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1000071 CIFBa2 O3 PdI m m m13.335; 4.08; 3.8362
90; 90; 90
208.7Laligant, Y; Le Bail, A; Ferey, G; Hervieu, M; Raveau, B; Wilkinson, A; Cheetham, A K
Synthesis and ab-initio structure determination from X-ray powder data of Ba~2~ Pd O~3~ with sevenfold coordinated Ba^2+^. Structural correlations with K~2~ Ni F~4~ and Ba~2~ Ni F~6~
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1988, 25, 237-246
1000363 CIFAl F5 FeI m m m7.4289; 6.203; 3.5574
90; 90; 90
163.9Fourquet, J L; Calage, Y; Bentrup, U
FeAlF~5~: Synthesis and crystal structure
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1994, 108, 189-192
1001157 CIFCu2 Eu1.3 O5.65 Sr1.7I m m m3.744; 11.337; 20.047
90; 90; 90
850.9Nguyen, N; Choisnet, J; Raveau, B
Intercroissances des structures de type Perovskite et Sr O deficitaires en oxygene: les oxydes Ln~2-x~ Sr~1+x~ Cu~2~ O~6-x/2~ (Ln = Sm, Eu, Gd)
Materials Research Bulletin, 1982, 17, 567-573
1001383 CIFBa H2 Nb6 O17I m m m8.62; 21.61; 3.811
90; 90; 90
709.9Nedjar, R; Borel, M M; Leclaire, A; Raveau, B
Ba (Nb~3~ O~8~)~2~ * (H~2~ O): A novel lamellar niobate
Materials Research Bulletin, 1988, 23, 495-500
1001459 CIFCu2 Nd O5.76 Sr2I m m m3.7701; 11.4381; 20.0938
90; 90; 90
866.5Caignaert, V; Retoux, R; Michel, C; Hervieu, M; Raveau, B
Neutron diffraction study of the layered cuprate Sr~2-x~Nd~1+x~Cu~2~O~6- y~
Physica C (Amsterdam) (152,1988-), 1990, 167, 483-490
1001470 CIFBi8 La10 O27I m m m12.079; 16.348; 4.0988
90; 90; 90
809.4Michel, C; Caignaert, V; Raveau, B
An oxygen deficient fluorite with a tunnel structure: Bi~8~La~10~O~27~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1991, 90, 296-301
1001471 CIFBi8 La10 O27I m m m12.079; 16.348; 4.0988
90; 90; 90
809.4Michel, C; Caignaert, V; Raveau, B
An oxygen deficient fluorite with a tunnel structure: Bi~8~La~10~O~27~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1991, 90, 296-301
1001501 CIFBa Ni O5 Y2I m m m3.76; 5.762; 11.339
90; 90; 90
245.7Benloucif, R; Nguyen, N; Caignaert, V; Raveau, B
The solid solution Nd~2-x~Y~x~BaNiO~5~, a progressive transition from a tridimensional to an unidimensional anti-ferromagnetic state
Materials Research Bulletin, 1991, 26, 213-218
1001506 CIFCu2 O5.667 Pr Sr2I m m m3.7626; 11.5157; 20.1199
90; 90; 90
871.8Lucas, S; Caignaert, V; Hervieu, M; Michel, C; Raveau, B
The layered cuprates Sr~2-x~Ln~1+x~Cu~2~O~6-d~: a structure built up from the two limit structures Sr~2~LnCu~2~O~6~ and Sr~6~Ln~3~Cu~6~O~17~ (Ln=Pr,Y)
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 29, 399-409
1001513 CIFLa Ni O3.43 SrI m m m3.8666; 3.7281; 12.644
90; 90; 90
182.3Crespin, M; Landron, C; Odier, P; Bassat, J M; Mouron, P; Choisnet, J
Evidence for nickel-(I)-rich mixed oxide with a defect K~2~NiF~4~ type structure
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1992, 100, 281-291
1001514 CIFLa Ni O3.09 SrI m m m3.853; 3.566; 12.869
90; 90; 90
176.8Crespin, M; Landron, C; Odier, P; Bassat, J M; Mouron, P; Choisnet, J
Evidence for nickel-(I)-rich mixed oxide with a defect K~2~NiF~4~ type structure
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1992, 100, 281-291
1001671 CIFCu Nd2 O3.5I m m m4.237; 3.7675; 11.917
90; 90; 90
190.2Choisnet, J; Mouron, M; Crespin, M; van Aken, P A; Mueller, W F
Perovskite-like intergrowth structure of the reduced cuprate Nd2 Cu O3.5: a combination of defect and excess oxygen non-stoichiometry phenomena
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 1994, 4, 895-898
1001696 CIFLa1.6 Ni O3.5 Sr0.4I m m m3.8728; 3.7242; 12.767
90; 90; 90
184.1Crespin, M; Bassat, J M; Odier, P; Mouron, P; Choisnet, J
Synthesis and crystallographic characterization of the mixed-valence reduced nickelate La1.6 Sr0.4 (Ni(+I), Ni(+II)) O3.47
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1990, 84, 165-170
1001697 CIFCu6 Nd3 O17 Sr6I m m m3.7547; 11.4882; 20.0976
90; 90; 90
866.9Caignaert, V; Retoux, R; Hervieu, M; Michel, C; Raveau, B
Sr6 Nd3 Cu6 O17: an intergrowth of the "123"-phase and rock salt-type structure
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1991, 91, 41-46
1001740 CIFFe2 Hg0.3 O9 Pr0.57 Sr4I m m m3.8174; 3.8138; 30.33899
90; 90; 90
441.7Boullay, Ph; Domenges, B; Groult, D; Raveau, B
A mercury-based ferrite with a 0201-1201 structure: (Hg, Pr) Sr4 Fe2 O9
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1996, 124, 1-7
1005058 CIFCe2 Mn N3I m m m3.74994; 3.4445; 12.4601
90; 90; 90
160.9Niewa, R; Vajenine, G V; DiSalvo, F J; Haihua, Luo; Yelon, W B
Unusual Bonding in ternary nitrides: Preparation, structure and properties of Ce2 Mn N3
Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, Teil B. Anorganische Chemie, Organische Chemie (42,1987-), 1998, 53, 63-74
1006034 CIFBa Er2 Ni O5I m m m3.7472; 5.7293; 11.2755
90; 90; 90
242.1Alonso, J A; Amador, J; Martinez, J L; Rasines, I; Rodriguez-Carvajal, J; Saez-Puche, R
Neutron diffraction study of the magnetic structure of Er~2~BaNiO~5~
Solid State Communications, 1990, 76, 467-474
1006035 CIFBa Er2 Ni O5I m m m3.7464; 5.7289; 11.2741
90; 90; 90
242Alonso, J A; Amador, J; Martinez, J L; Rasines, I; Rodriguez-Carvajal, J; Saez-Puche, R
Neutron diffraction study of the magnetic structure of Er~2~BaNiO~5~
Solid State Communications, 1990, 76, 467-474
1006037 CIFBa Ni O5 Tm2I m m m3.75128; 5.7214; 11.2456
90; 90; 90
241.4Salinas-Sanchez, A; Saez-Puche, R; Rodriguez-Carvajal, J; Martinez, J L
Structural characterization of R~2~BaNiO~5~ (R=Tm and Yb): polymorphism for R=Tm
Solid State Communications, 1991, 78, 481-488
1006059 CIFBa Ni O5 Tm2I m m m3.75124; 5.7214; 11.2456
90; 90; 90
241.4Garcia-Matres, E; Rodriguez-Carvajal, J; Martinez, J L; Alonso, J A; Salinas-Sanchez, A; Saez-Puche, R
Polymorphism in the oxides R~2~NaNiO~5~ (R= Tm, Yb, Lu)
Solid State Ionics, 1993, 63, 915-921
1006060 CIFBa Ni O5 Yb2I m m m3.74482; 5.70668; 11.04
90; 90; 90
235.9Garcia-Matres, E; Rodriguez-Carvajal, J; Martinez, J L; Alonso, J A; Salinas-Sanchez, A; Saez-Puche, R
