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9017774 CIFAl F5 MgI m m m7.268; 6.123; 3.543
90; 90; 90
157.67Weil, M.; Werner, F.
The thermal dehydration of magnesium aluminum pentafluoride dihydrate: crystal structures of MgAlF5(H2O)2 and MgAlF5
Monatshefte fur Chemie, 2001, 132, 769-777
9016365 CIFFe4 H12.5 O12.25I m m m7.544; 7.56; 7.558
90; 90; 90
431.053Birch, W. D.; Pring, A.; Reller, A.; Schmalle, H. W.
Bernalite, Fe(OH)3, a new mineral from Broken Hill, New South Wales: Description and structure
American Mineralogist, 1993, 78, 827-834
9016354 CIFAl2.754 H12 Mg Na0.75 O42 Si15.246I m m m19.156; 14.127; 7.489
90; 90; 90
2026.65Vaughan, P. A.
The crystal structure of the zeolite ferrierite
Acta Crystallographica, 1966, 21, 983-990
9011350 CIFCl H9.04 O8.54 Sb4I m m m9.618; 13.148; 4.078
90; 90; 90
515.694Menchetti, S.; Sabelli, C.; Trosti-Ferroni R
The structures of onoratoite, Sb8O11Cl2 and Sb8O11Cl2*6H2O Note: anisoB's from ICSD
Acta Crystallographica, Section C, 1984, 40, 1506-1510
9009287 CIFAl2.32 Ba0.13 Ca0.47 H13.954 K1.12 Na0.13 O20.86 Si5.68I m m m14.116; 14.229; 9.946
90; 90; 90
1997.72Galli, E.; Gottardi, G.; Pongiluppi, D.
The crystal structure of the zeolite merlinoite
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte, 1979, 1979, 1-9
9008991 CIFCs2 O2I m m m4.322; 7.517; 6.43
90; 90; 90
208.901Wyckoff, R. W. G.
Second edition. Interscience Publishers, New York, New York Cesium peroxide
Crystal Structures, 1963, 1, 85-237
9008990 CIFO2 Rb2I m m m4.201; 7.075; 5.983
90; 90; 90
177.827Wyckoff, R. W. G.
Second edition. Interscience Publishers, New York, New York Rubidium peroxide
Crystal Structures, 1963, 1, 85-237
9008378 CIFAl2.28 H22 K0.82 Mg O47.56 Si15.72I m m m19.231; 14.145; 7.499
90; 90; 90
2039.9Alberti A; Sabelli C
Statistical and true symmetry of ferrierite: possible absence of straight T-O-T bridging bonds Locality: Monastir, Sardinia, Italy
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie, 1987, 178, 249-256
9007449 CIFCu21.332 Pb2 S15I m m m3.86; 14.67; 22.8
90; 90; 90
1291.08Dornberger-Schiff K; Hohne, E.
Die kristallstruktur des betechtinit Pb2(Cu,Fe)21S15
Acta Crystallographica, 1959, 12, 646-651
9006168 CIFAl F6 Na3I m m m5.6333; 5.6273; 7.9619
90; 90; 90
252.394Yang, H.; Ghose, S.; Hatch, D. M.
Ferroelastic phase transition in cryolite, Na3AlF6, a mixed fluoride perovskite: high temperature single crystal X-ray diffraction study and symmetry analysis of the transition mechanism Sample: T = 900 K
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 1993, 19, 528-544
9006167 CIFAl F6 Na3I m m m5.6323; 5.627; 7.958
90; 90; 90
252.213Yang, H.; Ghose, S.; Hatch, D. M.
Ferroelastic phase transition in cryolite, Na3AlF6, a mixed fluoride perovskite: high temperature single crystal X-ray diffraction study and symmetry analysis of the transition mechanism Sample: T = 890 K
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 1993, 19, 528-544
9004678 CIFC2 Bi2 Ca O8I m m m3.7729; 3.7742; 21.726
90; 90; 90
309.371Grice, J. D.
A solution to the crystal structures of bismutite and beyerite
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2002, 40, 693-698
9003661 CIFFe O8 S2I m m m3.668; 6.418; 7.159
90; 90; 90
168.532Ventruti, G.; Scordari, F.; Schingaro, E.; Gualtieri, A. F.; Meneghini, C.
The order-disorder character of FeOHSO4 obtained from the thermal decomposition of metahohmannite, Fe3+2(H2O)4[O(SO4)2] Sample: T = 220 C Note: this is a fictitious "superposition structure", resulting from Rietveld refinement of a structure with disordered layer stacking
American Mineralogist, 2005, 90, 679-686
9001556 CIFFe4 H14 O13I m m m7.544; 7.56; 7.558
90; 90; 90
431.053Birch, W. D.; Pring, A.; Reller, A.; Schmalle, H. W.
Bernalite, Fe(OH)3, a new mineral from Broken Hill, New South Wales: Description and structure
American Mineralogist, 1993, 78, 827-834
8104485 CIFGe8 Pd8 Tm6I m m m13.921; 6.918; 4.169
90; 90; 90
401.498Prots', Yu.M.; Seropegin, Yu.D.; Bodak, O.I.; Salamakha, P.S.; Pecharskii, V.K.
Crystal structure of thulium palladium germanide
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie (149,1979-), 1993, 205, 331-332
8104481 CIFGe2 Ho PtI m m m4.292; 8.702; 16.172
90; 90; 90
604.008Gladyshevskii, R.E.; Parthe, E.; Sologub, O.L.; Salamakha, P.S.
Crystal structure of holmium platinum digermanium
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie (149,1979-), 1993, 205, 321-322
8104359 CIFAl7 Ca0.5 H45.28 K0.8 Mg2 Na0.2 O94.64 Si29I m m m19.22; 14.124; 7.493
90; 90; 90
2034.07Gramlich-Meier, R.; Meier, W.M.; Smith, B.K.
On faults in the framework structure of the zeolite ferrierite
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie (149,1979-), 1984, 169, 201-210
8104329 CIFDy Ge2 PtI m m m4.29; 16.37; 8.716
90; 90; 90
612.101Papathanassiou, G.; Kotsanidis, P.A.; Yakinthos, J.K.; Schaefer, W.
Amplitude sine modulated magnetic structures of Dy Pt Ge2
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie (149,1979-), 1998, 213, 28-33
8104101 CIFAl Co2 Pr2I m m m4.1592; 5.573; 8.74
90; 90; 90
202.586Pani, M.; Merlo, F.; Fornasini, M.L.
Structure and transport properties of the R2 Co2 Al compounds (R= Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Y)
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie (149,1979-), 2002, 217, 415-419
8104100 CIFAl Co2 Gd2I m m m4.1016; 5.504; 8.536
90; 90; 90
192.702Pani, M.; Fornasini, M.L.; Merlo, F.
Structure and transport properties of the R2 Co2 Al compounds (R= Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Y)
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie (149,1979-), 2002, 217, 415-419

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