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Searching journal of publication like 'Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981)'

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1509319 CIFAg F2P 1 21/n 13.34; 4.57; 4.65
90; 84.5; 90
70.65Lukyanychev, Y.A.; Baturina, E.A.; Rastorguev, L.N.
Structure of silver difluoride
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1966, 7, 627-628
1509338 CIFAg Fe Te2P -3 m 17.6; 7.6; 5.69
90; 90; 120
284.623Zhukova, T.B.; Zaslavskii, A.I.
The structure of Ag Fe Te2
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1964, 5, 246-249
1509880 CIFAg4 K2 N12 O24 Pd3P 1 21/n 17.2231; 23.6487; 7.5677
90; 98.984; 90
1276.83Khranenko, S.P.; Baidina, I.A.; Alekseev, V.I.; Belyaev, A.V.; Gromilov, S.A.
Configurations of (Pd (N O2)4)2- complex anion. Crystal structure of Ag4 A2 (M (N O2)4)3 phases (M= Pd, Pt; A= K, Rb)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2003, 44, 90-98
1509881 CIFAg4 K2 N12 O24 Pt3P 1 21/n 17.1845; 23.7698; 7.592
90; 98.678; 90
1281.68Alekseev, V.I.; Belyaev, A.V.; Gromilov, S.A.; Khranenko, S.P.; Baidina, I.A.
Configurations of (Pd (N O2)4)2- complex anion. Crystal structure of Ag4 A2 (M (N O2)4)3 phases (M= Pd, Pt; A= K, Rb)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2003, 44, 90-98
1509888 CIFAg4 N12 O24 Pd3 Rb2P 1 21/n 17.205; 24.011; 7.534
90; 98.52; 90
1288.99Gromilov, S.A.; Alekseev, V.I.; Baidina, I.A.; Khranenko, S.P.; Belyaev, A.V.
Configurations of (Pd (N O2)4)2- complex anion. Crystal structure of Ag4 A2 (M (N O2)4)3 phases (M= Pd, Pt; A= K, Rb)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2003, 44, 90-98
1510633 CIFB2 Co5 Ti3P 4/m b m8.489; 8.489; 3.038
90; 90; 90
218.928Yarmolyuk, Ya.P.; Kuz'ma, Yu.B.
The crystal structure of Ti3 Co5 B2
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1971, 12, 458-461
1510930 CIFB3 Li3 O9 Pr2P 1 21/n 18.816; 14.127; 5.812
90; 103.72; 90
703.194Mamedov, Kh.S.; Amikaslanov, I.K.; Magerramov, A.I.; Abdullaev, G.K.
The crystal structure of lithium praseodymium orthoborate, 3 Li3 Pr2 (B O3)3
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1977, 18, 410-413
1511054 CIFB Co MoP n m a5.767; 3.251; 6.649
90; 90; 90
124.659Kripyakevich, P.I.; Chepiga, M.V.; Kuz'ma, Yu.B.
Crystal structures of the compounds Mo Co B, W Co B and W Fe B
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1968, 9, 327-329
1511118 CIFB F Mg2 O3P n a m9.33; 9.39; 3.098
90; 90; 90
271.412Brovkin, A.A.; Kuz'min, E.A.; Pyatkin, S.L.; Nikishova, L.V.
Crystal structure of beta-Mg2 B O3 F
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1971, 12, 183-184
1511290 CIFB0.65 Cu2.35 La1.16 O7.3 Sr1.84P 4/m m m3.8417; 3.8417; 10.792
90; 90; 90
159.275Andreenko, A.S.; Kostyleva, I.E.; Afanas'eva, I.N.; Khlybov, E.P.; Esaulova, Yu.V.; Kuz'micheva, G.M.
Dependence of the structure and properties of (M, Cu) Sr2 (Ln, Ca) Cu2 O8-d (1212) and (M, Cu) Sr2 (Ln, Ce(4+))2 Cu2 O10-d (1222) phases on the cation M
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2002, 43, 871-890
1511452 CIFB Be2 Cs F2 O3C 1 2 17.695; 4.446; 7.544
90; 109.7; 90
242.989Podberezskaya, N.V.; Bakakin, V.V.; Baydina, I.A.; Bacanova, L.P.; Pal'chik, N.A.; Solov'eva, L.P.
X-ray studies of the structure of beryllium borate-fluorides M Be2 (B O3) F2 where M=Na, K, Rb, Cs
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1975, 16, 1050-1053
1511453 CIFB Be2 F O3C 1 2/c 17.687; 4.439; 8.699
90; 107.08; 90
283.741Pavlyuchenko, V.S.; Bakakin, V.V.; Alekseev, V.I.; Baidina, I.A.; Podberezskaya, N.V.; Batsanova, L.R.
Crystal structure of beryllium fluoride borate B2 (B O3) F
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1978, 19, 125-129
1511457 CIFB Be2 F2 O3 RbC 1 2 17.695; 4.441; 7.087
90; 111.2; 90
225.797Podberezskaya, N.V.; Solov'eva, L.P.; Pal'chik, N.A.; Bakakin, V.V.; Baydina, I.A.; Bacanova, L.P.
X-ray studies of the structure of beryllium borate-fluorides M Be2 (B O3) F2 where M=Na,K,Rb,Cs
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1975, 16, 1050-1053
1511498 CIFB4 O12 Pr2 Sr3P 21 c n16.45; 8.81; 7.37
90; 90; 90
1068.09Kuznetsov, V.G.; Moruga, L.G.; Palkina, K.K.
Crystal Structure of Pr2 Sr3 (B O3)4
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1973, 14, 1053-1057
1511509 CIFB4 Bi0.5 Fe3 Nd0.5 O12R 3 2 :H9.587; 9.587; 7.608
90; 90; 120
605.573Belokoneva, E.L.; Timchenko, T.I.; Leonyuk, N.I.; Al'shinskaya, L.I.; Simonov, M.A.; Belov, N.V.
The crystal structure of (Nd, Bi) Fe3 (B O3)4
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1979, 20, 542-544
1511533 CIFB5 Co La O10P 1 21/n 18.85; 7.63; 9.66
90; 92; 90
651.899Mamedov, H.S.; Abdullaev, G.K.; Djafarov, G.G.
Crystal structure of lanthanium cobalt metaborate
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1975, 16, 71-76
1511535 CIFB5 Co Nd O10P 1 21/n 18.65; 7.61; 9.48
90; 92.5; 90
623.441Abdullaev, G.K.
Crystal Structure of a New Neodymium Cobalt Metaborate Nd Co (B O2)5
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1976, 17, 1128-1131
1511734 CIFB4 Er2 O12 Sr3P c 21 n8.57; 15.8; 7.22
90; 90; 90
977.631Mamedov, C.; Abdullaev, G.K.
Kristallicheskaya struktura dboinogo ortoborata erbyia istrontsiya Er2 Sr3 (B O3)4
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1976, 17, 188-191
1511740 CIFB4 Ga2 Li6 O12P -16.23; 4.9; 8.42
90; 118; 90
226.951Mamedov, Kh.S.; Abdullaev, G.K.
Crystal structure of lithium gallium borate
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1972, 13, 943-946
1511741 CIFB4 Ga3 Nd O12R 3 2 :H9.5; 9.5; 7.502
90; 90; 120
586.347Timchenko, T.I.; Al'shinskaya, L.I.; Belov, N.V.; Leonyuk, N.I.; Simonov, M.A.; Belokoneva, E.L.
Crystal structure of Nd Ga3 (B O3)4
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1978, 19, 382-384
1520793 CIFCs3 I9 Sb2P -3 m 18.435; 8.435; 10.39
90; 90; 120
640.201Arakcheeva, A.V.; Novikova, M.S.; Lubman, G.U.; Zaitsev, A.I.
Perovskite-like modification of Cs3 Sb2 I9 as a member of the OD family A3 B2 X9
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1999, 40, 705-715
1520970 CIFCl5 H12 N Na2 O7 RuF d d 226.74; 31.581; 6.918
90; 90; 90
5842.08Emel'yanov, V.A.; Gromilov, S.A.; Baidina, I.A.; Logvinenko, V.A.; Virovets, A.V.; Belyaev, A.V.
Synthesis and crystal structure of Na2 (Ru N O Cl2) . 6(H2 O)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1999, 40, 1091-1100
1521071 CIFCl10 H54 N18 Pd5P 42/n m c :210.521; 10.521; 16.866
90; 90; 90
1866.92Gromilov, S.A.; Virovets, A.V.; Baidina, I.A.; Tatarchuk, V.V.; Druzhinina, I.A.
Crystal structure of (Pd (N H3)4)3 (Pd (N H3)3 Cl)2 Cl8
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1999, 40, 777-781
1521329 CIFC12 H10 K4 N12 O5 Re4 Te4P -112.515; 12.662; 13.036
106.263; 108.627; 109.68
1660.19Mironov, Yu.V.; Virovets, A.V.; Artemkina, S.B.; Fedorov, V.E.
Crystal structure of the tellurocyanide cluster complex K4 (Re4 Te4(C N)12) . 5(H2 O)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1999, 40, 375-379
1521395 CIFH4 Li2 N4 O10 PdP n n a11.2877; 8.4286; 10.767
90; 90; 90
1024.37Khranenko, S.P.; Belyaev, A.V.; Gromilov, S.A.; Virovets, A.V.; Baidina, I.A.
Synthesis and crystal structure of Li2 (Pd (N O2)4) . 2(H2 O)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1999, 40, 383-387
1521769 CIFC6 K4 N6 Re6 S6.508 Te1.492I a -317.328; 17.328; 17.328
90; 90; 90
5202.9Podberezskaya, N.V.; Virovets, A.V.; Kozeeva, L.P.; Mironov, Yu.V.; Naumov, N.G.; Fedorov, V.E.
Statistical disordering of chalcogen atoms in the cluster fragments of K4 (Re6 (mue3-S)8-y (mue3-Te)y (C N)6)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1999, 40, 530-535
1521770 CIFC6 K4 N6 Re6 S6.874 Te1.126I a -317.278; 17.278; 17.278
90; 90; 90
5157.99Podberezskaya, N.V.; Mironov, Yu.V.; Virovets, A.V.; Fedorov, V.E.; Kozeeva, L.P.; Naumov, N.G.
