Crystallography Open Database

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4313299 CIFC36 H124 Br8 Fe4 N24 Ni4 O32P -4 2 m13.961; 13.961; 12.822
90; 90; 90
2499.1Jenny Y. Yang; Matthew P. Shores; Jennifer J. Sokol; Jeffrey R. Long
High-Nuclearity Metal-Cyanide Clusters: Synthesis, Magnetic Properties, and Inclusion Behavior of Open-Cage Species Incorporating [(tach)M(CN)3] (M = Cr, Fe, Co) Complexes
Inorganic Chemistry, 2003, 42, 1403-1419
4313296 CIFC36 H128 Br8 Co4 N24 Ni4 O34P -4 2 m13.9193; 13.9193; 12.8152
90; 90; 90
2482.91Jenny Y. Yang; Matthew P. Shores; Jennifer J. Sokol; Jeffrey R. Long
High-Nuclearity Metal-Cyanide Clusters: Synthesis, Magnetic Properties, and Inclusion Behavior of Open-Cage Species Incorporating [(tach)M(CN)3] (M = Cr, Fe, Co) Complexes
Inorganic Chemistry, 2003, 42, 1403-1419
2002187 CIFBa Bi O3P -4 2 m4.364; 4.364; 4.518
90; 90; 90
86Arpe, R; Mueller-Buschbaum, Hk
Ein Beitrag zur Kristallchemie von Ba Bi O3
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1977, 434, 73-77
1528224 CIFF2 MnP -4 2 m5.122; 5.122; 5.256
90; 90; 90
137.891Yagi, T.; Jamieson, J. C.; Moore, P. B.
Polymorphism in MnF~2~ (Rutil Type) at high pressures
Journal of Geophysical Research, 1979, 84, 1113-1115
1521967 CIFAl D2.75 Th2P -4 2 m7.6796; 7.6796; 19.073
90; 90; 90
1124.85Sorby, M.H.; Yartys', V.A.; Fjellvag, H.; Maeland, A.J.; Hauback, B.C.
Crystal structure of Th2 Al deuterides
Journal of Alloys Compd., 2000, 309, 154-164

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