Crystallography Open Database

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8104058 CIFCu2 S4 Ta TlC 2 c m5.523; 18.092; 7.387
90; 90; 90
738.125Wacker, K.; Kutoglu, A.; Buck, P.
Crystal structure of thallium dicopper tantalum tetrasulfide Tl Cu2 Ta S4
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures, 1997, 212, 94-94
7222725 CIFCu2 Rb Se4 TaC 2 c m5.7218; 19.2463; 7.7456
90; 90; 90
852.972Wu, Y.; Naether, C.; Bensch, W.
Low dimensional materials: syntheses structures, and optical properties of Rb2 Cu Ta S4, Rb2 Cu Ta Se4, Rb Cu2 Ta Se4, K3 Ag3 Ta2 Se8, and Rb3 Ag Ta2 Se12
Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, Teil B. Anorganische Chemie, Organische Chemie (42,1987-), 2004, 59, 1006-1014
4124103 CIFNd Te3C 2 c m4.3469; 25.851; 4.3629
90; 90; 90
490.267Malliakas, C.; Kim, H.-J.; Billinge, S.J.L.; Kanatzidis, M.G.
Square nets of tellurium: rare-earth dependent variation in the charge-density wave of RETe3 (RE = rare-earth element)
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2005, 127, 6510-6511
4124102 CIFPr Te3C 2 c m4.3566; 25.888; 4.3606
90; 90; 90
491.804Malliakas, C.; Billinge, S.J.L.; Kanatzidis, M.G.; Kim, H.-J.
Square nets of tellurium: rare-earth dependent variation in the charge-density wave of RETe3 (RE = rare-earth element)
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2005, 127, 6510-6511
4124101 CIFCe Te3C 2 c m4.3732; 25.973; 4.3849
90; 90; 90
498.059Malliakas, C.; Billinge, S.J.L.; Kim, H.-J.; Kanatzidis, M.G.
Square nets of tellurium: rare-earth dependent variation in the charge-density wave of RE Te3 (RE= rare-earth element)
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2005, 127, 6510-6511

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