Statistical disordering of chalcogen atoms in the cluster fragments of K4 (Re6 (mue3-S)8-y (mue3-Te)y (C N)6)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1999, 40, 530-535
1521861 CIFAs Cl Hg3 O4P 21 38.379; 8.379; 8.379
90; 90; 90
588.27Romanenko, G.V.; Pervukhina, N.V.; Magarill, S.A.; Borisov, S.V.; Vasil'ev, V.I.
Crystal structure of kuznetsovite Hg3 (As O4) Cl
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1999, 40, 324-330
1522124 CIFH13 I6 Mo3 N4 O1.5 S7P -110.029; 10.258; 14.152
109.21; 106.14; 98.97
1270.6Virovets, A.V.; Sokolov, M.N.; Kalinina, I.V.; Podberezskaya, N.V.; Fedorov, V.E.
Specific nonbonding interactions in the structure of (N2 H5)2 (Mo3 S7 I6) . 1.5(H2 O)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1999, 40, 57-61
1522296 CIFNi Ta2I 4/m c m6.216; 6.216; 4.872
90; 90; 90
188.248Kripyakevich, P.I.; Pylaeva, E.N.
Crystal structure of the compound Ta2 Ni
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1962, 3, 35-37
1523712 CIFFe Si WP 63/m m c4.738; 4.738; 7.666
90; 90; 120
149.035Gladyshevskii, E.I.; Kuz'ma, Yu.B.
Crystal structure of ternary phases in the systems Mo(W) - Fe (Co, Ni) - Si
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1960, 1, 66-71
1523713 CIFGe1.75 LaI m m a4.41; 4.3; 14.19
90; 90; 90
269.085Gladyshevskii, E.I.
Crystal structure of the digermanide of rare earth elements
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1964, 5, 568-575
1525605 CIFCl2 N2 O4 Pd Rb2C m c a15.123; 7.75; 7.776
90; 90; 90
911.372Baidina, I.A.; Vasil'ev, A.D.; Khranenko, S.P.; Gromilov, S.A.; Belyaev, A.V.
Synthesis and crystal structure of trans-(Rb2 (Pd (N O2)2 Cl2)). Structure refinement of Na2 (Pd (N O2)4)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2001, 42, 145-150
1525606 CIFN4 Na2 O8 PdP n a 2115.431; 4.606; 11.208
90; 90; 90
796.611Baidina, I.A.; Gromilov, S.A.; Khranenko, S.P.; Vasil'ev, A.D.; Belyaev, A.V.
Synthesis and crystal structure of trans-(Rb2 (Pd (N O2)2 Cl2)). Structure refinement of Na2 (Pd (N O2)4)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2001, 42, 145-150
1525875 CIFCe0.31 Cu2.25 Hg0.44 O7 Pr0.72 Sr2.28P 4/m m m3.8634; 3.8634; 12.203
90; 90; 90
182.14Luparev, V.V.; Kuz'micheva, G.M.
Crystal structure of (Hg, Ce, Cu) (Sr, Pr)2 (Pr, Sr) Cu2 O6+d and (Hg, vac) (Sr, Pr)2 (Pr, Sr)2 Cu3 O8+d phases
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2000, 41, 1219-1232
1525877 CIFCu3 Hg0.36 O9.36 Pr2.26 Sr1.74P 4/m m m3.8464; 3.8464; 15.2615
90; 90; 90
225.791Luparev, V.V.; Kuz'micheva, G.M.
Crystal structure of (Hg, Ce, Cu) (Sr, Pr)2 (Pr, Sr) Cu2 O6+d and (Hg, vac) (Sr, Pr)2 (Pr, Sr)2 Cu3 O8+d phases
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2000, 41, 1219-1232
1525879 CIFCu3 Hg0.29 O9.32 Pr1.88 Sr2.12P m m m3.8294; 3.8567; 15.2763
90; 90; 90
225.613Luparev, V.V.; Kuz'micheva, G.M.
Crystal structure of (Hg, Ce, Cu) (Sr, Pr)2 (Pr, Sr) Cu2 O6+d and (Hg, vac) (Sr, Pr)2 (Pr, Sr)2 Cu3 O8+d phases
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2000, 41, 1219-1232
1525881 CIFCu3 Hg0.29 O9 Pr1.8 Sr2.2P m m m3.8294; 3.8567; 15.2763
90; 90; 90
225.613Luparev, V.V.; Kuz'micheva, G.M.
Crystal structure of (Hg, Ce, Cu) (Sr, Pr)2 (Pr, Sr) Cu2 O6+d and (Hg, vac) (Sr, Pr)2 (Pr, Sr)2 Cu3 O8+d phases
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2000, 41, 1219-1232
1525975 CIFCl3 H11 N4 O2 RuP n a 2113.151; 6.852; 10.361
90; 90; 90
933.636Emel'yanov, V.A.; Vasil'ev, A.D.; Baidina, I.A.; Gromilov, S.A.; Belyaev, A.V.
Synthesis and crystal structure of nitrosoruthenium triammino complex (Ru N O (N H3)3 Cl (H2 O)) Cl2
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2000, 41, 1242-1247
1525976 CIFCl4 H6 N Na O4 RuP 1 21/n 17.0103; 11.133; 12.843
90; 99.076; 90
989.791Emel'yanov, V.A.; Belyaev, A.V.; Baidina, I.A.; Gromilov, S.A.; Virovets, A.V.
Synthesis and crystal structure of sodium trans- nitrosoaquatetrachlororuthenate(II)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2000, 41, 567-571
1526100 CIFCl30 Cu18 H4 O2 Rb11B 1 1 2/m24.787; 13.126; 11.318
90; 90; 122.36
3110.5Mykhalichko, B.M.; Gelzak-Kotsvin, K.; Mys'kiv, M.G.
Guest-host copper(I,II) complex (Rb11 (Cu(I)2 (H2 O)2)) (Cu(I)15 Cl24 (Cu(II) Cl6)). Effect of the nature of the (Cu(I)2 (H2 O)2)(2+) guest on crystal structure formation
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2000, 41, 559-566
1526121 CIFC6 H24 Co2 N6 O12 Re6 Se8P 1 21/c 19.875; 16.375; 12.1875
90; 96; 90
1959.96Naumov, N.G.; Sokolov, M.N.; Imoto, H.; Saito, T.; Fedorov, V.E.
Synthesis and structure of Co2 (Re6 Se8 (C N)6) * 12(H2 O)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2001, 42, 391-396
1526395 CIFAs Cl Hg3 O4P 21 38.379; 8.379; 8.379
90; 90; 90
588.27Romanenko, G.V.; Borisov, S.V.
Microtwinning in the crystal structure of kuznetsovite Hg3 As O4 Cl
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2000, 41, 1078-1079
1526589 CIFAl1.84 H4 Li1.29 Na0.518 O14 Si4.16I b c a13.546; 13.546; 13.557
90; 90; 90
2487.63Seryotkin, Yu.V.; Bakakin, V.V.; Bazhan, I.S.
Crystal structure of lithium-sodium (Li0.7 Na0.3)-analcime
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2001, 42, 607-611
1526617 CIFN4 Na2 O12 PdP 1 21/c 17.093; 7.782; 8.994
90; 91.67; 90
496.237Khranenko, S.P.; Baidina, I.A.; Gromilov, S.A.; Belyaev, A.V.
Synthesis and crystal structure of Na2 (Pd (N O3)4)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2000, 41, 862-866
1526678 CIFMo9 Nd2 O36 Zr3R -3 c :H9.804; 9.804; 58.467
90; 90; 120
4866.85Klevtsova, R.F.; Solodovnikov, S.F.; Tushinova, Yu.L.; Bazarova, Zh.G.; Bazarov, B.G.; Glinskaya, L.A.
A new type of mixed framework in the crystal structure of binary molybdate Nd2 Zr3 (Mo O4)9
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2000, 41, 343-348
1526901 CIFC6 H3 N6 O1.5 Re6 Se8 Tl4P -112.2855; 13.1792; 17.3794
87.236; 76.388; 87.691
2730.52Virovets, A.V.; Naumov, N.G.; Naumov, D.Yu.; Howard, J.A.K.; Fedorov, V.E.
Crystal structure of Tl4 (Re6 Se8 (C N)6) * 1.5(H2 O)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2000, 41, 1085-1091
1526906 CIFBa2 Co0.391 Cu2.609 O7.23 YP 4/m m m3.8778; 3.8778; 11.6873
90; 90; 90
175.746Voronin, V.I.; Leonidov, I.A.; Mitberg, E.; Goshchitskii, B.N.; Kozhevnikov, V.L.
Valence state of cobalt atoms and crystal structure of Y Ba2 Cu3-x Cox O6+d solid solution
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2000, 41, 626-631
1526907 CIFBa2 Co0.588 Cu2.412 O7.26 YP 4/m m m3.8854; 3.8854; 11.6746
90; 90; 90
176.244Voronin, V.I.; Mitberg, E.; Goshchitskii, B.N.; Kozhevnikov, V.L.; Leonidov, I.A.
Valence state of cobalt atoms and crystal structure of Y Ba2 Cu3-x Cox O6+d solid solution
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2000, 41, 626-631
1527110 CIFF6 H2 K2 O SnF d d d :211.65; 13.68; 17.57
90; 90; 90
2800.17Baidina, I.A.; Bakakin, V.V.; Borisov, S.V.; Podberezskaya, N.V.
Kristallicheskaya struktura monohidrata heksaflorstannatakaliya K2 Sn F6 (H2 O)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1976, 17, 505-509
1527420 CIFEr5 Ge3P 63/m c m8.35; 8.35; 6.26
90; 90; 120
377.988Gladyshevskii, E.I.
