, 153-164
1001203 CIFCa Cu3 O12 Ti4I m -3 m7.393; 7.393; 7.393
90; 90; 90
404.1Deschanvres, A; Raveau, B; Tollemer, F
Remplacement de metal bivalent par le cuivre dans les titanates de type Perowskite
Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France (Vol=Year), 1967, 1967, 4077-4078
1001619 CIFBa0.5 Bi1.5 O2.75I m -3 m4.3822; 4.3822; 4.3822
90; 90; 90
84.2Michel; Pelloquin, D; Hervieu, M; Raveau, B
The anionic superconductor Bi~3~BaO~5.5~: A bcc structure closely related to the perovskite. Relationships with anti $-alpha-AgI
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1994, 109, 122-126
1001690 CIFK9 O22.5 U6I m -3 m8.722; 8.722; 8.722
90; 90; 90
663.5Saine, M-C; Gasperin, M; Jove, J; Cousson, A
Relation entre la structure cristalline d'un uranate de potassium K9 U6 O22.5, et les spectres Moessbauer (Np237) des phases apparentees de neptunium
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1987, 132, 141-148
1004073 CIFBi0.79 Cd0.21 O1.395I m -3 m4.281; 4.281; 4.281
90; 90; 90
78.5Graia, T; Conflant, P; Nowogrocki, G; Boivin, J C; Thomas, D
Stability range and crystal structure of the oxygen-deficient b.c.c. solid solution Bi(~1-x~) Cd~x~ O(~1.5-x/2~) (0.11<x<.25)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1986, 63, 160-165
1008117 CIFAs7 Re3I m -3 m8.714; 8.714; 8.714
90; 90; 90
661.7Klein, M; Schnering, H G von
Untersuchungen an Re~3~ As~7~
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1966, 11, 298-299
1008911 CIFBa3.04 Bi3.37 K0.96 Na0.63 O12I m -3 m8.54; 8.54; 8.54
90; 90; 90
622.8Chaillout, C; Durr, J; Escribe-Filippini, C; Fournier, T; Marcus, J; Marezio, M
Structure determination of a new perovskite phase in the Ba K - Bi - Na - O system
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1991, 93, 63-68
1011337 CIFAg2 SI m -3 m4.88; 4.88; 4.88
90; 90; 90
116.2Rahlfs, P
Ueber die kubischen Hochtemperaturmodifikationen der Sulfide und Telluride des Silbers und des einwertigen Kupfers
Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie, Abteilung B: Chemie der Elementarprozesse, Aufbau der Materie, 1936, 31, 157-194
1011338 CIFAg2 SeI m -3 m4.983; 4.983; 4.983
90; 90; 90
123.7Rahlfs, P
Ueber die kubischen Hochtemperaturmodifikationen der Sulfide und Telluride des Silbers und des einwertigen Kupfers
Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie, Abteilung B: Chemie der Elementarprozesse, Aufbau der Materie, 1936, 31, 157-194
1506411 CIFVI m -3 m3.0273; 3.0273; 3.0273
90; 90; 90
27.744Colligan, Marek; Lee, Yongjae; Vogt, Thomas; Celestian, Aaron J.; Parise, John B.; Marshall, William G.; Hriljac, Joseph A.
High-pressure neutron diffraction study of superhydrated natrolite.
The journal of physical chemistry. B, 2005, 109, 18223-18225
1508187 CIFC528 H408 F144 N72 O24 P24 Pd12I m -3 m39.346; 39.346; 39.346
90; 90; 90
60912Sun, Qing-Fu; Sato, Sota; Fujita, Makoto
An M~18~L~24~ stellated cuboctahedron through post-stellation of an M~12~L~24~ core
Nature Chemistry, 2012, 4, 330-333
1509032 CIFAg0.75 Al0.25I m -3 m3.24; 3.24; 3.24
90; 90; 90
34.012Volk, K.E.; Hofmann, W.
Roentgenographische Untersuchung der Umwandlungen in Aluminium-Silber-Legierungen
Metallwirtschaft, Metallwissenschaft, Metalltechnik, 1936, 15, 699-701
1509088 CIFAg0.3 Fe0.7I m -3 m2.96; 2.96; 2.96
90; 90; 90
25.934Kataoka, N.; Sumiyama, K.; Nakamura, Y.
Effect of Ar gas pressure on structure and magnetic properties of sputter-deposited Fe-Ag alloys
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 1988, 27, 1693-1698
1509121 CIFAg0.49 Cd0.51I m -3 m3.382; 3.382; 3.382
90; 90; 90
38.683Tonejc, A.M.; Bonefacic, A.; Tonejc, A.
Atomic volume expansion of Ag + 53 wt.% Cd alloy
Physics Letters A, 1974, 49, 145-145
1509139 CIFRaI m -3 m5.148; 5.148; 5.148
90; 90; 90
136.432Weigel, F.; Trinkl, A.
Zur Kristallchemie des Radiums, III. Darstellung, Kristallstruktur und Atomradius des metallischen Radiums
Radiochimica Acta, 1968, 10, 78-82
1509170 CIFAg Cd0.5 Zn0.5I m -3 m3.215; 3.215; 3.215
90; 90; 90
33.231Wagner, E.; Petzow, G.
Aufbau und Eigenschaften von Silber-Cadmium-Zink Legierungen. I.
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1961, 52, 736-742
1509173 CIFAg CdI m -3 m3.295; 3.295; 3.295
90; 90; 90
35.774Petzow, G.; Wagner, E.
Aufbau und Eigenschaften von Silber-Kadmium-Zink Legierungen. I.
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1961, 52, 736-742
1509372 CIFAg Hg0.5 I2I m -3 m5.01599; 5.01599; 5.01599
90; 90; 90
126.203Hull, S.; Keen, D.A.
Structural characterization of further high temperature superionic phases of Ag2 Hg I4 and Cu2 Hg I4
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2001, 13, 5597-5610
1509384 CIFAg II m -3 m5.106; 5.106; 5.106
90; 90; 90
133.12Wright, A.F.; Fender, B.E.F.
The structure of superionic compounds by powder neutron diffraction I. Cation distribution in alpha - Ag I
Journal of Physics C, 1977, 10, 2261-2267
1509388 CIFAg II m -3 m5.062; 5.062; 5.062
90; 90; 90
129.708Cava, R.J.; Reidinger, F.; Wuensch, B.J.
Single-crystal neutron-diffraction study of Ag I
Solid State Communications, 1977, 24, 411-416
1509568 CIFAg ZnI m -3 m3.11; 3.11; 3.11
90; 90; 90
30.08Petzow, G.; Wagner, E.
Aufbau und Eigenschaften von Silber-Kadmium-Zink Legierungen
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1961, 52, 736-742
1509612 CIFAg1.8 Au0.216 SI m -3 m4.91; 4.91; 4.91
90; 90; 90
118.371Wiegers, G.A.; Folmer, J.C.W.; Hofman, P.
Order-disorder transitions in the system Ag2-x Aux S (0<x<1)
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1976, 48, 251-268
1509634 CIFAg16 Ca6 NI m -3 m9.7845; 9.7845; 9.7845
90; 90; 90
936.733Simon, A.; Snyder, G.J.
Diskrete (M6 N)-Oktaeder in den Subnitriden Na16 Ba6 N und Ag16 Ca6 N - eine Ueberpruefung des Ag8 Ca3-Typs
Angewandte Chemie (German Edition), 1994, 106, 713-715
1509709 CIFAg2 SI m -3 m4.873; 4.873; 4.873
90; 90; 90
115.715Wuensch, B.J.; Cava, R.J.; Reidinger, F.
Single-crystal neutron diffraction study of the fast-ion conductor beta-Ag2 S between 186 and 325 degree
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1980, 31, 69-80
1509713 CIFAg2 SeI m -3 m5.043; 5.043; 5.043
90; 90; 90
128.253McMullan, R.K.; Wuensch, B.J.; Oliveria, M.
Single crystal neutron diffraction analysis of the cation distribution in the high-temperature phases alpha-Cu2-x S, alpha-Cu2-x Se, and alpha-Ag2 Se
Solid State Ionics, 1988, 28, 1332-1337
1509749 CIFAg2.88 I SI m -3 m4.993; 4.993; 4.993
90; 90; 90
124.476Beyeler, H.U.; Perenthaler, E.; Schulz, H.
Structure investigations, atomic potentials, and phase transitions of the fast ionic conductor Ag3 S I
Solid State Ionics, 1981, 5, 493-496
1509830 CIFAg3.5 I SI m -3 m4.966; 4.966; 4.966
90; 90; 90
122.467Didisheim, J.J.; Wuensch, B.J.; McMullan, R.K.
A single crystal neutron diffraction study of the distibution and thermal motion of silver ions in alphaand beta-Ag3 S I
Solid State Ionics, 1986, 1819, 1150-1162
1510047 CIFAg3.12 I SI m -3 m4.934; 4.934; 4.934
90; 90; 90
120.115McMullan, R.K.; Wuensch, B.J.; Didisheim, J.J.
A single crystal neutron diffraction study of the distibution and thermal motion of silver ions in alphaand beta-Ag3 S I
Solid State Ionics, 1986, 1819, 1150-1162
1510055 CIFAu0.05 Fe0.95I m -3 m2.8923; 2.8923; 2.8923
90; 90; 90
24.195Hornbogen, E.; Roth, M.
Ausscheidungsvorgaenge in Eisen-Gold-Mischkristallen
Archiv fuer das Eisenhuettenwesen, 1965, 36, 201-209
1510116 CIFAu0.3 Nb0.7I m -3 m3.2578; 3.2578; 3.2578
90; 90; 90
34.576Wire, M.S.; Webb, G.W.
Superconductivity and the b.c.c. to A15 transformation in Nb-Au alloys
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 1981, 42, 233-238
1510258 CIFAu0.5 Nb1.5I m -3 m3.2767; 3.2767; 3.2767
90; 90; 90
35.181Di, L.M.; Bakker, H.
Mechanically induced phase transformation in the Nb3 Au intermetallic compound
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 1991, 3, 9319-9326
1510290 CIFAu Sb3I m -3 m6.08; 6.08; 6.08
90; 90; 90
224.756Tyrina, L.V.; Palatnik, L.S.; Kosevich, V.M.
Electron diffraction examination of metastable phases in the alloys Au-Sb, In-Sb, In-Bi and In-Bi-Sb
Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie, 1961, 11, 229-235
1510329 CIFAu0.6 Nb1.4I m -3 m3.286; 3.286; 3.286
90; 90; 90
35.482Roeschel, E.; Raub, C.J.; Loebich, O.jr.
Das Zustandsdiagramm Niob-Gold
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1973, 64, 359-361
1510769 CIFB2 N4 Sr2.993I m -3 m7.6456; 7.6456; 7.6456
90; 90; 90
446.925Womelsdorf, H.; Meyer, H.J.
Zur Kenntnis der Struktur von Sr3 (B N)2
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1994, 620, 262-265
1511026 CIFB0.118 Ce0.188 Fe1.648 Si0.048I m -3 m2.978; 2.978; 2.978
90; 90; 90
26.41Wang, R.-J.; Kneller, E.; Khan, Y.
Structure and magnetic properties of new bcc A2-type based superstructures in R-Fe-B systems
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1993, 84, 881-885
1511037 CIFB0.118 Er0.188 Fe1.648 Si0.048I m -3 m2.965; 2.965; 2.965
90; 90; 90
26.066Wang, R.-J.; Khan, Y.; Kneller, E.
Structure and magnetic properties of new bcc A2-type based superstructures in R-Fe-B systems
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1993, 84, 881-885
1511043 CIFB0.118 Fe1.648 Gd0.188 Si0.048I m -3 m2.986; 2.986; 2.986
90; 90; 90
26.624Wang, R.-J.; Kneller, E.; Khan, Y.
Structure and magnetic properties of new bcc A2-type based superstructures in R-Fe-B systems
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1993, 84, 881-885
1511051 CIFB0.118 Fe1.648 Nd0.164 Si0.07I m -3 m2.998; 2.998; 2.998
90; 90; 90
26.946Kneller, E.; Khan, Y.; Wang, R.-J.
Structure and magnetic properties of new bcc A2-type based superstructures in R-Fe-B systems
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1993, 84, 881-885
1511058 CIFB0.118 Fe1.648 Si0.048 Tb0.188I m -3 m2.976; 2.976; 2.976
90; 90; 90
26.357Khan, Y.; Wang, R.-J.; Kneller, E.
Structure and magnetic properties of new bcc A2-type based superstructures in R-Fe-B systems
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1993, 84, 881-885
1511067 CIFB0.118 Fe1.648 Si0.048 Y0.188I m -3 m2.971; 2.971; 2.971
90; 90; 90
26.225Khan, Y.; Wang, R.-J.; Kneller, E.
Structure and magnetic properties of new bcc A2-type based superstructures in R-Fe-B systems
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1993, 84, 881-885
1511091 CIFB0.2 Fe1.8I m -3 m2.86; 2.86; 2.86
90; 90; 90
23.394Hines, W.A.; Choi, M.; Hasegawa, R.; Sanchez, F.H.; Zhang, Y.D.; Budnick, J.I.
Mossbauer study of the local atomic environments in metastable crystalline Fe-B alloys
Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-), 1986, 34, 4738-4743
1511122 CIFB0.244 Ce0.098 Fe1.658I m -3 m3.095; 3.095; 3.095
90; 90; 90
29.647Kneller, E.; Wang, R.-J.; Khan, Y.
Structure and magnetic properties of new bcc A2-type based superstructures in R-Fe-B systems
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1993, 84, 881-885
1511128 CIFB0.244 Dy0.098 Fe1.658I m -3 m3.068; 3.068; 3.068
90; 90; 90
28.878Wang, R.-J.; Khan, Y.; Kneller, E.
Structure and magnetic properties of new bcc A2-type based superstructures in R-Fe-B systems
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1993, 84, 881-885
1511136 CIFB0.244 Er0.098 Fe1.658I m -3 m3.088; 3.088; 3.088
90; 90; 90
29.446Wang, R.-J.; Kneller, E.; Khan, Y.
Structure and magnetic properties of new bcc A2-type based superstructures in R-Fe-B systems
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1993, 84, 881-885
1511147 CIFB0.244 Fe1.658 Ho0.098I m -3 m3.09; 3.09; 3.09
90; 90; 90
29.504Wang, R.-J.; Khan, Y.; Kneller, E.
Structure and magnetic properties of new bcc A2-type based superstructures in R-Fe-B systems
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1993, 84, 881-885
1511156 CIFB0.244 Fe1.658 Tb0.098I m -3 m3.093; 3.093; 3.093
90; 90; 90
29.59Wang, R.-J.; Kneller, E.; Khan, Y.
Structure and magnetic properties of new bcc A2-type based superstructures in R-Fe-B systems
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1993, 84, 881-885
1511165 CIFB0.244 Fe1.658 Y0.098I m -3 m3.088; 3.088; 3.088
90; 90; 90
29.446Khan, Y.; Kneller, E.; Wang, R.-J.
Structure and magnetic properties of new bcc A2-type based superstructures in R-Fe-B systems
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1993, 84, 881-885
1511276 CIFB0.086 Ce0.174 Fe1.74I m -3 m2.986; 2.986; 2.986
90; 90; 90
26.624Wang, R.-J.; Khan, Y.; Kneller, E.
Structure and magnetic properties of new bcc A2-type based superstructures in R-Fe-B systems
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1993, 84, 881-885
1511363 CIFB0.086 Dy0.174 Fe1.74I m -3 m2.983; 2.983; 2.983
90; 90; 90
26.544Kneller, E.; Khan, Y.; Wang, R.-J.
Structure and magnetic properties of new bcc A2-type based superstructures in R-Fe-B systems
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1993, 84, 881-885
1511408 CIFB14 Fe62 Y3I m -3 m12.36; 12.36; 12.36
90; 90; 90
1888.23de Mooij, D.B.; Daams, J.L.C.; Buschow, K.H.J.
A metastable compound in the Y - Fe - B system
Philips Journal of Research, 1987, 42, 339-349
1511437 CIFB0.086 Fe1.74 Gd0.174I m -3 m2.994; 2.994; 2.994
90; 90; 90
26.838Khan, Y.; Kneller, E.; Wang, R.-J.
Structure and magnetic properties of new bcc A2-type based superstructures in R-Fe-B systems
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1993, 84, 881-885
1511445 CIFB0.086 Fe1.74 Ho0.174I m -3 m2.978; 2.978; 2.978
90; 90; 90
26.41Wang, R.-J.; Khan, Y.; Kneller, E.
Structure and magnetic properties of new bcc A2-type based superstructures in R-Fe-B systems
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1993, 84, 881-885
1511454 CIFB0.086 Fe1.74 Tb0.174I m -3 m2.984; 2.984; 2.984
90; 90; 90
26.57Khan, Y.; Kneller, E.; Wang, R.-J.
Structure and magnetic properties of new bcc A2-type based superstructures in R-Fe-B systems
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1993, 84, 881-885
1511462 CIFB0.086 Fe1.74 Y0.174I m -3 m2.98; 2.98; 2.98
90; 90; 90
26.464Wang, R.-J.; Kneller, E.; Khan, Y.
Structure and magnetic properties of new bcc A2-type based superstructures in R-Fe-B systems
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1993, 84, 881-885
1511572 CIFB6 Ca9 N12I m -3 m7.3224; 7.3224; 7.3224
90; 90; 90
392.609Meyer zu Altenschildesche, H.; Woerle, M.; Nesper, R.
Synthesis, properties and crystal structures of alpha-(Ca3 (B N2)2) and Ca9+x (B N2, C B N)6 - two compounds with (B N2)(3-) and (C B N)(4-) anions
Journal of Alloys Compd., 1998, 264, 107-114
1515254 CIFC8 H10 Cd N4I m -3 m30.5539; 30.5539; 30.5539
90; 90; 90
28523.3Karagiaridi, Olga; Bury, Wojciech; Sarjeant, Amy A.; Stern, Charlotte L.; Farha, Omar K.; Hupp, Joseph T.
Synthesis and characterization of isostructural cadmium zeolitic imidazolate frameworks via solvent-assisted linker exchange
Chemical Science, 2012, 3, 3256
1520981 CIFBa0.5 Bi1.5 O2.16I m -3 m4.395; 4.395; 4.395
90; 90; 90
84.894Esmaeilzadeh, S.; Berastegui, P.; Grins, J.; Rundlof, H.
Crystal growth and structural investigations of the oxygen ion conductor Ba Bi3 O5.5
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2000, 152, 435-440
1521573 CIFGe6 Lu4 Ru7I m -3 m8.239; 8.239; 8.239
90; 90; 90
559.273Morozkin, A.V.; Sviridov, I.A.
New ternary compounds in the Lu - (Ru, Rh) - (Si, Ge) systems
Journal of Alloys Compd., 2000, 296, 4-5
1521574 CIFGe6 Lu4 Rh7I m -3 m8.244; 8.244; 8.244
90; 90; 90
560.291Morozkin, A.V.; Sviridov, I.A.
New ternary compounds in the Lu - (Ru, Rh) - (Si, Ge) systems
Journal of Alloys Compd., 2000, 296, 4-5
1521675 CIFAs6 Ru7 U4I m -3 m8.3048; 8.3048; 8.3048
90; 90; 90
572.78Noel, H.; Potel, M.; Kaczorowski, D.
A new ternary uranium arsenide, U4 Ru7 As6
Journal of Alloys Compd., 2000, 302, 1-2
1521725 CIFOs3 Sn7I m -3 m9.385; 9.385; 9.385
90; 90; 90
826.614Kalyaeva, N.V.; Popova, S.V.
Effect of high pressure on the formation of intermediate phases in the Os-Sn system
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1983, 19, 1106-1109
1521758 CIFLi0.9 Mg0.1I m -3 m3.5007; 3.5007; 3.5007
90; 90; 90
42.901Kellington, S.; Loveridge, D.; Titman, J.M.
The lattice parameters of some alloys of lithium
Journal of Physics D, Applied Physics, 1969, 2, 1162-1163
1521834 CIFO0.03 VI m -3 m3.043; 3.043; 3.043
90; 90; 90
28.178Riabov, A.B.; Guegan, P.W.; Yartys', V.A.; Wiesinger, G.; Hauback, B.C.; Harris, I.R.
Hydrogenation behaviour, neutron diffraction studies and microstructural characterisation of boron oxide-doped Zr V alloys
Journal of Alloys Compd., 1999, 293, 93-100
1522081 CIFOs0.1 U0.9I m -3 m3.49; 3.49; 3.49
90; 90; 90
42.509Knapton, A.G.
The uranium-osmium system
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 1963, 9, 309-319
1522087 CIFFe0.95 W0.05I m -3 m2.884; 2.884; 2.884
90; 90; 90
23.988Ko, M.; Nishizawa, T.
Effect of magnetic transition on the solubility of alloying elements in alpha-iron
Journal of the Japan Institut of Metals (see: Nihon Kinzoku Gakkai-Shi), 1979, 43, 118-126
1522300 CIFHf TaI m -3 m3.419; 3.419; 3.419
90; 90; 90
39.967Krug, M.P.; Oden, L.L.; Romans, P.A.
The solid state portion of the Hf-Ta phase diagram
Metallurgical Transactions, 1975, 6, 997-1002
1522312 CIFHf0.05 V0.95I m -3 m3.043; 3.043; 3.043
90; 90; 90
28.178Kuentzler, R.; Khan, H.R.
Low temperature specific heat and superconductivity measurements of V1-x Tx, T= Ti, Zr, Hf and x= .013 and .05
Physics Letters A, 1985, 113, 89-92
1522371 CIFLi MgI m -3 m3.484; 3.484; 3.484
90; 90; 90
42.29Levinson, D.W.
