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COD ID Blue up arrow Links Formula Up arrow Space group Up arrow Cell parameters Cell volume Up arrow Bibliography
9017219 CIFAl K0.92 Na0.08 O8 Si3C 1 2/m 18.6609; 12.977; 7.2003
90; 115.876; 90
728.124Angel, R. J.; Ross, N. L.; Zhao, J.; Sochalski-Kolbus L; Kruger, H.; Schmidt, B. C.
Structural controls on the anisotropy of tetrahedral frameworks: the example of monoclinic feldspars Note: T = 900 K, Sample H003
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2013, 25, 597-614
9017220 CIFAl K0.92 Na0.08 O8 Si3C 1 2/m 18.6849; 12.9747; 7.203
90; 115.819; 90
730.638Angel, R. J.; Ross, N. L.; Zhao, J.; Sochalski-Kolbus L; Kruger, H.; Schmidt, B. C.
Structural controls on the anisotropy of tetrahedral frameworks: the example of monoclinic feldspars Note: T = 1075 K, Sample H003
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2013, 25, 597-614
9017221 CIFAl1.04 Ba0.02 K0.4 Na0.58 O8 Si2.96C 1 2/m 18.3463; 12.9877; 7.1683
90; 116.18; 90
697.324Angel, R. J.; Ross, N. L.; Zhao, J.; Sochalski-Kolbus L; Kruger, H.; Schmidt, B. C.
Structural controls on the anisotropy of tetrahedral frameworks: the example of monoclinic feldspars Note: Sample San40, cation-exchanged sanidine
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2013, 25, 597-614
9017222 CIFAl Ba0.02 K0.98 O8 Si3C 1 2/m 18.6032; 13.0237; 7.1885
90; 115.994; 90
723.961Angel, R. J.; Ross, N. L.; Zhao, J.; Sochalski-Kolbus L; Kruger, H.; Schmidt, B. C.
Structural controls on the anisotropy of tetrahedral frameworks: the example of monoclinic feldspars Note: Sample San100
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2013, 25, 597-614
9017223 CIFAl3.1 Ca2.5 Cl1.9 F2.1 Fe0.3 K6.5 Mg0.1 Na1.6 O29 Si9.6P m m n :27.0618; 38.42; 6.5734
90; 90; 90
1783.46Sharygin, V. V.; Pekov, I. V.; Zubkova, N. V.; Khomyakov, A. P.; Stoppa, F.; Pushcharovsky, D. Y.
Umbrianite, K7Na2Ca2[Al3Si10O29]F2Cl2, a new mineral species from melilitolite of the Pian di Celle volcano, Umbria, Italy
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2013, 25, 655-669
9017224 CIFAl0.38 As3 Ca0.73 Cu0.4 Fe0.9 K0.3 Mn0.13 Na1.69 O12 Zn0.32C 1 2/c 112.64; 13.007; 6.7
90; 113.828; 90
1007.64Krivovichev, S. V.; Vergasova, L. P.; Filatov, S. K.; rybin D S; Britvin, S. N.; Ananiev, V. V.
Hatertite, Na2(Ca,Na)(Fe3+,Cu)2(AsO4)3, a new alluaudite-group mineral from Tolbachik fumaroles, Kamchatka peninsula, Russia
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2013, 25, 683-691
9017225 CIFAs Cu5 H8 O15P m n 213.0113; 14.259; 14.932
90; 90; 90
641.152Mills, S. J.; Kampf, A. R.; McDonald, A. M.; Bindi, L.; Christy, A. G.; Kolitsch, U.; Favreau, G.
The crystal structure of parnauite: a copper arsenate-sulphate with translational disorder of structural rods
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2013, 25, 693-704
9017226 CIFAs0.5 Cu2.5 H2.15 O6.575P m n 213.0088; 14.212; 14.89
90; 90; 90
636.712Mills, S. J.; Kampf, A. R.; McDonald, A. M.; Bindi, L.; Christy, A. G.; Kolitsch, U.; Favreau, G.
The crystal structure of parnauite: a copper arsenate-sulphate with translational disorder of structural rods
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2013, 25, 693-704
9017227 CIFAs Cu4.5 O15.25 S0.5P 1 1 216.02; 13.99; 15.42
90; 90; 90.01
1298.67Mills, S. J.; Kampf, A. R.; McDonald, A. M.; Bindi, L.; Christy, A. G.; Kolitsch, U.; Favreau, G.