Compounds of the Mn5 Si3 type in alloys of rare earth metals with germanium
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1964, 5, 919-921
1527576 CIFCd5 Cl O12 P3P 63/m9.625; 9.625; 6.504
90; 90; 120
521.81Ivanov, A.; Simonov, M.A.; Belov, N.
Kristallicheskaya struktura Cd-khlorapatita Cd5 (P O4)3 Cl
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1976, 17, 375-378
1527936 CIFEr3 F10 H4 NP 63 m c8.1; 8.1; 13.34
90; 90; 120
757.978Podberezskaya, N.V.; Borisov, S.V.; Baidina, I.A.; Belov, N.
Kristallicheskaya struktura N H4 Er3 F10 chetyrekhsloinyikationnyi karkas "Flyuoritovogo" tipa
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1976, 17, 147-152
1527937 CIFH16 O20 S3 Sm2C 1 2/c 113.43; 6.72; 18.13
90; 102.8; 90
1595.56Podberezskaya, N.V.; Borisov, S.V.
Utochnenie kristallicheskoi struktury Sm2 (S O4)3 (H2 O)8
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1976, 17, 186-188
1527999 CIFF6 K2 O3 Ta2P n m a10.22; 5.57; 14.52
90; 90; 90
826.557Rogachev, D.L.; Kuznetsova, V.G.; Bogdanova, A.V.; Dikareva, D.; Porai-Koshits, M.A.
Struktura soli marinyaka
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1976, 17, 129-134
1528228 CIFB8 Ca2 H2 O15P -16.441; 9.354; 10.011
63.15; 89.45; 99.28
528.754Yamnova, N.A.; Simonov, M.A.; Belov, N.
Utochnennaya kristallicheskaya struktura karkasnogo Ca-borata Ca2 (B8 O13 (O H)2)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1976, 17, 489-495
1529145 CIFK2 O22 U7P b a m6.945; 19.533; 7.215
90; 90; 90
978.763Kovba, L.M.
Crystal Structure of K2 U7 O22
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1972, 13, 256-258
1529146 CIFO10 U3P 1 21/c 16.821; 18.91; 7.3
90; 121.56; 90
802.323Kovba, L.M.
Structure of lithium triuranate
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1972, 13, 458-460
1529177 CIFF4 Mo O2 Rb2A m a m7.084; 14.273; 5.972
90; 90; 90
603.829Sergienko, V.S.; Porai-Koshits, M.A.; Shodatchova, T.S.
Crystal Structure of Rb2 Mo O2 F4
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1972, 13, 461-467
1529512 CIFB2 Cu O4I -4 2 d11.506; 11.506; 5.644
90; 90; 90
747.198Abdullaev, G.K.; Mamedov, H.S.
The refinement of the crystal structure of copper metaborate Cu B2 O4
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1981, 22, 184-187
1529583 CIFB10 H18 N2P n a m18.118; 7.223; 7.376
90; 90; 90
965.27Baidina, I.A.; Podberezskaya, N.V.; Borisov, S.V.; Volkov, V.V.; Alekseev, V.I.
Crystal structure of 6,9-bis-aminododecahydro-nido-decaborane B10 H12 (N H3)2
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1978, 19, 547-549
1529621 CIFAl3 B4 O12 YR 3 2 :H9.295; 9.295; 7.243
90; 90; 120
541.936Belokoneva, E.L.; Azizov, A.V.; Leonjuk, N.I.; Belov, N.V.; Simonov, M.A.
The crystal structure of Y Al3 (B O3)4
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1981, 22, 196-198
1529982 CIFI KP c m n9.3; 5.29; 6.42
90; 90; 90
315.845Gerken, V.A.; Pakhomov, V.I.
Roentgenographical study of crystals in system K I-Hg I2-H2 O
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1969, 10, 753-754
1529983 CIFHg I3 KP c 21 n9.35; 11.52; 8.69
90; 90; 90
936.017Gerken, V.A.; Pakhomov, V.I.
Roentgenographical study of crystals in system K I-Hg I2-H2 O
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1969, 10, 753-754
1529984 CIFHg I4 K2P 3 1 c11.67; 11.67; 7.48
90; 90; 120
882.214Gerken, V.A.; Pakhomov, V.I.
Roentgenographical study of cristals in system K I-Hg I2-H2 O
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1969, 10, 753-754
1530127 CIFRb S2 SbP 16.473; 6.473; 12.439
103.58; 101.77; 104.04
472.293Kanishcheva, A.S.; Kuznetsov, V.G.; Lazarev, V.B.; Tarasova, T.G.
Crystal structure of Rb Sb S2
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1977, 18, 1069-1072
1530128 CIFNa S2 SbP -15.828; 5.825; 6.833
113.48; 113.46; 90.07
191.619Kanishcheva, A.S.; Kuznetsova, V.G.; Batog, V.N.
Crystal structure of alpha-Na Sb S2
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1979, 20, 148-152
1530157 CIFCl5 H2 K2 O RuP n m a13.53; 9.55; 6.96
90; 90; 90
899.312Khodashova, T.S.
About the structure of K2 (Ru Cl5 H2 O)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1960, 1, 333-336
1530158 CIFCl5 H12 N3 O3 RuP 1 1 21/b11.26; 15.74; 6.76
90; 90; 104
1162.5Khodashova, T.S.; Bokii, G.B.; Porai-Koshits, M.A.; Sergienko, V.S.; Parpiev, N.A.
Refinement of composition and structure of hydrolyzed ammonium nitroso penta chloro ruthenate
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1972, 13, 1105-1109
1530203 CIFF8 K2 ReP n m a8.7; 6.03; 12.56
90; 90; 90
658.91Koz'min, P.A.
The structure investigation of potassium octafluororhenate K2 Re F8
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1964, 5, 70-76
1530225 CIFBr3 H5 K N O PtP b n a21.524; 8.345; 14.42
90; 90; 90
2590.09Kukina, G.A.; Bokii, G.B.
Roentgenostructural investigation of the monohydrates of potassium trichlorineammoniaplatinate and potassium tribromineammoniaplatinate
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1965, 6, 233-243
1530226 CIFCl3 H5 K N O PtP b n a21.048; 8.123; 13.55
90; 90; 90
2316.68Kukina, G.A.; Bokii, G.B.
Roentgenostructural investigation of monohydrates potassium trichlorineammoniaplatinate and potassium tribromineammoniaplatinate
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1965, 6, 233-243
1530234 CIFK3 Nb O16 S4P n m a8.078; 12.63; 14.71
90; 90; 90
1500.79Kuznetsov, V.Ya.; Rogachev, D.L.; Dikareva, L.M.; Porai-Koshits, M.A.
The structure of crystals of potassium tetrasulfatoniobate K3 Nb (S O4)4
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1979, 20, 672-677
1530235 CIFF K5 Nb4 O12P 1 21/n 15.1061; 11.817; 11.867
90; 92.98; 90
715.072Kuznetsov, V.Ya.; Rogachev, D.L.; Sadikov, G.G.; Dikareva, L.M.; Porai-Koshits, M.A.
Structure of the double fluoride and metaniobate of potassium K F (K Nb O3)4. Four types of coordination of the light atoms in the structure
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1980, 21, 142-147
1530307 CIFAl B3 H15 NP 1 21/n 111.147; 11.407; 11.974
90; 101.3; 90
1493.03Lobkovskii, E.B.; Polyakova, V.B.; Shilkin, S.P.; Semenenko, K.N.
Structure and oscillation spectrums of aluminium borohydride monoammi
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1975, 16, 77-84
1530425 CIFCa3 Ge3 O12 Sc2I a -3 d12.512; 12.512; 12.512
90; 90; 90
1958.76Mill', B.V.; Belokoneva, E.L.; Simonov, M.A.; Belov, N.V.
Refined crystal structures of the scandium garnets Ca3 Sc Si3 O12, Ca3 Sc2 Ge3 O12 and Cd3 Sc2 Ge3 O12
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1977, 18, 399-402
1530426 CIFCd3 Ge3 O12 Sc2I a -3 d12.458; 12.458; 12.458
90; 90; 90
1933.5Mill', B.V.; Belokoneva, E.L.; Belov, N.V.; Simonov, M.A.
Refined crystal structures of the scandium garnets Ca3 Sc Si3 O12, Ca3 Sc2 Ge3 O12 and Cd3 Sc2 Ge3 O12
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1977, 18, 399-402
1530501 CIFGe O3 PbP 1 1 2/b11.469; 12.555; 7.236
90; 90; 113.3
956.962Nozik, Yu.Z.; Maksimov, B.A.; Gabrielyan, V.T.; Fykin, L.E.; Dudarev, V.Ya.; Garashina, L.S.
Neutron diffraction study of lead germanate Pb Ge O3
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1978, 19, 731-733
1530600 CIFLa10.68 S16I -4 3 d8.692; 8.692; 8.692
90; 90; 90
656.688Podberezskaya, N.V.; Kozhemyak, N.V.; Golubeva, L.G.; Bakakin, V.V.; Balko, V.P.; Borisov, S.V.
Refined crystal structures of gamma-La2 S3 and gamma-Sm2 S3. Ratio of the Th3 P4 and zircon structures
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1979, 20, 1092-1095
1530603 CIFC2 H18 Ce2 N4 O19 S3P -111.097; 13.409; 6.83
85.5; 92.23; 104.98
978.554Ponomarenko, V.I.; Porai-Koshits, M.A.; Kurkutova, E.N.; Sulaimankulov, K.
The crystal structure of cerium (III) sulfate-2-urea-5-water Ce2 (S O4)3 (O C (N H2)2)2 (H2 O)5 and the structural characteristics of the sulfates of the rare earth elements
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1978, 19, 856-865
1530611 CIFI O PrP 4/n m m :14.086; 4.086; 9.162
90; 90; 90
152.963Potapova, O.G.; Vasil'eva, I.G.; Borisov, S.V.
Crystal Structure of Praseodymium oxide iodide
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1977, 18, 573-577
1530650 CIFH2 Hf Na6 O21 S5P 1 21 18.523; 11.132; 10.609
90; 98.36; 90
995.865Rogachev, D.L.; Kuznetsov, V.Ya.; Dikareva, L.M.; Sadikov, G.G.; Porai-Koshits, M.A.