On the lattice parameter of Mg-Li beta alloys
Acta Metallurgica, 1955, 3, 294-295
1522405 CIFFe0.1 Ti0.18 V0.72I m -3 m3.04; 3.04; 3.04
90; 90; 90
28.094Lynch, F.J.; Maeland, A.J.; Libowitz, G.G.
Lattice parameter variation and thermodynamics of dihydride formation in the vanadium-rich V-Ti-Fe/H2 system
Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie (Frankfurt Am Main), 1985, 145, 51-59
1522441 CIFNp PuI m -3 m3.565; 3.565; 3.565
90; 90; 90
45.308Mardon, P.G.; Pearce, J.H.; Marples, J.A.C.
Constitution studies on the neptunium-plutonium alloy system
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1961, 3, 281-292
1522478 CIFPu0.92 Sc0.08I m -3 m3.655; 3.655; 3.655
90; 90; 90
48.827Marples, J.A.C.
The lattice parameters of some delta- and epsilon-plutonium alloys
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 1964, 25, 521-534
1522479 CIFPu0.92 U0.08I m -3 m3.612; 3.612; 3.612
90; 90; 90
47.124Marples, J.A.C.
The lattice parameters of some delta- and epsilon-plutonium alloys
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 1964, 25, 521-534
1522480 CIFPu0.8 Zr0.2I m -3 m3.6413; 3.6413; 3.6413
90; 90; 90
48.28Marples, J.A.C.
The lattice parameters of some delta- and epsilon-plutonium alloys
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 1964, 25, 521-534
1522481 CIFHf0.08 Pu0.92I m -3 m3.635; 3.635; 3.635
90; 90; 90
48.03Marples, J.A.C.
The lattice parameters of some delta- and epsilon-plutonium alloys
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 1964, 25, 521-534
1522491 CIFFe0.96 Ni0.03 Sb0.01I m -3 m2.8689; 2.8689; 2.8689
90; 90; 90
23.613Maurer, M.; Cadeville, M.C.; Janchez, J.P.
Influence of nickel and chromium on antimony segregation in iron-based alloys
Philosophical Magazine, Part A, 1978, 38, 739-746
1522496 CIFMn0.15 Ti0.85I m -3 m3.195; 3.195; 3.195
90; 90; 90
32.615Maykuth, D.J.; Ogden, H.R.; Jaffee, R.I.
Titanium-manganese system
Transactions of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, 1953, 197, 225-230
1522516 CIFIr0.135 Mo0.865I m -3 m3.1404; 3.1404; 3.1404
90; 90; 90
30.971Michalik, S.J.; Brophy, J.H.
A constitution diagram of the molybdenum-iridium system
Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of Aime, 1963, 227, 1047-1053
1522523 CIFLu0.75 Mg0.25I m -3 m3.81; 3.81; 3.81
90; 90; 90
55.306Miller, A.E.; Daane, A.H.
The high-temperature allotropy of some heavy rare-earth metals
Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of Aime, 1964, 230, 568-572
1522524 CIFMg0.25 Tb0.75I m -3 m3.918; 3.918; 3.918
90; 90; 90
60.144Miller, A.E.; Daane, A.H.
The high-temperature allotropy of some heavy rare-earth metals
Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of Aime, 1964, 230, 568-572
1522525 CIFMg0.25 Tm0.75I m -3 m3.83; 3.83; 3.83
90; 90; 90
56.182Miller, A.E.; Daane, A.H.
The high-temperature allotropy of some heavy rare-earth metals
Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of Aime, 1964, 230, 568-572
1522526 CIFGdI m -3 m4.05; 4.05; 4.05
90; 90; 90
66.43Miller, A.E.; Daane, A.H.
The high-temperature allotropy of some heavy rare-earth metals
Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of Aime, 1964, 230, 568-572
1522528 CIFGd0.75 Mg0.25I m -3 m3.94; 3.94; 3.94
90; 90; 90
61.163Miller, A.E.; Daane, A.H.
The high-temperature allotropy of some heavy rare-earth metals
Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of Aime, 1964, 230, 568-572
1522529 CIFTbI m -3 m4.02; 4.02; 4.02
90; 90; 90
64.965Miller, A.E.; Daane, A.H.
The high-temperature allotropy of some heavy rare-earth metals
Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of Aime, 1964, 230, 568-572
1522531 CIFHo0.75 Mg0.25I m -3 m3.863; 3.863; 3.863
90; 90; 90
57.647Miller, A.E.; Daane, A.H.
The high-temperature allotropy of some heavy rare-earth metals
Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of Aime, 1964, 230, 568-572
1522534 CIFFe0.75 Pt0.25I m -3 m2.969; 2.969; 2.969
90; 90; 90
26.172Miodownik, A.P.
The Invar behavior of iron-nickel-platinum alloys
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 1979, 10, 126-135
1522565 CIFFe0.95 Sb0.05I m -3 m2.9; 2.9; 2.9
90; 90; 90
24.389Nageswararao, M.; McMahon, C.J.jr.; Herman, H.
The solubility and solution behavior of antimony and tin in alpha-iron and the effects of nickel and chromium additions
Metallurgical Transactions, 1974, 5, 1061-1068
1522590 CIFMo TcI m -3 m3.109; 3.109; 3.109
90; 90; 90
30.051Niemiec, J.
X-ray analysis of Tc-Mo alloys
Bulletin de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences, Serie des Sciences Chimiques, 1963, 11, 305-309
1522634 CIFNb0.8 Pd0.2I m -3 m3.253; 3.253; 3.253
90; 90; 90
34.423Oesterreicher, H.; Clinton, J.
Superconductivity in hydrides of Nb-Pd and Nb-Rh
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1976, 17, 443-445
1522701 CIFMo0.875 Zr0.125I m -3 m3.1646; 3.1646; 3.1646
90; 90; 90
31.692Pipitz, E.; Kieffer, R.
Einfluss von Legierungszusaetzen auf Festigkeitseigenschaften und Rekristallisation von vakuumgesintertem Molybdaen
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1955, 46, 187-194
1522714 CIFPd0.2 Ti0.8I m -3 m3.21; 3.21; 3.21
90; 90; 90
33.076Poon, S.J.
Structural dependence of the superconducting transition temperature in liquid-quenched alloys based on the group IVB elements
Solid State Communications, 1983, 47, 431-434
1522715 CIFPd0.2 Zr0.8I m -3 m3.47; 3.47; 3.47
90; 90; 90
41.782Poon, S.J.
Structural dependence of the superconducting transition temperature in liquid-quenched alloys based on the group IVB elements
Solid State Communications, 1983, 47, 431-434
1522716 CIFHf0.93 Mo0.07I m -3 m3.49; 3.49; 3.49
90; 90; 90
42.509Poon, S.J.
Structural dependence of the superconducting transition temperature in liquid-quenched alloys based on the group IV B elements
Solid State Communications, 1983, 47, 431-434
1522727 CIFFe0.92 Sn0.08I m -3 m2.925; 2.925; 2.925
90; 90; 90
25.025Predel, B.; Frebel, M.
Precipitation behavior of alpha-solid solutions of the Fe-Sn system
Metallurgical Transactions, 1973, 4, 243-249
1522739 CIFNb0.67 Pd0.33I m -3 m3.23; 3.23; 3.23
90; 90; 90
33.698Raman, A.; Schubert, K.
Ueber die Verbreitung des Zr2 Cu-Typs und Cr2 Al-Typs
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1964, 55, 798-804
1522744 CIFMo ZrI m -3 m3.34; 3.34; 3.34
90; 90; 90
37.26Rapp, O.
Superconductivity and lattice parameters in the Zr-Mo, Zr-W, Hf-Mo and Hf-W alloy systems
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1970, 21, 27-44
1522746 CIFHf MoI m -3 m3.35; 3.35; 3.35
90; 90; 90
37.595Rapp, O.
Superconductivity and lattice parameters in the Zr-Mo, Zr-W, Hf-Mo and Hf-W alloy systems
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1970, 21, 27-44
1522768 CIFFe0.95 Ru0.05I m -3 m2.88; 2.88; 2.88
90; 90; 90
23.888Raub, E.; Plate, W.
Die Eisen-Ruthenium Legierungen
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1960, 51, 477-481
1522772 CIFRu0.25 Ta0.75I m -3 m3.215; 3.215; 3.215
90; 90; 90
33.231Raub, E.; Beeskow, H.; Fritzsche, W.
Die Struktur der festen Tantal-Ruthenium Legierungen
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1963, 54, 451-454
1522774 CIFOs0.2 V0.8I m -3 m3.006; 3.006; 3.006
90; 90; 90
27.162Raub, E.; Roeschel, E.
Die Vanadium-Osmium Legierungen
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1966, 57, 470-472
1522775 CIFRh0.25 Ti0.75I m -3 m3.163; 3.163; 3.163
90; 90; 90
31.644Raub, E.; Roeschel, E.
Die Titan-Rhodium Legierungen
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1966, 57, 546-551
1522785 CIFNb0.814 Rh0.186I m -3 m3.245; 3.245; 3.245
90; 90; 90
34.17Ritter, D.L.; Giessen, B.C.; Grant, N.J.
The niobium(columbium)-rhodium binary system. I. The constitution diagram
Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of Aime, 1964, 230, 1250-1259
1522787 CIFNb UI m -3 m3.398; 3.398; 3.398
90; 90; 90
39.235Rogers, B.A.; Atkins, D.F.; Manthos, E.J.; Kirkpatrick, M.E.
Uranium-columbium alloy diagram
Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of Aime, 1958, 212, 387-393
1522789 CIFHfI m -3 m3.61; 3.61; 3.61
90; 90; 90
47.046Ross, R.G.; Hume-Rothery, W.
A study of some binary hafnium compounds
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1963, 5, 258-270
1522799 CIFOs0.1 Ta0.9I m -3 m3.2732; 3.2732; 3.2732
90; 90; 90
35.069Rudman, P.S.
Lattice parameters of tantalum-osmium alloys
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1965, 9, 77-79
1522806 CIFMo VI m -3 m3.092; 3.092; 3.092
90; 90; 90
29.561Rudy, E.; Benesovsky, F.
Untersuchungen im System V-Mo-C. Stabilisierung des kubischen Molybdaenkarbids
Planseeberichte fuer Pulvermetallurgie, 1962, 10, 42-64
1522828 CIFGa0.1 V0.9I m -3 m3.05; 3.05; 3.05
90; 90; 90
28.373Savitskii, E.M.; Baron, V.V.; Kripyakevich, P.I.; Efimov, Yu.V.
Phase diagram of the vanadium-gallium system
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1967, 3, 45-53
1522926 CIFMo0.33 Re0.33 V0.34I m -3 m3.085; 3.085; 3.085
90; 90; 90
29.361Smol'yaninova, E.A.; Stribuk, E.K.; Tyavlovskii, V.I.
Phase equilibrium diagrams of ternary rgenium system with vanadium, niobium and molybdenum
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Metally, 1987, 1987, 207-209
1522937 CIFFe0.7 Zn0.3I m -3 m2.94; 2.94; 2.94
90; 90; 90
25.412Speich, G.R.; Wriedt, H.A.; Zwell, L.
The lattice parameter and alpha-phase boundary of ferritic iron-zinc alloys
Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of Aime, 1964, 230, 939-940
1522956 CIFNi0.15 V0.85I m -3 m2.99; 2.99; 2.99
90; 90; 90
26.731Stevens, E.R.; Carlson, O.N.
V-Ni system
Metallurgical Transactions, 1970, 1, 1267-1271
1522957 CIFMo0.6 Re0.4I m -3 m3.124; 3.124; 3.124
90; 90; 90
30.488Stewart, G.R.; Giorgi, A.L.
A search for strong coupling superconductivity
Solid State Communications, 1978, 28, 969-972
1522959 CIFRe0.35 W0.65I m -3 m3.139; 3.139; 3.139
90; 90; 90
30.93Stewart, G.R.; Giorgi, A.L.
A search for strong coupling superconductivity
Solid State Communications, 1978, 28, 969-972
1522975 CIFFe0.2 Ti0.8I m -3 m3.18; 3.18; 3.18
90; 90; 90
32.157Sumiyama, K.; Ezawa, H.; Nakamura, Y.
Metastable Fe1-x Tix alloys produced by vapor quenching
Physica Status Solidi, Sectio A: Applied Research, 1986, 93, 81-86
1522976 CIFFe0.8 Ti0.2I m -3 m2.94; 2.94; 2.94
90; 90; 90
25.412Sumiyama, K.; Ezawa, H.; Nakamura, Y.
Metastable Fe1-x Tix alloys produced by vapor quenching
Physica Status Solidi, Sectio A: Applied Research, 1986, 93, 81-86
1522978 CIFMn VI m -3 m2.929; 2.929; 2.929
90; 90; 90
25.128Suzuki, Tomoo; Hagiwara, Masuo
CsCl-Type Order-Disorder Transition in δ-VMn Solid Solutions
Transactions of the Japan Institute of Metals, 1975, 16, 473-479
1522991 CIFOs0.1 W0.9I m -3 m3.1572; 3.1572; 3.1572
90; 90; 90
31.471Taylor, A.; Kagle, B.J.; Doyle, N.J.
The constitution diagram of the tungsten-osmium binary system
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1961, 3, 333-347
1522992 CIFHf0.6 Mo0.4I m -3 m3.37; 3.37; 3.37
90; 90; 90
38.273Taylor, A.; Doyle, N.J.; Kagle, B.J.
The constitution diagram of the Mo-Hf binary system
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1961, 3, 265-280
1523011 CIFHf0.23 Mo0.67 Si0.1I m -3 m3.199; 3.199; 3.199
90; 90; 90
32.737Trojko, R.; Blazina, Z.; Ban, Z.
The effect of silicon, aluminium and germanium on the C14 polymorph of Hf Mo2
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1983, 92, 67-74
1523018 CIFRu0.4 Ta0.6I m -3 m3.184; 3.184; 3.184
90; 90; 90
32.279Tsukamoto, T.; Koyama, K.; Oota, A.; Noguchi, S.
Superconductivity and transformation of near-equiatomic M-Ru (M= V, Nb, Ta) alloys
Cryogenics, 1988, 28, 580-584
1523036 CIFRe TaI m -3 m3.26; 3.26; 3.26
90; 90; 90
34.646Vavilova, V.V.; Galkin, L.N.; Zolotukhin, I.V.; Glazov, V.M.; Obvintsev, Yu.A.; Kovneristyi, Yu.K.; Barmin, Yu.V.
Stabilization by rapid quenching of the phase having delta-Mn structure in the rhenium-tantalum system
Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1988, 300, 1151-1156
1523065 CIFNb0.86 Os0.14I m -3 m3.251; 3.251; 3.251
90; 90; 90
34.36Waterstrat, R.M.; Manuszewski, R.C.
The niobium-osmium constitution diagram
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1977, 51, 55-67
1523070 CIFNb0.9 Pt0.1I m -3 m3.26; 3.26; 3.26
90; 90; 90
34.646Waterstrat, R.M.; Giessen, B.C.
The niobium (columbium)-platinum constitution diagram
Metallurgical Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 1985, 16, 1943-1949
1523086 CIFNb TaI m -3 m3.3; 3.3; 3.3
90; 90; 90
35.937Williams, D.E.; Pechin, W.H.; Sokolovskaya, E.M.
The tantalum-columbium alloy system
Transactions of the American Society for Metals, 1958, 50, 1081-1089
1523103 CIFAl2 Dy3 Ni6I m -3 m8.918; 8.918; 8.918
90; 90; 90
709.255Yartys', V.A.; Pavlenko, V.V.
Hydrides of rare-earth nickel aluminum R3 Ni6 Al2 (R= Y, Sm, Gd, Dy, Ho, Er) of the type Ca3 Ag8
Koordinatsionnaya Khimiya (= Coordination Chemistry (USSR)), 1992, 18, 424-427
1523104 CIFAl2 Gd3 Ni6I m -3 m8.974; 8.974; 8.974
90; 90; 90
722.7Yartys', V.A.; Pavlenko, V.V.
Hydrides of rare earth nickel aluminium R3 Ni6 Al2 (R= Y, Sm, Gd, Dy, Ho, Er) of the type Ca3 Ag8
Koordinatsionnaya Khimiya (= Coordination Chemistry (USSR)), 1992, 18, 424-427
1523105 CIFAl2 Ho3 Ni6I m -3 m8.888; 8.888; 8.888
90; 90; 90
702.121Yartys', V.A.; Pavlenko, V.V.
Hydrides of rare earth nickel aluminium R3 Ni6 Al2 (R= Y, Sm, Gd, Dy, Ho, Er) of the type Ca3 Ag8
Koordinatsionnaya Khimiya (= Coordination Chemistry (USSR)), 1992, 18, 424-427
1523106 CIFAl2 Ni6 Sm3I m -3 m9.006; 9.006; 9.006
90; 90; 90
730.459Yartys', V.A.; Pavlenko, V.V.
Hydrides of rare-earth nickel aluminum R3 Ni6 Al2 (R= Y, Sm, Gd, Dy, Ho, Er) of the type Ca3 Ag8
Koordinatsionnaya Khimiya (= Coordination Chemistry (USSR)), 1992, 18, 424-427
1523107 CIFAl2 Ni6 Y3I m -3 m8.915; 8.915; 8.915
90; 90; 90
708.539Yartys', V.A.; Pavlenko, V.V.
Hydrides of rare-earth nickel aluminum R3 Ni6 Al2 (R= Y, Sm, Gd, Dy, Ho, Er) of the type Ca3 Ag8
Koordinatsionnaya Khimiya (= Coordination Chemistry (USSR)), 1992, 18, 424-427
1523134 CIFRh0.07 Zr0.93I m -3 m3.549; 3.549; 3.549
90; 90; 90
44.701Zegler, S.T.
Superconductivity in zirconium-rhodium alloys
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 1965, 26, 1347-1349
1523148 CIFFe0.9 Pt0.1I m -3 m2.9143; 2.9143; 2.9143
90; 90; 90
24.752Zwell, L.; Speich, G.R.; Leslie, W.C.
Effects of Co, Cr, Ir, Pt, Re, Rh, and Ru on the lattice parameter and density of alpha iron
Metallurgical Transactions, 1973, 4, 1990-1992
1523149 CIFFe0.9 Ru0.1I m -3 m2.8934; 2.8934; 2.8934
90; 90; 90
24.223Zwell, L.; Speich, G.R.; Leslie, W.C.
Effects of Co, Cr, Ir, Pt, Re, Rh, and Ru on the lattice parameter and density of alpha iron
Metallurgical Transactions, 1973, 4, 1990-1992
1523153 CIFNb TcI m -3 m3.17; 3.17; 3.17
90; 90; 90
31.855van Ostenburg, D.O.; Lam, D.J.; Katsuki, A.; Shimizu, M.
NMR, magnetic susceptibility and electronic specific heat of Nb and Mo metals and Nb-Tc and Nb-Mo alloys
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 1963, 18, 1744-1754
1523154 CIFMo TaI m -3 m3.2345; 3.2345; 3.2345
90; 90; 90
33.839van Torne, L.I.; Thomas, G.
Structure and mechanical properties of Ta-Mo alloy single crystals
Acta Metallurgica, 1966, 14, 621-635
1523158 CIFGa0.25 V0.75I m -3 m3.0472; 3.0472; 3.0472
90; 90; 90
28.295van Vucht, J.H.N.; Bruning, H.A.C.M.; Gomes de Mesquita, A.H.; Donkersloot, H.C.
The system vanadium-gallium
Philips Research Reports, 1964, 19, 407-421
1523165 CIFFe0.9988 Zr0.0012I m -3 m2.8674; 2.8674; 2.8674
90; 90; 90
23.576Abrahamson, E.P.; Lopata, S.L.
The lattice parameters and solibility limits of alpha-iron as affected by some binary transition-element additions
Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of Aime, 1966, 236, 76-87
1523166 CIFFe0.97 Pd0.03I m -3 m2.8812; 2.8812; 2.8812
90; 90; 90
23.918Abrahamson, E.P.; Lopata, S.L.
The lattice parameters and solibility limits of alpha-iron as affected by some binary transition-element additions
Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of Aime, 1966, 236, 76-87
1523167 CIFFe0.915 Re0.085I m -3 m2.891; 2.891; 2.891
90; 90; 90
24.163Abrahamson, E.P.; Lopata, S.L.
The lattice parameters and solibility limits of alpha-iron as affected by some binary transition-element additions
Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of Aime, 1966, 236, 76-87
1523168 CIFFe0.94 Rh0.06I m -3 m2.8884; 2.8884; 2.8884
90; 90; 90
24.098Abrahamson, E.P.; Lopata, S.L.
The lattice parameters and solibility limits of alpha-iron as affected by some binary transition-element additions
Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of Aime, 1966, 236, 76-87
1523186 CIFHg0.15 Tl0.85I m -3 m3.794; 3.794; 3.794
90; 90; 90
54.612Amand, R.S.; Giessen, B.C.
On the metastable system mercury-thallium
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1978, 58, 161-172
1523190 CIFMo0.81 Ru0.19I m -3 m3.125; 3.125; 3.125
90; 90; 90
30.518Anderson, E.; Hume-Rothery, W.
The equilibrium diagram of the system Mo-Ru
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1960, 2, 443-450
1523193 CIFMo0.2 Pu0.1 U0.7I m -3 m3.4075; 3.4075; 3.4075
90; 90; 90
39.565Anselin, F.
Etude de la decomposition de la phase gamma dans le ternaire U-Pt-Mo
Plutonium 1960, Proc. Intern. Conf. Plutonium Met., Grenoble, France, 1961, 1960, 367-384
1523205 CIFNb TiI m -3 m3.286; 3.286; 3.286
90; 90; 90
35.482Baden, W.; Weiss, A.
