Crystallography Open Database

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1511242 CIFB NF m m m2.5; 4.34; 3.35
90; 90; 90
36.347Kurdyumov, A.V.; Oleinik, G.S.
Metastable structures of graphite-like boron nitride
Kristallografiya, 1984, 29, 792-793
9000046 CIFCF m m m2.456; 4.254; 6.696
90; 90; 90
69.959Kukesh, J. S.; Pauling, L.
The problem of the graphite structure
American Mineralogist, 1950, 35, 125-125
2106877 CIFO2F m m m4.2151; 2.9567; 6.6897
90; 90; 90
83.372Schiferl, D.; Cromer, D.T.; Schwalbe, L.A.; Mills, R.L.
Structure of 'Orange' 18O2 at 9.6 GPa and 297 K
Acta Crystallographica B (39,1983-), 1983, 39, 153-157
1010388 CIFCl HF m m m5.03; 5.35; 5.71
90; 90; 90
153.7Natta, G
Struttura e polimorfismo degli acidi alogenidrici
Gazzetta Chimica Italiana, 1933, 63, 425-439
1010462 CIFF TlF m m m5.18; 5.495; 6.08
90; 90; 90
173.1Ketelaar, J A A
Die Kristallstruktur des Thallofluorids
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977), 1935, 92, 30-38
4002516 CIFCo0.35 Cu0.65 O2F m m m2.801; 6.29; 10.573
90; 90; 90
186.278Lambert, S.; Grebille, D.
A 4D composite description for Ca0.82 (Cu0.65 Co0.35 O2)
Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-), 2002, 14, 4904-4909
1010386 CIFBr HF m m m5.555; 5.64; 6.063
90; 90; 90
190Natta, G
Struttura e polimorfismo degli acidi alogenidrici
Gazzetta Chimica Italiana, 1933, 63, 425-439
1009012 CIFSi2 TiF m m m4.428; 4.779; 9.078
90; 90; 90
192.1Smith, P L; Ortega, R; Brennan, B
Pseudo-C11b phase formation of titanium disilicide during the C49 to C54 transition
Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings, 1998, 481, 605-610
4002517 CIFCa0.82F m m m3.391; 6.29; 10.573
90; 90; 90
225.516Lambert, S.; Grebille, D.
A 4D composite description for Ca0.82 (Cu0.65 Co0.35 O2)
Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-), 2002, 14, 4904-4909
4000747 CIFO6.88 Rb4F m m m6.3028; 6.25587; 5.81797
90; 90; 90
229.4Riyadi, Syarif; Giriyapura, Shivakumara; de Groot, Robert A.; Caretta, Antonio; van Loosdrecht, Paul H. M.; Palstra, Thomas T. M.; Blake, Graeme R.
Ferromagnetic Order from p-Electrons in Rubidium Oxide
Chemistry of Materials, 2011, 23, 1578
1527142 CIFH2 O4 UF m m m6.295; 5.636; 9.929
90; 90; 90
352.267Bergstroem, G.; Lundgren, G.
X-ray investigation on uranyl hydroxides
Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1-27,1973-42,1988), 1956, 10, 673-680
9014427 CIFAs2 Eu Fe2F m m m5.5546; 5.4983; 12.059
90; 90; 90
368.292Tegel, M.; Rotter, M.; Weiss, V.; Schappacher, F. M.; Pottgen, R.; Johrendt, D.
Structural and magnetic phase transitions in the ternary iron arsenides SrFe2As2 and EuFe2As2 Note: T = 10 K
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2008, 20, 452201_1-452201_5
1552367 CIFCu0.6 Ni0.4 O4 Pr2F m m m5.429; 5.42; 12.582
90; 90; 90
370.2Wang, C.; Soga, H.; Yugi, T.; Sakai, M.; Okiba, T.; Hashimoto, T.
Variation in crystal structure of Ln2Ni1-xCuxO4+delta (Ln: La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, and their solid solution) based on type of Ln: Relationship between crystal structure and tolerance factor
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 2019, 127, 678-687
1536780 CIFCu La2 O4.09F m m m5.34; 5.34; 13.23
90; 90; 90
377.261Radaelli, P.G.; Jorgensen, J.D.; Schultz, A.J.; Hunter, B.A.; Chou, F.C.; Wagner, J.L.; Johnston, D.C.
Structure of the superconducting La2 Cu O4+delta phases (delta= 0.08, 0.12) prepared by electrochemical oxidation
Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-), 1993, 48, 499-510
9016523 CIFAs2 Fe2 SrF m m m5.5783; 5.5175; 12.2965
90; 90; 90
378.465Tegel, M.; Rotter, M.; Weiss, V.; Schappacher, F. M.; Pottgen, R.; Johrendt, D.
Structural and magnetic phase transitions in the ternary iron arsenides SrFe2As2 and EuFe2As2 Note: T = 90 K
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2008, 20, 452201_1-452201_5
1533506 CIFLa1.95 Na0.05 Ni O4F m m m5.501; 5.4744; 12.5783
90; 90; 90
378.791Shivakumara, C.; Lalla, N.P.; Hegde, M.S.; Prakash, A.S.; Subbanna, G.N.; Khadar, A.M.A.
Low temperature synthesis, structure and properties of alkali-doped La2 Ni O4, La Ni O3 and La Ni0.85 Cu0.15 O3 from alkali hydroxide fluxes
Solid State Sciences, 2003, 5, 351-357
1008643 CIFLa2 Ni O4.24F m m m5.4644; 5.457; 12.7035
90; 90; 90
378.8Demourgues, A; Wattiaux, A; Grenier, J C; Pouchard, M; Soubeyroux, J L; Dance, J M; Hagenmuller, P
Electrochemical preparation and structural characterization of La~2~NiO~4+d~ phases (0<d<0.25)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1993, 105, 458-468
1008573 CIFCu La2 O4.024F m m m5.35; 13.148; 5.398
90; 90; 90
379.7Chaillout, C; Bordet, P; Chenavas, J; Cheong, S W; Fisk, Z; Marezio, M; Morosin, B; Schirber, J E
Structural aspects of the phase separation in La~2~CuO~4.032~
Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings, 1990, 169, 47-52
1540178 CIFLa2 Ni O4.18F m m m5.4614; 5.4723; 12.7138
90; 90; 90
379.97Jorgensen, J.D.; Dabrowski, B.; Richards, D.R.; Pei, S.; Hinks, D.G.
Structure of the interstitial oxygen defect in La2 Ni O4+delta
Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-), 1989, 40, 2187-2199
1536783 CIFCu La2 O4.12F m m m5.33794; 5.4106; 13.2155
90; 90; 90
381.683Radaelli, P.G.; Wagner, J.L.; Jorgensen, J.D.; Hunter, B.A.; Schultz, A.J.; Chou, F.C.; Johnston, D.C.
Structure of the superconducting La2 Cu O4+delta phases (delta=0.08, 0.12) prepared by electrochemical oxidation
Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-), 1993, 48, 499-510

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