Structure of the double sulfate of hafnium and sodium Hf (S O4)2 (Na2 S O4)3 (H2 O)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1980, 21, 148-152
1530651 CIFH4 Hf Na4 O18 S4C 1 c 18.786; 9.907; 17.73
90; 92.09; 90
1542.24Rogachev, D.L.; Sadikov, G.G.; Dikareva, L.M.; Kuznetsov, V.J.
The structure of hafnium and sodium disulfate Hf (S O4)2 (Na2 S O4)2 (H2 O)2
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1981, 22, 191-194
1530652 CIFH6 Hf Na2 O15 S3P 21 21 217.091; 7.791; 22.179
90; 90; 90
1225.3Rogachev, D.L.; Dikareva, L.M.; Nikolaev, V.P.; Kuznetsov, V.J.
The structure of hafnium and sodium sulfate Hf (S O4)2 (Na2 S O4) (H2 O)3
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1981, 22, 194-196
1530743 CIFH8 O10 Se UC 1 2/c 114.653; 10.799; 12.664
90; 119.95; 90
1736.32Serezhkin, V.N.; Soldatkina, M.A.; Efremov, V.A.
The crystal structure of the uranyl selenate tetrahydrate
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1981, 22, 171-174
1530744 CIFH22 Mg O21 S2 UC 1 2/c 111.334; 7.715; 21.709
90; 102.22; 90
1855.26Serezhkin, V.N.; Soldatkina, M.A.; Efremov, V.A.
The crystal structure of Mg U O2 (S O4)2 (H2 O)11
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1981, 22, 174-177
1530746 CIFH77 Mo10 O76 P V2P 4/m n c12.858; 12.858; 18.341
90; 90; 90
3032.28Sergienko, V.S.; Yurchenko, E.N.; Porai-Koshits, M.A.
... I. A new 'pseudo-keggin' type structure in heteropolyacids H(3+n) (P Mo(12-n) Vn O40) (H2 O)m (n=2,3 m=3)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1980, 21, 111-125
1530747 CIFH66 Mo9 O70 P V3P 4/m n c12.824; 12.824; 18.246
90; 90; 90
3000.65Sergienko, V.S.; Porai-Koshits, M.A.; Yurchenko, E.N.
... I. A new 'pseudo-keggin' type structure in heteropolyacids H(3+n) (P Mo(12-n) Vn O40) (H2 O)m (n=2,3 m=3)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1980, 21, 111-125
1530752 CIFCo H12 I2 O6P -3 1 m7.26; 7.26; 4.79
90; 90; 120
218.645Shchukarev, S.A.; Stroganov, E.V.; Andreev, S.N.; Purvinskij, O.F.
Investigation of crystal structure of crystallohydrates of transition metal salts. structure Co I26 (H2 O)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1963, 4, 63-66
1530761 CIFCd Nd4 O13 Si3P 63/m9.562; 9.562; 7.075
90; 90; 120
560.215Sidorov, P.M.; Fwedokov, N.F.; Belokoneva, E.L.; Simonov, H.A.; Belov, N.V.; Tunik, T.A.
Synthesis and crystal structure of Cd Nd4 (Si O4)3 O
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1977, 18, 397-399
1530775 CIFCd Ge O3B 1 1 2/b10.204; 5.3852; 9.669
90; 90; 102.23
519.259Simonov, M.A.; Belokoneva, E.L.; Belov, N.V.
The refinement of the crystal structure of Cd2 (Ge O4) and Cd2 (Ge2 O6)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1981, 22, 199-200
1530804 CIFH12 In N O12 Se2P 1 1 21/b10.728; 9.434; 11.086
90; 90; 101.58
1099.15Soldatov, E.A.; Ilyukhin, V.V.; Kuz'min, E.A.
Crystal structure of N H4 In (Se O4)2 (H2 O)4
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1979, 20, 1081-1085
1530936 CIFB12 H12 Rb2F m -310.85; 10.85; 10.85
90; 90; 90
1277.29Uspenskaya, S.I.; Solntsev, K.A.; Kuznetsov, N.T.
X-ray study of rubidium dodecahydrocloso dodecaborate
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1975, 16, 482-484
1531018 CIFCd7 P10F d d 223; 27.5; 4.62
90; 90; 90
2922.15Zavalishin, E.I.; Aleinikova, K.B.; Rabotkina, N.S.; Arsenov, A.V.
The crystal structure of Cd7 P10
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1979, 20, 146-148
1531055 CIFCa0.02 Cu2.67 In0.33 La1.35 O6.92 Sr1.63P 4/m m m3.8494; 3.8494; 11.4888
90; 90; 90
170.24Afanas'eva, I.N.; Kuz'micheva, G.M.; Mitin, A.V.; Khlybov, E.P.
Indium perovskite-like phases: synthesis, crystal structure, refinement and properties
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2001, 42, 1157-1173
1531056 CIFBa2 Ca0.25 Cu2.54 In0.46 O6.67 Y0.75P 4/m m m3.8683; 3.8683; 11.7167
90; 90; 90
175.326Afanas'eva, I.N.; Kuz'micheva, G.M.; Mitin, A.V.; Khlybov, E.P.
Indium perovskite-like phases: synthesis, crystal structure, refinement and properties
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2001, 42, 1157-1173
1531057 CIFBa2 Ca0.2 Cu2.43 In0.57 O6.77 Y0.8P 4/m m m3.8799; 3.8799; 11.6995
90; 90; 90
176.12Afanas'eva, I.N.; Kuz'micheva, G.M.; Mitin, A.V.; Khlybov, E.P.
Indium perovskite-like phases: synthesis, crystal structure, refinement and properties
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2001, 42, 1157-1173
1531058 CIFCe0.11 Cu2.02 Ho2.64 In0.98 O9 Sr1.25I 4/m m m3.8272; 3.8272; 29.0774
90; 90; 90
425.91Afanas'eva, I.N.; Kuz'micheva, G.M.; Mitin, A.V.; Khlybov, E.P.
Indium perovskite-like phases: synthesis, crystal structure, refinement and properties
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2001, 42, 1157-1173
1531059 CIFCe0.05 Cu2.13 Ho2.43 In0.87 O9 Sr1.52I 4/m m m3.8254; 3.8254; 29.0557
90; 90; 90
425.192Afanas'eva, I.N.; Kuz'micheva, G.M.; Mitin, A.V.; Khlybov, E.P.
Indium perovskite-like phases: synthesis, crystal structure, refinement and properties
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2001, 42, 1157-1173
1531349 CIFH2 K2 N8 O16 Ru2P 1 21/c 18.596; 10.111; 9.537
90; 104.42; 90
802.787Emel'yanov, V.A.; Gromilov, S.A.; Baidina, I.A.; Virovets, A.V.; Belyaev, A.V.
Formation of a dimer with a double hydroxo bridge in nitric acid solutions of the nitrosotetranitrohydroxo complex of ruthenium(II). Crystal structure of K2 (Ru N O (N O2)3 (mue-(O H)))2
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2002, 43, 156-162
1531399 CIFK2 N4 O8 Pd0.5 Pt0.5P 1 21/c 19.2293; 12.766; 7.7813
90; 96.156; 90
911.516Gromilov, S.A.; Khranenko, S.P.; Baidina, I.A.; Belyaev, A.V.
Synthesis and crystal structure of K2 (Pd0.5 Pt0.5 (N O2)4)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2001, 42, 828-832
1531630 CIFF5 H4 N TiP 1 21/n 114.683; 6.392; 20.821
90; 110.538; 90
1829.92Kavun, V.Ya.; Laptash, N.M.; Bukvetskii, B.V.; Sergienko, S.S.; Maslenikova, I.G.
Structure and internal mobility of complex ions in ammonium pentafluorotitanate according to XRD and NMR data
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2001, 42, 921-927
1531654 CIFH9 N6 O6 RhP 1 21/m 17.176; 10.407; 10.989
90; 93.27; 90
819.329Khranenko, S.P.; Baidina, I.A.; Gromilov, S.A.; Belyaev, A.V.
Synthesis and crystal structure investigation of trinitrotriamminerhodium(III) (Rh (N O2)3 (N H3)3)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2002, 43, 151-155
1531976 CIFHo S1.863P 1 21/m 110.961; 11.465; 10.984
90; 91.27; 90
1380Podberezskaya, N.V.; Vasil'eva, I.G.; Pervukhina, N.V.; Belaya, S.V.; Borisov, S.V.
Crystal structures of two new holmium polysulfides in the series ofrare-earth polychalcogenides
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2001, 42, 741-752
1532122 CIFAl0.95 Cr0.05 H24 K O20 S2P a -312.165; 12.165; 12.165
90; 90; 90
1800.27Rozhdestvenskaya, I.V.; Frank-Kamenetskaya, O.V.; Bannova, I.I.; Shtukenberg, A.G.
Triclinic structure of birefringent crystals of K (Al0.95 Cr0.05) (S O4)2 * 12(H2 O)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2001, 42, 753-765
1532123 CIFAl0.95 Cr0.05 H24 K O19.655 S2P -112.165; 12.165; 12.165
90; 90; 90
1800.27Rozhdestvenskaya, I.V.; Frank-Kamenetskaya, O.V.; Bannova, I.I.; Shtukenberg, A.G.
Triclinic structure of birefringent crystals of K (Al0.95 Cr0.05) (S O4)2 * 12(H2 O)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2001, 42, 753-765
1532540 CIFAl0.92 Cu2.08 O7.45 Pr1.17 Sr1.83P 4/m m m3.9005; 3.9005; 11.241
90; 90; 90
171.019Kuz'micheva, G.M.; Andreenko, A.S.; Esaulova, Yu.V.; Afanas'eva, I.N.; Kostyleva, I.E.; Khlybov, E.P.
