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1509568 CIFAg ZnI m -3 m3.11; 3.11; 3.11
90; 90; 90
30.08Petzow, G.; Wagner, E.
Aufbau und Eigenschaften von Silber-Kadmium-Zink Legierungen
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1961, 52, 736-742
1509612 CIFAg1.8 Au0.216 SI m -3 m4.91; 4.91; 4.91
90; 90; 90
118.371Wiegers, G.A.; Folmer, J.C.W.; Hofman, P.
Order-disorder transitions in the system Ag2-x Aux S (0<x<1)
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1976, 48, 251-268
1509634 CIFAg16 Ca6 NI m -3 m9.7845; 9.7845; 9.7845
90; 90; 90
936.733Simon, A.; Snyder, G.J.
Diskrete (M6 N)-Oktaeder in den Subnitriden Na16 Ba6 N und Ag16 Ca6 N - eine Ueberpruefung des Ag8 Ca3-Typs
Angewandte Chemie (German Edition), 1994, 106, 713-715
1509709 CIFAg2 SI m -3 m4.873; 4.873; 4.873
90; 90; 90
115.715Wuensch, B.J.; Cava, R.J.; Reidinger, F.
Single-crystal neutron diffraction study of the fast-ion conductor beta-Ag2 S between 186 and 325 degree
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1980, 31, 69-80
1509713 CIFAg2 SeI m -3 m5.043; 5.043; 5.043
90; 90; 90
128.253McMullan, R.K.; Wuensch, B.J.; Oliveria, M.
Single crystal neutron diffraction analysis of the cation distribution in the high-temperature phases alpha-Cu2-x S, alpha-Cu2-x Se, and alpha-Ag2 Se
Solid State Ionics, 1988, 28, 1332-1337
1509749 CIFAg2.88 I SI m -3 m4.993; 4.993; 4.993
90; 90; 90
124.476Beyeler, H.U.; Perenthaler, E.; Schulz, H.
Structure investigations, atomic potentials, and phase transitions of the fast ionic conductor Ag3 S I
Solid State Ionics, 1981, 5, 493-496
1509830 CIFAg3.5 I SI m -3 m4.966; 4.966; 4.966
90; 90; 90
122.467Didisheim, J.J.; Wuensch, B.J.; McMullan, R.K.
A single crystal neutron diffraction study of the distibution and thermal motion of silver ions in alphaand beta-Ag3 S I
Solid State Ionics, 1986, 1819, 1150-1162
1510047 CIFAg3.12 I SI m -3 m4.934; 4.934; 4.934
90; 90; 90
120.115McMullan, R.K.; Wuensch, B.J.; Didisheim, J.J.
A single crystal neutron diffraction study of the distibution and thermal motion of silver ions in alphaand beta-Ag3 S I
Solid State Ionics, 1986, 1819, 1150-1162
1510055 CIFAu0.05 Fe0.95I m -3 m2.8923; 2.8923; 2.8923
90; 90; 90
24.195Hornbogen, E.; Roth, M.
Ausscheidungsvorgaenge in Eisen-Gold-Mischkristallen
Archiv fuer das Eisenhuettenwesen, 1965, 36, 201-209
1510116 CIFAu0.3 Nb0.7I m -3 m3.2578; 3.2578; 3.2578
90; 90; 90
34.576Wire, M.S.; Webb, G.W.
Superconductivity and the b.c.c. to A15 transformation in Nb-Au alloys
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 1981, 42, 233-238
1510258 CIFAu0.5 Nb1.5I m -3 m3.2767; 3.2767; 3.2767
90; 90; 90
35.181Di, L.M.; Bakker, H.
Mechanically induced phase transformation in the Nb3 Au intermetallic compound
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 1991, 3, 9319-9326
1510290 CIFAu Sb3I m -3 m6.08; 6.08; 6.08
90; 90; 90
224.756Tyrina, L.V.; Palatnik, L.S.; Kosevich, V.M.
Electron diffraction examination of metastable phases in the alloys Au-Sb, In-Sb, In-Bi and In-Bi-Sb
Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie, 1961, 11, 229-235
1510329 CIFAu0.6 Nb1.4I m -3 m3.286; 3.286; 3.286
90; 90; 90
35.482Roeschel, E.; Raub, C.J.; Loebich, O.jr.
Das Zustandsdiagramm Niob-Gold
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1973, 64, 359-361
1510769 CIFB2 N4 Sr2.993I m -3 m7.6456; 7.6456; 7.6456
90; 90; 90
446.925Womelsdorf, H.; Meyer, H.J.
Zur Kenntnis der Struktur von Sr3 (B N)2
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1994, 620, 262-265
1511026 CIFB0.118 Ce0.188 Fe1.648 Si0.048I m -3 m2.978; 2.978; 2.978
90; 90; 90
26.41Wang, R.-J.; Kneller, E.; Khan, Y.
Structure and magnetic properties of new bcc A2-type based superstructures in R-Fe-B systems
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1993, 84, 881-885
1511037 CIFB0.118 Er0.188 Fe1.648 Si0.048I m -3 m2.965; 2.965; 2.965
90; 90; 90
26.066Wang, R.-J.; Khan, Y.; Kneller, E.
Structure and magnetic properties of new bcc A2-type based superstructures in R-Fe-B systems
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1993, 84, 881-885
1511043 CIFB0.118 Fe1.648 Gd0.188 Si0.048I m -3 m2.986; 2.986; 2.986
90; 90; 90
26.624Wang, R.-J.; Kneller, E.; Khan, Y.
Structure and magnetic properties of new bcc A2-type based superstructures in R-Fe-B systems
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1993, 84, 881-885
1511051 CIFB0.118 Fe1.648 Nd0.164 Si0.07I m -3 m2.998; 2.998; 2.998
90; 90; 90
26.946Kneller, E.; Khan, Y.; Wang, R.-J.
Structure and magnetic properties of new bcc A2-type based superstructures in R-Fe-B systems
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1993, 84, 881-885
1511058 CIFB0.118 Fe1.648 Si0.048 Tb0.188I m -3 m2.976; 2.976; 2.976
90; 90; 90
26.357Khan, Y.; Wang, R.-J.; Kneller, E.
Structure and magnetic properties of new bcc A2-type based superstructures in R-Fe-B systems
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1993, 84, 881-885
1511067 CIFB0.118 Fe1.648 Si0.048 Y0.188I m -3 m2.971; 2.971; 2.971
90; 90; 90
26.225Khan, Y.; Wang, R.-J.; Kneller, E.
Structure and magnetic properties of new bcc A2-type based superstructures in R-Fe-B systems
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1993, 84, 881-885

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