Crystallography Open Database

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Searching space group like 'F m m m'

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7133366 CIFC68.5 H40 Eu6 F8 N4 O24.5F m m m19.893; 30.475; 31.958
90; 90; 90
19374Li, Fugang; Huang, Jinyi; Meng, Yuxuan; Li, Ji; Zhang, Liangliang; Sheng, Daopeng
<i>In situ</i> confinement of ultra-small metal nanoparticles in redox-active zirconium MOFs for catalysis.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2024, 60, 8708-8711
7211069 CIFAu Eu2 Si3F m m m8.306; 9.0369; 14.377
90; 90; 90
1079.1Sarkar, Sumanta; Gutmann, Matthias J.; Peter, Sebastian C.
Crystal structure and physical properties of indium flux grown RE2AuSi3 (RE = Eu, Yb)
CrystEngComm, 2013, 15, 8006
7214546 CIFC48 H0 N8 O17 Zn2F m m m28.0614; 30.0942; 30.0947
90; 90; 90
25415Dau, Phuong V.; Cohen, Seth M.
The influence of nitro groups on the topology and gas sorption property of extended Zn(ii)-paddlewheel MOFs
CrystEngComm, 2013, 15, 9304
7221012 CIFLi2 Nb2 O7 SrF m m m5.5939; 5.6013; 18.011
90; 90; 90
564.341Bhuvanesh, N.S.P.; Duroy, H.; Crosnier-Lopez, M.P.; Fourquet, J.L.
Synthesis and structure of novel layered perovskite oxides: Li2 La1.78 Nb0.66 Ti2.34 O10, and a new family, Li2 (A0.5n Bn O3n+1)
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 1999, 9, 3093-3100
7222201 CIFCo2 Ga La O9 Sr3F m m m5.393; 5.456; 29.08
90; 90; 90
855.656Prado, F.; Manthiram, A.; Gurunathan, K.
Synthesis, crystal chemistry and electrical, oxygen permeation and magnetic properties of La Sr3 Ga Fe2-x Cox O10-d (0 <= x <= 2 and 0 <= d <= 2)
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2002, 12, 2390-2395
7231971 CIFC48 H26 Co Mo24 N4 O89 P2 Zn8F m m m17.386; 23.565; 45.325
90; 90; 90
18570Zhang, Tianhe; Du, Jiang; Li, Zhimin; Lin, Xinyu; Wang, Lin; Yang, Li; Zhang, Tonglai
Alkali metal salts of 3,6-dinitramino-1,2,4,5-tetrazine: promising nitrogen-rich energetic materials
CrystEngComm, 2019, 21, 765
7231978 CIFC48 H24 Mo24 N4 Ni O88 P2 Zn8F m m m17.352; 23.578; 45.26
90; 90; 90
18517Zhang, Tianhe; Du, Jiang; Li, Zhimin; Lin, Xinyu; Wang, Lin; Yang, Li; Zhang, Tonglai
Alkali metal salts of 3,6-dinitramino-1,2,4,5-tetrazine: promising nitrogen-rich energetic materials
CrystEngComm, 2019, 21, 765
7242415 CIFC22 H18 Cl3 Cu3 N10F m m m14.353; 30.106; 26.328
90; 90; 90
11376.6Wang, Xiao-Qing; Tang, Jing; Ma, Xuehui; Wu, Dan; Yang, Jie
A novel copper(i) metal‒organic framework as a highly efficient and ultrasensitive electrochemical platform for detection of Hg(ii) ions in aqueous solution
CrystEngComm, 2021, 23, 3043-3051
7700045 CIFC16 Cl4 Li2 Np O10F m m m13.115; 13.371; 14.838
90; 90; 90
2602Bjorklund, Jennifer L.; Pyrch, Mikaela M.; Basile, Madeline C.; Mason, Sara E.; Forbes, Tori Z.
Actinyl-cation interactions: experimental and theoretical assessment of [Np(vi)O<sub>2</sub>Cl<sub>4</sub>]<sup>2-</sup> and [U(vi)O<sub>2</sub>Cl<sub>4</sub>]<sup>2-</sup> systems.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2019, 48, 8861-8871
7715594 CIFC4 H8 Cl4 N6 PbF m m m7.5639; 8.2984; 21.7768
90; 90; 90
1366.89Mączka, Mirosław; Sobczak, Szymon; Ptak, Maciej; Smółka, Szymon; Fedoruk, Katarzyna; Dybała, Filip; Herman, Artur P.; Paraguassu, Waldeci; Zaręba, Jan K; Kudrawiec, Robert; Sieradzki, Adam; Katrusiak, Andrzej