Dependence of the structure and properties of (M, Cu) Sr2 (Ln, Ca) Cu2 O8-d (1212) and (M, Cu) Sr2 (Ln, Ce(4+))2 Cu2 O10-d (1222) phases on the cation M
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2002, 43, 871-890
1532543 CIFCr0.53 Cu2.47 La1.31 O7 Sr1.69P 4/m m m3.8223; 3.8223; 11.601
90; 90; 90
169.49Kuz'micheva, G.M.; Afanas'eva, I.N.; Esaulova, Yu.V.; Khlybov, E.P.; Kostyleva, I.E.; Andreenko, A.S.
Dependence of the structure and properties of (M, Cu) Sr2 (Ln, Ca) Cu2 O8-d (1212) and (M, Cu) Sr2 (Ln, Ce(4+))2 Cu2 O10-d (1222) phases on the cation M
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2002, 43, 871-890
1532546 CIFCr0.74 Cu2.26 La0.82 O8 Sr2.18P 4/m m m3.894; 3.894; 11.559
90; 90; 90
175.272Kuz'micheva, G.M.; Kostyleva, I.E.; Esaulova, Yu.V.; Afanas'eva, I.N.; Khlybov, E.P.; Andreenko, A.S.
Dependence of the structure and properties of (M, Cu) Sr2 (Ln, Ca) Cu2 O8-d (1212) and (M, Cu) Sr2 (Ln, Ce(4+))2 Cu2 O10-d (1222) phases on the cation M
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2002, 43, 871-890
1532549 CIFCu2.45 Gd1.74 Mo0.55 O8 Sr1.26P 4/m m m3.8385; 3.8385; 11.516
90; 90; 90
169.678Kuz'micheva, G.M.; Afanas'eva, I.N.; Esaulova, Yu.V.; Khlybov, E.P.; Andreenko, A.S.; Kostyleva, I.E.
Dependence of the structure and properties of (M, Cu) Sr2 (Ln, Ca) Cu2 O8-d (1212) and (M, Cu) Sr2 (Ln, Ce(4+))2 Cu2 O10-d (1222) phases on the cation M
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2002, 43, 871-890
1532552 CIFBi0.45 Ca Cu2.55 O7.07 Sr2P 4/m m m3.796; 3.796; 12.689
90; 90; 90
182.844Kuz'micheva, G.M.; Afanas'eva, I.N.; Khlybov, E.P.; Kostyleva, I.E.; Esaulova, Yu.V.; Andreenko, A.S.
Dependence of the structure and properties of (M, Cu) Sr2 (Ln, Ca) Cu2 O8-d (1212) and (M, Cu) Sr2 (Ln, Ce(4+))2 Cu2 O10-d (1222) phases on the cation M
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2002, 43, 871-890
1532555 CIFCa0.36 Cu2.17 Lu0.97 O7 Pb0.83 Sr1.67P 4/m m m3.809; 3.809; 11.8437
90; 90; 90
171.834Kuz'micheva, G.M.; Afanas'eva, I.N.; Esaulova, Yu.V.; Khlybov, E.P.; Andreenko, A.S.; Kostyleva, I.E.
Dependence of the structure and properties of (M, Cu) Sr2 (Ln, Ca) Cu2 O8-d (1212) and (M, Cu) Sr2 (Ln, Ce(4+))2 Cu2 O10-d (1222) phases on the cation M
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2002, 43, 871-890
1532558 CIFCa0.3 Cu2.26 O7 Pb0.74 Sr1.75 Yb0.95P 4/m m m3.8161; 3.8161; 11.8649
90; 90; 90
172.784Kuz'micheva, G.M.; Afanas'eva, I.N.; Andreenko, A.S.; Esaulova, Yu.V.; Khlybov, E.P.; Kostyleva, I.E.
Dependence of the structure and properties of (M, Cu) Sr2 (Ln, Ca) Cu2 O8-d (1212) and (M, Cu) Sr2 (Ln, Ce(4+))2 Cu2 O10-d (1222) phases on the cation M
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2002, 43, 871-890
1532561 CIFCa0.25 Cu2.24 Er1.11 O7 Pb0.76 Sr1.64P 4/m m m3.8223; 3.8223; 11.8716
90; 90; 90
173.444Kuz'micheva, G.M.; Afanas'eva, I.N.; Esaulova, Yu.V.; Kostyleva, I.E.; Khlybov, E.P.; Andreenko, A.S.
Dependence of the structure and properties of (M, Cu) Sr2 (Ln, Ca) Cu2 O8-d (1212) and (M, Cu) Sr2 (Ln, Ce(4+))2 Cu2 O10-d (1222) phases on the cation M
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2002, 43, 871-890
1532563 CIFCe0.5 Cu2.5 Mn0.5 O9.15 Sr2 Y1.5I 4/m m m3.802; 3.802; 28.212
90; 90; 90
407.81Kuz'micheva, G.M.; Andreenko, A.S.; Afanas'eva, I.N.; Esaulova, Yu.V.; Khlybov, E.P.; Kostyleva, I.E.
Dependence of the structure and properties of (M, Cu) Sr2 (Ln, Ca) Cu2 O8-d (1212) and (M, Cu) Sr2 (Ln, Ce(4+))2 Cu2 O10-d (1222) phases on the cation M
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2002, 43, 871-890
1532565 CIFCe0.05 Cu2.59 O9 Sr2 V0.41 Y1.95I 4/m m m3.8294; 3.8294; 28.335
90; 90; 90
415.513Kuz'micheva, G.M.; Afanas'eva, I.N.; Andreenko, A.S.; Esaulova, Yu.V.; Khlybov, E.P.; Kostyleva, I.E.
Dependence of the structure and properties of (M, Cu) Sr2 (Ln, Ca) Cu2 O8-d (1212) and (M, Cu) Sr2 (Ln, Ce(4+))2 Cu2 O10-d (1222) phases on the cation M
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2002, 43, 871-890
1532637 CIFC10 Fe3 O10 SeP 1 21/n 18.866; 10.313; 16.521
90; 97.372; 90
1498.11Virovets, A.V.; Konchenko, S.N.; Fenske, D.
Synthesis and crystal structure of (Fe3 (mue-3-Se) (mue-3-(C O)) (C O)9)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2002, 43, 746-748
1532659 CIFCe0.27 Cr0.35 Cu2.65 O9 Sr2 Y1.73I 4/m m m3.8317; 3.8317; 28.284
90; 90; 90
415.264Kuz'micheva, G.M.; Afanas'eva, I.N.; Kostyleva, I.E.; Esaulova, Yu.V.; Andreenko, A.S.; Khlybov, E.P.
Dependence of the structure and properties of (M, Cu) Sr2 (Ln, Ca) Cu2 O8-d (1212) and (M, Cu) Sr2 (Ln, Ce(4+))2 Cu2 O10-d (1222) phases on the cation M
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2002, 43, 871-890
1532663 CIFCe0.6 Cu2.3 Gd1.94 Mo0.7 O10 Sr1.46I 4/m m m3.8277; 3.8277; 28.229
90; 90; 90
413.591Kuz'micheva, G.M.; Afanas'eva, I.N.; Esaulova, Yu.V.; Andreenko, A.S.; Kostyleva, I.E.; Khlybov, E.P.
Dependence of the structure and properties of (M, Cu) Sr2 (Ln, Ca) Cu2 O8-d (1212) and (M, Cu) Sr2 (Ln, Ce(4+))2 Cu2 O10-d (1222) phases on the cation M
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2002, 43, 871-890
1533139 CIFCl3 K2 N3 O5 RuP -17.05; 7.524; 10.125
90.44; 103.17; 90.51
522.9Emel'yanov, V.A.; Baidina, I.A.; Gromilov, S.A.; Virovets, A.V.; Belyaev, A.V.
Synthesis, formation mechanism and crystal structure of the nitrosoruthenium(II) nitrochloride complex fac-(K2 (Ru N O (N O2)2 Cl3))
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2002, 43, 327-335
1533272 CIFBr6 Cl H15 N5 Pt RhP 1 21/m 112.013; 8.401; 15.999
90; 91.13; 90
1614.32Yusenko, K.V.; Gromilov, S.A.; Baidina, I.A.; Basova, T.V.; Shubin, Yu.V.; Korenev, S.V.; Drebushchak, T.N.; Korol'kov, I.V.
Synthesis, structure and thermal decomposition of chloropentaamminerhodium(III) hexabromoplatinate(IV)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2002, 43, 699-705
1533273 CIFCl10 H30 N10 Pt Rh2C 1 2/m 111.238; 7.901; 13.419
90; 99.48; 90
1175.22Yusenko, K.V.; Gromilov, S.A.; Korenev, S.V.; Baidina, I.A.; Korol'kov, I.V.; Drebushchak, T.N.
Synthesis and crystal structure of (Rh (N H3)5 Cl)2 (Pt Cl6) Cl2
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2002, 43, 749-751
1533398 CIFF5 H3 K Na O1.5 SbP 1 21/m 16.0383; 17.481; 6.037
90; 90.241; 90
637.233Gerasimenko, A.V.; Kavun, V.Ya.; Sergienko, V.I.; Popov, D.Yu.; Zemnukhova, L.A.; Davidovich, R.L.
Crystal structure and dynamics of water molecules and fluoride ions in Na K Sb F5 * 1.5(H2 O) and Na Rb Sb F5 * 1.5(H2 O)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2002, 43, 472-481
1533403 CIFF5 H3 Na O1.5 Rb SbP 1 21/m 16.1049; 17.976; 6.1024
90; 90.355; 90
669.675Gerasimenko, A.V.; Kavun, V.Ya.; Sergienko, V.I.; Popov, D.Yu.; Davidovich, R.L.; Zemnukhova, L.A.
Crystal structure and dynamics of water molecules and fluoride ions in Na K Sb F5 * 1.5(H2 O) and Na Rb Sb F5 * 1.5(H2 O)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2002, 43, 472-481
1533485 CIFCl7 H15 N5 Os RhP 1 21/m 111.605; 8.355; 15.67
90; 106.16; 90
1459.33Gromilov, S.A.; Korenev, S.V.; Baidina, I.A.; Korolkov, I.V.; Yusenko, K.V.