Roentgenographische und kernmagnetische Untersuchungen am System Niob-Titan-Wasserstoff
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1983, 74, 89-93
1523207 CIFMo0.1 Nb0.45 U0.45I m -3 m3.352; 3.352; 3.352
90; 90; 90
37.663Bannister, G.H.; Murray, J.R.
Some observations on uranium-molybdenum-niobium alloys
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1960, 2, 372-382
1523208 CIFMo0.4 Nb0.4 Zr0.2I m -3 m3.27; 3.27; 3.27
90; 90; 90
34.966Bannister, G.H.; Murray, J.R.
Some observations on uranium-molybdenum-niobium alloys
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1960, 2, 372-382
1523262 CIFMo0.67 Ti0.33I m -3 m3.175; 3.175; 3.175
90; 90; 90
32.006Blazina, Z.; Trojko, R.; Ban, Z.
High temperature equilibria in the Zr1-x Hfx M2, Zr1-x Tix M2 and Hf1-x Tix M2 (M= Mo or W) systems
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1982, 83, 175-183
1523264 CIFMo0.666 Ti0.167 Zr0.167I m -3 m3.165; 3.165; 3.165
90; 90; 90
31.705Blazina, Z.; Trojko, R.; Ban, Z.
High temperature equilibria in the Zr1-x Hfx M2, Zr1-x Tix M2 and Hf1-x Tix M2 (M= Mo or W) systems
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1982, 83, 175-183
1523265 CIFMo0.667 Zr0.333I m -3 m3.185; 3.185; 3.185
90; 90; 90
32.309Blazina, Z.; Ban, Z.; Trojko, R.
High temperature equilibria in the Zr1-x Hfx M2, Zr1-x Tix M2 and Hf1-x Tix M2 (M= Mo or W) systems
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1982, 83, 175-183
1523267 CIFHf0.16675 Mo0.667 Ti0.16675I m -3 m3.198; 3.198; 3.198
90; 90; 90
32.707Blazina, Z.; Trojko, R.; Ban, Z.
The effect of silicon, aluminium and germanium on the C14 polymorph of Hf Mo2
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1982, 83, 175-183
1523269 CIFHf0.16675 Mo0.667 Zr0.16675I m -3 m3.205; 3.205; 3.205
90; 90; 90
32.922Blazina, Z.; Ban, Z.; Trojko, R.
The effect of silicon, aluminium and germanium on the C14 polymorph of Hf Mo2
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1982, 83, 175-183
1523271 CIFHf0.16675 Ti0.16675 W0.667I m -3 m3.176; 3.176; 3.176
90; 90; 90
32.036Blazina, Z.; Trojko, R.; Ban, Z.
High temperature equilibria in the Zr1-x Hfx M2, Zr1-x Tix M2 and Hf1-x Tix M2 (M= Mo or W) systems
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1982, 83, 175-183
1523272 CIFHf0.16675 Si0.16675 W0.667I m -3 m3.171; 3.171; 3.171
90; 90; 90
31.885Blazina, Z.; Ban, Z.
High temperature equilibria between bcc and Mg Cu2-type structures in the Zr1-x Mx W2 and Hf1-x Mx W2 (M= Al, Si) systems
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1983, 90, 223-231
1523273 CIFHf0.33 W0.67I m -3 m3.185; 3.185; 3.185
90; 90; 90
32.309Blazina, Z.; Ban, Z.
High temperature equilibria between bcc and Mg Cu2-type structures in the Zr1-x Mx W2 and Hf1-x Mx W2 (M= Al, Si) systems
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1983, 90, 223-231
1523274 CIFMo0.667 Si0.083 Zr0.25I m -3 m3.175; 3.175; 3.175
90; 90; 90
32.006Blazina, Z.; Ban, Z.; Trojko, R.
Metal-metalloid exchange in the Zr1-x Mx Mo2 (M= Ge, Si, Al) system
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1984, 97, 91-98
1523290 CIFPb0.64 Sb0.36I m -3 m3.892; 3.892; 3.892
90; 90; 90
58.955Borromee-Gautier, C.; Giessen, B.C.; Grant, N.J.
Metastable phases in the Pb-Sb and Pb-Bi systems
Journal of Chemical Physics, 1968, 48, 1905-1911
1523316 CIFRe0.2 W0.8I m -3 m3.15; 3.15; 3.15
90; 90; 90
31.256Budagovskii, S.S.; Bykov, V.N.; Gavrilyuk, M.I.; Podjacev, V.N.
Solid solutions in the system Re-W
Metallofizika (Akad. Nauk Ukraiskoi SSR, Inst. Metallofiziki), 1973, 44, 57-67
1523319 CIFMo0.33 Ta0.33 W0.34I m -3 m3.19; 3.19; 3.19
90; 90; 90
32.462Bueckle, H.
Aufbau und Mikrohaerte der Zwei- und Dreistoffsysteme der Metalle Nb, Ta, Mo und W
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1946, 37, 53-56
1523320 CIFMo WI m -3 m3.15; 3.15; 3.15
90; 90; 90
31.256Bueckle, H.
Aufbau und Mikrohaerte der Zwei- und Dreistoffsysteme der Metalle Nb, Ta, Mo und W
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1946, 37, 53-56
1523321 CIFNb0.33 Ta0.33 W0.34I m -3 m3.235; 3.235; 3.235
90; 90; 90
33.855Bueckle, H.
Aufbau und Mikrohaerte der Zwei- und Dreistoffsysteme der Metalle Niob, Tantal, Molybdaen und Wolfram
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1946, 37, 53-56
1523322 CIFNb WI m -3 m3.258; 3.258; 3.258
90; 90; 90
34.582Bueckle, H.
Aufbau und Mikrohaerte der Zwei- und Dreistoffsysteme der Metalle Niob, Tantal, Molybdaen und Wolfram
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1946, 37, 53-56
1523350 CIFFe0.75 Pd0.25I m -3 m2.962; 2.962; 2.962
90; 90; 90
25.987Buschow, K.H.J.; van Engen, P.G.; Jongebreur, R.
Magneto-optical properties of metallic ferromagnetic materials
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 1983, 38, 1-22
1523376 CIFMo0.984 Ni0.016I m -3 m3.1441; 3.1441; 3.1441
90; 90; 90
31.081Casselton, R.E.W.; Hume-Rothery, W.
The equilibrium diagram of the system Mo-Ni
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1964, 7, 212-221
1523400 CIFFe0.75 V0.25I m -3 m2.892; 2.892; 2.892
90; 90; 90
24.188Chessin, H.; Arajs, S.; Miller, D.S.
Lattice spacings in some transition metal therminal solid solutions
Advances in X-Ray Analysis, 1963, 6, 121-135
1523410 CIFMn1.05 Ni0.95I m -3 m2.974; 2.974; 2.974
90; 90; 90
26.304Coles, R.B.; Hume-Rothery, W.
The equilibrium diagram of the system nickel-manganese
Journal of the Institute of Metals, 1952, 80, 85-92
1523465 CIFNb WI m -3 m3.22; 3.22; 3.22
90; 90; 90
33.386Dokukina, N.V.; Shamrai, F.I.; Gladyshevskii, E.I.
The Nb-Si-W system
Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii, 1964, 9, 1031-1033
1523496 CIFHf NbI m -3 m3.4; 3.4; 3.4
90; 90; 90
39.304Dwight, A.E.
Alloying behavior of columbium
Metallurgical Society Conferences, Proceedings, 1961, 10, 383-405
1523526 CIFP0.1 Pd0.7 Zn0.2I m -3 m3.053; 3.053; 3.053
90; 90; 90
28.456El-Boragy, M.; Ellner, M.; Schubert, K.
On some metastable homeotypes of Cu Zn with Pd as majority component
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1989, 80, 197-200
1523529 CIFGa0.25 Mn0.25 Pd0.5I m -3 m3.094; 3.094; 3.094
90; 90; 90
29.618El-Boragy, M.; Ellner, M.; Schubert, K.
On some metastable homeotypes of Cu Zn with Pd as majority component
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1989, 80, 197-200
1523552 CIFGe0.16 Pd0.84I m -3 m3.082; 3.082; 3.082
90; 90; 90
29.275Ellner, M.; Predel, B.
Durch extrem rasche Abkuehlung von Schmelzen erzielbare Phasen inden Systemen Ni-Ge, Pd-Ge und Pt-Ge
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1980, 76, 181-197
1523558 CIFAl0.55 Mn0.45I m -3 m3.063; 3.063; 3.063
90; 90; 90
28.737Ellner, M.
The structure of the high-temperature phase Mn Al (h) and the displacive transformation from Mn Al (h) into Mn5 Al8
Metallurgical Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 1990, 21, 1669-1672
1523582 CIFNb0.33 Ta0.33 V0.34I m -3 m3.23; 3.23; 3.23
90; 90; 90
33.698Eremenko, V.N.; Tret'yachenko, L.A.; Komarova, S.A.
Investigation of the Ta-Y-Nb system
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Metally, 1968, 1968, 113-115
1523621 CIFGa0.15 V0.85I m -3 m3.038; 3.038; 3.038
90; 90; 90
28.039Fischer, J.J.; Probst, H.B.
The vanadium-gallium system in the region of V3 Ga
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1965, 9, 416-422
1523629 CIFMo0.86 Pt0.14I m -3 m3.1428; 3.1428; 3.1428
90; 90; 90
31.042Flueckiger, R.; Yvon, K.; Susz, C.; Roggen, R.; Muller, J.; Paoli, A.
Les domains d'homogeneite des phases supraconductrices dans le systeme molybdene-platine
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1973, 32, 207-225
1523657 CIFRe0.253 W0.747I m -3 m3.143; 3.143; 3.143
90; 90; 90
31.048Garfinkle, M.
Effect of rhenium alloying on lattice dilation of the group VI-A refractory metals
Metallurgical Transactions, 1970, 1, 1062-1063
1523659 CIFMo0.46 Ta0.54I m -3 m3.2215; 3.2215; 3.2215
90; 90; 90
33.433Geach, G.A.; Summers-Smith, D.
The alloys of molybdenum and tantalum
Journal of the Institute of Metals, 1952, 80, 143-146
1523684 CIFIr0.18 V0.82I m -3 m3.01; 3.01; 3.01
90; 90; 90
27.271Giessen, B.C.; Dangel, P.N.; Grant, N.J.
New phases in the vanadium-iridium system and a tentative constitution diagram
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1967, 13, 62-70
1523691 CIFIr0.072 Nb0.928I m -3 m3.273; 3.273; 3.273
90; 90; 90
35.062Giessen, B.C.; Koch, R.; Grant, N.J.
The niobium (columbium)-iridium constitution diagram
Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of Aime, 1964, 230, 1268-1273
1523704 CIFNb0.69 Tc0.31I m -3 m3.23; 3.23; 3.23
90; 90; 90
33.698Giorgi, A.L.; Szklarz, E.G.
Superconductivity in the niobium-technetium system
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1970, 20, 173-175
1523709 CIFFe0.65 Si0.25 V0.1I m -3 m2.82; 2.82; 2.82
90; 90; 90
22.426Gladyshevskii, E.I.; Shvets, G.N.
Phase equlibrium diagram of ternary V-Fe-Si alloys and crystal structure of the compounds
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Metally, 1965, 1965, 120-127
1523716 CIFNb0.33 U0.33 Zr0.34I m -3 m3.452; 3.452; 3.452
90; 90; 90
41.135Gomozov, L.I.; Ivanov, O.S.
The behavior of the U-Zr-Nb system during quenching and tempering
Stroenie Splavov Nekotorykh Sistem s Uranom i Toriem, 1963, 1963, 175-184
1523764 CIFFe0.984 W0.016I m -3 m2.8651; 2.8651; 2.8651
90; 90; 90
23.519Gulyaev, A.P.; Trusova, E.F.
Some physical properties of some solid solutions of Al, Fe and Cu
Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 1950, 20, 66-78
1523773 CIFMo TiI m -3 m3.17; 3.17; 3.17
90; 90; 90
31.855Hansen, M.; Kamen, E.L.; McPherson, D.J.; Kessler, H.D.
Systems Ti-Mo and Ti-Ta
Transactions of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, 1951, 191, 881-888
1523803 CIFMo0.95 Pd0.05I m -3 m3.145; 3.145; 3.145
90; 90; 90
31.107Haworth, C.W.; Hume-Rothery, W.
The constitution of Mo-Rh and Mo-Pd alloys
Journal of the Institute of Metals, 1959, 87, 265-269
1523804 CIFMo0.85 Rh0.15I m -3 m3.132; 3.132; 3.132
90; 90; 90
30.723Haworth, C.W.; Hume-Rothery, W.
The constitution of molybdenum-rhodium and molybdenum- palladium alloys
Journal of the Institute of Metals, 1959, 87, 265-269
1523817 CIFLi0.3 Mg0.7I m -3 m3.517; 3.517; 3.517
90; 90; 90
43.503Herbstein, F.H.; Averbach, B.L.
The structure of lithium-magnesium solid solutions
Acta Metallurgica, 1956, 4, 407-413
1523819 CIFLa0.8 Mg0.2I m -3 m4.127; 4.127; 4.127
90; 90; 90
70.292Herchenroeder, J.W.; Manfrinetti, P.; Gschneidner, K.A.jr.
Physical metallurgy of metastable bcc lanthanide-magnesium alloys for R= La, Gd and Dy
Metallurgical Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 1989, 20, 1575-1583
1523830 CIFGa PuI m -3 m3.53; 3.53; 3.53
90; 90; 90
43.987Hocheid, B.; Depres, J.; Tanon, A.
Observations sur la structure des composes intermetallique des systemes binaires Pu-Ga et Pu-In
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 1965, 15, 241-244
1523847 CIFU ZrI m -3 m3.546; 3.546; 3.546
90; 90; 90
44.588Huber, J.G.; Ansari, P.H.
The superconductivity of bcc U-Zr alloys
Physica B and C (Netherland) (79,1975-), 1985, 135, 441-444
1523936 CIFGa0.15 Nb0.85I m -3 m3.291; 3.291; 3.291
90; 90; 90
35.644Jorda, J.L.; Fluekiger, R.; Muller, J.
On the formation and stability of the A15 phase in the niobium-gallium system
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1977, 55, 249-264
1523939 CIFRe VI m -3 m3.041; 3.041; 3.041
90; 90; 90
28.122Jorda, J.L.; Muller, J.
The vanadium-rhenium system: phase diagram and superconductivity
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1986, 119, 337-345
1523951 CIFCu0.003 Fe0.997I m -3 m2.8678; 2.8678; 2.8678
90; 90; 90
23.586Abrahamson, E.P.; Lopata, S.L.
The lattice parameters and solubility limits of alpha-iron as affected by some binary transition-element additions
Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of Aime, 1966, 236, 76-87
1523952 CIFFe0.95 Mn0.05I m -3 m2.8708; 2.8708; 2.8708
90; 90; 90
23.66Abrahamson, E.P.; Lopata, S.L.
The lattice parameters and solibility limits of alpha-iron as affected by some binary transition-element additions
Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of Aime, 1966, 236, 76-87
1523969 CIFNd2 O3I m -3 m4.41; 4.41; 4.41
90; 90; 90
85.766Aldebert, P.; Traverse, J.P.
Etude par dffraction neutronique des structures de haute temperature de La2 O3 et Nd2 O3
Materials Research Bulletin, 1979, 14, 303-323
1523982 CIFCr0.053 Fe0.947I m -3 m2.869; 2.869; 2.869
90; 90; 90
23.615Andersen, A.G.H.; Jette, E.R.
The lattice spacings of solid solutions of Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, and in alpha-iron
Philosophical Magazine, Serie 7(1926-46,1955), 1955, 46, 1295-1309
1523983 CIFCr0.2 Fe0.8I m -3 m2.8664; 2.8664; 2.8664
90; 90; 90
23.551Andersen, A.G.H.; Jette, E.R.
X-ray investigation of the Fe-Cr-Si phase diagram
Transactions of the American Society for Metals, 1936, 24, 375-419
1524007 CIFCr FeI m -3 m2.9; 2.9; 2.9
90; 90; 90
24.389Badjuk, T.I.; Kushma, G.P.; Rybajlo, O.I.
Temperature- and concentration depencence of the unit cell dimensions of Fe-Cr solid solutions
Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii, Chernaya Metallurgiya, 1974, 17, 126-128
1524008 CIFCr0.5 Mo0.5I m -3 m3.003; 3.003; 3.003
90; 90; 90
27.081Baen, S.R.; Duwez, P.
Constitution of iron-chromium-molybdenum alloys at 1200 F
Transactions of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, 1951, 191, 331-335
1524086 CIFCs KI m -3 m5.66; 5.66; 5.66
90; 90; 90
181.321Boehn, P.; Klemm, W.
Zur Kenntnis des Verhaltens der Alkalimetalle zueinander
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1939, 243, 69-85
1524159 CIFFe0.67 Ga0.33I m -3 m2.917; 2.917; 2.917
90; 90; 90
24.82Buschow, K.H.J.; van Engen, P.G.; Jongebreur, R.
Magneto-optical properties of metallic ferromagnetic materials
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 1983, 38, 1-22
1524160 CIFFe0.8 Ga0.2I m -3 m2.907; 2.907; 2.907
90; 90; 90
24.566Buschow, K.H.J.; van Engen, P.G.; Jongebreur, R.
Magneto-optical properties of metallic ferromagnetic materials
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 1983, 38, 1-22
1524162 CIFFe0.85 Ge0.15I m -3 m2.9; 2.9; 2.9
90; 90; 90
24.389Buschow, K.H.J.; van Engen, P.G.; Jongebreur, R.
Magneto-optical properties of metallic ferromagnetic materials
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 1983, 38, 1-22
1524167 CIFCo0.75 Fe0.25I m -3 m2.842; 2.842; 2.842
90; 90; 90
22.955Buschow, K.H.J.; van Engen, P.G.; Jongebreur, R.
Magneto-optical properties of metallic ferromagnetic materials
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 1983, 38, 1-22
1524199 CIFFe0.7 Ni0.3I m -3 m2.865; 2.865; 2.865
90; 90; 90
23.517Chaudhuri, D.K.; Ravindran, P.A.; Wert, J.J.
Comparative X-ray diffraction and electron microscopic study of the transformation-inducedf substructures in the iron.nickel martensites and their influence on the martensite properties
Journal of Applied Physics, 1972, 43, 778-788
1524240 CIFCr TiI m -3 m3.12; 3.12; 3.12
90; 90; 90
30.371Cuff, F.B.; Grant, N.J.; Floe, C.F.
Titanium-chromium phase diagram
Transactions of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, 1952, 194, 848-853
1524269 CIFCr0.7 Fe0.3I m -3 m2.872; 2.872; 2.872
90; 90; 90
23.689Dorofeev, Yu.A.; Men'shikov, A.Z.; Taksey, G.A.
Magnetic phase diagram of Fex Cr1-x alloys
Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie, 1983, 55, 102-109
1524276 CIFCr0.7 Mo0.3I m -3 m2.936; 2.936; 2.936
90; 90; 90
25.309Dutchak, Ya.I.; Chekh, V.G.
High-temperature X-ray diffraction study of Cr - V and Cr - Mo solid solutions
Metallofizkika, 1982, 4, 100-103
1524277 CIFCr0.2 Ti0.8I m -3 m3.21; 3.21; 3.21
90; 90; 90
33.076Duwez, P.; Taylor, J.L.
A partial titanium-chromium phase diagram and the crystal structure of Ti2 Cr
Transactions of the American Society for Metals, 1952, 44, 495-513
1524319 CIFCo FeI m -3 m2.8486; 2.8486; 2.8486
90; 90; 90
23.115Ellis, W.C.; Greiner, E.S.
Equilibrium relations in the solid state of the iron- cobalt system
Transactions of the American Society for Metals, 1941, 29, 415-432
1524416 CIFFe0.25 Ga0.25 V0.5I m -3 m2.974; 2.974; 2.974
90; 90; 90
26.304Girgis, K.
Cr3 Si-type alloys in the ternary systems. I. V-Fe-Ga
Naturwissenschaften, 1974, 61, 682-683
1524428 CIFCr0.1 Fe0.63 Si0.27I m -3 m2.842; 2.842; 2.842
90; 90; 90
22.955Gladyshevskii, E.I.; Borusevich, L.K.
The ternary Cr-Fe-Si system
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Metally, 1966, 1966, 159-164
1524432 CIFCr0.2 Mo0.4 Nb0.4I m -3 m3.181; 3.181; 3.181
90; 90; 90
32.188Goldschmidt, H.J.; Brand, J.A.
The constitution of the Cr - Nb - Mo system
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1961, 3, 44-61
1524444 CIFCr WI m -3 m3.024; 3.024; 3.024
90; 90; 90
27.653Greenaway, H.T.
The constitutional diagram of the chromium-tungsten system
Journal of the Institute of Metals, 1952, 80, 589-592
1524457 CIFCr0.4 Mo0.32 W0.28I m -3 m3.053; 3.053; 3.053
90; 90; 90
28.456Grum-Grzhimailo, N.V.; Prokof'ev, D.L.
An X-rax diffraction study of high-temperature solid solutions in the Cr - Mo - W system
Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii, 1961, 6, 1155-1164
1524500 CIFCo0.8 Ni0.2 ZrI m -3 m3.1975; 3.1975; 3.1975
90; 90; 90
32.691Harris, I. R.; Hossain, D.; Barraclough, K. G.
The constitution of the binary equiatomic alloys of Zr with Fe, Co and Ni
Scripta Metallurgica, 1970, 4, 305-308
1524501 CIFCo ZrI m -3 m3.1963; 3.1963; 3.1963
90; 90; 90
32.654Harris, I. R.; Hossain, D.; Barraclough, K. G.
