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9012767 CIFBa Ca4 H24 O48.4 Si16C m c m14.081; 13.109; 23.56
90; 90; 90
4348.89Cannillo, E.; Rossi, G.; Ungaretti, L.
The crystal structure of macdonaldite Note: x(Si4) corrected
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 1968, 45, 399-414
9012768 CIFC19 H24P n a a9.231; 9.134; 36.01
90; 90; 90
3036.22Foresti, E.; Riva di Sanseverino, L.
The X-ray crystal and molecular structure of an organic mineral: simonellite, C19H24 Locality: synthetic
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 1969, 47, 41-54
9012769 CIFF Mg2 O4 PP 1 21/c 19.65; 12.731; 11.961
90; 108.22; 90
1395.78Amisano Canesi, A.; Chiari, G.
Refinement of very-high-pressure wagnerite, Mg2(PO4)F
European Crystallographic Meeting, 1992, 14, 189-189
9012770 CIFVI m -3 m3.0241; 3.0241; 3.0241
90; 90; 90
27.656James, W. J.; Straumanis, M. E.
Lattice parameter and expansion coefficient of vanadium Sample: at T = 25C
Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 1960, 107, 69-69
9012771 CIFCa1.58 F0.44 O6.37 Sb2F d -3 m :110.3; 10.3; 10.3
90; 90; 90
1092.73Aia, M. A.; Mooney, R. W.; Hoffman, C. W. W.
An X-ray study of pyrochlore fluoantimonates of calcium, cadmium, and manganese
Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 1963, 110, 1048-1054
9012772 CIFCa H8 O14 P2 V2P 16.354; 6.329; 6.598
106.72; 94.1; 90.06
253.402Franke, W. A.; Luger, P.; Weber, M.; Ivanova, T. I.
Low hydrothermal growth of sincosite Ca(VO/PO4)2*4H2O
Zapiski Vserossijskogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva, 1997, 85-86
9012773 CIFAs3 Cu4 Na O12C 1 2/c 112.053; 12.432; 7.2529
90; 117.793; 90
961.421Krivovichev, S. V.; Filatov, S. K.; Burns, P. C.
The Jahn-Teller distortion of copper coordination polyhedra in the alluaudite structural type: Crystal structure of bradaczekite, NaCu4(AsO4)3
Zapiski Vserossijskogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva, 2001, 2001, 1-8
9012774 CIFC3 Ba2 F La O9P 1 21/m 113.396; 5.111; 6.672
90; 106.628; 90
437.709Krivovichev, S. V.; Armbruster, T.; Pekov, I. V.
Cation frameworks in structure of natural fluocarbonates of barium and rare-earth elements: crystal structure of kukharenkoite-(La), Ba2(La,Ce)(CO3)3F
Zapiski Vserossijskogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva, 2003, 65-72
9012775 CIFBa0.94 Ca0.04 Ce0.18 K0.06 Na2.12 O8 P2 Sr0.66P 35.541; 5.541; 7.02
90; 90; 120
186.657Pekov, I. V.; Chukanov, N. V.; Kulikova, I. M.; Zubkova, N. V.; Krotova, O. D.; Sorokina, N. I.; Pushcharovsky, D. Y.
New mineral bario-olgite, Ba(Na,Sr,REE)2Na[PO4]2 and its crystal structure
Zapiski Vserossijskogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva, 2004, 133, 41-49
9012776 CIFAl0.112 Ba0.92 Ca0.26 Fe0.04 H10.667 K0.54 Mg0.01 Mn0.15 Na0.24 Nb1.024 O31.222 Si7.888 Sr0.22 Ti2.968 Zn0.58C 1 m 114.381; 13.889; 7.793
90; 117.52; 90
1380.43Pekov, I. V.; Chukanov, N. V.; Shilov, G. V.; Kononkova, N. N.; Zadov, A. E.