Syntheses of (Rh (N H3)5 Cl) (M Cl6) (M = Re, Os, Ir) and investigation of their thermolysis products. Crystal structure of (Rh (N H3)5 Cl) (Os Cl6)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2002, 43, 527-533
1533877 CIFF6 H2 K2 O SnF d d d :211.689; 13.7492; 17.6484
90; 90; 90
2836.35Kavun, V.Ya.; Tkachenko, I.A.; Gabuda, S.P.; Gerasimenko, A.V.; Trofimov, G.L.
Crystal structure refinement of K2 Sn F6 * (H2 O) using single crystal (1)H NMR data
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2002, 43, 382-386
1533942 CIFCd0.5 K5 Mo6 O24 Zr1.5R 3 c :H10.624; 10.624; 37.694
90; 90; 120
3684.5Klevtsova, R.F.; Bazarov, B.G.; Glinskaya, L.A.; Bazarova, S.T.; Bazarova, Zh.G.; Klevtsov, P.V.; Fedorov, K.N.
Synthesis and X-ray study of single crystals of K5 (Cd0.5 Zr1.5) (Mo O4)6 triple molybdate
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2002, 43, 1016-1020
1534028 CIFBa2 Cu3 Lu O6P 4/m m m3.8399; 3.8399; 11.841
90; 90; 90
174.594Podberezskaya, N.V.; Pervukhina, N.V.; Kozeeva, L.P.; Kameneva, M.Yu.; Romanenko, G.V.; Virovets, A.V.; Naumov, D.Yu.
Crystal structure of the tetragonal form of Lu Ba2 Cu3 O6+x (x = 0)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2002, 43, 564-567
1534145 CIFAs H9 O10 UP -17.18; 7.168; 9.038
90; 90; 90
465.152Alekseev, E.V.; Nosov, S.S.; Suleimanov, E.V.; Chernorukov, N.G.; Chuprunov, E.V.
The crystal structure of H As U O6 (H2 O)4
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2003, 44, 559-563
1534146 CIFBa O12 U2 V2P 1 21/c 16.4992; 8.3803; 10.4235
90; 104.749; 90
549.012Alekseev, E.V.; Suleimanov, E.V.; Fukin, G.K.; Chuprunov, E.V.
The crystal structure of Ba (V U O6)2
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2004, 45, 544-548
1534175 CIFBr5 H8 Mo N2 OP n m a14.28; 10.49; 7.32
90; 90; 90
1096.52Atovmyan, L.O.; D'yachenko, O.A.; Lobkovskii, E.B.
The X-Ray Crystal Structure of (N H4)2 Mo O Br5
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1970, 11, 469-471
1534176 CIFCl2 H2 Mo O3P m n 219.16; 3.94; 6.91
90; 90; 90
249.385Atovmyan, L.O.; Aliev, Z.G.
Crystal Structure of a New Mo(IV) Dioxo Complex, Mo O2 Cl2 H2 O
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1971, 12, 732-734
1534242 CIFCl5 Cr H17 N5 O PdP 1 21/c 17.8668; 10.9703; 16.048
90; 102.469; 90
1352.29Baydina, I.A.; Gromilov, S.A.; Korenev, S.V.; Iusenko, K.V.; Plyusnin, P.P.; Shubin, Yu.V.
Synthesis and crystal structure of (Cr (N H3)5 Cl) (Pd Cl4) (H2 O)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2004, 45, 549-552
1534447 CIFCl14 Rh2 Se4P 1 1 21/b7.883; 10.672; 12.928
90; 90; 95.92
1081.8Rybakov, V.B.; Grafov, A.V.; Aslanov, L.A.; Volkov, S.V.; Fokina, Z.A.; Pekhn'o, V.I.
Crystal and molecular structures of binuclear complex of rhodium(III) chloride with selenium dichloride and complex of iridium(III) chloride with sulfur dichloride and trichloride
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1992, 33, 146-148
1534449 CIFCl11 Ir S3P 1 21/c 18.044; 13.327; 15.119
90; 105.4; 90
1562.6Rybakov, V.B.; Aslanov, L.A.; Fokina, Z.A.; Pekhn'o, V.I.; Volkov, S.V.; Grafov, A.V.
Crystal and molecular structures of binuclear complex of rhodium(III) chloride with selenium dichloride and complex of iridium(III) chloride with sulfur dichloride and trichloride.
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1992, 33, 146-148
1534536 CIFC H8 Cl3 Cu N5P 1 21/n 18.226; 11.564; 8.523
90; 93.6; 90
809.154Savel'eva, Z.A.; Larionov, S.V.; Shishkin, O.V.; Romanenko, G.V.; Podberezskaya, N.V.; Struchkov, Yu.T.
Coordinated diaminoguanidinium (1+)-ion in the crystal structure of Cu (C H8 N5) Cl3 complex
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1995, 36, 936-941
1534548 CIFBi3.86 Ca0.87 Cu2.74 O14 Sr3.62P b m m5.411; 5.417; 27.75
90; 90; 90
813.391Levin, A.A.; Shepelev, Yu.F.; Romanov, B.N.; Smolin, Yu.I.; Bush, A.A.
New high Tc superconductor Bi4 Sr4 Ca Cu3 O14+x, crystal structures and defects of cationic sublattice
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1994, 35, 6-14
1534725 CIFCa H14 K2 O19 V4P 1 21/n 18.025; 14.733; 15.203
90; 99.14; 90
1774.66Avtamonova, N.V.; Trunov, V.K.
Crystal structure of potassium-calcium (2/1) metavanadate 7-hydrate
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1991, 32, 174-177
1534729 CIFCs H O3.5 VP b c m5.774; 18.233; 8.905
90; 90; 90
937.495Avtamonova, N.V.; Trunov, V.K.
The crystal structure of cesium metavanadate hemihydrate
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1991, 32, 171-173
1534772 CIFH4 N6 Na4 O14 RuP 1 21/n 18.105; 8.723; 8.931
90; 91.87; 90
631.085Gromilov, S.A.; Baidina, I.A.; Alekseev, V.I.; Emel'yanov, V.A.; Belyaev, A.V.
Synthesis and crystal structure of Na4(Ru(NO2)6)*2H2O
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1993, 34, 159-162
1534776 CIFH24 Li4 N6 O24 RuI -411.749; 11.749; 16.807
90; 90; 90
2320.02Gromilov, S.A.; Emel'yanov, V.A.; Baidina, I.A.; Alekseev, V.I.; Belyaev, A.V.
Synthesis and crystal structure of lithium and potassium hexanitroruthenates(II)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1994, 35, 171-177
1534780 CIFK4 N6 O12 RuR -3 :R8.595; 8.595; 8.595
52.23; 52.23; 52.23
367.012Gromilov, S.A.; Emel'yanov, V.A.; Baidina, I.A.; Alekseev, V.I.; Belyaev, A.V.
Synthesis and crystal structure of lithium and potassium hexanitroruthenates(II)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1994, 35, 171-177
1534791 CIFAl12 Bi2 O27 Sr6R -3 :H17.72; 17.72; 7.107
90; 90; 120
1932.61Bakakin, V.V.; Shaburova, V.P.; Mazus, M.D.; Kozeeva, L.P.; Podberezskaya, N.V.; Malinovskii, T.I.
The structure of frame strontium aluminate Sr6(Al12O24)* Bi2O3 with inclusion of Bi2O3 molecule
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1994, 35, 92-99
1534832 CIFF17 H2 Hf3 K5 OP n a m8.359; 13.288; 15.177
90; 90; 90
1685.78Gusev, A.I.; Rogachev, D.L.; Chuklanova, E.B.; Kuznetsov, V.Ya.
Crystal structure of K5Hf3F17(H2O).
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1992, 33, 195-197
1534950 CIFAl F K O4 PP n 21 a12.522; 10.149; 6.226
90; 90; 90
791.236Slovokhotova, O.L.; Ilyushin, G.D.; Tsirel'son, V.G.; Triodina, N.S.; Gerr, R.G.; Dem'yanets, L.N.; Mel'nikov, O.K.
Atomic and electronic structure peculiarities of new non-linear optical crystal K Al F P O4
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1991, 32, 103-109
1534960 CIFBa Ge3 Na Nd O9P 21 21 215.876; 11.688; 12.899
90; 90; 90
885.886Malinovskii, Yu.A.; Belokoneva, E.L.; Dem'yanets, L.N.
Crystal structure of NaBaNd(Ge3O9)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1991, 32, 90-92
1534964 CIFF2 Ge2 Ho3 Li O8I 1 1 2/b13.325; 11.67; 5.016
90; 90; 89.58
779.981Malinovskii, Yu.A.; Bondareva, O.S.
Synthesis and crystal structure of LiHo3(GeO4)2F2
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1991, 32, 173-175
1535019 CIFLi1.6 Mn2.2 Mo3 O12P n m a5.145; 10.681; 17.985
90; 90; 90
988.343Solodovnikov, S.F.; Glinskaya, L.A.; Solodovnikova, Z.A.; Klevtsova, R.F.; Klevtsov, P.V.; Zolotova, E.S.
Synthesis,characterization and X-ray structure study of double molybdate of lithium and manganese(II)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1994, 35, 136-144
1535128 CIFGe Na O5 SbC 1 2/c 16.749; 8.923; 7.248
90; 114.64; 90
396.74Belokoneva, E.L.
Crystal structure of Na Sb Ge O5 - an analogue of mineral sphene Ca Ti Si O5
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1993, 34, 177-178
1535402 CIFCo H15 I2 N6 O2C 1 2/m 124.047; 7.648; 17.599
90; 132.48; 90
2387.08Boldyreva, E.V.; Podberezskaya, N.V.
Crystal structure of the monoclinic polymorph of (Co (N H3)5 N O2) I2
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1995, 36, 168-177
1535762 CIFAl2.4 O4 Zn0.3F d -3 m :28; 8; 8
90; 90; 90
512Tsybulya, S.V.; Solov'eva, L.P.; Plyasova, L.M.; Krivoruchko, O.P.