The constitution of the binary equiatomic alloys of Zr with Fe, Co and Ni
Scripta Metallurgica, 1970, 4, 305-308
1524544 CIFDy0.75 Mg0.25I m -3 m3.895; 3.895; 3.895
90; 90; 90
59.091Herchenroeder, J.W.; Manfrinetti, P.; Gschneidner, K.A.jr.
Physical metallurgy of metastable bcc lanthanide-magnesium alloys for R= La, Gd and Dy
Metallurgical Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 1989, 20, 1575-1583
1524622 CIFEu YbI m -3 m4.469; 4.469; 4.469
90; 90; 90
89.255Kadomatsu, H.; Nishida, T.; Tsutaoka, T.; Fujiwara, H.
Electrical and magnetic properties of Eux Yb1-x alloys
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 1987, 56, 2902-2907
1524666 CIFCd0.025 Li0.975I m -3 m3.4921; 3.4921; 3.4921
90; 90; 90
42.585Kellington, S.H.; Loveridge, D.; Titman, J.M.
The lattice parameters of some alloys of lithium
Journal of Physics D, Applied Physics, 1969, 2, 1162-1163
1524713 CIFCu0.85 Sn0.15I m -3 m3.0261; 3.0261; 3.0261
90; 90; 90
27.711Knoedler, H.
Ueber Kristallstruktur und strukturellen Zusammenhang der Phasen gamma und epsilon im System Cu-Sn
Metall (Berlin), 1966, 20, 823-829
1524742 CIFCr0.25 Fe0.5 V0.25I m -3 m2.902; 2.902; 2.902
90; 90; 90
24.439Kornilov, I.I.
Phase transformations in the Fe-Cr-V system
Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii, 1957, 2, 355-366
1524834 CIFCe0.0045 Fe0.9955I m -3 m2.8654; 2.8654; 2.8654
90; 90; 90
23.526Lyubchenko, A.P.; Sevenko, G.P.
Structure and phase composition of hypereutictic cerium cast iron
Metallovedenie i Termicheskaya Obrabotka Metallov, 1980, 1980, 57-59
1524931 CIFEr0.75 Mg0.25I m -3 m3.848; 3.848; 3.848
90; 90; 90
56.978Miller, A.E.; Daane, A.H.
The high-temperature allotropy of some heavy rare earth metals
Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of Aime, 1964, 230, 568-572
1524987 CIFCr0.75 Ru0.25I m -3 m2.937; 2.937; 2.937
90; 90; 90
25.334Nishihara, Y.; Yamaguchi, Y.; Fukamichi, K.; Tokumoto, M.; Takeda, K.
Superconductivity and magnetism of bcc Cr - Tu alloys
Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-), 1986, 34, 3446-3449
1525001 CIFCd0.6 Pd0.4I m -3 m3.254; 3.254; 3.254
90; 90; 90
34.455Nowotny, H.; Stempfl, A.; Bittner, H.
Zur Kenntnis des Systems Palladium-Kadmium
Monatshefte fuer Chemie (-108,1977), 1951, 82, 949-958
1525084 CIFCr0.875 Ti0.125I m -3 m2.932; 2.932; 2.932
90; 90; 90
25.205Pet'kov, V.V.; Skvorchuk, V.P.; Golub, S.Ya.
Investigation of the chromium corner of the Cr - Ti - La and Cr - Ti - Pr phase diagrams
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Metally, 1976, 1976, 227-232
1525119 CIFCo0.08 Mo0.92I m -3 m3.1363; 3.1363; 3.1363
90; 90; 90
30.85Quinn, T.J.; Hume-Rothery, W.
The equilibrium diagram of the system molybdenum- cobalt
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1963, 5, 314-324
1525143 CIFHf2 Mo0I m -3 m3.325; 3.325; 3.325
90; 90; 90
36.76Rapp, O.
Superconductivity and lattice parameters in the zirconium-molybdenum, zirconium-tungsten, hafnium-molybdenum and hafnium-tungsten alloy systems
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1970, 21, 27-44
1525154 CIFCr0.95 Ge0.05I m -3 m2.8945; 2.8945; 2.8945
90; 90; 90
24.25Rawal, B.; Gupta, K.P.
Phase equilibria in the chromium-germanium system at the high chromium end
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1972, 27, 65-72
1525218 CIFCo0.75 Si0.125 Sn0.125I m -3 m2.8677; 2.8677; 2.8677
90; 90; 90
23.583Schluckebier, G.; Wachtel, E.; Predel, B.
Ueber eine neue intermetallische Phase im System Kobalt-Zinn
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1980, 71, 456-460
1525219 CIFCo1.5 Sn0.5I m -3 m2.9228; 2.9228; 2.9228
90; 90; 90
24.969Schluckebier, G.; Wachtel, E.; Predel, B.
Ueber eine neue intermetallische Phase im System Kobalt-Zinn
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1980, 71, 456-460
1525234 CIFCu0.255 Zn0.745I m -3 m3.001; 3.001; 3.001
90; 90; 90
27.027Schubert, K.; Wall, E.
Zur Kristallstruktur der delta-Hochtemperaturphase des Systems Kupfer-Zinc
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1949, 40, 383-385
1525294 CIFCo0.75 In0.05 Sn0.2I m -3 m2.933; 2.933; 2.933
90; 90; 90
25.231Singh, M.; Singh, N.P.
Effect of alloying additions on the structure of Co55 Sn25-x Mx (M= As, In, and Sb) alloys
Physica Status Solidi, Sectio A: Applied Research, 1987, 100, K111-K116
1525300 CIFCr0.333 Mo0.333 V0.334I m -3 m3.021; 3.021; 3.021
90; 90; 90
27.571Sirota, N.N.; Shimanskii, B.P.
Crystal structure and physical property of the Cr-Mo-V system
Doklady Akademii Nauk Belorusskoj SSR, 1976, 20, 1068-1071
1525355 CIFFe0.8 Mn0.2I m -3 m2.9; 2.9; 2.9
90; 90; 90
24.389Sumiyama, K.; Nakamura, Y.; Ohshima, N.
Magnetic properties of metastable alpha-Mn-type Mn1-x Fex alloys produced by vapor quenching
Physica Status Solidi, Sectio A: Applied Research, 1986, 98, 229-238
1525359 CIFCr0.75 Os0.25I m -3 m2.928; 2.928; 2.928
90; 90; 90
25.102Svechnikov, V.N.; Dimitrieva, G.P.; Kobzenko, G.F.; Shurin, A.K.
The binary system chromium-osmium
Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1964, 158, 668-670
1525376 CIFCr0.8 Ni0.2I m -3 m2.873; 2.873; 2.873
90; 90; 90
23.714Taylor, A.; Floyd, R.W.
The constitution of nickel-rich alloys of the Ni-Cr-Ti system
Journal of the Institute of Metals, 1952, 80, 577-587
1525412 CIFFe0.9 Ge0.05 Si0.05I m -3 m2.872; 2.872; 2.872
90; 90; 90
23.689Turbil, J.P.; Michel, A.
Etude cristallographique et magnetique de la solution solide ternaire alpha Fe-(Ge+Si)
Annales de Chimie (Paris), 1973, 1973, 377-380
1525524 CIFFe0.9 Ir0.1I m -3 m2.9023; 2.9023; 2.9023
90; 90; 90
24.447Zwell, L.; Leslie, W.C.; Speich, G.R.
Effects of Co, Cr, Ir, Pt, Re, Rh, and Ru on the lattice parameter and density of alpha-iron
Metallurgical Transactions, 1973, 4, 1990-1992
1525807 CIFBa Cu1.023 O2.045I m -3 m18.3742; 18.3742; 18.3742
90; 90; 90
6203.34Lisboa-Filho, P. N.; Zanetti, S. M.; Mombrú, A. W.; Nascente, P. A. P.; Leite, E. R.; Ortiz, W. A.; Araújo-Moreira, F. M.
Crystallographic, microstructural and magnetic properties of polycrystalline PrBa~2~Cu~3~O~7-δ~
Superconductor Science and Technology, 2001, 14, 522-527
1525985 CIFBa Cu O2I m -3 m18.261; 18.261; 18.261
90; 90; 90
6089.39Eremin, N.N.; Leonyuk, L.I.; Urusov, V.S.
Interatomic potentials for structure simulation of alkaline-earth cuprates
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2001, 158, 162-168
1526634 CIFCa2 K8 O24 U6I m -3 m8.575; 8.575; 8.575
90; 90; 90
630.525Singh Mudher, K.D.; Keskar, M.
Preparation and structure of K8 Ca2 U6 O24, K8 Sr2 U6 O24 and K8 Ba2 U6 O24
Materials Research Bulletin, 2000, 35, 33-38
1526636 CIFK8 O24 Sr2 U6I m -3 m8.659; 8.659; 8.659
90; 90; 90
649.237Singh Mudher, K.D.; Keskar, M.
Preparation and structure of K8 Ca2 U6 O24, K8 Sr2 U6 O24 and K8 Ba2 U6 O24
Materials Research Bulletin, 2000, 35, 33-38
1526638 CIFBa2 K8 O24 U6I m -3 m8.723; 8.723; 8.723
90; 90; 90
663.739Singh Mudher, K.D.; Keskar, M.
Preparation and structure of K8 Ca2 U6 O24, K8 Sr2 U6 O24 and K8 Ba2 U6 O24
Materials Research Bulletin, 2000, 35, 33-38
1526650 CIFBaI m -3 m4.758; 4.758; 4.758
90; 90; 90
107.714Kitano, A.; Shintani, A.; Moriguchi, K.; Sakata, M.; Yonemura, M.; Munetoh, S.; Takata, M.; Nishibori, E.; Yamanaka, S.; Fukuoka, H.
Structural properties and thermodynamic stability of Ba-doped silicon type-I clathrates synthesized under high pressure
Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-), 2001, 64, 0452061-0452069
1526971 CIFMg4 P6 Rh7I m -3 m7.841; 7.841; 7.841
90; 90; 90
482.075Wurth, A.; Loehken, A.; Mewis, A.
Neue ternaere Rhodium- und Iridium-Phosphide und -Arsenide mit (U4 Re7 Si6) - Struktur
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2001, 627, 1213-1216
1526972 CIFAs6 Mg4 Rh7I m -3 m8.066; 8.066; 8.066
90; 90; 90
524.777Wurth, A.; Loehken, A.; Mewis, A.
Neue ternaere Rhodium- und Iridium-Phosphide und -Arsenide mit (U4 Re7 Si6) - Struktur
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2001, 627, 1213-1216
1526973 CIFAs6 Rh7 Yb4I m -3 m8.254; 8.254; 8.254
90; 90; 90
562.333Wurth, A.; Mewis, A.; Loehken, A.
Neue ternaere Rhodium- und Iridium-Phosphide und -Arsenide mit (U4 Re7 Si6) - Struktur
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2001, 627, 1213-1216
1526974 CIFAs6 Ir7 Mg4I m -3 m8.082; 8.082; 8.082
90; 90; 90
527.906Wurth, A.; Loehken, A.; Mewis, A.
Neue ternaere Rhodium- und Iridium-Phosphide und -Arsenide mit (U4 Re7 Si6) - Struktur
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2001, 627, 1213-1216
1527095 CIFTc WI m -3 m3.117; 3.117; 3.117
90; 90; 90
30.284Autler, S.H.; Hulm, J.K.; Kemper, R.S.
Superconducting technetium-tungsten alloys
Physical Review, Section A (133,1964-188,1969), 1965, 140, 1177-1180
1527155 CIFTi0.17 W0.66 Zr0.17I m -3 m3.166; 3.166; 3.166
90; 90; 90
31.735Blazina, Z.; Trojko, R.; Ban, Z.
High temperature equilibria in the Zr1-x Hfx M2, Zr1-x Tix M2 and Hf1-x Tix M2 (M= Mo or W) systems
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1982, 83, 175-183
1527156 CIFW0.67 Zr0.33I m -3 m3.172; 3.172; 3.172
90; 90; 90
31.915Blazina, Z.; Ban, Z.
High temperature equilibria between bcc and Mg Cu2-type structures in the Zr1-x Mx W2 and Hf1-x Mx W2 (M= Al, Si) systems
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1983, 90, 223-231
1527157 CIFSi0.165 W0.67 Zr0.165I m -3 m3.165; 3.165; 3.165
90; 90; 90
31.705Blazina, Z.; Ban, Z.
High temperature equilibira between b.c.c and Mg Cu2-type structures in the Zr1-x Mx W2 and Hf1-x Mx W2 (M= Al, Si) systems
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1983, 90, 223-231
1527221 CIFW0.965 Zr0.035I m -3 m3.171; 3.171; 3.171
90; 90; 90
31.885Chang, Y.A.
Phase investigation in the system zirconium-tungsten
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1969, 17, 325-328
1527278 CIFSi0.2 Tc0.8I m -3 m3.009; 3.009; 3.009
90; 90; 90
27.244Darby, J.B.jr.; Downey, J.W.; Norton, L.J.
Intermediate phases in the technetium-aluminium and technetium-silicon systems
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1965, 8, 15-19
1527316 CIFTi ZrI m -3 m3.44; 3.44; 3.44
90; 90; 90
40.708Duwez, P.
Allotropic transformation in titanium-zirconium alloys
Journal of the Institute of Metals, 1952, 80, 525-527
1527322 CIFTh YI m -3 m4.1; 4.1; 4.1
90; 90; 90
68.921Eash, D.T.; Carlson, O.N.
Investigation of the thorium-yttrium system
Transactions of the American Society for Metals, 1960, 52, 1097-1113
1527351 CIFTa VI m -3 m3.2; 3.2; 3.2
90; 90; 90
32.768Eremenko, V.N.; Tret'yachenko, L.A.; Yakhimovich, R.I.
Fusion diagram of the tantalum-vanadium system
Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii, 1960, 5, 1110-1112
1527471 CIFTi VI m -3 m3.159; 3.159; 3.159
90; 90; 90
31.525Hagi, Tatsuya; Sato, Yoshitsugu; Yasuda, Masabumi; Tanaka, Kazuhide
Structure and phase diagram of the Ti-V-H system at room temperature
Transactions of the Japan Institute of Metals, 1987, 28, 198-204
1527656 CIFTi UI m -3 m3.38; 3.38; 3.38
90; 90; 90
38.614Knapton, A.G.
The system uranium-titanium
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1527661 CIFTc0.3 V0.7I m -3 m3.015; 3.015; 3.015
90; 90; 90
27.407Koch, C.C.; Love, G.R.
An investigation of the V-Tc alloy system
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1968, 15, 43-58
1527701 CIFTi0.05 V0.95I m -3 m3.033; 3.033; 3.033
90; 90; 90
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Low temperature specific heat and superconductivity measurements of V1-x Tx; T= Ti, Zr, Hf and x=0.013 and 0.05
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1527702 CIFV0.95 Zr0.05I m -3 m3.033; 3.033; 3.033
90; 90; 90
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Low temperature specific heat and superconductivity measurements of V1-x Tx; T= Ti, Zr, Hf and x=0.013 und 0.05
Physics Letters A, 1985, 113, 89-92
1527758 CIFSn0.1 V0.9I m -3 m3.08; 3.08; 3.08
90; 90; 90
29.218Marchukova, L.V.; Matveeva, N.M.; Kornilov, I.I.
The V-Sn phase diagram
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Metally, 1973, 1973, 157-159
1527973 CIFRu0.15 W0.85I m -3 m3.157; 3.157; 3.157
90; 90; 90
31.465Rapperport, E.J.; Smith, M.F.
The constitution diagram tungsten-ruthenium
Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of Aime, 1964, 230, 6-11
1527974 CIFCr0.15 Ta0.85I m -3 m3.291; 3.291; 3.291
90; 90; 90
35.644Rassaerts, H.; Benesovsky, F.; Nowotny, H.
Untersuchungen in den Systemen Niob- und Tantal-Chrom- Kohlenstoff
Planseeberichte fuer Pulvermetallurgie, 1965, 13, 199-206
1527976 CIFRu0.8 V0.2I m -3 m3.002; 3.002; 3.002
90; 90; 90
27.054Raub, E.; Fritzsche, W.
Die Ruthenium-Vanadium Legierungen
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1963, 54, 21-23
1527978 CIFRu0.2 Ti0.8I m -3 m3.186; 3.186; 3.186
90; 90; 90
32.34Raub, E.; Roeschel, E.
Die Legierungen des Rutheniums mit Titan und Zirkonium
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1963, 54, 455-462
1528005 CIFV WI m -3 m3.1; 3.1; 3.1
90; 90; 90
29.791Rudy, E.; Benesovsky, F.
Untersuchungen im System V-W-C
Monatshefte fuer Chemie (-108,1977), 1962, 93, 693-707
1528006 CIFTi WI m -3 m3.186; 3.186; 3.186
90; 90; 90
32.34Rudy, E.; Windisch, S.
Revison of the titanium-tungsten system
Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of Aime, 1968, 242, 953-954
1528034 CIFTa WI m -3 m3.222; 3.222; 3.222
90; 90; 90
33.448Schramm, C.H.; Gordon, P.; Kaufmann, A.R.
The alloy systems U-W, U-Ta and W-Ta
Transactions of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, 1950, 188, 195-204
1528103 CIFTa TiI m -3 m3.286; 3.286; 3.286
90; 90; 90
35.482Summers-Smith, D.
The constitution of tantalum-titanium alloys
Journal of the Institute of Metals, 1953, 81, 73-76
1528137 CIFTa WI m -3 m3.23; 3.23; 3.23
90; 90; 90
33.698Tolmacheva, Z.I.; Kornilova, V.I.
Phase field boundaries in the W-Ta-Ti system at 1600 degree C
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Metally, 1972, 1972, 211-214
1528183 CIFRu0.2 V0.8I m -3 m2.998; 2.998; 2.998
90; 90; 90
26.946Waterstrat, R.M.; Manuszewski, R.C.
The vanadium-ruthenium constitution diagram
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1976, 48, 151-158
1528210 CIFTa0.17 Zr0.83I m -3 m3.536; 3.536; 3.536
90; 90; 90
44.212Williams, D.E.; Jacksen, R.J.; Larson, W.L.
The tantalum-zirconium alloy system
Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of Aime, 1962, 224, 751-756
1528757 CIFBa4 Ca0.92 Cu3 O8.68I m -3 m8.1452; 8.1452; 8.1452
90; 90; 90
540.387Nguyen, X.H.; Soubeyroux, J.L.; Galez, P.; Bertrand, C.; Pisch, A.; Beauquis, S.; Bouree-Vigneron, F.
High resolution and in situ neutron powder diffraction study of the crystal structure and the stability of Ba4 Ca Cu3 O(8+delta)
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1529442 CIFC305 Al334 N38 Na296 O3692 Si1106I m -3 m45.0711; 45.0711; 45.0711
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91557.6Guo, Peng; Shin, Jiho; Greenaway, Alex G.; Min, Jung Gi; Su, Jie; Choi, Hyun June; Liu, Leifeng; Cox, Paul A.; Hong, Suk Bong; Wright, Paul A.; Zou, Xiaodong
A zeolite family with expanding structural complexity and embedded isoreticular structures
Nature, 2015, 524, 74-78
1529443 CIFAl325 Na285 O3726 Si1115I m -3 m44.9242; 44.9242; 44.9242
90; 90; 90
90665Guo, Peng; Shin, Jiho; Greenaway, Alex G.; Min, Jung Gi; Su, Jie; Choi, Hyun June; Liu, Leifeng; Cox, Paul A.; Hong, Suk Bong; Wright, Paul A.; Zou, Xiaodong
A zeolite family with expanding structural complexity and embedded isoreticular structures
Nature, 2015, 524, 74-78
1529444 CIFC448 Al638 N56 Na162 O5843 Si2002 Sr210I m -3 m55.0437; 55.0437; 55.0437
90; 90; 90
166772Guo, Peng; Shin, Jiho; Greenaway, Alex G.; Min, Jung Gi; Su, Jie; Choi, Hyun June; Liu, Leifeng; Cox, Paul A.; Hong, Suk Bong; Wright, Paul A.; Zou, Xiaodong
A zeolite family with expanding structural complexity and embedded isoreticular structures
Nature, 2015, 524, 74-78
1529445 CIFC448 Al638 N56 Na560 O5866 Si2002 Sr11I m -3 m55.0664; 55.0664; 55.0664
90; 90; 90
166978Guo, Peng; Shin, Jiho; Greenaway, Alex G.; Min, Jung Gi; Su, Jie; Choi, Hyun June; Liu, Leifeng; Cox, Paul A.; Hong, Suk Bong; Wright, Paul A.; Zou, Xiaodong
A zeolite family with expanding structural complexity and embedded isoreticular structures
Nature, 2015, 524, 74-78
1529806 CIFAg3.18 I SI m -3 m4.946; 4.946; 4.946
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A single crystal neutron diffraction study of the distibution and thermal motion of silver ions in alphaand beta-Ag3 S I
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1529807 CIFAg3.58 I SI m -3 m4.97; 4.97; 4.97
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A single crystal neutron diffraction study of the distibution and thermal motion of silver ions in alphaand beta-Ag3 S I
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1530383 CIFAl H O8 Si3I m -3 m14.982; 14.982; 14.982
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Crystal structures of the ammonium and hydrogen forms of zeolite rho
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653.972Saine, M.C.
Mise en evidence d'une nouvelle famille de composes voisine des perovskites
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1531008 CIFGa2 Ni6 Sm3I m -3 m8.978; 8.978; 8.978
90; 90; 90
723.667Yarmolyuk, Ya.P.; Grin', Yu.; Gladyshevskii, E.I.
