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Searching space group like 'P 2 n n'

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1001171 CIFCs2 Nb4 O11P 2 n n10.484; 28.898; 7.464
90; 90; 90
2261.3Gasperin, M
Structure du Niobate de Cesium Cs~2~ Nb~4~ O~11~
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1981, 37, 641-643
1530541 CIFH7 O9 P2 YbP 2 n n7.325; 9.36; 11.575
90; 90; 90
793.605Palkina, K.K.; Mironova, V.S.; Maksimova, S.I.; Chibiskova, N.T.
Crystal structure of acid ytterbium hypophosphate Yb H P2 O6 (H2 O)3
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1984, 20, 1889-1892
7005004 CIFC24 H43 Fe N8 O12.5 P4P 2 n n7.626; 13.831; 16.735
90; 90; 90
1765.13Burrows, Andrew D.; Dodds, Deborah; Kirk, Andrew S.; Lowe, John P.; Mahon, Mary F.; Warren, John E.; Whittlesey, Michael K.
Substitution and derivatization reactions of a water soluble iron(II) complex containing a self-assembled tetradentate phosphine ligand.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2007, 570-580
7006426 CIFC43 H40 Cl2 F3 O6 P3 Ru SP 2 n n14.1; 14.337; 22.247
90; 90; 90
4497.3Akbayeva, Dina N.; Di Vaira, Massimo; Costantini, Stefano Seniori; Peruzzini, Maurizio; Stoppioni, Piero
Stabilization of the tautomers HP(OH)2 and P(OH)3 of hypophosphorous and phosphorous acids as ligands.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2006, 389-395
7201239 CIFC22 H22 Br N2 O2 S12P 2 n n7.1126; 13.025; 32.759
90; 90; 90
3034.8Zorina, Leokadiya; Simonov, Sergey; Mézière, Cécile; Canadell, Enric; Suh, Steve; Brown, Stuart E.; Foury-Leylekian, Pascale; Fertey, Pierre; Pouget, Jean-Paul; Batail, Patrick
Charge ordering, symmetry and electronic structure issues and Wigner crystal structure of the quarter-filled band Mott insulators and high pressure metals δ-(EDT-TTF-CONMe2)2X, X = Br and AsF6
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2009, 19, 6980
9000483 CIFBa0.293 Ca13.467 Mg1.81 Mn0.43 O32 Si8P 2 n n10.909; 18.34; 6.739
90; 90; 90
1348.28Moore, P. B.; Araki, T.
The crystal structure of bredigite and the genealogy of some alkaline earth orthosilicates
American Mineralogist, 1976, 61, 74-87

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