Polymorphism in the oxides R~2~NaNiO~5~ (R= Tm, Yb, Lu)
Solid State Ionics, 1993, 63, 915-921
1006064 CIFBa Ho2 Ni O5I m m m3.75453; 5.7319; 11.2715
90; 90; 90
242.6Garcia-Matres, E; Rodriguez-Carvajal, J; Martinez, J L
Magnetic stucture of Ho~2~BaNiO~5~
Solid State Communications, 1993, 85, 553-559
1006068 CIFBa Ca0.22 Er1.78 Ni O5I m m m3.7423; 5.7416; 11.2729
90; 90; 90
242.2Alonso, J A; Rasines, I; Rodriguez-Carvajal, J; Torrance, J B
Hole and electron doping of R~2~BaNiO~5~ (R=rare earths)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1994, 109, 231-240
1006069 CIFBa Ca0.36 Er1.64 Ni O5I m m m3.7342; 5.7486; 11.2625
90; 90; 90
241.8Alonso, J A; Rasines, I; Rodriguez-Carvajal, J; Torrance, J B
Hole and electron doping of R~2~BaNiO~5~ (R=rare earths)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1994, 109, 231-240
1006070 CIFBa Ca0.19 Er1.81 Ni O4.76I m m m3.7106; 5.7461; 11.3007
90; 90; 90
240.9Alonso, J A; Rasines, I; Rodriguez-Carvajal, J; Torrance, J B
Hole and electron doping of R~2~BaNiO~5~ (R=rare earths)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1994, 109, 231-240
1006071 CIFBa Ca0.34 Er1.66 Ni O4.58I m m m3.6876; 5.7467; 11.3012
90; 90; 90
239.5Alonso, J A; Rasines, I; Rodriguez-Carvajal, J; Torrance, J B
Hole and electron doping of R~2~BaNiO~5~ (R=rare earths)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1994, 109, 231-240
1006072 CIFCu Li2 O2I m m m3.65447; 2.86022; 9.3774
90; 90; 90
98Sapina, F; Rodriguez-Carvajal, J; Sanchis, M J; Ibanez, R; Beltran, A; Beltran, D
Crystal and magnetic structure of Li2 Cu O2
Solid State Communications, 1990, 74, 779-784
1006073 CIFCu Li2 O2I m m m3.66153; 2.86277; 9.39258
90; 90; 90
98.5Sapina, F; Rodriguez-Carvajal, J; Sanchis, M J; Ibanez, R; Beltran, A; Beltran, D
Crystal and magnetic structure of Li2 Cu O2
Solid State Communications, 1990, 74, 779-784
1006126 CIFEr Fe6 Ge6I m m m8.0991; 26.5293; 5.10721
90; 90; 90
1097.4Oleksyn, O; Schobinger-Papamantellos, P; Rodriguez-Carvajal, J; Brueck, E; Buschow, K H J
Crystal structure and magnetic ordering in Er Fe6 Ge6 studied by X-ray, neutron diffraction and magnetic measurements
Journal of Alloys Compd., 1997, 257, 36-45
1006127 CIFEr Fe6 Ge6I m m m8.1008; 26.53181; 5.10768
90; 90; 90
1097.8Oleksyn, O; Schobinger-Papamantellos, P; Rodriguez-Carvajal, J; Brueck, E; Buschow, K H J
Crystal structure and magnetic ordering in Er Fe6 Ge6 studied by X-ray, neutron diffraction and magnetic measurements
Journal of Alloys Compd., 1997, 257, 36-45
1006135 CIFLa1.85 Ni O2.219 Sr0.15I m m m3.8199; 3.8536; 12.5887
90; 90; 90
185.3Medarde, M.; Rodriguez-Carvajal, J.
Oxygen vacancy ordering in La~2-x~Sr~x~NiO~4-δ~ (0 <= x <= 0.5): the crystal structure and defects investigated by neutron diffraction
Zeitschrift für Physik B: Condensed Matter, 1997, 102, 307-315
1006136 CIFLa1.8 Ni O2.212 Sr0.2I m m m3.797; 3.8545; 12.6148
90; 90; 90
184.6Medarde, M.; Rodriguez-Carvajal, J.
Oxygen vacancy ordering in La~2-x~Sr~x~NiO~4-δ~ (0 <= x <= 0.5): the crystal structure and defects investigated by neutron diffraction
Zeitschrift für Physik B: Condensed Matter, 1997, 102, 307-315
1006137 CIFLa1.75 Ni O2.212 Sr0.25I m m m3.7797; 3.8549; 12.657
90; 90; 90
184.4Medarde, M.; Rodriguez-Carvajal, J.
Oxygen vacancy ordering in La~2-x~Sr~x~NiO~4-δ~ (0 <= x <= 0.5): the crystal structure and defects investigated by neutron diffraction
Zeitschrift für Physik B: Condensed Matter, 1997, 102, 307-315
1006138 CIFLa1.5 Ni O2.198 Sr0.5I m m m3.7605; 3.86; 12.6607
90; 90; 90
183.8Medarde, M.; Rodriguez-Carvajal, J.
Oxygen vacancy ordering in La~2-x~Sr~x~NiO~4-δ~ (0 <= x <= 0.5): the crystal structure and defects investigated by neutron diffraction
Zeitschrift für Physik B: Condensed Matter, 1997, 102, 307-315
1008073 CIFO3 Pd Sr2I m m m3.97; 3.544; 12.84
90; 90; 90
180.7Muller, O; Roy, R
Synthesis and Crystal Chemistry of Some New Complex Palladium Oxides
Advances in Chemistry Series, 1971, 98, 28-38
1008118 CIFAs2.79 Te5.1 Zr3.88I m m m5.64; 13.37; 3.78
90; 90; 90
285Mosset, A; Jeannin, Y
Sur un Compose Ternaire Orthorhombique Forme Entre le Zirconium, L'arsenic et le Tellure
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1972, 26, 285-292
1008280 CIFNb4 O12 UI m m m15.424; 7.712; 15.592
90; 90; 90
1854.7Labeau, M.; Grey, I. E.; Coubert, J. C.; Chenevas, J.; Collomb, A.; Guitel, J. C.
The structure of the a-cation deficient Perovskite U Nb~4~ O~12~
Acta Crystallographica B (39,1983-), 1985, 41, 33-41
1008452 CIFF2.47 Gd0.735 K0.265I m m m11.652; 8.152; 32.57
90; 90; 90
3093.7Le Fur, Y; Aleonard, S; Gorius, M F; Roux, M T
Structure cristalline de K~0.265~Gd~0.735~ F~2.47~
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie (149,1979-), 1988, 182, 281-290
1008460 CIFBa Er2 Ni O5I m m m3.7541; 5.7442; 11.3019
90; 90; 90
243.7Alonso, J A; Amador, J; Rasines, I; Soubeyroux, J L
Er~2~BaNiO~5~: Structure refinement using neutron powder diffraction data
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1991, 47, 249-251
1010448 CIFC N NaI m m m3.74; 4.71; 5.61
90; 90; 90
98.8Verweel, H J; Bijvoet, J M
Die Kristallstruktur des Na C N
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977), 1938, 100, 210-207
1101176 CIFC0.75 H3 O2.75 P0.5 V0.5I m m m7.4265; 9.3477; 16.793
90; 90; 90
1165.8Ouellette, Wayne; Yu, Ming Hui; O'Connor, Charles J.; Zubieta, Jon
Structural Diversity of the Oxovanadium Organodiphosphonate System: A Platform for the Design of Void Channels
Inorganic Chemistry, 2006, 45, 3224-3239
1101178 CIFC1.25 H4.5 O3 P0.5 V0.5I m m m7.433; 9.3673; 21.8357
90; 90; 90
1520.36Ouellette, Wayne; Yu, Ming Hui; O'Connor, Charles J.; Zubieta, Jon
Structural Diversity of the Oxovanadium Organodiphosphonate System: A Platform for the Design of Void Channels
Inorganic Chemistry, 2006, 45, 3224-3239
1509578 CIFAg1.1 Al6.9 Dy2I m m m4.296; 4.179; 9.995
90; 90; 90
179.44Kuz'ma, Yu.B.; Stel'makhovich, B.M.