Crystal structure of R3 Ni6 Ga2 (R= Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Y)
Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukrains'koi RSR, Seriya A: Fiziko-Matematichni Ta Tekhnichni Nauki, 1978, 40, 759-763
1531241 CIFDy12 Fe32 O2I m -3 m8.8692; 8.8692; 8.8692
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697.675Dariel, M.P.; Pickus, M.R.
Structural and magnetic study of some oxygen stabilized rare-earth-iron intermetallic compounds
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1531242 CIFFe32 O2 Y12I m -3 m8.8832; 8.8832; 8.8832
90; 90; 90
700.984Dariel, M.P.; Pickus, M.R.
Structural and Magnetic Study of Some Oxygen Stabilized Rare-Earth-Iron Intermetallic Compounds
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1532868 CIFFe32 Ho12 O2I m -3 m8.8635; 8.8635; 8.8635
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696.331Melamud, M.; Shaked, H.; Dariel, M.P.
A neutron diffraction study of Ho12 Fe32 O2
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1533679 CIFD0.77 VI m -3 m3.1604; 3.1604; 3.1604
90; 90; 90
31.566Sorby, M.H.; Mellergard, A.; Fjellvag, H.; Wannberg, A.; Delaplane, R.G.; Hauback, B.C.
Reverse Monte Carlo investigation of the short range order in alpha-(V D0.8)
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1534142 CIFRe7 Si6 U4I m -3 m8.224; 8.224; 8.224
90; 90; 90
556.223Aksel'rud, L.G.; Yarmolyuk, Ya.P.; Gladyshevskii, E.I.
Crystal structures of U4 Re7 Si6 and U4 (Re0.17 Si0.83)13
Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukrains'koi RSR, Seriya A: Fiziko-Matematichni Ta Tekhnichni Nauki, 1978, 40, 359-362
1534143 CIFRe2.21 Si10.79 U4I m -3 m8.192; 8.192; 8.192
90; 90; 90
549.756Aksel'rud, L.G.; Yarmolyuk, Ya.P.; Gladyshevskii, E.I.
Crystal structures of U4 Re7 Si6 and U4 (Re0.17 Si0.83)13
Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukrains'koi RSR, Seriya A: Fiziko-Matematichni Ta Tekhnichni Nauki, 1978, 40, 359-362
1534601 CIFIr3 Sn7I m -3 m9.3529; 9.3529; 9.3529
90; 90; 90
818.161Schlueter, M.; Heying, B.; Haeussermann, U.; Poettgen, R.
Tin-magnesium substitution in Ir3 Sn7 - structure and chemical bonding in Mgx Ir3 Sn7-x (x = 0 - 1.67)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2003, 173, 418-424
1534604 CIFIr3 Mg0.61 Sn6.39I m -3 m9.3474; 9.3474; 9.3474
90; 90; 90
816.719Schlueter, M.; Poettgen, R.; Haeussermann, U.; Heying, B.
Tin-magnesium substitution in Ir3 Sn7 - structure and chemical bonding in Mgx Ir3 Sn7-x (x = 0 - 1.67)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2003, 173, 418-424
1534607 CIFIr3 Mg1.67 Sn5.33I m -3 m9.3061; 9.3061; 9.3061
90; 90; 90
805.941Schlueter, M.; Haeussermann, U.; Heying, B.; Poettgen, R.
Tin-magnesium substitution in Ir3 Sn7 - structure and chemical bonding in Mgx Ir3 Sn7-x (x = 0 - 1.67)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2003, 173, 418-424
1534614 CIFMg1.17 Rh3 Sn5.83I m -3 m9.309; 9.309; 9.309
90; 90; 90
806.694Schlueter, M.; Kunst, A.; Poettgen, R.
The Ternary Stannides MgRuSn4 and MgxRh3Sn7-x (x = 0.98-1.55)
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2002, 628, 2641-2646
1534617 CIFMg1.55 Rh3 Sn5.45I m -3 m9.2949; 9.2949; 9.2949
90; 90; 90
803.034Schlueter, M.; Kunst, A.; Poettgen, R.
The Ternary Stannides MgRuSn4 and MgxRh3Sn7-x (x = 0.98-1.55)
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2002, 628, 2641-2646
1534650 CIFC4 H8 Cl2 N8 NiI m -3 m12.5931; 12.5931; 12.5931
90; 90; 90
1997.09Liu, X.-H.; Kroll, P.; Dronskowski, R.
Crystal structure, magnetic properties, and electronic structure of Ni (N C N H2)4 Cl2 and Co (N C N H2)4 Cl2
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2001, 627, 1682-1686
1534652 CIFC4 H8 Cl2 Co N8I m -3 m12.6626; 12.6626; 12.6626
90; 90; 90
2030.34Liu, X.-H.; Kroll, P.; Dronskowski, R.
Crystal structure, magnetic properties, and electronic structure of Ni (N C N H2)4 Cl2 and Co (N C N H2)4 Cl2
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2001, 627, 1682-1686
1535253 CIFGe6 Rh7 Yb4I m -3 m8.253; 8.253; 8.253
90; 90; 90
562.128Heying, B.; Poettgen, R.; Katoh, K.; Ochiai, A.; Niide, Y.
Synthesis and structure of Yb4 Rh7 Ge6 and Yb4 Ir7 Ge6
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2004, 630, 1423-1426
1535256 CIFGe6 Ir7 Yb4I m -3 m8.266; 8.266; 8.266
90; 90; 90
564.789Heying, B.; Katoh, K.; Niide, Y.; Ochiai, A.; Poettgen, R.
Synthesis and structure of Yb4 Rh7 Ge6 and Yb4 Ir7 Ge6
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2004, 630, 1423-1426
1536537 CIFC6 Ni60 Tm11I m -3 m12.453; 12.453; 12.453
90; 90; 90
1931.18Khalili, M.M.; Marusin, E.P.; Bodak, O.I.; Pecharskaya, A.O.
Crystal structure of Tm11 Ni60 C6
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1536757 CIFBa41 Cl2 Cu44 O84I m -3 m18.27; 18.27; 18.27
90; 90; 90
6098.4Yakubovich, O.V.; Bykov, A.B.; Dem'yanets, L.N.; Kanunnikov, G.A.; Mel'nikov, O.K.
Chlorine-replaced barium cuprate: growing and structure
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1536821 CIFAl2 D0.3 Ni6 Tb3I m -3 m8.93; 8.93; 8.93
90; 90; 90
712.122Yartys', V.A.; Khidirov, I.; Pavlenko, V.V.
Crystal structure of deuterides Tb3Ni6Al2Dx (x=0.3,0.5) based on intermetallic Tb3Ni6Al2 with Ca3Ag8 structural type
Koordinatsionnaya Khimiya (= Coordination Chemistry (USSR)), 1992, 18, 428-435
1536824 CIFAl2 D0.5 Ni6 Tb3I m -3 m9.841; 9.841; 9.841
90; 90; 90
953.054Yartys', V.A.; Pavlenko, V.V.; Khidirov, I.
Crystal structure of deuterides Tb3Ni6Al2Dx (x=0.3,0.5) based on intermetallic Tb3Ni6Al2 with Ca3Ag8 structural type
Koordinatsionnaya Khimiya (= Coordination Chemistry (USSR)), 1992, 18, 428-435
1536830 CIFAl2 D6.5 Ni6 Tb3I m -3 m9.064; 9.064; 9.064
90; 90; 90
744.663Yartys', V.A.; Khidirov, I.; Pavlenko, V.V.
Neutron diffraction study of deuteride Tb3 Ni6 Al2 D6.5
Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii, 1992, 37, 25-31
1537333 CIFCe3 Ni6 Si2I m -3 m8.858; 8.858; 8.858
90; 90; 90
695.036Gladyshevskii, E.I.; Kripyakevich, P.I.; Bodak, O.I.
Die Kristallstruktur von Ce3 Ni6 Si2 und verwandten Verbindungen
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1966, 344, 95-101
1537466 CIFAs7 Re3I m -3 m8.7162; 8.7162; 8.7162
90; 90; 90
662.188Jensen, K.P.; Kjekshus, A.; Skansen, T.
The crystal structure of Re3 As7
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1969, 17, 455-457
1537633 CIFNb0.666 Ti0.666 Zr0.666I m -3 m3.36; 3.36; 3.36
90; 90; 90
37.933Alekseyevskiy, N.Ye.; Ivanov, O.S.; Raevskii, I.I.; Stepanov, M.V.
Constitution diagram of the system Nb-Ti-Zr and superconducting properties of the alloys
Physics of Metals and Metallography, 1967, 23, 28-35
1537638 CIFMo TcI m -3 m3.1; 3.1; 3.1
90; 90; 90
29.791Alekseyevskiy, N.Ye.; Balakhovskii, O.A.; Kirillov, I.V.
Concerning the superconductivity of technetium and some of its alloys
Physics of Metals and Metallography, 1975, 40, 38-42
1537662 CIFMo0.96 Nb1.04I m -3 m3.2136; 3.2136; 3.2136
90; 90; 90
33.188Catterall, J.A.; Barker, S.M.
Resistivities and lattice-parameters of some palladium and niobium alloys
Planseeberichte fuer Pulvermetallurgie, 1965, 1964, 577-586
1537768 CIFPb SbI m -3 m3.894; 3.894; 3.894
90; 90; 90
59.046Degtyareva, V.F.; Rashchupkin, V.I.; Ponyatovskii, E.G.; Ivakhnenko, S.A.
Crystal structure and superconductivity of Pb-Sb alloys after action of high pressure
Soviet Physics - Solid State (New York), 1978, 20, 238-241
1537805 CIFNb ZrI m -3 m3.44; 3.44; 3.44
90; 90; 90
40.708Doi, T.; Umezawa, T.; Ishida, H.
Study of the Nb-Zr-Ti phase diagram (Studies of hard superconductors, II)
Journal of the Japan Institut of Metals (see: Nihon Kinzoku Gakkai-Shi), 1966, 30, 139-145
1537808 CIFHf0.66 Mo1.32I m -3 m3.226; 3.226; 3.226
90; 90; 90
33.573Blazina, Z.; Trojko, R.; Ban, Z.
High temperature equilibria in the Zr1-x Hfx M2, Zr1-x Tix M2 and Hf1-x Tix M2 (M = Mo or W) systems
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1982, 83, 175-183
1537810 CIFMo1.334 Ti0.666I m -3 m3.154; 3.154; 3.154
90; 90; 90
31.375Blazina, Z.; Trojko, R.; Ban, Z.
High temperature equilibria in the Zr1-x Hfx M2, Zr1-x Tix M2 and Hf1-x Tix M2 (M = Mo or W) systems
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1982, 83, 175-183
1537843 CIFNb UI m -3 m3.404; 3.404; 3.404
90; 90; 90
39.443Dwight, A.E.
Alloying behavior of columbium
Metallurgical Society Conferences, Proceedings, 1961, 10, 383-405
1537845 CIFNb ZrI m -3 m3.428; 3.428; 3.428
90; 90; 90
40.283Dwight, A.E.
Alloying behavior of columbium
Metallurgical Society Conferences, Proceedings, 1961, 10, 383-405
1537902 CIFRe0.866 Ta1.131I m -3 m3.188; 3.188; 3.188
90; 90; 90
32.401Brophy, J.H.; Schwarzkopf, P.; Wulff, J.
The tantalum-rhenium system
Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of Aime, 1960, 218, 910-914
1537938 CIFMo NbI m -3 m3.204; 3.204; 3.204
90; 90; 90
32.891Buckle, H.
Aufbau und Mikrohaerte der Zwei- und Dreistoffsysteme der Metalle Niob, Tantal, Molybdaen und Wolfram
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1946, 37, 53-56
1537940 CIFMo TaI m -3 m3.258; 3.258; 3.258
90; 90; 90
34.582Buckle, H.
Aufbau und Mikrohaerte der Zwei- und Dreistoffsysteme der Metalle Niob, Tantal, Molybdaen und Wolfram
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1946, 37, 53-56
1537942 CIFNb TaI m -3 m3.296; 3.296; 3.296
90; 90; 90
35.806Buckle, H.
Aufbau und Mikrohaerte der Zwei- und Dreistoffsysteme der Metalle Niob, Tantal, Molybdaen und Wolfram
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1946, 37, 53-56
1537989 CIFHf0.4 Nb1.2 Zr0.4I m -3 m3.4; 3.4; 3.4
90; 90; 90
39.304Fedorov, T.F.; Skolozdra, R.V.; Popova, H.M.
Solid-solutions in the Zr-Nb-Hf system
Russian Metallurgy, 1967, 1967, 109-111
1538066 CIFNb TiI m -3 m3.278; 3.278; 3.278
90; 90; 90
35.223Hansen, M.; Kamen, E.L.; McPherson, D.J.; Kessler, H.D.
Systems Ti-Mo and Ti-Nb
Transactions of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, 1951, 191, 881-888
1538097 CIFNb1.5 Pd0.5I m -3 m3.242; 3.242; 3.242
90; 90; 90
34.075Giessen, B.C.; Grant, N.J.; Parker, D.P.; Manuszewski, R.C.; Waterstrat, R.M.
The niobium (columbium)-palladium constitution diagram
Metallurgical Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 1980, 11, 709-715
1538105 CIFNb1.2 Re0.8I m -3 m3.203; 3.203; 3.203
90; 90; 90
32.86Giessen, B.C.; Nordheim, R.; Grant, N.J.
The constitution diagram of niobium(columbium)-rhenium
Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of Aime, 1961, 221, 1009-1013
1538254 CIFMo1.3 Rh0.7I m -3 m3.1449; 3.1449; 3.1449
90; 90; 90
31.104Gurler, R.; Pratt, J.N.
Some constitutional studies on the molybdenum-rhodium system
Journal of Alloys Compd., 1991, 177, 321-330
1538305 CIFNb1.3 Ru0.7I m -3 m3.188; 3.188; 3.188
90; 90; 90
32.401Hurley, G.F.; Brophy, J.H.
A constitution diagram for the niobium-ruthenium system above 1100 degree
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1964, 7, 267-277
1538553 CIFF15 Nb6I m -3 m8.19; 8.19; 8.19
90; 90; 90
549.353Schaefer, H.; von Schnering, H.G.; Niehues, K.J.; Nieder Vahrenholz, H.G.
Beitraege zur Chemie der Elemente Niob und Tantal. XLVII. Niobfluoride
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1965, 9, 95-104
1538621 CIFNb1.2 Re0.8I m -3 m3.2; 3.2; 3.2
90; 90; 90
32.768Levesque, P.; Bekebrede, W.R.; Brown, H.A.
The constitution of rhenium-columbium alloys
Transactions of the American Society for Metals, 1961, 53, 215-226
1538756 CIFPrI m -3 m3.81; 3.81; 3.81
90; 90; 90
55.306Marples, J.A.C.
Colloques Internationaux du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1966, 1966, 39-43
1538763 CIFMo1.9 Ru0.1I m -3 m3.143; 3.143; 3.143
90; 90; 90
31.048Kleykamp, H.
The constitution of the Mo - Ru system
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1538773 CIFMo1.45 Re0.55I m -3 m3.131; 3.131; 3.131
90; 90; 90
30.694Knapton, A.G.
The Mo-Re system
Journal of the Institute of Metals, 1959, 87, 62-64
1538891 CIFNb1.6 Rh0.4I m -3 m3.241; 3.241; 3.241
90; 90; 90
34.044Oesterreicher, H.; Clinton, J.
Superconductivity in hydrides of Nb - Pd and Nb - Rh
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1976, 17, 443-445
1538892 CIFHf0.02 V1.98I m -3 m3.028; 3.028; 3.028
90; 90; 90
27.763Kuentzler, R.; Khan, H.R.
Low temperature specific heat and superconductivity measurements of V1-x Tx; T=Ti, Zr, Hf and x=0.013 and 0.05
Physics Letters A, 1985, 113, 89-92
1538898 CIFMgI m -3 m2.953; 2.953; 2.953
90; 90; 90
25.751Olijnyk, H.; Holzapfel, W.B.
High-pressure structural phase transition in Mg
Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-), 1985, 31, 4682-4683
1538983 CIFLa TeI m -3 m3.218; 3.218; 3.218
90; 90; 90
33.324Ramsey, T.H.; Steinfink, H.; Weiss, E.J.
Crystal chemistry and phase equilibria of the La-Te system
Proc. of the 3rd Rare Earth Res. Conf., MD, 1964, 1963, 303-314
1539022 CIFMo VI m -3 m3.075; 3.075; 3.075
90; 90; 90
29.076Pipitz, E.; Kieffer, R.
Einfluss von Legierungszusaetzen auf Festigkeitseigenschaften und Rekristallisation von vakuumgesintertem Molybdaen
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1955, 46, 187-194
1539034 CIFNb VI m -3 m3.18; 3.18; 3.18
90; 90; 90
32.157Richter, K.H.; Weiss, A.
1H-NMR studies of the systems Ta1-x Vx Hy (0.0= x= 1.0; 0= y= 0.9), and Nb1-x Vx Hy (0.0= x= .5; 0= y= 0.9) magnetic susceptibility, knight shift, and longitudinal relaxation
Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft fuer Physikalische Chemie, 1988, 92, 833-840
1539037 CIFMo TaI m -3 m3.21; 3.21; 3.21
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33.076Predmore, R.; Arsenault, R. J.
Short range order of Ta - Mo B.C.C. alloys
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1539041 CIFNbI m -3 m3.3063; 3.3063; 3.3063
90; 90; 90
36.143Roberge, R.
Lattice parameter of niobium between 4.2 and 300 K
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1539068 CIFNi VI m -3 m2.904; 2.904; 2.904
90; 90; 90
24.49Ruhl, R.C.; Giessen, B.C.; Cohen, M.; Grant, N.J.
Metastable b.c.c. phases in the V - Ni and Ni - In systems
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1539147 CIFHf0.4 Mo1.6I m -3 m3.1992; 3.1992; 3.1992
90; 90; 90
32.743Taylor, A.; Doyle, N.J.; Kagle, B.J.
The constitution diagram of the molybdenum-hafnium binary system
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1961, 3, 265-280
1539150 CIFHf NbI m -3 m3.418; 3.418; 3.418
90; 90; 90
39.932Taylor, A.; Doyle, N.J.
The constitution diagram of the niobium-hafnium system
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1964, 7, 37-53
1539152 CIFHf0.8 Nb0.6 Zr0.6I m -3 m3.478; 3.478; 3.478
90; 90; 90
42.072Taylor, A.; Doyle, N.J.
The constitution diagram of the niobium-hafnium system
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1964, 7, 37-53
1539154 CIFMo WI m -3 m3.1554; 3.1554; 3.1554
90; 90; 90
31.417Taylor, A.; Doyle, N.J.
The constitution diagram of the tungsten-molybdenum-osmium system
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1965, 9, 190-205
1539167 CIFMo NbI m -3 m3.216; 3.216; 3.216
90; 90; 90
33.262Upadhyaya, G.S.
Lattice parameter study of titanium-molybdenum and niobium-molybdenum alloys
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1539170 CIFMo TiI m -3 m3.175; 3.175; 3.175
90; 90; 90
32.006Upadhyaya, G.S.
Lattice parameter study of titanium-molybdenum and niobium-molybdenum alloys
Transaction of the Indian Institute of Metals, 1967, 20, 53-54
1539177 CIFIn0.3 Tl1.7I m -3 m3.8; 3.8; 3.8
90; 90; 90
54.872Valentiner, S.
The system indium-thallium
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1539281 CIFGe0.32 Pd1.68I m -3 m3.137; 3.137; 3.137
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30.87Schubert, K.; Frank, K.; Gohle, R.; Maldonado, A.; Raman, A.; Meissner, H.G.; Rossteutscher, W.
Einige Strukturdaten metallischer Phasen (VIII)
Naturwissenschaften, 1963, 50, 41-41
1539504 CIFHg0.5 Pt1.5I m -3 m3.92; 3.92; 3.92
90; 90; 90
60.236Stadelmaier, H.H.; Hardy, W.K.
Ternaere Kohlenstofflegierungen von Palladium und Platin mit Magnesium, Aluminium, Zink, Gallium, Germanium, Kadmium, Indium, Zinn, Quecksilber, Thallium und Blei
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1961, 52, 391-396
1539736 CIFUI m -3 m3.532; 3.532; 3.532
90; 90; 90
44.062Besson, J.; Blum, P.L.; Laugier, J.
Sur l'existence d'une transformation directe ? ? dans l'uranium disperse dans un milieu inerte
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 1965, 16, 74-75
1539778 CIFUI m -3 m3.542; 3.542; 3.542
90; 90; 90
44.437Chiotti, P.; Klepfer, H.H.; White, R.W.
Lattice parameters of uranium from 25 to 1132 C
Transactions of the American Society for Metals, 1959, 51, 772-786
1539912 CIFTa WI m -3 m3.216; 3.216; 3.216
90; 90; 90
33.262Buckle, H.
Aufbau und Mikrohaerte der Zwei- und Dreistoffsysteme der Metalle Niob, Tantal, Molybdaen und Wolfram
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1946, 37, 53-56
1540338 CIFTi0.02 V1.98I m -3 m3.003; 3.003; 3.003
90; 90; 90
27.081Kuentzler, R.; Khan, H.R.
Low temperature specific heat and superconductivity measurements of V1-x Tx; T=Ti, Zr, Hf and x=0.013 and 0.05
Physics Letters A, 1985, 113, 89-92
1540339 CIFV1.98 Zr0.02I m -3 m3.025; 3.025; 3.025
90; 90; 90
27.681Kuentzler, R.; Khan, H.R.
