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9017377 CIFF3 YP n m a6.3537; 6.8545; 4.3953
90; 90; 90
191.422Cheetham, A. K.; Norman, N.
The structures of yttrium and bismuth trifluorides by neutron diffraction
Acta Chemica Scandinavica, 1974, 55-60
9017378 CIFBi2 O9 S2C 1 2/c 132.16; 6.7606; 22.612
90; 119.55; 90
4276.83Aurivillius, B.
Pyrolysis products of Bi2(SO4)3. II. Crystal structure of Bi2O(SO4)2
Acta Chemica Scandinavica, 1988, 95-110
9017379 CIFAl H2 O2C m c m2.876; 12.24; 3.709
90; 90; 90
130.565Christensen, A. N.; Lehmann, M. S.; Convert, P.
Deuteration of crystalline hydroxides. Hydrogen bonds of gamma-AlOO(H,D) and gamma-FeOO(H,D)
Acta Chemica Scandinavica A, 1982, 36, 303-308
9017380 CIFAl H O2C m c 212.876; 12.24; 3.709
90; 90; 90
130.565Christensen, A. N.; Lehmann, M. S.; Convert, P.
Deuteration of crystalline hydroxides. Hydrogen bonds of gamma-AlOO(H,D) and gamma-FeOO(H,D)
Acta Chemica Scandinavica A, 1982, 36, 303-308
9017381 CIFFe H2 O2C m c m3.07; 12.53; 3.876
90; 90; 90
149.098Christensen, A. N.; Lehmann, M. S.; Convert, P.
Deuteration of crystalline hydroxides. Hydrogen bonds of gamma-AlOO(H,D) and gamma-FeOO(H,D)
Acta Chemica Scandinavica A, 1982, 36, 303-308
9017382 CIFFe H O2C m c 213.07; 12.53; 3.876
90; 90; 90
149.098Christensen, A. N.; Lehmann, M. S.; Convert, P.
Deuteration of crystalline hydroxides. Hydrogen bonds of gamma-AlOO(H,D) and gamma-FeOO(H,D)
Acta Chemica Scandinavica A, 1982, 36, 303-308
9017383 CIFTiP 63/m m c2.95; 2.95; 4.686
90; 90; 120
35.316Fang, Q.; Bai, W.; Yang, J.; Rong, H.; Shi, N.; Li, G.; Xiong, M.; Ma, Z.
Titanium, Ti, a new mineral species from Luobusha, Tibet, China
Acta Geologica Sinica, 2013, 87, 1275-1280
9017384 CIFAl0.01 Ca0.74 Ce0.05 F0.09 Fe0.02 H0.91 Mg0.01 Na0.58 Nb1.15 O6.91 Ta0.03 Ti0.8 U0.4F d -3 m :210.381; 10.381; 10.381
90; 90; 90
1118.71Yang, G.; Li, G.; Xiong, M.; Pan, B.; Yan, C.
Hydroxycalciopyrochlore, a new mineral species from Sichuan, China
Acta Geologica Sinica, 2014, 88, 748-753
9017385 CIFCl4 K2 ZnP n a 2126.751; 12.393; 7.247
90; 90; 90
2402.56Kusz, J.; Kucharczyk, D.
The comparative study of the commensurate structure of K2ZnC14
Applied Crystallography: Proceedings of the XVI Conference, 1994, 16, 268-272
9017386 CIFB K O6 Si2P 21 21 219.963; 10.4348; 4.7044
90; 90; 90
489.078Sokolova, E. V.; Uvarova Yu, A.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Khomyakov, A. P.
First edition. A A Balkema, Rotterdam, Netherlands Crystal chemistry of a novel zeolite mineral from the Kbibiny Alkaline Massif, Kolal Peninsula
Applied Mineralogy in Research, Economy, Technology, and Culture, 2000, 1, 254-248
9017387 CIFH Mn O3 PbP 1 2/c 19.118; 5.676; 5.604
90; 87; 90
289.631Bystrom, A.
