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Searching journal of publication like 'Mineralogical Magazine (1969-)' volume of publication is 67

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9011820 CIFFe0.47 O2 Sb0.53P 42/m n m4.625; 4.625; 3.059
90; 90; 90
65.434Berlepsch, P.; Armbruster, T.; Brugger, J.; Criddle, A. J.; Graeser, S.
Tripuhyte, FeSbO4, revisited
Mineralogical Magazine, 2003, 67, 31-46
9011821 CIFFe0.53 O2 Sb0.47P 42/m n m4.6433; 4.6433; 3.0815
90; 90; 90
66.438Berlepsch, P.; Armbruster, T.; Brugger, J.; Criddle, A. J.; Graeser, S.
Tripuhyte, FeSbO4, revisited
Mineralogical Magazine, 2003, 67, 31-46
9011823 CIFNi3 PI -48.9499; 8.9499; 4.385
90; 90; 90
351.242Skala, R.; Drabek, M.
Nickelphosphide from the Vicenice octahedrite: Rietveld crystal structure refinement of synthetic analogue Sample: P-33/3
Mineralogical Magazine, 2003, 67, 783-792
9011822 CIFFe1.33 Ni1.67 PI -49.0127; 9.0127; 4.4473
90; 90; 90
361.249Skala, R.; Drabek, M.
Nickelphosphide from the Vicenice octahedrite: Rietveld crystal structure refinement of synthetic analogue Sample: P-44
Mineralogical Magazine, 2003, 67, 783-792
1533829 CIFC Ca D12 O9C 1 2/c 18.8268; 8.3235; 11.0532
90; 110.579; 90
760.257Swainson, I.P.; Hammond, R.P.
Hydrogen bonding in ikaite, Ca C O3 * 6(H2 O)
Mineralogical Magazine (1969-), 2003, 67, 555-562
1532801 CIFAl2.15 Ca0.35 Fe0.61 H2 K0.03 Mg2.99 Na2.44 Ni0.01 O24 Si7.22 Ti0.02C 1 2/m 19.665; 17.752; 5.303
90; 104.11; 90
882.401Oberti, R.; Boiocchi, M.; Smith, D.C.
Fluoronyboeite from Jianchang (Su-Lu, China) and nyboeite from Nyboe (Nordfjord, Norway): a petrological and crystal-chemical comparisonof these two high-pressure amphiboles
Mineralogical Magazine (1969-), 2003, 67, 769-782
1532797 CIFAl2.07 Ca0.47 F1.16 Fe1.21 H0.84 K0.06 Mg2.55 Mn0.01 Na2.31 O22.84 Si7.14 Ti0.01 Zn0.01C 1 2/m 19.666; 17.799; 5.311
90; 104.1; 90
886.203Oberti, R.; Boiocchi, M.; Smith, D.C.
Fluoronyboeite from Jianchang (Su-Lu, China) and nyboeite from Nyboe (Nordfjord, Norway): a petrological and crystal-chemical comparisonof these two high-pressure amphiboles
Mineralogical Magazine (1969-), 2003, 67, 769-782
1533986 CIFH3 N O6 Pb2I m m m8.314; 8.545; 17.21
90; 90; 90
1222.65Kolitsch, U.; Tillmanns, E.
The crystal structure of anthropogenic Pb2 (O H)3 (N O3) and a review of Pb - (O, O H) clusters and lead nitrates
Mineralogical Magazine (1969-), 2003, 67, 79-93
9014148 CIFCl3.9 Cu18 H34.32 N0.66 O36.36 S0.18P 63/m m c15.739; 15.739; 9.127
90; 90; 120
1958Hibbs, D. E.; Leverett, P.; Williams, P. A.
A single crystal X-ray study of a sulphate-bearing buttgenbachite, Cu36Cl7.8(NO3)1.3(SO4)0.35(OH)62.2*5.2H2O, and a re-examination of the crystal chemistry of the buttgenbachite-connellite series Note: T = 100 K
Mineralogical Magazine, 2003, 67, 47-60
9016375 CIFCl3.9 Cu18 H32.07 N0.66 O34.11 S0.18P 63/m m c15.739; 15.739; 9.127
90; 90; 120
1958Hibbs, D. E.; Leverett, P.; Williams, P. A.
A single crystal X-ray study of a sulphate-bearing buttgenbachite, Cu36Cl7.8(NO3)1.3(SO4)0.35(OH), and a re-examination of the crystal chemistry of the buttgenbachite-connellite series Note: T = 288 K
Mineralogical Magazine, 2003, 67, 47-60
9011819 CIFAs2 Cl4 O17 Pb14C 1 2/c 112.704; 22.576; 11.287
90; 118.37; 90
2848.38Bonaccorsi, E.; Pasero, M.
Crystal structure refinement of sahlinite, Pb14(AsO4)2O9Cl4
Mineralogical Magazine, 2003, 67, 15-21
9011824 CIFAs2 H10 O21 Pb2 U3P 1 21/m 131.066; 17.303; 7.043
90; 96.492; 90
3761.58Locock, A. J.; Burns, P. C.
The structure of hugelite, an arsenate of the phosphuranylite group, and its relationship to dumontite Locality: Michael Mine, Weiler, Lahr, Black Forest, Baden-Wurttemburg, Germany Note: x(O11) corrected
Mineralogical Magazine, 2003, 67, 1109-1120

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