The study of non-stoichiometric spinels by profile analysis. II.Refinement of the cationic distribution in non-stoichiometric Al-Zn spinel
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1991, 32, 86-89
1535893 CIFEr K3 O12 S3P 1 c 19.222; 14.688; 9.008
90; 110.72; 90
1141.24Iskhakova, L.D.; Gasanov, Yu.M.
Double sulfates M3TR(SO4)3 (M=K, Rb) with frame-structure
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1991, 32, 110-115
1535897 CIFO12 Rb3 S3 TmC 1 c 110.649; 15.149; 9.32
90; 124.49; 90
1239.24Iskhakova, L.D.; Gasanov, Yu.M.
Double sulfates M3 TR (S O4)3 (M= K, Rb) with frame-structure
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1991, 32, 110-115
1535900 CIFEu H O8 Se2P b c a9.232; 13.514; 10.061
90; 90; 90
1255.22Iskhakova, L.D.; Ovanisyan, S.M.; Trunov, V.K.
Crystal structure of EuH(SeO4)2
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1991, 32, 30-33
1535924 CIFGe2.67 H0.67 Na0.67 O8 Pb2P n m n7.427; 10.296; 15.414
90; 90; 90
1178.68Ivanov, S.A.; Bush, A.A.; Fedotov, S.V.; Zavodnik, V.E.
The single crystals of new phase Na0.67Pb2Ge2.67 O7.33(OH)0.67 in PbO-GeO2-NaOH-H2O: preparation, atomic structure and properties.
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1991, 32, 13-17
1535960 CIFIn O8 Rb W2P -3 m 15.84; 5.84; 7.598
90; 90; 120
224.417Efremov, V.A.; Trunov, V.K.; Velikodnyi, Yu.A.
Structure of alpha-Rb In (W O4)2
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1971, 12, 731-732
1536048 CIFCl H11 N5 O4.5 RuP -16.5752; 11.09; 12.296
79.692; 85.088; 87.395
878.485Emel'yanov, V.A.; Baidina, I.A.; Gromilov, S.A.
The synthesis and crystal structure of nitrosoruthenium(II) nitritriamminecomplex (Ru N O (N H3)3 (N O2)) Cl 0.5(H2 O)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2004, 45, 923-932
1536070 CIFH6 N4 O15 Rb TmP 1 21/n 110.578; 11.641; 11.466
90; 111.31; 90
1315.37Vigdorchik, A.G.; Malinovskii, Yu.A.; Dryuchko, A.G.
Synthesis and X-ray structural investigation of rubidium-thulium nitrate Rb(Tm(NO3)4(H2O)2)*H2O
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1991, 32, 26-29
1536106 CIFCo H15.5 N8 O8.25I 4 m m7.582; 7.582; 10.331
90; 90; 90
593.895Virovets, A.V.; Podberezskaya, N.V.; Burleva, L.P.; Boldyreva, E.V.; Dulepov, V.E.
The comparative investigation of crystal structures in (M(NH3)5NO2)XY and (M(NH3)5ONO)XY series. Crystal structure of (Co(NH3)5NO2)(NO3)2*0.25H2O
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1994, 35, 100-105
1536407 CIFC1.44 H4.88 Al6 Na8 O30.32 Si6P 6312.644; 12.644; 5.146
90; 90; 120
712.475Kanepit, V.N.; Rider, E.E.
The neutron diffraction study of cancrinite
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1995, 36, 763-765
1536629 CIFMo0.97 O5 V0.95P 16.334; 4.0463; 3.7255
90; 107.3; 90.5
91.158Plyasova, L.M.; Kryukova, G.N.; Solov'eva, L.P.; Zabolotnyi, V.A.; Olen'kova, I.P.
The study of atomic structure of polycrystalline vanadium molybdate
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1991, 32, 110-115
1536652 CIFCl Co H15 N7 O5P n a 2114.828; 9.599; 7.289
90; 90; 90
1037.47Podberezskaya, N.V.; Virovets, A.V.; Boldyreva, E.V.
Comparative study of crystal structures in (M (N H3)5 N O2) X Y and(M (N H3)5 O N O) X Y series. Crystal structure of (Co (N H3)5 N O2) Cl * (N O3)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1991, 32, 89-95
1536745 CIFCs4.998 O43 P W10.998P 42/n c m :220.81; 20.81; 10.397
90; 90; 90
4502.48Klevtsova, R.F.; Yurchenko, E.N.; Glinskaya, L.A.; Kuznetsova, L.I.; Lazarenko, T.P.; Detusheva, L.G.
Structural and spectral manifestations of anion-cation interaction in mixed salts of P-W-M heteropolyacids. Crystal structure of Cs5(PCo(H2O)W11O39)*3H2O
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1991, 32, 102-109
1536747 CIFCu Mo3 Na4 O12P -111.803; 9.347; 14.24
104.6; 102.11; 123.5
1143.1Klevtsova, R.F.; Borisov, S.V.; Glinskaya, L.A.; Bliznyuk, N.A.; Klevtsov, P.V.
Crystal structures of double molybdates Na4Cu(MoO4)3 and Na2Ni(MoO4)2 - new members of the alluodite family
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1991, 32, 127-136
1536749 CIFMo2 Na1.9 Ni1.05 O8A 1 2/a 17.086; 13.348; 12.613
90; 111.85; 90
1107.29Klevtsova, R.F.; Borisov, S.V.; Bliznyuk, N.A.; Glinskaya, L.A.; Klevtsov, P.V.
Crystal structures of double molybdates Na4Cu(MoO4)3 and Na2Ni(MoO4)2 - new members of the alluodite family
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1991, 32, 127-136
1536751 CIFBa2 Gd3 Li3 Mo8 O32C 1 2/c 15.238; 12.758; 19.151
90; 91.126; 90
1279.55Klevtsova, R.F.; Glinskaya, L.A.; Vasil'ev, A.D.; Kruglik, A.I.; Kozhevnikova, N.M.; Korsun, V.P.
Crystal structure investigation of triple molybdates Li3Ba2Ln3(MoO4)8, where Ln=Gd, Tm
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1992, 33, 126-130
1536753 CIFBa2 Li3 Mo8 O32 Tm3C 1 2/c 15.1804; 12.614; 19.057
90; 91.419; 90
1244.91Klevtsova, R.F.; Vasil'ev, A.D.; Kozhevnikova, N.M.; Glinskaya, L.A.; Kruglik, A.I.; Korsun, V.P.
Crystal structure investigation of triple molybdates Li3 Ba2 Ln3 (Mo O4)8, where Ln= Gd, Tm
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1992, 33, 126-130
1536756 CIFIn Mg3 Mo5 Na O20P -17.0476; 17.935; 6.9849
87.65; 100.98; 92.51
865.408Klevtsova, R.F.; Vasil'ev, A.D.; Kozhevnikova, N.M.; Glinskaya, L.A.; Kruglik, A.I.; Kotova, I.Yu.
Synthesis and crystal structure study of a triple molybdate NaMg3In(MoO4)5
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1993, 34, 147-151
1536759 CIFBi2 Li Mo4 O16 RbC 1 2/c 15.3056; 12.976; 19.578
90; 92.583; 90
1346.49Klevtsova, R.F.; Glinskaya, L.A.; Alekseev, V.I.; Khal'baeva, K.M.; Khaikina, E.G.
Crystal structure study of a triple molybdate LiRbBi2(MoO4)4
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1993, 34, 152-156
1536762 CIFK5 Mg0.5 Mo6 O24 Zr1.5R 3 c :H10.576; 10.576; 37.511
90; 90; 120
3633.56Klevtsova, R.F.; Bazarova, Zh.G.; Bazarov, B.G.; Glinskaya, L.A.; Alekseev, V.I.; Arkhincheeva, S.I.; Klevtsov, P.V.; Fedorov, K.N.
Synthesis of triple molybdates of potassium, magnesium, zirconium and K5 (Mg0.5 Zr1.5) (Mo O4)6 structure
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1994, 35, 11-15
1536765 CIFK5 Mn0.5 Mo6 O24 Zr1.5R 3 c :H10.584; 10.584; 37.576
90; 90; 120
3645.36Klevtsova, R.F.; Fedorov, K.N.; Glinskaya, L.A.; Bazarova, Zh.G.; Klevtsov, P.V.; Bazarov, B.G.
Crystal structure study of K5 (Mn0.5 Zr1.5) (Mo O4)6 ternary molybdate
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1995, 36, 895-899
1536768 CIFK Mg0.5 Mo2 O8 Zr0.5P -3 m 15.763; 5.763; 7.187
90; 90; 120
206.717Klevtsova, R.F.; Bazarova, Zh.G.; Klevtsov, P.V.; Alekseev, V.I.; Arkhincheeva, S.I.; Glinskaya, L.A.; Bazarov, B.G.
Crystal structure study of K (Mg0.5 Zr0.5) (Mo O4)2 ternary molybdate
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1995, 36, 891-894
1536858 CIFRe4 S4 Te4F -4 3 m10.057; 10.057; 10.057
90; 90; 90
1017.2Fedorov, V.E.; Mironov, Yu.V.; Fedin, V.P.; Mironov, Yu.I.
Re4S4Te4 - a new mixed rhenium chalcogenide, containing tetrahedral Re4-cluster
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1994, 35, 157-159
1537009 CIFBi2 O3P n -3 m :25.45; 5.45; 5.45
90; 90; 90
161.879Zav'yalova, A.A.; Imamov, R.M.
Special features of the crystal structure of bismuth oxides
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1972, 13, 869-873
1537109 CIFC2 H14 Cl2 N10 Ni O14P 1 c 18.336; 16.113; 12.243
90; 90.01; 90
1644.45Romanenko, G.V.; Podberezskaya, N.V.
Crystal structure of perchlorate diaquabis(nitroamidoguanidin)nickel(II) (Ni (C H5 N5 O2)2 (H2 O)2) (Cl O4)2.
