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Searching journal of publication like 'Acta Crystallographica Section E' volume of publication is 64

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2218320 CIF
Lu O14 P5C 1 2/c 112.8128; 12.6821; 12.333
90; 91.295; 90
2003.5Horchani-Naifer, Karima; Férid, Mokhtar
Lutetium ultraphosphate
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, i33
2218991 CIF
Lu O9 P3R -3 :H20.9106; 20.9106; 12.0859
90; 90; 120
4576.6Bejaoui, Anis; Horchani-Naifer, Karima; Férid, Mokhtar
A new polymorph of Lu(PO~3~)~3~
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, i48
2217729 CIF
Mg2 Na O10 V3P -16.7369; 6.7553; 9.6222
104.325; 100.604; 101.696
402.625Ayed, Brahim; Haddad, Amor
A new sodium dimangnesium trivanadate, NaMg~2~V~3~O~10~
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, i21
2219706 CIF
Mg4 O9 Sb2R -3 :H5.1722; 5.1722; 14.028
90; 90; 120
325Michiue, Yuichi
Mg~4~Sb~2~O~9~ of the ilmenite structure type
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, i66
2220022 CIF
Mn Nd0.53 O3 Sr0.47I b m m5.4785; 5.431; 7.6006
90; 90; 90
226.15Makita, Ryoko; Tanaka, Kiyoaki; Kubota, Masato; Murakami, Youichi
Redetermination of the distorted perovskite Nd~0.53~Sr~0.47~MnO~3~
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, i77
2220018 CIF
Mo Na4 O14 S3P 21 21 218.4739; 9.2892; 15.1046
90; 90; 90
1188.97Schäffer, Susan J. Cline; Berg, Rolf W.
<i>catena</i>-Poly[tetrasodium [[<i>cis</i>-dioxido-<i>trans</i>-bis(sulfato-κ<i>O</i>)molybdate(VI)]-μ-sulfato-κ^2^<i>O</i>:<i>O</i>']]
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, i73
2220185 CIF
N Nd O4P n m a7.5233; 5.1618; 8.7157
90; 90; 90
338.46Li, Ya-Feng; Jin, Li; Li, Dan-Ping; Zhang, Long
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, i81
2218528 CIF
Nd2 O9 W2P 1 21/c 17.6501; 9.8547; 9.2326
90; 107.538; 90
663.69Held, Peter; Becker, Petra
Dineodymium(III) ditungstate(VI), Nd~2~W~2~O~9~
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, i29
2219186 CIF
Ni Sb7 Zr3P n m a17.5165; 3.9266; 14.3968
90; 90; 90
990.22Romaka, V.; Tkachuk, A.; Romaka, L.
Zr~3~NiSb~7~: a new antimony-enriched ZrSb~2~ derivative
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, i47
2220019 CIF
O2.94 Sc Tb0.96P n m a5.7233; 7.9147; 5.4543
90; 90; 90
247.07Veličkov, Boža; Kahlenberg, Volker; Bertram, Rainer; Uecker, Reinhard
Redetermination of terbium scandate, revealing a defect-type perovskite derivative
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, i79
2217765 CIF
O3 Pb TeC 1 2/c 126.555; 4.593; 17.958
90; 106.97; 90
2094.9Zavodnik, Valery E.; Ivanov, Sergey A.; Stash, Adam I.
α-Lead tellurite from single-crystal data
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, i16
2218900 CIF
O3 Sr TeC 1 2/m 128.438; 5.95; 15.55
90; 122.45; 90
2220.3Zavodnik, Valery E.; Ivanov, Sergey A.; Stash, Adam I.
The δ-phase of SrTeO~3~ at 780K
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2008, 64, i52

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