New Ln (Ag, Al)4 (Ln= Y, Gd, Tb, Dy) intermetallics and their structure
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Metally, 1990, 1990, 209-211
1509638 CIFAg17 Mg54I m m m14.24; 14.209; 14.663
90; 90; 90
2966.85Arakcheeva, A.V.; Karpinskii, O.G.; Kolesnichenko, V.E.
Crystal structure of Ag17 Mg54 (epsilon'-phase)
Soviet Physics, Crystallography (= Kristallografiya), 1988, 33, 907-908
1509691 CIFAg2 O2 PdI m m m4.55523; 3.00803; 9.8977
90; 90; 90
135.621Jansen, M.; Schreyer, M.
Synthesis, structure and properties of Ag2 Pd O2
Solid State Sciences, 2001, 3, 25-30
1509738 CIFAg2.5 Ga8.5 Yb3I m m m4.3263; 12.854; 9.662
90; 90; 90
537.306Grin', Yu.; Sichevich, O.M.; Ellner, M.; Hiebl, K.; Myakush, O.M.; Rogl, P.
Crystal chemistry and magnetic properties of the ternary compounds RE3 Agx Ga11-x (RE= Y, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, and Yb)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1993, 105, 399-405
1509739 CIFAg2.55 Al8.45 Gd3I m m m4.3306; 12.6706; 10.0145
90; 90; 90
549.509Kuz'ma, Yu.B.; Zhak, O.V.; Bilas, N.R.; Stel'makhovich, B.M.
The Gd - Ag - Al system
Journal of Alloys Compd., 2004, 363, 243-248
1509742 CIFAg2.72 Ga8.28 Yb3I m m m4.3284; 12.86; 9.709
90; 90; 90
540.434Ellner, M.; Myakush, O.M.; Hiebl, K.; Sichevich, O.M.; Grin', Yu.; Rogl, P.
Crystal chemistry and magnetic properties of the ternary compounds RE3 Agx Ga11-x (RE= Y, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, and Yb)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1993, 105, 399-405
1510050 CIFAg3.21 Ga7.79 Yb3I m m m4.3603; 12.91; 9.462
90; 90; 90
532.63Ellner, M.; Hiebl, K.; Rogl, P.; Sichevich, O.M.; Grin', Yu.; Myakush, O.M.
Crystal chemistry and magnetic properties of the ternary compounds RE3 Agx Ga11-x (RE= Y, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, and Yb)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1993, 105, 399-405
1510168 CIFAu Ge Na2I m m m7.227; 7.529; 4.417
90; 90; 90
240.338Wrobel, G.; Schuster, H.U.
Die Kristallstrukturen der Phasen Na2 Au Ge und Na Au Sn
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1977, 432, 95-100
1510225 CIFAu Li5 O4I m m m3.673; 9.505; 2.94
90; 90; 90
102.641Hoppe, R.; Wasel-Nielen, H.D.
Zur Kristallstruktur von Li3 Au O3, Li5 Au O4, K Au O2 und Rb Au O2
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1970, 375, 43-51
1510510 CIFAu3 Rb2I m m m4.942; 5.442; 10.601
90; 90; 90
285.107Zachwieja, U.
Rb2 Au3, eine Schichtstruktur im System Rubidium-Gold
Journal of Alloys Compd., 1994, 206, 277-281
1510545 CIFAu4.7 Ga6.3 Yb3I m m m4.3687; 12.9764; 9.4683
90; 90; 90
536.758Sichevich, O.M.; Hiebl, K.; Rogl, P.; Ellner, M.; Myakush, O.M.; Grin', Yu.
Crystal chemistry and magnetic beaviour of the ternary compounds RE3 (Au, Pt)x Ga11-x (RE= Y, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm and Yb)
Journal of Alloys Compd., 1994, 205, 285-289
1510550 CIFAu5 Cs1.89 O2 Rb5.11I m m m5.735; 9.368; 16.9
90; 90; 90
907.961Jansen, M.; Mudring, A.V.
Gemischte Alkalimetallauridaurate der Zusammensetzung Rb7-x Csx Au5O2
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2002, 628, 2200-2200
1510551 CIFAu5 Cs3.68 O2 Rb3.32I m m m5.802; 9.441; 17.078
90; 90; 90
935.476Jansen, M.; Mudring, A.V.
Gemischte Alkalimetallauridaurate der Zusammensetzung Rb7-x Csx Au5O2
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2002, 628, 2200-2200
1510552 CIFAu5 Cs4.72 O2 Rb2.28I m m m5.866; 9.51; 17.192
90; 90; 90
959.067Jansen, M.; Mudring, A.V.
Gemischte Alkalimetallauridaurate der Zusammensetzung Rb7-x Csx Au5O2
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2002, 628, 2200-2200
1510553 CIFAu5 Cs7 O2I m m m5.999; 9.572; 17.261
90; 90; 90
991.169Mudring, A.V.; Jansen, M.
Gemischte Alkalimetallauridaurate der Zusammensetzung Rb7-x Csx Au5 O2
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2002, 628, 2200-2200
1510568 CIFAu5 O2 Rb7I m m m5.671; 9.301; 16.594
90; 90; 90
875.267Jansen, M.; Mudring, A.V.
Base-induced disproportionation of elemental gold
Angew. Chem. Int. ed., 2000, 39, 3066-3067
1510569 CIFAu5 O2 Rb7I m m m5.685; 9.328; 16.647
90; 90; 90
882.785Mudring, A.V.; Jansen, M.
Gemischte Alkalimetallauridaurate der Zusammensetzung Rb7-x Csx Au5 O2
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2002, 628, 2200-2200
1510766 CIFB2 Mo2 NiI m m m7.07; 4.55; 3.18
90; 90; 90
102.296Skolozdra, R.V.; Kripyakevich, P.I.; Kuz'ma, Yu.B.
Crystal structure of Mo2 Ni B2 and analogous compounds
Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukrains'koi RSR, 1966, 1966, 1290-1293
1510882 CIFB3 Br18 Gd13I m m m3.9923; 17.0462; 28.3039
90; 90; 90
1926.18Simon, A.; Oeckler, O.; Kienle, L.; Mattausch, H.J.
Ln13 Br18 B3 (Ln= Gd-Tb) - a compound containing a combination of discrete and condensed clusters
Angew. Chem. Int. ed., 2002, 41, 4257-4259
1510979 CIFB2 Ce3 N4I m m m3.5653; 6.316; 10.713
90; 90; 90
241.24Rogl, P.; Klesnar, H.; Fischer, P.
Neutron powder diffraction studies of Ce3 B2 N4 and isotypic RE3 B2 N4 compounds (RE= La, Pr, Nd, MM)
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 1990, 73, 2634-2639
1510989 CIFB2 Co W2I m m m7.075; 4.564; 3.177
90; 90; 90
102.586Rieger, W.; Benesovsky, F.; Nowotny, H.
Die Kristallstruktur von W2 Co B2 und isotypen Phasen
Monatshefte fuer Chemie (-108,1977), 1966, 97, 378-382
1511484 CIFB4 Mn3I m m m3.032; 12.86; 2.96
90; 90; 90
115.415Kiessling, R.
The borides of manganese
Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1-27,1973-42,1988), 1950, 4, 146-159
1511486 CIFB4 Mo Ru2I m m m3.227; 13.244; 3.018
90; 90; 90
128.984Rogl, P.; Benesovsky, F.; Nowotny, H.
Ueber einige Komplexboride mit Platinmetallen
Monatshefte fuer Chemie (-108,1977), 1972, 103, 965-989
1511490 CIFB4 Nb3I m m m3.305; 14.82; 3.137
90; 90; 90
153.651Kiessling, R.; Andersson, L.H.
