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Searching journal of publication like 'Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981)'

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1520793 CIFCs3 I9 Sb2P -3 m 18.435; 8.435; 10.39
90; 90; 120
640.201Arakcheeva, A.V.; Novikova, M.S.; Lubman, G.U.; Zaitsev, A.I.
Perovskite-like modification of Cs3 Sb2 I9 as a member of the OD family A3 B2 X9
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1999, 40, 705-715
1520970 CIFCl5 H12 N Na2 O7 RuF d d 226.74; 31.581; 6.918
90; 90; 90
5842.08Emel'yanov, V.A.; Gromilov, S.A.; Baidina, I.A.; Logvinenko, V.A.; Virovets, A.V.; Belyaev, A.V.
Synthesis and crystal structure of Na2 (Ru N O Cl2) . 6(H2 O)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1999, 40, 1091-1100
1521071 CIFCl10 H54 N18 Pd5P 42/n m c :210.521; 10.521; 16.866
90; 90; 90
1866.92Gromilov, S.A.; Virovets, A.V.; Baidina, I.A.; Tatarchuk, V.V.; Druzhinina, I.A.
Crystal structure of (Pd (N H3)4)3 (Pd (N H3)3 Cl)2 Cl8
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1999, 40, 777-781
1521329 CIFC12 H10 K4 N12 O5 Re4 Te4P -112.515; 12.662; 13.036
106.263; 108.627; 109.68
1660.19Mironov, Yu.V.; Virovets, A.V.; Artemkina, S.B.; Fedorov, V.E.
Crystal structure of the tellurocyanide cluster complex K4 (Re4 Te4(C N)12) . 5(H2 O)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1999, 40, 375-379
1521395 CIFH4 Li2 N4 O10 PdP n n a11.2877; 8.4286; 10.767
90; 90; 90
1024.37Khranenko, S.P.; Belyaev, A.V.; Gromilov, S.A.; Virovets, A.V.; Baidina, I.A.
Synthesis and crystal structure of Li2 (Pd (N O2)4) . 2(H2 O)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1999, 40, 383-387
1521769 CIFC6 K4 N6 Re6 S6.508 Te1.492I a -317.328; 17.328; 17.328
90; 90; 90
5202.9Podberezskaya, N.V.; Virovets, A.V.; Kozeeva, L.P.; Mironov, Yu.V.; Naumov, N.G.; Fedorov, V.E.
Statistical disordering of chalcogen atoms in the cluster fragments of K4 (Re6 (mue3-S)8-y (mue3-Te)y (C N)6)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1999, 40, 530-535
1521770 CIFC6 K4 N6 Re6 S6.874 Te1.126I a -317.278; 17.278; 17.278
90; 90; 90
5157.99Podberezskaya, N.V.; Mironov, Yu.V.; Virovets, A.V.; Fedorov, V.E.; Kozeeva, L.P.; Naumov, N.G.
Statistical disordering of chalcogen atoms in the cluster fragments of K4 (Re6 (mue3-S)8-y (mue3-Te)y (C N)6)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1999, 40, 530-535
1521861 CIFAs Cl Hg3 O4P 21 38.379; 8.379; 8.379
90; 90; 90
588.27Romanenko, G.V.; Pervukhina, N.V.; Magarill, S.A.; Borisov, S.V.; Vasil'ev, V.I.
Crystal structure of kuznetsovite Hg3 (As O4) Cl
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1999, 40, 324-330
1522124 CIFH13 I6 Mo3 N4 O1.5 S7P -110.029; 10.258; 14.152
109.21; 106.14; 98.97
1270.6Virovets, A.V.; Sokolov, M.N.; Kalinina, I.V.; Podberezskaya, N.V.; Fedorov, V.E.
Specific nonbonding interactions in the structure of (N2 H5)2 (Mo3 S7 I6) . 1.5(H2 O)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1999, 40, 57-61
1522296 CIFNi Ta2I 4/m c m6.216; 6.216; 4.872
90; 90; 90
188.248Kripyakevich, P.I.; Pylaeva, E.N.
Crystal structure of the compound Ta2 Ni
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1962, 3, 35-37
1523712 CIFFe Si WP 63/m m c4.738; 4.738; 7.666
90; 90; 120
149.035Gladyshevskii, E.I.; Kuz'ma, Yu.B.