The crystal structure of parnauite: a copper arsenate-sulphate with translational disorder of structural rods Note: theoretical data
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2013, 25, 693-704
9017228 CIFBa0.5 Cu O10 Si4 Sr0.5P 4/n c c :27.2958; 7.2958; 15.396
90; 90; 90
819.509Knight, K. S.; Marshall, W. G.; Henderson, C. M. B.; Chamberlain, A. A.
Equation of state and a high-pressure structural phase transition in the gillespite-structured phase Ba0.5Sr0.5CuSi4O10 Note: P = 4.13 GPa
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2013, 25, 909-917
9017229 CIFBa0.5 Cu O10 Si4 Sr0.5P 4 21 2 (a-1/4,b+1/4,c)7.2623; 7.2623; 15.252
90; 90; 90
804.406Knight, K. S.; Marshall, W. G.; Henderson, C. M. B.; Chamberlain, A. A.
Equation of state and a high-pressure structural phase transition in the gillespite-structured phase Ba0.5Sr0.5CuSi4O10 Note: P = 4.77 GPa
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2013, 25, 909-917
9017230 CIFPb5.38 S15.5 Sb6.62P -14.1192; 17.4167; 19.1664
96.127; 90.015; 91.229
1366.88Orlandi, P.; Biagioni, C.; Moelo, Y.; Bonaccorsi, E.
Lead-antimony sulfosalts from Tuscany (Italy). XIV. Disulfodadsonite, Pb11Sb13S30(S2)0.5, a new mineral from the Ceragiola marble quarry, Apuan Alps: occurrence and crystal structure
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2013, 25, 1005-1016
9017231 CIFAl0.16 Ca0.6 Ce0.3 Fe0.68 La0.1 Mn1.18 Nb1.54 Nd0.1 O14 Th0.28 Ti1.3 Y0.2 Zr1.56C 1 2/c 17.3119; 14.179; 10.17
90; 90.072; 90
1054.38Chukanov, N. V.; Krivovichev, S. V.; Pakhomova, A. S.; Pekov, I. V.; Schafer, C.; Vigasina, M. F.; Van, K. V.
Laachite, (Ca,Mn)2Zr2Nb2TiFeO14, a new zirconolite-related mineral from the Eifel volcanic region, Germany
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2011, 26, 103-111
9017232 CIFBa0.507 Fe0.508 Mn3.492 O8P 1 2/n 110.0001; 5.7465; 9.8076
90; 90.713; 90
563.556Biagioni, C.; Capalbo, C.; Lezzerini, M.; Pasero, M.
Ferrihollandite, BaMn4+6Fe3+2O16, from Apuan Alps, Tuscany, Italy: description and crystal structure
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2014, 26, 171-178
9017233 CIFC H2 Fe2 O5P 1 21/a 112.5; 9.5; 3.2
90; 97.6; 90
376.662Pignatelli, I.; Mugnaioli, E.; Mosser-Ruck R; Barres, O.; Kolb, U.; Michau, N.
A multi-technique, micrometer- to atomic-scale description of a synthetic analogue of chukanovite, Fe2(CO3)(OH)2
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2014, 26, 221-229
9017234 CIFAl5.7 B3 Ca0.06 Cr0.72 Fe0.18 H3.96 Mg2.52 Na0.64 O31 Si5.88R 3 m :H15.926; 15.926; 7.21
90; 90; 120
1583.72Vereshchagin, O. S.; Rozhdestvenskaya, I. V.; Frank-Kamenetskaya O V; Zolotarev, A. A.
Ion substitutions and structural adjustment in Cr-bearing tourmalines Note: Sample 1
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2014, 26, 309-321
9017235 CIFAl5.91 B3 Ca0.02 Cr0.72 Fe0.09 H3.68 K0.01 Mg2.34 Na0.76 O31 Si5.94R 3 m :H15.933; 15.933; 7.213
90; 90; 120
1585.78Vereshchagin, O. S.; Rozhdestvenskaya, I. V.; Frank-Kamenetskaya O V; Zolotarev, A. A.
Ion substitutions and structural adjustment in Cr-bearing tourmalines Note: Sample 2
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2014, 26, 309-321
9017236 CIFAl5.85 B3 Ca0.13 Cr0.81 Fe0.09 H3.4 Mg2.25 Na0.63 O31 Si6R 3 m :H15.933; 15.933; 7.213
90; 90; 120
1585.78Vereshchagin, O. S.; Rozhdestvenskaya, I. V.; Frank-Kamenetskaya O V; Zolotarev, A. A.