Lepkhenelmite-Zn, Ba2Zn(Ti,Nb)4[Si4O12]2(O,OH)4*7(H2O) - a new mineral of the labuntsovite group and its crystal structure Locality: Lepkhe-Nelm Mt, Lovozero, Kola Peninsula, Russia Note: y(M1) corrected
Zapiski Vserossijskogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva, 2004, 133, 49-59
9012777 CIFAl4 H16 Ni0.72 O20 V1.88 Zn0.28P 1 21/n 117.8098; 5.1228; 8.8665
90; 92.141; 90
808.38Karpenko, V. Y.; Pautov, L. A.; Sokolova, E. V.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Agakhanov, A. A.; Dikaya, T. V.
Ankinovichite - the nickel analogue of alvanite - a new mineral from Kurumsak (Kazakhstan) and Kara-Chagyr (Kyrgystan) Locality: Kara-Chagyr, Kyrgystan Note: isostructural with alvanite
Zapiski Vserossijskogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva, 2004, 133, 59-70
9012778 CIFFe2 K Li Na2 O24 Si8 Ti2C 1 c 116.4821; 12.5195; 10.0292
90; 115.474; 90
1868.31Zolotarev, A. A.; Krivovichev, S. V.; Yakovenchuk, V. N.
Refinement of the mangan-neptunite structure Locality: synthetic Note: changed signs of z-coordinates of O12 and O14, Ti1(y) to .32364
Zapiski Vserossijskogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchetstva, 2007, 136, 118-123
9012780 CIFCu H12 K2 O14 S2P 1 21/a 19.066; 12.13; 6.149
90; 104.4; 90
654.965Robinson, D. J.; Kennard, C. H. L.
Potassium hexa-aquacopper(II) sulfate, CuH12K2O14S2 (neutron)
Crystal Structure Communications, 1972, 1, 185-188
9012781 CIFS18P 1 21/n 110.75; 7.25; 12.25
90; 92.3; 90
953.965Debaerdemaeker, T.; Kutoglu, A.
Cyclooctadecasulfur, S18 (beta) Locality: synthetic Note: beta phase
Crystal Structure Communications, 1974, 3, 611-613
9012783 CIFO2 SbP n a 215.436; 4.81; 11.76
90; 90; 90
307.491Gopalakrishnan, P. S.; Manohar, H.
Cervantite, alpha-Sb2O4
Crystal Structure Communications, 1975, 4, 203-206
9012784 CIFB6 H22 Mg O17P 1 21/c 112.664; 10.091; 11.322
90; 109.6; 90
1363.03dal Negro, A.; Ungaretti, L.; Basso, R.
The crystal structure of synthetic hydrated borates: (II) MgO*3B2O3*7H2O
Crystal Structure Communications, 1976, 5, 433-436
9012785 CIFCu H4 O6 UP -17.855; 5.449; 6.089
91.44; 101.9; 89.2
254.929Rosenzweig, A.; Ryan, R. R.
Vandenbrandeite CuUO2(OH)4
Crystal Structure Communications, 1977, 6, 53-56
9012786 CIFH10 Mg O18 Si2 U2C 1 2/m 117.382; 7.047; 6.61
90; 105.9; 90
778.688Ryan, R. R.; Rosenzweig, A.
Sklodowskite, MgO*2UO3*2SiO2*7H2O
Crystal Structure Communications, 1977, 6, 611-615
9012787 CIFH2 O7 Pb Si UP 1 21/c 16.704; 6.932; 13.252
90; 104.22; 90
596.979Rosenzweig, A.; Ryan, R. R.
Kasolite, Pb(UO2)(SiO4)*H2O
Crystal Structure Communications, 1977, 6, 617-621
9012788 CIFO6 Pb Si UP 1 21/c 16.66; 6.96; 13.23
90; 104; 90
595.042Huynen, A. M.; Piret-Meunier J; Van Meerssche, M.