Revisiting a (001)-oriented layered lead chloride templated by 1,2,4-triazolium: structural phase transitions, lattice dynamics and broadband photoluminescence.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2024, 53, 6906-6919
7715595 CIFC4 H8 Cl4 N6 PbF m m m7.6009; 8.3017; 21.798
90; 90; 90
1375.5Mączka, Mirosław; Sobczak, Szymon; Ptak, Maciej; Smółka, Szymon; Fedoruk, Katarzyna; Dybała, Filip; Herman, Artur P.; Paraguassu, Waldeci; Zaręba, Jan K; Kudrawiec, Robert; Sieradzki, Adam; Katrusiak, Andrzej
Revisiting a (001)-oriented layered lead chloride templated by 1,2,4-triazolium: structural phase transitions, lattice dynamics and broadband photoluminescence.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2024, 53, 6906-6919
7717219 CIFC36.5 H59 Co4 N6 O25F m m m17.303; 39.32; 16.698
90; 90; 90
11361Xue, Chaozhuang; Zhang, Yingying; Zhu, Kai; Deng, Suyun; Qu, Konggang; Gong, Shuwen; Yang, Huajun
One ligand, two roles: novel pillar-layered metal-organic frameworks built with a 3D ligand and asymmetric inorganic nodes.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2024, 53, 17146-17150
9000046 CIFCF m m m2.456; 4.254; 6.696
90; 90; 90
69.959Kukesh, J. S.; Pauling, L.
The problem of the graphite structure
American Mineralogist, 1950, 35, 125-125
9004016 CIFAl1.98 Ca0.78 H36 K0.01 Na0.1 O25.24 Si7.92F m m m13.5947; 18.1823; 17.8335
90; 90; 90
4408.14Arletti, R.; Mazzucato, E.; Vezzalini, G.
Influence of dehydration kinetics on T-O-T bridge breaking in zeolites with framework type STI: The case of stellerite Sample: T = 302 K Note: occupancies invented to match formula
American Mineralogist, 2006, 91, 628-634
9005145 CIFAl2.34 Ca0.945 H22.98 Mg0.107 Na0.188 O25.28 Si6.66F m m m13.616; 18.238; 17.835
90; 90; 90
4428.94Akizuki, M.; Kudoh, Y.; Satoh, Y.
Crystal structure of the orthorhombic {001} growth sector of stilbite
European Journal of Mineralogy, 1993, 5, 839-843
9005461 CIFAl1.876 Ba0.002 Ca0.162 H34 K0.03 Mg0.047 N1.315 Na0.106 O22.52 Si7.123F m m m13.601; 18.232; 17.81
90; 90; 90
4416.41Meneghinello, E.; Alberti, A.; Cruciani, G.; Sacerdoti, M.; McIntyre, G.; Ciambelli, P.; Rapascciuolo, M. T.
Single crystal neutron diffraction study of the natural zeolite barrerite in its ND4-exchanged form
European Journal of Mineralogy, 2000, 12, 1123-1129
9009716 CIFAl2.124 Ca0.92 H38 O27.05 Si6.876F m m m13.61; 18.214; 17.833
90; 90; 90
4420.67Sacerdoti, M.; Gomedi, I.
Crystal structural refinement of Ca-exchanged barrerite Note: made from natural barrierite in the lab
Bulletin de Mineralogie, 1984, 107, 799-804
9014427 CIFAs2 Eu Fe2F m m m5.5546; 5.4983; 12.059
90; 90; 90
368.292Tegel, M.; Rotter, M.; Weiss, V.; Schappacher, F. M.; Pottgen, R.; Johrendt, D.
Structural and magnetic phase transitions in the ternary iron arsenides SrFe2As2 and EuFe2As2 Note: T = 10 K
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2008, 20, 452201_1-452201_5
9016523 CIFAs2 Fe2 SrF m m m5.5783; 5.5175; 12.2965
90; 90; 90
378.465Tegel, M.; Rotter, M.; Weiss, V.; Schappacher, F. M.; Pottgen, R.; Johrendt, D.
Structural and magnetic phase transitions in the ternary iron arsenides SrFe2As2 and EuFe2As2 Note: T = 90 K
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2008, 20, 452201_1-452201_5

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