Ion substitutions and structural adjustment in Cr-bearing tourmalines Note: Sample 3
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2014, 26, 309-321
9017237 CIFAl6.15 B3 Ca0.41 Cr0.18 H3.56 Mg2.79 Na0.43 O31 Si5.88R 3 m :H15.921; 15.921; 7.194
90; 90; 120
1579.22Vereshchagin, O. S.; Rozhdestvenskaya, I. V.; Frank-Kamenetskaya O V; Zolotarev, A. A.
Ion substitutions and structural adjustment in Cr-bearing tourmalines Note: Sample 4
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2014, 26, 309-321
9017238 CIFAl0.036 Ca0.026 Ce0.101 Cr1.62 Fe5.42 La0.176 Mn0.072 Na0.03 Nb0.018 O38 Pb0.105 Sn0.018 Sr0.533 Ti12.42 U0.407 V0.18 Y0.205R -3 :H10.3719; 10.3719; 20.8752
90; 90; 120
1944.81Biagioni, C.; Orlandi, P.; Pasero, M.; Nestola, F.; Bindi, L.
Mapiquiroite, (Sr,Pb)(U,Y)Fe2(Ti,Fe3+)18O38, a new member of the crichtonite group from the Apuan Alps, Tuscany, Italy
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2014, 26, 427-437
9017239 CIFAl0.036 Ca0.014 Ce0.021 Cr0.018 Fe6.682 La0.009 Mn0.005 Na0.019 Nb0.036 O38 Pb0.248 Sn18 Sr0.312 Ti12.078 U0.858 V0.378 Y0.07 Zn0.304R -3 :H10.3854; 10.3854; 20.8942
90; 90; 120
1951.65Biagioni, C.; Orlandi, P.; Pasero, M.; Nestola, F.; Bindi, L.
Mapiquiroite, (Sr,Pb)(U,Y)Fe2(Ti,Fe3+)18O38, a new member of the crichtonite group from the Apuan Alps, Tuscany, Italy
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2014, 26, 427-437
9017240 CIFCl6 Cu7 O8 Se2P 1 21/c 110.958; 14.483; 10.494
90; 113.61; 90
1526.04Vergasova, L. P.; Semenova, T. F.; Krivovichev, S. V.; Filatov, S. K.; Zolotarev, A. A.; Ananiev, V. V.
Nicksobolevite, Cu7(SeO3)2O2Cl6, a new complex copper oxoselenite chloride from Tolbachik fumaroles, Kamchatka peninsula, Russia
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2014, 26, 439-449
9017241 CIFH28 Mn4 Nb6 O33C 1 2/m 115.3444; 9.4158; 11.2858
90; 118.632; 90
1431.18Friis, H.; Larsen, A. O.; Kampf, A. R.; Evans, R. J.; Selbekk; Sanchez, A. A.; Kihle, J.
Peterandresenite, Mn4Nb6O19*14H2O, a new mineral containing the Lindqvist ion from a syenite pegmatite of the Larvik Plutonic Complex, southern Norway
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2014, 26, 567-576
9017242 CIFAs9 Fe9.508 H120 O104 Sb3P 63/m16.0916; 16.0916; 21.7127
90; 90; 120
4869.04Pekov, I. V.; Zubkova, N. V.; Gottlicher, J.; Yapaskurt, V. O.; Chukanov, N. V.; Lykova, I. S.; Belakovskiy, D. I.; Jensen, M. C.; Leising, J. F.; Nikischer, A. J.; Pushcharovsky, D. Y.
Whitecapsite, a new hydrous iron and trivalent antimony arsenate mineral from the White Caps mine, Nevada, USA Note: Not all H atoms could be located
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2014, 26, 577-587
9017243 CIFAl0.3 Ca0.35 Fe1.45 Mg1.15 Na0.15 O12 P0.09 Ti0.15 V2.91P -18.1758; 9.8292; 6.694
105.041; 102.04; 106.025
476.024Pekov, I. V.; Zubkova, N. V.; Yapaskurt, V. O.; Kartashov, P. M.; Polekhovsky, Y. S.; Murashko, M. N.; Pushcharovsky, D. Y.
