Crystallography Open Database
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Result: there are 390 entries in the selection
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Searching space group like 'P m n 21'
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Bibliography |
1005014 | CIF | N Na3 O3 W | P m n 21 | 7.2481; 6.2728; 5.6493 90; 90; 90 | 256.9 | Elder, S H; DiSalvo, F J; Parise, J B; Hriljac, J A; Richardsen, J W, jr. The synthesis and structural characterization of Na~3~WO~3~N Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1994, 108, 73-79 |
1007079 | CIF | Co H6 N O5 P | P m n 21 | 5.55; 8.85; 4.805 90; 90; 90 | 236 | Tranqui, D; Durif, A; Guitel, J C; Averbuch-Pouchot, M T Structure cristalline des composes du type N H~4~ M(II) P O~4~ (H~2~ O) Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France (Vol=Year), 1968, 1968, 1759-1760 |
1007254 | CIF | Co H6 N O5 P | P m n 21 | 5.55; 8.85; 4.805 90; 90; 90 | 236 | Tranqui, D; Durif, A; Guitel, J C; Averbuch-Pouchot, M T Contribution a l'etude des phosphates ammoniaco-metalliques monohydrates: II. Structure cristalline du phosphate de cobalt-ammonium monohydrate: Co N H4 P O4, H2 O Bulletin de la Societe Francaise de Mineralogie et de Cristallographie (72,1949-100,1977), 1968, 91, 10-12 |
1010665 | CIF | Cl Co H12 N4 O7 | P m n 21 | 18.05; 8.1; 6.95 90; 90; 90 | 1016.1 | Strock, L W Crystallography and X-Ray study of carbonato tetrammine cobalti perchlorate Co C O~3~ (N H~3~)~4~ Cl O~4~ Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977), 1933, 86, 270-279 |
1011126 | CIF | O5 V2 | P m n 21 | 11.48; 4.36; 3.55 90; 90; 90 | 177.7 | Ketelaar, J A A Die Kristallstruktur des Vanadinpentoxyds Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977), 1936, 95, 9-27 |
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