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Searching journal of publication like 'Kristallografiya' volume of publication is 28

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9013940 CIFBe2 Ca0.26 Fe0.13 H2 O10 Si2 Y1.02 Yb0.72P 1 21/a 19.888; 7.607; 4.74
90; 90.45; 90
356.522Yakubovich, O. V.; Matvinenko, E. N.; Voloshin, A. V.; Simonov, M. A.
The crystal structure of hingganite-(Yb), (Y0.51Yb0.36Ca0.13)Fe0.065Be[SiO4](OH)
Kristallografiya, 1983, 28, 457-460
1537094 CIFAl2.02 Fe0.92 H2 K0.9 Li0.2 O12 Si3.18C 1 2 15.282; 9.141; 10.11
90; 101.18; 90
478.875Zhukhlistov, A.P.; Shuriga, T.N.; Zvyagin, B.B.
Electron-.diffraction investigation fo the crystal structure of di-trioctahedral Li, Fe-phengite 1M
Kristallografiya, 1983, 28, 874-879
1522684 CIFNi Pr SbP 6/m m m4.376; 4.376; 4.053
90; 90; 120
67.214Pecharskii, V.K.; Pankevich, Yu.V.; Bodak, O.I.
Crystal structures of the compounds R Ni Sb with various rare earth elements
Kristallografiya, 1983, 28, 173-174
1521711 CIFMo0.4 Nb0.6 S2R 3 m :H3.2624; 3.2624; 17.981
90; 90; 120
165.737Kalikhman, V.L.; Golubnichaya, A.A.
Structure of intermediate phases in quasibinary systems of disulfides of W, Mo, and Nb
Kristallografiya, 1983, 28, 801-802
1511404 CIFB13 Er4 NiP 4/m n c7.186; 7.186; 7.446
90; 90; 90
384.501Kuz'ma, Yu.B.; Kotur, B.Ya.; Chaban, N.F.; Chernyak, G.V.; Aksel'rud, L.G.
The crystal structure of the boride Er4 Ni B13 and its analogs
Kristallografiya, 1983, 28, 1210-1212

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