Investigations on the binary systems of boron with chromium, columbium, nickel and thorium including a discussion of the phase "TiB" in the titanium boron system
Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1-27,1973-42,1988), 1950, 4, 160-160
1511517 CIFB4 Ta3I m m m3.29; 14; 3.13
90; 90; 90
144.168Kiessling, R.
The borides of tantalum
Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1-27,1973-42,1988), 1949, 3, 603-615
1511520 CIFB4 V3I m m m3.03; 13.18; 2.986
90; 90; 90
119.247Moskowitz, D.
New vanadium boride of the composition V3 B4
Journal of Metals, 1956, 8, 1325-1325
1511547 CIFB5 Ir2.5 Mo2.5I m m m4.733; 15.675; 2.871
90; 90; 90
212.999Benesovsky, F.; Nowotny, H.; Rogl, P.
Ueber einige Komplexboride mit Platinmetallen
Monatshefte fuer Chemie (-108,1977), 1972, 103, 965-989
1511548 CIFB5 Ir3 W2I m m m4.715; 15.707; 2.875
90; 90; 90
212.918Benesovsky, F.; Nowotny, H.; Rogl, P.
Ueber einige Komplexboride mit Platinmetallen
Monatshefte fuer Chemie (-108,1977), 1972, 103, 965-989
1511574 CIFB6 Ce Cr2I m m m6.56; 8.318; 3.102
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Neue Verbindungen zum Ba Ni Nd O5 -Typ: Ba Ni Ln2 O5 (Ln = Sm, Gd, Ho, Er, Tm).
Monatshefte fuer Chemie und verwandte Teile anderer Wissenschaften (109,1978-), 1987, 118, 741-747
2002379 CIFBa Ho2 Ni O5I m m m3.7645; 5.7582; 11.3453
90; 90; 90
245.9Schiffler, S; Mueller-Buschbaum, Hk
Neue Verbindungen zum Ba Ni Nd O5 -Typ: Ba Ni Ln2 O5 (Ln = Sm, Gd, Ho, Er, Tm).
Monatshefte fuer Chemie und verwandte Teile anderer Wissenschaften (109,1978-), 1987, 118, 741-747
2002380 CIFBa Er2 Ni O5I m m m3.7566; 5.7374; 11.3021
90; 90; 90
243.6Schiffler, S; Mueller-Buschbaum, Hk
Neue Verbindungen zum Ba Ni Nd O5 -Typ: Ba Ni Ln2 O5 (Ln = Sm, Gd, Ho, Er, Tm).
Monatshefte fuer Chemie und verwandte Teile anderer Wissenschaften (109,1978-), 1987, 118, 741-747
2002381 CIFBa Ni O5 Tm2I m m m3.7516; 5.7228; 11.2436
90; 90; 90
241.4Schiffler, S; Mueller-Buschbaum, Hk
Neue Verbindungen zum Ba Ni Nd O5 -Typ: Ba Ni Ln2 O5 (Ln = Sm, Gd, Ho, Er, Tm).
Monatshefte fuer Chemie und verwandte Teile anderer Wissenschaften (109,1978-), 1987, 118, 741-747
2002428 CIFBa Co Er2 O5I m m m3.734; 5.77; 11.421
90; 90; 90
246.1Mevs, H; Mueller-Buschbaum, Hk
Neue Oxometallate vom Ba Cu Sm2 O5 -Typ: Ba Co Ho2 O5, Ba Co Yb2 O5 und vom Ba Ni Ln2 O5 -Typ: Ba Co Er2 O5
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1989, 574, 172-176
2002439 CIFBa Co Nd2 O5I m m m3.808; 5.956; 11.8
90; 90; 90
267.6Mevs, H; Mueller-Buschbaum, Hk
Zwei Neue Verbindungen vom Ba Ni Ln2 O5-Typ: Ba Co Nd2 O5 und Ba Co Sm2 O5
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1989, 152, 139-144
2002440 CIFBa Co O5 Sm2I m m m3.788; 5.903; 11.703
90; 90; 90
261.7Mevs, H; Mueller-Buschbaum, Hk
Zwei Neue Verbindungen vom Ba Ni Ln2 O5-Typ: Ba Co Nd2 O5 und Ba Co Sm2 O5
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1989, 152, 139-144
2002483 CIFBa Eu2 Ni O5I m m m3.8018; 5.8545; 11.5125
90; 90; 90
256.2Mueller-Buschbaum, Hk; Lang, C
Notiz ueber Synthese und Kristallstruktur von Ba Pt Eu2 O5 und Ba Ni Eu2 O5
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1988, 142, L1-L3
2002502 CIFBa Ni O5 Tb2I m m m3.783; 5.8; 11.407
90; 90; 90
250.3Mueller-Buschbaum, Hk; Sonne, P
Zur Kenntnis von Ba Ni Tb2 O5 und Ba Cu La Sm O5
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1990, 167, 185-192
2002505 CIFBa Ni O5 Y2I m m m3.761; 5.7633; 11.3167
90; 90; 90
245.3Mueller-Buschbaum, Hk; Schlueter, D
Zur Kenntnis von Ba Pt La2 O5 und Ba Ni Y2 O5
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1990, 166, L7-L9
2002709 CIFBa Ni O5 Pr2I m m m3.8339; 5.9615; 11.6981
90; 90; 90
267.4Kluever, E; Mueller-Buschbaum, Hk
Zur Kristallchemie von Ba Ni Pr2 O5 und Ba Mn0.36 Mg0.64 Nd2 O5
Journal of Alloys Compd., 1994, 206, 159-162
2002710 CIFBa Mg0.64 Mn0.36 Nd2 O5I m m m3.8472; 5.9552; 11.8048
90; 90; 90
270.5Kluever, E; Mueller-Buschbaum, Hk
Zur Kristallchemie von Ba Ni Pr2 O5 und Ba Mn0.36 Mg0.64 Nd2 O5
Journal of Alloys Compd., 1994, 206, 159-162
2006773 CIF
Ba5.24 F26 Mg7 Sr0.76I m m m5.8346; 12.0877; 15.0908
90; 90; 90
1064.31Kubel, Frank; Hagemann, Hans; Bill, Hans
Mixed Ba~5.24~Sr~0.76~Mg~7~F~26~
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1997, 53, 1735-1738
2008761 CIF
As4 Ba3 Li4I m m m4.7034; 7.1735; 15.643
90; 90; 90
527.79Monconduit, Laure; Belin, Claude
Lithium barium arsenide, Li~4~Ba~3~As~4~, containing isolated As^3-^ and As~2~^4-^ anions
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1999, 55, 1199-1200
2014171 CIF
C16 H40 Cl6 N2 Pd2I m m m8.7922; 12.3094; 13.2806
90; 90; 90
1437.3Fábry, Jan; Dušek, Michal; Fejfarová, Karla; Krupková, Radmila; Vaněk, Přemysl; Němec, Ivan
Two phases of bis(tetraethylammonium) di-μ-chloro-bis[dichloropalladium(II)]
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2004, 60, m426-m430
2017579 CIF
La6 Mg2.77 Zn19.23I m m m4.5992; 9.0514; 13.8635
90; 90; 90
577.13Pavlyuk, Volodymyr; Rozycka-Sokolowska, Ewa; Marciniak, Bernard
The new ternary phases of La~3~(Zn~0.874~Mg~0.126~)~11~ and Ce~3~(Zn~0.863~Mg~0.137~)~11~
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2010, 66, i25-i28
2017580 CIF
Ce6 Mg3.02 Zn18.98I m m m4.5641; 8.9542; 13.7261
90; 90; 90
560.96Pavlyuk, Volodymyr; Rozycka-Sokolowska, Ewa; Marciniak, Bernard
The new ternary phases of La~3~(Zn~0.874~Mg~0.126~)~11~ and Ce~3~(Zn~0.863~Mg~0.137~)~11~
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2010, 66, i25-i28
2019341 CIF
F K Nb2 O6 SrI m m m3.8604; 22.22; 7.6932
90; 90; 90
659.91Yoo, Chung-Yul; Hong, Kun-Pyo; Kim, Seung-Joo
A new layered perovskite, KSrNb2O6F, by powder neutron diffraction
Acta Crystallographica Section C Crystal Structure Communications, 2007, 63, i63-5
2020029 CIFHf54 Os17I m m m13.856; 14.104; 14.57
90; 90; 90
2847.34Cenzual, K.; Chabot, B.; Parthe, E.
