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1001339 CIFNa2 O4 UF m m m5.802; 5.969; 11.699
90; 90; 90
405.2Gasperin, M.
Synthese en monocristaux et structure du monouranate de sodium β-Na~2~UO~4~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1985, 60, 316-319
1001409 CIFBi Cu2 O8 Pb Sr2 YF m m m5.385; 5.424; 30.316
90; 90; 90
885.5Retoux, R; Caignaert, V; Provost, J; Michel, C; Hervieu, M; Raveau, B
Superconducting properties and Structural Study of Bi~2-x~ Pb~x~ Sr~2~ Ca~1-x~ Y~x~ Cu~2~ O~8~ (0< x< 1)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 79, 157-168
1001458 CIFCe Cu3 Nd O10.2 Pb2 Sr2F m m m5.442; 5.462; 36.9
90; 90; 90
1096.8Rouillon, T.; Groult, D.; Hervieu, M.; Michel, C.; Raveau, B.
Pb~2~Sr~2~LnCeCu~3~O~10+δ~, a new member of the layered cuprates family, built up from double fluorite-type layers
Physica C: Superconductivity and Its Applications (Amsterdam, Netherlands), 1990, 167, 107-111
1001527 CIFCe Cu3 O10 Pb2 Pr Sr2F m m m5.4522; 5.4807; 37.012
90; 90; 90
1106Rouillon, T; Hervieu, M; Domenges, B; Raveau, B
Structural study of the oxide Pb~2~Sr~2~PrCeCu~3~O~10~, intergrowth of 0201- and 0222-type structures
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1993, 103, 63-74
1001528 CIFCe Cu3.01 O10.056 Pb2.02 Pr Sr2.02F m m m5.4512; 5.4799; 37.0107
90; 90; 90
1105.6Rouillon, T; Hervieu, M; Domenges, B; Raveau, B
Structural study of the oxide Pb~2~Sr~2~PrCeCu~3~O~10~, intergrowth of 0201- and 0222-type structures
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1993, 103, 63-74
1001550 CIFBa Bi Cu La O6 PbF m m m5.4028; 5.4745; 24.515
90; 90; 90
725.1Pham, A Q; Michel, C; Hervieu, M; Maignan, A; Raveau, B
Substitution of lead for bismuth in the 2201-type oxide Bi~2~BaLaCuO~6+d~
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 1993, 54, 65-71
1001571 CIFC2 Bi2 Cu3 O16 Sr5F m m m5.469; 5.483; 54.26
90; 90; 90
1627.1Pelloquin, D; Maignan, A; Caldes, M; Hervieu, M; Michel, C; Raveau, B
The bismuth oxycarbonate Bi~2~Sr~6-x~Cu~3~O~10~(CO~3~)~2~. A new 40K superconductor, second member of the series (Bi~2~Sr~2~CuO~6~)~n~(Sr~2~CuO~2~CO~3~)~n~'
Physica C (Amsterdam) (152,1988-), 1993, 212, 199-205
1001700 CIFBa2.3 Bi2 Cu2 La0.7 O8F m m m5.571; 5.583; 31.10399
90; 90; 90
967.4Pham, A Q; Hervieu, H; Michel, C; Raveau, B
A new member of the 2212-type family: the oxide Bi2 Ba2+x La1-x Cu2 O8+d
Physica C (Amsterdam) (152,1988-), 1992, 199, 321-327
1001709 CIFBi2 Fe2 O11 Sr2.591F m m m5.488; 5.475; 31.50899
90; 90; 90
946.7Perez, O; Leligny, H; Grebille, D; Labbe, Ph; Groult, D; Raveau, B
X-ray investigation of the incommensurate modulated structure of Bi2+x Sr3-x Fe2 O9+d
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 1995, 7, 10003-10014
1006012 CIFBi4 Cu5 O20.5 Sr8F m m m5.373; 33.907; 23.966
90; 90; 90
4366.2Fuertes, A; Miravitilles, C; Gonzales-Calbet, J; Vallet-Regi, M; Obradors, X; Rodriguez-Carvajal, J