Crystal structure of ternary phases in the systems Mo(W) - Fe (Co, Ni) - Si
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1960, 1, 66-71
1523713 CIFGe1.75 LaI m m a4.41; 4.3; 14.19
90; 90; 90
269.085Gladyshevskii, E.I.
Crystal structure of the digermanide of rare earth elements
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1964, 5, 568-575
1525605 CIFCl2 N2 O4 Pd Rb2C m c a15.123; 7.75; 7.776
90; 90; 90
911.372Baidina, I.A.; Vasil'ev, A.D.; Khranenko, S.P.; Gromilov, S.A.; Belyaev, A.V.
Synthesis and crystal structure of trans-(Rb2 (Pd (N O2)2 Cl2)). Structure refinement of Na2 (Pd (N O2)4)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2001, 42, 145-150
1525606 CIFN4 Na2 O8 PdP n a 2115.431; 4.606; 11.208
90; 90; 90
796.611Baidina, I.A.; Gromilov, S.A.; Khranenko, S.P.; Vasil'ev, A.D.; Belyaev, A.V.
Synthesis and crystal structure of trans-(Rb2 (Pd (N O2)2 Cl2)). Structure refinement of Na2 (Pd (N O2)4)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2001, 42, 145-150
1525875 CIFCe0.31 Cu2.25 Hg0.44 O7 Pr0.72 Sr2.28P 4/m m m3.8634; 3.8634; 12.203
90; 90; 90
182.14Luparev, V.V.; Kuz'micheva, G.M.
Crystal structure of (Hg, Ce, Cu) (Sr, Pr)2 (Pr, Sr) Cu2 O6+d and (Hg, vac) (Sr, Pr)2 (Pr, Sr)2 Cu3 O8+d phases
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2000, 41, 1219-1232
1525877 CIFCu3 Hg0.36 O9.36 Pr2.26 Sr1.74P 4/m m m3.8464; 3.8464; 15.2615
90; 90; 90
225.791Luparev, V.V.; Kuz'micheva, G.M.
Crystal structure of (Hg, Ce, Cu) (Sr, Pr)2 (Pr, Sr) Cu2 O6+d and (Hg, vac) (Sr, Pr)2 (Pr, Sr)2 Cu3 O8+d phases
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2000, 41, 1219-1232
1525879 CIFCu3 Hg0.29 O9.32 Pr1.88 Sr2.12P m m m3.8294; 3.8567; 15.2763
90; 90; 90
225.613Luparev, V.V.; Kuz'micheva, G.M.
Crystal structure of (Hg, Ce, Cu) (Sr, Pr)2 (Pr, Sr) Cu2 O6+d and (Hg, vac) (Sr, Pr)2 (Pr, Sr)2 Cu3 O8+d phases
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2000, 41, 1219-1232
1525881 CIFCu3 Hg0.29 O9 Pr1.8 Sr2.2P m m m3.8294; 3.8567; 15.2763
90; 90; 90
225.613Luparev, V.V.; Kuz'micheva, G.M.
Crystal structure of (Hg, Ce, Cu) (Sr, Pr)2 (Pr, Sr) Cu2 O6+d and (Hg, vac) (Sr, Pr)2 (Pr, Sr)2 Cu3 O8+d phases
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2000, 41, 1219-1232
1525975 CIFCl3 H11 N4 O2 RuP n a 2113.151; 6.852; 10.361
90; 90; 90
933.636Emel'yanov, V.A.; Vasil'ev, A.D.; Baidina, I.A.; Gromilov, S.A.; Belyaev, A.V.
Synthesis and crystal structure of nitrosoruthenium triammino complex (Ru N O (N H3)3 Cl (H2 O)) Cl2
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2000, 41, 1242-1247
1525976 CIFCl4 H6 N Na O4 RuP 1 21/n 17.0103; 11.133; 12.843
90; 99.076; 90
989.791Emel'yanov, V.A.; Belyaev, A.V.; Baidina, I.A.; Gromilov, S.A.; Virovets, A.V.
Synthesis and crystal structure of sodium trans- nitrosoaquatetrachlororuthenate(II)
Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 2000, 41, 567-571

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