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Searching journal of publication like 'J.Solid State Chem.'

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1509215 CIFAg Al O2P n a 215.4306; 6.9802; 5.3751
90; 90; 90
203.752Li, J.; Sleight, A.W.
Structure of beta - Ag Al O2 and structural systematics of tetrahedral M M' X2 compounds
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2004, 177, 889-894
1509196 CIFAg As F7P n m a7.575; 6.97; 9.792
90; 90; 90
516.996Bartlett, N.; Casteel, W.J.jr.; Borrmann, H.; Lucier, G.; Hagiwara, R.
Structural and magnetic properties of some (Ag F)(+) salts
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1992, 96, 84-96
1509211 CIFAg B F5P 4/n :26.6995; 6.6995; 4.0116
90; 90; 90
180.054Bartlett, N.; Hagiwara, R.; Lucier, G.; Borrmann, H.; Casteel, W.J.jr.
Structural and magnetic properties of some (Ag F)(+) salts
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1992, 96, 84-96
1509220 CIFAg Ba Er S3C 1 2/m 117.34; 4.014; 8.509
90; 103.23; 90
576.531Wu, P.; Ibers, J.A.
Synthesis of the new quaternary sulfides K2Y4Sn2S11 and BaLnAgS3 (Ln=Er,Y,Gd) and the structures of K2Y4Sn2S11 and BaErAgS3
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1994, 110, 156-161
1509221 CIFAg Ba O9 P3P 21 21 2111.0684; 12.3127; 5.9109
90; 90; 90
805.549Aouad, H.; Tanguy, B.; Maazaz, M.; Parent, C.; Gravereau, P.; Belharouak, I.; Mesnaoui, M.; le Flem, G.
Crystal structure and luminescence properties of silver in Ag M (P O3)3 (M = Mg, Zn, Ba) polyphosphates
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1999, 145, 97-103

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