Cubic Sc57 Rh13 and orthorhombic Hf54 Os17, two geometriclly related crystal structures with rhodium- and osmium-centered icosahedra
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1985, 41, 313-319
2020179 CIFBr6 H12 O6 Zn3I m m m10.435; 10.367; 7.961
90; 90; 90
861.218Duhlev, R.; Brown, I.D.; Faggiani, R.
Zinc bromide dihydrate Zn Br2 * 2(H2 O): a doublesalt structure.
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1988, 44, 1696-1698
2021864 CIFC H6 Ar1.4 I3 N PbI m m m12.1294; 12.1415; 12.1734
90; 90; 90
1792.8Arakcheeva, Alla; Svitlyk, Volodymyr; Polini, Eleonora; Henry, Laura; Chernyshov, Dmitry; Sienkiewicz, Andrzej; Giriat, Gaétan; Glushkova, Anastasiia; Kollar, Marton; Náfrádi, Bálint; Forro, Laszlo; Horváth, Endre
Pressure-induced transformation of CH3NH3PbI3: the role of the noble-gas pressure transmitting media
Acta Crystallographica Section B Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials, 2019, 75, 361
2021865 CIFC0.5 H6 Ar1.781 I3 N1.5 PbI m m m12.0192; 12.0195; 12.0213
90; 90; 90
1736.7Arakcheeva, Alla; Svitlyk, Volodymyr; Polini, Eleonora; Henry, Laura; Chernyshov, Dmitry; Sienkiewicz, Andrzej; Giriat, Gaétan; Glushkova, Anastasiia; Kollar, Marton; Náfrádi, Bálint; Forro, Laszlo; Horváth, Endre
Pressure-induced transformation of CH3NH3PbI3: the role of the noble-gas pressure transmitting media
Acta Crystallographica Section B Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials, 2019, 75, 361
2021866 CIFC H6 Ar1.75 I3 N PbI m m m11.9; 11.99; 11.92
90; 90; 90
1700.8Arakcheeva, Alla; Svitlyk, Volodymyr; Polini, Eleonora; Henry, Laura; Chernyshov, Dmitry; Sienkiewicz, Andrzej; Giriat, Gaétan; Glushkova, Anastasiia; Kollar, Marton; Náfrádi, Bálint; Forro, Laszlo; Horváth, Endre
Pressure-induced transformation of CH3NH3PbI3: the role of the noble-gas pressure transmitting media
Acta Crystallographica Section B Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials, 2019, 75, 361
2021887 CIFF5 H12 N3 O VI m m m6.2986; 9.1638; 18.9044
90; 90; 90
1091.15Udovenko, Anatoly A.; Pogoreltsev, Evgeny I.; Marchenko, Yuri V.; Laptash, Natalia M.
Orientational disorder and phase transitions in ammonium oxofluorovanadates, (NH4)3VOF5 and (NH4)3VO2F4
Acta Crystallographica Section B Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials, 2017, 73, 1085
2106034 CIFMn151.59 Si34.41I m m m16.992; 28.634; 4.6556
90; 90; 90
2265.18Brink-Shoemaker, C.; Shoemaker, D.P.
The Crystal Structure of the mue Phase, Mn81.5 Si18.5
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1971, 27, 227-235
2106336 CIFCl6 H6 N O SbI m m m7.113; 9.049; 8.049
90; 90; 90
518.078Henke, H.; Buschmann, E.; Baernighausen, H.
The Crystal Structure of Ammonium Hexachloroantimonate(V) Monohydrate and the Crystal Data of the Anhydrous Compound
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 2622-2624
2106369 CIFH16 K3.5 Na0.5 O16 Te2I m m m13.023; 17.605; 6.876
90; 90; 90
1576.46Kratochvil, B.; Podlahova, J.; Jensovsky, L.
Sodium potassium ditellurate(VI) hexahydrate
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1978, 34, 256-258
2106659 CIFAg2 Au3 Cl17 H24 N6I m m m20.86; 11.2; 6.61
90; 90; 90
1544.31Bowles, J.C.; Hall, D.
Ammonium tris(tetrachloroaurate(III))mue-chloro-bis-(dichloroargent te)
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1975, 31, 2149-2150
2107014 CIFBr6 H12 N4 Pt2I m m m7.7596; 8.2342; 5.5525
90; 90; 90
354.772Keller, H.J.; Keppler, B.; Steiger, W.; Ledezma-Sanchez, G.
Redetermination of the Structure of trans- diamminedibromoplatinum(II)-trans-diamminetetrabromoplatinu (IV), trans- ((Pt Br2 (N H3)2) (Pt Br4 (N H3)2))
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1981, 37, 674-675
2107158 CIFCu1.25 Li1.67 P2I m m m3.874; 12.67; 8.74
90; 90; 90
428.99Schlenger, H.; Jacobs, H.
Die Kristallstrukturen des Li Cu2 P2 und des Li1.75 Cu1.25 P2
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1972, 28, 327-327
2107292 CIF
B4 V3I m m m2.9821; 3.0601; 13.2251
90; 90; 90
120.686Terlan, Bürgehan; Akselrud, Lev; Baranov, Alexey I.; Borrmann, Horst; Grin, Yuri
On the transferability of electron density in binary vanadium borides VB, V~3~B~4~ and VB~2~
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2015, 71, 777-787
2108691 CIF
B Bi4 I O7I m m m3.959; 13.453; 3.969
90; 90; 90
211.39Volkov, Sergey; Bubnova, Rimma; Krzhizhanovskaya, Maria; Galafutnik, Lydia
The first bismuth borate oxyiodide, Bi~4~BO~7~I: commensurate or incommensurate?
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2020, 76
2200378 CIF
Ba Ca0.1 Ni O5 Y1.9I m m m3.7527; 5.7581; 11.313
90; 90; 90
244.46Lannuzel, François-Xavier; Boucher, Florent; Boucher, Christophe
Charge-doped nickel oxide, Y~1.90~Ca~0.10~BaNiO~5~
Acta Crystallographica, Section E: Structure Reports Online, 2001, 57, i70-i71
2202383 CIF
C12 H16 Co N2 O8I m m m7.1791; 9.4033; 10.2886
90; 90; 90
694.55Yang, Shi-Yao; Long, La-Sheng; Huang, Rong-Bin; Zheng, Lan-Sun; Ng, Seik Weng
<i>catena</i>-Poly[[[tetraaquacobalt(II)]-μ-pyrazine] phthalate]
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2003, 59, m961-m963
2215352 CIF
C4 H12 Ag Br2 NI m m m6.7817; 9.1535; 15.057
90; 90; 90
934.7Liu, Xi
<i>catena</i>-Poly[tetramethylammonium [argentate(I)-di-μ-bromido]]
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2007, 63, m2619-m2619
2241454 CIF
Cd Pt2 Sr2I m m m4.5596; 5.9351; 9.1874
90; 90; 90
248.63Nawawi, Effendi; Gulo, Fakhili; Köhler, Jürgen
Crystal structure of Sr~2~CdPt~2~ containing linear platinum chains
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2016, 72, 144-146
2242784 CIF
O3 Pd Sr2I m m m3.5342; 3.9822; 12.8414
90; 90; 90
180.73Thakur, Gohil S.; Reuter, Hans; Felser, Claudia; Jansen, Martin
Redetermination of Sr~2~PdO~3~ from single-crystal X-ray data
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2019, 75, 30-32
2244220 CIF
C2 Cl2 Co O4 Rb2I m m m5.3445; 6.438; 12.5866
90; 90; 90
433.08Clulow, Rebecca; Lightfoot, Philip
Syntheses and crystal structures of three novel oxalate coordination compounds: Rb<sub>2</sub>Co(C<sub>2</sub>O<sub>4</sub>)<sub>2</sub>·4H<sub>2</sub>O, Rb<sub>2</sub>CoCl<sub>2</sub>(C<sub>2</sub>O<sub>4</sub>) and K<sub>2</sub>Li<sub>2</sub>Cu(C<sub>2</sub>O<sub>4</sub>)<sub>3</sub>·2H<sub>2</sub>O.