Structure de la kasolite
Academie Royale de Belgique, Classe des Sciences: Bulletin, 1963, 49, 192-201
9012789 CIFCa2 O4 SiP 1 21/n 15.5041; 6.7622; 9.3281
90; 94.172; 90
346.27Tsurumi, T.; Hirano, Y.; Kato, H.; Kamiya, T.; Daimon, M.
Crystal structure and hydration of belite
Ceramic Transactions, 1994, 40, 19-25
9012790 CIFCa2 O4 SiP 1 21/n 15.5019; 6.7624; 9.3387
90; 94.144; 90
346.548Tsurumi, T.; Hirano, Y.; Kato, H.; Kamiya, T.; Daimon, M.
Crystal structure and hydration of belite
Ceramic Transactions, 1994, 40, 19-25
9012791 CIFCa2 O4 SiP 1 21/n 15.5075; 6.7509; 9.3055
90; 94.597; 90
344.871Tsurumi, T.; Hirano, Y.; Kato, H.; Kamiya, T.; Daimon, M.
Crystal structure and hydration of belite
Ceramic Transactions, 1994, 40, 19-25
9012792 CIFCa2 O4 SiP 1 21/n 15.5072; 6.7511; 9.3051
90; 94.594; 90
344.849Tsurumi, T.; Hirano, Y.; Kato, H.; Kamiya, T.; Daimon, M.
Crystal structure and hydration of belite
Ceramic Transactions, 1994, 40, 19-25
9012793 CIFCa2 O4 SiP 1 21/n 15.5077; 6.7505; 9.3408
90; 94.596; 90
346.172Tsurumi, T.; Hirano, Y.; Kato, H.; Kamiya, T.; Daimon, M.
Crystal structure and hydration of belite
Ceramic Transactions, 1994, 40, 19-25
9012794 CIFCa2 O4 SiP 1 21/n 15.5075; 6.7508; 9.3054
90; 94.59; 90
344.865Tsurumi, T.; Hirano, Y.; Kato, H.; Kamiya, T.; Daimon, M.
Crystal structure and hydration of belite
Ceramic Transactions, 1994, 40, 19-25
9012795 CIFGa5 La3 O14 SiP 3 2 18.176; 8.176; 5.108
90; 90; 120
295.708Belokoneva, E. L.; Stefanovich, S. Y.; Pisarevskii, Y. V.; Mosunov, A. V.
Refined structures of La3Ga5SiO14 and Pb3Ga2Ge4O14 and the crystal-chemical regularities in the structure and properties of compounds of the langasite family
Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2000, 45, 1642-1651
9012796 CIFGa1.999 Ge4.001 O14 Pb3P 3 2 18.417; 8.417; 5.014
90; 90; 120
307.631Belokoneva, E. L.; Stefanovich, S. Y.; Pisarevskii, Y. V.; Mosunov, A. V.
Refined structures of La3Ga5SiO14 and Pb3Ga2Ge4O14 and the crystal-chemical regularities in the structure and properties of compounds of the langasite family
Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2000, 45, 1642-1651
9012797 CIFC H10 Mg O8P 1 21/c 17.364; 7.632; 12.488
90; 101.75; 90
687.144Liu, B. N.; Zhou, X. T.; Cui, X. S.; Tang, J. G.
Synthesis of lansfordite MgCO3*5H2O and its crystal structure investigation
Science in China B, 1990, 33, 1350-1356
9012798 CIFAs0.931 Ca H Mg O5 P0.069P 21 21 217.468; 8.953; 5.941
90; 90; 90
397.221Effenberger, H.; Krause, W.; Bernhardt, H. J.
Structural investigations of adelite and cobaltaustinite, two members of the adelite-descloizite group
Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry Abstract Volume, 2002, 9, 30-30
9012799 CIFBa3 Fe0.526 H6 In0.475 O24 P6R -3 c :H9.502; 9.502; 37.116
90; 90; 120
2902.16Tang, X.; Gentiletti, M. J.; Lachgar, A.; Morozov, V. A.; Lazoryak, B. I.