The structure of quenselite, PbMnO2OH
Arkiv for Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi, 1944, 19, 1-9
9017388 CIFCl2 Co0.02 Cu3.27 H6 Ni0.71 O6R -3 :H13.682; 13.682; 13.916
90; 90; 120
2256.03Sciberras, M. J.; Leverett, P.; Williams, P. A.; Hibbs, D. E.; Downes, P. J.; Welch, M. D.; Kampf, A. R.
Paratacamite-(Ni), Cu3(Ni,Cu)Cl2(OH)6, a new mineral from the Carr Boyd Rocks mine, Western Australia
Australian Journal of Mineralogy, 2013, 17, 39-44
9017390 CIFH4 Mo O5P 1 21/n 110.596; 13.804; 10.462
90; 91.59; 90
1529.66Cesbron, F.; Ginderow, D.
La sidwillite, MoO3*2H2O; une nouvelle espece minerale de Lake Como, Colorado, U.S.A.
Bulletin de Mineralogie, 1985, 108, 813-823
9017391 CIFC2 Mn O6C 1 2/c 112.0155; 5.6323; 9.9609
90; 128.37; 90
528.509Deyrieux, R.; Berro, C.; Peneloux, A.
Contribution a l'etude des oxalates de certains metaux bivalents. III. - Structure cristalline des oxalates dihydrates de manganese, de cobalt, de nickel et de zinc. Polymorphisme des oxalates dihydrates de cobalt et de nickel
Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France, 1973, 1973, 25-34
9017392 CIFC2 Co O6C 1 2/c 111.775; 5.416; 9.859
90; 127.85; 90
496.467Deyrieux, R.; Berro, C.; Peneloux, A.
Contribution a l'etude des oxalates de certains metaux bivalents. III. - Structure cristalline des oxalates dihydrates de manganese, de cobalt, de nickel et de zinc. Polymorphisme des oxalates dihydrates de cobalt et de nickel
Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France, 1973, 1973, 25-34
9017393 CIFC2 Ni O6C 1 2/c 111.7748; 5.3328; 9.8326
90; 127.21; 90
491.724Deyrieux, R.; Berro, C.; Peneloux, A.
Contribution a l'etude des oxalates de certains metaux bivalents. III. - Structure cristalline des oxalates dihydrates de manganese, de cobalt, de nickel et de zinc. Polymorphisme des oxalates dihydrates de cobalt et de nickel
Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France, 1973, 1973, 25-34
9017394 CIFC2 O6 ZnC 1 2/c 111.8039; 5.4028; 9.9213
90; 127.7; 90
500.625Deyrieux, R.; Berro, C.; Peneloux, A.
Contribution a l'etude des oxalates de certains metaux bivalents. III. - Structure cristalline des oxalates dihydrates de manganese, de cobalt, de nickel et de zinc. Polymorphisme des oxalates dihydrates de cobalt et de nickel
Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France, 1973, 1973, 25-34
9017395 CIFAs RhP n m a5.62; 3.58; 6
90; 90; 90
120.718Heyding, R. D.; Calvert, L. D.
Arsenides of the transition metals IV. A note on the platinum metal arsenides
Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 1961, 39, 955-957
9017396 CIFAl K0.86 Na0.14 O8 Si3C 1 2/m 18.543; 13.021; 7.183
90; 115.98; 90
718.282Ohashi, Y.; Finger LW
Refinement of the crystal structure of sanidine at 25 and 400C Note: T = 25 C
Carnegie Institution of Washington: Yearbook, 1974, 73, 539-544
9017398 CIFAl K0.86 Na0.14 O8 Si3C 1 2/m 18.682; 13.013; 7.184
90; 115.71; 90
731.289Ohashi, Y.; Finger LW
An effect of temperature on the feldspar structure: crystal structure of sanidine at 800C Note: T = 800 C
Carnegie Institution of Washington: Yearbook, 1975, 74, 569-572
9017399 CIFAl7 Ca6 F O16I -4 3 d11.981; 11.981; 11.981
90; 90; 90
1719.81Yu, Q.; Sugita, S.; Feng, X.; Mi, J.