Koksharovite, CaMg2Fe3+4(VO4)6, and grigorievite, Cu3Fe3+2Al2(VO4)6, two new howardevansite-group minerals from volcanic exhalations
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2014, 26, 667-677
9017244 CIFAl2.2 Ca0.2 Cu1.99 Fe1.6 Mg0.64 O24 P0.06 Ti0.2 V5.94P -18.0217; 9.6858; 6.5475
103.645; 102.369; 106.281
452.598Pekov, I. V.; Zubkova, N. V.; Yapaskurt, V. O.; Kartashov, P. M.; Polekhovsky, Y. S.; Murashko, M. N.; Pushcharovsky, D. Y.
Koksharovite, CaMg2Fe3+4(VO4)6, and grigorievite, Cu3Fe3+2Al2(VO4)6, two new howardevansite-group minerals from volcanic exhalations
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2014, 26, 667-677
9017245 CIFBi0.9 Ca0.17 Cu5.81 H3 O18 Pb0.95 Se4P 4/n :29.86; 9.86; 9.7
90; 90; 90
943.03Mills, S. J.; Kampf, A. R.; Christy, A. G.; Housley, R. M.; Thorne, B.; Chen, Y. S.; Steele, I. M.
Favreauite, a new selenite mineral from the El Dragon mine, Bolivia Note: T = 100 K
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2014, 26, 771-781
9017246 CIFCa0.25 Ce0.18 Dy0.1 Er0.08 Fe0.09 Gd0.07 La0.07 Mn0.61 Na0.1 Nd0.09 O28 Pr0.02 Si12 Sm0.03 Y1.17 Yb0.06I b a m7.5549; 15.2342; 19.6418
90; 90; 90
2260.63Kampf, A. R.; Housley, R. M.
Chiappinoite-(Y), Y2Mn(Si3O7)4, a new layer silicate found in peralkaline syenitic ejecta from the Agua de Pau volcano, Azores
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2015, 27, 91-97
9017247 CIFAl6.423 Ca6 Cl1.191 Fe0.388 H3.618 O17.809 Si0.189I -4 3 d12.0285; 12.0285; 12.0285
90; 90; 90
1740.34Galuskin, E. V.; Galuskina, I. O.; Kusz, J.; Gfeller, F.; Armbruster, T.; Bailau, R.; Dulski, M.; Gazeev, V. M.; Pertsev, N. N.; Zadov, A. E.; Dzierzanowski, P.
Mayenite supergroup, part II: Chlorkyuygenite from Upper Chegem, Northern Caucasus, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia, a new microporous mineral with "zeolitic" H2O
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2015, 27, 113-122
9017248 CIFAl6.664 Ca6 F0.947 Fe0.224 H3.958 O18.053 Si0.112I -4 3 d11.966; 11.966; 11.966
90; 90; 90
1713.35Galuskin, E. V.; Gfeller, F.; Armbruster, T.; Galuskina, I. O.; Vapnik, Y.; Dulski, M.; Murashko, M.; Dzierzanowski, P.; Sharygin, V. V.; Krivovichev, S. V.; Wirth, R.
Mayenite supergroup, part III: fluormayenite, Ca12Al14O32[[]4F2], and fluorkyuygenite, Ca12Al14O32[(H2O)4F2], two new minerals from pyrometamorphic rocks of the Hatrurim Complex, South Levant
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2015, 27, 123-136
9017249 CIFAl6.838 Ca5.981 F1.053 Fe0.135 H1.053 Mg0.02 Na0.019 O16.593I -4 3 d11.9894; 11.9894; 11.9894
90; 90; 90
1723.43Galuskin, E. V.; Gfeller, F.; Armbruster, T.; Galuskina, I. O.; Vapnik, Y.; Dulski, M.; Murashko, M.; Dzierzanowski, P.; Sharygin, V. V.; Krivovichev, S. V.; Wirth, R.
Mayenite supergroup, part III: fluormayenite, Ca12Al14O32[[]4F2], and fluorkyuygenite, Ca12Al14O32[(H2O)4F2], two new minerals from pyrometamorphic rocks of the Hatrurim Complex, South Levant
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2015, 27, 123-136
9017250 CIFCl6.951 Cu0.14 K2.949 Mg0.09 Rb0.03 Zn1.84P -16.7737; 10.5715; 11.073
117.93; 106.909; 90.389
660.609Pekov, I. V.; Zubkova, N. V.; Yapaskurt, V. O.; Lykova, I. S.; Belakovskiy, D. I.; Vigasina, M. F.; Sidorov, E. G.; Britvin, S. N.; Pushcharovsky, D. Y.
