Crystallography Open Database

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Searching journal of publication like 'Mineralogical Magazine' volume of publication is 53

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9009473 CIFAl6.43 B O17.25 Sb0.75 Si2.25 Ta0.27P n m a4.6914; 11.896; 20.383
90; 90; 90
1137.55Hoskins, B. F.; Mumme, W. G.; Pryce, M. W.
Holtite, (Si2.25Sb0.75)B[Al6(Al0.43 Ta0.27[]0.30)O15(O,OH)2.25]: crystal structure and crystal chemistry
Mineralogical Magazine, 1989, 53, 457-463
9009474 CIFAs5 S8 TlP 1 21/c 115.647; 8.038; 10.75
90; 91.27; 90
1351.7Pasava, J.; Pertlik, F.; Stumpfl, E. F.; Zemann, J.
Bernardite, a new thallium arsenic sulphosalt from Allchar, Macedonia, with a determination of the crystal structure
Mineralogical Magazine, 1989, 53, 531-538
9009475 CIFCa2.33 Mn0.67 O7 Si2I 2 c m11.356; 5.007; 21.817
90; 90; 90
1240.5Kimata, M.
The crystal structure of manganoan kilchoanite, Ca2.33Mn0.67Si2O7: a site preference rule for the substitution of Mn for Ca
Mineralogical Magazine, 1989, 53, 625-631

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