Acta crystallographica. Section E, Crystallographic communications, 2023, 79, 267-271
2300491 CIF
C4 Co Sc3I m m m3.394; 4.374; 11.995
90; 90; 90
178.07Krause, Lennard; Herbst-Irmer, Regine; Sheldrick, George M.; Stalke, Dietmar
Comparison of silver and molybdenum microfocus X-ray sources for single-crystal structure determination
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 2015, 48
2300492 CIF
C4 Co Sc3I m m m3.398; 4.377; 12.003
90; 90; 90
178.52Krause, Lennard; Herbst-Irmer, Regine; Sheldrick, George M.; Stalke, Dietmar
Comparison of silver and molybdenum microfocus X-ray sources for single-crystal structure determination
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 2015, 48
2300649 CIF
Al6.24 K1.03 Mg2.18 O88.58 Si29.76I m m m7.509; 14.1395; 19.2362
90; 90; 90
2042.37Giacobbe, Carlotta; Wright, Jonathan; Dejoie, Catherine; Tafforeau, Paul; Berruyer, Camille; Vigliaturo, Ruggero; Gieré, Reto; Gualtieri, Alessandro F.
Depicting the crystal structure of fibrous ferrierite from British Columbia using a combined synchrotron techniques approach
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 2019, 52
2300698 CIF
B Bi4 Cl O7I m m m3.9277; 13.0981; 3.8808
90; 90; 90
199.649Volkov, Sergey; Arsent'ev, Maxim; Ugolkov, Valery; Povolotskiy, Alexey; Savchenko, Yevgeny; Krzhizhanovskaya, Maria; Bubnova, Rimma; Aksenov, Sergey
When the difference between incommensurate and commensurate structures becomes elusive: the case of Bi4BO7 X (X = Cl, Br) oxyhalides
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 2023, 56, 589-596
2300699 CIF
B Bi4 Br O7I m m m3.9345; 13.2499; 3.9182
90; 90; 90
204.263Volkov, Sergey; Arsent'ev, Maxim; Ugolkov, Valery; Povolotskiy, Alexey; Savchenko, Yevgeny; Krzhizhanovskaya, Maria; Bubnova, Rimma; Aksenov, Sergey
When the difference between incommensurate and commensurate structures becomes elusive: the case of Bi4BO7 X (X = Cl, Br) oxyhalides
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 2023, 56, 589-596
2300712 CIF
C4 Co Sc3I m m m3.383; 4.373; 11.991
90; 90; 90
177.39Ruth, Paul Niklas; Graw, Nico; Ernemann, Tobias; Herbst-Irmer, Regine; Stalke, Dietmar
Indium <i>K</i>α radiation from a MetalJet X-ray source: comparison of the Eiger2 CdTe and Photon III detectors.
Journal of applied crystallography, 2023, 56, 1322-1329
2300713 CIF
C4 Co Sc3I m m m3.383; 4.37; 11.982
90; 90; 90
177.14Ruth, Paul Niklas; Graw, Nico; Ernemann, Tobias; Herbst-Irmer, Regine; Stalke, Dietmar
Indium <i>K</i>α radiation from a MetalJet X-ray source: comparison of the Eiger2 CdTe and Photon III detectors.
Journal of applied crystallography, 2023, 56, 1322-1329
2310722 CIFNb4 O12 ThI m m m16.551; 5.517; 15.716
90; 90; 90
1435.06Alario-Franco, M.A.; Grey, I.E.; Labeau, M.; Joubert, J.C.; Vincent, H.
Structural studies on a-cation-deficient perovskite-related phases. I. Th Nb4 O12. Thorium vacancy ordering in slow-cooled samples
Acta Crystallographica A (24,1968-38,1982), 1982, 38, 177-186
2310946 CIFNb6 Sn5I m m m5.656; 9.199; 16.843
90; 90; 90
876.334Ogren, J.R.; Ellis, T.G.; Smith, J.F.
The structure of Nb6 Sn5
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1965, 18, 968-973
2311007 CIFCu20 Fe1.32 Pb2 S15I m m m3.86; 14.67; 22.8
90; 90; 90
1291.08Dornberger-Schiff, K.; Hahne, E.
Die Kristallstruktur des Bechtinit Pb2 (Cu Fe)21 S15
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1959, 12, 646-651
3000531 On hold until 2024-11-17Ca H20 Li2I m m m4.6275503048; 6.6666517823; 2.8634423232
90; 90; 90
88.338Morgan Redington
To be published in Chemistry of Materials
4001317 CIFK3.48 O26 P5 U V4I m m m7.3803; 9.1577; 17.0898
90; 90; 90
1155.04Shvareva, Tatiana Y.; Skanthakumar, S.; Soderholm, L.; Clearfield, Abraham; Albrecht-Schmitt, Thomas E.
Cs±Selective Ion Exchange and Magnetic Ordering in a Three-Dimensional Framework Uranyl Vanadium(IV) Phosphate
Chemistry of Materials, 2007, 19, 132
4002870 CIFC36 H23 Cu3 N3 O18I m m m18.7055; 39.8841; 27.8207
90; 90; 90
20755.7Li, Pei-Zhou; Wang, Xiao-Jun; Liu, Jia; Phang, Hui Shi; Li, Yongxin; Zhao, Yanli
Highly Effective Carbon Fixation via Catalytic Conversion of CO2 by an Acylamide-Containing Metal‒Organic Framework
Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29, 9256
4003468 CIFPd15.54 Sc54.4I m m m14.252; 14.372; 14.776
90; 90; 90
3026.6Solokha, Pavlo; Eremin, Roman A.; Leisegang, Tilmann; Proserpio, Davide M.; Akhmetshina, Tatiana; Gurskaya, Albina; Saccone, Adriana; De Negri, Serena
New Quasicrystal Approximant in the Sc‒Pd System: From Topological Data Mining to the Bench
Chemistry of Materials, 2020
4003469 CIFPd15.52 Sc54.98I m m m14.2722; 14.3714; 14.7878
90; 90; 90
3033.1Solokha, Pavlo; Eremin, Roman A.; Leisegang, Tilmann; Proserpio, Davide M.; Akhmetshina, Tatiana; Gurskaya, Albina; Saccone, Adriana; De Negri, Serena
New Quasicrystal Approximant in the Sc‒Pd System: From Topological Data Mining to the Bench
Chemistry of Materials, 2020
4103185 CIFC42 H22 Cu3 O15I m m m24.6055; 33.271; 33.271
90; 90; 90
27237Jennifer K. Schnobrich; Olivier Lebel; Katie A. Cychosz; Anne Dailly; Antek G. Wong-Foy; Adam J. Matzger
Linker-Directed Vertex Desymmetrization for the Production of Coordination Polymers with High Porosity
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2010, 132, 13941-13948
4106273 CIFO168 U32I m m m19.343; 20.8; 34.866
90; 90; 90
14028Ginger E. Sigmon; Peter C. Burns
Rapid Self-Assembly of Uranyl Polyhedra into Crown Clusters
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011, 133, 9137-9139
4106274 CIFO168 U32I m m m19.196; 20.634; 35.074
90; 90; 90
13892Ginger E. Sigmon; Peter C. Burns
Rapid Self-Assembly of Uranyl Polyhedra into Crown Clusters
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011, 133, 9137-9139
4106275 CIFO168 U32I m m m19.078; 20.728; 35.208
90; 90; 90
13923Ginger E. Sigmon; Peter C. Burns
Rapid Self-Assembly of Uranyl Polyhedra into Crown Clusters
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011, 133, 9137-9139
4106277 CIFH2.8 N1.12 O4 Ti1.86I m m m3.7926; 18.458; 2.9774
90; 90; 90