The tubular crystal structure of the new phase Bi~4~ Sr~8~ Cu~5~ O~19+x~ related to the supercoducting perovskites
Physica C (Amsterdam) (152,1988-), 1989, 157, 525-530
1006049 CIFBi4 Cu5 O19.06 Sr7.86F m m m5.3671; 33.9719; 24.0722
90; 90; 90
4389.1Caldes, M T; Navarro, J M; Perez, F; Carrera, M; Fontcuberta, J; Casan-Pastor, N; Miravitlles, C; Obradors, X; Rodriguez-Carjaval, J; Gonzalez-Calbet, J M; Vallet-Regi, M; Garcia, A; Fuertes, A
Electron microscopy, neutron diffraction and physical properties ofBi~4~Sr~8~Cu~5~O~19+y~
Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-, 1991, 3, 844-852
1006050 CIFBi4 Cu5 O19.06 Sr7.86F m m m3.671; 33.9719; 24.0722
90; 90; 90
3002.1Caldes, M T; Navarro, J M; Fuertes, A; Obradors, X; Miravitlles, C; Rodriguez-Carvajal, J; Vallet, M; Gonzalez-Calbet, J
High resolution neutron powder diffraction study of the tubular phase Bi~4~Sr~8~Cu~5~O~19+x~
Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings, 1990, 169, 133-138
1008573 CIFCu La2 O4.024F m m m5.35; 13.148; 5.398
90; 90; 90
379.7Chaillout, C; Bordet, P; Chenavas, J; Cheong, S W; Fisk, Z; Marezio, M; Morosin, B; Schirber, J E
Structural aspects of the phase separation in La~2~CuO~4.032~
Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings, 1990, 169, 47-52
1008643 CIFLa2 Ni O4.24F m m m5.4644; 5.457; 12.7035
90; 90; 90
378.8Demourgues, A; Wattiaux, A; Grenier, J C; Pouchard, M; Soubeyroux, J L; Dance, J M; Hagenmuller, P
Electrochemical preparation and structural characterization of La~2~NiO~4+d~ phases (0<d<0.25)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1993, 105, 458-468
1009012 CIFSi2 TiF m m m4.428; 4.779; 9.078
90; 90; 90
192.1Smith, P L; Ortega, R; Brennan, B
Pseudo-C11b phase formation of titanium disilicide during the C49 to C54 transition
Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings, 1998, 481, 605-610
1010386 CIFBr HF m m m5.555; 5.64; 6.063
90; 90; 90
190Natta, G
Struttura e polimorfismo degli acidi alogenidrici
Gazzetta Chimica Italiana, 1933, 63, 425-439
1010388 CIFCl HF m m m5.03; 5.35; 5.71
90; 90; 90
153.7Natta, G
Struttura e polimorfismo degli acidi alogenidrici
Gazzetta Chimica Italiana, 1933, 63, 425-439
1010462 CIFF TlF m m m5.18; 5.495; 6.08
90; 90; 90
173.1Ketelaar, J A A
Die Kristallstruktur des Thallofluorids
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977), 1935, 92, 30-38
1509769 CIFAg2 Ca4 Si6F m m m8.315; 14.391; 8.646
90; 90; 90
1034.59Cardoso Gil, R.H.; von Schnering, H.G.; Peters, K.; Grin', Yu.; Carrillo-Cabrera, W.; Schultheiss, M.
New examples for the unexpected stability of the 10pi electron Hueckel arene (Si6)10-
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1999, 625, 285-293
1510810 CIFB2 Pr Rh4.8F m m m9.697; 5.577; 25.64
90; 90; 90
1386.62Kobayashi, T.; Higashi, I.; Takei, H.; Shishido, T.
Crystal Structure of Pr Rh4.8 B2
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1988, 139, 211-220

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