Low temperature specific heat and superconductivity measurements of V1-x Tx; T=Ti, Zr, Hf and x=0.013 and 0.05
Physics Letters A, 1985, 113, 89-92
1540758 CIFPd1.84 Pr0.16I m -3 m3.9383; 3.9383; 3.9383
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The phase diagram of Pd - Pr below 50 at.percent Pr
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1540878 CIFEr1.36 Mg0.64I m -3 m3.81; 3.81; 3.81
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55.306Saccone, A.; Delfino, S.; Maccio, D.; Ferro, R.
Phase equilibria in the binary rare-earth alloys: The erbium-magnesium system
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116.858Schneider, A.; Heymer, G.
Die Temperaturabhaengigkeit der Molvolumina der Phasen Na Tl und Li Cd
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90; 90; 90
35.937Semenova, E.L.; Kudryavtsev, Yu.V.
Structural phase transformation and shape memory effect in Zr Rh and Zr Ir
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1541009 CIFTi VI m -3 m3.14; 3.14; 3.14
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Superconducting transition temperatures of the system V1-x Tix Hy
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1541014 CIFPu0.2 Zr1.8I m -3 m3.2503; 3.2503; 3.2503
90; 90; 90
34.338Suzuki, Y.; Ohmichi, T.; Maeda, A.
Phase diagram of the Pu - Zr system in the Zr-rich region
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1541121 CIFTh0.5 Zr1.5I m -3 m3.701; 3.701; 3.701
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50.694Peterson, D.T.; Ostenson, J.E.; Taylor, W.A.
Superconducting temperatures of quenched thoriumzirconium alloys
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1541168 CIFC4 H12 O28 Si12I m -3 m8.8273; 8.8273; 8.8273
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687.834Richardson, J.W.jr.; Dytrych, W.J.; Pluth, J.J.; Smith, J.V.; Bibby, D.M.
Conformation of ethylene glycol and phase change in silica sodalite
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1541169 CIFTa VI m -3 m3.175; 3.175; 3.175
90; 90; 90
32.006Richter, K.H.; Weiss, A.
1H-NMR studies of the systems Ta1-x Vx Hy (0.0= x= 1.0; 0= y= 0.9), and Nb1-x Vx Hy (0.0= x= .5; 0= y= 0.9) magnetic susceptibility, knight shift, and longitudinal relaxation
Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft fuer Physikalische Chemie, 1988, 92, 833-840
1541237 CIFTi VI m -3 m3.165; 3.165; 3.165
90; 90; 90
31.705Ming, L.-C.; Manghnani, M.H.; Katahara, K.W.
Phase transformations in the Ti - V system under high pressure up to 25 GPa
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1541266 CIFTaI m -3 m3.30256; 3.30256; 3.30256
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36.021Mueller, M. H.
The lattice parameter of tantalum
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1541284 CIFTh0.5 Zr1.5I m -3 m3.71; 3.71; 3.71
90; 90; 90
51.065Murray, J.R.
The constitution of thorium-zirconium alloys containing more than 15 percent zirconium and the effect of some third elements on the stability of the body-centred-cubic phase in these alloys
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1960, 2, 1-10
1541309 CIFTc WI m -3 m3.177; 3.177; 3.177
90; 90; 90
32.067Niemiec, J.
X-ray analysis of technetium binary alloys with tungsten and rhenium
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90; 90; 90
1000Barrer, R.M.; Bultitude, F.W.; Kerr, I.S.
Some Properties of, and a Structural Scheme for, the Harmotome Zeolites.
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1541528 CIFBr CuI m -3 m4.601; 4.601; 4.601
90; 90; 90
97.399Buehrer, W.; Haelg, W.
Crystal structure of high temperature cuprous iodide and cuprous bromide
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1541616 CIFNb3 Sb2 Te5I m -3 m9.8155; 9.8155; 9.8155
90; 90; 90
945.665Jensen, P.; Kjekshus, A.
The crystal structure of Nb3 Sb2 Te5
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1967, 13, 357-359
1541657 CIFH Na OI m -3 m11; 11; 11
90; 90; 90
1331Smothers, W. J.; Kruh, R. F.; Carlton, J. K.; Chiang, Y.
A Study of Phase Transitions in Sodium Hydroxide
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1544031 CIFC144 H72 Cl3 Hf12 Ir3 N12 O64I m -3 m38.3207; 38.3207; 38.3207
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56273Wang, Yingxia; Cui, Hao; Wei, Zhang-Wen; Wang, Hai-Ping; Zhang, Li; Su, Cheng-Yong
Engineering catalytic coordination space in a chemically stable Ir-porphyrin MOF with a confinement effect inverting conventional Si-H insertion chemoselectivity.
Chemical science, 2017, 8, 775-780
1544063 CIFC60 H24 Cu3 O15I m -3 m34.6; 34.6; 34.6
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41422Gómez-Gualdrón, Diego A.; Colón, Yamil J.; Zhang, Xu; Wang, Timothy C.; Chen, Yu-Sheng; Hupp, Joseph T.; Yildirim, Taner; Farha, Omar K.; Zhang, Jian; Snurr, Randall Q.
Evaluating topologically diverse metal‒organic frameworks for cryo-adsorbed hydrogen storage
Energy Environ. Sci., 2016, 9, 3279
1544064 CIFC84 H48 Cu3 O15I m -3 m39.618; 39.618; 39.618
90; 90; 90
62184Gómez-Gualdrón, Diego A.; Colón, Yamil J.; Zhang, Xu; Wang, Timothy C.; Chen, Yu-Sheng; Hupp, Joseph T.; Yildirim, Taner; Farha, Omar K.; Zhang, Jian; Snurr, Randall Q.
Evaluating topologically diverse metal‒organic frameworks for cryo-adsorbed hydrogen storage
Energy Environ. Sci., 2016, 9, 3279
1544065 CIFC96 H48 Cu3 O15I m -3 m46.744; 46.744; 46.744
90; 90; 90
102136Gómez-Gualdrón, Diego A.; Colón, Yamil J.; Zhang, Xu; Wang, Timothy C.; Chen, Yu-Sheng; Hupp, Joseph T.; Yildirim, Taner; Farha, Omar K.; Zhang, Jian; Snurr, Randall Q.
Evaluating topologically diverse metal‒organic frameworks for cryo-adsorbed hydrogen storage
Energy Environ. Sci., 2016, 9, 3279
1548465 CIFC144 H72 Mn3 N12 O70 Zr12I m -3 m38.4015; 38.4015; 38.4015
90; 90; 90
56630Gallagher, Audrey T.; Lee, Jung Yoon; Kathiresan, Venkatesan; Anderson, John S.; Hoffman, Brian M.; Harris, T. David
A structurally-characterized peroxomanganese(iv) porphyrin from reversible O<sub>2</sub> binding within a metal-organic framework.
Chemical science, 2018, 9, 1596-1603
1548466 CIFC144 H72 Mn3 N12 O52 Zr12I m -3 m38.672; 38.672; 38.672
90; 90; 90
57835Gallagher, Audrey T.; Lee, Jung Yoon; Kathiresan, Venkatesan; Anderson, John S.; Hoffman, Brian M.; Harris, T. David
A structurally-characterized peroxomanganese(iv) porphyrin from reversible O<sub>2</sub> binding within a metal-organic framework.
Chemical science, 2018, 9, 1596-1603
1550266 CIFC72 H36 Cu1.5 N6 O26 Zr6I m -3 m38.452; 38.452; 38.452
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56853.4Yu, Chung Jui; Krzyaniak, Matthew D.; Fataftah, Majed S.; Wasielewski, Michael R.; Freedman, Danna
A Concentrated Array of Copper Porphyrin Candidate Qubits
Chemical Science, 2019
1550669 CIFC57 H12 N6 O38 Zr6I m -3 m19.225; 19.225; 19.225
90; 90; 90
7105.6Kong, Xiang-Jing; He, Tao; Zhang, Yongzheng; Wu, Xue-Qian; Wang, Si-Nan; Xu, Ming-Ming; Si, Guang-Rui; Li, Jian-Rong Jeff
Constructing New Metal-Organic Frameworks with Complicated Ligands Generated from “One-Pot” In Situ Reactions
Chemical Science, 2019
1552091 CIFO5280 Si2640I m -3 m55.07; 55.07; 55.07
90; 90; 90
167011Wang, Bin; Zou, Xiaodong; Smeets, Stef
Automated serial rotation electron diffraction combined with cluster analysis: an efficient multi-crystal workflow for structure determination
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1552092 CIFO2880 Si1440I m -3 m45.07; 45.07; 45.07
90; 90; 90
91550.9Wang, Bin; Zou, Xiaodong; Smeets, Stef
Automated serial rotation electron diffraction combined with cluster analysis: an efficient multi-crystal workflow for structure determination
IUCrJ, 2019, 6
1556036 CIFC28 H44 Cl2 N8 Ni O2I m -3 m17.0714; 17.0714; 17.0714
90; 90; 90
4975.2Zhang, Xingjie; Xia, Aiyou; Chen, Haoyi; Liu, Yuanhong
General and Mild Nickel-Catalyzed Cyanation of Aryl/Heteroaryl Chlorides with Zn(CN)<sub>2</sub>: Key Roles of DMAP.
Organic letters, 2017, 19, 2118-2121
1557794 CIFC10 H2 In N4 O8I m -3 m31.3413; 31.3413; 31.3413
90; 90; 90
30785.8Huang, Qi; Guo, Yuanyuan; Wang, Xian; Chai, Lulu; Ding, Junyang; Zhong, Li; Li, Ting-Ting; Hu, Yue; Qian, Jinjie; Huang, Shaoming
In-MOF-derived ultrathin heteroatom-doped carbon nanosheets for improving oxygen reduction.
Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 10019-10025
1558028 CIFC168 H114 N12 O64 Zr12I m -3 m38.649; 38.649; 38.649
90; 90; 90
57732Zee, David Z.; Harris, T. David
Enhancing catalytic alkane hydroxylation by tuning the outer coordination sphere in a heme-containing metal-organic framework.
Chemical science, 2020, 11, 5447-5452
1558029 CIFC168 H108 Cl3 Fe3 N12 O64 Zr12I m -3 m38.4891; 38.4891; 38.4891
90; 90; 90
57018Zee, David Z.; Harris, T. David
Enhancing catalytic alkane hydroxylation by tuning the outer coordination sphere in a heme-containing metal-organic framework.
Chemical science, 2020, 11, 5447-5452
1558030 CIFC144 H90 N12 O52 Zr12I m -3 m38.8372; 38.8372; 38.8372
90; 90; 90
58579Zee, David Z.; Harris, T. David
Enhancing catalytic alkane hydroxylation by tuning the outer coordination sphere in a heme-containing metal-organic framework.
Chemical science, 2020, 11, 5447-5452
1560858 CIFC30 H17 Co3 N4 O14I m -3 m33.2828; 33.2828; 33.2828
90; 90; 90
36868.8Zhang, Lei; Li, Fangfang; You, Jianjun; Hua, Nengbin; Wang, Qianting; Si, Junhui; Chen, Wenzhe; Wang, Wenjing; Wu, Xiaoyuan; Yang, Wenbin; Yuan, Daqiang; Lu, Canzhong; Liu, Yanrong; Al-Enizi, Abdullah M; Nafady, Ayman; Ma, Shengqian
A window-space-directed assembly strategy for the construction of supertetrahedron-based zeolitic mesoporous metal-organic frameworks with ultramicroporous apertures for selective gas adsorption.
Chemical science, 2021, 12, 5767-5773
1560859 CIFC30 H17 N4 Ni3 O14I m -3 m32.9754; 32.9754; 32.9754
90; 90; 90
35856.7Zhang, Lei; Li, Fangfang; You, Jianjun; Hua, Nengbin; Wang, Qianting; Si, Junhui; Chen, Wenzhe; Wang, Wenjing; Wu, Xiaoyuan; Yang, Wenbin; Yuan, Daqiang; Lu, Canzhong; Liu, Yanrong; Al-Enizi, Abdullah M; Nafady, Ayman; Ma, Shengqian
A window-space-directed assembly strategy for the construction of supertetrahedron-based zeolitic mesoporous metal-organic frameworks with ultramicroporous apertures for selective gas adsorption.
Chemical science, 2021, 12, 5767-5773
1560860 CIFC30 H17 Co2 N4 O14 TiI m -3 m33.2244; 33.2244; 33.2244
90; 90; 90
36675.1Zhang, Lei; Li, Fangfang; You, Jianjun; Hua, Nengbin; Wang, Qianting; Si, Junhui; Chen, Wenzhe; Wang, Wenjing; Wu, Xiaoyuan; Yang, Wenbin; Yuan, Daqiang; Lu, Canzhong; Liu, Yanrong; Al-Enizi, Abdullah M; Nafady, Ayman; Ma, Shengqian
A window-space-directed assembly strategy for the construction of supertetrahedron-based zeolitic mesoporous metal-organic frameworks with ultramicroporous apertures for selective gas adsorption.
Chemical science, 2021, 12, 5767-5773
1561572 CIFFe0.36 Mo2.64 Sb7I m -3 m9.5292; 9.5292; 9.5292
90; 90; 90
865.31Guo, Quansheng; Assoud, Abdeljalil; Kleinke, Holger
Different site occupancies in substitution variants of Mo3Sb7
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 236, 123-129
1561573 CIFMo2.85 Ni0.21 Sb7I m -3 m9.5653; 9.5653; 9.5653
90; 90; 90
875.18Guo, Quansheng; Assoud, Abdeljalil; Kleinke, Holger
Different site occupancies in substitution variants of Mo3Sb7
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 236, 123-129
1561862 CIFRh2 S15 U6I m -3 m13.199; 13.199; 13.199
90; 90; 90
2299.4Ward, Matthew D.; Oh, George N.; Mesbah, Adel; Lee, Minseong; Sang Choi, Eun; Ibers, James A.
Syntheses and characterization of the cubic uranium chalcogenides Rh2U6S15, Cs2Ti2U6Se15, Cs2Cr2U6Se15, and Cs2Ti2U6Te15
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2015, 228, 14-19
1561863 CIFCs2 Se15 Ti2 U6I m -3 m14.0029; 14.0029; 14.0029
90; 90; 90
2745.71Ward, Matthew D.; Oh, George N.; Mesbah, Adel; Lee, Minseong; Sang Choi, Eun; Ibers, James A.
Syntheses and characterization of the cubic uranium chalcogenides Rh2U6S15, Cs2Ti2U6Se15, Cs2Cr2U6Se15, and Cs2Ti2U6Te15
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2015, 228, 14-19
1561864 CIFCs2 Se15 Ti2 U6I m -3 m13.9062; 13.9062; 13.9062
90; 90; 90
2689.2Ward, Matthew D.; Oh, George N.; Mesbah, Adel; Lee, Minseong; Sang Choi, Eun; Ibers, James A.
Syntheses and characterization of the cubic uranium chalcogenides Rh2U6S15, Cs2Ti2U6Se15, Cs2Cr2U6Se15, and Cs2Ti2U6Te15
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2015, 228, 14-19
1561865 CIFCr2 Cs2 Se15 U6I m -3 m13.9184; 13.9184; 13.9184
90; 90; 90
2696.3Ward, Matthew D.; Oh, George N.; Mesbah, Adel; Lee, Minseong; Sang Choi, Eun; Ibers, James A.
Syntheses and characterization of the cubic uranium chalcogenides Rh2U6S15, Cs2Ti2U6Se15, Cs2Cr2U6Se15, and Cs2Ti2U6Te15
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2015, 228, 14-19
1561866 CIF
Cs2 Te15 Ti2 U6I m -3 m15.013; 15.013; 15.013
90; 90; 90
3383.78Ward, Matthew D.; Oh, George N.; Mesbah, Adel; Lee, Minseong; Sang Choi, Eun; Ibers, James A.
Syntheses and characterization of the cubic uranium chalcogenides Rh2U6S15, Cs2Ti2U6Se15, Cs2Cr2U6Se15, and Cs2Ti2U6Te15
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2015, 228, 14-19
1562897 CIFCr Dy4 Ga12I m -3 m8.572; 8.572; 8.572
90; 90; 90
629.86Slater, Brianna R.; Bie, Haiying; Stoyko, Stanislav S.; Bauer, Eric D.; Thompson, Joe D.; Mar, Arthur
Rare-earth chromium gallides RE4CrGa12 (RE=Tb‒Tm)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2012, 196, 409-415
1569409 CIFC534 H732 Ca38 N24 Na24 O290I m -3 m36.2373; 36.2373; 36.2373
90; 90; 90
47585Sikligar, Kanishka; Kelley, Steven P.; Wagle, Durgesh V.; Ishtaweera, Piyuni; Baker, Gary A.; Atwood, Jerry L.
Nanocapsules of unprecedented internal volume seamed by calcium ions.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 9063-9067
1570023 CIFC24 H13 Cl In3 N2 O14.5I m -3 m33.748; 33.748; 33.748
90; 90; 90
38436.5Barsukova, Marina; Sapianik, Aleksandr; Guillerm, Vincent; Shkurenko, Aleksander; Shaikh, Aslam C.; Parvatkar, Prakash; Bhatt, Prashant M.; Bonneau, Mickaele; Alhaji, Abdulhadi; Shekhah, Osama; Balestra, Salvador R. G.; Semino, Rocio; Maurin, Guillaume; Eddaoudi, Mohamed
Face-directed assembly of tailored isoreticular MOFs using centring structure-directing agents
Nature Synthesis, 2023, 1
1570024 CIFC26.67 H14.86 Br In3 N1.33 O14.43I m -3 m33.8796; 33.8796; 33.8796
90; 90; 90
38888Barsukova, Marina; Sapianik, Aleksandr; Guillerm, Vincent; Shkurenko, Aleksander; Shaikh, Aslam C.; Parvatkar, Prakash; Bhatt, Prashant M.; Bonneau, Mickaele; Alhaji, Abdulhadi; Shekhah, Osama; Balestra, Salvador R. G.; Semino, Rocio; Maurin, Guillaume; Eddaoudi, Mohamed
Face-directed assembly of tailored isoreticular MOFs using centring structure-directing agents
Nature Synthesis, 2023, 1
1570030 CIFC58 H34.25 Br1.12 In3.12 N8 O15I m -3 m57.312; 57.312; 57.312
90; 90; 90
188251Barsukova, Marina; Sapianik, Aleksandr; Guillerm, Vincent; Shkurenko, Aleksander; Shaikh, Aslam C.; Parvatkar, Prakash; Bhatt, Prashant M.; Bonneau, Mickaele; Alhaji, Abdulhadi; Shekhah, Osama; Balestra, Salvador R. G.; Semino, Rocio; Maurin, Guillaume; Eddaoudi, Mohamed
Face-directed assembly of tailored isoreticular MOFs using centring structure-directing agents
Nature Synthesis, 2023, 1
1570679 CIFC12 OI m -3 m2.18345; 2.18345; 2.18345
90; 90; 90
10.409Ortín-Rubio, Borja; Rostoll-Berenguer, Jaume; Vila, Carlos; Proserpio, Davide M.; Guillerm, Vincent; Juanhuix, Judith; Imaz, Inhar; Maspoch, Daniel
Net-clipping as a top-down approach for the prediction of topologies of MOFs built from reduced-symmetry linkers.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 12984-12994
2001366 CIF
Ba4 Na O12 Sb3I m -3 m8.2785; 8.2785; 8.2785
90; 90; 90
567.36Reis, K. P.; Jacobson, A. J.
Structure of Ba~4~NaSb~3~O~12~ by neutron powder diffraction
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1993, 49, 1585-1588
2002177 CIFBa Cu O2I m -3 m18.26999; 18.26999; 18.26999
90; 90; 90
6098.4Kipka, R; Mueller-Buschbaum, Hk
Ueber Oxocuprate. XX. Ein Erdalkalioxocuprat(II) mit geschlossenen Baugruppen: Ba Cu O2
Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, Teil B. Anorganische Chemie, Organische Chemie (2,1947-32,1977), 1977, 32, 121-123
2002178 CIFBa44 Cl4 Cu45 O87I m -3 m18.26999; 18.26999; 18.26999
90; 90; 90
6098.4Kipka, R; Mueller-Buschbaum, Hk
Ueber Oxocuprate. XXI. Bariumhalogenocuprate(II) mit Strukturbeziehungen zu Ba Cu O2
Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, Teil B. Anorganische Chemie, Organische Chemie (2,1947-32,1977), 1977, 32, 124-126
2002179 CIFBa88 Br2 Cu88 O175I m -3 m18.30299; 18.30299; 18.30299
90; 90; 90
6131.5Kipka, R; Mueller-Buschbaum, Hk
Ueber Oxocuprate, XXI. Bariumhalogenocuprate(II) mit Strukturbeziehungen zu Ba Cu O2
Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, Teil B. Anorganische Chemie, Organische Chemie (2,1947-32,1977), 1977, 32, 124-126
2002460 CIFBa0.98 Cu O2I m -3 m18.28319; 18.28319; 18.28319
90; 90; 90
6111.6Gutau, W; Mueller-Buschbaum, Hk
Korrektur an Ba Cu O2
Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, Teil B. Anorganische Chemie, Organische Chemie (2,1947-32,1977), 1977, 32, 121-123
2106996 CIFBa4 Li O12 Sb3I m -3 m8.217; 8.217; 8.217
90; 90; 90
554.804Jacobson, A.J.; Collins, B.M.; Fender, B.E.F.