208.43Sergey N. Britvin; Andriy Lotnyk; Lorenz Kienle; Sergey V. Krivovichev; Wulf Depmeier
Layered Hydrazinium Titanate: Advanced Reductive Adsorbent and Chemical Toolkit for Design of Titanium Dioxide Nanomaterials
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011, 133, 9516-9525
4106442 CIFC48 H40 As8 Cl4 O73 V20I m m m17.3; 16.251; 23.716
90; 90; 90
6668Lei Zhang; Wolfgang Schmitt
From Platonic Templates to Archimedean Solids: Successive Construction of Nanoscopic {V16As8}, {V16As10}, {V20As8}, and {V24As8} Polyoxovanadate Cages
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011, 133, 11240-11248
4109719 CIFC4 Co Sc3I m m m3.3935; 4.3687; 11.9851
90; 90; 90
177.68Benjamin Rohrmoser; Georg Eickerling; Manuel Presnitz; Wolfgang Scherer; Volker Eyert; Rolf-Dieter Hoffmann; Ute Ch. Rodewald; Christian Vogt; Rainer Pöttgen
Experimental Electron Density of the Complex Carbides Sc3[Fe(C2)2] and Sc3[Co(C2)2]
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2007, 129, 9356-9365
4109720 CIFC4 Fe Sc3I m m m3.3689; 4.3818; 12.0959
90; 90; 90
178.56Benjamin Rohrmoser; Georg Eickerling; Manuel Presnitz; Wolfgang Scherer; Volker Eyert; Rolf-Dieter Hoffmann; Ute Ch. Rodewald; Christian Vogt; Rainer Pöttgen
Experimental Electron Density of the Complex Carbides Sc3[Fe(C2)2] and Sc3[Co(C2)2]
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2007, 129, 9356-9365
4113632 CIFO72 Si36I m m m7.424; 14.055; 18.75
90; 90; 90
1956Ivor Bull; Philip Lightfoot; Luis A. Villaescusa; Lucy M. Bull; Richard K. B. Gover; John S. O. Evans; Russell E. Morris
An X-ray Diffraction and MAS NMR Study of the Thermal Expansion Properties of Calcined Siliceous Ferrierite
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2003, 125, 4342-4349
4113638 CIFO72 Si36I m m m7.428; 14.065; 18.765
90; 90; 90
1960Ivor Bull; Philip Lightfoot; Luis A. Villaescusa; Lucy M. Bull; Richard K. B. Gover; John S. O. Evans; Russell E. Morris
An X-ray Diffraction and MAS NMR Study of the Thermal Expansion Properties of Calcined Siliceous Ferrierite
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2003, 125, 4342-4349
4113639 CIFO72 Si36I m m m7.427; 14.061; 18.76
90; 90; 90
1959.1Ivor Bull; Philip Lightfoot; Luis A. Villaescusa; Lucy M. Bull; Richard K. B. Gover; John S. O. Evans; Russell E. Morris
An X-ray Diffraction and MAS NMR Study of the Thermal Expansion Properties of Calcined Siliceous Ferrierite
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2003, 125, 4342-4349
4113640 CIFO72 Si36I m m m7.425; 14.056; 18.755
90; 90; 90
1957Ivor Bull; Philip Lightfoot; Luis A. Villaescusa; Lucy M. Bull; Richard K. B. Gover; John S. O. Evans; Russell E. Morris
An X-ray Diffraction and MAS NMR Study of the Thermal Expansion Properties of Calcined Siliceous Ferrierite
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2003, 125, 4342-4349
4118508 CIFGe0.1755 O2 Si0.8245I m m m19.6005; 18.3272; 16.5333
90; 90; 90
5939.1Manuel Hernández-Rodríguez; Jose L. Jordá; Fernando Rey; Avelino Corma
Synthesis and Structure Determination of a New Microporous Zeolite with Large Cavities Connected by Small Pores
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2012, 134, 13232-13235
4124533 CIFLi O5 S2 Ti2 Y2I m m m3.83189; 3.91881; 22.3007
90; 90; 90
334.877Hyett, G.; Clarke, S.J.; Rutt, O.J.; Gal, Z.A.; Denis, S.G.; Hayward, M.A.
Electronically driven structural distortions in lithium intercalates of the n=2 Ruddlesden-Popper-type host Y2 Ti2 O5 S2: synthesis, structure and properties of Lix Y2 Ti2 O5 S2 (0 < x <2)
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2004, 126, 1980-1991
4124537 CIFLi1.04 O5 S2 Ti2 Y2I m m m3.8189; 3.8542; 22.468
90; 90; 90
330.702Hyett, G.; Rutt, O.J.; Gal, Z.A.; Denis, S.G.; Hayward, M.A.; Clarke, S.J.
Electronically driven structural distortions in lithium intercalates of the n=2 Ruddlesden-Popper-type host Y2 Ti2 O5 S2: synthesis, structure and properties of Lix Y2 Ti2 O5 S2 (0 < x <2)
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2004, 126, 1980-1991
4127296 CIFC18 H10 O40 Zr6I m m m10; 11.94; 19.829
90; 90; 90
2367.6Wang, Sujing; Xhaferaj, Nertil; Wahiduzzaman, Mohammad; Oyekan, Kolade; Li, Xiao; Wei, Kevin; Zheng, Bin; Tissot, Antoine; Marrot, Jérôme; Shepard, William; Martineau-Corcos, Charlotte; Filinchuk, Yaroslav; Tan, Kui; Maurin, Guillaume; Serre, Christian
Engineering Structural Dynamics of Zirconium Metal-Organic Frameworks Based on Natural C4 Linkers.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2019, 141, 17207-17216
4132485 CIFC117 H62 O32 Zr6I m m m23.2664; 32.9221; 41.4807
90; 90; 90
31773.3Zhang, Xin; Frey, Brandon L.; Chen, Yu-Sheng; Zhang, Jian
Topology-Guided Stepwise Insertion of Three Secondary Linkers in Zirconium Metal-Organic Frameworks.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2018, 140, 7710-7715
4132491 CIFC125 H60 O32 Zr6I m m m23.1544; 33.1052; 40.833
90; 90; 90
31300Zhang, Xin; Frey, Brandon L.; Chen, Yu-Sheng; Zhang, Jian
Topology-Guided Stepwise Insertion of Three Secondary Linkers in Zirconium Metal-Organic Frameworks.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2018, 140, 7710-7715
4132912 CIFC20 H16 N0.5 O8 Zr1.5I m m m18.569; 34.591; 32.2034
90; 90; 90
20685Pang, Jiandong; Yuan, Shuai; Qin, Junsheng; Wu, Mingyan; Lollar, Christina T.; Li, Jialuo; Huang, Ning; Li, Bao; Zhang, Peng; Zhou, Hong-Cai
Enhancing Pore-Environment Complexity Using a Trapezoidal Linker: Toward Stepwise Assembly of Multivariate Quinary Metal-Organic Frameworks.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2018, 140, 12328-12332
4132913 CIFC21 H16 N0.5 O8 Zr1.5I m m m17.7043; 33.0203; 34.5937
90; 90; 90
20223.5Pang, Jiandong; Yuan, Shuai; Qin, Junsheng; Wu, Mingyan; Lollar, Christina T.; Li, Jialuo; Huang, Ning; Li, Bao; Zhang, Peng; Zhou, Hong-Cai
Enhancing Pore-Environment Complexity Using a Trapezoidal Linker: Toward Stepwise Assembly of Multivariate Quinary Metal-Organic Frameworks.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2018, 140, 12328-12332