On the preparation of single crystals of 11CaO*7Al2O3*CaF2 and the confirmation of its crystal structure
Cement and Concrete Research, 1997, 27, 1439-1449
9017400 CIFCa2 O9 S2P 316.93145; 6.93145; 12.73617
90; 90; 120
529.929Christensen, A.; Olesen, M.; Cerenius, Y.; Jensen, T.
Formation and transformation of five different phases in the CaSO4-H2O system: crystal structure of the subhydrate beta-CaSO4*0.5H2O and soluble anhydrite CaSO4
Chemistry of Materials, 2008, 20, 2124-2132
9017401 CIFCa O4 SP 62 2 26.96895; 6.96865; 6.30044
90; 90; 120
264.983Christensen, A.; Olesen, M.; Cerenius, Y.; Jensen, T.
Formation and transformation of five different phases in the CaSO4-H2O system: crystal structure of the subhydrate beta-CaSO4*0.5H2O and soluble anhydrite CaSO4
Chemistry of Materials, 2008, 20, 2124-2132
9017402 CIFC H4 Ca7 O23 Si6C 1 m 110.0394; 15.1935; 6.6344
90; 115.645; 90
912.283Zhang, L.; Fu, P.; Yang, H.; Yu, K.; Zhou, Z.
Crystal structure of Scawtite
Chinese Science Bulletin, 1992, 37, 930-934
9017403 CIFH2 Mg3 O12 Si4C -15.1848; 8.923; 9.19
90.69; 90.9; 90
425.083Drits, V. A.; Guggenheim, S.; Zviagina, B. B.; Kogure, T.
Structures of the 2:1 layers of pyrophyllite and talc Note: structure is averaged to remove stacking disorder effects
Clays and Clay Minerals, 2012, 60, 574-587
9017404 CIFCa O4 SB b m m6.24; 6.98; 6.97
90; 90; 90
303.58Wasastjerna, J.
The crystal structure of anhydrite, CaSO4
Commentationes Physico-Mathematicae, 1927, 2, 1-46
9017405 CIFO9 Sn TaP m -3 m3.88; 3.88; 3.88
90; 90; 90
58.411Gasperin, M.
Synthese et identification de deux oxydes doubles de tantale et d'etain
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, 1955, 240, 2340-2342
9017406 CIFCa2 H2 O9 S2I 1 2 112.01917; 6.93028; 12.66972
90; 90.2348; 90
1055.33Bezou, C.; Christensen, A. N.; Cox, D.; Lehmann, M.; Nonat, A.
Structures cristallines de CaSO4,0,5H2O et CaSO4,0,6H2O Note: CaSO4*0.5H2O
Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences Paris, 1991, 312, 43-48
9017407 CIFCa3 H3.6 O13.8 S3C 1 2 111.9991; 6.9254; 6.3766
90; 90; 90
529.886Bezou, C.; Christensen, A. N.; Cox, D.; Lehmann, M.; Nonat, A.
Structures cristallines de CaSO4,0,5H2O et CaSO4,0,6H2O Note: CaSO4*0.6H2O
Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences Paris, 1991, 312, 43-48
9017408 CIFC Ca O3P 657.112; 7.112; 25.4089
90; 90; 120
1113.01Demichelis, R.; Raiteri, P.; Gale, J. D.; Dovesi, R.
A new structural model for disorder in vaterite from first-principles calculations
CrystEngComm, 2012, 14, 44-47
9017409 CIFC Ca O3P 32 2 17.1239; 7.1239; 25.3203
90; 90; 120
1112.85Demichelis, R.; Raiteri, P.; Gale, J. D.; Dovesi, R.