A powder neutron-diffraction determination of the structure of Ba4 Sb3 Li O12: The preparation and structure of the perovskite-related compounds Ba4 M3 Li O12 (M = Sb, Bi) and Ba5 M3 Li2 O15-x (M = Te, U)
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1974, 30, 1705-1711
2200583 CIF
Ru3 Sn7I m -3 m9.3532; 9.3532; 9.3532
90; 90; 90
818.2Eriksson, Lars; Lanner, Johanna
Ru~3~Sn~7~, a re-investigation
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2001, 57, i85-i86
2300200 CIFFeI m -3 m2.8403; 2.84034; 2.84034
90; 90; 90
22.914Wood, Ian G.; Vočadlo, Lidunka; Dobson, David P.; Price, G. David; Fortes, A. D.; Cooper, Frances J.; Neale, J. W.; Walker, Andrew M.; Marshall, W. G.; Tucker, M. G.; Francis, D. J.; Stone, H. J.; McCammon, C. A.
Thermoelastic properties of magnesiowüstite, (Mg~1{-~<i>x</i>}Fe~<i>x~</i>)O: determination of the Anderson‒Grüneisen parameter by time-of-flight neutron powder diffraction at simultaneous high pressures and temperatures
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 2008, 41, 886-896
2300202 CIFFeI m -3 m2.8274; 2.8274; 2.8274
90; 90; 90
22.603Wood, Ian G.; Vočadlo, Lidunka; Dobson, David P.; Price, G. David; Fortes, A. D.; Cooper, Frances J.; Neale, J. W.; Walker, Andrew M.; Marshall, W. G.; Tucker, M. G.; Francis, D. J.; Stone, H. J.; McCammon, C. A.
Thermoelastic properties of magnesiowüstite, (Mg~1{-~<i>x</i>}Fe~<i>x~</i>)O: determination of the Anderson‒Grüneisen parameter by time-of-flight neutron powder diffraction at simultaneous high pressures and temperatures
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 2008, 41, 886-896
2300581 CIFD0.96 V2I m -3 m3.14; 3.14; 3.14
90; 90; 90
30.959Westlake, D.G.; Mueller, M.H.; Knott, H.W.
Structural transitions at low temperature in vanadium deuterides of the Ti-V-H system
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 1973, 6, 206-216
2310020 CIFAg0.75 In0.25I m -3 m3.3682; 3.3682; 3.3682
90; 90; 90
38.211Williams, I.; Morris, D.P.
The beta - Ag3 In phase
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1961, 14, 74-74
2310290 CIFFe0.875 Mo0.125I m -3 m2.9098; 2.9098; 2.9098
90; 90; 90
24.637Fuchs, A.; Ilschner, B.
Gitterkonstanten von Fe-Mo Legierungen mit Mo- Gehalten bis 20 Gew.%
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1965, 19, 488-488
2310822 CIFF6 H13 O6 PI m -3 m7.678; 7.678; 7.678
90; 90; 90
452.631Bode, H.; Teufer, G.
Die Kristallstruktur der Hexafluorophosphorsaeure
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1955, 8, 611-614
4000948 CIFNbI m -3 m3.30121; 3.30121; 3.30121
90; 90; 90
35.9765Ling, Chris D.; Avdeev, Maxim; Kharton, Vladislav V.; Yaremchenko, Aleksey A.; Macquart, René B.; Hoelzel, Markus
Structures, Phase Transitions, Hydration, and Ionic Conductivity of Ba4Ta2O9
Chemistry of Materials, 2010, 22, 532
4000950 CIFNbI m -3 m3.33611; 3.33611; 3.33611
90; 90; 90
37.1297Ling, Chris D.; Avdeev, Maxim; Kharton, Vladislav V.; Yaremchenko, Aleksey A.; Macquart, René B.; Hoelzel, Markus
Structures, Phase Transitions, Hydration, and Ionic Conductivity of Ba4Ta2O9
Chemistry of Materials, 2010, 22, 532
4001053 CIFNbI m -3 m3.33572; 3.33572; 3.33572
90; 90; 90
37.117Ling, Chris D.; Avdeev, Maxim; Kutteh, Ramzi; Kharton, Vladislav V.; Yaremchenko, Aleksey A.; Fialkova, Svitlana; Sharma, Neeraj; Macquart, René B; Hoelzel, Markus; Gutmann, Matthias
Structures, Phase Transitions, Hydration, and Ionic Conductivity of Ba4Nb2O9
Chemistry of Materials, 2009, 21, 3853
4001308 CIFMoI m -3 m3.14683; 3.14683; 3.14683
90; 90; 90
31.1616Bernuy-Lopez, Carlos; Allix, Mathieu; Bridges, Craig A.; Claridge, John B.; Rosseinsky, Matthew J.
Sr2MgMoO6-δ: Structure, Phase Stability, and Cation Site Order Control of Reduction
Chemistry of Materials, 2007, 19, 1035
4001313 CIFMoI m -3 m3.146092; 3.146092; 3.146092
90; 90; 90
31.1397Bernuy-Lopez, Carlos; Allix, Mathieu; Bridges, Craig A.; Claridge, John B.; Rosseinsky, Matthew J.
Sr2MgMoO6-δ: Structure, Phase Stability, and Cation Site Order Control of Reduction
Chemistry of Materials, 2007, 19, 1035
4001362 CIFVI m -3 m3.0287; 3.0287; 3.0287
90; 90; 90
27.782Pokroy, B.; Fieramosca, J. S.; Von Dreele, R. B.; Fitch, A. N.; Caspi, E. N.; Zolotoyabko, E.
Atomic Structure of Biogenic Aragonite
Chemistry of Materials, 2007, 19, 3244
4001364 CIFVI m -3 m3.0267; 3.0267; 3.0267
90; 90; 90
27.727Pokroy, B.; Fieramosca, J. S.; Von Dreele, R. B.; Fitch, A. N.; Caspi, E. N.; Zolotoyabko, E.
Atomic Structure of Biogenic Aragonite
Chemistry of Materials, 2007, 19, 3244
4070978 CIFC12 H35 N6 NbI m -3 m9.852; 9.852; 9.852
90; 90; 90
956.25Zhang, Xin-Hao; Chen, Shu-Jian; Cai, Hu; Im, Hee-Jung; Chen, Tianniu; Yu, Xianghua; Chen, Xuetai; Lin, Zhenyang; Wu, Yun-Dong; Xue, Zi-Ling
Unexpected Formation of (Dimethylaminomethylene)methylamide Complexes from the Reactions between Metal Chlorides and Lithium Dimethylamide
Organometallics, 2008, 27, 1338
4070979 CIFC12 H35 N6 TaI m -3 m9.835; 9.835; 9.835
90; 90; 90
951.3Zhang, Xin-Hao; Chen, Shu-Jian; Cai, Hu; Im, Hee-Jung; Chen, Tianniu; Yu, Xianghua; Chen, Xuetai; Lin, Zhenyang; Wu, Yun-Dong; Xue, Zi-Ling
Unexpected Formation of (Dimethylaminomethylene)methylamide Complexes from the Reactions between Metal Chlorides and Lithium Dimethylamide
Organometallics, 2008, 27, 1338
4101355 CIFC64 H32 Co4 N8 O17I m -3 m25.4387; 25.4387; 25.4387
90; 90; 90
16462.1Ma, Shengqian; Zhou, Hong-Cai
A metal-organic framework with entatic metal centers exhibiting high gas adsorption affinity.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2006, 128, 11734-11735
4102609 CIFGa6 Ge6 Mn Y4I m -3 m8.5625; 8.5625; 8.5625
90; 90; 90
627.77Melanie C. Francisco; Christos D. Malliakas; Paula M. B. Piccoli; Matthias J. Gutmann; Arthur J. Schultz; Mercouri G. Kanatzidis
Development and Loss of Ferromagnetism Controlled by the Interplay of Ge Concentration and Mn Vacancies in Structurally Modulated Y4Mn1-xGa12-yGey
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2010, 132, 8998-9006
4102610 CIFGa6 Ge6 Mn Y4I m -3 m8.5481; 8.5481; 8.5481
90; 90; 90
624.61Melanie C. Francisco; Christos D. Malliakas; Paula M. B. Piccoli; Matthias J. Gutmann; Arthur J. Schultz; Mercouri G. Kanatzidis
Development and Loss of Ferromagnetism Controlled by the Interplay of Ge Concentration and Mn Vacancies in Structurally Modulated Y4Mn1-xGa12-yGey
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2010, 132, 8998-9006
4102611 CIF
Ga10.98 Ge1.02 Mn0.9 Y4I m -3 m8.598; 8.598; 8.598
90; 90; 90
635.6Melanie C. Francisco; Christos D. Malliakas; Paula M. B. Piccoli; Matthias J. Gutmann; Arthur J. Schultz; Mercouri G. Kanatzidis
Development and Loss of Ferromagnetism Controlled by the Interplay of Ge Concentration and Mn Vacancies in Structurally Modulated Y4Mn1-xGa12-yGey
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2010, 132, 8998-9006
4102612 CIF
Ga7.98 Ge4.02 Mn0.95 Y4I m -3 m8.586; 8.586; 8.586
90; 90; 90
633Melanie C. Francisco; Christos D. Malliakas; Paula M. B. Piccoli; Matthias J. Gutmann; Arthur J. Schultz; Mercouri G. Kanatzidis
Development and Loss of Ferromagnetism Controlled by the Interplay of Ge Concentration and Mn Vacancies in Structurally Modulated Y4Mn1-xGa12-yGey
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2010, 132, 8998-9006
4103958 CIFC20 H16 In2 Mg N8 O22I m -3 m30.984; 30.984; 30.984
90; 90; 90
29744.9Farid Nouar; Juergen Eckert; Jarrod F. Eubank; Paul Forster; Mohamed Eddaoudi
Zeolite-likeMetal-Organic Frameworks (ZMOFs) as Hydrogen Storage Platform: Lithium and Magnesium Ion-Exchange and H2-(rho-ZMOF) Interaction Studies
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2009, 131, 2864-2870
4104357 CIFC33 H20 Cu2 N3 O9I m -3 m30.5521; 30.5521; 30.5521
90; 90; 90
28518Jian-Rong Li; Daren J. Timmons; Hong-Cai Zhou
Interconversion between Molecular Polyhedra and Metal-Organic Frameworks
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2009, 131, 6368-6369
4105683 CIF
VI m -3 m3.01596; 3.01596; 3.01596
90; 90; 90
27.433Catherine F. Smura; Dinah R. Parker; Mohamed Zbiri; Mark R. Johnson; Zoltán A. Gál; Simon J. Clarke
High-Spin Cobalt(II) Ions in Square Planar Coordination: Structures and Magnetism of the Oxysulfides Sr2CoO2Cu2S2 and Ba2CoO2Cu2S2 and Their Solid Solution
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011, 133, 2691-2705
4105686 CIF
VI m -3 m3.01691; 3.01691; 3.01691
90; 90; 90
27.459Catherine F. Smura; Dinah R. Parker; Mohamed Zbiri; Mark R. Johnson; Zoltán A. Gál; Simon J. Clarke
High-Spin Cobalt(II) Ions in Square Planar Coordination: Structures and Magnetism of the Oxysulfides Sr2CoO2Cu2S2 and Ba2CoO2Cu2S2 and Their Solid Solution
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011, 133, 2691-2705
4107590 CIFC1.5 H0.5 In0.125 K0.16 N0.58 Na0.045 O1.36I m -3 m18.761; 18.761; 18.761
90; 90; 90
6603Dorina F. Sava; Victor Ch. Kravtsov; Farid Nouar; Lukasz Wojtas; Jarrod F. Eubank; Mohamed Eddaoudi
Quest for Zeolite-like Metal-Organic Frameworks: On Pyrimidinecarboxylate Bis-Chelating Bridging Ligands
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2008, 130, 3768-3770
4107591 CIFC5.7 H3 Cd0.5 N2.35 O4.68I m -3 m30.07; 30.07; 30.07
90; 90; 90
27189Dorina F. Sava; Victor Ch. Kravtsov; Farid Nouar; Lukasz Wojtas; Jarrod F. Eubank; Mohamed Eddaoudi
Quest for Zeolite-like Metal-Organic Frameworks: On Pyrimidinecarboxylate Bis-Chelating Bridging Ligands
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2008, 130, 3768-3770
4108264 CIFC360 H512 Br24 Cu24 N48 O180I m -3 m29.663; 29.663; 29.663
90; 90; 90
26100Hiroyasu Furukawa; Jaheon Kim; Nathan W. Ockwig; Michael O'Keeffe; Omar M. Yaghi
Control of Vertex Geometry, Structure Dimensionality, Functionality, and Pore Metrics in the Reticular Synthesis of Crystalline Metal-Organic Frameworks and Polyhedra
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2008, 130, 11650-11661
4111969 CIFNbI m -3 m3.3279; 3.3279; 3.3279
90; 90; 90
36.856H. Gijs Schimmel; Jacques Huot; Laurent C. Chapon; Frans D. Tichelaar; Fokko M. Mulder
Hydrogen Cycling of Niobium and Vanadium Catalyzed Nanostructured Magnesium
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2005, 127, 14348-14354
4111970 CIFD0.83 NbI m -3 m3.438; 3.438; 3.438
90; 90; 90
40.637H. Gijs Schimmel; Jacques Huot; Laurent C. Chapon; Frans D. Tichelaar; Fokko M. Mulder
Hydrogen Cycling of Niobium and Vanadium Catalyzed Nanostructured Magnesium
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2005, 127, 14348-14354
4112283 CIFC24 H66 Ca6 K3 N25 O39I m -3 m14.8173; 14.8173; 14.8173
90; 90; 90
3253.2Brendan F. Abrahams; Adrian Hawley; Marissa G. Haywood; Timothy A. Hudson; Richard Robson; Damian A. Slizys
Serendipity and Design in the Generation of New Coordination Polymers: An Extensive Series of Highly Symmetrical Guanidinium-Templated, Carbonate-Based Networks with the Sodalite Topology
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2004, 126, 2894-2904
4112284 CIFC24 H70 Cd6 N25 Na3 O41I m -3 m14.7493; 14.7493; 14.7493
90; 90; 90
3208.59Brendan F. Abrahams; Adrian Hawley; Marissa G. Haywood; Timothy A. Hudson; Richard Robson; Damian A. Slizys
Serendipity and Design in the Generation of New Coordination Polymers: An Extensive Series of Highly Symmetrical Guanidinium-Templated, Carbonate-Based Networks with the Sodalite Topology
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2004, 126, 2894-2904
4112287 CIFC24 H66 Mn6 N25 Na3 O39I m -3 m14.5662; 14.5662; 14.5662
90; 90; 90
3090.6Brendan F. Abrahams; Adrian Hawley; Marissa G. Haywood; Timothy A. Hudson; Richard Robson; Damian A. Slizys
Serendipity and Design in the Generation of New Coordination Polymers: An Extensive Series of Highly Symmetrical Guanidinium-Templated, Carbonate-Based Networks with the Sodalite Topology
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2004, 126, 2894-2904
4112952 CIF
C30 Cr N6 O24 Ru6I m -3 m13.37556; 13.37556; 13.37556
90; 90; 90
2392.96Thomas E. Vos; Yi Liao; William W. Shum; Jae-Hyuk Her; Peter W. Stephens; William M. Reiff; Joel S. Miller
Diruthenium Tetraacetate Monocation, [RuII/III2(O2CMe)4]+, Building Blocks for 3-D Molecule-Based Magnets
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2004, 126, 11630-11639
4113928 CIFFeI m -3 m2.86048; 2.86048; 2.86048
90; 90; 90
23.4054Patrick M. Woodward; Emmanuelle Suard; Pavel Karen
Structural Tuning of Charge, Orbital, and Spin Ordering in Double-Cell Perovskite Series between NdBaFe2O5 and HoBaFe2O5
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2003, 125, 8889-8899
4113931 CIFFeI m -3 m2.86284; 2.86284; 2.86284
90; 90; 90
23.4634Patrick M. Woodward; Emmanuelle Suard; Pavel Karen
Structural Tuning of Charge, Orbital, and Spin Ordering in Double-Cell Perovskite Series between NdBaFe2O5 and HoBaFe2O5
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2003, 125, 8889-8899
4113936 CIFFeI m -3 m2.86661; 2.86661; 2.86661
90; 90; 90
23.5562Patrick M. Woodward; Emmanuelle Suard; Pavel Karen
Structural Tuning of Charge, Orbital, and Spin Ordering in Double-Cell Perovskite Series between NdBaFe2O5 and HoBaFe2O5
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2003, 125, 8889-8899
4113941 CIFFeI m -3 m2.87142; 2.87142; 2.87142
90; 90; 90
23.675Patrick M. Woodward; Emmanuelle Suard; Pavel Karen
Structural Tuning of Charge, Orbital, and Spin Ordering in Double-Cell Perovskite Series between NdBaFe2O5 and HoBaFe2O5
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2003, 125, 8889-8899
4114576 CIFC40 H70 Br2 Cu2 N8 O20I m -3 m21.607; 21.607; 21.607
90; 90; 90
10087Mohamed Eddaoudi; Jaheon Kim; Michael O'Keeffe; Omar M. Yaghi
Cu2[o-Br-C6H3(CO2)2]2(H2O)2.(DMF)8(H2O)2: A Framework Deliberately Designed To Have the NbO Structure Type
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2002, 124, 376-377
4117482 CIF
VI m -3 m3.02032; 3.02032; 3.02032
90; 90; 90
27.5524Wojciech Miiller; Maxim Avdeev; Qingdi Zhou; Brendan J. Kennedy; Neeraj Sharma; Ramzi Kutteh; Gordon J. Kearley; Siegber Schmid; Kevin S. Knight; Peter E. R. Blanchard; Chris D. Ling
Giant Magnetoelastic Effect at the Opening of a Spin-Gap in Ba3BiIr2O9
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2012, 134, 3265-3270
4118287 CIFC34 Al0.34 B24.8 Fe13.86 La33I m -3 m14.856; 14.856; 14.856
90; 90; 90
3278.7Patricia C. Tucker; Jason Nyffeler; Banghao Chen; Andrew Ozarowski; Ryan Stillwell; Susan E. Latturner
A Tale of Two Metals: New Cerium Iron Borocarbide Intermetallics Grown from Rare-Earth/Transition Metal Eutectic Fluxes
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2012, 134, 12138-12148
4118288 CIFC34 Al B25 Ce33 Fe13I m -3 m14.6173; 14.6173; 14.6173
90; 90; 90
3123.2Patricia C. Tucker; Jason Nyffeler; Banghao Chen; Andrew Ozarowski; Ryan Stillwell; Susan E. Latturner
A Tale of Two Metals: New Cerium Iron Borocarbide Intermetallics Grown from Rare-Earth/Transition Metal Eutectic Fluxes
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2012, 134, 12138-12148
4118289 CIFC34 Al0.08 B24.92 Ce33 Mn14I m -3 m14.6148; 14.6148; 14.6148
90; 90; 90
3121.6Patricia C. Tucker; Jason Nyffeler; Banghao Chen; Andrew Ozarowski; Ryan Stillwell; Susan E. Latturner
A Tale of Two Metals: New Cerium Iron Borocarbide Intermetallics Grown from Rare-Earth/Transition Metal Eutectic Fluxes
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2012, 134, 12138-12148
4118290 CIFC34 B18 Ce33 Fe13I m -3 m14.246; 14.246; 14.246
90; 90; 90
2891Patricia C. Tucker; Jason Nyffeler; Banghao Chen; Andrew Ozarowski; Ryan Stillwell; Susan E. Latturner
A Tale of Two Metals: New Cerium Iron Borocarbide Intermetallics Grown from Rare-Earth/Transition Metal Eutectic Fluxes
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2012, 134, 12138-12148
4118291 CIFC34 Al0.04 B18 Fe12.96 Pr33I m -3 m14.3881; 14.3881; 14.3881
90; 90; 90
2978.6Patricia C. Tucker; Jason Nyffeler; Banghao Chen; Andrew Ozarowski; Ryan Stillwell; Susan E. Latturner
A Tale of Two Metals: New Cerium Iron Borocarbide Intermetallics Grown from Rare-Earth/Transition Metal Eutectic Fluxes
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2012, 134, 12138-12148
4121118 CIFC144 H72 N12 Ni3 O64 Zr12I m -3 m38.512; 38.512; 38.512
90; 90; 90
57120Dawei Feng; Wan-Chun Chung; Zhangwen Wei; Zhi-Yuan Gu; Hai-Long Jiang; Ying-Pin Chen; Donald J. Darensbourg; Hong-Cai Zhou
Construction of Ultrastable Porphyrin Zr Metal-Organic Frameworks through Linker Elimination
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013, 135, 17105-17110
4121119 CIFC144 H72 N12 O64 Zr15I m -3 m38.465; 38.465; 38.465
90; 90; 90
56911Dawei Feng; Wan-Chun Chung; Zhangwen Wei; Zhi-Yuan Gu; Hai-Long Jiang; Ying-Pin Chen; Donald J. Darensbourg; Hong-Cai Zhou
Construction of Ultrastable Porphyrin Zr Metal-Organic Frameworks through Linker Elimination
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013, 135, 17105-17110
4122995 CIFC144 H72 Fe3 N12 O64 Zr12I m -3 m38.4265; 38.4265; 38.4265
90; 90; 90
56740Anderson, John S.; Gallagher, Audrey T.; Mason, Jarad A.; Harris, T. David
A Five-Coordinate Heme Dioxygen Adduct Isolated within a Metal-Organic Framework.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2014, 141117151249006
4122996 CIFC18 H9 Fe0.38 N1.5 O8.75 Zr1.5I m -3 m38.6484; 38.6484; 38.6484
90; 90; 90
57729Anderson, John S.; Gallagher, Audrey T.; Mason, Jarad A.; Harris, T. David
A Five-Coordinate Heme Dioxygen Adduct Isolated within a Metal-Organic Framework.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2014, 141117151249006
4125165 CIFC192 H96 Cu24 O120I m -3 m27.57; 27.57; 27.57
90; 90; 90
20956Chen, Teng-Hao; Wang, Le; Trueblood, Jonathan V.; Grassian, Vicki H.; Cohen, Seth M.