New zinc and potassium chlorides from fumaroles of the Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka, Russia: mineral data and crystal chemistry. I. Mellizinkalite, K3Zn2Cl7
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2015, 27, 247-253
9017251 CIFAl2 Ca0.03 H14 Mn0.97 O16 P2P -110.049; 10.205; 6.083
91.79; 99.7; 98.02
607.921Mills, S. J.; Grey, I. E.; Kampf, A. R.; Birch, W. D.; Macrae, C. M.; Smith, J. B.; Keck, E.
Kayrobertsonite, MnAl2(PO4)2(OH)2*6H2O, a new phosphate mineral related to nordgauite Note: T = 100 K
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2016, 28, 649-654
9017252 CIFAl1.76 Fe2.24 H44 Mg Mn4 O56 P8 Zn4I 1 2/m 125.333; 6.299; 15.161
90; 90.03; 90
2419.28Mills, S. J.; Grey, I. E.; Kampf, A. R.; Macrae, C. M.; Smith, J. B.; Davidson, C. J.; Glenn, A. M.
Ferraioloite, MgMn2+4(Fe2+0.5Al3+0.5)4Zn4(PO4)8(OH)4(H2O)20, a new secondary phosphate mineral from the Foote mine, USA
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2016, 28, 655-661
9017253 CIFFe H11 O10 SR -3 :H24.199; 24.199; 7.6476
90; 90; 120
3878.38Ventruti, G.; Ventura, G. D.; Bellatreccia, F.; Lacalamita, M.; Schingaro, E.
Hydrogen bond system and vibrational spectroscopy of the iron sulfate fibroferrite, Fe(OH)SO4*5H2O
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2016, 28, 943-952
9017254 CIFAl0.01 Ca0.7 Fe3.23 H18 Mg1.33 Mn0.59 Na0.17 O26 P4P 1 2/a 114.975; 7.1645; 9.928
90; 110.65; 90
996.725Elliott, P.
Jahnsite-(CaFeMg), a new mineral from Tom's quarry, South Australia: description and crystal structure
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2016, 28, 991-996
9017255 CIFFe2.44 H18 Mg0.06 Mn1.2 O23 P3 Zn1.166P m a b11.044; 25.431; 6.412
90; 90; 90
1800.87Grey, I. E.; Kampf, A. R.; Keck, E.; MacRae, C. M.; Cashion, J. D.; Gozukara, Y.
Crystal chemistry of schoonerite-group minerals Note: sample ICG-14, T = 100 K
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2018, 30, 621-634
9017256 CIFAs2.86 Ca0.708 Fe3 Mn0.652 O19.928 P1.684I m m a26.188; 7.36; 10.367
90; 90; 90
1998.17Grey, I. E.; Mumme, W. G.; Hochleitner, R.
Trimeric As3+3O6 clusters in walentaite: crystal structure and revised formula
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2019, 31, 111-116
9017257 CIFAl0.04 Fe2.07 H19 Mg0.06 Mn1.53 O23 P3 Zn1.3P 1 21/m 16.307; 11.074; 13.085
90; 99.62; 90
901.054Kampf, A. R.; Grey, I. E.; MacRae, C. M.; Keck, E.
Manganflurlite, ZnMn32+Fe3+(PO4)3(OH)2(H2O)7·2H2O, a new schoonerite-related mineral from the Hagendorf-Sud pegmatite Note: T = 100 K
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2019, 31, 127-134
9017258 CIFFe4.44 H5.88 Mn0.52 O17 P3 Zn0.04B b m m14.0016; 16.8593; 5.1831
90; 90; 90
1223.51Grey, I. E.; Kampf, A. R.; Keck, E.; Cashion, J. D.; MacRae, C. M.; Gozukara, Y.; Peterson, V. K.; Shanks, F. L.
The rockbridgeite group approved and a new member, ferrorockbridgeite, (Fe2+,Mn2+)2(Fe3+)3(PO4)3(OH)4(H2O), described from the Hagendorf Sud pegmatite, Oberpfalz, Bavaria Note: neutron powder on sample IGC90
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2019, 31, 389-397
9017259 CIFFe4.17 H5.78 Mn0.77 O17 P3 Zn0.06B b m m13.995; 16.884; 5.1866
90; 90; 90
1225.55Grey, I. E.; Kampf, A. R.; Keck, E.; Cashion, J. D.; MacRae, C. M.; Gozukara, Y.; Peterson, V. K.; Shanks, F. L.