A new structural model for disorder in vaterite from first-principles calculations
CrystEngComm, 2012, 14, 44-47
9017410 CIFC Ca O3A m a 28.4905; 6.3905; 4.5026
90; 90; 90
244.305Demichelis, R.; Raiteri, P.; Gale, J. D.; Dovesi, R.
A new structural model for disorder in vaterite from first-principles calculations
CrystEngComm, 2012, 14, 44-47
9017411 CIFC Ca O3P 21 21 214.3668; 6.5831; 8.4282
90; 90; 90
242.286Demichelis, R.; Raiteri, P.; Gale, J. D.; Dovesi, R.
A new structural model for disorder in vaterite from first-principles calculations
CrystEngComm, 2012, 14, 44-47
9017412 CIFC Ca O3C 112.353; 7.102; 25.733
90.46; 99.78; 90.24
2224.67Demichelis, R.; Raiteri, P.; Gale, J. D.; Dovesi, R.
The multiple structures of vaterite
Crystal Growth & Design, 2013, 13, 2247-2251
9017413 CIFC Ca O3C 112.358; 7.106; 25.741
90.43; 99.88; 90.29
2226.84Demichelis, R.; Raiteri, P.; Gale, J. D.; Dovesi, R.
The multiple structures of vaterite
Crystal Growth & Design, 2013, 13, 2247-2251
9017414 CIFC Ca O3C 1 2 112.245; 7.197; 9.305
90; 115.16; 90
742.224Demichelis, R.; Raiteri, P.; Gale, J. D.; Dovesi, R.
The multiple structures of vaterite
Crystal Growth & Design, 2013, 13, 2247-2251
9017415 CIFC Ca O3C 1 c 112.281; 7.142; 9.371
90; 115.48; 90
741.993Demichelis, R.; Raiteri, P.; Gale, J. D.; Dovesi, R.
The multiple structures of vaterite
Crystal Growth & Design, 2013, 13, 2247-2251
9017416 CIFBa0.1 Ca0.6 H9.8 K1.55 Mn0.89 Nb0.1 O32.9 Si8 Ti3.9C 1 m 114.365; 13.887; 7.814
90; 117.36; 90
1384.42Rastsvetaeva, R. K.; Pekov, I. V.; Nekrasov, Y. V.
Crystal structure and microtwinning of a calcium-rich analogue of labuntsovite
Crystallography Reports, 2001, 46, 365-367
9017417 CIFFe H O2C m c m3.072; 12.516; 3.873
90; 90; 90
148.914Zhukhlistov, A. P.
Crystal structure of lepidocrocite FeO(OH) from the electron-diffractometry data
Crystallography Reports, 2001, 46, 730-733
9017418 CIFC2 H Na O7 Pb2P 3 1 c5.268; 5.268; 13.48
90; 90; 120
323.975Belokoneva, E. L.; Al'-Ama A G; Dimitrova, O. V.; Kurazhkovskaya, V. S.; Stefanovich, S. Y.
Synthesis and crystal structure of new carbonate NaPb2(CO3)2(OH)
Crystallography Reports, 2002, 47, 217-222
9017419 CIFAl0.49 Fe0.5 K0.99 O8 Si3.01C 1 2/m 18.655; 13.101; 7.25
90; 116.02; 90
738.747Lebedeva, Y. S.; Pushcharovsky, D. Y.; Pasero, M.; Merlino, S.; Kashaev, A. A.; Taroev, V. K.; Goettlicher, J.; Kroll, H.; Pentinghaus, H.; Suvorova, L. F.; Wulf-Bernodat H; Lashkevich, V. V.