The pillared layered framework of Ba3(In1-xMx)2(HXO4)6(0<=x<=1; M=Fe,Cr; X=P, As): synthesis, crystal structure, thermal stability and Mossbauer spectroscopy
Solid State Sciences, 2001, 3, 143-153
9012800 CIFFe Pb4 S14 Sb6P 1 21/c 14.0235; 19.074; 15.737
90; 91.89; 90
1207.07Leone, P.; Le Leuch, L. M.; Palvadeau, P.; Molinie, P.; Moelo, Y.
Single crystal structures and magnetic properties of two iron or manganese-lead-antimony sulfides: MPb4Sb6S14 (M: Fe, Mn)
Solid State Sciences, 2003, 5, 771-776
9012801 CIFMn Pb4 S14 Sb6P 1 21/c 14.0216; 19.178; 15.837
90; 91.89; 90
1220.78Leone, P.; Le Leuch, L. M.; Palvadeau, P.; Molinie, P.; Moelo, Y.
Single crystal structures and magnetic properties of two iron or manganese-lead-antimony sulfides: MPb4Sb6S14 (M: Fe, Mn) Loclaity: synthetic
Solid State Sciences, 2003, 5, 771-776
9012802 CIFB1.095 Cs0.814 O6 Si1.977I a -3 d13.009; 13.009; 13.009
90; 90; 90
2201.57Bubnova, R. S.; Stepanov, N. K.; Levin, A. A.; Filatov, S. K.; Paufler, P.; Meyer, D. C.
Crystal structure and thermal behaviour of boropollucite CsBSi2O6
Solid State Sciences, 2004, 6, 629-627
9012803 CIFCo3 Se4C 1 2/m 112.1; 3.57; 6.183
90; 120.73; 90
229.584Garcia-Garcia F J; Larsson, A. K.; Noren, L.; Withers, R. L.
The crystal structures of Co3Se4 and Co7Se8 Note: single crystal
Solid State Sciences, 2004, 6, 725-733
9012804 CIFCo3 Se4C 1 2/m 111.9309; 3.5732; 6.1359
90; 119.325; 90
228.062Garcia-Garcia F J; Larsson, A. K.; Noren, L.; Withers, R. L.
The crystal structures of Co3Se4 and Co7Se8 Note: powder refinement
Solid State Sciences, 2004, 6, 725-733
9012805 CIFCo6.84 Se8C 1 2/m 112.367; 7.1402; 8.079
90; 139.935; 90
459.184Garcia-Garcia F J; Larsson, A. K.; Noren, L.; Withers, R. L.
The crystal structures of Co3Se4 and Co7Se8
Solid State Sciences, 2004, 6, 725-733
9012806 CIFCo6.8 Se8C 1 2/m 112.4039; 7.1793; 8.1756
90; 139.903; 90
468.924Garcia-Garcia F J; Larsson, A. K.; Noren, L.; Withers, R. L.
The crystal structures of Co3Se4 and Co7Se8
Solid State Sciences, 2004, 6, 725-733
9012807 CIFCa5 Cl O12 S1.5 Si1.5P 63/m9.6773; 9.6773; 6.8585
90; 90; 120
556.248Saint-Jean S J; Hansen, S.
Nonstoichiometry in chlorellestadite Locality: synthetic Sample: Stoichiometric
Solid State Sciences, 2005, 7, 97-102
9012808 CIFCa4.7 Cl0.4 O12 S1.5 Si1.5P 63/m9.5608; 9.5608; 6.8949
90; 90; 120
545.817Saint-Jean S J; Hansen, S.
Nonstoichiometry in chlorellestadite Locality: synthetic Sample: Nonstoichiometric
Solid State Sciences, 2005, 7, 97-102
9012811 CIFC Ba Ca O6.72P 63 m c5.318; 5.318; 12.837
90; 90; 120
314.406Voloshin, A. V.; Subbotin, V. V.; Yakovenchuk, V. N.; Pakhomovsky, Y. A.; Men'shikov, Y. P.; Nadezhina, T. N.; Pushcharovsky, D. Y.