The rockbridgeite group approved and a new member, ferrorockbridgeite, (Fe2+,Mn2+)2(Fe3+)3(PO4)3(OH)4(H2O), described from the Hagendorf Sud pegmatite, Oberpfalz, Bavaria Note: X-ray single crystal on sample IGC29 Note: T = 100 K
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2019, 31, 389-397
9017260 CIFAl0.02 Ba0.38 Ca0.04 Fe2.08 H3 Mn1.86 Na0.02 O15 P3 Sr0.6P 1 21/m 19.183; 12.349; 5.0081
90; 100.23; 90
558.894Elliott, P.
Strontioperloffite, SrMn22+Fe32+PO43+OH3, a new bjarebyite-group mineral from the Spring Creek mine, South Australia, Australia
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2019, 31, 549-555
9017261 CIFFe3.85 H8.74 Mn3 O24.08 P4P 1 2/a 113.909; 5.186; 12.159
90; 98.88; 90
866.541Sejkora, J.; Grey, I. E.; Kampf, A. R.
Kenngottite, Mn32+Fe43+(PO4)4(OH)6(H2O)2: a new phosphate mineral from Krasno near Horni Slavkov, Czech Republic Note: water and hydroxyl groups are not well located
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2019, 31, 629-636
9017262 CIFAl1.96 Ca2 Fe0.1 H10 Mg0.06 Mn0.38 O20 P3C 1 2/c 110.021; 24.137; 6.226
90; 91.54; 90
1505.38Grey, I. E.; Kampf, A. R.; Smith, J. B.; MacRae, C. M.; Keck, E.
Fanfaniite, Ca4Mn2+Al4(PO4)6(OH,F)4*12H2O, a new mineral with a montgomeryite-type structure
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2019, 31, 647-652
9017263 CIFAl4 Ca3.091 Fe0.568 Mg0.14 Mn1.178 O40 P6P -120.067; 13.197; 6.255
89.35; 91.21; 112.2
1533.33Grey, I. E.; Kampf, A. R.; Smith, J. B.; Williams, T.; MacRae, C. M.
The calcioferrite group approved and kingsmountite redefined Note: sample K5, T = 100 K
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2019, 31, 1007-1014
9017264 CIFBi0.01 Co1.932 Fe0.06 Ni Pb0.01 S4F d -3 m :29.3933; 9.3933; 9.3933
90; 90; 90
828.809Skacha, P.; Sejkora, J.; Plasil, J.; Dolnicek, Z.; Ulmanova, J.
Grimmite, NiCo2S4, a new thiospinel from Pribram, Czech Republic
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2021, 33, 175-187
9017265 CIFC2 H4 Fe O6C 1 2/c 112.011; 5.557; 9.92
90; 128.53; 90
517.958Echigo, T.; Kimata, M.
Single-crystal X-ray diffraction and spectroscopic studies on humboldtine and lindbergite: weak Jahn-Teller effect of Fe2+ ion
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 2008, 35, 467-475
9017266 CIFAl2 Be2 Cs0.717 Li Na0.121 O18 Si6R -3 c :H15.9615; 15.9615; 27.8568
90; 90; 120
6146.24Gatta, D. G.; Adamo, I.; Meven, M.; Lambruschi, E.
A single-crystal neutron and X-ray diffraction of pezzottaite Note: X-ray data, T = 298 K
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 2012, 39, 829-840
9017267 CIFAl2 Be2.078 Cs0.96 Li0.922 Na0.143 O18 Si6R -3 c :H15.95; 15.95; 27.86
90; 90; 120
6138.09Gatta, D. G.; Adamo, I.; Meven, M.; Lambruschi, E.
A single-crystal neutron and X-ray diffraction of pezzottaite Note: Neutron data, T = 2.3 K
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 2012, 39, 829-840
9017268 CIFCr Na O6 Si2C 1 2/c 19.524; 8.672; 5.2411
90; 107.36; 90
413.156Posner, E. S.; Dera, P.; Downs, R. T.; Lazarz, J. D.; Irmen, P.
High-pressure single-crystal X-ray diffraction study of jadeite and kosmochlor Note: P = 2.1 GPa
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 2014, 41, 695-707

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