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Searching journal of publication like 'Journal of Applied Physics' volume of publication is 49

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1540804 CIFIn SbP m m 25.618; 2.919; 3.066
90; 90; 90
50.279Yu Shucheng; Spain, I.L.
Polymorphism and the crystal structures of In Sb at elevated temperature and pressure
Journal of Applied Physics, 1978, 49, 4741-4745
1525500 CIFIn SbP m m n :15.712; 5.357; 3.063
90; 90; 90
93.725Yu, S.-C.; Spain, I.L.; Skelton, E.F.
Polimorphism and the crystal structures of In Sb at elevated temperature and pressure
Journal of Applied Physics, 1978, 49, 4741-4745
9009684 CIFAl2 O3R -3 c :H4.718; 4.718; 12.818
90; 90; 120
247.097Finger, L. W.; Hazen, R. M.
Crystal structure and compression of ruby to 46 kbar P = 80 kbar
Journal of Applied Physics, 1978, 49, 5823-5826
9009677 CIFAl2 O3R -3 c :H4.7154; 4.7154; 12.851
90; 90; 120
247.46d'Amour H; Schiferl, D.; Denner, W.; Schulz, H.; Holzapfel, W. B.
High-pressure single-crystal structure determinations for ruby up to 90 kbar using an automatic diffractometer P = 90 kbar
Journal of Applied Physics, 1978, 49, 4411-4416
9009676 CIFAl2 O3R -3 c :H4.7212; 4.7212; 12.872
90; 90; 120
248.474d'Amour H; Schiferl, D.; Denner, W.; Schulz, H.; Holzapfel, W. B.
High-pressure single-crystal structure determinations for ruby up to 90 kbar using an automatic diffractometer P = 81 kbar
Journal of Applied Physics, 1978, 49, 4411-4416
9009675 CIFAl2 O3R -3 c :H4.7242; 4.7242; 12.881
90; 90; 120
248.964d'Amour H; Schiferl, D.; Denner, W.; Schulz, H.; Holzapfel, W. B.
High-pressure single-crystal structure determinations for ruby up to 90 kbar using an automatic diffractometer P = 74 kbar
Journal of Applied Physics, 1978, 49, 4411-4416
9009674 CIFAl2 O3R -3 c :H4.7351; 4.7351; 12.901
90; 90; 120
250.503d'Amour H; Schiferl, D.; Denner, W.; Schulz, H.; Holzapfel, W. B.
High-pressure single-crystal structure determinations for ruby up to 90 kbar using an automatic diffractometer P = 60 kbar
Journal of Applied Physics, 1978, 49, 4411-4416
9009683 CIFAl2 O3R -3 c :H4.7352; 4.7352; 12.9176
90; 90; 120
250.836Finger, L. W.; Hazen, R. M.
Crystal structure and compression of ruby to 46 kbar P = 46 kbar
Journal of Applied Physics, 1978, 49, 5823-5826
9009673 CIFAl2 O3R -3 c :H4.7418; 4.7418; 12.921
90; 90; 120
251.601d'Amour H; Schiferl, D.; Denner, W.; Schulz, H.; Holzapfel, W. B.
High-pressure single-crystal structure determinations for ruby up to 90 kbar using an automatic diffractometer P = 42 kbar
Journal of Applied Physics, 1978, 49, 4411-4416
9009682 CIFAl2 O3R -3 c :H4.7406; 4.7406; 12.9326
90; 90; 120
251.7Finger, L. W.; Hazen, R. M.
Crystal structure and compression of ruby to 46 kbar P = 35 kbar
Journal of Applied Physics, 1978, 49, 5823-5826
9009681 CIFAl2 O3R -3 c :H4.7437; 4.7437; 12.943
90; 90; 120
252.232Finger, L. W.; Hazen, R. M.
Crystal structure and compression of ruby to 46 kbar P = 28 kbar
Journal of Applied Physics, 1978, 49, 5823-5826
9009680 CIFAl2 O3R -3 c :H4.7474; 4.7474; 12.9542
90; 90; 120
252.844Finger, L. W.; Hazen, R. M.
Crystal structure and compression of ruby to 46 kbar P = 21 kbar
Journal of Applied Physics, 1978, 49, 5823-5826
9009672 CIFAl2 O3R -3 c :H4.7517; 4.7517; 12.965
90; 90; 120
253.514d'Amour H; Schiferl, D.; Denner, W.; Schulz, H.; Holzapfel, W. B.
High-pressure single-crystal structure determinations for ruby up to 90 kbar using an automatic diffractometer P = 28 kbar
Journal of Applied Physics, 1978, 49, 4411-4416
9009679 CIFAl2 O3R -3 c :H4.7537; 4.7537; 12.9725
90; 90; 120
253.874Finger, L. W.; Hazen, R. M.
Crystal structure and compression of ruby to 46 kbar P = 11 kbar
Journal of Applied Physics, 1978, 49, 5823-5826
5000092 CIFAl2 O3R -3 c :H4.7607; 4.7607; 12.9947
90; 90; 120
255.1Finger, L W; Hazen, R M
Crystal structure and compression of ruby to 46 kbar
Journal of Applied Physics, 1978, 49, 5823-5826
9009671 CIFAl2 O3R -3 c :H4.7657; 4.7657; 13.01
90; 90; 120
255.895d'Amour H; Schiferl, D.; Denner, W.; Schulz, H.; Holzapfel, W. B.
High-pressure single-crystal structure determinations for ruby up to 90 kbar using an automatic diffractometer P = 0 kbar
Journal of Applied Physics, 1978, 49, 4411-4416

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