New data on the ewaldite
Zapiski Vsesoyuznogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva, 1992, 1992, 56-66
9012812 CIFC H2 Al Na O5I 2 c m6.762; 10.428; 5.593
90; 90; 90
394.386Chinh, L. T.; Pobedimskaya, E. A.; Khomyakov, A. P.
Crystal structure of dawsonite, NaAl(CO3)(OH)2 and its first discovery in the Khibiny alkaline massiv Locality: Khibiny alkaline massif, Kola peninsula, Russia
Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta Geologiya, 1987, 42, 74-77
9012813 CIFAl Ge H4 K0.9 Na0.1 O5.666C 1 2/c 114.42; 9.87; 23.33
90; 105.92; 90
3193.1Celestian, A. J.; Parise, J. B.; Goodell, C.; Tripathi, A.; Hanson, J.
Time-resolved diffraction studies of ion exchange: K(+) and Na(+) exchange into (Al,Ge) gismondine (GIS)Na24Al24Ge24O96*40(H2O) and K8Al8Ge8O32*8(H2O)
Chemistry of Materials, 2004, 16, 2244-2254
9012814 CIFC4 Al N O8 Si3I 41/a m d :210.457; 10.457; 9.73
90; 90; 90
1063.96Baerlocher, C.; Meier, W. M.
Synthese und kristallstruktur von tetramethylammonium-gismondin
Helvetica Chimica Acta, 1970, 53, 1285-1293
9012815 CIFBa4 Fe H4 Na O28 Si8 Ti2P 21 a m10.602; 9.841; 22.621
90; 90; 90
2360.15Kato, T.; Mizota, T.
The crystal structure of strontio-orthojoaquinite Locality: amphibole-quartz-albite dike cutting serpentinite in Ohmi, Nigata Prefecture, Japan
Journal of the Faculty of Liberal Arts. Yamaguchi University (Natural Science), 1990, 24, 23-32
9012816 CIFAs3 H17 Mn16 O57 Si12P 6313.42; 13.42; 14.32
90; 90; 120
2233.46Kato, T.; Watanabe, I.
The crystal structures of schallerite and friedelite
Yamaguchi University, College of Arts Bulletin, 1992, 26, 51-63
9012817 CIFCl H9 Mn8 O24 Si6C 1 2/m 123.28; 13.44; 7.428
90; 104.98; 90
2245.11Kato, T.; Watanabe, I.
The crystal structures of schallerite and friedelite
Yamaguchi University, College of Arts Bulletin, 1992, 26, 51-63
9012818 CIFO6 Sn Ta2C 1 c 117.11299; 4.872; 5.548
90; 90.59; 90
462.537Maksimova, N. V.; Ilyukhin, V. V.; Belov, N. V.
Crystal structure of thoreaulite, SaTa2O6
Soviet Physics Doklady, 1975, 20, 528-529
9012819 CIFH3 Na O6 Si2F d d 215.979; 18.25; 7.169
90; 90; 90
2090.6Yamnova, N. Y.; Pushcharovsky, D. Y.; Andrianov, V. I.; Rastsvetaeva, R. K.; Khomyakov, A. P.; Mikheeva, M. G.
A new type of silicon-oxygen group in the structure of grumantite Na[Si2O4(OH)]*H2O
Soviet Physics Doklady, 1989, 34, 284-286
9012820 CIFBa H6 O11.43 Si3 ZrR 3 2 :H10.526; 10.526; 15.736
90; 90; 120
1509.91Sokolova, E. V.; Arakcheeva, A. V.; Voloshin, A. V.
Crystal structure of komkovite
Soviet Physics Doklady, 1991, 36, 666-668

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