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1992, 33, 141-145
1537203 CIFCe2 K O16 S4C 1 c 111.734; 15.695; 9.268
90; 132; 90
1268.43Kuznetsov, V.Ya.; Dikareva, L.M.; Porai-Koshits, M.A.; Rogachev, D.L.
Structure of K Ce(III) Ce(IV) (S O4)4
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1990, 31, 14-18
1537205 CIFF5 H2 K3 O5 S ZrC m c 217.71; 18.823; 13.164
90; 90; 90
1910.43Kuznetsov, V.Ya.; Gusev, A.I.; Chuklanova, E.B.; Rogachev, D.L.
Crystal structure of K3ZrF5SO4(H2O) orthorombic modification
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1992, 33, 193-195
1537343 CIFC6 H32 N6 O23 Zr2P 1 21/a 118.06; 11.58; 6.99
90; 114; 90
1335.47Gorbunova, Yu.E.; Novitskaya, G.N.; Kuznetsov, V.G.
Crystal structure of (N H4)6 (Zr2 (O H)2 (C O3)6) (H2 O)3
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1970, 11, 560-562
1537347 CIFC Al2 OP 63 m c3.2; 3.2; 5.1
90; 90; 120
45.227Grass, V.E.; Sitnikov, P.A.; Ryabkov, Yu.I.; Goldin, B.A.
X-ray diffraction study of the aluminium monoxycarbide
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2004, 45, 103-109
1537352 CIFCl10 H30 Ir2 N10 ReC 1 2/m 111.2499; 7.9641; 13.3899
90; 99.926; 90
1181.71Gromilov, S.A.; Korenev, S.V.; Korolkov, I.V.; Iusenko, K.V.; Baidina, I.A.
Synthesis and nonequilibrium solid solutions Irx Re1-x. Crystal structure of the (Ir (N H3)5 Cl)2 (Re Cl6) Cl2
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2004, 45, 508-515
1537512 CIFH7 N5 O6 RuP 1 21/a 111.244; 12.875; 10.504
90; 96.061; 90
1512.13Khodashova, T.S.; Porai-Koshits, M.A.; Sergienko, V.S.
X-Ray Structure Determination for Crystals of Dinitrohydroxonitrosodiammineruthenium
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1971, 12, 478-485
1537534 CIFK0.52 Mn0.94 Mo3 O12 Zr0.9R -3 c :H9.474; 9.474; 24.371
90; 90; 120
1894.4Klevtsova, R.F.; Vasil'ev, A.D.; Bazarov, B.G.; Glinskaya, L.A.; Klevtsov, P.V.; Bazarova, Zh.G.
Crystal structure investigation of ternary molybdate of potassium, manganese, zirconium with the nasicon type structure
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2003, 44, 963-966
1537563 CIFH16 Mg O10 P2I 41/a c d :210.3501; 10.3501; 20.4296
90; 90; 90
2188.51Kuratieva, N.V.; Naumova, M.I.; Podberezskaya, N.V.; Naumov, D.Yu.
The synthesis and crystal structure of two polymorphs of hexaaquamagnesium(II) hypophosphite
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2004, 45, 296-301
1537564 CIFLa0.83 O2.94 Ru Sr0.17P m -3 m3.939; 3.939; 3.939
90; 90; 90
61.116Kuz'micheva, G.M.; Kokunova, V.N.; Mitin, A.V.; Kostyleva, I.E.; Khlybov, E.P.; Andreenko, A.S.
Perovskite-like phases based on ruthenium: synthesis, structure, properties
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2004, 45, 246-267
1537565 CIFLa0.16 O3 Ru Sr0.84P m -3 m3.9283; 3.9283; 3.9283
90; 90; 90
60.62Kuz'micheva, G.M.; Kokunova, V.N.; Mitin, A.V.; Andreenko, A.S.; Kostyleva, I.E.; Khlybov, E.P.
Perovskite-like phases based on ruthenium: synthesis, structure, properties
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2004, 45, 246-267
1537566 CIFLa0.24 O2.7 Ru0.96 Sr0.76P m -3 m3.94; 3.94; 3.94
90; 90; 90
61.163Kuz'micheva, G.M.; Kokunova, V.N.; Mitin, A.V.; Kostyleva, I.E.; Khlybov, E.P.; Andreenko, A.S.
Perovskite-like phases based on ruthenium: synthesis, structure, properties
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2004, 45, 246-267
1537567 CIFLa0.22 O2.96 Ru Sr0.78P m -3 m3.991; 3.991; 3.991
90; 90; 90
63.569Kuz'micheva, G.M.; Kokunova, V.N.; Mitin, A.V.; Kostyleva, I.E.; Khlybov, E.P.; Andreenko, A.S.
Perovskite-like phases based on ruthenium: synthesis, structure, properties
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2004, 45, 246-267
1537581 CIFCo Li O4 VF d -3 m :28.2784; 8.2784; 8.2784
90; 90; 90
567.335Leonidova, O.N.; Voronin, V.I.; Slobodin, B.V.; Leonidov, I.A.; Samigullina, R.F.
The crystal structure of double vanadates Li Co V O4 and Li0.5 Co1.25 V O4
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2003, 44, 277-281
1537582 CIFCo1.25 Li0.5 O4 VI m m a5.9398; 5.8099; 8.3033
90; 90; 90
286.544Leonidova, O.N.; Voronin, V.I.; Leonidov, I.A.; Slobodin, B.V.; Samigullina, R.F.
The crystal structure of double vanadates Li Co V O4 and Li0.5 Co1.25 V O4
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2003, 44, 277-281
1538357 CIFH6 N O2 PC m m a7.4818; 11.5363; 3.9416
90; 90; 90
340.209Naumova, M.I.; Podberezskaya, N.V.; Kuratieva, N.V.; Naumov, D.Yu.
Synthesis and crystal structures of anhydrous hypophosphites of lithium and ammonium
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2004, 45, 491-496
1538406 CIFC12 H24 Mn2 N8 O7 Re6 Te8P 1 21/n 112.6679; 17.4524; 9.7882
90; 105.57; 90
2084.61Mironov, Yu.V.; Gatilov, Yu.V.; Solodovnikov, S.F.; Fedorov, V.E.
New cyanobridged framework coordination polymer based on octahedral rhenium cluster (Re6 Te8 (C N)6)4-: synthesis and crystal structure of ((Mn (H2 O)2 (D M F))2 Re6 Te8 (C N)6)2 (H2 O)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2004, 45, 918-922
1539117 CIFDy2 Hf2 Mo7 O28C 1 2/c 120.661; 9.816; 13.796
90; 113.47; 90
2566.47Solodovnikov, S.F.; Bazarov, B.G.; Zolotova, E.S.; Tushinova, Yu.L.; Bazarova, Zh.G.; Badmaeva, E.Yu.
Phase formation in the system Dy2 O3 - Hf O2 - Mo O3 and crystal structure of a new double molybdate Dy2 Hf2 (Mo O4)7
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2004, 45, 692-697
1539118 CIFBr7 K3 Re6 S7P 1 21/c 19.932; 13.528; 12.413
90; 110.21; 90
1565.13Solodovnikov, S.F.; Mironov, Yu.V.; Yarovoi, S.S.; Virovets, A.V.; Fedorov, V.E.
Unusual disordering of potassium ions in the structure of cluster rhenium thiohalides K3 (Re6 S7 Br7) and K4 (Re6 S8 Cl6)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2004, 45, 909-917
1539119 CIFCl6 K3.66 Re6 S8C 1 2/m 110.614; 17.268; 10.448
90; 110.755; 90
1790.67Solodovnikov, S.F.; Yarovoi, S.S.; Virovets, A.V.; Mironov, Yu.V.; Fedorov, V.E.
Unusual disordering of potassium ions in the structure of cluster rhenium thiohalides K3 (Re6 S7 Br7) and K4 (Re6 S8 Cl6)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2004, 45, 909-917
1539299 CIFMn4 Nb2 O9R 3 c :H5.34139; 5.34139; 14.15807
90; 90; 120
349.819Tarakina, N.V.; Tyutyunnik, A.P.; Zubkov, V.G.; D'yachkova, T.V.; Zainulin, Yu.G.; Sayagues, M.; Swensson, G.
New phases in the Mn O - Nb (Ta)2 O5 system prepared by high-pressure high-temperature technique
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2003, 44, 286-289
1539301 CIFMn0.33 O2 Ta0.67P b c n4.7471; 5.7438; 5.148
90; 90; 90
140.367Tarakina, N.V.; Tyutyunnik, A.P.; Zubkov, V.G.; D'yachkova, T.V.; Swensson, G.; Sayagues, M.; Zainulin, Yu.G.
New phases in the Mn O - Nb (Ta)2 O5 system prepared by high-pressure high-temperature technique
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2003, 44, 286-289
1539305 CIFCl H2 O2 SmP 1 1 21/m6.18; 6.75; 3.82
90; 90; 112
147.748Tarkhova, T.N.; Mironov, N.N.; Grishin, I.A.
The structure of basic samarium chloride
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1970, 11, 556-557
1539421 CIFLa S1.96P n m a8.1223; 16.349; 4.1279
90; 90; 90
548.15Valilyeva, I.G.; Podberezskaya, N.V.; Naumov, D.Yu.; Pervukhina, N.V.; Ikorskii, V.N.; Borisov, S.V.
Crystal grows and structure of lanthanum polysulfides
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2003, 44, 179-188
1539752 CIFGe2 O7 Yb2F d -3 m :29.827; 9.827; 9.827
90; 90; 90
948.993Dem'yanets, L.N.; Radaev, S.F.; Mamin, B.F.; Maksimov, B.A.
Synthesis and atomic structure of pyrochlore-type Yb2 Ge2 O7 crystals
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1988, 29, 150-152
1539979 CIFBr6 Cs4 H4 O2 Re6 S8P 63/m c m9.762; 9.762; 18.763
90; 90; 120
1548.5Yarovoi, S.S.; Solodovnikov, S.F.; Mironov, Yu.V.; Fedorov, V.E.
The crystal structure of an octahedral cluster complex Cs4 (Re6 S8 Br6) (H2 O)2
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2003, 44, 355-358

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