Poly(isophthalic acid)(ethylene oxide) as a Macromolecular Modulator for Metal-Organic Polyhedra.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 9646-9654
4126182 CIFC18.8 H14.1 N9.7 O3.4 Zn2I m -3 m35.943; 35.943; 35.943
90; 90; 90
46435Yang, Jingjing; Zhang, Yue-Biao; Liu, Qi; Trickett, Christopher A.; Gutiérrez-Puebla, Enrique; Monge, M Ángeles; Cong, Hengjiang; Aldossary, Abdulrahman; Deng, Hexiang; Yaghi, Omar M.
Principles of Designing Extra-Large Pore Openings and Cages in Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2017, 139, 6448-6455
4128513 CIFC192 H96 O121 Rh24I m -3 m27.48; 27.48; 27.48
90; 90; 90
20752Carné-Sánchez, Arnau; Albalad, Jorge; Grancha, Thais; Imaz, Inhar; Juanhuix, Judith; Larpent, Patrick; Furukawa, Shuhei; Maspoch, Daniel
Postsynthetic Covalent and Coordination Functionalization of Rhodium(II)-Based Metal-Organic Polyhedra.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2019, 141, 4094-4102
4133384 CIFC144 H144 Mo24 N24 O150 S32 Zn6I m -3 m32.877; 32.877; 32.877
90; 90; 90
35537Ji, Zhe; Trickett, Christopher; Pei, Xiaokun; Yaghi, Omar M.
Linking Molybdenum-Sulfur Clusters for Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2018, 140, 13618-13622
4133793 CIFC141 H133 N3 O53 Y9I m -3 m43.475; 43.475; 43.475
90; 90; 90
82171Chen, Zhijie; Thiam, Zeynabou; Shkurenko, Aleksander; Weselinski, Lukasz J.; Adil, Karim; Jiang, Hao; Alezi, Dalal; Assen, Ayalew H.; O'Keeffe, Michael; Eddaoudi, Mohamed
Enriching the Reticular Chemistry Repertoire with Minimal Edge-Transitive Related Nets: Access to Highly Coordinated Metal-Organic Frameworks Based on Double Six-Membered Rings as Net-Coded Building Units.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2019, 141, 20480-20489
4134637 CIFC72.29 H39.16 Hf6.02 N6.02 O32.13I m -3 m38.585; 38.585; 38.585
90; 90; 90
57445Luo, Taokun; Ni, Kaiyuan; Culbert, August; Lan, Guangxu; Li, Zhe; Jiang, Xiaomin; Kaufmann, Michael; Lin, Wenbin
Nanoscale Metal-Organic Frameworks Stabilize Bacteriochlorins for Type I and Type II Photodynamic Therapy.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020, 142, 7334-7339
4300111 CIFBe Cl18 H53 O24 Zr6I m -3 m13.8956; 13.8956; 13.8956
90; 90; 90
2683.07Xiaobing Xie; Timothy Hughbanks
Reduced Zirconium Halide Clusters in Aqueous Solution
Inorganic Chemistry, 2000, 39, 555-561
4300112 CIFCl18 H53 Mn O24 Zr6I m -3 m14.029; 14.029; 14.029
90; 90; 90
2761.1Xiaobing Xie; Timothy Hughbanks
Reduced Zirconium Halide Clusters in Aqueous Solution
Inorganic Chemistry, 2000, 39, 555-561
4300115 CIFB Cl18 H52.5 O24 Rb0.44 Zr6I m -3 m13.8962; 13.8962; 13.8962
90; 90; 90
2683.42Xiaobing Xie; Timothy Hughbanks
Reduced Zirconium Halide Clusters in Aqueous Solution
Inorganic Chemistry, 2000, 39, 555-561
4301237 CIFK4.36 Nd6 O15.58 Pt2I m -3 m11.9083; 11.9083; 11.9083
90; 90; 90
1688.69Hans-Conrad zur Loye; Tara J. Hansen; Qingbiao Zhao; Samuel J. Mugavero; Ray L. Withers; Mark D. Smith
Crystal Growth of Novel Lanthanide-Containing Platinates K4[Ln6Pt2O15] (Ln = La, Pr, Nd, Sm) with a Unique Framework Structure
Inorganic Chemistry, 2009, 48, 414-416
4301238 CIFK3.93 O15.5 Pr6 Pt2I m -3 m11.961; 11.961; 11.961
90; 90; 90
1711.21Hans-Conrad zur Loye; Tara J. Hansen; Qingbiao Zhao; Samuel J. Mugavero; Ray L. Withers; Mark D. Smith
Crystal Growth of Novel Lanthanide-Containing Platinates K4[Ln6Pt2O15] (Ln = La, Pr, Nd, Sm) with a Unique Framework Structure
Inorganic Chemistry, 2009, 48, 414-416
4301239 CIFK6.09 O15 Pt2 Sm6I m -3 m11.7983; 11.7983; 11.7983
90; 90; 90
1642.32Hans-Conrad zur Loye; Tara J. Hansen; Qingbiao Zhao; Samuel J. Mugavero; Ray L. Withers; Mark D. Smith
Crystal Growth of Novel Lanthanide-Containing Platinates K4[Ln6Pt2O15] (Ln = La, Pr, Nd, Sm) with a Unique Framework Structure
Inorganic Chemistry, 2009, 48, 414-416
4301240 CIFK4.18 La6 O15.5 Pt2I m -3 m12.1552; 12.1552; 12.1552
90; 90; 90
1795.92Hans-Conrad zur Loye; Tara J. Hansen; Qingbiao Zhao; Samuel J. Mugavero; Ray L. Withers; Mark D. Smith
Crystal Growth of Novel Lanthanide-Containing Platinates K4[Ln6Pt2O15] (Ln = La, Pr, Nd, Sm) with a Unique Framework Structure
Inorganic Chemistry, 2009, 48, 414-416
4301568 CIFC72 H62 Er4 N8 O31 S6I m -3 m26.268; 26.268; 26.268
90; 90; 90
18125Shengqian Ma; Daqiang Yuan; Xi-Sen Wang; Hong-Cai Zhou
Microporous Lanthanide Metal-Organic Frameworks Containing Coordinatively Linked Interpenetration: Syntheses, Gas Adsorption Studies, Thermal Stability Analysis, and Photoluminescence Investigation
Inorganic Chemistry, 2009, 48, 2072-2077
4301569 CIFC72 H62 N8 O31 S6 Y4I m -3 m26.311; 26.311; 26.311
90; 90; 90
18214Shengqian Ma; Daqiang Yuan; Xi-Sen Wang; Hong-Cai Zhou
Microporous Lanthanide Metal-Organic Frameworks Containing Coordinatively Linked Interpenetration: Syntheses, Gas Adsorption Studies, Thermal Stability Analysis, and Photoluminescence Investigation
Inorganic Chemistry, 2009, 48, 2072-2077
4301570 CIFC72 H62 Dy4 N8 O31 S6I m -3 m26.348; 26.348; 26.348
90; 90; 90
18291Shengqian Ma; Daqiang Yuan; Xi-Sen Wang; Hong-Cai Zhou
Microporous Lanthanide Metal-Organic Frameworks Containing Coordinatively Linked Interpenetration: Syntheses, Gas Adsorption Studies, Thermal Stability Analysis, and Photoluminescence Investigation
Inorganic Chemistry, 2009, 48, 2072-2077
4301571 CIFC72 H62 Er4 N8 O31 S6I m -3 m26.268; 26.268; 26.268
90; 90; 90
18125Shengqian Ma; Daqiang Yuan; Xi-Sen Wang; Hong-Cai Zhou
Microporous Lanthanide Metal-Organic Frameworks Containing Coordinatively Linked Interpenetration: Syntheses, Gas Adsorption Studies, Thermal Stability Analysis, and Photoluminescence Investigation
Inorganic Chemistry, 2009, 48, 2072-2077
4302557 CIFVI m -3 m3.02589; 3.02589; 3.02589
90; 90; 90
27.705Michael J. Evans; Verina F. Kranak; Francisco J. Garcia-Garcia; Gregory P. Holland; Luke L. Daemen; Thomas Proffen; Myeong H. Lee; Otto F. Sankey; Ulrich Häussermann
Structural and Dynamic Properties of BaInGeH: A Rare Solid-State Indium Hydride
Inorganic Chemistry, 2009, 48, 5602-5604
4304412 CIFC684 H967 Cl6 Mn27 N335 O135I m -3 m29.135; 29.135; 29.135
90; 90; 90
24731Mircea Dincǎ; Anne Dailly; Charlene Tsay; Jeffrey R. Long
Expanded Sodalite-Type Metal-Organic Frameworks: Increased Stability and H2 Adsorption through Ligand-Directed Catenation
Inorganic Chemistry, 2008, 47, 11-13
4304413 CIFC456 H360 Cl6 Mn27 N264 O24I m -3 m29.1071; 29.1071; 29.1071
90; 90; 90
24660.2Mircea Dincǎ; Anne Dailly; Charlene Tsay; Jeffrey R. Long
Expanded Sodalite-Type Metal-Organic Frameworks: Increased Stability and H2 Adsorption through Ligand-Directed Catenation
Inorganic Chemistry, 2008, 47, 11-13
4304414 CIFC384 H252 Cl6 Cu27 N240 O30I m -3 m28.526; 28.526; 28.526
90; 90; 90
23213Mircea Dincǎ; Anne Dailly; Charlene Tsay; Jeffrey R. Long
Expanded Sodalite-Type Metal-Organic Frameworks: Increased Stability and H2 Adsorption through Ligand-Directed Catenation
Inorganic Chemistry, 2008, 47, 11-13
4309916 CIF
VI m -3 m3.0278; 3.0278; 3.0278
90; 90; 90
27.758Pavel Karen; Emmanuelle Suard; François Fauth
Crystal Structure of Stoichiometric YBa2Fe3O8
Inorganic Chemistry, 2005, 44, 8170-8172
4314511 CIFFe Ga12 Y4I m -3 m8.565; 8.565; 8.565
90; 90; 90
628.32Brenton L. Drake; Fernande Grandjean; Michael J. Kangas; Edem K. Okudzeto; Amar B. Karki; Moulay T. Sougrati; David P. Young; Gary J. Long; Julia Y. Chan
Crystal Growth, Transport, and the Structural and Magnetic Properties of Ln4FeGa12 with Ln = Y, Tb, Dy, Ho, and Er
Inorganic Chemistry, 2010, 49, 445-456
4314512 CIFFe Ga12 Tb4I m -3 m8.561; 8.561; 8.561
90; 90; 90
627.44Brenton L. Drake; Fernande Grandjean; Michael J. Kangas; Edem K. Okudzeto; Amar B. Karki; Moulay T. Sougrati; David P. Young; Gary J. Long; Julia Y. Chan
Crystal Growth, Transport, and the Structural and Magnetic Properties of Ln4FeGa12 with Ln = Y, Tb, Dy, Ho, and Er
Inorganic Chemistry, 2010, 49, 445-456
4314513 CIFDy4 Fe Ga12I m -3 m8.535; 8.535; 8.535
90; 90; 90
621.74Brenton L. Drake; Fernande Grandjean; Michael J. Kangas; Edem K. Okudzeto; Amar B. Karki; Moulay T. Sougrati; David P. Young; Gary J. Long; Julia Y. Chan
Crystal Growth, Transport, and the Structural and Magnetic Properties of Ln4FeGa12 with Ln = Y, Tb, Dy, Ho, and Er
Inorganic Chemistry, 2010, 49, 445-456
4314514 CIFFe Ga12 Ho4I m -3 m8.508; 8.508; 8.508
90; 90; 90
615.86Brenton L. Drake; Fernande Grandjean; Michael J. Kangas; Edem K. Okudzeto; Amar B. Karki; Moulay T. Sougrati; David P. Young; Gary J. Long; Julia Y. Chan
Crystal Growth, Transport, and the Structural and Magnetic Properties of Ln4FeGa12 with Ln = Y, Tb, Dy, Ho, and Er
Inorganic Chemistry, 2010, 49, 445-456
4314515 CIFEr4 Fe Ga12I m -3 m8.472; 8.472; 8.472
90; 90; 90
608.08Brenton L. Drake; Fernande Grandjean; Michael J. Kangas; Edem K. Okudzeto; Amar B. Karki; Moulay T. Sougrati; David P. Young; Gary J. Long; Julia Y. Chan
Crystal Growth, Transport, and the Structural and Magnetic Properties of Ln4FeGa12 with Ln = Y, Tb, Dy, Ho, and Er
Inorganic Chemistry, 2010, 49, 445-456
4314516 CIFEr4 Fe0.67 Ga12I m -3 m8.476; 8.476; 8.476
90; 90; 90
608.94Brenton L. Drake; Fernande Grandjean; Michael J. Kangas; Edem K. Okudzeto; Amar B. Karki; Moulay T. Sougrati; David P. Young; Gary J. Long; Julia Y. Chan
Crystal Growth, Transport, and the Structural and Magnetic Properties of Ln4FeGa12 with Ln = Y, Tb, Dy, Ho, and Er
Inorganic Chemistry, 2010, 49, 445-456
4318854 CIFFe Ga6 Ge6 Sm4I m -3 m8.657; 8.657; 8.657
90; 90; 90
648.8Marina A. Zhuravleva; Xiaoping Wang; Arthur J. Schultz; Thomas Bakas; Mercouri G. Kanatzidis
Isolation of the New Cubic Phases RE4FeGa12-xGex (RE = Sm, Tb; x= 2.5) from Molten Gallium: Single-Crystal Neutron Diffraction Study of the Ga/Ge Distribution
Inorganic Chemistry, 2002, 41, 6056-6061
4318855 CIFFe Ga6 Ge6 Tb4I m -3 m8.562; 8.562; 8.562
90; 90; 90
627.66Marina A. Zhuravleva; Xiaoping Wang; Arthur J. Schultz; Thomas Bakas; Mercouri G. Kanatzidis
Isolation of the New Cubic Phases RE4FeGa12-xGex (RE = Sm, Tb; x= 2.5) from Molten Gallium: Single-Crystal Neutron Diffraction Study of the Ga/Ge Distribution
Inorganic Chemistry, 2002, 41, 6056-6061
4318856 CIFFe Ga12 Ge0 Y4I m -3 m8.5683; 8.5683; 8.5683
90; 90; 90
629.05Marina A. Zhuravleva; Xiaoping Wang; Arthur J. Schultz; Thomas Bakas; Mercouri G. Kanatzidis
Isolation of the New Cubic Phases RE4FeGa12-xGex (RE = Sm, Tb; x= 2.5) from Molten Gallium: Single-Crystal Neutron Diffraction Study of the Ga/Ge Distribution
Inorganic Chemistry, 2002, 41, 6056-6061
4323550 CIFC36 H89 Cl18 N3 Zr6I m -3 m15.093; 15.093; 15.093
90; 90; 90
3438.2Linfeng Chen; F. Albert Cotton; William A. Wojtczak
Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Compounds Containing the [Zr6Cl18H5]3- Cluster Anion. Determination of the Number of Cluster Hydrogen Atoms
Inorganic Chemistry, 1997, 36, 4047-4054
4338664 CIFC64 H32 Fe4 N8 O17I m -3 m25.474; 25.474; 25.474
90; 90; 90
16531Ma, Shengqian; Yuan, Daqiang; Chang, Jong-San; Zhou, Hong-Cai
Investigation of Gas Adsorption Performances and H2 Affinities of Porous Metal-Organic Frameworks with Different Entatic Metal Centers
Inorganic Chemistry, 2009, 48, 5398-5402
4338665 CIFC64 H32 Mn4 N8 O17I m -3 m25.5155; 25.5155; 25.5155
90; 90; 90
16611.6Ma, Shengqian; Yuan, Daqiang; Chang, Jong-San; Zhou, Hong-Cai
Investigation of Gas Adsorption Performances and H2 Affinities of Porous Metal-Organic Frameworks with Different Entatic Metal Centers
Inorganic Chemistry, 2009, 48, 5398-5402
4341712 CIFC32.5 O40 Si W12I m -3 m17.576; 17.576; 17.576
90; 90; 90
5430Klonowski, Peter; Goloboy, James C.; Uribe-Romo, Fernando J; Sun, Furong; Zhu, Lingyang; Gándara, Felipe; Wills, Corinne; Errington, R. John; Yaghi, Omar M.; Klemperer, Walter G.
Synthesis and Characterization of the Platinum-Substituted Keggin Anion α-H2SiPtW11O40(4-)
Inorganic chemistry, 2014, 141119142641005
4341713 CIFC7 O40 Si W12I m -3 m17.669; 17.669; 17.669
90; 90; 90
5516.1Klonowski, Peter; Goloboy, James C.; Uribe-Romo, Fernando J; Sun, Furong; Zhu, Lingyang; Gándara, Felipe; Wills, Corinne; Errington, R. John; Yaghi, Omar M.; Klemperer, Walter G.
Synthesis and Characterization of the Platinum-Substituted Keggin Anion α-H2SiPtW11O40(4-)
Inorganic chemistry, 2014, 141119142641005
4342016 CIFC24 Br6 Cu5.27 N8I m -3 m13.4786; 13.4786; 13.4786
90; 90; 90
2448.69Zhang, Xian-Ming; Hou, Juan-Juan; Guo, Cai-Hong; Li, Chun-Fang
A new class of cuprous bromide cluster-based hybrid materials: direct observation of the stepwise replacement of hydrogen bonds by coordination bonds.
Inorganic chemistry, 2015, 54, 554-559
4342017 CIFC24 Br6 Cu5.39 N8I m -3 m13.5186; 13.5186; 13.5186
90; 90; 90
2470.56Zhang, Xian-Ming; Hou, Juan-Juan; Guo, Cai-Hong; Li, Chun-Fang
A new class of cuprous bromide cluster-based hybrid materials: direct observation of the stepwise replacement of hydrogen bonds by coordination bonds.
Inorganic chemistry, 2015, 54, 554-559
4342018 CIFC24 Br6 Cu6.577 N8I m -3 m13.5838; 13.5838; 13.5838
90; 90; 90
2506.48Zhang, Xian-Ming; Hou, Juan-Juan; Guo, Cai-Hong; Li, Chun-Fang
A new class of cuprous bromide cluster-based hybrid materials: direct observation of the stepwise replacement of hydrogen bonds by coordination bonds.
Inorganic chemistry, 2015, 54, 554-559
4342019 CIFC24 Br6 Cu6.78 N8I m -3 m13.5926; 13.5926; 13.5926
90; 90; 90
2511.35Zhang, Xian-Ming; Hou, Juan-Juan; Guo, Cai-Hong; Li, Chun-Fang
A new class of cuprous bromide cluster-based hybrid materials: direct observation of the stepwise replacement of hydrogen bonds by coordination bonds.
Inorganic chemistry, 2015, 54, 554-559
4342020 CIFC24 Br6 Cu8 N8I m -3 m13.6261; 13.6261; 13.6261
90; 90; 90
2529.97Zhang, Xian-Ming; Hou, Juan-Juan; Guo, Cai-Hong; Li, Chun-Fang
A new class of cuprous bromide cluster-based hybrid materials: direct observation of the stepwise replacement of hydrogen bonds by coordination bonds.
Inorganic chemistry, 2015, 54, 554-559
4343729 CIFFe Ga9.5 Ge2.5 Tb4I m -3 m8.6054; 8.6054; 8.6054
90; 90; 90
637.255Zhuravleva, M.A.; Schultz, A.J.; Wang, X.-P.; Bakas, T.; Kanatzidis, M.G.
Isolation of the new cubic phases RE4 Fe Ga12-x Gex (RE = Sm, Tb; x= 2.5) from molten gallium; single-crystal neutron diffraction study of the Ga/Ge distribution
Inorganic Chemistry, 2002, 41, 6056-6061
4344105 CIFCa5 Ge6 Pd6I m -3 m8.7764; 8.7764; 8.7764
90; 90; 90
676Doverbratt, Isa; Ponou, Siméon; Wang, Fei; Lidin, Sven
Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Bonding Analysis of the Hypoelectronic Cubic Phase Ca5Pd6Ge6.
Inorganic chemistry, 2015, 54, 9098-9104
4345635 CIFC150 H72 Co3 N12 O70 Zr12I m -3 m38.399; 38.399; 38.399
90; 90; 90
56619Gallagher, Audrey T.; Malliakas, Christos D.; Harris, T. David
CO Binding at a Four-Coordinate Cobaltous Porphyrin Site in a Metal-Organic Framework: Structural, EPR, and Gas Adsorption Analysis.
Inorganic chemistry, 2017, 56, 4655-4662
4345636 CIFC146.9 H72 Co3 N12 O66.9 Zr12I m -3 m38.4988; 38.4988; 38.4988
90; 90; 90
57061Gallagher, Audrey T.; Malliakas, Christos D.; Harris, T. David
CO Binding at a Four-Coordinate Cobaltous Porphyrin Site in a Metal-Organic Framework: Structural, EPR, and Gas Adsorption Analysis.
Inorganic chemistry, 2017, 56, 4655-4662
4345637 CIFC146.89 H72 Co3 N12 O66.89 Zr12I m -3 m38.5333; 38.5333; 38.5333
90; 90; 90
57215Gallagher, Audrey T.; Malliakas, Christos D.; Harris, T. David
CO Binding at a Four-Coordinate Cobaltous Porphyrin Site in a Metal-Organic Framework: Structural, EPR, and Gas Adsorption Analysis.
Inorganic chemistry, 2017, 56, 4655-4662

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