4132914 CIFC25.25 H16.5 N0.5 O8 Zr1.5I m m m19.073; 32.404; 34.125
90; 90; 90
21091Pang, Jiandong; Yuan, Shuai; Qin, Junsheng; Wu, Mingyan; Lollar, Christina T.; Li, Jialuo; Huang, Ning; Li, Bao; Zhang, Peng; Zhou, Hong-Cai
Enhancing Pore-Environment Complexity Using a Trapezoidal Linker: Toward Stepwise Assembly of Multivariate Quinary Metal-Organic Frameworks.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2018, 140, 12328-12332
4132915 CIFC96 H42 N2 O32 Zr6I m m m22.7409; 30.7669; 32.844
90; 90; 90
22979.9Pang, Jiandong; Yuan, Shuai; Qin, Junsheng; Wu, Mingyan; Lollar, Christina T.; Li, Jialuo; Huang, Ning; Li, Bao; Zhang, Peng; Zhou, Hong-Cai
Enhancing Pore-Environment Complexity Using a Trapezoidal Linker: Toward Stepwise Assembly of Multivariate Quinary Metal-Organic Frameworks.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2018, 140, 12328-12332
4132916 CIFC26.25 H16 N0.5 O8 Zr1.5I m m m18.9651; 33.3385; 33.5366
90; 90; 90
21204.1Pang, Jiandong; Yuan, Shuai; Qin, Junsheng; Wu, Mingyan; Lollar, Christina T.; Li, Jialuo; Huang, Ning; Li, Bao; Zhang, Peng; Zhou, Hong-Cai
Enhancing Pore-Environment Complexity Using a Trapezoidal Linker: Toward Stepwise Assembly of Multivariate Quinary Metal-Organic Frameworks.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2018, 140, 12328-12332
4132917 CIFC102 H52 N2 O32 Zr6I m m m23.203; 31.023; 33.332
90; 90; 90
23993Pang, Jiandong; Yuan, Shuai; Qin, Junsheng; Wu, Mingyan; Lollar, Christina T.; Li, Jialuo; Huang, Ning; Li, Bao; Zhang, Peng; Zhou, Hong-Cai
Enhancing Pore-Environment Complexity Using a Trapezoidal Linker: Toward Stepwise Assembly of Multivariate Quinary Metal-Organic Frameworks.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2018, 140, 12328-12332
4132918 CIFC53 H27 N O16 Zr3I m m m23.1736; 31.635; 32.1726
90; 90; 90
23585.6Pang, Jiandong; Yuan, Shuai; Qin, Junsheng; Wu, Mingyan; Lollar, Christina T.; Li, Jialuo; Huang, Ning; Li, Bao; Zhang, Peng; Zhou, Hong-Cai
Enhancing Pore-Environment Complexity Using a Trapezoidal Linker: Toward Stepwise Assembly of Multivariate Quinary Metal-Organic Frameworks.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2018, 140, 12328-12332
4132919 CIFC109 H64 N2 O32 Zr6I m m m23.215; 30.6351; 33.548
90; 90; 90
23859.1Pang, Jiandong; Yuan, Shuai; Qin, Junsheng; Wu, Mingyan; Lollar, Christina T.; Li, Jialuo; Huang, Ning; Li, Bao; Zhang, Peng; Zhou, Hong-Cai
Enhancing Pore-Environment Complexity Using a Trapezoidal Linker: Toward Stepwise Assembly of Multivariate Quinary Metal-Organic Frameworks.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2018, 140, 12328-12332
4132920 CIFC105 H54 N4 O32 Zr6I m m m20.8534; 32.2081; 33.4473
90; 90; 90
22464.8Pang, Jiandong; Yuan, Shuai; Qin, Junsheng; Wu, Mingyan; Lollar, Christina T.; Li, Jialuo; Huang, Ning; Li, Bao; Zhang, Peng; Zhou, Hong-Cai
Enhancing Pore-Environment Complexity Using a Trapezoidal Linker: Toward Stepwise Assembly of Multivariate Quinary Metal-Organic Frameworks.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2018, 140, 12328-12332
4132921 CIFC53.5 H30 N O16 Zr3I m m m21.4248; 31.7902; 33.5013
90; 90; 90
22817.7Pang, Jiandong; Yuan, Shuai; Qin, Junsheng; Wu, Mingyan; Lollar, Christina T.; Li, Jialuo; Huang, Ning; Li, Bao; Zhang, Peng; Zhou, Hong-Cai
Enhancing Pore-Environment Complexity Using a Trapezoidal Linker: Toward Stepwise Assembly of Multivariate Quinary Metal-Organic Frameworks.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2018, 140, 12328-12332
4135547 CIFC82 H36 N2 O32 Yb6I m m m20.6796; 32.49; 34.067
90; 90; 90
22888.9Lv, Xiu-Liang; Feng, Liang; Xie, Lin-Hua; He, Tao; Wu, Wei; Wang, Kun-Yu; Si, Guangrui; Wang, Bin; Li, Jian-Rong; Zhou, Hong-Cai
Linker Desymmetrization: Access to a Series of Rare-Earth Tetracarboxylate Frameworks with Eight-Connected Hexanuclear Nodes
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2021
4302610 CIFC4 Ru Sc3I m m m3.311; 4.4892; 12.385
90; 90; 90
184.09Christian Vogt; Rolf-Dieter Hoffmann; Ute Ch. Rodewald; Georg Eickerling; Manuel Presnitz; Volker Eyert; Wolfgang Scherer; Rainer Pöttgen
High- and Low-Temperature Modifications of Sc3RuC4 and Sc3OsC4-Relativistic Effects, Structure, and Chemical Bonding
Inorganic Chemistry, 2009, 48, 6436-6451
4302611 CIFC4 Os Sc3I m m m3.3271; 4.4794; 12.357
90; 90; 90
184.16Christian Vogt; Rolf-Dieter Hoffmann; Ute Ch. Rodewald; Georg Eickerling; Manuel Presnitz; Volker Eyert; Wolfgang Scherer; Rainer Pöttgen
High- and Low-Temperature Modifications of Sc3RuC4 and Sc3OsC4-Relativistic Effects, Structure, and Chemical Bonding
Inorganic Chemistry, 2009, 48, 6436-6451
4303250 CIFGa17.81 Yb5.34I m m m4.2049; 4.332; 25.691
90; 90; 90
467.98Monique Tillard; Claude Belin
Investigation in the Binary System Yb-Ga: Crystal Structure of the Ga-Rich Compound YbGa3.34
Inorganic Chemistry, 2009, 48, 9250-9257
4304245 CIFC3 H17 N5 O10 V4I m m m3.6012; 11.312; 15.05
90; 90; 90
613.1Yan Xu; Guangpeng Zhou; Dunru Zhu
Three New Organically Templated 1D, 2D, and 3D Vanadates: Synthesis, Crystal Structures, and Characterizations
Inorganic Chemistry, 2008, 47, 567-571
4305527 CIFSb28 Sm12 Zn2.73I m m m4.1838; 15.039; 18.832
90; 90; 90
1184.9Yi Liu; Ling Chen; Long-Hua Li; Li-Ming Wu; Oksana Ya. Zelinska; Arthur Mar
Structures and Physical Properties of Rare-Earth Zinc Antimonides Pr6Zn1+xSb14+yandRE6Zn1+xSb14 (RE= Sm, Gd-Ho)
Inorganic Chemistry, 2008, 47, 11930-11941
4305528 CIFGd12 Sb28 Zn3.42I m m m4.1543; 15.025; 18.757
90; 90; 90
1170.8Yi Liu; Ling Chen; Long-Hua Li; Li-Ming Wu; Oksana Ya. Zelinska; Arthur Mar
Structures and Physical Properties of Rare-Earth Zinc Antimonides Pr6Zn1+xSb14+yandRE6Zn1+xSb14 (RE= Sm, Gd-Ho)
Inorganic Chemistry, 2008, 47, 11930-11941
4305529 CIFSb28 Tb12 Zn2.92I m m m4.1412; 14.9015; 18.678
90; 90; 90
1152.6Yi Liu; Ling Chen; Long-Hua Li; Li-Ming Wu; Oksana Ya. Zelinska; Arthur Mar
Structures and Physical Properties of Rare-Earth Zinc Antimonides Pr6Zn1+xSb14+yandRE6Zn1+xSb14 (RE= Sm, Gd-Ho)
Inorganic Chemistry, 2008, 47, 11930-11941

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