Synthesis and crystal structure of low ferrialuminosilicate sanidine
Crystallography Reports, 2003, 48, 919-924
9017420 CIFAl0.14 Be2 Ca Fe1.176 H8 Mg0.096 Mn0.57 O17 P3 Zn0.36C 1 2/c 115.941; 11.877; 6.625
90; 95.09; 90
1249.37Barinova, A. V.; Rastsvetaeva, R. K.; Chukanov, N. V.; Pietraszko, A.
Refinement of the crystal structure of Zn-containing greifensteinite
Crystallography Reports, 2004, 49, 942-945
9017421 CIFH4 K2 O12 S2 UP n a 2113.773; 7.288; 11.556
90; 90; 90
1159.96Alekseev, E. V.; Suleimanov, E. V.; Chuprunov, E. V.; Marychev, M. O.; Ivanov, V. A.; Fukin, G. K.
Crystal structure and nonlinear optical properties of the K2UO2(SO4)2*2H2O compound at 293 K
Crystallography Reports, 2006, 51, 29-33
9017424 CIFCa2 O4 SiP 1 21/n 15.5051; 6.7551; 9.3108
90; 94.513; 90
345.172Yamnova, N. A.; Zubkova, N. V.; Eremin, N. N.; Zadov, A. E.; Gazeev, V. M.
Crystal structure of larnite beta-Ca2SiO4 and specific features of polymorphic transitions in dicalcium orthosilicate
Crystallography Reports, 2011, 56, 210-220
9017425 CIFH12 O13 S Zn4P 18.312; 14.545; 18.504
89.71; 90.05; 90.13
2237.06Rastsvetaeva, R. K.; Aksenov, S. M.; Chukanov, N. V.; Verin, I. A.
Crystal structure of a new mineral lahnsteinite Zn4(SO4)(OH)6*3H2O
Crystallography Reports, 2012, 57, 737-741
9017426 CIFAl0.32 Be0.45 Cr0.71 O2P 21 21 21 (a+1/4,b-1/4,c)4.487; 5.629; 9.732
90; 90; 90
245.804Yamnova, N. A.; Aksenov, S. M.; Pautov, L. A.; Popov, M. P.; Erokhin, Y. V.
Specific features of cation distribution in the crystal structure of mariinskite BeCr2O4 (derivative of olivine-type structure) Note: Sample 1
Crystallography Reports, 2014, 59, 30-35
9017427 CIFAl0.37 Be0.45 Cr0.66 O2P 21 21 21 (a+1/4,b-1/4,c)4.478; 5.62; 9.746
90; 90; 90
245.271Yamnova, N. A.; Aksenov, S. M.; Pautov, L. A.; Popov, M. P.; Erokhin, Y. V.
Specific features of cation distribution in the crystal structure of mariinskite BeCr2O4 (derivative of olivine-type structure) Note: Sample 2
Crystallography Reports, 2014, 59, 30-35
9017428 CIFFe Se2P n n m4.804; 5.781; 3.5817
90; 90; 90
99.471Lavina, B.; Downs, R. T.; Sinogeikin, S.
The structure of ferroselite, FeSe2, at pressures up to 46 GPa and temperatures down to 50 K: A single-crystal micro-diffraction analysis Note: P = 0.0 GPa
Crystals, 2018, 8
9017429 CIFFe Se2P n n m4.771; 5.756; 3.5663
90; 90; 90
97.937Lavina, B.; Downs, R. T.; Sinogeikin, S.
The structure of ferroselite, FeSe2, at pressures up to 46 GPa and temperatures down to 50 K: A single-crystal micro-diffraction analysis Note: P = 1.7 GPa
Crystals, 2018, 8
9017430 CIFFe Se2P n n m4.751; 5.729; 3.5467
90; 90; 90
96.536Lavina, B.; Downs, R. T.; Sinogeikin, S.
The structure of ferroselite, FeSe2, at pressures up to 46 GPa and temperatures down to 50 K: A single-crystal micro-diffraction analysis Note: P = 3.83 GPa
Crystals, 2018, 8

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